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ResetsFont true +End + +InsetLayout Flex:LumChapQuote + LyXType custom + Decoration classic + LabelString "Chapter Quote" + LatexType command + LatexName lumchapquote + ResetsFont true +End + +InsetLayout Flex:Foldable # Define a new "flex" inset called "Foldable" + LyxType custom # Add to Insert > Custom Insets + LatexType none # Export contents to latex as-is, ignoring the wrapper. + Decoration minimalistic # Do not show a label, only the outer box, when not folded. + ContentAsLabel true # When folded show truncated contents as label. +End \end_local_layout \language english \language_package default @@ -38,7 +138,7 @@ PackageOptions todonotes colorinlistoftodos \use_microtype true \use_dash_ligatures false \graphics xetex -\default_output_format pdf4 +\default_output_format default \output_sync 0 \bibtex_command default \index_command makeindex @@ -129,21 +229,12278 @@ status open lumcustomtitle{Luminous: the Dream}{A Storytelling Game of Distant Dreams} \end_layout +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setsection{luminous} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Foreword +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "chap:Foreword" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Luminous: the Dream +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + is a fanmade roleplaying game for the +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +, inspired by the +\emph on +mahou shoujo +\emph default + genre of anime and manga. + Players take on the role of those caught between the waking world and the + world of dreams. + Wielding a faint power from their unison, they seek to bring a better future + for both worlds and all within. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default + book is needed to use this book. + At the time of preparation, that book is available from +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "DriveThru RPG" +target "https://www.drivethrurpg.com/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +playtesttext {Luminous: the Dream} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Source code for the system document can be found on +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +href{https://github.com/AuroraAmissa/LuminousTheDream/tree/ +\backslash +gitHash}{Github} +\end_layout + \end_inset +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This version of Luminous: the Dream contains author commentary by AuroraAmissa. + It contains extra text (typeset in pinkish boxes like this one) that explain + how various design decisions in this fansplat came about, and help people + who are writing roleplay systems understand the subtler themes and design + that goes into things like this. + For Storytellers too, it will likely give quite a good deal of insight + into how to run the game on subtle points that are hard to include in the + main text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A lot of the D&D/Pathfinder homebrew on the Giant in the Playground forums + once used collapsibles for a similar purpose, and seeing that helped me + develop my own sense for game design early on. + Mark Rosewater's blog on the design of Magic: the Gathering and its mechanics + was similarly invaluable for that. + This commentary is a love letter to them, of passing on the torch. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Princess, to me, feels as if it became diluted over the course of its developmen +t process. + It kept every individual piece of the original Princess: the Fading pitch + by Cruton, but lost its core feel in the process. + There were those who felt it was too similar to Changeling: the Dreaming, + and tried to distinguish it. + People had different opinions on how dark Princess should be, struggled + and disagreed about how to tell a dark story about those who hope. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Its authors wasn't able to commit to a coherent theme in the way White Wolf's + works do. + I don't want to repeat that mistake. + Luminous chooses a theme, rather than trying to be a little bit of something + for everyone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It is a story about those who are caught between reality and their dreams, + and in seeing what the world could be in their dreams cannot bear to see + the world remain shrouded in shadows. + It is a story about those who burn bright with the hope and wonder of childhood +, carrying that light into a world that had long chosen to forget it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream is not some Trap. + Sensitivity is not some price to pay. + There is no Darkness to blame for humanity's faults. + ... + if Luminous is like Dreaming, I choose to embrace that comparison. + If it would be the brightest fansplat, even more so than Changeling: the + Lost or Geist or Princess, than so be it. + It's a story I feel is worth telling, and worth playing. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In exchange, Luminous can't appeal to everyone Princess appeals to. + That's fine. + It'll be a better game for it. + The same aspects of Princess I've discarded would be done more justice + by a splat that more concretely focuses on them too. \end_layout +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The one way to write something +\emph on +great +\emph default + is to write for yourself, and the vision you want to convey. + Not every possible person who could possibly want to read your works. + You can't satisfy everyone. + You can't write something amazing that way. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Credits +\end_layout + \begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset include -LatexCommand include -filename "Content_Luminous.lyx" + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Luminous: the Dream +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + is primary written by AuroraAmissa, with help with several contributors. + Without their help, this project would likely have not been possible. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Suzune, who helped immensely with the core ideas behind Luminous' mechanics + and core lore. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Ellie, who has provided me a great deal of support through the earlier parts + of the project, and provided very valuable feedback throughout. