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Astrolabe customized version of the Firefly server.

This is a public code repository of the Astrolabe Project at the University of Arizona.

Author: Tom Hicks

Purpose: This project creates a Docker image of the IPAC Firefly astronomical server and visualizer IPAC/Firefly. This version of Firefly has been customized for the Astrolabe Project at the University of Arizona.


Note: This is a special, customized version of Firefly. Installation of this version requires a working Docker installation, version 19.03 or greater, and Docker must be running in swarm mode. You must also successfully start the Astrolabe VOS Server before starting this Firefly.

1. Checkout this project

Git clone this project to your local disk and enter the project directory:

  > git clone
  > cd firefly-al

2. Enable Docker swarm mode

Since you cannot run this version of Firefly without first having started the Astrolabe VOS Server, you must have already enabled Swarm mode.

3. Prepare the deployment

Before starting Firefly, you must create a directory containing your images, or link to an existing one. The image directory (or link) must be created in the working directory for this project (i.e. the directory into which you checked out this project).

To create a link (which must be named "images") to an existing directory of JWST images and catalogs on your local disk:

  > ln -s path/to/directory/of/your/JWST/fits/files images

4. Start Firefly

To start Firefly, and connect it to the running VO Server, use the docker stack deploy command:

  > docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml ff

OR, if you are familiar with Make, use the convenient Makefile:

  > make up

and then wait for the Firefly container to initialize, which may take a minute or so as the container must be downloaded (the first time only) and started.

You can use common Docker commands to monitor the status of the Firefly container. The docker service command shows the newly started Firefly container and the running VO Server containers:

  > docker service ls
ID                  NAME                MODE                REPLICAS            IMAGE                           PORTS
czxb57t3lg2w        ff_firefly          replicated          1/1                 ipac/firefly:rc-2019.3   *:8888->8080/tcp
1m841e7liokk        vos_celery          replicated          1/1                 astrolabe/cuts:latest
v59tayb4v5n0        vos_cuts            replicated          1/1                 astrolabe/cuts:latest    *:8000->8000/tcp
7lxjg8h50l0c        vos_pgdb            replicated          1/1                 astrolabe/vosdb:latest   *:5432->5432/tcp
dab3jzqf032d        vos_redis           replicated          1/1                 redis:5.0-alpine         *:6379->6379/tcp
zbynaauuna18        vos_vos             replicated          1/1                 astrolabe/dals:latest    *:8080->8080/tcp

Firefly will be ready when the REPLICAS column shows 1/1 for it.

The docker container command is also useful to view the status of the Firefly and VO Server containers:

  > docker container ls -a
    CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                           COMMAND                  CREATED             STATUS              PORTS                NAMES
34db47ff0c69        ipac/firefly:rc-2019.3   "/bin/bash -c './lau…"   1 minute ago        Up 1 minute         5050/tcp, 8080/tcp   ff_firefly.1.i1fpsy7n78alh183f1jcyn7iw
7138a0f4ab88        astrolabe/dals:latest    " run"        2 hours ago         Up 2 hours          8080/tcp             vos_vos.1.qiwaa1vf8uoj4dpab5hovakxp
4c63d1668481        astrolabe/cuts:latest    "gunicorn -c /cuts/c…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours                               vos_cuts.1.v8w6gs1rjo1jecu64xbov41qs
e2a970bfa0b4        astrolabe/cuts:latest    "celery worker -l de…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours                               vos_celery.1.sdiia00iapiwyxdu6cvlubsar
59008932fd1f        astrolabe/vosdb:latest   "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours          5432/tcp             vos_pgdb.1.h7petbeck29mf39stnoye8cip
6b970370405f        redis:5.0-alpine         "docker-entrypoint.s…"   2 hours ago         Up 2 hours          6379/tcp             vos_redis.1.x5n2ngphgyzxs87etrideb5sl

The STATUS column (to the right) should eventually show "Up" for the Firefly container.

Accessing Firefly

If deployment was successful, you will be able to access the customized version of Firefly from within a browser on your local machine:

Note: The customizations in this version of Firefly are only available at the specificed local URL above (note it ends with local). They will not appear if you use the standard Firefly server URL (which ends with firefly).

Stopping Firefly

To stop Firefly use the docker stack rm command:

  > docker stack rm ff

OR, if you are familiar with Make, use the convenient Makefile:

  > make down

The Firefly container should stop within a minute or so. This can be monitored with the Docker commands given (above) in the Startup section.

Using Firefly

Loading cutouts into Firefly from the images server

After opening the Firefly viewer in a browser, select the Images button and you should see the custom JWST Images entry at the top of the Select Data Set frame. JWST cutouts requested here will be generated by the running VO Server and returned to Firefly just like any other remote image data source.

Loading images into Firefly from your local disk

You can load one or more images directly from your local image directory as follows:

  1. Click the Images button on the top button bar to bring up the Images Search window.
  2. Select URL in the Select Image Source box.
  3. Enter the file URL for one of the images in your local image directory. Precede the actual filename with file:///external/. For example: file:///external/goods_s_F356W_2018_08_30.fits
  4. Click the Search button at the bottom of the Images Search window.
  5. Depending on size, the image should load in about 2-15 seconds.

Loading the JWST catalog into Firefly from the VO Server

To search the JWST catalog in the local VO Server:

  1. Click the Catalogs button on the top button bar to bring up the catalogs window.
  2. Select the VO Catalog tab at the top of the catalogs window.
  3. Enter coordinates (no names) for the search, such as 53.16 -27.78
  4. Select a search radius and units, such as 4 arcseconds
  5. Enter the Cone Search URL for the local VO Server, which is http://dals:8080/dals/scs-jaguar
  6. Click the Search button at the bottom of the catalogs window.
  7. The results from the catalog search should open and display next to the previously loaded image.


Software licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.

Copyright (c) The University of Arizona, 2019. All rights reserved.

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