diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e5d912 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/3dstool.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/3dstool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f74097 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/3dstool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/CleanTool.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/CleanTool.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f3c4d49 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/CleanTool.bat @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +@echo off +title CleanTool par Asia81 +color C +cls +echo. +echo !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! +echo !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! +echo. +echo Ce fichier va effacer les fichiers suivants de ce dossier : +echo. +echo - Tous les fichiers .xorpad +echo - Tous les fichiers .3ds +echo - Tous les fichiers .cci +echo - Tous les fichiers .cxi +echo - Tous les fichiers .cia +echo - Tous les fichiers .app +echo - Tous les fichiers .out +echo - Tous les fichiers .cfa +echo - Tous les fichiers .sav +echo - Tous les fichiers .tmd +echo - Tous les fichiers .cmd +echo - Tous les fichiers .bin +echo - Tous les dossiers "Extracted*" +echo. +echo !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! +echo !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! ATTENTION !! +echo. +pause +del *.xorpad >NUL 2>NUL +del *.3ds >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cci >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +del *.app >NUL 2>NUL +del *.out >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cia >NUL 2>NUL +del *.sav >NUL 2>NUL +del *.tmd >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cmd >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cfa >NUL 2>NUL +del *.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del *.out >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedExeFS /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedRomFS /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedBanner /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedManual /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedDownloadPlay /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedO3DSUpdate /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedN3DSUpdate /s /q >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0893e23 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,470 @@ +@echo off +title HackingToolkit3DS +mode con cols=100 lines=30 + +:TitleMenu +cls +echo. +echo ################################################## +echo # # +echo # PackHack v5.5 par Asia81 # +echo # Mis … jour le 28/10/2016 # +echo # asia81.webnode.fr # +echo # # +echo ################################################## +echo. +echo. +echo - Entrez D pour extraire un fichier .3DS +echo - Entrez R pour reconstruire un fichier .3DS +echo - Entrez CE pour extraire un fichier .CIA +echo - Entrez CR pour reconstruire un fichier .CIA +echo - Entrez ME pour utiliser un extracteur de masse +echo - Entrez MR pour utiliser un reconstructeur de masse +echo - Entrez CXI pour extraire un fichier .CXI +echo - Entrez B pour extraire/recompiler une banniŠre +echo - Entrez FS1 pour extraire seulemement une partition ncch +echo - Entrez FS2 pour extraire les donn‚es d'une partition ncch +echo - Entrez 3DSB pour ouvrir 3DS Builder +echo - Entrez PPPT pour ouvrir Pok‚mon Patch Pointer Tool +echo - Entrez RFSB pour ouvrir RomFS Builder +echo - Entrez RFSE pour ouvrir RomFS Extractor +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p Menu=Entrez votre s‚lection : +if /i "%Menu%"=="D" GOTO Extract3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="R" GOTO Rebuild3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="CE" GOTO ExtractCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="CR" GOTO RebuildCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="ME" GOTO MassExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="MR" GOTO MassRebuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="CXI" GOTO DecryptedCXI +if /i "%Menu%"=="B" GOTO DecryptedBanner +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS1" GOTO ExtractNCCH +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS2" GOTO ExtractNCCHDecrypted +if /i "%Menu%"=="3DSB" GOTO 3DSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="PPPT" GOTO PokemonPatchPointerTool +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSB" GOTO RomFSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSE" GOTO RomFSExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFS" GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i "%Menu%"=="EFS" GOTO ExtractExeFS + +:Extract3DS +cls +echo. +set /p Rom3DS="Entrez le nom de votre fichier .3DS d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %Rom3DS%.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:Rebuild3DS +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRom3DS="Entrez le nom de sortie de votre fichier .3DS reconstruit (Sans extension) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction en cours... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %OutputRom3DS%_Edited.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 CustomPartition0.bin -1 CustomPartition1.bin -2 CustomPartition2.bin -6 CustomPartition6.bin -7 CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Cr‚ation termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractCIA +cls +echo. +set /p RomCIA="Entrez le nom du fichier .CIA d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"ctrtool.exe" --content=DecryptedApp %RomCIA%.cia >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildCIA +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRomCIA="Entrez le nom de sortie de votre fichier .CIA reconstruit (Sans extension) : " +set /p MinorVer="Entrez la version minor pour le .CIA (Entrez 0 si vous ne savez pas) : " +set /p MicroVer="Entrez la version micro pour le .CIA (Entrez 0 si vous ne savez pas) : " +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction en cours... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"MakeRom.exe" -f cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -minor %MinorVer% -micro %MicroVer% -o %OutputRomCIA%_Edited.cia +echo Cr‚ation termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedCXI +cls +echo. +set /p RomCXI="Entrez le nom de votre fichier .CXI d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassExtractor +cls +echo. +for %%x in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "Unpack3DS.bat" "%%x" +for %%x in (*.cia) do call "UnpackCIA.bat" "%%x" +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassRebuilder +cls +echo. +for /D %%D in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "Repack3DS.bat" "%%~nD" +for /D %%D in (*.cia) do call "RepackCIA.bat" "%%~nD" +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedBanner +cls +echo. +set /p Partition="Extraire (1) ou reconstruire (2) la banniŠre ? : " +if /i %Partition%==1 GOTO ExtractBanner +if /i %Partition%==2 GOTO RebuildBanner + +:ExtractBanner +cls +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo BanniŠre extraite ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildBanner +cls +echo. +ren ExtractedBanner\banner.cgfx banner0.bcmdl >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -c -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo BanniŠre cr‚‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH +cls +echo. +echo 1 = DecryptedExHeader.bin 2 = DecryptedExeFS.bin 3 = DecryptedRomFS.bin +echo 4 = DecryptedManual.bin 5 = DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin 6 = DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin +echo 7 = DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p NcchPartition="Entrez votre choix (1/2/3/4/5/6/7) : " +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="1" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="2" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="3" GOTO ExtractNCCH-RomFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="4" GOTO ExtractNCCH-Manual +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="5" GOTO ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="6" GOTO ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="7" GOTO ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate + +:ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +cls +echo. +set /p FileName=Entrez le nom du fichier App ou 3DS d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : +cls +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-RomFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-Manual +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=1 --romfs=DecryptedManual.