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The R package ETH.OLP

This is the repository for the R package "ETH.OLP" which was developed for the course "Optimierung Landwirtschaflicher Produktionssysteme". The package containing various functions for linear programming and positive mathematical programming.

Please make sure to use this package with R Version 4.1 or higher.

Defining a problem and setting up an LP object

To set up a linear programming problem, only three function arguments are needed: a objective function coefficient vector c, the technical coefficients Aas well as the resource endowment b.

c <- c(Wheat = 1000, Potato = 2000, Rapeseed = 1200, Soybean = 1100, Corn = 900, Vegetables = 2800)
A <- matrix(c(1,40,120,1,0,0,
              ncol = 6)
b <- c(Area = 20, Labour = 1800, Nitrogen = 2000, Fusarium = 12, Phytophthora = 13, Fly = 8)
LP <- LP(c, A, b)

Basic functions

We can print out information about the LP-object as follows:


To get a qick insight, we can also plot two variables with their restrictions against each other.

plot(LP) # plot model, if more than 2 variables, plot the first two
plot(LP, which = c(2,4)) # look at some other variables

Sensitivity and shadow values


Sensitivity Analysis

simdata <- simulate(LP, r = 0.2, n = 500)
plot(simdata) # Press `ENTER` until it ends. Look at the simulated data before doing a sensitivity analysis. Adjust `r` if it looks non-linear.
SA <- src(X = simdata$Input, y = simdata$Output$Objective, nboot = 200)
plot(SA) # this is the generic function contained within the "sensitivity" package
ggplot2::ggplot(SA) # this as well
barplot(SA) # this function is exported by `ETH.OLP` -- information in title is adjusted automatically

Positive Mathematical Programming

xstar <- c(Wheat = 8,
           Potato = 2,
           Rapeseed = 2,
           Soybean = 3,
           Corn = 4,
           Vegetables = 1) # read in values observed in "reality"
PMP <- PMP(c, A, b, xstar)
Q <- PMP$Q
print(PMP) # we are notified that one constraint was violated, and which it is. Also, PMP solution derives from observed one, because it needs to be within feasibility set!
new_c <- c(Wheat = 1000, Potato = 2000, Rapeseed = 1200, Soybean = 1100, Corn = 900, Vegetables = 3500)
predict(PMP, new_c) # what happens to production if we increase vegetable prices?

Looping with sapply

Define a function which runs the LP for a specific given Labour:

f <- function(Labour){
   b <- c(Area = 20, Labour = Labour, Nitrogen = 2000, Fusarium = 12, Phytophthora = 13, Fly = 8) # `Labour` is variable
   return(update(LP, b = b)$solution)
LabourVector <- seq(500,3500,50) # define some values which we want to evaluate
results <- sapply(LabourVector, f)
barplot(results, col = viridis::cividis(7), space = 0, legend = TRUE, args.legend = list(x = "bottomright")) # could also be nicer, but works like this...

Looping over two dimensions

n <- 200
AreaVector <- seq(5, 55, length=n)
LabourVector <- seq(1000,3000,length=n)

Define a function to return the LP results based on available Area and Labour.

f <- function(Area, Labour){
   b <- c(Area = Area, Labour = Labour, Nitrogen = 2000, Fusarium = 12, Phytophthora = 13, Fly = 8) # `Labour` is variable
   return(update(LP, b = b)$solution/Area)

Compute the results for all possible combinations of AreaVector and LabourVector, then save results.

expand.grid("Area" = AreaVector, "Labour" = LabourVector) |> # create a dataframe with all combinations of AreaVector and LabourVector
   apply(MARGIN = 1, FUN = function(x) f(x[1],x[2])) |>
   t() -> results
results <- cbind(results, Total = apply(results, 1, sum))

Visualise the computed results results (one at a time, otherwise it gets unhandy).

for (variable in colnames(results)) {
   filled.contour(AreaVector, LabourVector, round(matrix(results[,variable], ncol = n),1),
                  zlim = c(0,1),
                  nlevels = 9, col = viridis::cividis(10),
                  xlab = "Land", ylab = "Labour",
                  main = paste("Response of", variable, "to parameters"))