S.no | Problem | Solution |
1 | Find if there is a pair with target sum in an array | HasTargetSumPair.java |
2 | Return an array with each element as product of all elements except self | ProductOfAllExceptSelf.java |
3 | Get lowest positive integer not present in array | LowestPositiveIntegerNotInArray.java |
4 | Find number of ways to climb a staircase | ClimbStaircase.java |
5 | Find longest substring with atmost k unique characters | LongestSubstringWithKDistinct.java |
6 | Find Minimum Rooms Required | FindMinimumRoomsRequired.java |
7 | Invert A Binary Tree | InvertBinaryTree.java |
8 | Binary Tree Boustrophedon Order | BinaryTreeBoustrophedonOrder.java |
9 | Sentence Checker | SentenceChecker.java |
10 | Get Alternating Linked List Order | GetAlternatingLinkedListOrder.java |
11 | Serialize & Deserialize A Binary Tree | SerializeDeserializeTree.java |
12 | Find first missing positive integer | FindFirstMissingPositiveInteger.java |
13 | Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters | LongestSubstringWithoutRepeatingCharacter.java |
14 | Longest Palindromic Substring | LongestPalindromicSubstring.java |
15 | Validate Balanced Parentheses | ValidateBalancedParentheses.java |
16 | First and Last Indices of an Element in a Sorted Array | FirstAndLastIndexOfElementInSortedArray.java |