Web Development Class - VII recording: Here
- Step 1 (Declaration) - We declare/edit models in models.py file.
- Step 2 (Activation) - We run
python manage.py makemigrations
command. Migrated files are created. These files contains queries written by Django in selected Database Engine in a .py file. - Step 3 (Migration) - We run
python manage.py migrate
command. Actual Tables/Database is created. - Step 4 - Register the models in admin.py and visit Django Admin Panel to interact with the database.
- We have already seen how to interact with database using GUI (Graphical User Interface) i.e. by using Django Admin Panel.
- Now we will see how we can get similar things done by Python code using CLI (Command Line Interface).
- Django provides APIs for facilitating CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on the database.
- There is no need to write SQL Queries for this. Another advantage of mighty Django!
- Run following command in PyCharm's terminal to open Python console where we'll be typing our commands to interact with database.
python manage.py shell
Now we will perform CRUD on database using CLI
- C (CREATE) - Adding a new question from CLI
# In Python console >>> from polls.models import Question, Choice >>> from django.utils import timezone >>> new_ques = Question(question_text="Which is better, GUI or CLI?", publication_date=timezone.now())
- Here we have created an object or instance of Question class.
- Open another terminal and start server. Now check from Admin Panel whether this new question has been added or not?
- We have just created an object of Question class. To save it to database, we will need to call save() method.
>>> new_ques.save()
- Now again check the Admin Panel. You'll a new row has appeared in Questions table.
- U (UPDATE) - Updating Question Text of the question we just created.
>>> new_ques.question_text = "Which is better, GUI (Graphical User Interface) or CLI (Command Line Interface)?" >>> new_ques.save()
- Do not forget to use
method after creation and updation.
- Do not forget to use
- R (READ) - Reading/Fetching all the questions saved in database till now.
>>> all_questions = Question.objects.all() >>> print(all_questions)
- Reading/Fetching question with id = 1. get returns only 1 record.
OR>>> ques = Question.objects.get(id=1) >>> ques = Question.objects.filter(id=1)
>>> ques = Question.objects.get(pk=1) >>> ques = Question.objects.filter(pk=1)
- Reading/Fetching all questions which start with word How.
>>> ques_how = Question.objects.filter(question_text__startswith="How")
- D (DELETE) - Deleting ques with id = 1 from database.
>>> ques = Question.objects.get(id=1) >>> ques.delete() # OR >>> Question.objects.get(id=1).delete()
- C (CREATE) - Adding a new question from CLI
Some useful methods -
all() -
- It is used to fetch all the records present in any table.
- It returns a QuerySet.
get() -
- It returns a single matching object from the table based on any condition.
- It will raise an exception in case the record matching the given condition is not present.
filter() -
- In this a QuerySet of records matching the specified condition is returned.
- In case, there is no record matching the given condition, it returns Null QuerySet and does not raise exception.
- Many time we use filter instead of get like this.
ques_qs = Question.objects.filter(id=1)
if ques_qs:
ques_obj = ques_qs[0] # ques_qs.first()
# OR
ques_obj = Question.objects.filter(id=1)[0]
# OR
ques_obj = Question.objects.filter(id=1).first()
- create() -
- It is used to create an object and save it at the same time to the database.
- We do not need to call save() method if we use create().
- Example -
new_ques = Question.objects.create(question_text="New Question", publication_date=timezone.now())
save() -
- It is used to save changes to the database after creating a new object (without using create()) or after updating any existing object.
order_by() -
- Used to Order the records in Ascending or Descending order based on any attribute.
- Example - Ordering Questions by Publication Date.
ordered_ques = Question.objects.order_by('publication_date')
# Reversing order
reverse_ordered_ques = Question.objects.order_by('-publication_date')
exclude() - Used to exclude some objects based on some condition. EXPLORE ON YOUR OWN!
What is QuerySet? -
- It is a list of objects of a given Model.
- QuerySets allow us to read the data from the database, filter it and order it, etc.
- Till now we have only added Questions. Now we will create Choices for these Questions.
