- adaptation module for kohana v3.3
- add memcached support, thanks to seyfer (#26, #27)
- update GeGHi for work with php5.5
- fixed #21
- divide master branch to 3.2 and 3.3
- fixed bug FOUND_ROWS() (issue: #18)
- fixed bug with check existence of class FirePHP
- fixed bug with displaying arrays of variables GET/POST
- fixed css bug
- added support transactions (begin,commit,rollback) for mysql driver this is not an ideal solution because system profiler group the same queries
- fixed bug with displaying data in HMVC
- added support work with "xdebug"
- fixed css bug of border artifacts and jitter in opera
- change JavaScript highlighter to server side solution
- add PHP highlighter on error page
- add SQL highlighter in html toolbar
- add on/off highlight settings to config
- add output ProfilerToolbar to error page
- add custom error page with SQL syntax highlighter
- change output format of request params (routes tab)
- Firebug: show use route in group tab
- change parameters order of ProfilerToolbar::addData() method
- fixed css bug of <pre> tag in YOUR tab
- add htmlspecialchars() to output vars
- add support PDO
- fixed some bugs
- override "after" method of base Controller for display FireBug info at all Controllers
- add "firebug.showEverywhere" param in config
- added FireBug support for use AJAX
- added normal config file where you can:
- enable/disable html output
- enable/disable firebug output
- enable/disable display all elements separately
- changed the directory structure in VIEWS to avoid overriding templates
- replaced short tags to long form
- fixed css bug of incorrect display tab border line in different browsers
- fixed error when absence of the variable $_SESSION
- info panel fixed like a menu to top of window
- fixed some bugs
- changed README.md
- First version