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Questions about Total head BC and Seepage face BC #87

Answered by FrancescaCeccato
Tu-Shiqin asked this question in Q&A
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Dear Tu-Shiqin,
I try to answer:

  1. Phreatic surphace is only used to calculate the water pressure at the first time step. HBBF provide a total head for the entire calculation preocess (when it is applied) and it is a BOUNDARY CONDITION, meaning that it is applied at a specific surface.
  2. no, we never tried. How can this happen in reality?
  3. eq. 5.5. is only used to calulcate the pressure at the boundary where this hydraulic boundary condition is applied and not everywhere in the model. In you case pressure is 0 at the right of the hole becasue you are removing water fixity, which means that pressure becomes 0 at that boundary unless otherwise specified.
  4. seepage face, total head and infiltratio…

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Answer selected by FrancescaCeccato
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