>>> choice1 = Choice(choice_text="GUI", number_of_votes=0, question=new_ques)
>>> choice1.save()
>>> choice2 = Choice.objects.create(choice_text="CLI", number_of_votes=0, question=new_ques)
- Here you might notice that initially, number_of_votes will always be zero.
- So for this we can specify a default value while declaring models.
# In polls/models.py
class Choice(models.Model):
number_of_votes = models.IntegerField(default=0, verbose_name="Number of Votes")
- If you've done above change, make sure to run migrations and migrate command for this change to actually reflect in database.
- So finally, now we will make the main page of our web app.
- As we have already discussed, it will contain the list of all the questions and two links (details and result) with each question. Think what we need to do now?
- We will have to create a view which -
- fetches list of questions from database,
- fits it in the HTML page, and
- returns it back to the browser.
- Also this view will be mapped/attached to a URL i.e. it will get called when this particular URL will be entered in browser.
- Let's choose this URL to be
. - Make sure urlspattern of project1/urls.py file looks like this.
# In project1/urls.py
urlpatterns = [
path("polls/", include("polls.urls")),
path("admin/", admin.site.urls),
- Now we will map this view with the decided URL.
# In polls/urls.py
from polls import views
urlpatterns = [
path('', views.main_page, name="Main Page"),
# Eg:
path('<int:ques_id>/details/', views.details, name="Details"),
# Eg: , where ques_id=1
path('<int:ques_id>/results/', views.results, name="Results"),
# Eg: , where ques_id=1
path('<int:ques_id>/vote/', views.vote, name="Vote"),
# Eg: , where ques_id=1
- What is
in above URLs?. It is a part of URL which will be passed by Django to the attached view as a parameter while calling it. - Here it is used to uniqely identify a Question.
- So, let's move on to polls/views.py and create our view.
# In polls/views.py file
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse
from polls.models import Question
def main_page(request):
response = "This page will show list of all questions"
return HttpResponse(response)
def details(request, ques_id):
response = "This page will show Details of question with id=" + str(ques_id)
return HttpResponse(response)
def results(request, ques_id):
response = "This page will show Results of voting on question with id=" + str(ques_id)
return HttpResponse(response)
def vote(request, ques_id):
print("Voting on question with id=" + str(ques_id))
- The ques_id parameter being passed in details() and results() view is the same parameter which is coming from the URL attached to these views.
- Now start the server and visit
- Main Page having Question Listhttp://
- Details of Question with question_id = 1http://
- Results of Question with question_id = 2
- It's time to make our own HTML files.
- Recap: Templates -
- It is basically a HTML document which is returned as a response to the browser.
- A view, fits in required data into the template (HTML file) and then returns the template.
- HTML files are kept in a directory called templates in each app.
- Django Template Language (DTL) is used inside templates or HTML files.
- Create a new folder templates in polls app.
- Now create another folder polls inside templates folder.
- Now create an HTML file main_page.html inside polls/templates/polls folder.
- Now we need to return this HTML page from our view. How do we do that?
- Modify main_page() view as following.
# In polls/views.py file
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from polls.models import Question
def main_page(request):
# Fetching list of all questions
all_questions_qs = Question.objects.all()
print("Question List successfully fetched!")
return render(request, "polls/main_page.html", context={})
Now start the server and visit
. -
Syntax of
render(request, address_of_template, context)
- Now how do we pass the question list which we have fetched from the database in the view to our main_page.html?
- Context -
- Dynamic things to display which change when page changes or variable in the URL changes.
- It is a Python Dictionary.
- Key of Context - It represents the DTL variable name using which the value will be accessed.
- If we want some data to be displayed in any template, we pass it through context from the view which will return that template.
- Context can be thought of as a link between View and Templates.
- Rendering - Template and Context are rendered together and returned as response.
# In polls/views.py file
from django.shortcuts import render, HttpResponse
from polls.models import Question
def main_page(request):
# Fetching list of all questions
all_questions_qs = Question.objects.all()
print("Question List successfully fetched!")
context = {
'question_list': all_questions_qs,
return render(request, "polls/main_page.html", context=context)
- In main_page.html inside the
tag, add the following line.
