diff --git a/Writerside/hi.tree b/Writerside/hi.tree
index 36d19cd..3a1b69b 100644
--- a/Writerside/hi.tree
+++ b/Writerside/hi.tree
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
@@ -107,6 +108,7 @@
@@ -118,6 +120,7 @@
diff --git a/Writerside/images/image_51.png b/Writerside/images/image_51.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..36ef6f1
Binary files /dev/null and b/Writerside/images/image_51.png differ
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Capture.md b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Capture.md
index 189031c..170e903 100644
--- a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Capture.md
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Capture.md
@@ -6,239 +6,245 @@
### Default Capture Koth Config:
- # * means every, so putting a * for seconds will mean what it will run every second as long as the other parts are right too
- # note: it is really important that either the MONTH or the DAY OF WEEK part must be a ?
- # here is an example, this will run at 6pm every day, at 0 seconds, 0 minutes, hour 18, every day and every month:
- schedules:
- - "0 0 18 * * ?"
- # set to 0 to disable
- # this is ONLY checked on schedule start & starter use
- minimum-players: 0
- # requires 1.18+
- hologram:
- enabled: true
- location-offset:
- x: 0
- y: 3
- z: 0
- line-height: 0.3
- lines:
- - "FF0000&l%displayName%"
- - "&f%capturer_raw% &7| &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
- bossbar:
- enabled: true
- only-show-when-capturing: false
- # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
- # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
- view-distance: 64
- name: "FF0000%displayName% DDDDDD| FF6600%capturer_raw% DDDDDD(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # colors: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Color.html
- color: RED
- # styles: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Overlay.html
- style: NOTCHED_20
- scoreboard:
- enabled: true
- only-show-when-capturing: false
- # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
- # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
- view-distance: 64
- title: "FF0000&l%displayName%"
- lines:
- - " "
- - "FF0000Location:"
- - " ❙ &fX%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000Capturer:"
- - " ❙ &f%capturer_raw%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000Time:"
- - " ❙ &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000play.yourserver.com"
- ## in this section you can override parts from the messages.yml, for example if you don't want a start message for this koth, set start here to ""
- ## note: you must uncomment this section for it to work, so remove 1 hashtag from in front of the rows that you want to override, also uncommment the next line
- #broadcasts:
- # start: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has started! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # started-with-starter: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been started by FFCC00%starter%FFFF00! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # stop: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been stopped! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # capture-start: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has started capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # capture-status: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00is capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # capture-lost: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has lost control of the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # captured: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has captured the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # out-of-time: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has ended without a winner! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # to enable this remove the [] and the # from the next line
- start-commands: []
- # - "say Koth started!"
- end-commands: []
- # - "say Koth ended"
- # requires 1.18+
- # These are all the options that you can use in the webhook section: (most of them are optional, you can remove them)
- # # the message before the embed, you can put a ping here in the <@&1234567890123456789> format
- # content: "<@&1234567890123456789>"
- # # color in hex
- # color: "#FF6600"
- # description: "Your description"
- # title:
- # # required
- # text: "Title!"
- # icon: ""
- # author:
- # # required
- # name: "Author name"
- # icon-url: ""
- # url: ""
- # footer:
- # # required
- # text: "Footer"
- # icon: ""
- # image-url: ""
- # thumbnail-url: ""
- # fields:
- # 1:
- # # required
- # inline: false
- # # required
- # name: "Field1"
- # # required
- # value: "Value1"
- webhook:
- # your webhook url here
- url: ""
- start:
- enabled: true
- content: "Get ready!"
- color: "#FF0000"
- title:
- text: "%name% - STARTED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- stop:
- enabled: true
- color: "#CC0000"
- title:
- text: "%name% - STOPPED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
- capture-start:
- enabled: true
- color: "#AAFFAA"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURE STARTED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- capture-end:
- enabled: true
- color: "#FFAAAA"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURE STOPPED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- captured:
- enabled: true
- content: ":tada:"
- color: "#00FF00"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
+ # DOCUMENTATION: https://docs.artillex-studios.com/axkoth.html
+ # ITEM BUILDER: https://docs.artillex-studios.com/item-builder.html
+ display-name: "FF0000CAPTURE KOTH"
+ # which koth mode should be active? modes:
+ # CAPTURE - requires a player to be in the koth zone without getting knocked out for a set time
+ # SCORE - every second a player is in the koth zone, their time will increase, at the end the winner will be the player with the most time
+ # do not edit this, just create a new koth if you want the other one
+ mode: CAPTURE
+ # these settings are for the CAPTURE mode
+ settings:
+ # the time needed to capture a koth
+ capture-time-seconds: 180
+ # if a player stops capturing the koth, should the timer reset?