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=2 --romfs=DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=6 --romfs=DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=7 --romfs=DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCHDecrypted +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez nommer vos fichiers comme ceci : +echo DecryptedExeFS.bin / DecryptedRomFS.bin / DecryptedManual.bin +echo DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin / DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin / DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +echo Exemple : exefs / romfs / manual / dlplay / updaten3ds / updateo3ds +echo. +set /p Partition="Entrez le nom de la partition … extraire : " +if /i %Partition%==exefs GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Partition%==romfs GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Partition%==manual GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Partition%==dlplay GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Partition%==updaten3ds GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Partition%==updateo3ds GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate + +:ExtractExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +"ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +del ExtractedExeFS\.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractRomFS +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractManual +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedManual DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractDownloadPlay +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedDownloadPlay DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractO3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedO3DSUpdate DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractN3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedN3DSUpdate DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:3DSBuilder +cls +start "" "3DSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:PokemonPatchPointerTool +cls +start "" "PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSBuilder +cls +start "" "RomFSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSExtractor +cls +start "" "RomFSExtractor.exe" +goto:TitleMenu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/MakeRom.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/MakeRom.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..571bd3e Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/MakeRom.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79eba6c Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/Repack3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/Repack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..f9cb8c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/Repack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=.3ds +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction de "%CciFull%" en cours... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition0.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CciFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CciFull%_Unpacked\LogoLZ.bin --plain %CciFull%_Unpacked\PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition1.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition2.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition6.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition7.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CciFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %CciName%_Edited.3ds --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin -1 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin -2 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin -6 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition6.bin -7 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/RepackCIA.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/RepackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4b17b72 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/RepackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=.Cia +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction de "%CiaFull%" en cours... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CiaFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CiaFull%_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %CiaFull%_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CiaFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"MakeRom.exe" -f Cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -o %CiaName%_Edited.Cia >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23fddd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd36d5a Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ccdf6d2 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ +@echo off +title HackingToolkit3DS +mode con cols=100 lines=30 + +:TitleMenu +cls +echo. +echo ################################################## +echo # # +echo # PackHack v5.5 par Asia81 # +echo # Mis … jour le 28/10/2016 # +echo # asia81.webnode.fr # +echo # # +echo ################################################## +echo. +echo. +echo - Entrez D pour extraire un fichier .3DS +echo - Entrez R pour reconstruire un fichier .3DS +echo - Entrez CE pour extraire un fichier .CIA +echo - Entrez CR pour reconstruire un fichier .CIA +echo - Entrez ME pour utiliser un extracteur de masse +echo - Entrez MR pour utiliser un reconstructeur de masse +echo - Entrez CXI pour extraire un fichier .CXI +echo - Entrez B pour extraire/recompiler une banniŠre +echo - Entrez FS1 pour extraire seulemement une partition ncch +echo - Entrez FS2 pour extraire les donn‚es d'une partition ncch +echo - Entrez 3DSB pour ouvrir 3DS Builder +echo - Entrez PPPT pour ouvrir Pok‚mon Patch Pointer Tool +echo - Entrez RFSB pour ouvrir RomFS Builder +echo - Entrez RFSE pour ouvrir RomFS Extractor +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p Menu=Entrez votre s‚lection : +if /i "%Menu%"=="D" GOTO Extract3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="R" GOTO Rebuild3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="CE" GOTO ExtractCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="CR" GOTO RebuildCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="ME" GOTO MassExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="MR" GOTO MassRebuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="CXI" GOTO DecryptedCXI +if /i "%Menu%"=="B" GOTO DecryptedBanner +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS1" GOTO ExtractNCCH +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS2" GOTO ExtractNCCHDecrypted +if /i "%Menu%"=="3DSB" GOTO 3DSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="PPPT" GOTO PokemonPatchPointerTool +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSB" GOTO RomFSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSE" GOTO RomFSExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFS" GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i "%Menu%"=="EFS" GOTO ExtractExeFS + +:Extract3DS +cls +echo. +set /p Rom3DS="Entrez le nom de votre fichier .3DS d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %Rom3DS%.