{{ question_list }}
- Now start the server and visit
. Finally we are able to pass data from view to template.
- It is used inside HTML page to handle the data passed from views effectively and display them on the page easily.
- Components of STL -
- Variables -
- {% raw %}
{{ }}
{% endraw %} Double Curly braces are used to signify DTL variables inside HTML. - Keys of Context passed from view becomes DTL variable inside the templates.
- Example - {% raw %}
{{ question_list }}
{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}
- Tags -
- {% raw %}
{% tag_name %}
{% endraw %} is used to define DTL tags. - Logic like Control Statements, Loops, etc are given in DTL tags.
- Example - {% raw %}
{% if <condition> %}
,{% elif <condition> %}
,{% else %}
,{% endif %}
,{% for i in arr %} <h1>{{ i }}</h1> {% endfor %}
,{% endraw %} etc.
- {% raw %}
- Comments -
- {% raw %}
{% comment %}....{% endcomment %}
{% endraw %}.
- {% raw %}
- Filters -
- Data can be transformed using filters.
- Pipe "{% raw %}
{% endraw %}" symbol is used. - Example - {% raw %}
{{ question.publication_date|timesince }}
{% endraw %} (here timesince is a filter), {% raw %}{{ var1|date:"y-m-d" }}
{% endraw %}, etc. Explore filters according to your need.
- Variables -
{% raw %}
<!-- In main_page.html file -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Question List</h1>
{% for question in question_list %}
{{ question.question_text }}
(pub: {{ question.publication_date }})
<a href="{{ question.pk }}/details">Details</a>
<a href="{{ question.pk }}/results">Results</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
- Hardcoding the URLs in Django would be a bad choice. What if we want to change a URL? We'll have to change it everywhere we have used.
- url tag of DTL comes to our rescue.
- We can specify a URL just by using url tag and the name which we provided in urls.py file.
- Syntax - {% raw %}
{% url "name_of_url_from_path" varibales_passed_in_url %}
{% endraw %}.
{% raw %}
<!-- In main_page.html file -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Question List</h1>
{% for question in question_list %}
{{ question.question_text }}
(pub: {{ question.publication_date }})
<a href="{% url "Details" question.pk %}">Details</a>
<a href="{% url "Results" question.pk %}">Results</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
- In details page, we need to show Question and its Choices.
- Create a HTML file details.html inside polls/templates/polls.
- From this page, visitor will also be able to vote. First we will create view for this page.
# In polls/view.py
from .models import Question, Choice
def details(request, ques_id):
# Fetching quesiton with pk=ques_id
question_qs = Question.objects.filter(pk=ques_id)
if question_qs:
question = question_qs[0]
# Fetching choices for this question
choice_list = Choice.objects.filter(question=question)
context = {
"question": question,
"choice_list": choice_list,
return render(request, "polls/details.html", context=context)
response = "Question with id=" + str(id) + " not found."
return HttpResponse(response)
{% raw %}
<!-- Inside details.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Detail of {{ question.pk }}</title>
<h1>Question Detail</h1>
<h2>{{ question.question_text }}</h2>
Pub: {{ question.publication_date }}
<form method="POST" action="">
{% for choice in choice_list %}
<input type="radio" name="choice" id=choice_{{ question.pk }} value={{ question.pk }}>
<label for=choice_{{ question.pk }}>{{ choice.choice_text }}</label>
{% endfor %}
<button type="submit">Vote</button>
{% endraw %}
- Recall that action attribute is used to specify the path or URL where we want to submit the data of the form.
- In this case, we want it go to
URL. So specify action as following.
{% raw %}
<!-- Inside details.html -->
<form method="POST" action="{% url "Vote" question.pk %}">
{% endraw %}
- Now try to submit the form. What happened?
- We have to add one more field in inside
when submitting POST data in django.