+ capture-end-reset-time: true
+ # the max time a koth can run for
+ # set to -1 to make it run until someone wins
+ max-time-seconds: 7200
+ # if the max time is reached, should the player who is currently capturing get the rewards?
+ end-reward-capturer: false
+ zone:
+ location1: "world;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0"
+ location2: "world;5.0;5.0;5.0;0.0;0.0"
+ # to disable, just set it to an empty list: []
+ reward-commands:
+ - "give %player% diamond 1"
+ #reward-items:
+ # - material: diamond
+ # name: "FFFFShiny diamond"
+ # amount: 1
+ # - material: iron_ingot
+ # name: "DDDDDDShiny iron"
+ # amount: 3
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ # how far should the messages.yml broadcasts section messages reach?
+ broadcast-distance: 0
+ starter:
+ enabled: true
+ material: "BLAZE_POWDER"
+ glow: true
+ name: "FF0000%displayName% Koth Starter"
+ lore:
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Information:"
+ - " ❙ FFAA66Location: &f%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
+ - " ❙ FFAA66Time: &f%time_formatted%"
+ - " ❙ FFAA66Max Time: &f%maxTime_formatted%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʀᴛ"
+ # set to 0 to disable
+ # this is ONLY checked on schedule start & starter use
+ minimum-players: 0
+ hologram:
+ enabled: true
+ location-offset:
+ x: 0
+ y: 3
+ z: 0
+ line-height: 0.3
+ lines:
+ - "FF0000&l%displayName%"
+ - "&f%capturer_raw% &7| &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ bossbar:
+ enabled: true
+ only-show-when-capturing: false
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ view-distance: 64
+ name: "FF0000%displayName% DDDDDD| FF6600%capturer_raw% DDDDDD(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # colors: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Color.html
+ color: RED
+ # styles: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Overlay.html
+ style: NOTCHED_20
+ scoreboard:
+ enabled: true
+ only-show-when-capturing: false
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ view-distance: 64
+ title: "FF0000&l%displayName%"
+ lines:
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Location:"
+ - " ❙ &fX%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Capturer:"
+ - " ❙ &f%capturer_raw%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Time:"
+ - " ❙ &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000play.yourserver.com"
+ ## in this section you can override parts from the messages.yml, for example if you don't want a start message for this koth, set start here to ""
+ #broadcasts:
+ # start: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has started! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # started-with-starter: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been started by FFCC00%starter%FFFF00! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # stop: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been stopped! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # capture-start: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has started capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # capture-status: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00is capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # capture-lost: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has lost control of the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # captured: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has captured the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # out-of-time: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has ended without a winner! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # to enable this remove the [] and the # from the next line
+ start-commands: []
+ # - "say Koth started!"
+ end-commands: []
+ # - "say Koth ended"
+ capture-start-commands: []
+ # - "say %capturer_name% is now capturing the %name% koth!"
+ capture-end-commands: []
+ # - "say The %name% koth is no longer being captured!"
+ # requires 1.18+
+ # These are all the options that you can use in the webhook section: (most of them are optional, you can remove them)
+ # # the message before the embed, you can put a ping here in the <@&1234567890123456789> format
+ # content: "<@&1234567890123456789>"
+ # # color in hex
+ # color: "#FF6600"
+ # description: "Your description"
+ # title:
+ # # required
+ # text: "Title!"
+ # icon: ""
+ # author:
+ # # required
+ # name: "Author name"
+ # icon-url: ""
+ # url: ""
+ # footer:
+ # # required
+ # text: "Footer"
+ # icon: ""
+ # image-url: ""
+ # thumbnail-url: ""
+ # fields:
+ # 1:
+ # # required
+ # inline: false
+ # # required
+ # name: "Field1"
+ # # required
+ # value: "Value1"
+ webhook:
+ # your webhook url here
+ url: ""
+ start:
+ enabled: true
+ content: "Get ready!"
+ color: "#FF0000"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - STARTED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ stop:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#CC0000"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - STOPPED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
+ capture-start:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#AAFFAA"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURE STARTED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ capture-end:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#FFAAAA"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURE STOPPED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ captured:
+ enabled: true
+ content: ":tada:"
+ color: "#00FF00"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Creating-a-Koth.md b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Creating-a-Koth.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6b26913
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Creating-a-Koth.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+# Creating a Koth
+- The process is very simple! You don't need any plugin other than AxKoth!
+- Firstly, get a wand with the `/axkoth wand` command.
+- Next, hold the wand in your hand and left and right click on the 2 corners that you want to select the area for the koth zone.
+- If you did is correctly, particles should outline the selection
+- One you are happy with the selection, finish the setup with the `/axkoth create ` command! Note: replace `` with the name you want. Also you must choose the koth type, for more info about types, check [_this page_](AxKoth-Types.md) out!
+- Now that this is done, you can edit settings within the `/axkoth editor ` gui!
+- Note that some settings can not be found in the gui editor, you don't forget to check the settings in these files:
+ - `plugins/AxKoth/koths/.yml`
+ - `plugins/AxKoth/config.yml`
+ - `plugins/AxKoth/messages.yml`
+ - `plugins/AxKoth/schedulers.yml`
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Enabling-Features.md b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Enabling-Features.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c2e7df5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Enabling-Features.md
@@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
+# Enabling Features
+**In the koth config files there are some features that are commented out (disabled) by default:**
+- Item Rewards
+- Per Koth Broadcast Messages
+- Koth Start/End Commands
+- Capture Start/End Commands
+### How to enable?
+- Go to the config file: `plugins/AxKoth/koths/.yml`
+- Find the part you want to enable, in this example we will enable item rewards
+- Remove first hashtags from all the related lines, like this:
+ #reward-items:
+ # - material: diamond
+ # name: "FFFFShiny diamond"
+ # amount: 1
+ # - material: iron_ingot
+ # name: "DDDDDDShiny iron"
+ # amount: 3
+ reward-items:
+ - material: diamond
+ name: "FFFFShiny diamond"
+ amount: 1
+ - material: iron_ingot
+ name: "DDDDDDShiny iron"
+ amount: 3
+- Save the file and run /axkoth reload
+- The feature should be enabled! Also make sure to customize it, you probably don't want to give the default items.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Score.md b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Score.md
index 9def5fe..10f4250 100644
--- a/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Score.md
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxKoth-Score.md
@@ -6,245 +6,263 @@
### Default Score Koth Config:
- # or to only give rewards to the TOP1:
- #
- reward-commands:
- - "TOP:1:give %player% diamond 3"
- - "TOP:2:give %player% diamond 2"
- - "TOP:3:give %player% diamond 1"
- # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
- # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
- # how far should the messages.yml broadcasts section messages reach?
- broadcast-distance: 0
- starter:
- enabled: true
- material: "BLAZE_POWDER"
- glow: true
- name: "FF0000%displayName% Koth Starter"
- lore:
- - " "
- - "FF0000Information:"
- - " ❙ FFAA66Location: &f%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
- - " ❙ FFAA66Max Time: &f%maxTime_formatted%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʀᴛ"
- # automatically start the koth at certain times
- # this uses quartz scheduler's cron format:
- # https://www.quartz-scheduler.org/documentation/quartz-2.3.0/tutorials/crontrigger.html?
- # you can add multiple lines
- # the format is:
- #
- # * means every, so putting a * for seconds will mean what it will run every second as long as the other parts are right too
- # note: it is really important that either the MONTH or the DAY OF WEEK part must be a ?
- # here is an example, this will run at 6pm every day, at 0 seconds, 0 minutes, hour 18, every day and every month:
- schedules:
- - "0 0 18 * * ?"
- # set to 0 to disable
- # this is ONLY checked on schedule start & starter use
- minimum-players: 0
- hologram:
- enabled: true
- location-offset:
- x: 0
- y: 3
- z: 0
- line-height: 0.3
- lines:
- - "FF0000&l%displayName%"
- - "&f%capturer% &7| &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
- bossbar:
- enabled: true
- only-show-when-capturing: false
- # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
- # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
- view-distance: 64
- name: "FF0000%displayName% DDDDDD| FF6600%capturer% DDDDDD(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # colors: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Color.html
- color: RED
- # styles: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Overlay.html
- style: NOTCHED_20
- scoreboard:
- enabled: true
- only-show-when-capturing: false
- # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
- # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
- view-distance: 64
- title: "FF0000&l%displayName%"
- lines:
- - " "
- - "FF0000Location:"
- - " ❙ &fX%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000Leaderboard:"
- - " FFFF001. &f%score_1_player%: &f%score_1_points%"
- - " FFAA002. &f%score_2_player%: &f%score_2_points%"
- - " FF66003. &f%score_3_player%: &f%score_3_points%"
- - " FF0000You: &f%score%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000Ends in:"
- - " ❙ &f%maxTimeLeft_formatted%"
- - " "
- - "FF0000play.yourserver.com"
- ## in this section you can override parts from the messages.yml, for example if you don't want a start message for this koth, set start here to ""
- ## note: you must uncomment this section for it to work, so remove 1 hashtag from in front of the rows that you want to override, also uncommment the next line
- #broadcasts:
- # start: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has started! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # started-with-starter: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been started by FFCC00%starter%FFFF00! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # stop: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been stopped! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # capture-start: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has started capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # capture-status: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00is capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # capture-lost: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has lost control of the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
- # captured: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has captured the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # out-of-time: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has ended without a winner! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
- # to enable this remove the [] and the # from the next line
- start-commands: []
- # - "say Koth started!"
- end-commands: []
- # - "say Koth ended"
- # These are all the options that you can use in the webhook section: (most of them are optional, you can remove them)
- # # the message before the embed, you can put a ping here in the <@&1234567890123456789> format
- # content: "<@&1234567890123456789>"
- # # color in hex
- # color: "#FF6600"
- # description: "Your description"
- # title:
- # # required
- # text: "Title!"
- # icon: ""
- # author:
- # # required
- # name: "Author name"
- # icon-url: ""
- # url: ""
- # footer:
- # # required
- # text: "Footer"
- # icon: ""
- # image-url: ""
- # thumbnail-url: ""
- # fields:
- # 1:
- # # required
- # inline: false
- # # required
- # name: "Field1"
- # # required
- # value: "Value1"
- webhook:
- # your webhook url here
- url: ""
- start:
- enabled: true
- content: "Get ready!"
- color: "#FF0000"
- title:
- text: "%name% - STARTED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- stop:
- enabled: true
- color: "#CC0000"
- title:
- text: "%name% - STOPPED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
- capture-start:
- enabled: true
- color: "#AAFFAA"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURE STARTED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- capture-end:
- enabled: true
- color: "#FFAAAA"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURE STOPPED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
- captured:
- enabled: true
- content: ":tada:"
- color: "#00FF00"
- title:
- text: "%name% - CAPTURED"
- fields:
- 1:
- inline: true
- name: "Capturer"
- value: "%capturer_name%"
- 2:
- inline: true
- name: "Team"
- value: "%capturer_team_name%"
- 3:
- inline: true
- name: "Time"
- value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
+ display-name: "FFCC00SCORE KOTH"
+ # which koth mode should be active? modes:
+ # CAPTURE - requires a player to be in the koth zone without getting knocked out for a set time
+ # SCORE - every second a player is in the koth zone, their time will increase, at the end the winner will be the player with the most time
+ # do not edit this, just create a new koth if you want the other one
+ mode: SCORE
+ # these settings are for the SCORE mode
+ settings:
+ # if team mode is true, scores will be counter per team instead of per player
+ # you must have a team plugin set in your config.yml
+ # in team mode, the last capturer player from the team will get the rewards
+ team-mode: false
+ # the time needed to capture the koth
+ # you can set it to -1 to make max time decide the winner
+ capture-time-seconds: -1
+ # the winner will be announced when the max time is reached
+ max-time-seconds: 1200
+ zone:
+ location1: "world;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0;0.0"
+ location2: "world;5.0;5.0;5.0;0.0;0.0"
+ # format:
+ # TOP::
+ # to disable, just set it to an empty list: []
+ reward-commands:
+ - "TOP:1:give %player% diamond 3"
+ - "TOP:2:give %player% diamond 2"
+ - "TOP:3:give %player% diamond 1"
+ ## note: you can give multiple rewards
+ ## this is a relatively complex YML section, which is quite easy to break,
+ ## please make sure that you understand where things go before editing this!
