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AMP Client
AMP Client PHP
:mega: PHP Client for Advertising Management Platform
## Installation
$ composer require 68publishers/amp-client
+## Versions compatibility matrix
+| PHP client version | PHP version | AMP version | API version |
+| `^1.0` | `>=7.4` | `>=2.12` | `1` |
+## Integration without a framework
+The client is not dependent on any framework and can therefore be used independently.
+For standalone use, continue to the [Integration without a framework](docs/integration-without-framework.md) section.
+## Integration with Nette Framework
+The client is well integrated into the Nette framework.
+For documentation, continue to the [Integration with Nette framework](docs/integration-with-nette-framework.md) section.
+## License
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+# Integration with Nette framework
+For more information on how the client works, we also recommend reading the [Integration without a framework](./integration-without-framework.md) section.
+## Client integration
+The minimum configuration is as follows:
+ amp_client: SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Nette\DI\AmpClientExtension
+ url:
+ channel:
+The only mandatory values in the configuration are the AMP application URL and the channel (project) name.
+Here are all the configuration options:
+ amp_client: SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Nette\DI\AmpClientExtension
+ url:
+ channel:
+ # Http method, allowed values are GET (default) and POST
+ method: GET
+ # Locale for requests (null by default):
+ locale: en
+ # AMP API version:
+ version: 1
+ # Default resources for all requests:
+ default_resources:
+ category:
+ - 1
+ # Value for http header X-Amp-Origin.
+ origin: https://www.example.com
+ cache:
+ # Cache store, by default null (cache is disabled):
+ storage: @Nette\Caching\Storage
+ # Expiration must be set for caching:
+ expiration: '1 hour'
+ # Overrides Cache-Control header in responses from the AMP:
+ cache_control_header_override: 'max-age=60'
+ http:
+ # Custom Guzzle options:
+ guzzle_config: []
+ renderer:
+ # "phtml" or "latte". The bridge is automatically resolved. If you are working on standard Nette application the bridge will be always "latte"
+ bridge: latte
+ # Here can be overriden the default templates for each position type:
+ templates:
+ single: %appDir%/templates/amp/single.latte
+ random: %appDir%/templates/amp/random.latte
+ multiple: %appDir%/templates/amp/multiple.latte
+ not_found: %appDir%/templates/amp/not_found.latte
+Two important services are now available in the DI Container - `AmpClientInterface` and `RendererInterface`.
+You can autowire them into, for example, Presenter or any service:
+use Nette\Application\UI\Presenter;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
+final class MyPresenter extends Presenter {
+ public function __construct(
+ private readonly AmpClientInterface $client,
+ private readonly RendererInterface $renderer,
+ ) {
+ parent::__construct();
+ }
+ public function actionDefault(): void {
+ $request = new BannersRequest([
+ new Position('homepage.top'),
+ new Position('homepage.promo', [
+ new BannerResource('role', 'guest'),
+ ]),
+ ]);
+ $response = $this->client->fetchBanners($request);
+ bdump($this->renderer->render($response->getPosition('homepage.top')));
+ bdump($this->renderer->render($response->getPosition('homepage.promo')));
+ }
+## Latte macros integration
+Banners can be rendered directly from the Latte template without having to manually call the client. We need to register another extension for this:
+ amp_client.latte: SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Nette\DI\AmpClientLatteExtension(%debugMode%)
+Now we have the macro `{banner}` available in the application, and we can use it in templates:
+{banner homepage.top}
+{banner homepage.promo, ['role' => 'guest']}
+Banners are now requested via API and rendered to the template automatically.
+Each `{banner}` macro makes a separate request to the AMP API, so in our example above, two requests are sent.
+This can be solved by the following configuration:
+ rendering_mode: queued_in_presenter_context # the default value is "direct"
+Now when rendering a page via `nette/application`, information about all banners to be rendered is collected and a request to the AMP API is sent only once the whole template is rendered.
+The banners are then inserted back into the rendered page. This behavior also works automatically with AJAX snippets.
+### Configuring client before the first fetch
+Occasionally, we may want to configure the client before making a request to the AMP API from the template.
