Connecting via localhost doesn't work between macOS and Windows running on Parallels Desktop, so we need to fix this.
Getting the host ip address on macOS:
ipconfig getifaddr en0
I set up the Networking mode in Parallels Desktop to Bridged > Adapter
List all network devices on Windows:
arp -a
ifconfig vnic0
List all network devices on macOS:
sudo nmap -sP {host ip address}/24
sP is skip port scan
Router ip address
What we need to do right now is make sure that the client from a totally different device (the Meta Quest Pro) can talk to the WebSocket server on Windows.
So parallels desktop actually sets up a virtual subnet / functions as a virtual router
virtual subnet
Bridged means it uses a virtual network interface card (NIC) and does not create a virtual subnet.
This sounds like the one we need. Then we also need to set the IP address. is the static IP address now assigned to the server.
As I'm trying to statically assign the IP address (as configured in the DHCP server) for the server, the MAC address needs to be configured properly. However, Parallels Desktop sometimes uses the MacBook's MAC address (or at least, the router shows the MacBook's MAC address).
Seems like this issue:
MAC Address on macOS:
ifconfig en0
under ether is the mac address
Get MAC address on Windows:
bridge ip on parallels:
get ip address on Windows: