- Synchronization with dnd5e pr from mr primate
- Many bug fix, strange reset of the flags whet set or unset flags on the same namespace ?
- Fix polymorph for npc
- Fix AC is missing on polymorph
- Update to fvtt10
- Add swade system
- Add check for avoid a array during the revert action
- Many bug fix
- Add text field 'explicitName' on the dialog config custom
- Add header sheet button and context option for revert the transformation
- Add code for transfer permission when create the new tmp actor
- Add module setting for customize the color of the new 'Restore Transformation' button
- Add module setitng for avoid to delete the temp actor if you want to do stuff
- Removed module setting 'storeonactor', now i always store on actor property with linked and unlinked token for sanity purpose of the code
- Add socketLib function for invoke 'tranformInto' and revertOriginalFrom' and bypass all permission issue
- If the polymorph is the type 'alter/disguise self' remove everything from the target actor
- Try to bug fix: [BUG] Polymorpher not working anymore
- Bug fix settings of flags
- Strange bug the method "toJson()" for the Actor is undefined ? we try catch with the method "toObject()"
- Strange bug with warpgate
- [BREAKING CHANGES] Rewrite mostly of the code so do not update just before a session
- Preparation for new customization alghortim for polymorph
- Sadly warpgate seem to have some issue with the mutate function, i'll try to dig the problem for open a issue on the warpgate project, in the meanwhile i'm have tried to replicate the dnd5e polymorph mevchanism for other systems, yuo can still use warpgate by enabling the module setting.
- Add new options "Alter/Disguise self" the custom preset options
- Little bug fix on api methods
- Bug fix on hud click
- NEW FEATURE: Integration for load actors directly from compendium
- NEW FEATURE: Add module settings for enable Warpgate mutate function like a preference, ke sense only on systems with their own polymorph mcheanism like Dnd5e
- NEW FEATURE: Integration for store actors directly on actor instead token on the dialog html
- NEW API: Add api for call polymoprhing with actor reference instead token reference
- Some bug fixing
- Add module setting for apply a custom color to the hud button
- Tested with SWADE
- Finay fixed the warpgate revert bug (not bug just me being stupid)
- Little update hud position feature
- Merge de.json file for langugae
- Bug fix: Doesn't work in v9 latest
- Bug fix for case multitoke linked to the same actor, so now the animation is done on the correct token
- Bug fix for apply warpgate mutate function on system not Dnd5e
- Bug fix on socketLib
- Bug fix on setting labels
- Add check for show the hud button only if at least a polymorphing actor is present on the current actor
- Converted the hud settings from 'world' to 'client'
- Set module settings 'hudEnable' default to true
- Add hud control
- add some new setting
- Add a fast polymorphing mechanism for make the comabt more fluid
- Add socketLib, API, new feature
- add japanese localization, author: のらせす (@BrotherSharper)
- Official first release
- Remove macro custom management, make this module more basic
- Some bug fix
- Update typescript
- Some bug fix
- Some bug fix
- Update typescript
- Add CHANGELOGS & CONFLICTS hooks for better management of the conflicts
- Colored the header sheet button icon and text
- Add module setting to hide the header button sheet label (active by default)