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Running Huntsman

danjampro edited this page Apr 12, 2021 · 123 revisions


Google Drive access

A lot of important technical information about Huntsman and its systems are kept in a Google Drive folder, 'huntsman important documents'. Before observing you should ensure you have access to this folder. Of particular use is the 'Hardware Device Info' document, which contains the IP addresses and account credentials for the Huntsman systems you will need to connect to.

Google drive is also used to store the config files used to run huntsman. Symlinks created in the huntsman-pocs/conf_files/ directory point to the latest config files in the huntsman google drive. If the google drive is not mounted the symlinks will be broken so it is important to check that google drive is mounted before proceeding.

If the huntsman google drive is not mounted to the control computer file system it can be set up using the following command,

google-drive-ocamlfuse ~/Desktop/googledrive/

If required you can also recreate/refresh the symlinks using the following,

ln -s ~/Desktop/googledrive/huntsman\ important\ documents/subsystems/inventory/huntsman_local_dd_mm_yyyy.yaml /var/huntsman/huntsman-pocs/conf_files/huntsman_local.yaml
ln -s ~/Desktop/googledrive/huntsman\ important\ documents/subsystems/inventory/device_info_local_dd_mm_yyyy.yaml /var/huntsman/huntsman-pocs/conf_files/device_info_local.yaml

VPN access

In order to access any Huntsman systems you will need to be connected to the Huntsman VPN. It is an L2TP/IPsec VPN and the credentials needed to connect can be found in the 'Hardware Device Info' document. Mac OS X has native support for this VPN type, for Ubuntu Linux you may need to install network-manager-l2tp and network-manager-l2tp-gnome before configuring the VPN in Network Manager.

VNC client

In order to remotely operate Huntsman's main control computer you will need to connect to it over VNC. In order to do this you will need a VNC client (e.g. Remmina) installed on your computer.



Open both the external and internal webcams in browser tabs. The IP addresses and account details are in the Hardware Device Info document. Do a visual check for bad weather, people in the dome or anything else potentially obstructing the movement of the mount. The internal webcam and can pan, tilt and zoom.

Dome lights

The dome lights (wall lights and control computer monitor) can be controlled from the deCONZ (applications>Development>deCONZ) application.


Huntsman has its own weather station (AAG CloudWatcher with anemometer) to enable it to make its own decisions about whether conditions are suitable for observing or not. We use the panoptes/aag-weather (link) to take readings from sensor. To start the weather logging, do the following:

cd $PANDIR/my-aag-weather
docker-compose up

To check the latest weather reading:

http :5000/latest.json

You can also check out Huntsman's dash weather monitor. Once connected to the VPN, in a web browser type <ip address of control computer>:<port number> to view it. These details are in the Huntsman hardware device info document.

If the weather dash has not been started yet, navigate to /var/huntsman/huntsman-environment-monitor/src/huntsmanenv and run python in the byobu.

It is also a good idea to check other weather resources, e.g.


Most Huntsman systems are powered via a Network Power Switch (NPS), which allows the mains power supply to each Huntsman subsystem to be turned on or off remotely. The IP address and account details for the web interface of this NPS are in the Hardware Device Info document. When you connect to the NPS you will see the Plug Status page, similar to the following:

NPS Plug Status example

For observing all of the outputs should be ON, except for the currently unused A4 outlet. If any of the other outlets are turned off you need to turn them on by clicking 'Plug Control', then using the drop down menu next to the outlet to select 'On', then click 'Confirm Actions', then confirm again.

If it is necessary to power cycle part of Huntsman it can be done my selecting 'Reboot' from the Plug Control drop down menu.

Nifi file sync with AAODC

This is a service that automatically syncs all imaging data in /var/huntsman/images.

Start it by running:

cd ~/AAO/Software/NiFi/minifi-0.5.0/
./bin/ start

Also note the following useful commands:

cd ~/AAO/Software/NiFi/minifi-0.5.0/
grc tail -F logs/minifi-app.log
./bin/ status
./bin/ stop


Connect to the Dome Pi (huntsmanpi010) via SSH as user huntsman, i.e. ssh -Y huntsman@<IP address>. The IP address and password are in the Huntsman Device Info document. Once logged in to the Dome Pi join the byobu session by entering byobu.

