Source code for haccytrees.mergertrees.assemble.catalogs2trees
+from typing import Callable, Mapping, Union
+import numpy as np
+import pygio
+import numba
+import gc
+import sys
+from mpi4py import MPI
+from ...simulations import Simulation
+from mpipartition import Partition
+from mpipartition import distribute, exchange
+from ...utils.timer import Timer, time
+from ...utils.datastores import GenericIOStore, NumpyStore
+from ...utils.memory import debug_memory
+from .catalogs2trees_hdf5_output import write2multiple, write2single
+from .fieldsconfig import FieldsConfig
+def _descendant_index(ids, desc_ids):
+ desc_idx = np.empty_like(desc_ids)
+ ids2idx = numba.typed.Dict.empty(numba.int64, numba.int64)
+ for i in range(len(ids)):
+ ids2idx[ids[i]] = i
+ progenitor_sizes = np.zeros_like(ids, dtype=np.uint32)
+ for i in range(len(desc_ids)):
+ if desc_ids[i] >= 0:
+ dix = ids2idx[desc_ids[i]]
+ desc_idx[i] = dix
+ progenitor_sizes[dix] += 1
+ else:
+ desc_idx[i] = -1
+ progenitor_offsets = np.empty_like(progenitor_sizes)
+ progenitor_array_size = 0
+ for i in range(len(ids)):
+ progenitor_offsets[i] = progenitor_array_size
+ progenitor_array_size += progenitor_sizes[i]
+ progenitor_internal_offsets = np.zeros_like(progenitor_offsets)
+ progenitor_array = np.empty(progenitor_array_size, dtype=np.uint32)
+ for i in range(len(desc_ids)):
+ if desc_ids[i] >= 0:
+ dix = ids2idx[desc_ids[i]]
+ progenitor_array[
+ progenitor_offsets[dix] + progenitor_internal_offsets[dix]
+ ] = i
+ progenitor_internal_offsets[dix] += 1
+ return desc_idx, progenitor_array, progenitor_offsets
+def _fill_branch_pos_desc(
+ branch_position,
+ parent_branch_position,
+ branch_size,
+ progenitor_array,
+ progenitor_offsets,
+ for j in range(len(parent_branch_position)):
+ current_pos = parent_branch_position[j] + 1
+ low = progenitor_offsets[j]
+ up = (
+ progenitor_offsets[j + 1]
+ if j + 1 < len(progenitor_offsets)
+ else len(progenitor_array)
+ )
+ for pj in range(low, up):
+ p = progenitor_array[pj]
+ branch_position[p] = current_pos
+ current_pos += branch_size[p]
+def _fill_branch_pos_new(branch_position, branch_size, current_pos, desc_index):
+ for j in range(len(desc_index)):
+ if desc_index[j] == -1:
+ branch_position[j] = current_pos
+ current_pos += branch_size[j]
+ else:
+ assert branch_position[j] != -1
+ return current_pos
+def _calculate_branch_size(branch_size, prev_branch_size, desc_index):
+ for j in range(len(desc_index)):
+ if desc_index[j] != -1:
+ branch_size[desc_index[j]] += prev_branch_size[j]
+def _fill_branch_pos(
+ branch_position,
+ parent_branch_position,
+ branch_size,
+ desc_index,
+ progenitor_array,
+ progenitor_offsets,
+ new_branch_insert_pos,
+ # loop over all progenitors
+ if len(parent_branch_position) > 0:
+ _fill_branch_pos_desc(
+ branch_position,
+ parent_branch_position,
+ branch_size,
+ progenitor_array,
+ progenitor_offsets,
+ )
+ # loop over all with desc == -1:
+ current_pos = _fill_branch_pos_new(
+ branch_position, branch_size, new_branch_insert_pos, desc_index
+ )
+ return current_pos
+def _read_data(
+ partition: Partition,
+ simulation: Simulation,
+ filename: str,
+ logger: Callable,
+ fields_config: FieldsConfig,
+ rebalance: bool,
+ verbose: Union[bool, int],
+ fields_xyz = [
+ fields_config.node_position_x,
+ fields_config.node_position_y,
+ fields_config.node_position_z,
+ ]
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes: read genericio", logger=logger):
+ data = pygio.read_genericio(
+ filename,
+ fields_config.read_fields,
+ method=pygio.PyGenericIO.FileIO.FileIOMPI,
+ rebalance_sourceranks=rebalance,
+ )
+ # mask invalid data
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes: validate data", logger=logger):
+ mask = np.ones_like(data[fields_xyz[0]], dtype=np.bool_)
+ for k in data.keys():
+ mask &= np.isfinite(data[k])
+ n_invalid = len(mask) - np.sum(mask)
+ if n_invalid > 0:
+ if verbose > 1:
+ print(
+ f"WARNING rank {partition.rank}: {n_invalid} invalid halos",
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ for k in data.keys():
+ data[k] = data[k][mask]
