diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 1d773d2..e1f8005 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,119 +1,64 @@
[ego]: https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1634/resource-monitor/
-# Resource_Monitor [][ego]
-Resource_Monitor is a GNOME Shell extension that Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in GNOME shell top bar.
-# Screenshots
-# GNOME Shell versions supported
-**40, 41, 42, 43, 44**
-- For older GNOME versions see the [gnome-3.28-3.38](../../tree/gnome-3.28-3.38) branch.
-# How-To Install
-## Download
-You can get this extension:
-- From [GNOME Extensions](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1634/resource-monitor/).
-- Downloading the latest [Release](../../releases/latest) released on GitHub.
-- Cloning the [master](../../tree/master) repository.
-## Install
-### Using the latest release
-1. Unzip the file `Resource_Monitor@Ory0n.zip`.
-2. Move `Resource_Monitor@Ory0n` folder to `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n`.
-3. Activate the extensions with Gnome Extensions.
-For example...
-unzip Resource_Monitor@Ory0n.zip -d ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n
-gnome-extensions enable Resource_Monitor@Ory0n
-### Cloning the master branch
-1. Clone the master branch.
-2. Open `Resource_Monitor` folder.
-3. Move `Resource_Monitor@Ory0n` folder to `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n`.
-4. Activate the extensions with Gnome Extensions.
-For example...
-git clone https://github.com/0ry0n/Resource_Monitor
-cd Resource_Monitor
-mv Resource_Monitor@Ory0n ~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n
-gnome-extensions enable Resource_Monitor@Ory0n
-# Preferences
-# About Units
-Units are K,M,... (powers of 1024) or KB,MB,... (powers of 1000).
-# Bug Reporting
-Use the GitHub [Issues](../../issues) tracker to report issues or ask for features.
-# Change Log
-**version 19 (Mar 27, 2023)**
-- Added support for gnome 44.
-- Fixed Cpu Frequency Unit: thanks to @giacomo-boldini.
-- Fixed Unit and scale factor.
-- Added ability to hide GPU name.
-- Added GPU icon.
-- Added ability to choose the display position of items.
-- Fixed incorrect classification of CPU thermal sensors.
-- Added ability to show all disk devices for stats monitoring.
-- Bug fixed.
-**version 18 (Oct 17, 2022)**
-- Added support for gnome 43.
-- Added GPU monitor (NVIDIA only).
-- Added Load Average monitor.
-- Added the ability to use fixed units of measure.
-- Added the ability to use a custom application to launch when left-clicking the mouse.
-- New preferences window.
-- Bug fixed.
-**version 17 (May 9, 2022)**
-- Added support for gnome 42.
-- Added the ability to choose to monitor the used or free ram and swap and whether to use the percentage or the size.
-- Added the ability to choose the application to start when left click.
-- Bug fixed.
-**version 16 (Jan 1, 2022)**
-- Added support for gnome 41.
-- Added bps network unit.
-- Added extension position.
-- Added show or not Prefs when clicking on extension (right click).
-- Added new better icons.
-- Added cpu frequency: thanks to @xtenduke.
-- Added automatic width when setting width to 0.
-- Added the ability to choose to monitor used space or free space.
-- Added the ability to monitor the temperatures of the selected devices.
-- Bug fixed.
-**version 15 (Apr 15, 2021)**
-- Added support for GNOME 40.
-- New preferences window.
-- Deprecated GTK elements removed from pref.js.
-# Authors
+# Resource_Monitor GNOME Shell Extension [][ego]
+[![License: GPL-3.0](https://img.shields.io/badge/License-GPL--3.0-blue.svg)](https://opensource.org/licenses/GPL-3.0)
+Resource_Monitor is a GNOME Shell extension designed to monitor system resources such as CPU, RAM, disk, and network usage, displaying them in the GNOME Shell top bar.
+| Main View |
+| ------------------- |
+| ![Main View](/images/main.png) |
+## GNOME Shell versions supported
+- For older GNOME versions see the [gnome-3.28-3.38](../../tree/gnome-3.28-3.38) or [gnome-40-44](../../tree/gnome-40-44) branch.
+## How-To Install
+### From GNOME Extensions
+- Visit [GNOME Extensions](https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/1634/resource-monitor/) and install from there.
+### Using the Latest Release
+1. Download the latest [Release](../../releases/latest) from GitHub.
+2. Unzip `Resource_Monitor@Ory0n.zip`.
+3. Move the `Resource_Monitor@Ory0n` folder to `~/.local/share/gnome-shell/extensions/`.
+4. Activate the extension using GNOME Extensions.
+## Preferences
+| Global Preferences | CPU Preferences | RAM Preferences |
+| ------------------- | --------------- | --------------- |
+| ![Global Preferences](/images/global.png) | ![CPU Preferences](/images/cpu.png) | ![RAM Preferences](/images/ram.png) |
+| SWAP Preferences | DISK Preferences | NET Preferences |
+| ------------------- | ------------------- | ------------------- |
+| ![SWAP Preferences](/images/swap.png) | ![DISK Preferences](/images/disk.png) | ![NET Preferences](/images/net.png) |
+| THERMAL Preferences | GPU Preferences |
+| ------------------- | ------------------- |
+| ![THERMAL Preferences](/images/thermal.png) | ![GPU Preferences](/images/gpu.png) |
+## About Units
+The units displayed in Resource_Monitor are in K, M, ... (powers of 1024), or KB, MB, ... (powers of 1000).
+## Bug Reporting
+To report issues or request features, please use the [GitHub Issues](../../issues) tracker. Include relevant details to help us understand and address the problem efficiently.
+## Change Log
+**Version 21 (Jan 2, 2024)**
+- Added support for GNOME 45.
+- Fixed left-click custom-program functionality.
+- Other bug fixes.
+## Authors
- **Giuseppe Silvestro** - *Initial work* - [0ry0n](https://github.com/0ry0n)
-# License
+## License
This project is licensed under the GNU GPL-3.0 License - see the [LICENSE.md](/LICENSE) file for details.
diff --git a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/extension.js b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/extension.js
index db83273..ffd09da 100644
--- a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/extension.js
+++ b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/extension.js
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-/* exported init */
* Resource_Monitor is Copyright © 2018-2023 Giuseppe Silvestro
@@ -20,2892 +18,3386 @@
* along with Resource_Monitor. If not, see .
-'use strict';
-const GETTEXT_DOMAIN = 'com-github-Ory0n-Resource_Monitor';
-const { GObject, St, Gio, Clutter, GLib, Shell } = imports.gi;
-var NM;
-try {
- NM = imports.gi.NM;
-} catch (error) {
- log('[Resource_Monitor] NetworkManager not found (' + error + '): The \"Auto Hide\" feature has been disabled');
-const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
-const Util = imports.misc.util;
-const Main = imports.ui.main;
-const PanelMenu = imports.ui.panelMenu;
-const ByteArray = imports.byteArray;
-const Gettext = imports.gettext;
-const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
-const IndicatorName = Me.metadata.name;
-const Domain = Gettext.domain(Me.metadata.uuid);
-const _ = Domain.gettext;
-const ngettext = Domain.ngettext;
+import GObject from "gi://GObject";
+import St from "gi://St";
+import Gio from "gi://Gio";
+import Clutter from "gi://Clutter";
+import GLib from "gi://GLib";
+import Shell from "gi://Shell";
+import NM from "gi://NM";
+import * as Main from "resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/main.js";
+import * as PanelMenu from "resource:///org/gnome/shell/ui/panelMenu.js";
+import * as Util from "resource:///org/gnome/shell/misc/util.js";
+import {
+ Extension,
+ gettext as _,
+} from "resource:///org/gnome/shell/extensions/extension.js";
// Settings
-const REFRESH_TIME = 'refreshtime';
-const EXTENSION_POSITION = 'extensionposition';
-const DECIMALS_STATUS = 'decimalsstatus';
-const LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = 'leftclickstatus';
-const RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS = 'rightclickstatus';
-const ICONS_STATUS = 'iconsstatus';
-const ICONS_POSITION = 'iconsposition';
-const ITEMS_POSITION = 'itemsposition';
-const CPU_STATUS = 'cpustatus';
-const CPU_WIDTH = 'cpuwidth';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS = 'cpufrequencystatus';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH = 'cpufrequencywidth';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE = 'cpufrequencyunitmeasure';
-const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS = 'cpuloadaveragestatus';
-const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH = 'cpuloadaveragewidth';
-const RAM_STATUS = 'ramstatus';
-const RAM_WIDTH = 'ramwidth';
-const RAM_UNIT = 'ramunit';
-const RAM_UNIT_MEASURE = 'ramunitmeasure';
-const RAM_MONITOR = 'rammonitor';
-const SWAP_STATUS = 'swapstatus';
-const SWAP_WIDTH = 'swapwidth';
-const SWAP_UNIT = 'swapunit';
-const SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE = 'swapunitmeasure';
-const SWAP_MONITOR = 'swapmonitor';
-const DISK_STATS_STATUS = 'diskstatsstatus';
-const DISK_STATS_WIDTH = 'diskstatswidth';
-const DISK_STATS_MODE = 'diskstatsmode';
-const DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE = 'diskstatsunitmeasure';
-const DISK_SPACE_STATUS = 'diskspacestatus';
-const DISK_SPACE_WIDTH = 'diskspacewidth';
-const DISK_SPACE_UNIT = 'diskspaceunit';
-const DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE = 'diskspaceunitmeasure';
-const DISK_SPACE_MONITOR = 'diskspacemonitor';
-const DISK_DEVICES_LIST = 'diskdeviceslist';
-const NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS = 'netautohidestatus';
-const NET_UNIT = 'netunit';
-const NET_UNIT_MEASURE = 'netunitmeasure';
-const NET_ETH_STATUS = 'netethstatus';
-const NET_ETH_WIDTH = 'netethwidth';
-const NET_WLAN_STATUS = 'netwlanstatus';
-const NET_WLAN_WIDTH = 'netwlanwidth';
-const THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = 'thermaltemperatureunit';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = 'thermalcputemperaturestatus';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = 'thermalcputemperaturewidth';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = 'thermalcputemperaturedeviceslist';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = 'thermalgputemperaturestatus';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = 'thermalgputemperaturewidth';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = 'thermalgputemperaturedeviceslist';
-const GPU_STATUS = 'gpustatus';
-const GPU_WIDTH = 'gpuwidth';
-const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT = 'gpumemoryunit';
-const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE = 'gpumemoryunitmeasure';
-const GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR = 'gpumemorymonitor';
-const GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME = 'gpudisplaydevicename'
-const GPU_DEVICES_LIST = 'gpudeviceslist';
+const REFRESH_TIME = "refreshtime";
+const EXTENSION_POSITION = "extensionposition";
+const DECIMALS_STATUS = "decimalsstatus";
+const LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = "leftclickstatus";
+const RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS = "rightclickstatus";
+const ICONS_STATUS = "iconsstatus";
+const ICONS_POSITION = "iconsposition";
+const ITEMS_POSITION = "itemsposition";
+const CPU_STATUS = "cpustatus";
+const CPU_WIDTH = "cpuwidth";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS = "cpufrequencystatus";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH = "cpufrequencywidth";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE = "cpufrequencyunitmeasure";
+const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS = "cpuloadaveragestatus";
+const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH = "cpuloadaveragewidth";
+const RAM_STATUS = "ramstatus";
+const RAM_WIDTH = "ramwidth";
+const RAM_UNIT = "ramunit";
+const RAM_UNIT_MEASURE = "ramunitmeasure";
+const RAM_MONITOR = "rammonitor";
+const SWAP_STATUS = "swapstatus";
+const SWAP_WIDTH = "swapwidth";
+const SWAP_UNIT = "swapunit";
+const SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE = "swapunitmeasure";
+const SWAP_MONITOR = "swapmonitor";
+const DISK_STATS_STATUS = "diskstatsstatus";
+const DISK_STATS_WIDTH = "diskstatswidth";
+const DISK_STATS_MODE = "diskstatsmode";
+const DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE = "diskstatsunitmeasure";
+const DISK_SPACE_STATUS = "diskspacestatus";
+const DISK_SPACE_WIDTH = "diskspacewidth";
+const DISK_SPACE_UNIT = "diskspaceunit";
+const DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE = "diskspaceunitmeasure";
+const DISK_SPACE_MONITOR = "diskspacemonitor";
+const DISK_DEVICES_LIST = "diskdeviceslist";
+const NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS = "netautohidestatus";
+const NET_UNIT = "netunit";
+const NET_UNIT_MEASURE = "netunitmeasure";
+const NET_ETH_STATUS = "netethstatus";
+const NET_ETH_WIDTH = "netethwidth";
+const NET_WLAN_STATUS = "netwlanstatus";
+const NET_WLAN_WIDTH = "netwlanwidth";
+const THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = "thermaltemperatureunit";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = "thermalcputemperaturestatus";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = "thermalcputemperaturewidth";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = "thermalcputemperaturedeviceslist";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = "thermalgputemperaturestatus";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = "thermalgputemperaturewidth";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = "thermalgputemperaturedeviceslist";
+const GPU_STATUS = "gpustatus";
+const GPU_WIDTH = "gpuwidth";
+const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT = "gpumemoryunit";
+const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE = "gpumemoryunitmeasure";
+const GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR = "gpumemorymonitor";
+const GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME = "gpudisplaydevicename";
+const GPU_DEVICES_LIST = "gpudeviceslist";
const ResourceMonitor = GObject.registerClass(
- class ResourceMonitor extends PanelMenu.Button {
- _init(settings) {
- super._init(0.0, _(IndicatorName));
+ class ResourceMonitor extends PanelMenu.Button {
+ _init({ settings, openPreferences, path, metadata }) {
+ super._init(0.0, metadata.name, false);
- this._settings = settings;
+ this._settings = settings;
+ this._openPreferences = openPreferences;
+ this._path = path;
+ this._metadata = metadata;
- // Variables
- this._handlerIds = [];
- this._handlerIdsCount = 0;
+ // Variables
+ this._handlerIds = [];
+ this._handlerIdsCount = 0;
- this._nmEthStatus = false;
- this._nmWlanStatus = false;
+ this._nmEthStatus = false;
+ this._nmWlanStatus = false;
- this._cpuTotOld = 0;
- this._cpuIdleOld = 0;
+ this._cpuTotOld = 0;
+ this._cpuIdleOld = 0;
- this._duTotEthOld = [0, 0];
- this._ethIdleOld = 0;
+ this._duTotEthOld = [0, 0];
+ this._ethIdleOld = 0;
- this._duTotWlanOld = [0, 0];
- this._wlanIdleOld = 0;
+ this._duTotWlanOld = [0, 0];
+ this._wlanIdleOld = 0;
- this._cpuTemperatures = 0;
- this._cpuTemperaturesReads = 0;
+ this._cpuTemperatures = 0;
+ this._cpuTemperaturesReads = 0;
- this._createMainGui();
+ this._createMainGui();
- this._initSettings();
+ this._initSettings();
- this._buildMainGui();
+ this._buildMainGui();
- this._connectSettingsSignals();
+ this._connectSettingsSignals();
- this.connect('button-press-event', this._clickManager.bind(this));
+ this.connect("button-press-event", this._clickManager.bind(this));
- if (typeof NM !== 'undefined') {
- NM.Client.new_async(null, (client) => {
- client.connect('active-connection-added', this._onActiveConnectionAdded.bind(this));
- client.connect('active-connection-removed', this._onActiveConnectionRemoved.bind(this));
+ if (typeof NM !== "undefined") {
+ NM.Client.new_async(null, (client) => {
+ client.connect(
+ "active-connection-added",
+ this._onActiveConnectionAdded.bind(this)
+ );
+ client.connect(
+ "active-connection-removed",
+ this._onActiveConnectionRemoved.bind(this)
+ );
- this._onActiveConnectionRemoved(client);
- });
- }
+ this._onActiveConnectionRemoved(client);
+ });
+ }
+ this._mainTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(
+ this._refreshTime,
+ this._refreshHandler.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._refreshHandler();
+ }
- this._mainTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._refreshTime, this._refreshHandler.bind(this));
- this._refreshHandler();
- }
+ destroy() {
+ if (this._mainTimer) {
+ GLib.source_remove(this._mainTimer);
+ this._mainTimer = null;
+ }
- destroy() {
- if (this._mainTimer) {
- GLib.source_remove(this._mainTimer);
- this._mainTimer = null;
- }
+ for (let i = 0; i < this._handlerIdsCount; i++) {
+ this._settings.disconnect(this._handlerIds[i]);
+ this._handlerIds[i] = 0;
+ }
- for (let i = 0; i < this._handlerIdsCount; i++) {
- this._settings.disconnect(this._handlerIds[i]);
- this._handlerIds[i] = 0;
- }
+ super.destroy();
+ }
- super.destroy();
- }
+ // GUI
+ _createMainGui() {
+ this._box = new St.BoxLayout();
+ // Icon
+ this._cpuIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/cpu-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._ramIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/ram-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._swapIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/swap-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._diskStatsIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(
+ this._path + "/icons/disk-stats-symbolic.svg"
+ ),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._diskSpaceIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(
+ this._path + "/icons/disk-space-symbolic.svg"
+ ),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._ethIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/eth-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._wlanIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/wlan-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ this._gpuIcon = new St.Icon({
+ gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(this._path + "/icons/gpu-symbolic.svg"),
+ style_class: "system-status-icon",
+ });
+ // Unit
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "°C",
+ });
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "KHz",
+ });
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._cpuUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "%",
+ });
+ this._cpuUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._ramUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: this._ramUnitType ? "%" : "KB",
+ });
+ this._ramUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._swapUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: this._swapUnitType ? "%" : "KB",
+ });
+ this._swapUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._ethUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "K",
+ });
+ this._ethUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this._wlanUnit = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "K",
+ });
+ this._wlanUnit.set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ // Value
+ this._cpuValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._cpuValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._ramValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._ramValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._swapValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._swapValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._diskStatsBox = new DiskContainerStats();
+ this._diskSpaceBox = new DiskContainerSpace();
+ this._ethValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--|--",
+ });
+ this._ethValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._wlanValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--|--",
+ });
+ this._wlanValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[--",
+ });
+ this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "]",
+ });
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[--",
+ });
+ this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "]",
+ });
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._cpuLoadAverageValue = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[--]",
+ });
+ this._cpuLoadAverageValue.set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._gpuBox = new GpuContainer();
+ }
- // GUI
- _createMainGui() {
- this._box = new St.BoxLayout();
+ _buildMainGui() {
+ // Apply prefs settings
+ this._refreshGui();
- // Icon
- this._cpuIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/cpu-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ switch (this._iconsPosition) {
+ case "left":
+ this._itemsPosition.forEach((element) => {
+ switch (element) {
+ case "cpu":
+ this._box.add(this._cpuIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuUnit);
- this._ramIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/ram-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
- this._swapIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/swap-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ break;
- this._diskStatsIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/disk-stats-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ case "ram":
+ this._box.add(this._ramIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._ramValue);
+ this._box.add(this._ramUnit);
- this._diskSpaceIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/disk-space-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ break;
- this._ethIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/eth-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ case "swap":
+ this._box.add(this._swapIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._swapValue);
+ this._box.add(this._swapUnit);
- this._wlanIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/wlan-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ break;
- this._gpuIcon = new St.Icon({
- gicon: Gio.icon_new_for_string(Me.path + '/icons/gpu-symbolic.svg'),
- style_class: 'system-status-icon'
- });
+ case "stats":
+ this._box.add(this._diskStatsIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._diskStatsBox);
- // Unit
- this._cpuTemperatureUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '°C'
- });
- this._cpuTemperatureUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ break;
- this._cpuFrequencyUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: 'KHz'
- });
- this._cpuFrequencyUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ case "space":
+ this._box.add(this._diskSpaceIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._diskSpaceBox);
- this._cpuUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '%'
- });
- this._cpuUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ break;
- this._ramUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: this._ramUnitType ? '%' : 'KB'
- });
- this._ramUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ case "eth":
+ this._box.add(this._ethIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._ethValue);
+ this._box.add(this._ethUnit);
- this._swapUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: this._swapUnitType ? '%' : 'KB'
- });
- this._swapUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ break;
- this._ethUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: 'K'
- });
- this._ethUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ case "wlan":
+ this._box.add(this._wlanIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._wlanValue);
+ this._box.add(this._wlanUnit);
- this._wlanUnit = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: 'K'
- });
- this._wlanUnit.set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ break;
- // Value
- this._cpuValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._cpuValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ case "gpu":
+ this._box.add(this._gpuIcon);
+ this._box.add(this._gpuBox);
- this._ramValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._ramValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ break;
- this._swapValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._swapValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
- this._diskStatsBox = new DiskContainerStats();
- this._diskSpaceBox = new DiskContainerSpace();
+ break;
- this._ethValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--|--'
- });
- this._ethValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ case "right":
- this._wlanValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--|--'
- });
- this._wlanValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ default:
+ this._itemsPosition.forEach((element) => {
+ switch (element) {
+ case "cpu":
+ this._box.add(this._cpuValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuUnit);
- this._cpuTemperatureValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '[--'
- });
- this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ']'
- });
- this._cpuTemperatureValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
+ this._box.add(this._cpuIcon);
- this._cpuFrequencyValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '[--'
- });
- this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ']'
- });
- this._cpuFrequencyValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ break;
- this._cpuLoadAverageValue = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '[--]'
- });
- this._cpuLoadAverageValue.set_style('text-align: right;');
+ case "ram":
+ this._box.add(this._ramValue);
+ this._box.add(this._ramUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._ramIcon);
- this._gpuBox = new GpuContainer();
- }
+ break;
- _buildMainGui() {
- // Apply prefs settings
- this._refreshGui();
+ case "swap":
+ this._box.add(this._swapValue);
+ this._box.add(this._swapUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._swapIcon);
- switch (this._iconsPosition) {
- case 'left':
- this._itemsPosition.forEach(element => {
- switch (element) {
- case 'cpu':
- this._box.add(this._cpuIcon);
- this._box.add(this._cpuValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuUnit);
+ break;
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureUnit);
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyUnit);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket);
- this._box.add(this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
+ case "stats":
+ this._box.add(this._diskStatsBox);
+ this._box.add(this._diskStatsIcon);
- break;
+ break;
- case 'ram':
- this._box.add(this._ramIcon);
- this._box.add(this._ramValue);
- this._box.add(this._ramUnit);
+ case "space":
+ this._box.add(this._diskSpaceBox);
+ this._box.add(this._diskSpaceIcon);
- break;
+ break;
- case 'swap':
- this._box.add(this._swapIcon);
- this._box.add(this._swapValue);
- this._box.add(this._swapUnit);
+ case "eth":
+ this._box.add(this._ethValue);
+ this._box.add(this._ethUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._ethIcon);
- break;
+ break;
- case 'stats':
- this._box.add(this._diskStatsIcon);
- this._box.add(this._diskStatsBox);
+ case "wlan":
+ this._box.add(this._wlanValue);
+ this._box.add(this._wlanUnit);
+ this._box.add(this._wlanIcon);
- break;
+ break;
- case 'space':
- this._box.add(this._diskSpaceIcon);
- this._box.add(this._diskSpaceBox);
+ case "gpu":
+ this._box.add(this._gpuBox);
+ this._box.add(this._gpuIcon);
- break;
+ break;
- case 'eth':
- this._box.add(this._ethIcon);
- this._box.add(this._ethValue);
- this._box.add(this._ethUnit);
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
- break;
+ break;
+ }
- case 'wlan':
- this._box.add(this._wlanIcon);
- this._box.add(this._wlanValue);
- this._box.add(this._wlanUnit);
+ this.add_child(this._box);
+ }
- break;
+ _initSettings() {
+ this._refreshTime = this._settings.get_int(REFRESH_TIME);
+ this._decimalsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DECIMALS_STATUS);
+ this._leftClickStatus = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ this._rightClickStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ this._iconsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(ICONS_STATUS);
+ this._iconsPosition = this._settings.get_string(ICONS_POSITION);
+ this._itemsPosition = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
+ this._cpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_STATUS);
+ this._cpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_WIDTH);
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatus =
+ this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS);
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH);
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH);
+ this._ramStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RAM_STATUS);
+ this._ramWidth = this._settings.get_int(RAM_WIDTH);
+ this._ramUnitType = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT);
+ this._ramUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ this._ramMonitor = this._settings.get_string(RAM_MONITOR);
+ this._swapStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(SWAP_STATUS);
+ this._swapWidth = this._settings.get_int(SWAP_WIDTH);
+ this._swapUnitType = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT);
+ this._swapUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ this._swapMonitor = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_MONITOR);
+ this._diskStatsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_STATS_STATUS);
+ this._diskStatsWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_STATS_WIDTH);
+ this._diskStatsMode = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_MODE);
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_SPACE_STATUS);
+ this._diskSpaceWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_SPACE_WIDTH);
+ this._diskSpaceUnitType = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT);
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceMonitor = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_MONITOR);
+ this._diskDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
+ this._netAutoHideStatus =
+ this._settings.get_boolean(NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS) &&
+ typeof NM !== "undefined";
+ this._netUnit = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT);
+ this._netUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ this._netEthStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_ETH_STATUS);
+ this._netEthWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_ETH_WIDTH);
+ this._netWlanStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_WLAN_STATUS);
+ this._netWlanWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_WLAN_WIDTH);
+ this._thermalTemperatureUnit = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(
+ );
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
+ this._gpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_STATUS);
+ this._gpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(GPU_WIDTH);
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitType = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT);
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitor = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR);
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._gpuDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
+ }
- case 'gpu':
- this._box.add(this._gpuIcon);
- this._box.add(this._gpuBox);
+ _connectSettingsSignals() {
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${REFRESH_TIME}`,
+ this._refreshTimeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DECIMALS_STATUS}`,
+ this._decimalsStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${LEFT_CLICK_STATUS}`,
+ this._leftClickStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS}`,
+ this._rightClickStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${ICONS_STATUS}`,
+ this._iconsStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${ICONS_POSITION}`,
+ this._iconsPositionChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${ITEMS_POSITION}`,
+ this._itemsPositionChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${CPU_STATUS}`,
+ this._cpuStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${CPU_WIDTH}`,
+ this._cpuWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS}`,
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH}`,
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH}`,
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RAM_STATUS}`,
+ this._ramStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RAM_WIDTH}`,
+ this._ramWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RAM_UNIT}`,
+ this._ramUnitTypeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RAM_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._ramUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${RAM_MONITOR}`,
+ this._ramMonitorChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${SWAP_STATUS}`,
+ this._swapStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${SWAP_WIDTH}`,
+ this._swapWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${SWAP_UNIT}`,
+ this._swapUnitTypeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._swapUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${SWAP_MONITOR}`,
+ this._swapMonitorChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_STATS_STATUS}`,
+ this._diskStatsStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_STATS_WIDTH}`,
+ this._diskStatsWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_STATS_MODE}`,
+ this._diskStatsModeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_SPACE_STATUS}`,
+ this._diskSpaceStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_SPACE_WIDTH}`,
+ this._diskSpaceWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_SPACE_UNIT}`,
+ this._diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_SPACE_MONITOR}`,
+ this._diskSpaceMonitorChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${DISK_DEVICES_LIST}`,
+ this._diskDevicesListChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS}`,
+ this._netAutoHideStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_UNIT}`,
+ this._netUnitChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._netUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_ETH_STATUS}`,
+ this._netEthStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_ETH_WIDTH}`,
+ this._netEthWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_WLAN_STATUS}`,
+ this._netWlanStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${NET_WLAN_WIDTH}`,
+ this._netWlanWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalTemperatureUnitChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_STATUS}`,
+ this._gpuStatusChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_WIDTH}`,
+ this._gpuWidthChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_MEMORY_UNIT}`,
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE}`,
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR}`,
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitorChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME}`,
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${GPU_DEVICES_LIST}`,
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged.bind(this)
+ );
+ }
- break;
+ _clickManager(actor, event) {
+ switch (event.get_button()) {
+ case 3: // Right Click
+ if (this._rightClickStatus) {
+ this._openPreferences();
+ }
- default:
+ break;
- break;
- }
- });
+ case 1: // Left Click
- break;
+ default:
+ if (this._leftClickStatus !== "") {
+ const appSystem = Shell.AppSystem.get_default();
+ const appName = this._leftClickStatus + ".desktop";
- case 'right':
+ let app = appSystem.lookup_app(appName);
- default:
- this._itemsPosition.forEach(element => {
- switch (element) {
- case 'cpu':
- this._box.add(this._cpuValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuUnit);
+ if (app) {
+ // Application found, activate it
+ app.activate();
+ } else {
+ try {
+ Util.spawnCommandLine(this._leftClickStatus);
+ } catch (e) {
+ logError(`Error spawning ${this._leftClickStatus}: ${e}`);
+ }
+ }
+ }
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureUnit);
- this._box.add(this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyUnit);
- this._box.add(this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket);
- this._box.add(this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
- this._box.add(this._cpuIcon);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- break;
+ _onActiveConnectionAdded(client, activeConnection) {
+ activeConnection.get_devices().forEach((device) => {
+ switch (device.get_device_type()) {
+ case NM.DeviceType.ETHERNET:
+ this._nmEthStatus = true;
+ break;
+ case NM.DeviceType.WIFI:
+ this._nmWlanStatus = true;
+ break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) ||
+ (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._ethIcon,
+ this._ethValue,
+ this._ethUnit
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) ||
+ (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._wlanIcon,
+ this._wlanValue,
+ this._wlanUnit
+ );
+ }
- case 'ram':
- this._box.add(this._ramValue);
- this._box.add(this._ramUnit);
- this._box.add(this._ramIcon);
+ _onActiveConnectionRemoved(client, activeConnection) {
+ this._nmEthStatus = false;
+ this._nmWlanStatus = false;
- break;
+ client.get_active_connections().forEach((activeConnection) => {
+ activeConnection.get_devices().forEach((device) => {
+ switch (device.get_device_type()) {
+ case NM.DeviceType.ETHERNET:
+ this._nmEthStatus = true;
- case 'swap':
- this._box.add(this._swapValue);
- this._box.add(this._swapUnit);
- this._box.add(this._swapIcon);
+ break;
- break;
+ case NM.DeviceType.WIFI:
+ this._nmWlanStatus = true;
- case 'stats':
- this._box.add(this._diskStatsBox);
- this._box.add(this._diskStatsIcon);
+ break;
- break;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) ||
+ (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._ethIcon,
+ this._ethValue,
+ this._ethUnit
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) ||
+ (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._wlanIcon,
+ this._wlanValue,
+ this._wlanUnit
+ );
+ }
- case 'space':
- this._box.add(this._diskSpaceBox);
- this._box.add(this._diskSpaceIcon);
+ _refreshTimeChanged() {
+ this._refreshTime = this._settings.get_int(REFRESH_TIME);
- break;
+ if (this._mainTimer) {
+ GLib.source_remove(this._mainTimer);
+ this._mainTimer = null;
+ }
- case 'eth':
- this._box.add(this._ethValue);
- this._box.add(this._ethUnit);
- this._box.add(this._ethIcon);
+ this._mainTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(
+ this._refreshTime,
+ this._refreshHandler.bind(this)
+ );
+ }
- break;
+ _decimalsStatusChanged() {
+ this._decimalsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DECIMALS_STATUS);
- case 'wlan':
- this._box.add(this._wlanValue);
- this._box.add(this._wlanUnit);
- this._box.add(this._wlanIcon);
+ this._refreshHandler();
+ }
- break;
+ _leftClickStatusChanged() {
+ this._leftClickStatus = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ }
- case 'gpu':
- this._box.add(this._gpuBox);
- this._box.add(this._gpuIcon);
+ _rightClickStatusChanged() {
+ this._rightClickStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ }
- break;
+ _iconsStatusChanged() {
+ this._iconsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(ICONS_STATUS);
+ if (this._iconsStatus) {
+ if (
+ this._cpuStatus ||
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatus ||
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatus ||
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus
+ ) {
+ this._cpuIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (this._ramStatus) {
+ this._ramIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (this._swapStatus) {
+ this._swapIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
+ this._diskStatsIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
+ this._diskSpaceIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (
+ (this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) ||
+ (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus)
+ ) {
+ this._ethIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (
+ (this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) ||
+ (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus)
+ ) {
+ this._wlanIcon.show();
+ }
+ if (this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._gpuIcon.show();
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._cpuIcon.hide();
+ this._ramIcon.hide();
+ this._swapIcon.hide();
+ this._diskStatsIcon.hide();
+ this._diskSpaceIcon.hide();
+ this._ethIcon.hide();
+ this._wlanIcon.hide();
+ this._gpuIcon.hide();
+ }
+ }
- default:
- break;
- }
- });
+ _iconsPositionChanged() {
+ this._iconsPosition = this._settings.get_string(ICONS_POSITION);
- break;
- }
+ this._box.remove_all_children();
- this.add_child(this._box);
- }
+ this._buildMainGui();
+ }
- _initSettings() {
- this._refreshTime = this._settings.get_int(REFRESH_TIME);
- this._decimalsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DECIMALS_STATUS);
- this._leftClickStatus = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
- this._rightClickStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS);
- this._iconsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(ICONS_STATUS);
- this._iconsPosition = this._settings.get_string(ICONS_POSITION);
- this._itemsPosition = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
- this._cpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_STATUS);
- this._cpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_WIDTH);
- this._cpuFrequencyStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS);
- this._cpuFrequencyWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH);
- this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._cpuLoadAverageStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS);
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH);
- this._ramStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RAM_STATUS);
- this._ramWidth = this._settings.get_int(RAM_WIDTH);
- this._ramUnitType = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT);
- this._ramUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._ramMonitor = this._settings.get_string(RAM_MONITOR);
- this._swapStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(SWAP_STATUS);
- this._swapWidth = this._settings.get_int(SWAP_WIDTH);
- this._swapUnitType = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT);
- this._swapUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._swapMonitor = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_MONITOR);
- this._diskStatsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_STATS_STATUS);
- this._diskStatsWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_STATS_WIDTH);
- this._diskStatsMode = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_MODE);
- this._diskStatsUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._diskSpaceStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_SPACE_STATUS);
- this._diskSpaceWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_SPACE_WIDTH);
- this._diskSpaceUnitType = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT);
- this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._diskSpaceMonitor = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_MONITOR);
- this._diskDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._netAutoHideStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS) && typeof NM !== 'undefined';
- this._netUnit = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT);
- this._netUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._netEthStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_ETH_STATUS);
- this._netEthWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_ETH_WIDTH);
- this._netWlanStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_WLAN_STATUS);
- this._netWlanWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_WLAN_WIDTH);
- this._thermalTemperatureUnit = this._settings.get_string(THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT);
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS);
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH);
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS);
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH);
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._gpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_STATUS);
- this._gpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(GPU_WIDTH);
- this._gpuMemoryUnitType = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT);
- this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE);
- this._gpuMemoryMonitor = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR);
- this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME);
- this._gpuDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
- }
+ _itemsPositionChanged() {
+ this._itemsPosition = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
- _connectSettingsSignals() {
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${REFRESH_TIME}`, this._refreshTimeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DECIMALS_STATUS}`, this._decimalsStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${LEFT_CLICK_STATUS}`, this._leftClickStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS}`, this._rightClickStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${ICONS_STATUS}`, this._iconsStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${ICONS_POSITION}`, this._iconsPositionChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${ITEMS_POSITION}`, this._itemsPositionChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_STATUS}`, this._cpuStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_WIDTH}`, this._cpuWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS}`, this._cpuFrequencyStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH}`, this._cpuFrequencyWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS}`, this._cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH}`, this._cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RAM_STATUS}`, this._ramStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RAM_WIDTH}`, this._ramWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RAM_UNIT}`, this._ramUnitTypeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RAM_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._ramUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${RAM_MONITOR}`, this._ramMonitorChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${SWAP_STATUS}`, this._swapStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${SWAP_WIDTH}`, this._swapWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${SWAP_UNIT}`, this._swapUnitTypeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._swapUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${SWAP_MONITOR}`, this._swapMonitorChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_STATS_STATUS}`, this._diskStatsStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_STATS_WIDTH}`, this._diskStatsWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_STATS_MODE}`, this._diskStatsModeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_SPACE_STATUS}`, this._diskSpaceStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_SPACE_WIDTH}`, this._diskSpaceWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_SPACE_UNIT}`, this._diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_SPACE_MONITOR}`, this._diskSpaceMonitorChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${DISK_DEVICES_LIST}`, this._diskDevicesListChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS}`, this._netAutoHideStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_UNIT}`, this._netUnitChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._netUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_ETH_STATUS}`, this._netEthStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_ETH_WIDTH}`, this._netEthWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_WLAN_STATUS}`, this._netWlanStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${NET_WLAN_WIDTH}`, this._netWlanWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT}`, this._thermalTemperatureUnitChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS}`, this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH}`, this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST}`, this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS}`, this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH}`, this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST}`, this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_STATUS}`, this._gpuStatusChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_WIDTH}`, this._gpuWidthChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_MEMORY_UNIT}`, this._gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE}`, this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR}`, this._gpuMemoryMonitorChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME}`, this._gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged.bind(this));
- this._handlerIds[this._handlerIdsCount++] = this._settings.connect(`changed::${GPU_DEVICES_LIST}`, this._gpuDevicesListChanged.bind(this));
- }
+ this._box.remove_all_children();
- _clickManager(actor, event) {
- switch (event.get_button()) {
- case 3: // Right Click
- if (this._rightClickStatus) {
- ExtensionUtils.openPrefs();
- }
+ this._buildMainGui();
+ }
- break;
+ _cpuStatusChanged() {
+ this._cpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_STATUS);
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._cpuStatus,
+ !this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus &&
+ !this._cpuFrequencyStatus &&
+ !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus,
+ this._cpuIcon,
+ this._cpuValue,
+ this._cpuUnit
+ );
+ }
- case 1: // Left Click
+ _cpuWidthChanged() {
+ this._cpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_WIDTH);
- default:
- if (this._leftClickStatus !== "") {
- let app = global.log(Shell.AppSystem.get_default().lookup_app(this._leftClickStatus + '.desktop'));
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._cpuWidth, this._cpuValue);
+ }
- if (app != null) {
- app.activate();
- } else {
- Util.spawn([this._leftClickStatus]);
- }
- }
+ _cpuFrequencyStatusChanged() {
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatus =
+ this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS);
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatus,
+ !this._cpuStatus &&
+ !this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus &&
+ !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus,
+ this._cpuIcon,
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue,
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnit,
+ this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket
+ );
+ }
- break;
- }
- }
+ _cpuFrequencyWidthChanged() {
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH);
- _onActiveConnectionAdded(client, activeConnection) {
- activeConnection.get_devices().forEach(device => {
- switch (device.get_device_type()) {
- case NM.DeviceType.ETHERNET:
- this._nmEthStatus = true;
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._cpuFrequencyWidth, this._cpuFrequencyValue);
+ }
- break;
+ _cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
- case NM.DeviceType.WIFI:
- this._nmWlanStatus = true;
+ if (this._cpuFrequencyStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuFrequencyValue();
+ }
+ }
- break;
+ _cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged() {
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatus,
+ !this._cpuStatus &&
+ !this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus &&
+ !this._cpuFrequencyStatus,
+ this._cpuIcon,
+ this._cpuLoadAverageValue
+ );
+ }
- default:
+ _cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged() {
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH);
- break;
- }
- });
+ this._basicItemWidth(
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidth,
+ this._cpuLoadAverageValue
+ );
+ }
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) || (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._ethIcon, this._ethValue, this._ethUnit);
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) || (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._wlanIcon, this._wlanValue, this._wlanUnit);
- }
+ _ramStatusChanged() {
+ this._ramStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RAM_STATUS);
- _onActiveConnectionRemoved(client, activeConnection) {
- this._nmEthStatus = false;
- this._nmWlanStatus = false;
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._ramStatus,
+ true,
+ this._ramIcon,
+ this._ramValue,
+ this._ramUnit
+ );
+ }
- client.get_active_connections().forEach(activeConnection => {
- activeConnection.get_devices().forEach(device => {
- switch (device.get_device_type()) {
- case NM.DeviceType.ETHERNET:
- this._nmEthStatus = true;
+ _ramWidthChanged() {
+ this._ramWidth = this._settings.get_int(RAM_WIDTH);
- break;
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._ramWidth, this._ramValue);
+ }
- case NM.DeviceType.WIFI:
- this._nmWlanStatus = true;
+ _ramUnitTypeChanged() {
+ this._ramUnitType = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT);
- break;
+ if (this._ramStatus) {
+ this._refreshRamValue();
+ }
+ }
- default:
+ _ramUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._ramUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT_MEASURE);
- break;
- }
- });
- });
+ if (this._ramStatus) {
+ this._refreshRamValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) || (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._ethIcon, this._ethValue, this._ethUnit);
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) || (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._wlanIcon, this._wlanValue, this._wlanUnit);
- }
+ _ramMonitorChanged() {
+ this._ramMonitor = this._settings.get_string(RAM_MONITOR);
- _refreshTimeChanged() {
- this._refreshTime = this._settings.get_int(REFRESH_TIME);
+ if (this._ramStatus) {
+ this._refreshRamValue();
+ }
+ }
- if (this._mainTimer) {
- GLib.source_remove(this._mainTimer);
- this._mainTimer = null;
- }
+ _swapStatusChanged() {
+ this._swapStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(SWAP_STATUS);
- this._mainTimer = GLib.timeout_add_seconds(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, this._refreshTime, this._refreshHandler.bind(this));
- }
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._swapStatus,
+ true,
+ this._swapIcon,
+ this._swapValue,
+ this._swapUnit
+ );
+ }
- _decimalsStatusChanged() {
- this._decimalsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DECIMALS_STATUS);
+ _swapWidthChanged() {
+ this._swapWidth = this._settings.get_int(SWAP_WIDTH);
- this._refreshHandler();
- }
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._swapWidth, this._swapValue);
+ }
- _leftClickStatusChanged() {
- this._leftClickStatus = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
- }
+ _swapUnitTypeChanged() {
+ this._swapUnitType = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT);
- _rightClickStatusChanged() {
- this._rightClickStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS);
- }
+ if (this._swapStatus) {
+ this._refreshSwapValue();
+ }
+ }
- _iconsStatusChanged() {
- this._iconsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(ICONS_STATUS);
+ _swapUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._swapUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE);
- if (this._iconsStatus) {
- if (this._cpuStatus || this._cpuFrequencyStatus || this._cpuLoadAverageStatus || this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._cpuIcon.show();
- }
- if (this._ramStatus) {
- this._ramIcon.show();
- }
- if (this._swapStatus) {
- this._swapIcon.show();
- }
- if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
- this._diskStatsIcon.show();
- }
- if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
- this._diskSpaceIcon.show();
- }
- if ((this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) || (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus)) {
- this._ethIcon.show();
- }
- if ((this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) || (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus)) {
- this._wlanIcon.show();
- }
- if (this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._gpuIcon.show();
- }
- } else {
- this._cpuIcon.hide();
- this._ramIcon.hide();
- this._swapIcon.hide();
- this._diskStatsIcon.hide();
- this._diskSpaceIcon.hide();
- this._ethIcon.hide();
- this._wlanIcon.hide();
- this._gpuIcon.hide();
- }
- }
+ if (this._swapStatus) {
+ this._refreshSwapValue();
+ }
+ }
- _iconsPositionChanged() {
- this._iconsPosition = this._settings.get_string(ICONS_POSITION);
+ _swapMonitorChanged() {
+ this._swapMonitor = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_MONITOR);