+For example, we left the `locale` blank in the main `neon` configuration and want to set it up at runtime.
+To do this, we can use a custom service implementing the `ConfigureClientEventHandlerInterface` interface.
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\Event\ConfigureClientEvent;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\Event\ConfigureClientEventHandlerInterface;
+final class SetupLocaleEventHandler implements ConfigureClientEventHandlerInterface
+ public function __construct(
+ private readonly MyLocalizationService $localizationService,
+ ) {}
+ public function __invoke(ConfigureClientEvent $event): ConfigureClientEvent
+ {
+ $client = $event->getClient();
+ $config = $client->getConfig();
+ return $event->withClient(
+ $client->withConfig(
+ $config->withLocale($this->localizationService->getCurrentLocale()),
+ ),
+ );
+ }
+And register it:
+ - SetupLocaleEventHandler
+ # or
+ -
+ autowired: self
+ type: SetupLocaleEventHandler
+Our handler will be called before the first AMP API call from the Latte.
+### Renaming the macro
+Macro `{banner}` can be renamed. The following configuration will rename it to `{ampBanner}`.
+ banner_macro_name: ampBanner
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+# Integration without a framework
+## Client initialization
+The client is simply instanced as follows:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
+$config = ClientConfig::create('', '');
+$client = AmpClient::create($config);
+The only mandatory values in the configuration are the AMP application URL and the channel (project) name.
+Other optional options are as follows:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\BannerResource;
+$config = ClientConfig::create('', '');
+# Configure http method, allowed values are GET (default) and POST.
+$config = $config->withMethod('POST');
+# Configure locale for requests (null by default).
+$config = $config->withLocale('en');
+# Configure AMP API version.
+$config = $config->withVersion(1);
+# Configure default resources for all requests.
+$config = $config->withDefaultResources([
+ new BannerResource('category', ['1']),
+# Configure value for http header X-Amp-Origin.
+$config = $config->withOrigin('https://www.example.com');
+# Configure http cache. More about the cache in the documentation below.
+$config = $config->withCacheExpiration('1 hour');
+$client = AmpClient::create($config);
+> :exclamation: Please note that `ClientConfig` is immutable, just like the other client classes.
+### Cache
+By default, the client uses [NoCacheStorage](../src/Http/Cache/NoCacheStorage.php), so requests are not cached.
+This can be changed by setting the cache and its expiration:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Http\Cache\InMemoryCacheStorage;
+$config = ClientConfig::create('', '')
+ ->withCacheExpiration('1 hour');
+$client = AmpClient::create($config)
+ ->withCacheStorage(new InMemoryCacheStorage());
+The cache expiration can be set using the DateTime modifier (for example `2 hours`, `1 day` etc.) or an integer that specifies the number of seconds for which the cache should be stored.
+Currently, the following storages are implemented:
+- [InMemoryCacheStorage](../src/Http/Cache/InMemoryCacheStorage.php)
+- [NetteCacheStorage](../src/Bridge/Nette/NetteCacheStorage.php)
+By default, the cache is controlled by the `Cache-Control` and `ETag` headers that AMP sends in the response.
+However, the `Cache-Control` header can be overridden in the configuration:
+$config = $config->withCacheControlHeaderOverride('no-cache');
+This setting will cache the responses, but a response is revalidated before each use.
+The directives that are processed are `no-store`, `no-cache`, `max-age` and `s-maxage`. More information about the `Cache-Control` header [here](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Cache-Control).
+### Custom Guzzle options
+The client sends requests using Guzzle. If you would like Guzzle to give the client default options, you must instantiate the AMP client with the HTTP client factory.
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClient;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\ClientConfig;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Http\HttpClientFactory;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\Hydrator\ResponseHydrator;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\Hydrator\BannersResponseHydratorHandler;
+$guzzleConfig = [
+ # ... guzzle options ...