+ n_invalid_global = partition.comm.reduce(n_invalid, root=0, op=MPI.SUM)
+ if partition.rank == 0 and n_invalid_global > 0:
+ print(f"WARNING: {n_invalid_global} invalid halos (nan/inf)", flush=True)
+ # normalize data
+ for k in fields_xyz:
+ data[k] = np.remainder(data[k], simulation.rl)
+ # assign to rank by position
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes: distribute", logger=logger):
+ data = distribute(
+ partition,
+ simulation.rl,
+ data,
+ fields_xyz,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ verify_count=True,
+ )
+ # calculate derived fields
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes: calculate derived fields", logger=logger):
+ for k, f in fields_config.derived_fields.items():
+ data[k] = f(data)
+ # only keep necessary fields
+ data_new = {}
+ for k in fields_config.keep_fields:
+ data_new[k] = data[k]
+ return data_new
+def _catalog2tree_step(
+ step: int,
+ data_store: Union[GenericIOStore, Mapping],
+ index_store: Union[NumpyStore, Mapping],
+ size_store: Mapping,
+ local_desc: np.ndarray,
+ partition: Partition,
+ simulation: Simulation,
+ treenode_base: str,
+ fields_config: FieldsConfig,
+ do_all2all_exchange: bool,
+ fail_on_desc_not_found: bool,
+ rebalance_gio_read: bool,
+ verbose: Union[bool, int],
+ logger: Callable[[str], None],
+ logger(f"\nSTEP {step:3d}\n--------\n")
+ # read data and calculate derived fields (contains its own timers)
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes", logger=logger):
+ if "#" in treenode_base:
+ treenode_filename = treenode_base.replace("#", str(step))
+ else:
+ treenode_filename = f"{treenode_base}{step}.treenodes"
+ data = _read_data(
+ partition=partition,
+ simulation=simulation,
+ filename=treenode_filename,
+ logger=logger,
+ fields_config=fields_config,
+ rebalance=rebalance_gio_read,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ )
+ # exchange progenitors that belong to neighboring ranks
+ with Timer(name="exchange descendants", logger=logger):
+ if fail_on_desc_not_found:
+ na_desc_key = None
+ else:
+ na_desc_key = -1
+ data = exchange(
+ partition,
+ data,
+ fields_config.desc_node_index,
+ local_desc,
+ filter_key=lambda idx: idx >= 0,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ do_all2all=do_all2all_exchange,
+ replace_notfound_key=na_desc_key,
+ )
+ # sort array by descendant index, most massive first
+ with Timer(name="sort arrays", logger=logger):
+ s = np.lexsort(
+ (data[fields_config.desc_node_index], data[fields_config.tree_node_mass])
+ )[::-1]
+ for k in data.keys():
+ data[k] = data[k][s]
+ # get index to descendant for each progenitor, and an inverse list of progenitors for each descendant
+ with Timer(name="assign progenitors", logger=logger):
+ desc_idx, progenitor_array, progenitor_offsets = _descendant_index(
+ local_desc, data[fields_config.desc_node_index]
+ )
+ if len(progenitor_array) and progenitor_array.min() < 0:
+ print(
+ f"invalid progenitor array on rank {partition.rank}",
+ file=sys.stderr,
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ partition.comm.Abort()
+ # prepare next step:
+ local_ids = data["tree_node_index"]
+ # store data
+ data_store[step] = data
+ index_store[step] = {
+ "desc_idx": desc_idx,
+ "progenitor_array": progenitor_array,
+ "progenitor_offsets": progenitor_offsets,
+ }
+ size_store[step] = len(local_ids)
+ return local_ids
+[docs]def catalog2tree(
+ simulation: Simulation,
+ treenode_base: str,
+ fields_config: FieldsConfig,
+ output_file: str,
+ *, # The following arguments are keyword-only
+ temporary_path: str = None,
+ do_all2all_exchange: bool = False,
+ split_output: bool = False,
+ fail_on_desc_not_found: bool = True,
+ rebalance_gio_read: bool = False,
+ mpi_waittime: float = 0,
+ logger: Callable[[str], None] = None,
+ verbose: Union[bool, int] = False,
+) -> None:
+ """The main routine that converts treenode-catalogs to HDF5 treenode forests
+ [add basic outline of algorithm]
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ simulation
+ a :class:`Simulation` instance containing the cosmotools steps
+ treenode_base
+ the base path for the treenode files.