- this._box.remove_all_children();
+ if (this._swapStatus) {
+ this._refreshSwapValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._buildMainGui();
- }
+ _diskStatsStatusChanged() {
+ this._diskStatsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_STATS_STATUS);
- _itemsPositionChanged() {
- this._itemsPosition = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._diskStatsStatus,
+ true,
+ this._diskStatsIcon,
+ this._diskStatsBox
+ );
+ }
- this._box.remove_all_children();
+ _diskStatsWidthChanged() {
+ this._diskStatsWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_STATS_WIDTH);
- this._buildMainGui();
- }
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_element_width(this._diskStatsWidth);
+ }
- _cpuStatusChanged() {
- this._cpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_STATUS);
+ _diskStatsModeChanged() {
+ this._diskStatsMode = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_MODE);
- this._basicItemStatus(this._cpuStatus, (!this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus && !this._cpuFrequencyStatus && !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus), this._cpuIcon, this._cpuValue, this._cpuUnit);
- }
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_mode(this._diskStatsMode);
+ }
- _cpuWidthChanged() {
- this._cpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_WIDTH);
+ _diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
- this._basicItemWidth(this._cpuWidth, this._cpuValue);
- }
+ if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskStatsValue();
+ }
+ }
- _cpuFrequencyStatusChanged() {
- this._cpuFrequencyStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS);
+ _diskSpaceStatusChanged() {
+ this._diskSpaceStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_SPACE_STATUS);
- this._basicItemStatus(this._cpuFrequencyStatus, (!this._cpuStatus && !this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus && !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus), this._cpuIcon, this._cpuFrequencyValue, this._cpuFrequencyUnit, this._cpuFrequencyValueBracket);
- }
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._diskSpaceStatus,
+ true,
+ this._diskSpaceIcon,
+ this._diskSpaceBox
+ );
+ }
- _cpuFrequencyWidthChanged() {
- this._cpuFrequencyWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH);
+ _diskSpaceWidthChanged() {
+ this._diskSpaceWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_SPACE_WIDTH);
- this._basicItemWidth(this._cpuFrequencyWidth, this._cpuFrequencyValue);
- }
+ this._diskSpaceBox.set_element_width(this._diskSpaceWidth);
+ }
- _cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ _diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged() {
+ this._diskSpaceUnitType = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT);
- if (this._cpuFrequencyStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuFrequencyValue();
- }
- }
+ if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
+ }
+ }
- _cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged() {
- this._cpuLoadAverageStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS);
+ _diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
- this._basicItemStatus(this._cpuLoadAverageStatus, (!this._cpuStatus && !this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus && !this._cpuFrequencyStatus), this._cpuIcon, this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
- }
+ if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
+ }
+ }
- _cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged() {
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidth = this._settings.get_int(CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH);
+ _diskSpaceMonitorChanged() {
+ this._diskSpaceMonitor = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_MONITOR);
- this._basicItemWidth(this._cpuLoadAverageWidth, this._cpuLoadAverageValue);
- }
+ if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
+ }
+ }
- _ramStatusChanged() {
- this._ramStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(RAM_STATUS);
+ _diskDevicesListChanged() {
+ this._diskDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._basicItemStatus(this._ramStatus, true, this._ramIcon, this._ramValue, this._ramUnit);
- }
+ this._diskStatsBox.cleanup_elements();
+ this._diskSpaceBox.cleanup_elements();
- _ramWidthChanged() {
- this._ramWidth = this._settings.get_int(RAM_WIDTH);
+ this._diskDevicesList.forEach((element) => {
+ const it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- this._basicItemWidth(this._ramWidth, this._ramValue);
- }
+ const filesystem = it[0];
+ const mountPoint = it[1];
+ const stats = it[2] === "true";
+ const space = it[3] === "true";
- _ramUnitTypeChanged() {
- this._ramUnitType = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT);
+ let label = "";
- if (this._ramStatus) {
- this._refreshRamValue();
- }
+ if (filesystem.match(/(\/\w+)+/)) {
+ label = filesystem.split("/").pop();
+ } else {
+ label = filesystem;
- _ramUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._ramUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(RAM_UNIT_MEASURE);
- if (this._ramStatus) {
- this._refreshRamValue();
- }
+ if (stats) {
+ this._diskStatsBox.add_element(filesystem, label);
- _ramMonitorChanged() {
- this._ramMonitor = this._settings.get_string(RAM_MONITOR);
- if (this._ramStatus) {
- this._refreshRamValue();
- }
+ if (space) {
+ this._diskSpaceBox.add_element(filesystem, label);
+ });
- _swapStatusChanged() {
- this._swapStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(SWAP_STATUS);
- this._basicItemStatus(this._swapStatus, true, this._swapIcon, this._swapValue, this._swapUnit);
- }
+ this._diskStatsBox.add_single();
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_mode(this._diskStatsMode);
- _swapWidthChanged() {
- this._swapWidth = this._settings.get_int(SWAP_WIDTH);
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_element_width(this._diskStatsWidth);
+ this._diskSpaceBox.set_element_width(this._diskSpaceWidth);
+ }
- this._basicItemWidth(this._swapWidth, this._swapValue);
- }
+ _netAutoHideStatusChanged() {
+ this._netAutoHideStatus =
+ this._settings.get_boolean(NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS) &&
+ typeof NM !== "undefined";
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) ||
+ (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._ethIcon,
+ this._ethValue,
+ this._ethUnit
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) ||
+ (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._wlanIcon,
+ this._wlanValue,
+ this._wlanUnit
+ );
+ }
- _swapUnitTypeChanged() {
- this._swapUnitType = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT);
+ _netUnitChanged() {
+ this._netUnit = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT);
- if (this._swapStatus) {
- this._refreshSwapValue();
- }
- }
+ if (this._netEthStatus) {
+ this._refreshEthValue();
+ }
+ if (this._netWlanStatus) {
+ this._refreshWlanValue();
+ }
+ }
- _swapUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._swapUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ _netUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._netUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT_MEASURE);
- if (this._swapStatus) {
- this._refreshSwapValue();
- }
- }
+ if (this._netEthStatus) {
+ this._refreshEthValue();
+ }
+ if (this._netWlanStatus) {
+ this._refreshWlanValue();
+ }
+ }
- _swapMonitorChanged() {
- this._swapMonitor = this._settings.get_string(SWAP_MONITOR);
+ _netEthStatusChanged() {
+ this._netEthStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_ETH_STATUS);
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) ||
+ (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._ethIcon,
+ this._ethValue,
+ this._ethUnit
+ );
+ }
- if (this._swapStatus) {
- this._refreshSwapValue();
- }
- }
+ _netEthWidthChanged() {
+ this._netEthWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_ETH_WIDTH);
- _diskStatsStatusChanged() {
- this._diskStatsStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_STATS_STATUS);
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._netEthWidth, this._ethValue);
+ }
- this._basicItemStatus(this._diskStatsStatus, true, this._diskStatsIcon, this._diskStatsBox);
- }
+ _netWlanStatusChanged() {
+ this._netWlanStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_WLAN_STATUS);
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ (this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) ||
+ (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus),
+ true,
+ this._wlanIcon,
+ this._wlanValue,
+ this._wlanUnit
+ );
+ }
- _diskStatsWidthChanged() {
- this._diskStatsWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_STATS_WIDTH);
+ _netWlanWidthChanged() {
+ this._netWlanWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_WLAN_WIDTH);
- this._diskStatsBox.set_element_width(this._diskStatsWidth);
- }
+ this._basicItemWidth(this._netWlanWidth, this._wlanValue);
+ }
- _diskStatsModeChanged() {
- this._diskStatsMode = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_MODE);
+ _thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged() {
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus,
+ !this._cpuStatus &&
+ !this._cpuFrequencyStatus &&
+ !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus,
+ this._cpuIcon,
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue,
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit,
+ this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket
+ );
+ }
- this._diskStatsBox.update_mode(this._diskStatsMode);
- }
+ _thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged() {
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(
+ );
- _diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._diskStatsUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ this._basicItemWidth(
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth,
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue
+ );
+ }
- if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskStatsValue();
- }
- }
+ _thermalTemperatureUnitChanged() {
+ this._thermalTemperatureUnit = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
- _diskSpaceStatusChanged() {
- this._diskSpaceStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(DISK_SPACE_STATUS);
+ if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._basicItemStatus(this._diskSpaceStatus, true, this._diskSpaceIcon, this._diskSpaceBox);
- }
+ _thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged() {
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
- _diskSpaceWidthChanged() {
- this._diskSpaceWidth = this._settings.get_int(DISK_SPACE_WIDTH);
+ if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._diskSpaceBox.set_element_width(this._diskSpaceWidth);
- }
+ _thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged() {
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus,
+ !this._gpuStatus,
+ this._gpuIcon,
+ this._gpuBox
+ );
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
+ }
- _diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged() {
- this._diskSpaceUnitType = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT);
+ _thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged() {
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(
+ );
- if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
- }
- }
+ this._gpuBox.set_element_thermal_width(this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth);
+ }
- _diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ _thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged() {
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
- if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
- }
- }
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
+ }
- _diskSpaceMonitorChanged() {
- this._diskSpaceMonitor = this._settings.get_string(DISK_SPACE_MONITOR);
+ _gpuStatusChanged() {
+ this._gpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_STATUS);
- if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
- }
- }
+ this._basicItemStatus(
+ this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus,
+ !this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus,
+ this._gpuIcon,
+ this._gpuBox
+ );
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
+ }
- _diskDevicesListChanged() {
- this._diskDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
+ _gpuWidthChanged() {
+ this._gpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(GPU_WIDTH);
- this._diskStatsBox.cleanup_elements();
- this._diskSpaceBox.cleanup_elements();
+ this._gpuBox.set_element_width(this._gpuWidth);
+ }
- this._diskDevicesList.forEach(element => {
- const it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ _gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged() {
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitType = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT);
- const filesystem = it[0];
- const mountPoint = it[1];
- const stats = (it[2] === 'true');
- const space = (it[3] === 'true');
+ if (this._gpuStatus) {
+ this._refreshGpuValue();
+ }
+ }
- let label = '';
+ _gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged() {
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
- if (filesystem.match(/(\/\w+)+/)) {
- label = filesystem.split('/').pop();
- } else {
- label = filesystem;
- }
+ if (this._gpuStatus) {
+ this._refreshGpuValue();
+ }
+ }
- if (stats) {
- this._diskStatsBox.add_element(filesystem, label);
- }
+ _gpuMemoryMonitorChanged() {
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitor = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR);
- if (space) {
- this._diskSpaceBox.add_element(filesystem, label);
- }
- });
+ if (this._gpuStatus) {
+ this._refreshGpuValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._diskStatsBox.add_single();
- this._diskStatsBox.update_mode(this._diskStatsMode);
+ _gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged() {
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._settings.get_boolean(
+ );
- this._diskStatsBox.set_element_width(this._diskStatsWidth);
- this._diskSpaceBox.set_element_width(this._diskSpaceWidth);
- }
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
+ }
- _netAutoHideStatusChanged() {
- this._netAutoHideStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS) && typeof NM !== 'undefined';
+ _gpuDevicesListChanged() {
+ this._gpuDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) || (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._ethIcon, this._ethValue, this._ethUnit);
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) || (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._wlanIcon, this._wlanValue, this._wlanUnit);
- }
+ this._gpuBox.cleanup_elements();
- _netUnitChanged() {
- this._netUnit = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT);
+ this._gpuDevicesList.forEach((element) => {
+ const it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- if (this._netEthStatus) {
- this._refreshEthValue();
- }
- if (this._netWlanStatus) {
- this._refreshWlanValue();
- }
- }
+ const uuid = it[0];
+ const name = this._gpuDisplayDeviceName ? it[1] : null;
+ const usage = it[2] === "true" && this._gpuStatus;
+ const memory = it[3] === "true" && this._gpuStatus;
+ let thermal = false;
- _netUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._netUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(NET_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ if (this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList.forEach((element) => {
+ const it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- if (this._netEthStatus) {
- this._refreshEthValue();
- }
- if (this._netWlanStatus) {
- this._refreshWlanValue();
+ if (uuid === it[0]) {
+ thermal = it[2] === "true";
+ });
- _netEthStatusChanged() {
- this._netEthStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_ETH_STATUS);
+ this._gpuBox.add_element(uuid, name, usage, memory, thermal);
+ });
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netEthStatus && this._nmEthStatus) || (this._netEthStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._ethIcon, this._ethValue, this._ethUnit);
- }
+ this._gpuBox.set_element_width(this._gpuWidth);
+ }
- _netEthWidthChanged() {
- this._netEthWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_ETH_WIDTH);
+ _refreshHandler() {
+ if (this._cpuStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuValue();
+ }
+ if (this._ramStatus) {
+ this._refreshRamValue();
+ }
+ if (this._swapStatus) {
+ this._refreshSwapValue();
+ }
+ if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskStatsValue();
+ }
+ if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
+ this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
+ }
+ if (this._netEthStatus) {
+ this._refreshEthValue();
+ }
+ if (this._netWlanStatus) {
+ this._refreshWlanValue();
+ }
+ if (this._cpuFrequencyStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuFrequencyValue();
+ }
+ if (this._cpuLoadAverageStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuLoadAverageValue();
+ }
+ if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
+ }
+ if (this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
+ this._refreshGpuValue();
+ }
+ }
- this._basicItemWidth(this._netEthWidth, this._ethValue);
- }
+ _refreshGui() {
+ //this._onActiveConnectionAdded(client, activeConnection);
- _netWlanStatusChanged() {
- this._netWlanStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(NET_WLAN_STATUS);
+ //this._onActiveConnectionRemoved(client, activeConnection);
- this._basicItemStatus((this._netWlanStatus && this._nmWlanStatus) || (this._netWlanStatus && !this._netAutoHideStatus), true, this._wlanIcon, this._wlanValue, this._wlanUnit);
- }
+ //this._refreshTimeChanged();
- _netWlanWidthChanged() {
- this._netWlanWidth = this._settings.get_int(NET_WLAN_WIDTH);
+ //this._decimalsStatusChanged();
- this._basicItemWidth(this._netWlanWidth, this._wlanValue);
- }
+ //this._leftClickStatusChanged();
- _thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged() {
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS);
+ this._rightClickStatusChanged();
- this._basicItemStatus(this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus, (!this._cpuStatus && !this._cpuFrequencyStatus && !this._cpuLoadAverageStatus), this._cpuIcon, this._cpuTemperatureValue, this._cpuTemperatureUnit, this._cpuTemperatureValueBracket);
- }
+ this._iconsStatusChanged();
- _thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged() {
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH);
+ //this._iconsPositionChanged();
- this._basicItemWidth(this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidth, this._cpuTemperatureValue);
- }
+ //this._itemsPositionChanged();
- _thermalTemperatureUnitChanged() {
- this._thermalTemperatureUnit = this._settings.get_string(THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT);
+ this._cpuStatusChanged();
- if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
- }
- }
+ this._cpuWidthChanged();
- _thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged() {
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
+ this._cpuFrequencyStatusChanged();
- if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
- }
- }
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthChanged();
- _thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged() {
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS);
+ //this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged();
- this._basicItemStatus((this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus), !this._gpuStatus, this._gpuIcon, this._gpuBox);
- this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
- }
+ this._cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged();
- _thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged() {
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth = this._settings.get_int(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH);
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged();
- this._gpuBox.set_element_thermal_width(this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidth);
- }
+ this._ramStatusChanged();
- _thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged() {
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
+ this._ramWidthChanged();
- this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
- }
+ //this._ramUnitTypeChanged();
- _gpuStatusChanged() {
- this._gpuStatus = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_STATUS);
+ //this._ramUnitMeasureChanged();
- this._basicItemStatus((this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus), !this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus, this._gpuIcon, this._gpuBox);
- this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
- }
+ //this._ramMonitorChanged();
- _gpuWidthChanged() {
- this._gpuWidth = this._settings.get_int(GPU_WIDTH);
+ this._swapStatusChanged();
- this._gpuBox.set_element_width(this._gpuWidth);
- }
+ this._swapWidthChanged();
- _gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged() {
- this._gpuMemoryUnitType = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT);
+ //this._swapUnitTypeChanged();
- if (this._gpuStatus) {
- this._refreshGpuValue();
- }
- }
+ //this._swapUnitMeasureChanged();
- _gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged() {
- this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE);
+ //this._swapMonitorChanged();
- if (this._gpuStatus) {
- this._refreshGpuValue();
- }
- }
+ this._diskStatsStatusChanged();
- _gpuMemoryMonitorChanged() {
- this._gpuMemoryMonitor = this._settings.get_string(GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR);
+ this._diskStatsWidthChanged();
- if (this._gpuStatus) {
- this._refreshGpuValue();
- }
- }
+ this._diskStatsModeChanged();
- _gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged() {
- this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._settings.get_boolean(GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME);
+ //this._diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged();
- this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
- }
+ this._diskSpaceStatusChanged();
- _gpuDevicesListChanged() {
- this._gpuDevicesList = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
+ this._diskSpaceWidthChanged();
- this._gpuBox.cleanup_elements();
+ //this._diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged();
- this._gpuDevicesList.forEach(element => {
- const it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ //this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged();
- const uuid = it[0];
- const name = this._gpuDisplayDeviceName ? it[1] : null;
- const usage = (it[2] === 'true') && this._gpuStatus;
- const memory = (it[3] === 'true') && this._gpuStatus;
- let thermal = false;
+ //this._diskSpaceMonitorChanged();
- if (this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesList.forEach(element => {
- const it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ this._diskDevicesListChanged();
- if (uuid === it[0]) {
- thermal = (it[2] === 'true');
- }
- });
- }
+ //this._netAutoHideStatusChanged();
- this._gpuBox.add_element(uuid, name, usage, memory, thermal);
- });
+ //this._netUnitChanged();
- this._gpuBox.set_element_width(this._gpuWidth);
- }
+ //this._netUnitMeasureChanged();
- _refreshHandler() {
- if (this._cpuStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuValue();
- }
- if (this._ramStatus) {
- this._refreshRamValue();
- }
- if (this._swapStatus) {
- this._refreshSwapValue();
- }
- if (this._diskStatsStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskStatsValue();
- }
- if (this._diskSpaceStatus) {
- this._refreshDiskSpaceValue();
- }
- if (this._netEthStatus) {
- this._refreshEthValue();
- }
- if (this._netWlanStatus) {
- this._refreshWlanValue();
- }
- if (this._cpuFrequencyStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuFrequencyValue();
- }
- if (this._cpuLoadAverageStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuLoadAverageValue();
- }
- if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._refreshCpuTemperatureValue();
- }
- if (this._gpuStatus || this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatus) {
- this._refreshGpuValue();
- }
+ this._netEthStatusChanged();
- }
+ this._netEthWidthChanged();
- _refreshGui() {
- //this._onActiveConnectionAdded(client, activeConnection);
+ this._netWlanStatusChanged();
- //this._onActiveConnectionRemoved(client, activeConnection);
+ this._netWlanWidthChanged();
- //this._refreshTimeChanged();
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged();
- //this._decimalsStatusChanged();
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged();
- //this._leftClickStatusChanged();
+ //this._thermalCpuTemperatureUnitChanged();
- this._rightClickStatusChanged();
+ //this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged();
- this._iconsStatusChanged();
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged();
- //this._iconsPositionChanged();
+ this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged();
- //this._itemsPositionChanged();
+ //this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged();
- this._cpuStatusChanged();
+ this._gpuStatusChanged();
- this._cpuWidthChanged();
+ this._gpuWidthChanged();
- this._cpuFrequencyStatusChanged();
+ //this._gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged();
- this._cpuFrequencyWidthChanged();
+ //this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged();
- //this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureChanged();
+ //this._gpuMemoryMonitorChanged();
- this._cpuLoadAverageStatusChanged();
+ //this._gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged();
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidthChanged();
+ this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
+ }
- this._ramStatusChanged();
+ _refreshCpuValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/stat").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- this._ramWidthChanged();
+ const entry = lines[0].trim().split(/\s+/);
+ let cpuTot = 0;
+ const idle = parseInt(entry[4]);
- //this._ramUnitTypeChanged();
+ // user sys nice idle iowait
+ for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++) cpuTot += parseInt(entry[i]);
- //this._ramUnitMeasureChanged();
+ const delta = cpuTot - this._cpuTotOld;
+ const deltaIdle = idle - this._cpuIdleOld;
- //this._ramMonitorChanged();
+ const cpuCurr = (100 * (delta - deltaIdle)) / delta;
- this._swapStatusChanged();
+ this._cpuTotOld = cpuTot;
+ this._cpuIdleOld = idle;
- this._swapWidthChanged();
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._cpuValue.text = `${cpuCurr.toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._cpuValue.text = `${cpuCurr.toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
+ });
+ }
- //this._swapUnitTypeChanged();
+ _refreshRamValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/meminfo").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- //this._swapUnitMeasureChanged();
+ let total, available, used;
- //this._swapMonitorChanged();
+ for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ let values;
- this._diskStatsStatusChanged();
+ if (line.match(/^MemTotal/)) {
+ values = line.match(/^MemTotal:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
+ total = parseInt(values[1]);
+ } else if (line.match(/^MemAvailable/)) {
+ values = line.match(/^MemAvailable:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
+ available = parseInt(values[1]);
+ }
+ }
- this._diskStatsWidthChanged();
+ used = total - available;
- this._diskStatsModeChanged();
+ let value = 0;
+ let unit = "KB";
+ switch (this._ramMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = available;
- //this._diskStatsUnitMeasureChanged();
+ break;
- this._diskSpaceStatusChanged();
+ case "used":
- this._diskSpaceWidthChanged();
+ default:
+ value = used;
- //this._diskSpaceUnitTypeChanged();
+ break;
+ }
- //this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureChanged();
+ switch (this._ramUnitType) {
+ case "perc":
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._ramValue.text = `${((100 * value) / total).toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._ramValue.text = `${((100 * value) / total).toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
- //this._diskSpaceMonitorChanged();
+ this._ramUnit.text = "%";
+ break;
+ case "numeric":
+ default:
