An OpenFrameworks addon with examples maintained by Théoriz studio
Get OpenFrameworks
Then get the addon from here (and rename it to ofxAugmenta)
git clone
You should now have a folder named ofxAugmenta in the "addons" directory of OpenFrameworks
Create one folder in the "apps" directory and copy one example inside. You can then modify it and work from here.
You can also create a project with the project generator.
You can start the examples from the ofxAugmenta folder.
Receive and draw Augmenta data without any other library
// TODO add screenshot (insert basic view)
Examples for receiving and drawing Augmenta data including a Syphon output (Mac only) and a basic UI
You will need to add the ofxSyphon addon :
Protocol is described here :
Documentation can be found in the reference folder
Thanks to the guys at OpenTSPS, this library is heavily inspired from it.
Thanks to the devs and beta testers whose contribution are vitals to the project Tom Duchêne / Baptiste Moizard / Jonathan Richer / David-Alexandre Chanel / you !