Download the file and find a way to get the flag.
The provided file can be found here.
Scanning the first QR code, frame.png
, gives us the output Hey, I've put the flag into the other file using the same trick we always use. You know what to do. :)
This means we need to focus on the QR code code.png
Opening the image in Adobe Photoshop and subtract the black one from the white one - also known as changing your layer type to Difference
Now this is good enough to get the flag, however if you happen to have no life you can do a touch of post-processing. For all you nerds, this is done by leveling out a lot of noise followed by scaling it down then back up using nearest neighbour:
The QR code now outputs FLAG: A_Code_For_A_Code
Try to XOR
pixels of two images by PIL
to a image, logical_xor.png
from PIL import Image, ImageChops
img1 = Image.open('code.png').convert('1')
img2 = Image.open('frame.png').convert('1')
result = ImageChops.logical_xor(img1, img2)
And then qr decode it by zbar
zbarimg logical_xor.png
> QR-Code:FLAG: A_Code_For_A_Code
Flag: A_Code_For_A_Code