$ git clone https://github.com/naaniz/Restaurant-Bot-Automation.git
- Switch to specific branch. (check your current branch on vscode editor)
$ git checkout <branch_name>
- Now create a branch from this current branch as root.
$ git checkout -b your_patch <branch_name>
- First stage your changes by this command
$ git add . <to stage all files> or git add filename (to stage required file only)
- After staging you need to commit the changes once after commit can't undo changes.
$ git commit -m "feature name u have added"
- Now its time to push to the remote repo.
$ git push
- Thats it now your code has been pushed to remote repo.
- some times you need to pull before push
$ git pull
$ git branch -d branch_name
Always check for the current branch your working is right or not on vscode editor and also Never merge pull requests on your own.