+ switch (this._ramUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "KB";
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
+ default:
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unit = "KB";
+ }
- this._diskDevicesListChanged();
+ break;
+ }
- //this._netAutoHideStatusChanged();
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._ramValue.text = `${value.toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._ramValue.text = `${value.toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
- //this._netUnitChanged();
+ this._ramUnit.text = unit;
- //this._netUnitMeasureChanged();
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
- this._netEthStatusChanged();
+ _refreshSwapValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/meminfo").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- this._netEthWidthChanged();
+ let total, available, used;
- this._netWlanStatusChanged();
+ for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ let values;
- this._netWlanWidthChanged();
+ if (line.match(/^SwapTotal/)) {
+ values = line.match(/^SwapTotal:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
+ total = parseInt(values[1]);
+ } else if (line.match(/^SwapFree/)) {
+ values = line.match(/^SwapFree:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
+ available = parseInt(values[1]);
+ }
+ }
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureStatusChanged();
+ used = total - available;
- this._thermalCpuTemperatureWidthChanged();
+ let value = 0;
+ let unit = "KB";
+ switch (this._swapMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = available;
- //this._thermalCpuTemperatureUnitChanged();
+ break;
- //this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged();
+ case "used":
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureStatusChanged();
+ default:
+ value = used;
- this._thermalGpuTemperatureWidthChanged();
+ break;
+ }
- //this._thermalGpuTemperatureDevicesListChanged();
- this._gpuStatusChanged();
- this._gpuWidthChanged();
- //this._gpuMemoryUnitTypeChanged();
- //this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureChanged();
- //this._gpuMemoryMonitorChanged();
- //this._gpuDisplayDeviceNameChanged();
- this._gpuDevicesListChanged();
- }
- _refreshCpuValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/stat').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
- const entry = lines[0].trim().split(/\s+/);
- let cpuTot = 0;
- const idle = parseInt(entry[4]);
- // user sys nice idle iowait
- for (let i = 1; i < 5; i++)
- cpuTot += parseInt(entry[i]);
- const delta = cpuTot - this._cpuTotOld;
- const deltaIdle = idle - this._cpuIdleOld;
- const cpuCurr = 100 * (delta - deltaIdle) / delta;
- this._cpuTotOld = cpuTot;
- this._cpuIdleOld = idle;
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._cpuValue.text = `${cpuCurr.toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._cpuValue.text = `${cpuCurr.toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- });
- }
- _refreshRamValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/meminfo').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
- let total, available, used;
- for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- let values;
+ switch (this._swapUnitType) {
+ case "perc":
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._swapValue.text = `${((100 * value) / total).toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._swapValue.text = `${((100 * value) / total).toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
- if (line.match(/^MemTotal/)) {
- values = line.match(/^MemTotal:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
- total = parseInt(values[1]);
- } else if (line.match(/^MemAvailable/)) {
- values = line.match(/^MemAvailable:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
- available = parseInt(values[1]);
+ this._swapUnit.text = "%";
+ break;
+ case "numeric":
+ default:
+ switch (this._swapUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "KB";
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
+ default:
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unit = "KB";
- used = total - available;
- let value = 0;
- let unit = 'KB';
- switch (this._ramMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = available;
- break;
- case 'used':
- default:
- value = used;
- break;
- }
- switch (this._ramUnitType) {
- case 'perc':
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._ramValue.text = `${(100 * value / total).toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._ramValue.text = `${(100 * value / total).toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- this._ramUnit.text = '%';
- break;
- case 'numeric':
- default:
- switch (this._ramUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'KB';
- break;
- case 'm':
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'g':
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 't':
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'KB';
- }
- break;
- }
+ break;
+ }
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._ramValue.text = `${value.toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._ramValue.text = `${value.toFixed(0)}`;
- }
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._swapValue.text = `${value.toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._swapValue.text = `${value.toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
- this._ramUnit.text = unit;
+ this._swapUnit.text = unit;
- break;
- }
- });
+ break;
+ });
+ }
- _refreshSwapValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/meminfo').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
- let total, available, used;
- for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- let values;
- if (line.match(/^SwapTotal/)) {
- values = line.match(/^SwapTotal:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
- total = parseInt(values[1]);
- } else if (line.match(/^SwapFree/)) {
- values = line.match(/^SwapFree:\s*([^ ]*)\s*([^ ]*)$/);
- available = parseInt(values[1]);
- }
- }
- used = total - available;
- let value = 0;
- let unit = 'KB';
- switch (this._swapMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = available;
- break;
- case 'used':
- default:
- value = used;
+ _refreshDiskStatsValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/diskstats").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- break;
- }
+ switch (this._diskStatsMode) {
+ case "single":
+ let rwTot = [0, 0];
+ let rw = [0, 0];
- switch (this._swapUnitType) {
- case 'perc':
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._swapValue.text = `${(100 * value / total).toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._swapValue.text = `${(100 * value / total).toFixed(0)}`;
- }
+ const filesystem = "single";
- this._swapUnit.text = '%';
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- break;
+ if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
+ continue;
+ }
- case 'numeric':
+ // Found
+ if (this._diskStatsBox.get_filesystem(entry[2])) {
+ rwTot[0] += parseInt(entry[5]);
+ rwTot[1] += parseInt(entry[9]);
- default:
- switch (this._swapUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'KB';
- break;
- case 'm':
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'g':
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 't':
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'KB';
- }
- break;
- }
+ // sector is 512 bytes
+ // 1 kilobyte = 2 sectors
+ rwTot[0] /= 2;
+ rwTot[1] /= 2;
+ }
+ }
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._swapValue.text = `${value.toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._swapValue.text = `${value.toFixed(0)}`;
- }
+ const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
+ const delta =
+ (idle - this._diskStatsBox.get_idle(filesystem)) / 1000;
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_idle(filesystem, idle);
+ let unit = "";
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ const rwTotOld = this._diskStatsBox.get_rw_tot(filesystem);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ rw[i] = (rwTot[i] - rwTotOld[i]) / delta;
+ }
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot);
+ switch (this._diskStatsUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "K";
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ unit = "M";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "G";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ unit = "T";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
- this._swapUnit.text = unit;
+ default:
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "M";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "G";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "T";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ unit = "K";
+ }
- break;
- }
- });
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- _refreshDiskStatsValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/diskstats').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${rw[0].toFixed(1)}|${rw[1].toFixed(1)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ } else {
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${rw[0].toFixed(0)}|${rw[1].toFixed(0)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ }
- switch (this._diskStatsMode) {
- case 'single':
- let rwTot = [0, 0];
- let rw = [0, 0];
+ break;
- const filesystem = 'single';
+ case "multiple":
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
+ default:
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
- continue;
- }
+ if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
+ continue;
+ }
- // Found
- if (this._diskStatsBox.get_filesystem(entry[2])) {
- rwTot[0] += parseInt(entry[5]);
- rwTot[1] += parseInt(entry[9]);
+ const filesystem = this._diskStatsBox.get_filesystem(entry[2]);
+ // Found
+ if (filesystem) {
+ let rwTot = [0, 0];
+ let rw = [0, 0];
- // sector is 512 bytes
- // 1 kilobyte = 2 sectors
- rwTot[0] /= 2;
- rwTot[1] /= 2;
- }
- }
+ rwTot[0] += parseInt(entry[5]);
+ rwTot[1] += parseInt(entry[9]);
- const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
- const delta = (idle - this._diskStatsBox.get_idle(filesystem)) / 1000;
- this._diskStatsBox.set_idle(filesystem, idle);
- let unit = '';
- if (delta > 0) {
- const rwTotOld = this._diskStatsBox.get_rw_tot(filesystem);
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- rw[i] = (rwTot[i] - rwTotOld[i]) / delta;
- }
- this._diskStatsBox.set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot);
- switch (this._diskStatsUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'K';
- break;
- case 'm':
- unit = 'M';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'g':
- unit = 'G';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 't':
- unit = 'T';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'M';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'G';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'T';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'K';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
+ // sector is 512 bytes
+ // 1 kilobyte = 2 sectors
+ rwTot[0] /= 2;
+ rwTot[1] /= 2;
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${rw[0].toFixed(1)}|${rw[1].toFixed(1)}`, unit);
- } else {
- this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${rw[0].toFixed(0)}|${rw[1].toFixed(0)}`, unit);
- }
+ const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
+ const delta =
+ (idle - this._diskStatsBox.get_idle(filesystem)) / 1000;
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_idle(filesystem, idle);
- break;
+ let unit = "";
- case 'multiple':
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ const rwTotOld = this._diskStatsBox.get_rw_tot(filesystem);
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ rw[i] = (rwTot[i] - rwTotOld[i]) / delta;
+ }
+ this._diskStatsBox.set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot);
+ switch (this._diskStatsUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "K";
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ unit = "M";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "G";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ unit = "T";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
- continue;
- }
- const filesystem = this._diskStatsBox.get_filesystem(entry[2]);
- // Found
- if (filesystem) {
- let rwTot = [0, 0];
- let rw = [0, 0];
- rwTot[0] += parseInt(entry[5]);
- rwTot[1] += parseInt(entry[9]);
- // sector is 512 bytes
- // 1 kilobyte = 2 sectors
- rwTot[0] /= 2;
- rwTot[1] /= 2;
- const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
- const delta = (idle - this._diskStatsBox.get_idle(filesystem)) / 1000;
- this._diskStatsBox.set_idle(filesystem, idle);
- let unit = '';
- if (delta > 0) {
- const rwTotOld = this._diskStatsBox.get_rw_tot(filesystem);
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- rw[i] = (rwTot[i] - rwTotOld[i]) / delta;
- }
- this._diskStatsBox.set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot);
- switch (this._diskStatsUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'K';
- break;
- case 'm':
- unit = 'M';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'g':
- unit = 'G';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 't':
- unit = 'T';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'M';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'G';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
- unit = 'T';
- rw[0] /= 1024;
- rw[1] /= 1024;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'K';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${rw[0].toFixed(1)}|${rw[1].toFixed(1)}`, unit);
- } else {
- this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${rw[0].toFixed(0)}|${rw[1].toFixed(0)}`, unit);
- }
- } else { // Not found
- this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(filesystem, '--|--', '');
- }
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "M";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "G";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ if (rw[0] > 1024 || rw[1] > 1024) {
+ unit = "T";
+ rw[0] /= 1024;
+ rw[1] /= 1024;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unit = "K";
+ }
- break;
+ break;
+ }
- });
- }
- _refreshDiskSpaceValue() {
- this._executeCommand(['df', '-BKB', '-x', 'squashfs', '-x', 'tmpfs']).then(output => {
- const lines = output.split('\n');
- // Excludes the first line of output
- for (let i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- const filesystem = entry[0];
- let value = '';
- let unit = 'KB';
- switch (this._diskSpaceUnitType) {
- case 'perc':
- const used = `${entry[4].slice(0, -1)}`;
- switch (this._diskSpaceMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = (100 - parseInt(used)).toString();
- break;
- case 'used':
- default:
- value = used;
- break;
- }
- this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(filesystem, value, '%');
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${rw[0].toFixed(1)}|${rw[1].toFixed(1)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ } else {
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${rw[0].toFixed(0)}|${rw[1].toFixed(0)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // Not found
+ this._diskStatsBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ "--|--",
+ ""
+ );
+ }
+ }
- break;
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ }
- case 'numeric':
+ _refreshDiskSpaceValue() {
+ this._executeCommand([
+ "df",
+ "-BKB",
+ "-x",
+ "squashfs",
+ "-x",
+ "tmpfs",
+ ]).then((output) => {
+ const lines = output.split("\n");
- default:
- switch (this._diskSpaceMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = parseInt(entry[3].slice(0, -2));
+ // Excludes the first line of output
+ for (let i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- break;
+ const filesystem = entry[0];
- case 'used':
+ let value = "";
+ let unit = "KB";
+ switch (this._diskSpaceUnitType) {
+ case "perc":
+ const used = `${entry[4].slice(0, -1)}`;
- default:
- value = parseInt(entry[2].slice(0, -2));
+ switch (this._diskSpaceMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = (100 - parseInt(used)).toString();
- break;
- }
+ break;
- switch (this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'KB';
- break;
+ case "used":
- case 'm':
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- break;
+ default:
+ value = used;
- case 'g':
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
+ break;
+ }
- case 't':
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
+ this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(filesystem, value, "%");
- case 'auto':
+ break;
- default:
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'KB';
- }
+ case "numeric":
- break;
- }
+ default:
+ switch (this._diskSpaceMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = parseInt(entry[3].slice(0, -2));
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${value.toFixed(1)}`, unit);
- } else {
- this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(filesystem, `${value.toFixed(0)}`, unit);
- }
+ break;
- break;
- }
- }
- });
- }
+ case "used":
- _refreshEthValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/net/dev').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
+ default:
+ value = parseInt(entry[2].slice(0, -2));
- let duTot = [0, 0];
- let du = [0, 0];
+ break;
+ }
- // Excludes the first two lines of output
- for (let i = 2; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(':');
- if (entry[0].match(/(eth[0-9]+|en[a-z0-9]*)/)) {
- const values = entry[1].trim().split(/\s+/);
+ switch (this._diskSpaceUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "KB";
+ break;
- duTot[0] += parseInt(values[0]);
- duTot[1] += parseInt(values[8]);
- }
- }
+ case "m":
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
- const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
- const delta = (idle - this._ethIdleOld) / 1000;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
- // True bits
- // False Bytes
- const boolUnit = this._netUnit === 'bits';
+ case "t":
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
- const factor = boolUnit ? 8 : 1;
+ case "auto":
- if (delta > 0) {
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- du[i] = ((duTot[i] - this._duTotEthOld[i]) * factor) / delta;
- this._duTotEthOld[i] = duTot[i];
+ default:
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ }
+ } else {
+ unit = "KB";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${value.toFixed(1)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ } else {
+ this._diskSpaceBox.update_element_value(
+ filesystem,
+ `${value.toFixed(0)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- switch (this._netUnitMeasure) {
- case 'b':
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'b' : 'B';
- break;
- case 'k':
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'k' : 'K';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'm':
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'm' : 'M';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'g':
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'g' : 'G';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 't':
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 't' : 'T';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'k' : 'K';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'm' : 'M';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'g' : 'G';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 't' : 'T';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'b' : 'B';
- }
- break;
+ _refreshEthValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/net/dev").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
+ let duTot = [0, 0];
+ let du = [0, 0];
+ // Excludes the first two lines of output
+ for (let i = 2; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(":");
+ if (entry[0].match(/(eth[0-9]+|en[a-z0-9]*)/)) {
+ const values = entry[1].trim().split(/\s+/);
+ duTot[0] += parseInt(values[0]);
+ duTot[1] += parseInt(values[8]);
+ }
+ }
+ const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
+ const delta = (idle - this._ethIdleOld) / 1000;
+ // True bits
+ // False Bytes
+ const boolUnit = this._netUnit === "bits";
+ const factor = boolUnit ? 8 : 1;
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ du[i] = ((duTot[i] - this._duTotEthOld[i]) * factor) / delta;
+ this._duTotEthOld[i] = duTot[i];
+ }
+ switch (this._netUnitMeasure) {
+ case "b":
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "b" : "B";
+ break;
+ case "k":
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "k" : "K";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "m" : "M";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "g" : "G";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "t" : "T";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
+ default:
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "k" : "K";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "m" : "M";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "g" : "G";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "t" : "T";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._ethUnit.text = boolUnit ? "b" : "B";
+ }
- this._ethIdleOld = idle;
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._ethValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(1)}|${du[1].toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._ethValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(0)}|${du[1].toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- });
+ break;
+ }
- _refreshWlanValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/net/dev').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
- let duTot = [0, 0];
- let du = [0, 0];
- // Excludes the first two lines of output
- for (let i = 2; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(':');
- if (entry[0].match(/(wlan[0-9]+|wl[a-z0-9]*)/)) {
- const values = entry[1].trim().split(/\s+/);
- duTot[0] += parseInt(values[0]);
- duTot[1] += parseInt(values[8]);
- }
- }
- const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
- const delta = (idle - this._wlanIdleOld) / 1000;
- // True bits
- // False Bytes
- const boolUnit = this._netUnit === 'bits';
- const factor = boolUnit ? 8 : 1;
- if (delta > 0) {
- for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
- du[i] = ((duTot[i] - this._duTotWlanOld[i]) * factor) / delta;
- this._duTotWlanOld[i] = duTot[i];
- }
- switch (this._netUnitMeasure) {
- case 'b':
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'b' : 'B';
- break;
- case 'k':
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'k' : 'K';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'm':
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'm' : 'M';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'g':
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'g' : 'G';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 't':
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 't' : 'T';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'k' : 'K';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'm' : 'M';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'g' : 'G';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 't' : 'T';
- du[0] /= 1024;
- du[1] /= 1024;
- }
- }
- }
- } else {
- this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? 'b' : 'B';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- this._wlanIdleOld = idle;
+ this._ethIdleOld = idle;
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._wlanValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(1)}|${du[1].toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._wlanValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(0)}|${du[1].toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- });
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._ethValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(1)}|${du[1].toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._ethValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(0)}|${du[1].toFixed(0)}`;
+ });
+ }
- _refreshCpuFrequencyValue() {
- if (GLib.file_test('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq', GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
- this._loadFile('/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq').then(contents => {
- let value = parseInt(ByteArray.toString(contents));
- let unit = "";
- switch (this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = "KHz"
- break;
- case 'm':
- unit = "MHz"
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'g':
- unit = "GHz"
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- break;
- case 'auto':
- default:
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'MHz';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'GHz';
- value /= 1000;
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'KHz';
- }
- break;
+ _refreshWlanValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/net/dev").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
+ let duTot = [0, 0];
+ let du = [0, 0];
+ // Excludes the first two lines of output
+ for (let i = 2; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(":");
+ if (entry[0].match(/(wlan[0-9]+|wl[a-z0-9]*)/)) {
+ const values = entry[1].trim().split(/\s+/);
+ duTot[0] += parseInt(values[0]);
+ duTot[1] += parseInt(values[8]);
+ }
+ }
+ const idle = GLib.get_monotonic_time() / 1000;
+ const delta = (idle - this._wlanIdleOld) / 1000;
+ // True bits
+ // False Bytes
+ const boolUnit = this._netUnit === "bits";
+ const factor = boolUnit ? 8 : 1;
+ if (delta > 0) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
+ du[i] = ((duTot[i] - this._duTotWlanOld[i]) * factor) / delta;
+ this._duTotWlanOld[i] = duTot[i];
+ }
+ switch (this._netUnitMeasure) {
+ case "b":
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "b" : "B";
+ break;
+ case "k":
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "k" : "K";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "m" : "M";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "g" : "G";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "t":
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "t" : "T";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
+ default:
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "k" : "K";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "m" : "M";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "g" : "G";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ if (du[0] > 1024 || du[1] > 1024) {
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "t" : "T";
+ du[0] /= 1024;
+ du[1] /= 1024;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._wlanUnit.text = boolUnit ? "b" : "B";
+ }
- this._cpuFrequencyUnit.text = unit;
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = `[${value.toFixed(2)}`;
- } else {
- this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = `[${value.toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- });
- } else {
- this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = _('[Frequency Error');
- this._cpuFrequencyUnit.text = '';
- }
+ break;
+ }
- _refreshCpuLoadAverageValue() {
- this._loadFile('/proc/loadavg').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
- const entry = lines[0].trim().split(/\s/);
- const l0 = entry[0];
- const l1 = entry[1];
- const l2 = entry[2];
+ this._wlanIdleOld = idle;
- this._cpuLoadAverageValue.text = '[' + l0 + ' ' + l1 + ' ' + l2 + ']';
- });
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._wlanValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(1)}|${du[1].toFixed(1)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._wlanValue.text = `${du[0].toFixed(0)}|${du[1].toFixed(0)}`;
+ });
+ }
- _refreshCpuTemperatureValue() {
- if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length > 0) {
- for (let i = 0; i < this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length; i++) {
- const element = this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList[i];
- const status = it[1];
- const path = it[2];
- if (status === 'false') {
- continue;
- }
- if (GLib.file_test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
- this._loadFile(path).then(contents => {
- const value = parseInt(ByteArray.toString(contents));
- this._cpuTemperatures += value / 1000;
- this._cpuTemperaturesReads++;
- if (this._cpuTemperaturesReads >= this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length) {
- // Temperatures Average
- this._cpuTemperatures /= this._cpuTemperaturesReads;