+ - if ``treenode_base`` contains ``#``, ``#`` will be replace by the current step number
+ - otherwise, the path will be completed by appending ``[step].treenodes``.
+ fields_config
+ a :class:`FieldsConfig` instance, containing the treenodes filed names
+ output_file
+ base path for the output file(s)
+ temporary_path
+ base path for temporary files. Note: folders must exist.
+ do_all2all_exchange
+ if ``False``, will exchange among neighboring ranks first and then
+ all2all. If ``True``, will do all2all directly
+ split_output
+ if ``True``, forests will be stored in multiple HDF5 files (one per
+ rank). If ``False``, all data will be combined in a single file (might
+ not be feasible for large simulations)
+ fail_on_desc_not_found
+ if ``True``, will abort if a descendant halo cannot be found among all
+ ranks. If ``False``, the orphaned halo will become the root of the
+ subtree.
+ rebalance_gio_read
+ if ``True``, will reassign the reading ranks for the treenode files. Can
+ be slower or faster.
+ mpi_waittime
+ time in seconds for which the code will wait for the MPI to be
+ initialized. Can help with some MPI errors (on cooley)
+ logger
+ a logging function, e.g. ``print``
+ verbose
+ verbosity level, either 0, 1, or 2
+ """
+ # Set a timer for the full run
+ total_timer = Timer("total time", logger=None)
+ total_timer.start()
+ # Initialize MPI partition
+ time.sleep(mpi_waittime)
+ partition = Partition(create_neighbor_topo=not do_all2all_exchange)
+ # Wait a sec... (maybe solves MPI issues?)
+ time.sleep(mpi_waittime)
+ # Used to print status messages, only from rank 0
+ def logger(x, **kwargs):
+ kwargs.pop("flush", None)
+ partition.comm.Barrier()
+ if partition.rank == 0:
+ print(x, flush=True, **kwargs)
+ # Print MPI configuration
+ if partition.rank == 0:
+ print(f"Running catalog2tree with {partition.nranks} ranks")
+ if verbose:
+ print("Partition topology:")
+ print(" Decomposition: ", partition.decomposition)
+ print(" Ranklist: \n", partition.ranklist)
+ print("", flush=True)
+ if verbose > 1:
+ for i in range(partition.nranks):
+ if partition.rank == i:
+ print(f"Rank {i}", flush=True)
+ print(" Coordinates: ", partition.coordinates)
+ print(" Extent: ", partition.extent)
+ print(" Origin: ", partition.origin)
+ print(" Neighbors: ", partition.neighbors)
+ if not do_all2all_exchange:
+ n26 = partition.neighbor_ranks
+ print(" 26-neighbors N : ", len(n26))
+ print(" 26-neighbors : ", n26)
+ print("", flush=True)
+ partition.comm.Barrier()
+ # cosmotools steps
+ steps = simulation.cosmotools_steps
+ # read final snapshot (tree roots)
+ with Timer(name="read treenodes", logger=logger):
+ if "#" in treenode_base:
+ treenode_filename = treenode_base.replace("#", str(steps[-1]))
+ else:
+ treenode_filename = f"{treenode_base}{steps[-1]}.treenodes"
+ data = _read_data(
+ partition,
+ simulation,
+ treenode_filename,
+ logger,
+ fields_config,
+ rebalance=rebalance_gio_read,
+ verbose=verbose,
+ )
+ # sort by tree_node_index
+ with Timer(name="sort arrays", logger=logger):
+ s = np.argsort(data[fields_config.tree_node_index])
+ for k in data.keys():
+ data[k] = data[k][s]
+ local_ids = data[fields_config.tree_node_index]
+ dtypes = {k: i.dtype for k, i in data.items()}
+ # Containers to store local data from each snapshot
+ data_by_step = GenericIOStore(partition, simulation.rl, temporary_path)
+ data_by_step[steps[-1]] = data
+ index_by_step = NumpyStore(partition, temporary_path)
+ index_by_step[steps[-1]] = {
+ "desc_idx": -1.0 * np.ones(len(s), dtype=np.int64),