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:Rebuild3DS +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRom3DS="Entrez le nom de sortie de votre fichier .3DS reconstruit (Sans extension) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %OutputRom3DS%_Edited.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 CustomPartition0.bin -1 CustomPartition1.bin -2 CustomPartition2.bin -6 CustomPartition6.bin -7 CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Cr‚ation termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractCIA +cls +echo. +set /p RomCIA="Entrez le nom du fichier .CIA d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" --content=DecryptedApp %RomCIA%.cia >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildCIA +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRomCIA="Entrez le nom de sortie de votre fichier .CIA reconstruit (Sans extension) : " +set /p MinorVer="Entrez la version minor pour le .CIA (Entrez 0 si vous ne savez pas) : " +set /p MicroVer="Entrez la version micro pour le .CIA (Entrez 0 si vous ne savez pas) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\MakeRom.exe" -f cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -minor %MinorVer% -micro %MicroVer% -o %OutputRomCIA%_Edited.cia +echo Cr‚ation termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedCXI +cls +echo. +set /p RomCXI="Entrez le nom de votre fichier .CXI d‚crypt‚ (Sans extension) : " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassExtractor +cls +echo. +for %%x in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\Unpack3DS.bat" "%%x" +for %%x in (*.cia) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\UnpackCIA.bat" "%%x" +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassRebuilder +cls +echo. +for /D %%D in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\Repack3DS.bat" "%%~nD" +for /D %%D in (*.cia) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RepackCIA.bat" "%%~nD" +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedBanner +cls +echo. +set /p Partition="Extraire (1) ou reconstruire (2) la banniŠre ? : " +if /i %Partition%==1 GOTO ExtractBanner +if /i %Partition%==2 GOTO RebuildBanner + +:ExtractBanner +cls +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo BanniŠre extraite ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildBanner +cls +echo. +ren ExtractedBanner\banner.cgfx banner0.bcmdl >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -c -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo BanniŠre cr‚‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH +cls +echo. +echo 1 = DecryptedExHeader.bin 2 = DecryptedExeFS.bin 3 = DecryptedRomFS.bin +echo 4 = DecryptedManual.bin 5 = DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin 6 = DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin +echo 7 = DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p NcchPartition="Entrez votre choix (1/2/3/4/5/6/7) : " +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="1" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="2" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="3" GOTO ExtractNCCH-RomFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="4" GOTO ExtractNCCH-Manual +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="5" GOTO ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="6" GOTO ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="7" GOTO ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate + +:ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +cls +echo. +set /p FileName=Entrez le nom du fichier App ou 3DS d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : +cls +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-RomFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-Manual +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=1 --romfs=DecryptedManual.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=2 --romfs=DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=6 --romfs=DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Entrez le nom du fichier d‚crypt‚ (Extension comprise) : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=7 --romfs=DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Termin‚ ! Souhaitez-vous l'extraire (n/o) ? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==o GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCHDecrypted +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez nommer vos fichiers comme ceci : +echo DecryptedExeFS.bin / DecryptedRomFS.bin / DecryptedManual.bin +echo DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin / DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin / DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +echo Exemple : exefs / romfs / manual / dlplay / updaten3ds / updateo3ds +echo. +set /p Partition="Entrez le nom de la partition … extraire : " +if /i %Partition%==exefs GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Partition%==romfs GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Partition%==manual GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Partition%==dlplay GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Partition%==updaten3ds GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Partition%==updateo3ds GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate + +:ExtractExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin (n/o) ? : " +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +del ExtractedExeFS\.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractRomFS +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractManual +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedManual DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractDownloadPlay +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedDownloadPlay DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractO3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedO3DSUpdate DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractN3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedN3DSUpdate DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Extraction termin‚e ! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:3DSBuilder +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3DSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:PokemonPatchPointerTool +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSBuilder +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RomFSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSExtractor +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RomFSExtractor.exe" +goto:TitleMenu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..608ae8c --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=.3ds +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction de "%CciFull%" en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition0.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CciFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CciFull%_Unpacked\LogoLZ.bin --plain %CciFull%_Unpacked\PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition1.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition2.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition6.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition7.