The byobu session should consists of a screen split horizontally into two panes. The top pane is used to start the python gRPC server that communicates with TheSkyX. It will display both notice level log messages from the dome control logger as well as warning level log messages from the server logger in the terminal. If you need to restart the dome server it can be done using the following commands:

# create new bybobu session
byobu new -s domecontrol -n domeserver
# run this line to start domeserver as root
cd /home/huntsman/huntsman-dome/domehunter/gRPC-server/ && sudo /home/huntsman/miniforge3/envs/huntsmandome/bin/python -r

Here the -r tells the server to start in "real hardware" mode, you could also add a -l to enable debugging lights. To get help and a full description of command line options for the server use:

python -h

The dome control and server loggers also log to files at the lowest log level (debug). These can be found in ~/huntsman-dome/domehunter/logs/ as domepi_*.log and server_log_yyyy_mm_dd.log where the yyyy_mm_dd represents a date. The lower byobu pane is used to to display the lower level log messages from the server, which is useful for understanding the communication from TheSkyX and the server. The server log display can be set up by entering the follow commands:

cd ~/huntsman-dome/domehunter/logs/
tail -F -n 1000 server_log_yyyy_mm_dd.log


Connect to the main control computer via VNC (IP address and account details in the Hardware Device Info document). If TheSkyX is not already running click the 'X' icon to start it.


Click the Autoguider button in the left column to open the Autoguider tab. If the Autoguider status is 'Not Connected' click the Connect button. The status should change to 'Ready'.

If the autoguider does not connect via TSX, you can try power cycling it using the "HubTool" application on the control computer. The device information is available on the "Hardware Device Info" google doc.


Click the Dome button to open the Dome tab. If the Dome status is 'Not Connected' click the Connect button. The status should change to 'Ready', a value should appear next to Azimuth and a rendition of the dome aperture should appear on the main display. You should then home the dome by pressing the 'Find Home' button in the TheSkyX Dome window.


Click the Telescope button to open the telescope mount tab. If the mount status is 'Not Connected' click the 'Start Up' button to bring up the drop down menu and click Connect Telescope. The status should be 'Parked'. If the status is something else park the mount for now by clicking the 'Shut Down' button to bring up the drop down menu and click Park.

Dome Shutter

The Huntsman dome shutter is controlled by a microcontroller attached to the dome called Musca (a 'fly on the wall'). In normal operation this should be controlled by POCS (not yet, at the time of writing), but there is also a Tcl/Tk GUI app which can be used to manually open or close the shutter or check on the status of the dome battery and its solar charger.

First connect control computer to the Musca/TinyOS bluetooth device. This should be done automatically upon boot, if the shutter is not connected you can try and restart the services using (see huntsman_import_docs/subsystems/dome/Bluetooth_setup):

systemctl start HuntsmanShutterConnection.service

Otherwise you can connect using the following command.

sudo rfcomm connect rfcomm0 20:13:11:05:17:32

Use huntsman-pocs to control the shutter:

from huntsman.pocs.dome import create_dome_from_config

dome = create_dome_from_config()
dome.status  # get info about battery voltage and shutter status

Alternatively, use the Musca GUI by connecting to the control computer via VNC. To start the GUI:

cd /var/huntsman
wish Musca_huntsman.tcl &

Note that Musca contains a watchdog timer that will automatically close the dome shutter after 10 minutes if no 'Keep_dome_open' message is received. It is not possible to send these messages with the current version of the GUI.

Starting huntsman-pocs

These are the main instructions for running Huntsman when everything is already up, including:

  • TSX
  • telescope mount
  • connect TSX to the dome, mount, autoguider
  • if the Dome was manually parked, then you might need to Slew to 300 to home it.

If nothing is up, you must go to the top of this page and start various things like mounts, etc.

Open weather info for SSO

See this section.

Log onto the control computer

SSH into the main control computer and start or join a byobu session. Should be named Huntsman (list all by byobu list-sessions).

If no byobu is running, it can be started by navigating to /var/huntsman/huntsman-pocs/scripts and then run python to start the byobu.

There are 4 windows:

  • docker configure server
  • ipython (where you run POCS)
  • weather
  • logs

Update config files

We have a private repo where config files are stored. You can get the latest version with this command:

cd ${PANDIR}/huntsman-config && git pull

Camera Services

The camera servers run on the Raspberry Pis and are responsible for exposing the cameras over the network. They are (re)started automatically on rebooting the pis. To restart a single pi, ssh into that pi and do sudo reboot. To restart all the pis, use the NPS.

Note that the most recent version of huntsman-pocs will be pulled onto the pi following reboot.

A full reboot via the NPS will take about 2 minutes. Don't run POCS until these are back up. To check the camera services are running, SSH onto the pi and join the byobu session.