+ ## the numbers mean the placement, so the rewards-items.1 will give these items to the #1 player
+ #reward-items:
+ # 1:
+ # - material: diamond
+ # name: "FFFFShiny diamond"
+ # amount: 1
+ # - material: iron_ingot
+ # name: "DDDDDDShiny iron"
+ # amount: 3
+ # 2:
+ # - material: gold_ingot
+ # name: "FFCC00Shiny gold"
+ # amount: 1
+ # 3:
+ # - material: iron_ingot
+ # name: "DDDDDDShiny iron"
+ # amount: 1
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ # how far should the messages.yml broadcasts section messages reach?
+ broadcast-distance: 0
+ starter:
+ enabled: true
+ material: "BLAZE_POWDER"
+ glow: true
+ name: "FF0000%displayName% Koth Starter"
+ lore:
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Information:"
+ - " ❙ FFAA66Location: &f%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
+ - " ❙ FFAA66Max Time: &f%maxTime_formatted%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000ᴄʟɪᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ sᴛᴀʀᴛ"
+ # set to 0 to disable
+ # this is ONLY checked on schedule start & starter use
+ minimum-players: 0
+ hologram:
+ enabled: true
+ location-offset:
+ x: 0
+ y: 3
+ z: 0
+ line-height: 0.3
+ lines:
+ - "FF0000&l%displayName%"
+ - "&f%capturer% &7| &f%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ bossbar:
+ enabled: true
+ only-show-when-capturing: false
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ view-distance: 64
+ name: "FF0000%displayName% DDDDDD| FF6600%capturer% DDDDDD(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # colors: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Color.html
+ color: RED
+ # styles: https://javadoc.io/static/net.kyori/adventure-api/4.11.0/net/kyori/adventure/bossbar/BossBar.Overlay.html
+ style: NOTCHED_20
+ scoreboard:
+ enabled: true
+ only-show-when-capturing: false
+ # set to -1 to make it that everyone in the world can see it
+ # set to 0 to make it that everyone on the server can see it
+ view-distance: 64
+ title: "FF0000&l%displayName%"
+ lines:
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Location:"
+ - " ❙ &fX%x%; Y%y%; Z%z%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Leaderboard:"
+ - " FFFF001. &f%score_1_player%: &f%score_1_points%"
+ - " FFAA002. &f%score_2_player%: &f%score_2_points%"
+ - " FF66003. &f%score_3_player%: &f%score_3_points%"
+ - " FF0000You: &f%score%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000Ends in:"
+ - " ❙ &f%maxTimeLeft_formatted%"
+ - " "
+ - "FF0000play.yourserver.com"
+ ## in this section you can override parts from the messages.yml, for example if you don't want a start message for this koth, set start here to ""
+ #broadcasts:
+ # start: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has started! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # started-with-starter: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been started by FFCC00%starter%FFFF00! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # stop: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has been stopped! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # capture-start: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has started capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # capture-status: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00is capturing the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # capture-lost: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has lost control of the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeLeft_formatted%)"
+ # captured: "FFCC00%capturer% FFFF00has captured the FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # out-of-time: "FFFF00The FFCC00%displayName% FFFF00koth has ended without a winner! &7(%timeTaken_formatted%)"
+ # to enable this remove the [] and the # from the next line
+ start-commands: []
+ # - "say Koth started!"
+ end-commands: []
+ # - "say Koth ended"
+ capture-start-commands: []
+ # - "say %capturer_name% is now capturing the %name% koth!"
+ capture-end-commands: []
+ # - "say The %name% koth is no longer being captured!"