- switch (this._thermalTemperatureUnit) {
- case 'f':
- this._cpuTemperatures = (this._cpuTemperatures * 1.8) + 32;
- this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = '°F';
- break;
- case 'c':
- default:
- this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = '°C';
- break;
- }
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = `[${this._cpuTemperatures.toFixed(1)}`;
- } else {
- this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = `[${this._cpuTemperatures.toFixed(0)}`;
- }
- this._cpuTemperatures = 0;
- this._cpuTemperaturesReads = 0;
- }
- });
- } else {
- this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = _('[Temperature Error');
- this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = '';
- }
+ _refreshCpuFrequencyValue() {
+ if (
+ GLib.file_test(
+ "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq",
+ GLib.FileTest.EXISTS
+ )
+ ) {
+ this._loadFile(
+ "/sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu1/cpufreq/scaling_cur_freq"
+ ).then((contents) => {
+ let value = parseInt(new TextDecoder().decode(contents));
+ let unit = "";
+ switch (this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "KHz";
+ break;
+ case "m":
+ unit = "MHz";
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "g":
+ unit = "GHz";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ break;
+ case "auto":
+ default:
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "MHz";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "GHz";
+ value /= 1000;
- } else {
- this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = _('[--');
- }
- }
- _refreshGpuValue() {
- this._executeCommand(['nvidia-smi', '--query-gpu=uuid,memory.total,memory.used,memory.free,utilization.gpu,temperature.gpu', '--format=csv,noheader']).then(output => {
- const lines = output.split('\n');
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(/\,\s/);
- const uuid = entry[0];
- let memoryTotal = entry[1].slice(0, -4);
- let memoryUsed = entry[2].slice(0, -4);
- let memoryFree = entry[3].slice(0, -4);
- const usage = entry[4].slice(0, -1);
- const temperature = entry[5];
- // mebibyte
- memoryTotal = parseInt(memoryTotal);
- memoryUsed = parseInt(memoryUsed);
- memoryFree = parseInt(memoryFree);
+ } else {
+ unit = "KHz";
+ }
- // kibibyte
- memoryTotal *= 1024;
- memoryUsed *= 1024;
- memoryFree *= 1024;
+ break;
+ }
- // kilobyte
- memoryTotal *= 1.024;
- memoryUsed *= 1.024;
- memoryFree *= 1.024;
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnit.text = unit;
- this._gpuBox.update_element_value(uuid, usage, '%');
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = `[${value.toFixed(2)}`;
+ } else {
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = `[${value.toFixed(0)}`;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._cpuFrequencyValue.text = _("[Frequency Error");
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnit.text = "";
+ }
+ }
- let value = 0;
- let unit = 'KB';
- switch (this._gpuMemoryUnitType) {
- case 'perc':
- const used = (100 * memoryUsed) / memoryTotal;
- unit = '%';
+ _refreshCpuLoadAverageValue() {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/loadavg").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- switch (this._gpuMemoryMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = 100 - used;
+ const entry = lines[0].trim().split(/\s/);
- break;
+ const l0 = entry[0];
+ const l1 = entry[1];
+ const l2 = entry[2];
- case 'used':
+ this._cpuLoadAverageValue.text = "[" + l0 + " " + l1 + " " + l2 + "]";
+ });
+ }
- default:
- value = used;
+ _refreshCpuTemperatureValue() {
+ if (this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length > 0) {
+ for (
+ let i = 0;
+ i < this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length;
+ i++
+ ) {
+ const element = this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList[i];
+ const it = element.split(
+ );
+ const status = it[1];
+ const path = it[2];
+ if (status === "false") {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (GLib.file_test(path, GLib.FileTest.EXISTS)) {
+ this._loadFile(path).then((contents) => {
+ const value = parseInt(new TextDecoder().decode(contents));
+ this._cpuTemperatures += value / 1000;
+ this._cpuTemperaturesReads++;
+ if (
+ this._cpuTemperaturesReads >=
+ this._thermalCpuTemperatureDevicesList.length
+ ) {
+ // Temperatures Average
+ this._cpuTemperatures /= this._cpuTemperaturesReads;
+ switch (this._thermalTemperatureUnit) {
+ case "f":
+ this._cpuTemperatures = this._cpuTemperatures * 1.8 + 32;
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = "°F";
- break;
- }
+ break;
- break;
+ case "c":
- case 'numeric':
+ default:
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = "°C";
- default:
- switch (this._gpuMemoryMonitor) {
- case 'free':
- value = memoryFree;
+ break;
+ }
- break;
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = `[${this._cpuTemperatures.toFixed(
+ 1
+ )}`;
+ } else {
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = `[${this._cpuTemperatures.toFixed(
+ 0
+ )}`;
+ }
- case 'used':
+ this._cpuTemperatures = 0;
+ this._cpuTemperaturesReads = 0;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = _("[Temperature Error");
+ this._cpuTemperatureUnit.text = "";
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ this._cpuTemperatureValue.text = _("[--");
+ }
+ }
- default:
- value = memoryUsed;
+ _refreshGpuValue() {
+ this._executeCommand([
+ "nvidia-smi",
+ "--query-gpu=uuid,memory.total,memory.used,memory.free,utilization.gpu,temperature.gpu",
+ "--format=csv,noheader",
+ ]).then((output) => {
+ const lines = output.split("\n");
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(/\,\s/);
+ const uuid = entry[0];
+ let memoryTotal = entry[1].slice(0, -4);
+ let memoryUsed = entry[2].slice(0, -4);
+ let memoryFree = entry[3].slice(0, -4);
+ const usage = entry[4].slice(0, -1);
+ const temperature = entry[5];
+ // mebibyte
+ memoryTotal = parseInt(memoryTotal);
+ memoryUsed = parseInt(memoryUsed);
+ memoryFree = parseInt(memoryFree);
+ // kibibyte
+ memoryTotal *= 1024;
+ memoryUsed *= 1024;
+ memoryFree *= 1024;
+ // kilobyte
+ memoryTotal *= 1.024;
+ memoryUsed *= 1.024;
+ memoryFree *= 1.024;
+ this._gpuBox.update_element_value(uuid, usage, "%");
+ let value = 0;
+ let unit = "KB";
+ switch (this._gpuMemoryUnitType) {
+ case "perc":
+ const used = (100 * memoryUsed) / memoryTotal;
+ unit = "%";
+ switch (this._gpuMemoryMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = 100 - used;
+ break;
+ case "used":
- break;
- }
+ default:
+ value = used;
- switch (this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure) {
- case 'k':
- unit = 'KB';
- break;
+ break;
+ }
- case 'm':
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
+ break;
- break;
+ case "numeric":
- case 'g':
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
+ default:
+ switch (this._gpuMemoryMonitor) {
+ case "free":
+ value = memoryFree;
- break;
+ break;
- case 't':
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
- value /= 1000;
+ case "used":
- break;
+ default:
+ value = memoryUsed;
- case 'auto':
+ break;
+ }
- default:
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'MB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'GB';
- value /= 1000;
- if (value > 1000) {
- unit = 'TB';
- value /= 1000;
- }
- }
- } else {
- unit = 'KB';
- }
+ switch (this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasure) {
+ case "k":
+ unit = "KB";
+ break;
- break;
- }
+ case "m":
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
- break;
- }
+ break;
- let valueT = parseInt(temperature);
- let unitT = '°C';
- switch (this._thermalTemperatureUnit) {
- case 'f':
- valueT = (valueT * 1.8) + 32;
- unitT = '°F';
+ case "g":
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
- break;
+ break;
- case 'c':
+ case "t":
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
+ value /= 1000;
- default:
- unitT = '°C';
+ break;
- break;
- }
+ case "auto":
- if (this._decimalsStatus) {
- this._gpuBox.update_element_memory_value(uuid, `${value.toFixed(1)}`, unit);
- this._gpuBox.update_element_thermal_value(uuid, `${valueT.toFixed(1)}`, unitT);
- } else {
- this._gpuBox.update_element_memory_value(uuid, `${value.toFixed(0)}`, unit);
- this._gpuBox.update_element_thermal_value(uuid, `${valueT.toFixed(0)}`, unitT);
+ default:
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "MB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "GB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ if (value > 1000) {
+ unit = "TB";
+ value /= 1000;
+ }
- }
- });
- }
- // Common Function
- _basicItemStatus(status, iconCondition, icon, ...elements) {
- if (status) {
- if (this._iconsStatus) {
- icon.show();
- }
- elements.forEach(element => {
- element.show();
- });
- } else {
- if (iconCondition) {
- icon.hide();
- }
- elements.forEach(element => {
- element.hide();
- });
- }
- }
- _basicItemWidth(width, element) {
- if (width === 0) {
- element.min_width = 0;
- element.natural_width = 0;
- element.min_width_set = false;
- element.natural_width_set = false;
- } else {
- element.width = width;
- }
- }
- _loadContents(file, cancellable = null) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- file.load_contents_async(cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
- try {
- const [ok, contents, etag_out] = source_object.load_contents_finish(res);
+ } else {
+ unit = "KB";
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ let valueT = parseInt(temperature);
+ let unitT = "°C";
+ switch (this._thermalTemperatureUnit) {
+ case "f":
+ valueT = valueT * 1.8 + 32;
+ unitT = "°F";
+ break;
+ case "c":
+ default:
+ unitT = "°C";
+ break;
+ }
+ if (this._decimalsStatus) {
+ this._gpuBox.update_element_memory_value(
+ uuid,
+ `${value.toFixed(1)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ this._gpuBox.update_element_thermal_value(
+ uuid,
+ `${valueT.toFixed(1)}`,
+ unitT
+ );
+ } else {
+ this._gpuBox.update_element_memory_value(
+ uuid,
+ `${value.toFixed(0)}`,
+ unit
+ );
+ this._gpuBox.update_element_thermal_value(
+ uuid,
+ `${valueT.toFixed(0)}`,
+ unitT
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ });
+ }
- resolve(contents);
- } catch (e) {
- reject(e);
- }
- });
- });
+ // Common Function
+ _basicItemStatus(status, iconCondition, icon, ...elements) {
+ if (status) {
+ if (this._iconsStatus) {
+ icon.show();
- async _loadFile(path, cancellable = null) {
- try {
- const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path);
- const contents = await this._loadContents(file, cancellable);
- return contents;
- } catch (error) {
- log('[Resource_Monitor] Load File Error (' + error + ')');
- }
+ elements.forEach((element) => {
+ element.show();
+ });
+ } else {
+ if (iconCondition) {
+ icon.hide();
+ elements.forEach((element) => {
+ element.hide();
+ });
+ }
+ }
- _readOutput(proc, cancellable = null) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- proc.communicate_utf8_async(null, cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
- try {
- const [ok, stdout, stderr] = source_object.communicate_utf8_finish(res);
+ _basicItemWidth(width, element) {
+ if (width === 0) {
+ element.min_width = 0;
+ element.natural_width = 0;
+ element.min_width_set = false;
+ element.natural_width_set = false;
+ } else {
+ element.width = width;
+ }
+ }
- if (source_object.get_successful()) {
- resolve(stdout);
- } else {
- throw new Error(stderr);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- reject(e);
- }
- });
- });
- }
+ _loadContents(file, cancellable = null) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ file.load_contents_async(cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
+ try {
+ const [ok, contents, etag_out] =
+ source_object.load_contents_finish(res);
+ resolve(contents);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
- async _executeCommand(command, cancellable = null) {
- try {
- const proc = Gio.Subprocess.new(command, Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_PIPE);
- const output = await this._readOutput(proc, cancellable);
+ async _loadFile(path, cancellable = null) {
+ try {
+ const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path);
+ const contents = await this._loadContents(file, cancellable);
- return output;
- } catch (error) {
- log('[Resource_Monitor] Execute Command Error (' + error + ')');
- }
- }
- });
+ return contents;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("[Resource_Monitor] Load File Error (" + error + ")");
+ }
+ }
-const DiskContainer = GObject.registerClass(
- class DiskContainer extends St.BoxLayout {
- _init() {
- super._init();
- this._elementsPath = [];
- this._elementsName = [];
- this._elementsLabel = [];
- this._elementsValue = [];
- this._elementsUnit = [];
- }
+ _readOutput(proc, cancellable = null) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ proc.communicate_utf8_async(null, cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
+ try {
+ const [ok, stdout, stderr] =
+ source_object.communicate_utf8_finish(res);
- set_element_width(width) {
- if (width === 0) {
- this._elementsPath.forEach(element => {
- this._elementsValue[element].min_width = 0;
- this._elementsValue[element].natural_width = 0;
- this._elementsValue[element].min_width_set = false;
- this._elementsValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
- });
+ if (source_object.get_successful()) {
+ resolve(stdout);
} else {
- this._elementsPath.forEach(element => {
- this._elementsValue[element].width = width;
- });
+ throw new Error(stderr);
- }
- cleanup_elements() {
- this._elementsPath = [];
- this._elementsName = [];
- this._elementsLabel = [];
- this._elementsValue = [];
- this._elementsUnit = [];
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
- this.remove_all_children();
- }
- });
+ async _executeCommand(command, cancellable = null) {
+ try {
+ const proc = Gio.Subprocess.new(
+ command,
+ Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_PIPE
+ );
+ const output = await this._readOutput(proc, cancellable);
+ return output;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(
+ "[Resource_Monitor] Execute Command Error (" + error + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
-const DiskContainerStats = GObject.registerClass(
- class DiskContainerStats extends DiskContainer {
- _init() {
- super._init();
+const DiskContainer = GObject.registerClass(
+ class DiskContainer extends St.BoxLayout {
+ _init() {
+ super._init();
+ this._elementsPath = [];
+ this._elementsName = [];
+ this._elementsLabel = [];
+ this._elementsValue = [];
+ this._elementsUnit = [];
+ }
- this.idleOld = [];
- this.rwTotOld = [];
+ set_element_width(width) {
+ if (width === 0) {
+ this._elementsPath.forEach((element) => {
+ this._elementsValue[element].min_width = 0;
+ this._elementsValue[element].natural_width = 0;
+ this._elementsValue[element].min_width_set = false;
+ this._elementsValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._elementsPath.forEach((element) => {
+ this._elementsValue[element].width = width;
+ });
+ }
+ }
- this.add_single();
- }
+ cleanup_elements() {
+ this._elementsPath = [];
+ this._elementsName = [];
+ this._elementsLabel = [];
+ this._elementsValue = [];
+ this._elementsUnit = [];
- add_single() {
- this._elementsPath.push('single');
+ this.remove_all_children();
+ }
+ }
- this._elementsValue['single'] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--|--'
- });
- this._elementsValue['single'].set_style('text-align: right;');
+const DiskContainerStats = GObject.registerClass(
+ class DiskContainerStats extends DiskContainer {
+ _init() {
+ super._init();
- this._elementsUnit['single'] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: 'K'
- });
- this._elementsUnit['single'].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ this.idleOld = [];
+ this.rwTotOld = [];
- this.add(this._elementsValue['single']);
- this.add(this._elementsUnit['single']);
+ this.add_single();
+ }
- this.idleOld['single'] = 0;
- this.rwTotOld['single'] = [0, 0];
- }
+ add_single() {
+ this._elementsPath.push("single");
- add_element(filesystem, label) {
- this._elementsPath.push(filesystem);
+ this._elementsValue["single"] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--|--",
+ });
+ this._elementsValue["single"].set_style("text-align: right;");
- this._elementsName[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ` ${label}: `
- });
+ this._elementsUnit["single"] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "K",
+ });
+ this._elementsUnit["single"].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
- this._elementsValue[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--|--'
- });
- this._elementsValue[filesystem].set_style('text-align: right;');
+ this.add(this._elementsValue["single"]);
+ this.add(this._elementsUnit["single"]);
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: 'K'
- });
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ this.idleOld["single"] = 0;
+ this.rwTotOld["single"] = [0, 0];
+ }
- this.add(this._elementsName[filesystem]);
- this.add(this._elementsValue[filesystem]);
- this.add(this._elementsUnit[filesystem]);
+ add_element(filesystem, label) {
+ this._elementsPath.push(filesystem);
- this.idleOld[filesystem] = 0;
- this.rwTotOld[filesystem] = [0, 0];
- }
+ this._elementsName[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: ` ${label}: `,
+ });
- update_mode(mode) {
- switch (mode) {
- case 'single':
- this._elementsPath.forEach(element => {
- if (element !== 'single') {
- this._elementsName[element].hide();
- this._elementsValue[element].hide();
- this._elementsUnit[element].hide();
- } else {
- this._elementsValue[element].show();
- this._elementsUnit[element].show();
- }
- });
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--|--",
+ });
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem].set_style("text-align: right;");
- break;
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "K",
+ });
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
- case 'multiple':
+ this.add(this._elementsName[filesystem]);
+ this.add(this._elementsValue[filesystem]);
+ this.add(this._elementsUnit[filesystem]);
- default:
- this._elementsPath.forEach(element => {
- if (element !== 'single') {
- this._elementsName[element].show();
- this._elementsValue[element].show();
- this._elementsUnit[element].show();
- } else {
- this._elementsValue[element].hide();
- this._elementsUnit[element].hide();
- }
- });
+ this.idleOld[filesystem] = 0;
+ this.rwTotOld[filesystem] = [0, 0];
+ }
- break;
+ update_mode(mode) {
+ switch (mode) {
+ case "single":
+ this._elementsPath.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element !== "single") {
+ this._elementsName[element].hide();
+ this._elementsValue[element].hide();
+ this._elementsUnit[element].hide();
+ } else {
+ this._elementsValue[element].show();
+ this._elementsUnit[element].show();
- }
+ });
- get_filesystem(name) {
- return this._elementsPath.filter(item => item.endsWith(name)).shift();
- }
+ break;
- get_idle(filesystem) {
- return this.idleOld[filesystem];
- }
- get_rw_tot(filesystem) {
- return this.rwTotOld[filesystem];
- }
+ case "multiple":
- set_idle(filesystem, idle) {
- this.idleOld[filesystem] = idle;
- }
- set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot) {
- this.rwTotOld[filesystem] = rwTot;
- }
- update_element_value(filesystem, value, unit) {
- if (this._elementsValue[filesystem]) {
- this._elementsValue[filesystem].text = value;
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem].text = unit;
+ default:
+ this._elementsPath.forEach((element) => {
+ if (element !== "single") {
+ this._elementsName[element].show();
+ this._elementsValue[element].show();
+ this._elementsUnit[element].show();
+ } else {
+ this._elementsValue[element].hide();
+ this._elementsUnit[element].hide();
- }
- });
-const DiskContainerSpace = GObject.registerClass(
- class DiskContainerSpace extends DiskContainer {
- add_element(filesystem, label) {
- this._elementsPath.push(filesystem);
- this._elementsName[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ` ${label}: `
- });
+ });
- this._elementsValue[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._elementsValue[filesystem].set_style('text-align: right;');
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: this._diskSpaceUnitType ? '%' : 'KB'
- });
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
+ get_filesystem(name) {
+ return this._elementsPath.filter((item) => item.endsWith(name)).shift();
+ }
- this.add(this._elementsName[filesystem]);
- this.add(this._elementsValue[filesystem]);
- this.add(this._elementsUnit[filesystem]);
- }
+ get_idle(filesystem) {
+ return this.idleOld[filesystem];
+ }
- update_element_value(filesystem, value, unit) {
- if (this._elementsValue[filesystem]) {
- this._elementsValue[filesystem].text = value;
- this._elementsUnit[filesystem].text = unit;
- }
- }
- });
+ get_rw_tot(filesystem) {
+ return this.rwTotOld[filesystem];
+ }
-const GpuContainer = GObject.registerClass(
- class GpuContainer extends St.BoxLayout {
- _init() {
- super._init();
- this._elementsUuid = [];
- this._elementsName = [];
- this._elementsValue = [];
- this._elementsUnit = [];
- this._elementsMemoryValue = [];
- this._elementsMemoryUnit = [];
- this._elementsThermalValue = [];
- this._elementsThermalUnit = [];
- }
+ set_idle(filesystem, idle) {
+ this.idleOld[filesystem] = idle;
+ }
- set_element_width(width) {
- if (width === 0) {
- this._elementsUuid.forEach(element => {
- if (typeof this._elementsValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsValue[element].min_width = 0;
- this._elementsValue[element].natural_width = 0;
- this._elementsValue[element].min_width_set = false;
- this._elementsValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
- }
+ set_rw_tot(filesystem, rwTot) {
+ this.rwTotOld[filesystem] = rwTot;
+ }
- if (typeof this._elementsMemoryValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsMemoryValue[element].min_width = 0;
- this._elementsMemoryValue[element].natural_width = 0;
- this._elementsMemoryValue[element].min_width_set = false;
- this._elementsMemoryValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
- }
- });
- } else {
- this._elementsUuid.forEach(element => {
- if (typeof this._elementsValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsValue[element].width = width;
- }
+ update_element_value(filesystem, value, unit) {
+ if (this._elementsValue[filesystem]) {
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem].text = value;
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem].text = unit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- if (typeof this._elementsMemoryValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsMemoryValue[element].width = width;
- }
- });
- }
- }
+const DiskContainerSpace = GObject.registerClass(
+ class DiskContainerSpace extends DiskContainer {
+ add_element(filesystem, label) {
+ this._elementsPath.push(filesystem);
+ this._elementsName[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: ` ${label}: `,
+ });
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem].set_style("text-align: right;");
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: this._diskSpaceUnitType ? "%" : "KB",
+ });
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this.add(this._elementsName[filesystem]);
+ this.add(this._elementsValue[filesystem]);
+ this.add(this._elementsUnit[filesystem]);
+ }
- set_element_thermal_width(width) {
- if (width === 0) {
- this._elementsUuid.forEach(element => {
- if (typeof this._elementsThermalValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsThermalValue[element].min_width = 0;
- this._elementsThermalValue[element].natural_width = 0;
- this._elementsThermalValue[element].min_width_set = false;
- this._elementsThermalValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
- }
- });
- } else {
- this._elementsUuid.forEach(element => {
- if (typeof this._elementsThermalValue[element] !== 'undefined') {
- this._elementsThermalValue[element].width = width;
- }
- });
- }
- }
+ update_element_value(filesystem, value, unit) {
+ if (this._elementsValue[filesystem]) {
+ this._elementsValue[filesystem].text = value;
+ this._elementsUnit[filesystem].text = unit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- cleanup_elements() {
- this._elementsUuid = [];
- this._elementsName = [];
- this._elementsValue = [];
- this._elementsUnit = [];
- this._elementsMemoryValue = [];
- this._elementsMemoryUnit = [];
- this._elementsThermalValue = [];
- this._elementsThermalUnit = [];
- this.remove_all_children();
- }
+const GpuContainer = GObject.registerClass(
+ class GpuContainer extends St.BoxLayout {
+ _init() {
+ super._init();
+ this._elementsUuid = [];
+ this._elementsName = [];
+ this._elementsValue = [];
+ this._elementsUnit = [];
+ this._elementsMemoryValue = [];
+ this._elementsMemoryUnit = [];
+ this._elementsThermalValue = [];
+ this._elementsThermalUnit = [];
+ }
- add_element(uuid, label, usage, memory, thermal) {
- this._elementsUuid.push(uuid);
+ set_element_width(width) {
+ if (width === 0) {
+ this._elementsUuid.forEach((element) => {
+ if (typeof this._elementsValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsValue[element].min_width = 0;
+ this._elementsValue[element].natural_width = 0;
+ this._elementsValue[element].min_width_set = false;
+ this._elementsValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
+ }
+ if (typeof this._elementsMemoryValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[element].min_width = 0;
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[element].natural_width = 0;
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[element].min_width_set = false;
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._elementsUuid.forEach((element) => {
+ if (typeof this._elementsValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsValue[element].width = width;
+ }
+ if (typeof this._elementsMemoryValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[element].width = width;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
- if (label !== null) {
- this._elementsName[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ` ${label}: `
- });
- this.add(this._elementsName[uuid]);
- }
+ set_element_thermal_width(width) {
+ if (width === 0) {
+ this._elementsUuid.forEach((element) => {
+ if (typeof this._elementsThermalValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsThermalValue[element].min_width = 0;
+ this._elementsThermalValue[element].natural_width = 0;
+ this._elementsThermalValue[element].min_width_set = false;
+ this._elementsThermalValue[element].natural_width_set = false;
+ }
+ });
+ } else {
+ this._elementsUuid.forEach((element) => {
+ if (typeof this._elementsThermalValue[element] !== "undefined") {
+ this._elementsThermalValue[element].width = width;
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ }
- // Usage
- if (usage) {
- this._elementsValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._elementsValue[uuid].set_style('text-align: right;');
- this._elementsUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '%'
- });
- this._elementsUnit[uuid].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '['
- }));
- this.add(this._elementsValue[uuid]);
- this.add(this._elementsUnit[uuid]);
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ']'
- }));
- }
+ cleanup_elements() {
+ this._elementsUuid = [];
+ this._elementsName = [];
+ this._elementsValue = [];
+ this._elementsUnit = [];
+ this._elementsMemoryValue = [];
+ this._elementsMemoryUnit = [];
+ this._elementsThermalValue = [];
+ this._elementsThermalUnit = [];
+ this.remove_all_children();
+ }
- // Memory
- if (memory) {
- this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid].set_style('text-align: right;');
- this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: this._gpuMemoryUnitType ? '%' : 'KB'
- });
- this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '['
- }));
- this.add(this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid]);
- this.add(this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid]);
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ']'
- }));
- }
+ add_element(uuid, label, usage, memory, thermal) {
+ this._elementsUuid.push(uuid);
- // Thermal
- if (thermal) {
- this._elementsThermalValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '--'
- });
- this._elementsThermalValue[uuid].set_style('text-align: right;');
- this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '°C'
