This a modified version of the RTIMULIB from
How to extract IMU data from EMLID reach RS+ and M+
while the previous version had a embedded compiler, this one require cross compilation we are going to use the spi port 0.0, Even if it not the case usually, the build files are included in the repo, and if needed the cross compilation can be avoided. The RTIMULib calibration step can performed, and a pdf document as been attached as a demonstration.
A exemple project is available from Emlead to implement to see a simple C++ implementation, with the executable file. To test the IMU, you can simply copy the executable to the target and execute it. If this work you could go further.
For cross compilation the following target are available
sudo apt-get install gcc make gcc-aarch64-linux-gnu g++-aarch64-linux-gnu
Clone MPU_emlid test
scp MPUtest root@XXXXX:~
password is emlidreach
ssh root@XXXX -t MPUtest
you should see some data printed.
If so you can continue
While the previous generation included a compiler, this one doesn't and cross compilation is required, The target architecture is aarch64. cross compilation can also be performed.
git clone
cd Linux
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j
scp RTIMULibCal/RTIMULibCal root@xxxx:~
ssh root@XXX -t RTIMULibCal
you can't perfrom the ellispse, but the rest should be fine
you should have all the require filed if you require python interface, you should find the so files in the python folder
cd ..
scp -r python root@XXX:~
ssh root@xxx
cd python
The python can only be executed from the python folder
mkdir -p /usr/local/python2.7/dist-packages/
cp /usr/local/python2.7/dist-packages/
mkdir -p /usr/local/python3.5/dist-packages/
cp /usr/local/python3.5/dist-packages/
get the ini file
cp ~/RTIMULib.ini test/
you should be able to test it:
python test/
python3 has only partial support, for exemple socket is
To send the Ima data, if the reach is accessible by wifi, a script is provided in the UDP sender folder