A fork of dizcza/docker-hashcat compiled for Ubuntu 20.04 and CUDA 11.2.
Supports RTX 30 series cards in both CUDA and OpenCL modes.
Compatible with Vast.ai.
nvidia-docker run -it 500farm/docker-hashcat
Then inside the docker container run
# list the available CUDA and OpenCL interfaces
hashcat -I
# run hashcat bechmark
hashcat -b
Along with the hashcat, the following utility packages are installed:
- hashcat-utils for converting raw Airodump to HCCAPX capture format; info
cap2hccapx -h
- hcxtools for inspecting, filtering, and converting capture files;
- hcxdumptool for capturing packets from wlan devices in any format you might think of; info
hcxdumptool -h
- kwprocessor for creating advanced keyboard-walk password candidates; info
kwp -h