+ "progenitor_array": np.empty(0, dtype=np.uint32),
+ "progenitor_offsets": np.empty(0, dtype=np.uint32),
+ }
+ size_by_step = {steps[-1]: len(local_ids)}
+ # iterate over previous snapshots: read, assign, prepare ordering
+ for step in steps[-2::-1]:
+ local_ids = _catalog2tree_step(
+ step,
+ data_by_step,
+ index_by_step,
+ size_by_step,
+ local_ids,
+ partition,
+ simulation,
+ treenode_base,
+ fields_config,
+ do_all2all_exchange,
+ fail_on_desc_not_found,
+ rebalance_gio_read,
+ verbose,
+ logger,
+ )
+ gc.collect() # explicitly free memory
+ if verbose:
+ debug_memory(partition, "AFTER GC")
+ # local and total size of forest
+ local_size = sum([l for s, l in size_by_step.items()])
+ logger("\nBUILDING TREE\n-------------\n")
+ # size of branches, iteratively
+ with Timer("calculate branch sizes", logger=logger):
+ branch_sizes = {
+ step: np.ones(l, dtype=np.uint64) for step, l in size_by_step.items()
+ }
+ desc_index = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)
+ prev_branch_size = np.empty(0, dtype=np.uint64)
+ for i, step in enumerate(steps):
+ branch_size = branch_sizes[step]
+ _calculate_branch_size(branch_size, prev_branch_size, desc_index)
+ prev_branch_size = branch_size
+ next_indices = index_by_step[step]
+ desc_index = next_indices["desc_idx"]
+ if verbose:
+ debug_memory(partition, "AFTER BRANCH SIZE")
+ # index to where in the forest each halo goes
+ with Timer("calculate array positions", logger=logger):
+ branch_positions = {}
+ parent_branch_position = np.empty(0, dtype=np.int64)
+ new_branch_insert_pos = 0
+ for i, step in enumerate(steps[::-1]):
+ branch_size = branch_sizes[step]
+ next_indices = index_by_step[step]
+ desc_index = next_indices["desc_idx"]
+ # convert array and offsets to list of lists
+ # progenitor_idx = np.array_split(next_indices['progenitor_array'], next_indices['progenitor_offsets'][1:])
+ branch_position = -np.ones(len(branch_size), dtype=np.int64)
+ current_pos = _fill_branch_pos(
+ branch_position,
+ parent_branch_position,
+ branch_size,
+ desc_index,
+ next_indices["progenitor_array"],
+ next_indices["progenitor_offsets"],
+ new_branch_insert_pos,
+ )
+ # mark end-of-table
+ new_branch_insert_pos = current_pos
+ # update for next iteration
+ parent_branch_position = branch_position
+ branch_positions[step] = branch_position
+ if verbose:
+ debug_memory(partition, "AFTER ARRAY POS")
+ # Assert that we got all halos
+ if new_branch_insert_pos != local_size:
+ print(
+ f"Error (rank {partition.rank}): forest size is {new_branch_insert_pos} "
+ f"instead of {local_size}",
+ flush=True,
+ )
+ partition.comm.Abort()
+ # write data
+ with Timer("output HDF5 forest", logger=logger):
+ if split_output:
+ write2multiple(
+ partition,
+ steps,
+ local_size,
+ branch_sizes,
+ branch_positions,
+ data_by_step,
+ fields_config,
+ dtypes,
+ output_file,
+ logger,
+ )
+ else:
+ write2single(
+ partition,
+ steps,
+ local_size,
+ branch_sizes,
+ branch_positions,
+ data_by_step,
+ fields_config,
+ dtypes,
+ output_file,
+ logger,
+ )
+ logger("cleanup...")
+ for step in simulation.cosmotools_steps:
+ data_by_step.remove(step)
+ index_by_step.remove(step)
+ total_timer.stop()
+ if partition.rank == 0:
+ print("\n----------------------------------------\n")
+ print("Forest creation finished!\n")
+ print("Final timers:")
+ timer_names = list(Timer.timers.keys())
+ timer_names.sort()
+ maxtimerlen = max([len(n) for n in timer_names]) + 1
+ for n, t in Timer.timers.items():
+ print(f"{n:{maxtimerlen}s}: {t:4e}s")
+ partition.comm.Barrier()