Start huntsman-pocs docker services

In the Docker byobu window, start up the huntsman-pocs docker services:

cd ${PANDIR}/huntsman-config
git pull
docker-compose down
docker system prune -f
docker volume prune -f
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up

POCS logs

The main POCS logs are displayed in the right pane of the POCS byobu window. If they are not already being display then start the log viewing by selecting the pane and entering:

cd $PANLOG && tail -F -n 1000 panoptes.log

To access the individual camera logs, you must log in and go into the byobu of the pi hosting a camera.


huntsman-pocs should always be run from an ipython session inside the docker container named pocs-control. To start the docker container, do:

docker exec -it pocs-control /bin/bash

Then start an ipython session in the right byobu session. From there, do:

from huntsman.pocs.utils.huntsman import create_huntsman_pocs

pocs = create_huntsman_pocs(with_dome=True, simulators=["power"])

If there is an error (e.g. connecting to dome), it is OK to kill the run() and restart the ipython session until it works.

How to shutdown

Not needed because POCS will automatically shut down.

But the dome currently doesn't park, so you need to Park it in TSX manually by Slewing to 300 degrees.

Modify POCS time so you can simulate night time during the day

import os
from panoptes.pocs.mount import create_mount_simulator
from huntsman.pocs.utils.huntsman import create_huntsman_pocs

os.environ["POCSTIME"] = "2020-10-09 08:30:00"  # You may get `FileExistsError`s if the date has already been used

mount = create_mount_simulator()  # Use a mount simulator to prevent mount slewing issues

# Make POCS instance without dome for Sun/weather safety
pocs = create_huntsman_pocs(mount=mount, simulators=["power", "weather"], with_dome=False, with_autoguider=False)

If you need to close the dome manually

If you need to close the dome, just run the following commands:


Park Huntsman


When running POCS should automatically park at the end of the night, or if the weather becomes unsuitable. If you have stopped POCS and need to manually park Huntsman however this is the command to do it.

At the moment this only parks the mount, it does not close the dome shutter or rotate the dome to the park position. To close the dome shutter use the Musca GUI, and to park the dome at the correct position use the Dome tab in TheSkyX. After the mount has finished parking click 'GotoAz' and enter 300 degrees. Once the dome has rotated into position click 'Park' to ensure it stays put.

Power down mount etc. Not really.


This command will park the mount (and, once implemented, the dome) then disconnect from TheSkyX.

Clean up

To close connections to all hardware and start afresh first park (or power down) and then exit the IPython session with Ctrl-d. It is not normally necessary to shut down either the Camera Servers or the Name Server. These can be left running unless there is a need to update the software, or a problem with a camera.


When cameras fail

Start over from the top.

Fix dome

In a separate byobu session start up the dome as described here to get the instance and debug it.

Setting observing time to test different POCS states

From command line can set to just before evening twilight calibration sequence (time UTC):

export POCS_TIME="2019-12-13 09:30:00"

Remember to unset this environment variable when finished:


Can also set/unset from e.g. jupyter notebook or ipython:

import os
os.environ['POCSTIME'] = "2019-12-13 09:30:00"

#and unset
del os.environ['POCSTIME']

Old IERS A file

When running POCs, you may encounter a warning that looks like:

Interpolating from IERS_auto using predictive values that are more than 30 days old

This is problematic as it means Huntsman does not know what time it is and can therefore behave unexpectedly. To fix this, ensure that the latest version of astropy is installed. You can then try and manually download the IERS files:

from import download_file
from astropy.utils.iers import IERS_A_URL
download_file(IERS_A_URL, cache=True)

If that doesn't work (e.g. because of a HTTPError), then you can try and download from a mirror instead:

from astropy.utils.iers import IERS_A_URL_MIRROR
download_file(IERS_A_URL_MIRROR, cache=True)

You may find additional information here.

Reboot into BIOS

If, for whatever reason, you need to boot into BIOS on the control computer you can use the following command,

sudo systemctl reboot --firmware-setup

The normal method of pressing a specific key during start up does not appear to work for the control computer.

Wake On Lan for control computer

If the control computer is powered down it can be powered on by sending a "magic packet" from another device on the network. This can be done using a python module called wakeonlan (installed on domepi) and the control computers MAC address. To power on the control computer using WOL, ssh into the domepi and run the following,

from wakeonlan import send_magic_packet

send_magic_packet("<insert control comp MAC address here>")

Dome Home position not triggering

Occasionally the dome controller will stop detecting when the dome passes the home position. This seems to occur when moving the dome for the first time after a couple of days of inactivity. Manually (or through TheSkyX GUI) sending the dome back and forth over the home position (using webcam for reference) appears to "fix" the problem. Restarting the dome control server running on the domepi also appears to help.

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