Sokol is a PowerShell script designed to be used via CrowdStrike RTR as a CloudFile
. Similar to KAPE, it pulls critical forensic artifacts from a target during IR, so that the artifacts can be analyzed on a separate forensic workstation.
Sokol contains several modules that can be run individually, or all at once.
Create a new script via Configuration
-> Response Scripts & Files
and name it "Sokol"
To run Sokol from the CrowdStrike RTR console:
runscript -CloudFile='Sokol' -CommandLine='-module all'
runscript -CloudFile='Sokol' -CommandLine='-module Services'
- Set execution policy to Unrestricted under the scope of the current process
Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -Scope Process
- Run Sokol.ps1 with the appropriate parameter(s)
.\Sokol.ps1 -module all
-module all : run all modules
-module <name> : run specific module
-folder <path> : output folder [Default: C:\Windows\Temp\IR]
-module help : display usage
{Malware - Persistence}
AutoRuns : Gather files in common startup locations
Services : Gather Windows Services
InstalledSoftware : Gather Installed Software from Uninstall Key
DNSCache : Get clients local DNS cache
RunningProcesses : Get all running processes and hashes
{Forensics - Evidence of Execution}
Prefetch : Get list of files in prefetch
PEFiles : Get list of PE files and hashes in user writeable locations
JumpLists : Get a copy of JumpLists (AutomaticDestinations & CustomDestinations)
SRUM : Get a copy of SRUDB.DAT
{Forensics - Deleted Items & File Existence}
RecycleBin : Get a copy of the contents of $Recycle.Bin
Thumbcache : Get a copy of the Thumbcache from user's %AppData% folder
WordWheelQuery : Get a copy of WordWheelQuery key from NTUSER.DAT hive
UserTypedPaths : Get a copy of TypedPaths from NTUSER.DAT hive
{Forensics - Files & Folders Opened}
LNKFiles : Get LNK files on desktop and recent files list
OpenSaveMRU : Get a copy of OpenSavePidlMRU from NTUSER.DAT hive
OfficeRecentfiles : Get Office file MRU lists from NTUSER.DAT hive
{Malware - Miscellaneous}
OfficeFiles : Get list of office docs and hashes in user writeable locations
ScriptFiles : Get list of scripts and hashes in user writeable locations
{Forensics - Miscellaneous}
EventLogs : Gather Event Logs
HiddenFilesDirs : Get hidden files and directories
WindowsUpdates : Get installed windows updates
BrowserExtensions : Get list of extensions for Chrome and Firefox
KrbSessions : Get list of kerberos sessions
Recall : Gathers screenshots and other data from Microsoft's Recall feature