a rewrite of ronny the station chef but in go
- Move all log.fatals to proper err handling
- Implement Error recovery
- Add health endpoint
- Collector: Retrieves all packages retrieved on the bluetooth interface, filters out the garbage and stores the baton packets as a detection in the postgresql DB
- Spreader: An HTTP webser powered by fiber with an websocket endpoint where the detections will be sent over.
- Emulator: This will emulate the
for testing purposes
Install go
Run what you want with
go run cmds/PROGRAM/main.go
and in the case of theCollector
do not forget to run the program with higher privileges
There is an all in one Ansible script that sets a linux machine up to run ronny. You need to have Ansible and ansible-galaxy installed.
cd ansible
- make init
- enter the stations in the hosts.ini file
ansible-playbook playbook.yml