{% raw %}
<!-- Inside details.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Detail of {{ question.pk }}</title>
<h1>Question Detail</h1>
<h2>{{ question.question_text }}</h2>
Pub: {{ question.publication_date }}
<form method="POST" action="">
{% csrf_token %}
{% for choice in choice_list %}
<input type="radio" name="choice" id=choice_{{ question.pk }} value={{ question.pk }}>
<label for=choice_{{ question.pk }}>{{ choice.choice_text }}</label>
{% endfor %}
<button type="submit">Vote</button>
{% endraw %}
- {% raw %}
{% csrf_token %}
{% endraw %} is added to protect from Cross Site Request Forgery attacks.
- We are submitting the form at<int:ques_id>/vote
. - Now this URL was attached to vote() view. It means that vote() will be called after we submit the form.
- So, now, from this function, we will update the number_of_votes in the database for selected choice.
- Modify vote() as following.
# In polls/views.py
def vote(request, ques_id):
print("Voting on question with id=" + str(ques_id))
response = "Voted successfully on Question with id=" + str(ques_id)
return HttpResponse(response)
request.POST -
- It is a python dictionary which contains the data sent from the HTML form.
- The name attribute in input tag of HTML form becomes the key of dictionary in views.py.
- We can use this dictionary to render the form data into our view and work on that.
request.GET - This will used in the same way as request.POST but when method="GET" is specified in
tag. -
Modifying Vote view to update number_of_votes.
# In polls/views.py
def vote(request, ques_id):
selected_choice_id = request.POST['choice']
selected_choice_qs = Choice.objects.filter(pk=selected_choice_id)
# Checking if choice with id=selected_choice_id exists or not
if selected_choice_qs:
selected_choice = selected_choice_qs[0]
selected_choice.number_of_votes += 1
response = "Voted successfully on Question with id=" + str(ques_id)
return HttpResponse(response)
response = "Choice with this id is not present."
return HttpResponse(response)
It will better if we after voting, visitor is redirected to results page. We will use HttpResponseRedirect and reverse for this.
reverse - It just fetches the URL for a given view name with it's parameters.
HttpResponseRedirect - It redirects to the URL fetched by reverse.
# In polls/views.py
from django.shortcuts import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect, render
from django.urls import reverse
def vote(request, ques_id):
selected_choice_id = request.POST['choice']
selected_choice_qs = Choice.objects.filter(pk=selected_choice_id)
# Checking if choice with id=selected_choice_id exists or not
if selected_choice_qs:
selected_choice = selected_choice_qs[0]
selected_choice.number_of_votes += 1
# Printing reverse just to see what is it actually returning
print(reverse('Results', kwargs={'ques_id': ques_id}))
return HttpResponseRedirect(reverse('Results', kwargs={'ques_id': ques_id}))
response = "Choice with this id is not present."
return HttpResponse(response)
- Note -
- Always return an HttpResponseRedirect after successfully dealing with POST data.
- This prevents data from being posted twice if a user hits the Back button.
- Are you wondering that how will we link CSS, JS or images to our templates?
- Inside polls, make a folder static, then inside it make a folder polls. It is similar to template namspacing.
- We can put our static files (CSS, JS and images), inside this polls/static/polls directory and Django will serve them for us.
- Now let's see how we'll include this in our templates (HTML file).
- static tag of DTL is used for including static files in templates.
{% raw %}
<!-- In main_page.html file -->
{% load static %}
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href={% static "polls/css/style.css" %}>
<script src={% static "polls/js/main.js" %} defer></script>
<img src="{% static 'polls/images/image.png' %}">
<h1>Question List</h1>
{% for question in question_list %}
{{ question.question_text }}
(pub: {{ question.publication_date }})
<a href="{% url "Details" question.pk %}">Details</a>
<a href="{% url "Results" question.pk %}">Results</a>
{% endfor %}
{% endraw %}
- Complete the results view and HTML page of the polling app and make it working.
- Template Inheritance
- {% raw %}
{{ forloop.counter }}
{% endraw %} in DTL - Django Forms
- Class Based Views
- Cross Site Request Forgery