+ * Debug mode field callback function.
+ */
+function cache_everything_debug_mode_callback() {
+ $debug_mode = get_option('cache_everything_debug_mode');
+ echo '';
+ echo '';
+// Adjusted function to display settings
+function cache_everything_settings_page() {
+ echo '';
+// Adjusted function to only display the readme content
+function cache_everything_display_readme() {
+ $readme_path = plugin_dir_path(__FILE__) . '../readme.md';
+ if (file_exists($readme_path)) {
+ $readme_content = file_get_contents($readme_path);
+ // Escape the content for JavaScript
+ $readme_content_js = json_encode($readme_content);
+ echo ''; // Container for the converted HTML
+ echo "";
+ echo "";
+ } else {
+ // Print out the full path attempted for debugging purposes
+ echo '
Readme File Not Found
Attempted path: ' . esc_html($readme_path) . '
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd1385c
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+++ b/plugin/cache-everything.php
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+ $all_roles,
+ 'jsUrl' => $js_full_url,
+ 'cssUrl' => $css_full_url,
+ 'sitePrefix' => $site_prefix, // Add the site prefix to the localized script data
+ 'debugMode' => $debug_mode // Add the debug mode status to the localized script data
+ ));
+add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', 'cache_everything_enqueue_scripts');
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diff --git a/plugin/handle-css-request.php b/plugin/handle-css-request.php
new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+ 'guest', // Default status
+ 'roles' => array() // Default empty array for roles
+ );
+ // Dynamic JavaScript generation logic
+ if (is_user_logged_in()) {
+ $user = wp_get_current_user();
+ $response['status'] = 'user';
+ $response['roles'] = $user->roles;
+ }
+ // Convert the PHP array to a JSON string
+ $jsonResponse = json_encode($response);
+ // Output JavaScript to dispatch an update event with the new role data
+ echo <<get_names());
+ * Generates and returns the site prefix based on the second to last part of the domain.
+ *
+ * @return string The site prefix.
+ */
+function get_site_prefix() {
+ $site_url = get_site_url(); // WordPress function to get site URL
+ $parsed_url = parse_url($site_url);
+ $host = $parsed_url['host'];
+ // Split the host into parts
+ $host_parts = explode('.', $host);
+ if (count($host_parts) > 2) {
+ // Return the second to last part of the domain, excluding TLD
+ return $host_parts[count($host_parts) - 2];
+ } else {
+ // If there are not enough parts for a subdomain, return the first part
+ return $host_parts[0];
+ }
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fe4ff41
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugin/public/js/cache-everything.js
@@ -0,0 +1,324 @@
+const DYNAMIC_SHEET_ID = 'cache-everything-dynamic-css';
+const STATIC_SHEET_ID = 'cache-everything-css';
+ * Logs messages to the console if debug mode is enabled. Supports multiple arguments.
+ *
+ * @param {...any} messages - The messages to log, can be multiple arguments.
+ */
+function debugPrint(...messages) {
+ if (wce_Data.debugMode === '1') {
+ console.log("Debug:", ...messages);
+ }
+ * Generates a timestamp including milliseconds.
+ *
+ * @returns {string} A string representing the current timestamp with milliseconds.
+ */
+function getTimestampWithMilliseconds() {
+ const now = new Date();
+ return now.getFullYear() + '-' +
+ String(now.getMonth() + 1).padStart(2, '0') + '-' +
+ String(now.getDate()).padStart(2, '0') + ' ' +
+ String(now.getHours()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' +
+ String(now.getMinutes()).padStart(2, '0') + ':' +
+ String(now.getSeconds()).padStart(2, '0') + '.' +
+ String(now.getMilliseconds()).padStart(3, '0');
+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() {
+ debugPrint('DOM fully loaded and parsed at:', getTimestampWithMilliseconds());
+ * Deletes all CSS rules matching a given selector from a specified stylesheet and logs the deletion.
+ *
+ * This function searches for the stylesheet by its ID. If the stylesheet is found, the function iterates through all its rules
+ * in reverse order (to handle the shifting indices upon rule deletion) and deletes
+ * any rule that matches the given selector, logging each deletion.
+ *
+ * @param {string} selectorText - The CSS selector text of the rules to delete.
+ * @param {string} stylesheetId - The ID of the stylesheet from which to delete the rules.
