All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Dask support ([#181] (#181))
- Changed code coverage from SonarCloud to Codecov ([#183] (#183))
- Update and to be consistent with ([#183] (#183))
- Example data used in the tutorial notebooks is now downloaded from Zenodo (#172).
- "Label alignment" functionality for RGDR, to align labels over multiple train-test splits (#144).
- A preprocessing module, which can be used to calculate climatology/anomalies and to detrend data (#152).
- Support for specifying multiple target and precursor intervals in RGDR (#153).
- A bug in the spherical area calculation of RGDR has been fixed (#133).
- Default settings for RGDR have been removed. Users now need to fully specify their RGDR setup (#133).
- The RGDR visualization plots are now called using
- Calendar, resampling, and traintest modules have been moved to a separate package named Lilio (#158).
- Use
as the project manager, andruff
as the linter (#159). - Notebooks have been moved to the docs folder, to be included in ReadtheDocs in the future (#159).
- Display of images on ReadtheDocs and PyPi (#97)
- Improve Sphinx documentation hosted on ReadtheDocs (#32 #70)
- Support max lags and mark target period methods in time module (#40 #43)
- Add traintest splitting module for cross-validation (#37)
- Add Response Guided Dimensionality Reduction (RGDR) module (#68)
- Update Readme (#95)
- Refactor resample methods as functions (#50)
- Refactor calendars to BaseCalendar class and subclasses (#60)
- Python 3.7 support (#65)
- Time module for an "advent calendar" to handle target and precursor periods.
- Implemented resampling data to the advent calendar.
- Example notebooks on how to use the calendar and resampling functionalities.