To execute the solutions with the puzzle input, cd
into the module folder and run the following zig
command there:
$ cd 00/zig_template
$ zig build run -- -f "input/example_input.txt"
You can display help information which might be useful since some puzzles require additional arguments:
$ zig build run -- --help
You can either run all tests for the entire workspace via
$ zig build test
or run the tests for a single day by moving into that day's directory first
$ cd 00/zig_template
$ zig build test
You can either run all benchmarks for the entire workspace via
$ zig build benchmark -Doptimize=ReleaseFast
or run the benchmarks for a single day by moving into that day's directory first
$ cd 00/zig_template
$ zig build benchmark -Doptimize=ReleaseFast