+ */
+function deleteCSSRules(selectorText, stylesheetId) {
+ // Find the specified stylesheet by ID
+ const styleSheet = [...document.styleSheets].find(
+ sheet => sheet.ownerNode.id === stylesheetId
+ );
+ if (!styleSheet) {
+ console.warn('Stylesheet not found.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Get the rules from the found stylesheet
+ const rules = styleSheet.cssRules;
+ let found = false;
+ // Since deleting a rule shifts subsequent rules' indices, iterate backwards
+ for (let i = rules.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ if (rules[i].selectorText === selectorText) {
+ // Log the rule that is about to be deleted
+ debugPrint(`Deleting CSS rule: ${rules[i].cssText}`);
+ // Delete the rule
+ styleSheet.deleteRule(i);
+ found = true;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!found) {
+ console.warn(`No CSS rule found for selector "${selectorText}" in stylesheet with ID "${stylesheetId}".`);
+ }
+ * Adds a CSS rule to a specified stylesheet, but only if the selector does not already exist.
+ *
+ * This function searches for the stylesheet by its ID. If the stylesheet is found, the function checks if a rule with the given
+ * selector already exists. If not, it adds the new rule to the stylesheet.
+ *
+ * @param {string} selectorText - The CSS selector text of the rule to add.
+ * @param {string} stylesheetId - The ID of the stylesheet to which to add the rule.
+ * @param {string} ruleContent - The content of the CSS rule to add.
+ */
+function addCSSRules(selectorText, stylesheetId, ruleContent) {
+ // Find the specified stylesheet by ID
+ const styleSheet = [...document.styleSheets].find(
+ sheet => sheet.ownerNode.id === stylesheetId
+ );
+ if (!styleSheet) {
+ console.warn('Stylesheet not found.');
+ return;
+ }
+ // Check if a rule with the given selector already exists
+ const existingRuleIndex = Array.from(styleSheet.cssRules).findIndex(
+ rule => rule.selectorText === selectorText
+ );
+ // If the rule does not already exist, add it
+ if (existingRuleIndex === -1) {
+ const fullRule = `${selectorText} { ${ruleContent} }`;
+ styleSheet.insertRule(fullRule, styleSheet.cssRules.length);
+ debugPrint(`Added new CSS rule: ${fullRule}`);
+ } else {
+ debugPrint(`CSS rule for selector "${selectorText}" already exists. No action taken.`);
+ }
+ * Checks if the current user status is 'guest'.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the user status is 'guest', false otherwise.
+ */
+function isGuest() {
+ return window.wce_userRoles && window.wce_userRoles.status && window.wce_userRoles.status.toLowerCase() === 'guest';
+ * Checks if the current user status is 'user'.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the user status is 'user', false otherwise.
+ */
+function isUser() {
+ return window.wce_userRoles && window.wce_userRoles.status && window.wce_userRoles.status.toLowerCase() === 'user';
+ * Checks if the specified role is included for the user, case-insensitively.
+ * @param {string} roleName - The name of the role to check.
+ * @returns {boolean} True if the role is included for the user, false otherwise.
+ */
+function isRole(roleName) {
+ if (window.wce_userRoles && window.wce_userRoles.roles) {
+ return window.wce_userRoles.roles.some(role => role.toLowerCase() === roleName.toLowerCase());
+ }
+ return false;
+document.addEventListener('wce_UpdateCSS', function() {
+ debugPrint("wce_UpdateCSS event started.");
+ // Access the sitePrefix from the wce_Data variable
+ const sitePrefix = wce_Data.sitePrefix;
+ // Initialize arrays to hold classes that should be visible or hidden
+ let visibleClasses = [];
+ let hiddenClasses = [];
+ // Determine visibility for guest and user status
+ if (isGuest()) {
+ visibleClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-guest`);
+ hiddenClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-user`);
+ } else if (isUser()) {
+ visibleClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-user`);
+ hiddenClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-guest`);
+ }
+ // Determine visibility for each role
+ wce_Data.roles.forEach(role => {
+ if (isRole(role)) {
+ visibleClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-${role}`);
+ } else {
+ hiddenClasses.push(`${sitePrefix}-${role}`);
+ }
+ });
+ debugPrint("Visible Classes:", visibleClasses);
+ debugPrint("Hidden Classes:", hiddenClasses);
+ // Delete CSS rules for classes that should be visible
+ visibleClasses.forEach(className => {
+ deleteCSSRules(`.${className}`, STATIC_SHEET_ID);
+ });
+ hiddenClasses.forEach(className => {
+ addCSSRules(`.${className}`, STATIC_SHEET_ID, "display: none !important;");
+ });
+ debugPrint("wce_UpdateCSS finished at " + getTimestampWithMilliseconds());
+ * Listens for the 'wce_UserRolesUpdate' event and updates the user roles stored in session storage and the global window object.
