This is a public code repository of the Astrolabe Project at the University of Arizona.
Author: Tom Hicks
Purpose: Extracts specific metadata from FITS files for the purpose of creating a VO-compliant database.
This software requires Java 1.8, Gradle 5.1, Groovy 2.5.7+.
To build the standalone JAR file in the build/libs subdirectory:
> gradle clean shadowJar
To run the JAR file:
> java -jar extractor-0.0.2.jar -v /input/dir/path
Run Options:
Usage: extractor [-h] [-m mapfilepath] directory
-d,--debug Print debugging output in addition to normal processing (default false).
-h,--help Show usage information.
-m,--mapfile <mapfile> File containing FITS fieldname mappings.
-v,--verbose Run in verbose mode (default: non-verbose).
Licensed under Apache License Version 2.0.
(c) The University of Arizona, 2019