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Other Syntax and Information

APickledWalrus edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 2 revisions

Has GUI Condition

This condition is whether the specified players have or don't have a GUI open. Syntax:

%players% (has|have) a gui [open]
%players% (doesn't|does not|do not|don't) have a gui [open]

Next GUI Slot Expression

This expression returns the character representing a GUI's next open slot. Syntax:

%guiinventorys%'[s] next gui slot[s]
[the] next gui slot[s] of %guiinventorys%
[the] next gui slot

Please note that the third pattern is only usable in GUI scopes (create, edit, make, open, close, etc.)


If you see this in patterns, it simply means the syntax wants a GUI.

Technical Note: The only reason it's called a "guiinventory" is because Skript does not like the name "gui"

Slot Types

armor - An armor slot in the player's inventory

container - A regular slot in the player's inventory (anything not covered by the other types)

crafting - A slot in the crafting input area

fuel - The fuel slot in a furnace inventory, or the ingredient slot in a brewing stand inventory

outside - A pseudo-slot representing the area outside the inventory window

quickbar - A slot in the hotbar

result - A result (or output) slot in a furnace or crafting inventory