+ * If the new roles received from the event are different from the roles currently stored in session storage,
+ * it updates the stored roles and dispatches a 'wce_UpdateCSS' event to trigger a CSS update based on the new roles.
+ */
+document.addEventListener('wce_UserRolesUpdate', function(event) {
+ // Extract new roles from the event detail
+ const newRoles = event.detail;
+ // Retrieve currently stored roles from session storage
+ const storedRoles = retrieveUserRolesFromSessionStorage();
+ // Check if the new roles are different from the stored roles
+ if (JSON.stringify(newRoles) !== JSON.stringify(storedRoles)) {
+ // Log the receipt of new roles and the pre-update stored roles for debugging
+ debugPrint(`wce_UserRolesUpdate event received with new roles: ${JSON.stringify(newRoles)}`);
+ debugPrint(`Retrieved stored roles before update: ${JSON.stringify(storedRoles)}`);
+ // Update the stored roles in session storage and the global window object
+ storeUserRolesInSessionStorage(newRoles);
+ window.wce_userRoles = newRoles;
+ // Log the update of user roles for debugging
+ debugPrint(`User roles updated to: ${JSON.stringify(newRoles)}`);
+ // Dispatch the 'wce_UpdateCSS' event to trigger a CSS update based on the new roles
+ document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wce_UpdateCSS'));
+ }
+ * Stores the user roles in session storage after verifying their structure.
+ *
+ * This function takes an optional roles parameter. If roles are provided and valid, they are stored in session storage.
+ * If no roles are provided, the function checks for a global variable `wce_userRoles` and stores its value instead, if valid.
+ * The roles object must contain 'status' and 'roles' keys, with 'status' being either 'user' or 'guest', and 'roles' being an array.
+ * If neither roles nor the global variable are available or if they do not meet the validation criteria, a warning is logged to the console.
+ * Any errors encountered during the storage process are caught and logged as errors.
+ *
+ * @param {Object|null} roles - An object with user and roles keys to be stored, or null to use the global `wce_userRoles` variable.
+ */
+function storeUserRolesInSessionStorage(roles = null) {
+ try {
+ // Determine the roles to store, preferring the provided roles over the global variable
+ let rolesToStore = roles || (typeof wce_userRoles !== 'undefined' ? wce_userRoles : null);
+ // Validate the structure of the roles object
+ if (rolesToStore !== null && typeof rolesToStore === 'object' && rolesToStore.hasOwnProperty('status') && rolesToStore.hasOwnProperty('roles') && (rolesToStore.status === 'user' || rolesToStore.status === 'guest') && Array.isArray(rolesToStore.roles)) {
+ // Serialize the roles object to a JSON string
+ const serializedRoles = JSON.stringify(rolesToStore);
+ // Store the serialized roles in session storage under the key 'wce_userRoles'
+ sessionStorage.setItem('wce_userRoles', serializedRoles);
+ debugPrint(`Stored roles in session storage: ${serializedRoles}`);
+ } else {
+ // Warn if no roles were provided, the global variable is not defined, or the roles object does not meet the validation criteria
+ console.warn(`No valid roles provided or wce_userRoles is not defined or invalid. Cannot store in session storage. Attempted to store: ${JSON.stringify(rolesToStore)}`);
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ // Log any errors encountered during the storage process
+ console.error(`Error storing roles in session storage: ${error}`);
+ }
+ * Retrieves and verifies the user roles from session storage.
+ *
+ * This function attempts to retrieve the serialized user roles stored under the key 'wce_userRoles'
+ * in the session storage. It then verifies that the object contains the required 'status' and 'roles' keys,
+ * with 'status' being either 'user' or 'guest', and 'roles' being an array. If the roles object is found and
+ * verified, it is returned. If no roles are found, if the object does not verify, or if an error occurs during
+ * retrieval or parsing, appropriate errors are logged to the console, and null is returned.
+ *
+ * @returns {Object|null} The verified user roles object if successful, or null if not found, does not verify, or an error occurs.
+ */
+function retrieveUserRolesFromSessionStorage() {
+ try {
+ const serializedRoles = sessionStorage.getItem('wce_userRoles');
+ if (serializedRoles !== null) {
+ const rolesObject = JSON.parse(serializedRoles);
+ // Verify the structure of the roles object
+ if (typeof rolesObject === 'object' && rolesObject.hasOwnProperty('status') && rolesObject.hasOwnProperty('roles') && (rolesObject.status === 'user' || rolesObject.status === 'guest') && Array.isArray(rolesObject.roles)) {
+ return rolesObject;
+ } else {
+ throw new Error(`Retrieved roles object does not have the correct structure or values. Retrieved object: ${serializedRoles}`);
+ }
+ } else {
+ console.warn('No wce_userRoles found in session storage.');
+ return null;
+ }
+ } catch (error) {
+ console.error(`Error retrieving or verifying wce_userRoles from session storage: ${error}`);
+ return null;
+ }
+ * Adds a script to the DOM with its source set to the cacheEverythingUrl specified in the roleData object.