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CciFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %CciName%_Edited.3ds --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin -1 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin -2 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin -6 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition6.bin -7 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..96067ee --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=.Cia +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +echo Veuillez patienter, reconstruction de "%CiaFull%" en cours... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CiaFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CiaFull%_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %CiaFull%_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CiaFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\MakeRom.exe" -f Cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -o %CiaName%_Edited.Cia >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a77e27a --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=%~x1 +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin pour "%CciFull%" (n/o)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction de "%CciFull%" en cours... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %1 --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked/banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..135e7d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=%~x1 +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin pour "%CiaFull%" (n/o)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction de "%CiaFull%" en cours... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" --content=%1_Unpacked/DecryptedApp %1 >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7dc0d3d --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=%~x1 +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin pour "%CciFull%" (n/o)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction de "%CciFull%" en cours... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %1 --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked/banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat b/PackHackFrV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..7aaf101 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=%~x1 +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +set /p DecompressCode="D‚compresser le fichier code.bin pour "%CiaFull%" (n/o)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="O" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Veuillez patienter, extraction de "%CiaFull%" en cours... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" --content=%1_Unpacked/DecryptedApp %1 >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ctrtool.exe b/PackHackFrV5.5/ctrtool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6a35f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackFrV5.5/ctrtool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackFrV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt b/PackHackFrV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53aa6bf --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackFrV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB +CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD +EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF +GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG +HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII +JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ +KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK +LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM +NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN +OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO +PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ +RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR +SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS +TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT +UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU +VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV +WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW +XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX +YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY +ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5e5d912 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/3DSBuilder.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/3dstool.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/3dstool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5f74097 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/3dstool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/CleanTool.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/CleanTool.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..424e9eb --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/CleanTool.bat @@ -0,0 +1,48 @@ +@echo off +title CleanTool by Asia81 +color C +cls +echo. +echo !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! +echo !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! +echo. +echo This file will erase the following files in this folder: +echo. +echo - All .xorpad files +echo - All .3ds files +echo - All .cci files +echo - All .cxi files +echo - All .cia files +echo - All .app files +echo - All .out files +echo - All .cfa files +echo - All .sav files +echo - All .tmd files +echo - All .cmd files +echo - All .bin files +echo - All "Extracted*" folders +echo. +echo !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! +echo !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! WARNING !! +echo. +pause +del *.xorpad >NUL 2>NUL +del *.3ds >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cci >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +del *.app >NUL 2>NUL +del *.out >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cia >NUL 2>NUL +del *.sav >NUL 2>NUL +del *.tmd >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cmd >NUL 2>NUL +del *.cfa >NUL 2>NUL +del *.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del *.out >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedExeFS /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedRomFS /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedBanner /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedManual /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedDownloadPlay /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedO3DSUpdate /s /q >NUL 2>NUL +rmdir ExtractedN3DSUpdate /s /q >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2da40fc --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/HackingToolkit3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ +@echo off +title HackingToolkit3DS +mode con cols=100 lines=30 + +:TitleMenu +cls +echo. +echo ################################################## +echo # # +echo # PackHack v5.5 by Asia81 # +echo # Updated: 10/28/2016 # +echo # asia81.webnode.fr # +echo # # +echo ################################################## +echo. +echo. +echo - Enter D for extract a .3DS file +echo - Enter R for rebuild a .3DS file +echo - Enter CE for extract a .CIA file +echo - Enter CR for rebuild a .CIA file +echo - Enter ME for use a Mass Extractor +echo - Enter MR for use a Mass Rebuilder +echo - Enter CXI fo extract a .CXI file +echo - Enter B for extract/rebuild a decrypted banner +echo - Enter FS1 for extract a ncch partition +echo - Enter FS2 for extract data from a decrypted partition +echo - Enter 3DSB for open 3DS Builder +echo - Enter PPPT for open Pokemon Patch Pointer Tool +echo - Enter RFSB for open RomFS Builder +echo - Enter RFSE for open RomFS Extractor +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p Menu=Enter your choice: +if /i "%Menu%"=="D" GOTO Extract3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="R" GOTO Rebuild3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="CE" GOTO ExtractCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="CR" GOTO RebuildCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="ME" GOTO MassExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="MR" GOTO MassRebuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="CXI" GOTO DecryptedCXI +if /i "%Menu%"=="B" GOTO DecryptedBanner +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS1" GOTO ExtractNCCH +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS2" GOTO ExtractNCCHDecrypted +if /i "%Menu%"=="3DSB" GOTO 3DSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="PPPT" GOTO PokemonPatchPointerTool +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSB" GOTO RomFSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSE" GOTO RomFSExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFS" GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i "%Menu%"=="EFS" GOTO ExtractExeFS + +:Extract3DS +cls +echo. +set /p Rom3DS="Enter the name of your decrypted .3DS file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %Rom3DS%.