+$config = ClientConfig::create('', '');
+$client = AmpClient::create(
+ config: $config,
+ httpClientFactory: new HttpClientFactory(
+ responseHydrator: new ResponseHydrator([
+ new BannersResponseHydratorHandler(),
+ ]),
+ guzzleClientConfig: $guzzleConfig,
+ ),
+## Fetching banners
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\BannersRequest;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\Position;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Request\ValueObject\BannerResource;
+/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
+$request = new BannersRequest([
+ new Position('homepage.top'),
+ new Position('homepage.promo', [
+ new BannerResource('role', 'guest'),
+ ]),
+$response = $client->fetchBanners($request); # SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse
+$homepageTop = $response->getPosition('homepage.top');
+$homepagePromo = $response->getPosition('homepage.promo');
+## Rendering banners
+Banners can be rendered simply by using the `Renderer` class:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse;
+/** @var BannersResponse $response */
+$renderer = Renderer::create();
+echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition('homepage.top'));
+The default templates are written as `.phtml` templates and can be found [here](../src/Renderer/Phtml/Templates). Templates can be also overwritten:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Phtml\PhtmlRendererBridge;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Templates;
+$bridge = new PhtmlRendererBridge();
+$bridge = $bridge->overrideTemplates(new Templates([
+ Templates::TemplateSingle => '/my_custom_template_for_single_position.phtml',
+$renderer = Renderer::create($bridge);
+The following template types can be overwritten:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Templates;
+new Templates([
+ Templates::TemplateSingle => '/single.phtml', # for positions with the display type "single"
+ Templates::TemplateMultiple => '/multiple.phtml', # for positions with the display type "multiple"
+ Templates::TemplateRandom => '/random.phtml', # for positions with the display type "random"
+ Templates::TemplateNotFound => '/notFound.phtml', # for positions that were not found
+### Rendering banners using Latte
+Banners can also be rendered using the [Latte](https://github.com/nette/latte) templating system.
+Versions `^2.11` and `^3.0` are supported.
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Renderer;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Latte\LatteRendererBridge;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Response\BannersResponse;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\Latte\ClosureLatteFactory;
+use Latte\Engine;
+/** @var BannersResponse $response */
+$renderer = Renderer::create(
+ LatteRendererBridge::fromEngine(new Engine()),
+# or lazily via
+$renderer = Renderer::create(
+ new LatteRendererBridge(
+ new ClosureLatteFactory(function (): Engine {
+ return new Engine();
+ }),
+ ),
+echo $renderer->render($response->getPosition('homepage.top'));
+The default `.latte` templates are located [here](../src/Renderer/Latte/Templates) and can be overridden in the same way as the default `.phtml` templates.
+## Latte templating system integration
+In addition to being able to render banners manually using Latte templates, the client offers the ability to render them directly using a custom Latte macro.
+The macro is registered as follows:
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\AmpClientLatteExtension;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
+use Latte\Engine;
+/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
+/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
+$engine = new Engine();
+$provider = (new RendererProvider($client,$renderer))
+ ->setDebugMode(true); # exceptions from Client and Renderer are suppressed in non-debug mode
+AmpClientLatteExtension::register($engine, $provider);
+$engine->render(__DIR__ . '/template.latte');
+{* ./template.latte *}
+{banner homepage.top}
+{banner homepage.promo, ['role' => 'guest']}
+Banners are now requested via API and rendered to the template automatically.
+Each `{banner}` macro makes a separate request to the AMP API, so in our example above, two requests are sent.
+This can be solved, however you need to render the Latte to a text string, not a buffer.
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\AmpClientInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Renderer\RendererInterface;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\AmpClientLatteExtension;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RendererProvider;
+use SixtyEightPublishers\AmpClient\Bridge\Latte\RenderingMode\QueuedRenderingMode;
+use Latte\Engine;
+/** @var AmpClientInterface $client */
+/** @var RendererInterface $renderer */
+$engine = new Engine();
+$provider = (new RendererProvider($client,$renderer))
+ ->setDebugMode(true) # exceptions from Client and Renderer are suppressed in non-debug mode
+ ->setRenderingMode(new QueuedRenderingMode());
+AmpClientLatteExtension::register($engine, $provider);
+$output = $engine->renderToString(__DIR__ . '/template.latte');
+echo $provider->renderQueuedPositions($output);
+Now the client requests both banners in the template with one request.