Thank you for taking the time to contribute!
If this is your first contribution, we invite you to read our list of guidelines, common to all AdaCore repositories.
Below are specific guidelines to contribute to GNATcoll.
Please follow GNAT's coding style for Ada code, and PEP8 for Python code.
Organize your work into separated, atomic commits. A commit should ideally contain the single smallest unit of change possible without breaking anything. A change should include any tests that were added or modified for it.
Every change you add to the code should be tested. If this is a bug fix, add regression test(s). If it's a change of functionality, add functional test(s). The available tests should provide 100% coverage of the lines added or modified by the change; if this is not achievable, provide justification why some lines can't be covered (such as defensive code, etc).
Please refer to GNATcoll testsuite documentation for technical details.