- });
- this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid].set_style('padding-left: 0.125em;');
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: '['
- }));
- this.add(this._elementsThermalValue[uuid]);
- this.add(this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid]);
- this.add(new St.Label({
- y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
- text: ']'
- }));
- }
- }
+ if (label !== null) {
+ this._elementsName[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: ` ${label}: `,
+ });
+ this.add(this._elementsName[uuid]);
+ }
+ // Usage
+ if (usage) {
+ this._elementsValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._elementsValue[uuid].set_style("text-align: right;");
- update_element_value(uuid, value, unit) {
- if (this._elementsValue[uuid]) {
- this._elementsValue[uuid].text = value;
- this._elementsUnit[uuid].text = unit;
- }
- }
+ this._elementsUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "%",
+ });
+ this._elementsUnit[uuid].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[",
+ })
+ );
+ this.add(this._elementsValue[uuid]);
+ this.add(this._elementsUnit[uuid]);
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "]",
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ // Memory
+ if (memory) {
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid].set_style("text-align: right;");
- update_element_memory_value(uuid, value, unit) {
- if (this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid]) {
- this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid].text = value;
- this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid].text = unit;
- }
- }
+ this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: this._gpuMemoryUnitType ? "%" : "KB",
+ });
+ this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[",
+ })
+ );
+ this.add(this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid]);
+ this.add(this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid]);
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "]",
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ // Thermal
+ if (thermal) {
+ this._elementsThermalValue[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "--",
+ });
+ this._elementsThermalValue[uuid].set_style("text-align: right;");
- update_element_thermal_value(uuid, value, unit) {
- if (this._elementsThermalValue[uuid]) {
- this._elementsThermalValue[uuid].text = value;
- this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid].text = unit;
- }
- }
- });
+ this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid] = new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "°C",
+ });
+ this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid].set_style("padding-left: 0.125em;");
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "[",
+ })
+ );
+ this.add(this._elementsThermalValue[uuid]);
+ this.add(this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid]);
+ this.add(
+ new St.Label({
+ y_align: Clutter.ActorAlign.CENTER,
+ text: "]",
+ })
+ );
+ }
+ }
-class Extension {
- constructor(uuid) {
- this._uuid = uuid;
+ update_element_value(uuid, value, unit) {
+ if (this._elementsValue[uuid]) {
+ this._elementsValue[uuid].text = value;
+ this._elementsUnit[uuid].text = unit;
+ }
+ }
- ExtensionUtils.initTranslations(GETTEXT_DOMAIN);
+ update_element_memory_value(uuid, value, unit) {
+ if (this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid]) {
+ this._elementsMemoryValue[uuid].text = value;
+ this._elementsMemoryUnit[uuid].text = unit;
+ }
- enable() {
- this._settings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings();
- this._indicator = new ResourceMonitor(this._settings);
+ update_element_thermal_value(uuid, value, unit) {
+ if (this._elementsThermalValue[uuid]) {
+ this._elementsThermalValue[uuid].text = value;
+ this._elementsThermalUnit[uuid].text = unit;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export default class ResourceMonitorExtension extends Extension {
+ enable() {
+ this._settings = this.getSettings();
+ this._indicator = new ResourceMonitor({
+ settings: this._settings,
+ openPreferences: () => {
+ this.openPreferences();
+ },
+ path: this.path,
+ metadata: this.metadata,
+ });
- const index = {
- left: -1,
- center: 0,
- right: 0,
- };
+ const index = {
+ left: -1,
+ center: 0,
+ right: 0,
+ };
+ this._extensionPosition = this._settings.get_string(EXTENSION_POSITION);
+ this._handlerId = this._settings.connect(
+ `changed::${EXTENSION_POSITION}`,
+ () => {
this._extensionPosition = this._settings.get_string(EXTENSION_POSITION);
- this._handlerId = this._settings.connect(`changed::${EXTENSION_POSITION}`, () => {
- this._extensionPosition = this._settings.get_string(EXTENSION_POSITION);
- this._indicator.destroy();
- this._indicator = null;
- this._indicator = new ResourceMonitor(this._settings);
- Main.panel.addToStatusArea(this._uuid, this._indicator, index[this._extensionPosition], this._extensionPosition);
- });
- Main.panel.addToStatusArea(this._uuid, this._indicator, index[this._extensionPosition], this._extensionPosition);
- }
- disable() {
- // Disconnect Signal
- this._settings.disconnect(this._handlerId);
this._indicator = null;
- }
+ this._indicator = new ResourceMonitor({
+ settings: this._settings,
+ openPreferences: () => {
+ this.openPreferences();
+ },
+ path: this.path,
+ metadata: this.metadata,
+ });
-function init(meta) {
- return new Extension(meta.uuid);
+ Main.panel.addToStatusArea(
+ this.uuid,
+ this._indicator,
+ index[this._extensionPosition],
+ this._extensionPosition
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ Main.panel.addToStatusArea(
+ this.uuid,
+ this._indicator,
+ index[this._extensionPosition],
+ this._extensionPosition
+ );
+ }
+ disable() {
+ // Disconnect Signal
+ this._settings.disconnect(this._handlerId);
+ this._settings = null;
+ this._indicator.destroy();
+ this._indicator = null;
+ }
diff --git a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/metadata.json b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/metadata.json
index 621992f..6e8de2c 100644
--- a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/metadata.json
+++ b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/metadata.json
@@ -1,18 +1,14 @@
- "_generated": "Generated by SweetTooth, do not edit",
- "author": "Giuseppe Silvestro",
- "description": "Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in gnome shell top bar.",
- "gettext-domain": "com-github-Ory0n-Resource_Monitor",
"name": "Resource Monitor",
- "settings-schema": "com.github.Ory0n.Resource_Monitor",
+ "uuid": "Resource_Monitor@Ory0n",
+ "description": "Monitor the use of system resources like cpu, ram, disk, network and display them in gnome shell top bar.",
"shell-version": [
- "40",
- "41",
- "42",
- "43",
- "44"
+ "45"
"url": "https://github.com/0ry0n/Resource_Monitor/",
- "uuid": "Resource_Monitor@Ory0n",
- "version": 19
+ "donations": {
+ "paypal": "0ry0n"
+ },
+ "gettext-domain": "com-github-Ory0n-Resource_Monitor",
+ "settings-schema": "com.github.Ory0n.Resource_Monitor"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.css b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.css
index 05cb6b6..e216e9d 100644
--- a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.css
+++ b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.css
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
.main-label {
- font-weight: bold;
\ No newline at end of file
+ font-weight: bold;
diff --git a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.js b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.js
index 5fa2695..ed176f4 100644
--- a/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.js
+++ b/Resource_Monitor@Ory0n/prefs.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
/* -*- mode: js2; js2-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*- */
-/* exported init, buildPrefsWidget */
* Resource_Monitor is Copyright © 2018-2023 Giuseppe Silvestro
@@ -20,784 +19,1185 @@
* along with Resource_Monitor. If not, see .
-'use strict';
+import Gio from "gi://Gio";
+import GObject from "gi://GObject";
+import Gtk from "gi://Gtk";
+import Gdk from "gi://Gdk";
+import Adw from "gi://Adw";
-const GETTEXT_DOMAIN = 'com-github-Ory0n-Resource_Monitor';
-const { Gio, GObject, Gtk, Gdk, GLib } = imports.gi;
-const ExtensionUtils = imports.misc.extensionUtils;
-const ByteArray = imports.byteArray;
-const Me = ExtensionUtils.getCurrentExtension();
-const Gettext = imports.gettext;
-const Domain = Gettext.domain(Me.metadata.uuid);
-const _ = Domain.gettext;
-const ngettext = Domain.ngettext;
+import {
+ ExtensionPreferences,
+ gettext as _,
+} from "resource:///org/gnome/Shell/Extensions/js/extensions/prefs.js";
// Settings
-const REFRESH_TIME = 'refreshtime';
-const EXTENSION_POSITION = 'extensionposition';
-const DECIMALS_STATUS = 'decimalsstatus';
-const LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = 'leftclickstatus';
-const RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS = 'rightclickstatus';
-const CUSTOM_LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = 'customleftclickstatus';
-const ICONS_STATUS = 'iconsstatus';
-const ICONS_POSITION = 'iconsposition';
-const ITEMS_POSITION = 'itemsposition';
-const CPU_STATUS = 'cpustatus';
-const CPU_WIDTH = 'cpuwidth';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS = 'cpufrequencystatus';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH = 'cpufrequencywidth';
-const CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE = 'cpufrequencyunitmeasure';
-const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS = 'cpuloadaveragestatus';
-const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH = 'cpuloadaveragewidth';
-const RAM_STATUS = 'ramstatus';
-const RAM_WIDTH = 'ramwidth';
-const RAM_UNIT = 'ramunit';
-const RAM_UNIT_MEASURE = 'ramunitmeasure';
-const RAM_MONITOR = 'rammonitor';
-const SWAP_STATUS = 'swapstatus';
-const SWAP_WIDTH = 'swapwidth';
-const SWAP_UNIT = 'swapunit';
-const SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE = 'swapunitmeasure';
-const SWAP_MONITOR = 'swapmonitor';
-const DISK_STATS_STATUS = 'diskstatsstatus';
-const DISK_STATS_WIDTH = 'diskstatswidth';
-const DISK_STATS_MODE = 'diskstatsmode';
-const DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE = 'diskstatsunitmeasure';
-const DISK_SPACE_STATUS = 'diskspacestatus';
-const DISK_SPACE_WIDTH = 'diskspacewidth';
-const DISK_SPACE_UNIT = 'diskspaceunit';
-const DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE = 'diskspaceunitmeasure';
-const DISK_SPACE_MONITOR = 'diskspacemonitor';
-const DISK_DEVICES_DISPLAY_ALL = 'diskdevicesdisplayall';
-const DISK_DEVICES_LIST = 'diskdeviceslist';
-const NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS = 'netautohidestatus';
-const NET_UNIT = 'netunit';
-const NET_UNIT_MEASURE = 'netunitmeasure';
-const NET_ETH_STATUS = 'netethstatus';
-const NET_ETH_WIDTH = 'netethwidth';
-const NET_WLAN_STATUS = 'netwlanstatus';
-const NET_WLAN_WIDTH = 'netwlanwidth';
-const THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = 'thermaltemperatureunit';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = 'thermalcputemperaturestatus';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = 'thermalcputemperaturewidth';
-const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = 'thermalcputemperaturedeviceslist';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = 'thermalgputemperaturestatus';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = 'thermalgputemperaturewidth';
-const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = 'thermalgputemperaturedeviceslist';
-const GPU_STATUS = 'gpustatus';
-const GPU_WIDTH = 'gpuwidth';
-const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT = 'gpumemoryunit';
-const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE = 'gpumemoryunitmeasure';
-const GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR = 'gpumemorymonitor';
-const GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME = 'gpudisplaydevicename'
-const GPU_DEVICES_LIST = 'gpudeviceslist';
-const ResourceMonitorBuilderScope = GObject.registerClass({
+const REFRESH_TIME = "refreshtime";
+const EXTENSION_POSITION = "extensionposition";
+const DECIMALS_STATUS = "decimalsstatus";
+const LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = "leftclickstatus";
+const RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS = "rightclickstatus";
+const CUSTOM_LEFT_CLICK_STATUS = "customleftclickstatus";
+const ICONS_STATUS = "iconsstatus";
+const ICONS_POSITION = "iconsposition";
+const ITEMS_POSITION = "itemsposition";
+const CPU_STATUS = "cpustatus";
+const CPU_WIDTH = "cpuwidth";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS = "cpufrequencystatus";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH = "cpufrequencywidth";
+const CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE = "cpufrequencyunitmeasure";
+const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS = "cpuloadaveragestatus";
+const CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH = "cpuloadaveragewidth";
+const RAM_STATUS = "ramstatus";
+const RAM_WIDTH = "ramwidth";
+const RAM_UNIT = "ramunit";
+const RAM_UNIT_MEASURE = "ramunitmeasure";
+const RAM_MONITOR = "rammonitor";
+const SWAP_STATUS = "swapstatus";
+const SWAP_WIDTH = "swapwidth";
+const SWAP_UNIT = "swapunit";
+const SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE = "swapunitmeasure";
+const SWAP_MONITOR = "swapmonitor";
+const DISK_STATS_STATUS = "diskstatsstatus";
+const DISK_STATS_WIDTH = "diskstatswidth";
+const DISK_STATS_MODE = "diskstatsmode";
+const DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE = "diskstatsunitmeasure";
+const DISK_SPACE_STATUS = "diskspacestatus";
+const DISK_SPACE_WIDTH = "diskspacewidth";
+const DISK_SPACE_UNIT = "diskspaceunit";
+const DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE = "diskspaceunitmeasure";
+const DISK_SPACE_MONITOR = "diskspacemonitor";
+const DISK_DEVICES_DISPLAY_ALL = "diskdevicesdisplayall";
+const DISK_DEVICES_LIST = "diskdeviceslist";
+const NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS = "netautohidestatus";
+const NET_UNIT = "netunit";
+const NET_UNIT_MEASURE = "netunitmeasure";
+const NET_ETH_STATUS = "netethstatus";
+const NET_ETH_WIDTH = "netethwidth";
+const NET_WLAN_STATUS = "netwlanstatus";
+const NET_WLAN_WIDTH = "netwlanwidth";
+const THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT = "thermaltemperatureunit";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = "thermalcputemperaturestatus";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = "thermalcputemperaturewidth";
+const THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = "thermalcputemperaturedeviceslist";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS = "thermalgputemperaturestatus";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH = "thermalgputemperaturewidth";
+const THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST = "thermalgputemperaturedeviceslist";
+const GPU_STATUS = "gpustatus";
+const GPU_WIDTH = "gpuwidth";
+const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT = "gpumemoryunit";
+const GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE = "gpumemoryunitmeasure";
+const GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR = "gpumemorymonitor";
+const GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME = "gpudisplaydevicename";
+const GPU_DEVICES_LIST = "gpudeviceslist";
+const ResourceMonitorBuilderScope = GObject.registerClass(
+ {
Implements: [Gtk.BuilderScope],
-}, class ResourceMonitorBuilderScope extends GObject.Object {
+ },
+ class ResourceMonitorBuilderScope extends GObject.Object {
vfunc_create_closure(builder, handlerName, flags, connectObject) {
- if (flags & Gtk.BuilderClosureFlags.SWAPPED)
- throw new Error('Unsupported template signal flag "swapped"');
+ if (flags & Gtk.BuilderClosureFlags.SWAPPED)
+ throw new Error('Unsupported template signal flag "swapped"');
- if (typeof this[handlerName] === 'undefined')
- throw new Error(`${handlerName} is undefined`);
+ if (typeof this[handlerName] === "undefined")
+ throw new Error(`${handlerName} is undefined`);
- return this[handlerName].bind(connectObject || this);
+ return this[handlerName].bind(connectObject || this);
+ }
const ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget = GObject.registerClass(
- class ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget extends GObject.Object {
- _connectSpinButton(settings, settingsName, element) {
- settings.bind(settingsName, element, 'value', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- }
- _connectComboBox(settings, settingsName, element) {
- settings.bind(settingsName, element, 'active-id', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- }
- _connectSwitchButton(settings, settingsName, element) {
- settings.bind(settingsName, element, 'active', Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT);
- }
- _init() {
- // Gtk Css Provider
- this._provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();
- this._provider.load_from_path(Me.dir.get_path() + '/prefs.css');
- Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display(
- Gdk.Display.get_default(),
- this._provider,
- // Gtk Builder
- this._builder = new Gtk.Builder();
- this._builder.set_scope(new ResourceMonitorBuilderScope());
- this._builder.set_translation_domain(GETTEXT_DOMAIN);
- this._builder.add_from_file(Me.dir.get_path() + '/prefs.ui');
- // Settings
- this._settings = ExtensionUtils.getSettings();
+ class ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget extends GObject.Object {
+ _connectSpinButton(settings, settingsName, element) {
+ settings.bind(
+ settingsName,
+ element,
+ "value",
+ Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT
+ );
+ }
- // PREFS
- this.notebook = this._builder.get_object('main_notebook');
+ _connectComboBox(settings, settingsName, element) {
+ settings.bind(
+ settingsName,
+ element,
+ "active-id",
+ Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT
+ );
+ }
- this._buildGlobal();
+ _connectSwitchButton(settings, settingsName, element) {
+ settings.bind(
+ settingsName,
+ element,
+ "active",
+ Gio.SettingsBindFlags.DEFAULT
+ );
+ }
- this._buildCpu();
+ _init({ settings, dir, metadata }) {
+ this._settings = settings;
+ this._dir = dir;
+ this._metadata = metadata;
- this._buildRam();
+ // Gtk Css Provider
+ this._provider = new Gtk.CssProvider();
+ this._provider.load_from_path(this._dir.get_path() + "/prefs.css");
+ Gtk.StyleContext.add_provider_for_display(
+ Gdk.Display.get_default(),
+ this._provider,
+ );
- this._buildSwap();
+ // Gtk Builder
+ this._builder = new Gtk.Builder();
+ this._builder.set_scope(new ResourceMonitorBuilderScope());
+ this._builder.set_translation_domain(this._metadata["gettext-domain"]);
+ this._builder.add_from_file(this._dir.get_path() + "/prefs.ui");
- this._buildDisk();
+ // PREFS
+ this.notebook = this._builder.get_object("main_notebook");
- this._buildNet();
+ this._buildGlobal();
- this._buildThermal();
+ this._buildCpu();
- this._buildGpu();
- }
+ this._buildRam();
- _buildGlobal() {
- this._secondsSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('seconds_spinbutton');
- this._extensionPositionCombobox = this._builder.get_object('extension_position_combobox');
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM = this._builder.get_object('extension_left_click_radiobutton_sm');
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU = this._builder.get_object('extension_left_click_radiobutton_u');
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom = this._builder.get_object('extension_left_click_radiobutton_custom');
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom = this._builder.get_object('extension_left_click_textview_custom');
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer = this._builder.get_object('extension_left_click_textview_textbuffer');
- this._extensionRightClickPrefs = this._builder.get_object('extension_right_click_prefs');
- this._decimalsDisplay = this._builder.get_object('decimals_display');
- this._iconsDisplay = this._builder.get_object('icons_display')
- this._iconsPositionCombobox = this._builder.get_object('icons_position_combobox');
- this._itemsPositionListbox = this._builder.get_object('items_position_listbox')
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, REFRESH_TIME, this._secondsSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, EXTENSION_POSITION, this._extensionPositionCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, RIGHT_CLICK_STATUS, this._extensionRightClickPrefs);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, DECIMALS_STATUS, this._decimalsDisplay);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, ICONS_STATUS, this._iconsDisplay);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, ICONS_POSITION, this._iconsPositionCombobox);
- this._iconsDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._iconsPositionCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._iconsPositionCombobox.sensitive = this._iconsDisplay.active;
+ this._buildSwap();
- let active = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
- let textBufferCustom = this._settings.get_string(CUSTOM_LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ this._buildDisk();
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM.connect('toggled', button => {
- if (button.active) {
- this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, 'gnome-system-monitor');
- }
- });
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM.active = ('gnome-system-monitor' === active);
+ this._buildNet();
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU.connect('toggled', button => {
- if (button.active) {
- this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, 'gnome-usage');
- }
- });
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU.active = ('gnome-usage' === active);
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.connect('toggled', button => {
- if (button.active) {
- this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, textBufferCustom);
- }
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.active = (textBufferCustom === active);
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom.sensitive = this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.active;
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer.text = textBufferCustom;
+ this._buildThermal();
- this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer.connect('changed', tBuffer => {
- this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, tBuffer.text);
- this._settings.set_string(CUSTOM_LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, tBuffer.text);
- });
- // ListBox
- let itemsPositionArray = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
- for (let i = 0; i < itemsPositionArray.length; i++) {
- const element = itemsPositionArray[i];
- let row = new Gtk.ListBoxRow();
- let box = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL });
- let up = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: 'go-up' });
- up.connect('clicked', button => {
- const index = row.get_index()
- if (index > 0) {
- [itemsPositionArray[index], itemsPositionArray[index - 1]] = [itemsPositionArray[index - 1], itemsPositionArray[index]];
- this._itemsPositionListbox.remove(row);
- this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, index - 1);
- this._settings.set_strv(ITEMS_POSITION, itemsPositionArray);
- }
- });
- let down = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: 'go-down' });
- down.connect('clicked', button => {
- const index = row.get_index()
- if (index < itemsPositionArray.length) {
- [itemsPositionArray[index], itemsPositionArray[index + 1]] = [itemsPositionArray[index + 1], itemsPositionArray[index]];
- this._itemsPositionListbox.remove(row);
- this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, index + 1);
- this._settings.set_strv(ITEMS_POSITION, itemsPositionArray);
- }
- });
- box.append(new Gtk.Label({ label: element, hexpand: true, halign: Gtk.Align.START }));
- box.append(up);
- box.append(down);
- row.child = box;
+ this._buildGpu();
+ }
- this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, i);
- }
+ _buildGlobal() {
+ this._secondsSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object("seconds_spinbutton");
+ this._extensionPositionCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_position_combobox"
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_left_click_radiobutton_sm"
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_left_click_radiobutton_u"
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_left_click_radiobutton_custom"
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_left_click_textview_custom"
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_left_click_textview_textbuffer"
+ );
+ this._extensionRightClickPrefs = this._builder.get_object(
+ "extension_right_click_prefs"
+ );
+ this._decimalsDisplay = this._builder.get_object("decimals_display");
+ this._iconsDisplay = this._builder.get_object("icons_display");
+ this._iconsPositionCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "icons_position_combobox"
+ );
+ this._itemsPositionListbox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "items_position_listbox"
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._secondsSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._extensionPositionCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._extensionRightClickPrefs
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._decimalsDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._iconsDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._iconsPositionCombobox
+ );
+ this._iconsDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._iconsPositionCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._iconsPositionCombobox.sensitive = this._iconsDisplay.active;
+ let active = this._settings.get_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS);
+ let textBufferCustom = this._settings.get_string(
+ );
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM.connect("toggled", (button) => {
+ if (button.active) {
+ this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, "gnome-system-monitor");
+ });
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonSM.active =
+ "gnome-system-monitor" === active;
- _buildCpu() {
- this._cpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object('cpu_display');
- this._cpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('cpu_width_spinbutton');
- this._cpuFrequencyDisplay = this._builder.get_object('cpu_frequency_display');
- this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('cpu_frequency_width_spinbutton');
- this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('cpu_frequency_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay = this._builder.get_object('cpu_loadaverage_display');
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('cpu_loadaverage_width_spinbutton');
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, CPU_STATUS, this._cpuDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, CPU_WIDTH, this._cpuWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, CPU_FREQUENCY_STATUS, this._cpuFrequencyDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, CPU_FREQUENCY_WIDTH, this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, CPU_FREQUENCY_UNIT_MEASURE, this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, CPU_LOADAVERAGE_STATUS, this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, CPU_LOADAVERAGE_WIDTH, this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton);
- this._cpuDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._cpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._cpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._cpuDisplay.active;
- this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.active;
- this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.active;
- this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay.active;
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU.connect("toggled", (button) => {
+ if (button.active) {
+ this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, "gnome-usage");
+ });
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonU.active = "gnome-usage" === active;
- _buildRam() {
- this._ramDisplay = this._builder.get_object('ram_display');
