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  • Tampere University
  • Finland

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Hi there 👋 My name is

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My Programming Languages

TypeScript JavaScript Python Java Rust C C++ Go

Pinned Loading

  1. ducanhpham0312/zeevision ducanhpham0312/zeevision Public

    A Zeebe workflow monitoring application.

    TypeScript 3 2

  2. Lavish-Ecommerce Lavish-Ecommerce Public

    Ecommerce platform with Contentful CMS

    TypeScript 9 1

  3. AuthenticationRust AuthenticationRust Public

    An Authentication service running Rust on AWS Lambda, AWS API Gateway, AWS Route53

    Rust 1

  4. Sandwich-Webstore Sandwich-Webstore Public

    Fullstack microservice architecture with Rabbitmq webstore application


  5. cifar10-classification cifar10-classification Public

    Several method of machine learning and pattern recognition to classify different images from the CIFAR-10 database like 1-NN, Bayesian, and neural network classifier