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:Rebuild3DS +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRom3DS="Enter the output filename for your custom .3DS file (Without extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, rebuild in progress... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %OutputRom3DS%_Edited.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 CustomPartition0.bin -1 CustomPartition1.bin -2 CustomPartition2.bin -6 CustomPartition6.bin -7 CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Creation done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractCIA +cls +echo. +set /p RomCIA="Enter the name of your decrypted .CIA file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"ctrtool.exe" --content=DecryptedApp %RomCIA%.cia >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildCIA +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRomCIA="Enter the output filename for your custom .CIA file (Without extension) : " +set /p MinorVer="Enter the original minor version for the custom .CIA (Enter 0 if you don't know) : " +set /p MicroVer="Enter the original micro version for the custom .CIA (Enter 0 if you don't know) : " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, rebuild in progress... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"MakeRom.exe" -f cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -minor %MinorVer% -micro %MicroVer% -o %OutputRomCIA%_Edited.cia >NUL 2>NUL +echo Creation done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedCXI +cls +echo. +set /p RomCXI="Enter the name of your decrypted .CXI file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassExtractor +cls +echo. +for %%x in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "Unpack3DS.bat" "%%x" +for %%x in (*.cia) do call "UnpackCIA.bat" "%%x" +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassRebuilder +cls +echo. +for /D %%D in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "Repack3DS.bat" "%%~nD" +for /D %%D in (*.cia) do call "RepackCIA.bat" "%%~nD" +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedBanner +cls +echo. +set /p Partition="Extract (1) or Rebuild (2) your banner? : " +if /i %Partition%==1 GOTO ExtractBanner +if /i %Partition%==2 GOTO RebuildBanner + +:ExtractBanner +cls +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo Banner extracted! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildBanner +cls +echo. +ren ExtractedBanner\banner.cgfx banner0.bcmdl >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -c -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo Banner created! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH +cls +echo. +echo 1 = DecryptedExHeader.bin 2 = DecryptedExeFS.bin 3 = DecryptedRomFS.bin +echo 4 = DecryptedManual.bin 5 = DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin 6 = DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin +echo 7 = DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p NcchPartition="Enter your choice (1/2/3/4/5/6/7): " +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="1" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="2" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="3" GOTO ExtractNCCH-RomFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="4" GOTO ExtractNCCH-Manual +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="5" GOTO ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="6" GOTO ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="7" GOTO ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate + +:ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): "echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-RomFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract="Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? " +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-Manual +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=1 --romfs=DecryptedManual.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=2 --romfs=DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=6 --romfs=DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=7 --romfs=DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCHDecrypted +cls +echo. +echo Please name your files like this: +echo DecryptedExeFS.bin / DecryptedRomFS.bin / DecryptedManual.bin +echo DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin / DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin / DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +echo Example: exefs / romfs / manual / dlplay / updaten3ds / updateo3ds +echo. +set /p Partition="Enter the partition to extract: " +if /i %Partition%==exefs GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Partition%==romfs GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Partition%==manual GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Partition%==dlplay GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Partition%==updaten3ds GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Partition%==updateo3ds GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate + +:ExtractExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y) ?: " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +"ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +del ExtractedExeFS\.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractRomFS +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractManual +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedManual DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractDownloadPlay +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedDownloadPlay DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractO3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedO3DSUpdate DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractN3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedN3DSUpdate DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:3DSBuilder +cls +start "" "3DSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:PokemonPatchPointerTool +cls +start "" "PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSBuilder +cls +start "" "RomFSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSExtractor +cls +start "" "RomFSExtractor.exe" +goto:TitleMenu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/MakeRom.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/MakeRom.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..571bd3e Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/MakeRom.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..79eba6c Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/Repack3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/Repack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c4d6187 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/Repack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=.3ds +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +echo Please wait, rebuild of "%CciFull%" in progress... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition0.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CciFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CciFull%_Unpacked\LogoLZ.bin --plain %CciFull%_Unpacked\PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition1.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition2.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition6.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition7.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CciFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %CciName%_Edited.3ds --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin -1 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin -2 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin -6 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition6.bin -7 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/RepackCIA.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/RepackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ea0b8c1 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/RepackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=.Cia +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +echo Please wait, rebuild of "%CiaFull%" in progress... +echo. +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CiaFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CiaFull%_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %CiaFull%_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CiaFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"MakeRom.exe" -f Cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -o %CiaName%_Edited.Cia >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..23fddd9 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSBuilder.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd36d5a Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/RomFSExtractor.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d6b247c --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/HackingToolkit3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,471 @@ +@echo off +title HackingToolkit3DS +mode con cols=100 lines=30 + +:TitleMenu +cls +echo. +echo ################################################## +echo # # +echo # PackHack v5.5 by Asia81 # +echo # Updated: 10/28/2016 # +echo # asia81.webnode.fr # +echo # # +echo ################################################## +echo. +echo. +echo - Enter D for extract a .3DS file +echo - Enter R for rebuild a .3DS file +echo - Enter CE for extract a .CIA file +echo - Enter CR for rebuild a .CIA file +echo - Enter ME for use a Mass Extractor +echo - Enter MR for use a Mass Rebuilder +echo - Enter CXI fo extract a .CXI file +echo - Enter B for extract/rebuild a decrypted banner +echo - Enter FS1 for extract a ncch partition +echo - Enter FS2 for extract data from a decrypted partition +echo - Enter 3DSB for open 3DS Builder +echo - Enter PPPT for open Pokemon Patch Pointer Tool +echo - Enter RFSB for open RomFS Builder +echo - Enter RFSE for open RomFS Extractor +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p Menu=Enter your choice: +if /i "%Menu%"=="D" GOTO Extract3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="R" GOTO Rebuild3DS +if /i "%Menu%"=="CE" GOTO ExtractCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="CR" GOTO RebuildCIA +if /i "%Menu%"=="ME" GOTO MassExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="MR" GOTO MassRebuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="CXI" GOTO DecryptedCXI +if /i "%Menu%"=="B" GOTO DecryptedBanner +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS1" GOTO ExtractNCCH +if /i "%Menu%"=="FS2" GOTO ExtractNCCHDecrypted +if /i "%Menu%"=="3DSB" GOTO 3DSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="PPPT" GOTO PokemonPatchPointerTool +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSB" GOTO RomFSBuilder +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFSE" GOTO RomFSExtractor +if /i "%Menu%"=="RFS" GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i "%Menu%"=="EFS" GOTO ExtractExeFS + +:Extract3DS +cls +echo. +set /p Rom3DS="Enter the name of your decrypted .3DS file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %Rom3DS%.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:Rebuild3DS +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRom3DS="Enter the output filename for your custom .3DS file (Without extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, rebuild in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition6.bin --header HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition7.bin --header HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %OutputRom3DS%_Edited.3ds --header HeaderNCCH.bin -0 CustomPartition0.bin -1 CustomPartition1.bin -2 CustomPartition2.bin -6 CustomPartition6.bin -7 CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo Creation done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractCIA +cls +echo. +set /p RomCIA="Enter the name of your decrypted .CIA file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" --content=DecryptedApp %RomCIA%.cia >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi DecryptedPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa DecryptedPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildCIA +cls +echo. +set /p OutputRomCIA="Enter the output filename for your custom .CIA file (Without extension) : " +set /p MinorVer="Enter the original minor version for the custom .CIA (Enter 0 if you don't know) : " +set /p MicroVer="Enter the original micro version for the custom .CIA (Enter 0 if you don't know) : " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, rebuild in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir ExtractedExeFS --header HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi CustomPartition0.bin --header HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs CustomExeFS.bin --romfs CustomRomFS.bin --logo LogoLZ.bin --plain PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition1.bin --header HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa CustomPartition2.bin --header HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\MakeRom.exe" -f cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -minor %MinorVer% -micro %MicroVer% -o %OutputRomCIA%_Edited.cia >NUL 2>NUL +echo Creation done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedCXI +cls +echo. +set /p RomCXI="Enter the name of your decrypted .CXI file (Without extension): " +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %RomCXI%.cxi >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +echo Extraction done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassExtractor +cls +echo. +for %%x in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\Unpack3DS.bat" "%%x" +for %%x in (*.cia) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\UnpackCIA.bat" "%%x" +goto:TitleMenu + +:MassRebuilder +cls +echo. +for /D %%D in (*.3ds *.app *.cci) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\Repack3DS.bat" "%%~nD" +for /D %%D in (*.cia) do call "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RepackCIA.bat" "%%~nD" +goto:TitleMenu + +:DecryptedBanner +cls +echo. +set /p Partition="Extract (1) or Rebuild (2) your banner? : " +if /i %Partition%==1 GOTO ExtractBanner +if /i %Partition%==2 GOTO RebuildBanner + +:ExtractBanner +cls +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo Banner extracted! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:RebuildBanner +cls +echo. +ren ExtractedBanner\banner.cgfx banner0.bcmdl >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -c -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +echo Banner created! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH +cls +echo. +echo 1 = DecryptedExHeader.bin 2 = DecryptedExeFS.bin 3 = DecryptedRomFS.bin +echo 4 = DecryptedManual.bin 5 = DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin 6 = DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin +echo 7 = DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +set /p NcchPartition="Enter your choice (1/2/3/4/5/6/7): " +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="1" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="2" GOTO ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="3" GOTO ExtractNCCH-RomFS +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="4" GOTO ExtractNCCH-Manual +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="5" GOTO ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="6" GOTO ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +if /i "%NcchPartition%"=="7" GOTO ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate + +:ExtractNCCH-ExHeader +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exheader=DecryptedExHeader.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-ExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): "echo Veuillez patienter, extraction en cours... +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --exefs=DecryptedExeFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-RomFS +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=0 --romfs=DecryptedRomFS.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract="Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? " +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-Manual +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=1 --romfs=DecryptedManual.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-DownloadPlay +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=2 --romfs=DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-N3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=6 --romfs=DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCH-O3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +set /p FileName="Enter the name of your decrypted file (With extension): " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -p --ncch=7 --romfs=DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin %FileName% >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +set /p Ask2Extract=Done! Would you extract it now (n/y)? +if /i %Ask2Extract%==y GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate +if /i %Ask2Extract%==n GOTO TitleMenu + +:ExtractNCCHDecrypted +cls +echo. +echo Please name your files like this: +echo DecryptedExeFS.bin / DecryptedRomFS.bin / DecryptedManual.bin +echo DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin / DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin / DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin +echo. +echo ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ +echo. +echo Example: exefs / romfs / manual / dlplay / updaten3ds / updateo3ds +echo. +set /p Partition="Enter the partition to extract: " +if /i %Partition%==exefs GOTO ExtractExeFS +if /i %Partition%==romfs GOTO ExtractRomFS +if /i %Partition%==manual GOTO ExtractManual +if /i %Partition%==dlplay GOTO ExtractDownloadPlay +if /i %Partition%==updaten3ds GOTO ExtractN3DSUpdate +if /i %Partition%==updateo3ds GOTO ExtractO3DSUpdate + +:ExtractExeFS +cls +echo. +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file (n/y) ?: " +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET DC=--decompresscode) ELSE (SET DC=) +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t exefs --exefsdir=./ExtractedExeFS DecryptedExeFS.bin %DC% >NUL 2>NUL +del ExtractedExeFS\.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f banner.bin --banner-dir ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractRomFS +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedRomFS DecryptedRomFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractManual +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedManual DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractDownloadPlay +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedDownloadPlay DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractO3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedO3DSUpdate DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:ExtractN3DSUpdate +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction in progress... +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" -t romfs --romfsdir=./ExtractedN3DSUpdate DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +echo. +echo Done! +echo. +pause +goto:TitleMenu + +:3DSBuilder +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3DSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:PokemonPatchPointerTool +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\PokemonPatchPointerTool.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSBuilder +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RomFSBuilder.exe" +goto:TitleMenu + +:RomFSExtractor +cls +start "" "%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\RomFSExtractor.exe" +goto:TitleMenu \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..e563d8a --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Repack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=.3ds +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +echo Please wait, rebuild of "%CciFull%" in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CciFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %CciFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition0.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CciFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CciFull%_Unpacked\LogoLZ.bin --plain %CciFull%_Unpacked\PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition1.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition2.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition6.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CciFull%_Unpacked/CustomPartition7.bin --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CciFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf 3ds %CciName%_Edited.3ds --header %CciFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin -1 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin -2 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin -6 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition6.bin -7 %CciFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b630c18 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/RepackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,24 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=.Cia +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +echo Please wait, rebuild of "%CiaFull%" in progress... +echo. +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin banner.bnr >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.bin icon.icn >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %CiaFull%_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %CiaFull%_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cxi %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %CiaFull%_Unpacked\DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomExeFS.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked/CustomRomFS.bin --logo %CiaFull%_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %CiaFull%_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -ctf cfa %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin --header %CiaFull%_Unpacked\HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +for %%j in (%CiaFull%_Unpacked\Custom*.bin) do if %%~zj LEQ 20000 DEL %%j >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin (SET ARG0=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition0.bin:0:0x00) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin (SET ARG1=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition1.bin:1:0x01) >NUL 2>NUL +IF EXIST %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin (SET ARG2=-content %CiaFull%_Unpacked\CustomPartition2.bin:2:0x02) >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\MakeRom.exe" -f Cia %ARG0% %ARG1% %ARG2% -o %CiaName%_Edited.Cia >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ef819aa --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/Unpack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=%~x1 +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file for "%CciFull%" (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction of "%CciFull%" in progress... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %1 --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked/banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3bf6798 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ScriptsReady/UnpackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=%~x1 +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file for "%CiaFull%" (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction of "%CiaFull%" in progress... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\ctrtool.exe" --content=%1_Unpacked/DecryptedApp %1 >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"%PROGRAMFILES%\HackingToolkit3DS\3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4246c89 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/Unpack3DS.bat @@ -0,0 +1,36 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CciName=%~n1 +set CciExt=%~x1 +set CciFull=%CciName%%CciExt% +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file for "%CciFull%" (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction of "%CciFull%" in progress... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf 3ds %1 --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH.bin -0 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin -1 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin -2 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin -6 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin -7 %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition6.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH6.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition7.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH7.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition6.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition7.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedN3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedN3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedO3DSUpdate.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedO3DSUpdate >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked/banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat b/PackHackUsV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat new file mode 100644 index 0000000..ab00942 --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/UnpackCIA.bat @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +@echo off +cls +echo. +set CiaName=%~n1 +set CiaExt=%~x1 +set CiaFull=%CiaName%%CiaExt% +set /p DecompressCode="Decompress the code.bin file for "%CiaFull%" (n/y)? : " +if /i "%DecompressCode%"=="Y" (SET ScriptCode=xutf) ELSE (SET ScriptCode=xtf) +cls +echo. +echo Please wait, extraction of "%CiaFull%" in progress... +echo. +md %1_Unpacked >NUL 2>NUL +"ctrtool.exe" --content=%1_Unpacked/DecryptedApp %1 >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0000.* DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0001.* DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\DecryptedApp.0002.* DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cxi %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition0.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH0.bin --exh %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExHeader.bin --exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --logo %1_Unpacked/LogoLZ.bin --plain %1_Unpacked/PlainRGN.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition1.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH1.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf cfa %1_Unpacked/DecryptedPartition2.bin --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderNCCH2.bin --romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition0.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition1.bin >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\DecryptedPartition2.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -%ScriptCode% exefs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedExeFS.bin --exefs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedExeFS --header %1_Unpacked/HeaderExeFS.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bnr banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\icon.icn icon.bin >NUL 2>NUL +copy %1_Unpacked\ExtractedExeFS\banner.bin %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -x -t banner -f %1_Unpacked\banner.bin --banner-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedBanner\ >NUL 2>NUL +ren %1_Unpacked\ExtractedBanner\banner0.bcmdl banner.cgfx >NUL 2>NUL +del %1_Unpacked\banner.bin >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedRomFS.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedRomFS >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedManual.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedManual >NUL 2>NUL +"3dstool.exe" -xtf romfs %1_Unpacked/DecryptedDownloadPlay.bin --romfs-dir %1_Unpacked/ExtractedDownloadPlay >NUL 2>NUL \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ctrtool.exe b/PackHackUsV5.5/ctrtool.exe new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a6a35f8 Binary files /dev/null and b/PackHackUsV5.5/ctrtool.exe differ diff --git a/PackHackUsV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt b/PackHackUsV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt new file mode 100644 index 0000000..53aa6bf --- /dev/null +++ b/PackHackUsV5.5/ignore_3dstool.txt @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA +BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB +CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC +DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD +EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE +FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF +GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG +HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH +IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII +JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ +KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK +LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL +MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM +NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN +OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO +PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP +QQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQ +RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR +SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS +TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT +UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU +VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV +WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW +XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX +YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY +ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ \ No newline at end of file