+ # These are all the options that you can use in the webhook section: (most of them are optional, you can remove them)
+ # # the message before the embed, you can put a ping here in the <@&1234567890123456789> format
+ # content: "<@&1234567890123456789>"
+ # # color in hex
+ # color: "#FF6600"
+ # description: "Your description"
+ # title:
+ # # required
+ # text: "Title!"
+ # icon: ""
+ # author:
+ # # required
+ # name: "Author name"
+ # icon-url: ""
+ # url: ""
+ # footer:
+ # # required
+ # text: "Footer"
+ # icon: ""
+ # image-url: ""
+ # thumbnail-url: ""
+ # fields:
+ # 1:
+ # # required
+ # inline: false
+ # # required
+ # name: "Field1"
+ # # required
+ # value: "Value1"
+ webhook:
+ # your webhook url here
+ url: ""
+ start:
+ enabled: true
+ content: "Get ready!"
+ color: "#FF0000"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - STARTED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ stop:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#CC0000"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - STOPPED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
+ capture-start:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#AAFFAA"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURE STARTED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ capture-end:
+ enabled: true
+ color: "#FFAAAA"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURE STOPPED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeLeft_formatted%"
+ captured:
+ enabled: true
+ content: ":tada:"
+ color: "#00FF00"
+ title:
+ text: "%name% - CAPTURED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Capturer"
+ value: "%capturer_name%"
+ 2:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Team"
+ value: "%capturer_team_name%"
+ 3:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "%timeTaken_formatted%"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Adding-new-rewards.md b/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Adding-new-rewards.md
index b223815..a7b6a7d 100644
--- a/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Adding-new-rewards.md
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Adding-new-rewards.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Adding new rewards
+# Adding New Rewards
### Adding rewards is simple:
- Go to the menu where you want to add/edit rewards. (the menus can be found at plugins/AxRewards/menus)
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Creating-new-menus.md b/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Creating-new-menus.md
index c253b2d..f3483d3 100644
--- a/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Creating-new-menus.md
+++ b/Writerside/topics/AxRewards-Creating-new-menus.md
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-# Creating new menus
+# Creating New Menus
You can find all the menus in the plugins/AxRewards/menus folder.
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/Discord-Webhook-Builder.md b/Writerside/topics/Discord-Webhook-Builder.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6261aa9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Writerside/topics/Discord-Webhook-Builder.md
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+# Discord Webhook Builder
+> Some of these might not work in all of our plugins!
+On this page you can find every webhook related configuration that is possible to create in our plugins!
+### Example:
+ content: "Get ready!"
+ color: "#FF0000"
+ title:
+ text: "Example - STARTED"
+ fields:
+ 1:
+ inline: true
+ name: "Time"
+ value: "100"
+### Content:
+* The content field is the only that can contain a working ping, example: `<@&1234567890123456789>`
+ content: "Content Field"
+## Embeds:
+### Title (required)
+ title:
+ # required
+ text: 'Title text!'
+ # optional
+ icon: ""
+### Color (optional)
+ color: "#RRGGBB"
+### Description (optional)
+ description: "Description"
+### Field (optional)
+* You can add multiple fields
+ fields:
+ '1':
+ # optional
+ inline: true
+ # required
+ name: "Name"
+ # optional
+ value: 'Value'
+### Author (optional)
+ author:
+ # required
+ name: 'Author Text'
+ # optional
+ icon-url: "some-url"
+ # optional
+ url: "some-url"
+### Footer (optional)
+ footer:
+ # required
+ text: 'Footer Text'
+ # optional
+ icon: "some-url"
+### Image URL (optional)
+ image-url: "some-url"
+### Thumbnail URL (optional)
+ thumbnail-url: "some-url"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Writerside/topics/Work-In-Progress.md b/Writerside/topics/Work-In-Progress.md
index 8a63aff..4b3c5ba 100644
--- a/Writerside/topics/Work-In-Progress.md
+++ b/Writerside/topics/Work-In-Progress.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ Why is there a wiki if the plugin is not ready yet? It speeds up our work proces
⭐ Under testing or waiting for page design\
🐛 There are some bugs that need fixing\
-🔎 Most features are ready, but it is still missing key things\
+🔎 Most features are ready, but still missing a few key things\
🔨 In development\
❌ Development paused or not started