- this._ramWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('ram_width_spinbutton');
- this._ramUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('ram_unit_combobox');
- this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('ram_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._ramMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object('ram_monitor_combobox');
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, RAM_STATUS, this._ramDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, RAM_WIDTH, this._ramWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, RAM_UNIT, this._ramUnitCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, RAM_UNIT_MEASURE, this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, RAM_MONITOR, this._ramMonitorCombobox);
- this._ramDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._ramWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._ramUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._ramMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._ramWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
- this._ramUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
- this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
- this._ramMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.connect("toggled", (button) => {
+ if (button.active) {
+ this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, textBufferCustom);
- _buildSwap() {
- this._swapDisplay = this._builder.get_object('swap_display');
- this._swapWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('swap_width_spinbutton');
- this._swapUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('swap_unit_combobox');
- this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('swap_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._swapMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object('swap_monitor_combobox');
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, SWAP_STATUS, this._swapDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, SWAP_WIDTH, this._swapWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, SWAP_UNIT, this._swapUnitCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, SWAP_UNIT_MEASURE, this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, SWAP_MONITOR, this._swapMonitorCombobox);
- this._swapDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._swapWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._swapUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._swapMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._swapWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
- this._swapUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
- this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
- this._swapMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.active =
+ textBufferCustom === active;
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewCustom.sensitive =
+ this._extensionLeftClickRadioButtonCustom.active;
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer.text = textBufferCustom;
+ this._extensionLeftClickTextViewTextBuffer.connect(
+ "changed",
+ (tBuffer) => {
+ this._settings.set_string(LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, tBuffer.text);
+ this._settings.set_string(CUSTOM_LEFT_CLICK_STATUS, tBuffer.text);
+ );
+ // ListBox
+ let itemsPositionArray = this._settings.get_strv(ITEMS_POSITION);
+ for (let i = 0; i < itemsPositionArray.length; i++) {
+ const element = itemsPositionArray[i];
+ let row = new Gtk.ListBoxRow();
+ let box = new Gtk.Box({ orientation: Gtk.Orientation.HORIZONTAL });
+ let up = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: "go-up" });
+ up.connect("clicked", (button) => {
+ const index = row.get_index();
+ if (index > 0) {
+ [itemsPositionArray[index], itemsPositionArray[index - 1]] = [
+ itemsPositionArray[index - 1],
+ itemsPositionArray[index],
+ ];
+ this._itemsPositionListbox.remove(row);
+ this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, index - 1);
+ this._settings.set_strv(ITEMS_POSITION, itemsPositionArray);
+ }
+ });
+ let down = new Gtk.Button({ icon_name: "go-down" });
+ down.connect("clicked", (button) => {
+ const index = row.get_index();
+ if (index < itemsPositionArray.length) {
+ [itemsPositionArray[index], itemsPositionArray[index + 1]] = [
+ itemsPositionArray[index + 1],
+ itemsPositionArray[index],
+ ];
+ this._itemsPositionListbox.remove(row);
+ this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, index + 1);
+ this._settings.set_strv(ITEMS_POSITION, itemsPositionArray);
+ }
+ });
+ box.append(
+ new Gtk.Label({
+ label: element,
+ hexpand: true,
+ halign: Gtk.Align.START,
+ })
+ );
+ box.append(up);
+ box.append(down);
+ row.child = box;
+ this._itemsPositionListbox.insert(row, i);
+ }
+ }
- _buildDisk() {
- this._diskStatsDisplay = this._builder.get_object('disk_stats_display');
- this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('disk_stats_width_spinbutton');
- this._diskStatsModeCombobox = this._builder.get_object('disk_stats_mode_combobox');
- this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('disk_stats_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._diskSpaceDisplay = this._builder.get_object('disk_space_display');
- this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('disk_space_width_spinbutton');
- this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('disk_space_unit_combobox');
- this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('disk_space_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object('disk_space_monitor_combobox');
- this._diskDevicesDisplayAll = this._builder.get_object('disk_devices_display_all');
- this._diskDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object('disk_devices_treeview')
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, DISK_STATS_STATUS, this._diskStatsDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, DISK_STATS_WIDTH, this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, DISK_STATS_MODE, this._diskStatsModeCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, DISK_STATS_UNIT_MEASURE, this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, DISK_SPACE_STATUS, this._diskSpaceDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, DISK_SPACE_WIDTH, this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, DISK_SPACE_UNIT, this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, DISK_SPACE_UNIT_MEASURE, this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, DISK_SPACE_MONITOR, this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, DISK_DEVICES_DISPLAY_ALL, this._diskDevicesDisplayAll);
- this._diskStatsDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._diskStatsModeCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
- this._diskStatsModeCombobox.sensitive = this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
- this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
- this._diskSpaceDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
- this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
- this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
- this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
- // TreeView
- this._disk_devices_model = new Gtk.ListStore();
- this._disk_devices_model.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
- this._diskDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._disk_devices_model);
- let deviceCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
- let mountPointCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
- let statsCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
- let spaceCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(3);
- let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
- empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
- this._diskDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
- let deviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- deviceCol.pack_start(deviceColText, false);
- deviceCol.add_attribute(deviceColText, 'text', 0);
- let mountPointColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- mountPointCol.pack_start(mountPointColText, false);
- mountPointCol.add_attribute(mountPointColText, 'text', 1);
+ _buildCpu() {
+ this._cpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object("cpu_display");
+ this._cpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._cpuFrequencyDisplay = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_frequency_display"
+ );
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_frequency_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_frequency_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_loadaverage_display"
+ );
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "cpu_loadaverage_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, CPU_STATUS, this._cpuDisplay);
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuFrequencyDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._cpuDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._cpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._cpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._cpuDisplay.active;
+ this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._cpuFrequencyWidthSpinbutton.sensitive =
+ this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.active;
+ this._cpuFrequencyUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive =
+ this._cpuFrequencyDisplay.active;
+ this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._cpuLoadAverageWidthSpinbutton.sensitive =
+ this._cpuLoadAverageDisplay.active;
+ }
- let statsColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- statsCol.pack_start(statsColToggle, false);
- statsCol.add_attribute(statsColToggle, 'active', 2);
- statsColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._disk_devices_model.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
+ _buildRam() {
+ this._ramDisplay = this._builder.get_object("ram_display");
+ this._ramWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "ram_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._ramUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object("ram_unit_combobox");
+ this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "ram_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._ramMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "ram_monitor_combobox"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, RAM_STATUS, this._ramDisplay);
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._ramWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(this._settings, RAM_UNIT, this._ramUnitCombobox);
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._ramMonitorCombobox
+ );
+ this._ramDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._ramWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._ramUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._ramMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._ramWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
+ this._ramUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
+ this._ramUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
+ this._ramMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._ramDisplay.active;
+ }
- this._disk_devices_model.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
- });
+ _buildSwap() {
+ this._swapDisplay = this._builder.get_object("swap_display");
+ this._swapWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "swap_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._swapUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object("swap_unit_combobox");
+ this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "swap_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._swapMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "swap_monitor_combobox"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, SWAP_STATUS, this._swapDisplay);
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._swapWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(this._settings, SWAP_UNIT, this._swapUnitCombobox);
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._swapMonitorCombobox
+ );
+ this._swapDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._swapWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._swapUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._swapMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._swapWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
+ this._swapUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
+ this._swapUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
+ this._swapMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._swapDisplay.active;
+ }
- let spaceColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- spaceColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._disk_devices_model.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
+ _buildDisk() {
+ this._diskStatsDisplay = this._builder.get_object("disk_stats_display");
+ this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_stats_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._diskStatsModeCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_stats_mode_combobox"
+ );
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_stats_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceDisplay = this._builder.get_object("disk_space_display");
+ this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_space_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_space_unit_combobox"
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_space_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_space_monitor_combobox"
+ );
+ this._diskDevicesDisplayAll = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_devices_display_all"
+ );
+ this._diskDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object(
+ "disk_devices_treeview"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskStatsDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskStatsModeCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskSpaceDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._diskDevicesDisplayAll
+ );
+ this._diskStatsDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._diskStatsModeCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._diskStatsWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
+ this._diskStatsModeCombobox.sensitive = this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
+ this._diskStatsUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive =
+ this._diskStatsDisplay.active;
+ this._diskSpaceDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._diskSpaceWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
+ this._diskSpaceUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
+ this._diskSpaceMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
+ this._diskSpaceUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive =
+ this._diskSpaceDisplay.active;
+ // TreeView
+ this._disk_devices_model = new Gtk.ListStore();
+ this._disk_devices_model.set_column_types([
+ ]);
+ this._diskDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._disk_devices_model);
+ let deviceCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
+ let mountPointCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
+ let statsCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
+ let spaceCol = this._diskDevicesTreeView.get_column(3);
+ let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+ empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
+ this._diskDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
+ let deviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ deviceCol.pack_start(deviceColText, false);
+ deviceCol.add_attribute(deviceColText, "text", 0);
+ let mountPointColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ mountPointCol.pack_start(mountPointColText, false);
+ mountPointCol.add_attribute(mountPointColText, "text", 1);
+ let statsColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ statsCol.pack_start(statsColToggle, false);
+ statsCol.add_attribute(statsColToggle, "active", 2);
+ statsColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._disk_devices_model.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._disk_devices_model.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ let spaceColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ spaceColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._disk_devices_model.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._disk_devices_model.set_value(treeiter[1], 3, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ spaceCol.pack_start(spaceColToggle, false);
+ spaceCol.add_attribute(spaceColToggle, "active", 3);
+ this._disk_devices_model.connect("row-changed", (list, path, iter) => {
+ let row = path.get_indices()[0];
+ let disksArray = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
+ disksArray[row] =
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 3);
+ this._settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
+ });
+ this._diskDevicesDisplayAll.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ // Refresh
+ this._readDiskDevices(
+ this._settings,
+ this._disk_devices_model,
+ button.active
+ );
+ });
+ this._readDiskDevices(
+ this._settings,
+ this._disk_devices_model,
+ this._diskDevicesDisplayAll.active
+ );
+ }
- this._disk_devices_model.set_value(treeiter[1], 3, !toggle.active);
- });
- spaceCol.pack_start(spaceColToggle, false);
- spaceCol.add_attribute(spaceColToggle, 'active', 3);
- this._disk_devices_model.connect('row-changed', (list, path, iter) => {
- let row = path.get_indices()[0];
- let disksArray = this._settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
- disksArray[row] = list.get_value(iter, 0) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 3);
- this._settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
- });
+ _readDiskDevices(settings, model, all) {
+ model.clear();
+ // Array format
+ // filesystem mountPoint stats space
+ // Get current disks settings
+ let disksArray = settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._diskDevicesDisplayAll.connect('state-set', button => {
- // Refresh
- this._readDiskDevices(this._settings, this._disk_devices_model, button.active);
- });
+ this._executeCommand(["df", "-x", "squashfs", "-x", "tmpfs"]).then(
+ (output) => {
+ let lines = output.split("\n");
- this._readDiskDevices(this._settings, this._disk_devices_model, this._diskDevicesDisplayAll.active);
- }
+ // Excludes the first line of output
+ for (let i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i];
+ let entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- _readDiskDevices(settings, model, all) {
- model.clear();
- // Array format
- // filesystem mountPoint stats space
- // Get current disks settings
- let disksArray = settings.get_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST);
+ let filesystem = entry[0];
+ let mountedOn = entry[5];
- this._executeCommand(['df', '-x', 'squashfs', '-x', 'tmpfs']).then(output => {
- let lines = output.split('\n');
+ let dStButton = false;
+ let dSpButton = false;
- // Excludes the first line of output
- for (let i = 1; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- let line = lines[i];
- let entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
+ // Init gui
+ for (let i = 0; i < disksArray.length; i++) {
+ let element = disksArray[i];
- let filesystem = entry[0];
- let mountedOn = entry[5];
+ let it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- let dStButton = false;
- let dSpButton = false;
+ if (filesystem === it[0]) {
+ dStButton = it[2] === "true";
+ dSpButton = it[3] === "true";
- // Init gui
- for (let i = 0; i < disksArray.length; i++) {
- let element = disksArray[i];
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- let it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ model.set(
+ model.append(),
+ [0, 1, 2, 3],
+ [filesystem, mountedOn, dStButton, dSpButton]
+ );
+ }
- if (filesystem === it[0]) {
- dStButton = (it[2] === 'true');
- dSpButton = (it[3] === 'true');
+ if (all) {
+ this._loadFile("/proc/diskstats").then((contents) => {
+ const lines = new TextDecoder().decode(contents).split("\n");
- break;
- }
- }
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ const line = lines[i];
+ const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- model.set(model.append(), [0, 1, 2, 3], [filesystem, mountedOn, dStButton, dSpButton]);
+ if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
+ continue;
- if (all) {
- this._loadFile('/proc/diskstats').then(contents => {
- const lines = ByteArray.toString(contents).split('\n');
+ let found = false;
+ const fs = "/dev/" + entry[2];
+ model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ const filesystem = list.get_value(iter, 0);
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- const line = lines[i];
- const entry = line.trim().split(/\s+/);
- if (entry[2].match(/loop*/)) {
- continue;
- }
+ if (fs === filesystem) {
+ found = true;
- let found = false;
- const fs = '/dev/' + entry[2];
- model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- const filesystem = list.get_value(iter, 0);
- if (fs === filesystem) {
- found = true;
- return;
- }
- });
+ return;
+ }
+ });
- if (found) {
- // nothing
- } else {
- let dStButton = false;
- let dSpButton = false; // slways false
+ if (found) {
+ // nothing
+ } else {
+ let dStButton = false;
+ let dSpButton = false; // slways false
- // Init gui
- for (let i = 0; i < disksArray.length; i++) {
- let element = disksArray[i];
+ // Init gui
+ for (let i = 0; i < disksArray.length; i++) {
+ let element = disksArray[i];
- let it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ let it = element.split(DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- if (fs === it[0]) {
- dStButton = (it[2] === 'true');
- dSpButton = (it[3] === 'true');
+ if (fs === it[0]) {
+ dStButton = it[2] === "true";
+ dSpButton = it[3] === "true";
- break;
- }
- }
- model.set(model.append(), [0, 1, 2, 3], [fs, '', dStButton, dSpButton]);
- }
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // Save new disksArray with the list of new disks (to remove old disks)
- disksArray = [];
- model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- disksArray.push(list.get_value(iter, 0) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 3));
- });
- settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
- });
- } else {
- // Save new disksArray with the list of new disks (to remove old disks)
- disksArray = [];
- model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- disksArray.push(list.get_value(iter, 0) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + DISK_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 3));
- });
- settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
+ model.set(
+ model.append(),
+ [0, 1, 2, 3],
+ [fs, "", dStButton, dSpButton]
+ );
+ }
+ // Save new disksArray with the list of new disks (to remove old disks)
+ disksArray = [];
+ model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ disksArray.push(
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 3)
+ );
+ });
+ settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
- }
- _buildNet() {
- this._netAutoHide = this._builder.get_object('net_auto_hide');
- this._netUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('net_unit_combobox');
- this._netUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('net_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._netEthDisplay = this._builder.get_object('net_eth_display');
- this._netEthWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('net_eth_width_spinbutton');
- this._netWlanDisplay = this._builder.get_object('net_wlan_display');
- this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('net_wlan_width_spinbutton');
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, NET_AUTO_HIDE_STATUS, this._netAutoHide);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, NET_UNIT, this._netUnitCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, NET_UNIT_MEASURE, this._netUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, NET_ETH_STATUS, this._netEthDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, NET_ETH_WIDTH, this._netEthWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, NET_WLAN_STATUS, this._netWlanDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, NET_WLAN_WIDTH, this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton);
- this._netEthDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._netEthWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._netEthWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._netEthDisplay.active;
- this._netWlanDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ } else {
+ // Save new disksArray with the list of new disks (to remove old disks)
+ disksArray = [];
+ model.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ disksArray.push(
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 3)
+ );
- this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._netWlanDisplay.active;
+ settings.set_strv(DISK_DEVICES_LIST, disksArray);
+ }
+ );
+ }
- _buildThermal() {
- this._thermalUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('thermal_unit_combobox');
- this._thermalCpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object('thermal_cpu_display');
- this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('thermal_cpu_width_spinbutton');
- this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object('thermal_cpu_devices_treeview');
- this._thermalGpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object('thermal_gpu_display');
- this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('thermal_gpu_width_spinbutton');
- this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object('thermal_gpu_devices_treeview');
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, THERMAL_TEMPERATURE_UNIT, this._thermalUnitCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS, this._thermalCpuDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH, this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_STATUS, this._thermalGpuDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_WIDTH, this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton);
- this._thermalCpuDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._thermalCpuDisplay.active;
- this._thermalGpuDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._thermalGpuDisplay.active;
- // TreeView
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
- this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._thermalCpuDevicesModel);
- let cpuDeviceCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
- let cpuNameCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
- let cpuMonitorCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
- let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
- empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
- this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
- let deviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- cpuDeviceCol.pack_start(deviceColText, false);
- cpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(deviceColText, 'text', 0);
- let nameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- cpuNameCol.pack_start(nameColText, false);
- cpuNameCol.add_attribute(nameColText, 'text', 1);
- let monitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- cpuMonitorCol.pack_start(monitorColToggle, false);
- cpuMonitorCol.add_attribute(monitorColToggle, 'active', 2);
- monitorColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
- });
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.connect('row-changed', (list, path, iter) => {
- let row = path.get_indices()[0];
- let cpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- cpuTempsArray[row] = list.get_value(iter, 1) + THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 0);
- this._settings.set_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST, cpuTempsArray);
- });
- // Array format
- // name-status-path
- // Get current disks settings
- let cpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- // Detect sensors
- //let command = 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do echo "$(<$(dirname $i)/name): $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*})) $(readlink -f $i)"; done';
- this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'if ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "EXIST"; fi']).then(output => {
- let result = output.split('\n')[0];
- if (result === 'EXIST') {
- this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do NAME="$(<$(dirname $i)/name)"; if [[ "$NAME" == "coretemp" ]] || [[ "$NAME" == "k10temp" ]]; then echo "$NAME: $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*}))-$i"; fi done']).then(output => {
- let lines = output.split('\n');
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- let line = lines[i];
- let entry = line.trim().split(/-/);
- let device = entry[0];
- let path = entry[1];
- let statusButton = false;
- // Init gui
- for (let i = 0; i < cpuTempsArray.length; i++) {
- let element = cpuTempsArray[i];
- if (device === it[0]) {
- statusButton = (it[1] === 'true');
- break;
- }
- }
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set(this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.append(), [0, 1, 2], [path, device, statusButton]);
- }
+ _buildNet() {
+ this._netAutoHide = this._builder.get_object("net_auto_hide");
+ this._netUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object("net_unit_combobox");
+ this._netUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "net_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._netEthDisplay = this._builder.get_object("net_eth_display");
+ this._netEthWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "net_eth_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._netWlanDisplay = this._builder.get_object("net_wlan_display");
+ this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "net_wlan_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netAutoHide
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(this._settings, NET_UNIT, this._netUnitCombobox);
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netEthDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netEthWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netWlanDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._netEthDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._netEthWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._netEthWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._netEthDisplay.active;
+ this._netWlanDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._netWlanWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._netWlanDisplay.active;
+ }
- // Save new cpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
- cpuTempsArray = [];
- this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- cpuTempsArray.push(list.get_value(iter, 1) + THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 0));
- });
- this._settings.set_strv(THERMAL_CPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST, cpuTempsArray);
- });
+ _buildThermal() {
+ this._thermalUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "thermal_unit_combobox"
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object("thermal_cpu_display");
+ this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "thermal_cpu_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object(
+ "thermal_cpu_devices_treeview"
+ );
+ this._thermalGpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object("thermal_gpu_display");
+ this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "thermal_gpu_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object(
+ "thermal_gpu_devices_treeview"
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._thermalUnitCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._thermalCpuDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._thermalGpuDisplay
+ );
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._thermalCpuDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._thermalCpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive =
+ this._thermalCpuDisplay.active;
+ this._thermalGpuDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._thermalGpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive =
+ this._thermalGpuDisplay.active;
+ // TreeView
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([
+ ]);
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._thermalCpuDevicesModel);
+ let cpuDeviceCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
+ let cpuNameCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
+ let cpuMonitorCol = this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
+ let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+ empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
+ let deviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ cpuDeviceCol.pack_start(deviceColText, false);
+ cpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(deviceColText, "text", 0);
+ let nameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ cpuNameCol.pack_start(nameColText, false);
+ cpuNameCol.add_attribute(nameColText, "text", 1);
+ let monitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ cpuMonitorCol.pack_start(monitorColToggle, false);
+ cpuMonitorCol.add_attribute(monitorColToggle, "active", 2);
+ monitorColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.connect(
+ "row-changed",
+ (list, path, iter) => {
+ let row = path.get_indices()[0];
+ let cpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
+ cpuTempsArray[row] =
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 0);
+ this._settings.set_strv(
+ cpuTempsArray
+ );
+ }
+ );
+ // Array format
+ // name-status-path
+ // Get current disks settings
+ let cpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
+ // Detect sensors
+ //let command = 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do echo "$(<$(dirname $i)/name): $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*})) $(readlink -f $i)"; done';
+ this._executeCommand([
+ "bash",
+ "-c",
+ 'if ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "EXIST"; fi',
+ ]).then((output) => {
+ let result = output.split("\n")[0];
+ if (result === "EXIST") {
+ this._executeCommand([
+ "bash",
+ "-c",
+ 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do NAME="$(<$(dirname $i)/name)"; if [[ "$NAME" == "coretemp" ]] || [[ "$NAME" == "k10temp" ]]; then echo "$NAME: $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*}))-$i"; fi done',
+ ]).then((output) => {
+ let lines = output.split("\n");
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i];
+ let entry = line.trim().split(/-/);
+ let device = entry[0];
+ let path = entry[1];
+ let statusButton = false;
+ // Init gui
+ for (let i = 0; i < cpuTempsArray.length; i++) {
+ let element = cpuTempsArray[i];
+ let it = element.split(
+ );
+ if (device === it[0]) {
+ statusButton = it[1] === "true";
+ break;
- });
- // GPU
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
- this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._thermalGpuDevicesModel);
- let gpuDeviceCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
- let gpuNameCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
- let gpuMonitorCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
- empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
- empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
- this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
- let gpuDeviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- gpuDeviceCol.pack_start(gpuDeviceColText, false);
- gpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(gpuDeviceColText, 'text', 0);
+ }
- let gpuNameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- gpuNameCol.pack_start(gpuNameColText, false);
- gpuNameCol.add_attribute(gpuNameColText, 'text', 1);
- let gpuMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- gpuMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuMonitorColToggle, false);
- gpuMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuMonitorColToggle, 'active', 2);
- gpuMonitorColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
- });
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.set(
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.append(),
+ [0, 1, 2],
+ [path, device, statusButton]
+ );
+ }
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.connect('row-changed', (list, path, iter) => {
- let row = path.get_indices()[0];
- let gpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- gpuTempsArray[row] = list.get_value(iter, 0) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2);
- this._settings.set_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST, gpuTempsArray);
+ // Save new cpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
+ cpuTempsArray = [];
+ this._thermalCpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ cpuTempsArray.push(
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 0)
+ );
+ this._settings.set_strv(
+ cpuTempsArray
+ );
+ });
+ }
+ });
+ // GPU
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([
+ ]);
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._thermalGpuDevicesModel);
+ let gpuDeviceCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
+ let gpuNameCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
+ let gpuMonitorCol = this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
+ empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+ empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
+ let gpuDeviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ gpuDeviceCol.pack_start(gpuDeviceColText, false);
+ gpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(gpuDeviceColText, "text", 0);
+ let gpuNameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ gpuNameCol.pack_start(gpuNameColText, false);
+ gpuNameCol.add_attribute(gpuNameColText, "text", 1);
+ let gpuMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ gpuMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuMonitorColToggle, false);
+ gpuMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuMonitorColToggle, "active", 2);
+ gpuMonitorColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.connect(
+ "row-changed",
+ (list, path, iter) => {
+ let row = path.get_indices()[0];
+ let gpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
+ gpuTempsArray[row] =
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2);
+ this._settings.set_strv(
+ gpuTempsArray
+ );
+ }
+ );
- // Array format
- // uuid:name:status
- // Get current disks settings
- let gpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._executeCommand(['nvidia-smi', '-L']).then(output => {
- let lines = output.split('\n');
+ // Array format
+ // uuid:name:status
+ // Get current disks settings
+ let gpuTempsArray = this._settings.get_strv(
+ );
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- let line = lines[i];
- let entry = line.trim().split(/:/);
+ this._executeCommand(["nvidia-smi", "-L"]).then((output) => {
+ let lines = output.split("\n");
- let device = entry[0];
- let name = entry[1].slice(1, -6);
- let uuid = entry[2].slice(1, -1);
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i];
+ let entry = line.trim().split(/:/);
- let statusButton = false;
+ let device = entry[0];
+ let name = entry[1].slice(1, -6);
+ let uuid = entry[2].slice(1, -1);
- // Init gui
- for (let i = 0; i < gpuTempsArray.length; i++) {
- let element = gpuTempsArray[i];
- let it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ let statusButton = false;
- if (uuid === it[0]) {
- statusButton = (it[2] === 'true');
+ // Init gui
+ for (let i = 0; i < gpuTempsArray.length; i++) {
+ let element = gpuTempsArray[i];
+ let it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- break;
- }
- }
+ if (uuid === it[0]) {
+ statusButton = it[2] === "true";
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set(this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.append(), [0, 1, 2], [uuid, name, statusButton]);
- }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // Save new gpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
- gpuTempsArray = [];
- this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- gpuTempsArray.push(list.get_value(iter, 0) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2));
- });
- this._settings.set_strv(THERMAL_GPU_TEMPERATURE_DEVICES_LIST, gpuTempsArray);
- });
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.set(
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.append(),
+ [0, 1, 2],
+ [uuid, name, statusButton]
+ );
+ }
- // AMD
- //this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'if ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "EXIST"; fi']).then(output => {
- // let result = output.split('\n')[0];
- // if (result === 'EXIST') {
- // this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do NAME="$(<$(dirname $i)/name)"; if [[ "$NAME" == "amdgpu" ]]; then echo "$NAME: $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*}))-$i"; fi done']).then(output => {
- /* let lines = output.split('\n');
+ // Save new gpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
+ gpuTempsArray = [];
+ this._thermalGpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ gpuTempsArray.push(
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2)
+ );
+ });
+ this._settings.set_strv(
+ gpuTempsArray
+ );
+ });
+ // AMD
+ //this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'if ls /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input 1>/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "EXIST"; fi']).then(output => {
+ // let result = output.split('\n')[0];
+ // if (result === 'EXIST') {
+ // this._executeCommand(['bash', '-c', 'for i in /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon*/temp*_input; do NAME="$(<$(dirname $i)/name)"; if [[ "$NAME" == "amdgpu" ]]; then echo "$NAME: $(cat ${i%_*}_label 2>/dev/null || echo $(basename ${i%_*}))-$i"; fi done']).then(output => {
+ /* let lines = output.split('\n');
for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
let line = lines[i];
@@ -833,191 +1233,260 @@ const ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget = GObject.registerClass(
- }
- _buildGpu() {
- this._gpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object('gpu_display');
- this._gpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object('gpu_width_spinbutton');
- this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object('gpu_memory_unit_combobox');
- this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object('gpu_memory_unit_measure_combobox');
- this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object('gpu_memory_monitor_combobox');
- this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._builder.get_object('gpu_display_device_name');
- this._gpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object('gpu_devices_treeview');
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, GPU_STATUS, this._gpuDisplay);
- this._connectSpinButton(this._settings, GPU_WIDTH, this._gpuWidthSpinbutton);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, GPU_MEMORY_UNIT, this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, GPU_MEMORY_UNIT_MEASURE, this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox);
- this._connectComboBox(this._settings, GPU_MEMORY_MONITOR, this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox);
- this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, GPU_DISPLAY_DEVICE_NAME, this._gpuDisplayDeviceName);
- this._gpuDisplay.connect('state-set', button => {
- this._gpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
- this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
- this._gpuDisplayDeviceName.sensitive = button.active;
- });
- this._gpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
- this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
- this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
- this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
- this._gpuDisplayDeviceName.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
- // TreeView
- this._gpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
- this._gpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_STRING, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN, GObject.TYPE_BOOLEAN]);
- this._gpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._gpuDevicesModel);
- let gpuDeviceCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
- let gpuNameCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
- let gpuUsageMonitorCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
- let gpuMemoryMonitorCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(3);
- let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
- empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
- this._gpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
- let gpuDeviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- gpuDeviceCol.pack_start(gpuDeviceColText, false);
- gpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(gpuDeviceColText, 'text', 0);
- let gpuNameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
- gpuNameCol.pack_start(gpuNameColText, false);
- gpuNameCol.add_attribute(gpuNameColText, 'text', 1);
- let gpuUsageMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- gpuUsageMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuUsageMonitorColToggle, false);
- gpuUsageMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuUsageMonitorColToggle, 'active', 2);
- gpuUsageMonitorColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._gpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
- this._gpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
- });
- let gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
- gpuMemoryMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle, false);
- gpuMemoryMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle, 'active', 3);
- gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle.connect('toggled', (toggle, row) => {
- let treeiter = this._gpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(row.toString()); // bool, iter
- this._gpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 3, !toggle.active);
- });
- this._gpuDevicesModel.connect('row-changed', (list, path, iter) => {
- let row = path.get_indices()[0];
- let gpuDevicesArray = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
- gpuDevicesArray[row] = list.get_value(iter, 0) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 3);
- this._settings.set_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST, gpuDevicesArray);
- });
- // Array format
- // uuid:name:usage:memory
- // Get current disks settings
- let gpuDevicesArray = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
- this._executeCommand(['nvidia-smi', '-L']).then(output => {
- let lines = output.split('\n');
- for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
- let line = lines[i];
- let entry = line.trim().split(/:/);
- let device = entry[0];
- let name = entry[1].slice(1, -6);
- let uuid = entry[2].slice(1, -1);
- let usageButton = false;
- let memoryButton = false;
- // Init gui
- for (let i = 0; i < gpuDevicesArray.length; i++) {
- let element = gpuDevicesArray[i];
- let it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
- if (uuid === it[0]) {
- usageButton = (it[2] === 'true');
- memoryButton = (it[3] === 'true');
- break;
- }
- }
- this._gpuDevicesModel.set(this._gpuDevicesModel.append(), [0, 1, 2, 3], [uuid, name, usageButton, memoryButton]);
- }
- // Save new gpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
- gpuDevicesArray = [];
- this._gpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
- gpuDevicesArray.push(list.get_value(iter, 0) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 1) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 2) + GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR + list.get_value(iter, 3));
- });
- this._settings.set_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST, gpuDevicesArray);
- });
- }
+ }
- _loadContents(file, cancellable = null) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- file.load_contents_async(cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
- try {
- const [ok, contents, etag_out] = source_object.load_contents_finish(res);
+ _buildGpu() {
+ this._gpuDisplay = this._builder.get_object("gpu_display");
+ this._gpuWidthSpinbutton = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_width_spinbutton"
+ );
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_memory_unit_combobox"
+ );
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_memory_unit_measure_combobox"
+ );
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_memory_monitor_combobox"
+ );
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_display_device_name"
+ );
+ this._gpuDevicesTreeView = this._builder.get_object(
+ "gpu_devices_treeview"
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(this._settings, GPU_STATUS, this._gpuDisplay);
+ this._connectSpinButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._gpuWidthSpinbutton
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectComboBox(
+ this._settings,
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox
+ );
+ this._connectSwitchButton(
+ this._settings,
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName
+ );
+ this._gpuDisplay.connect("state-set", (button) => {
+ this._gpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox.sensitive = button.active;
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName.sensitive = button.active;
+ });
+ this._gpuWidthSpinbutton.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryUnitMeasureCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
+ this._gpuMemoryMonitorCombobox.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
+ this._gpuDisplayDeviceName.sensitive = this._gpuDisplay.active;
+ // TreeView
+ this._gpuDevicesModel = new Gtk.ListStore();
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.set_column_types([
+ ]);
+ this._gpuDevicesTreeView.set_model(this._gpuDevicesModel);
+ let gpuDeviceCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(0);
+ let gpuNameCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(1);
+ let gpuUsageMonitorCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(2);
+ let gpuMemoryMonitorCol = this._gpuDevicesTreeView.get_column(3);
+ let empty = new Gtk.TreeViewColumn();
+ empty.pack_start(new Gtk.CellRendererText(), true);
+ this._gpuDevicesTreeView.append_column(empty);
+ let gpuDeviceColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ gpuDeviceCol.pack_start(gpuDeviceColText, false);
+ gpuDeviceCol.add_attribute(gpuDeviceColText, "text", 0);
+ let gpuNameColText = new Gtk.CellRendererText();
+ gpuNameCol.pack_start(gpuNameColText, false);
+ gpuNameCol.add_attribute(gpuNameColText, "text", 1);
+ let gpuUsageMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ gpuUsageMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuUsageMonitorColToggle, false);
+ gpuUsageMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuUsageMonitorColToggle, "active", 2);
+ gpuUsageMonitorColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._gpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 2, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ let gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle = new Gtk.CellRendererToggle();
+ gpuMemoryMonitorCol.pack_start(gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle, false);
+ gpuMemoryMonitorCol.add_attribute(gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle, "active", 3);
+ gpuMemoryMonitorColToggle.connect("toggled", (toggle, row) => {
+ let treeiter = this._gpuDevicesModel.get_iter_from_string(
+ row.toString()
+ ); // bool, iter
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.set_value(treeiter[1], 3, !toggle.active);
+ });
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.connect("row-changed", (list, path, iter) => {
+ let row = path.get_indices()[0];
+ let gpuDevicesArray = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
+ gpuDevicesArray[row] =
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 3);
+ this._settings.set_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST, gpuDevicesArray);
+ });
+ // Array format
+ // uuid:name:usage:memory
+ // Get current disks settings
+ let gpuDevicesArray = this._settings.get_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST);
+ this._executeCommand(["nvidia-smi", "-L"]).then((output) => {
+ let lines = output.split("\n");
+ for (let i = 0; i < lines.length - 1; i++) {
+ let line = lines[i];
+ let entry = line.trim().split(/:/);
+ let device = entry[0];
+ let name = entry[1].slice(1, -6);
+ let uuid = entry[2].slice(1, -1);
+ let usageButton = false;
+ let memoryButton = false;
+ // Init gui
+ for (let i = 0; i < gpuDevicesArray.length; i++) {
+ let element = gpuDevicesArray[i];
+ let it = element.split(GPU_DEVICES_LIST_SEPARATOR);
+ if (uuid === it[0]) {
+ usageButton = it[2] === "true";
+ memoryButton = it[3] === "true";
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- resolve(contents);
- } catch (e) {
- reject(e);
- }
- });
- });
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.set(
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.append(),
+ [0, 1, 2, 3],
+ [uuid, name, usageButton, memoryButton]
+ );
- async _loadFile(path, cancellable = null) {
- try {
- const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path);
- const contents = await this._loadContents(file, cancellable);
+ // Save new gpuTempsArray with the list of new devices (to remove old devices)
+ gpuDevicesArray = [];
+ this._gpuDevicesModel.foreach((list, path, iter) => {
+ gpuDevicesArray.push(
+ list.get_value(iter, 0) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 1) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 2) +
+ list.get_value(iter, 3)
+ );
+ });
+ this._settings.set_strv(GPU_DEVICES_LIST, gpuDevicesArray);
+ });
+ }
- return contents;
- } catch (error) {
- log('[Resource_Monitor] Load File Error (' + error + ')');
- }
- }
+ _loadContents(file, cancellable = null) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ file.load_contents_async(cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
+ try {
+ const [ok, contents, etag_out] =
+ source_object.load_contents_finish(res);
+ resolve(contents);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
- _readOutput(proc, cancellable = null) {
- return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
- proc.communicate_utf8_async(null, cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
- try {
- const [ok, stdout, stderr] = source_object.communicate_utf8_finish(res);
+ async _loadFile(path, cancellable = null) {
+ try {
+ const file = Gio.File.new_for_path(path);
+ const contents = await this._loadContents(file, cancellable);
- if (source_object.get_successful()) {
- resolve(stdout);
- } else {
- throw new Error(stderr);
- }
- } catch (e) {
- reject(e);
- }
- });
- });
- }
- async _executeCommand(command, cancellable = null) {
- try {
- const proc = Gio.Subprocess.new(command, Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_PIPE);
- const output = await this._readOutput(proc, cancellable);
+ return contents;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error("[Resource_Monitor] Load File Error (" + error + ")");
+ }
+ }
- return output;
- } catch (error) {
- log('[Resource_Monitor] Execute Command Error (' + error + ')');
+ _readOutput(proc, cancellable = null) {
+ return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
+ proc.communicate_utf8_async(null, cancellable, (source_object, res) => {
+ try {
+ const [ok, stdout, stderr] =
+ source_object.communicate_utf8_finish(res);
+ if (source_object.get_successful()) {
+ resolve(stdout);
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(stderr);
- }
- });
-function init() {
- ExtensionUtils.initTranslations(GETTEXT_DOMAIN);
+ } catch (e) {
+ reject(e);
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ }
-function buildPrefsWidget() {
- const widget = new ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget();
+ async _executeCommand(command, cancellable = null) {
+ try {
+ const proc = Gio.Subprocess.new(
+ command,
+ Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDOUT_PIPE | Gio.SubprocessFlags.STDERR_PIPE
+ );
+ const output = await this._readOutput(proc, cancellable);
+ return output;
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(
+ "[Resource_Monitor] Execute Command Error (" + error + ")"
+ );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+export default class ResourceMonitorExtensionPreferences extends ExtensionPreferences {
+ getPreferencesWidget() {
+ const widget = new ResourceMonitorPrefsWidget({
+ settings: this.getSettings(),
+ dir: this.dir,
+ metadata: this.metadata,
+ });
return widget.notebook;
+ }