+ * The browser will fetch and execute the script automatically.
+ */
+function addScriptToDOM() {
+ // Access the URL from the roleData object
+ const url = wce_Data.jsUrl;
+ // Create a new script element
+ const scriptElement = document.createElement('script');
+ scriptElement.src = url; // Set the source of the script element to the URL
+ // Optional: Remove any existing script with the same ID to prevent duplicates
+ const existingScript = document.getElementById('wce_RoleScript');
+ if (existingScript) {
+ existingScript.parentNode.removeChild(existingScript);
+ debugPrint("Removed existing wce_RoleScript to prevent duplicates.");
+ }
+ scriptElement.id = 'wce_RoleScript'; // Assign an ID to the new script element
+ // Append the script element to the head or body of the document to execute it
+ document.head.appendChild(scriptElement);
+ debugPrint(`Added new script to DOM with ID 'wce_RoleScript' and src: ${url}`);
+// Initial fetch and setup process
+function initializeUserRoles() {
+ const storedRoles = retrieveUserRolesFromSessionStorage();
+ if (storedRoles) {
+ window.wce_userRoles = storedRoles;
+ debugPrint(`User roles initialized from session storage: ${JSON.stringify(storedRoles)}`);
+ debugPrint(`Localized script data: ${JSON.stringify(wce_Data)}`);
+ document.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent('wce_UpdateCSS'));
+ } else {
+ // If no roles are stored, you might want to fetch them or set default roles
+ debugPrint("No stored user roles found. Fetching or setting default roles.");
+ // This is where you might dispatch an event or directly call a function to fetch roles
+ }
+debugPrint(`Script Starting: ${getTimestampWithMilliseconds()}`);
+// Initial call to set up roles on page load
+// Fetch the role data
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new file mode 100644
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@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+# Cache Everything WordPress Plugin
+The Cache Everything plugin is designed to enhance the performance of WordPress sites by caching dynamic aspects of the site, including HTML for logged-in users. This plugin dynamically generates CSS and JavaScript based on user roles, ensuring that cached content is personalized and up-to-date.
+## Features
+- **Dynamic JavaScript and CSS**: Generates JavaScript and CSS files dynamically based on the user's login status and roles.
+- **Docker Support**: Includes a Docker Compose configuration for easy testing/development setup.
+## Installation
+1. **Clone the Plugin**: Clone this repository into your WordPress plugins directory.
+ ```bash
+ git clone https://github.com/AsyncAlchemist/cache-everything.git wp-content/plugins/cache-everything
+ ```
+2. **Activate the Plugin**: Navigate to the WordPress admin panel, go to Plugins, and activate the "Cache Everything" plugin.
+## Usage
+Once activated, the plugin automatically starts caching JavaScript and CSS files dynamically. It also adds a custom admin menu where you can view the plugin's readme file.
+### Viewing the Readme File
+Navigate to the "Cache Everything" menu in the WordPress admin panel to view the plugin's readme file.
+## Configuration
+No additional configuration is required. However, you can customize the plugin's behavior by editing its PHP and JavaScript files.
+### Customizing CSS and JavaScript
+Edit the `public/js/cache-everything.js` file to modify the client-side logic, such as how user roles are handled and CSS is updated dynamically.
+### REST API Endpoint
+The plugin registers a custom REST API endpoint at `/wp/v2/user_status` that returns the user's login status and roles.
+## Docker Support
+The plugin includes a `docker-compose.yml` file for easy setup and deployment using Docker. This configuration sets up WordPress, MySQL, phpMyAdmin, and Cloudflared services.
+To use Docker, run:
+`docker-compose up -d`
+## Development
+### Adding New Features
+To add new features or modify existing ones, edit the PHP files in the plugin directory and the JavaScript files in the `public/js` directory.
+### Debugging
+Use the `cache_everything_debug_log` function to log custom debug messages to the plugin's log file for troubleshooting.
+### Contributing
+Contributions are welcome. Please fork the repository, make your changes, and submit a pull request.
+### License
+This plugin is open-source and licensed under the MIT License.