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Hanako, who taught me the ways of the dark magical girl. + :) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Xelsius, who has been a consistent source of feedback and encouragement + throughout the project. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +MushroomBadger whose work on Beloved showed many alternative ways of how + something like what I am doing could be done. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +TrueMrMultiverse, WillOfTheWinds, and all the others who helped immensely + with their feedback and suggestions for Archetypes and similar details. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Beyond those who worked with me directly, Luminous has been inspired by + many other works that came before. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Luminous: the Dream +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + started as a rewrite of +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Princess: the Hopeful +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + before it diverged greatly later on in development. + Even if few traces of it remain in Luminous, Princess still paved the way + for fanworks like this and inspired this project. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Over time, +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Changeling: the Dreaming +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + became more and more of an inspiration for me, as I tried connecting the + themes of dreams, activism and magical girl anime. + Luminous very much began becoming a spiritual successor to it over time. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The +\series bold +Exalted 2e +\series default + sourcebook, +\series bold +Graceful Wicked Masques +\series default +, despite its very different theme, was an ample source of inspiration as + to how to present the Astral/Dream in a way befitting its nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +\emph default + +\shape default +and all its splats shine as a bright example as to what tabletop can be. + There is much to learn from their authors and their works for most game + designers, and how they improved on its earlier editions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +A Wind in the Door +\series default +, the novel that first taught me so long ago what it meant to dream and + +\emph on +hope +\emph default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex ContentWarning +status open + +\begin_layout Section* +Content Warning +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Luminous: the Dream +\series default + tells stories of the line between the escapism of dreams and the cruelties + of reality. + This book discusses subject matters such as poverty, sexism, racism, and + all kinds of the mundane and small cruelties that are too often overlooked. + Beyond that, its supernatural elements involve themes of irreality, blurred + boundaries between people, and rejection of reality. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +If you are sensitive to such content, please take care when reading or playing + +\series bold +Luminous +\series default +. + Safety techniques for such things are discussed in [TODO: Chapter link]. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Legal Stuff +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Luminous: the Dream +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + was originally inspired by the Vocations version of +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Princess: the Hopeful +\series default +\shape default +\emph default +. + That version of +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Princess: the Hopeful +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + was a collaborative effort of many posters who contributed to its development + on the RPGnet forums, including Cruton, Azunth, Michael Brazier, EarthScorpion, + Luc "Nickname" French, hazard151, Huitzil, Leliel, Kearin, TheKingsRaven, + Naomi Li, MagicSwordsman, Martin Padilla, SaulotTheGentle, and Jordy Vanderstuk +ken. + It is available under the CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. + It can be downloaded from its +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "homepage" +target "https://sites.google.com/site/princessthehopeful/home" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike + 4.0 Unported License. + To view a copy of this license, visit +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "their website" +target "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain + View, California, 94041, USA. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work uses fonts licensed under the +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" +target "https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +. + It uses the +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "Dancing Script" +target "https://github.com/impallari/DancingScript" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + font by Pablo Impallari, +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "Fira Sans" +target "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + by Carrois Apostrophe, and +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "DejaVu Sans Mono" +target "https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + by various contributors. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is + not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. + All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainme +nt purposes only. + Furthermore, this book contains mature content. + Reader discretion is advised. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset CommandInset toc +LatexCommand tableofcontents + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Introduction +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This is the author commentary version of Luminous, and contains notes on + design by its primary designer. + If you're confused, please read the +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[chap:Foreword]{foreword} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + instead of skipping to the introduction. + :P +\end_layout \end_inset \end_layout +\begin_layout Plain Layout +We were all born knowing how to dream of the wonder and beauty of the world, + and what it could become. + In the dark of night, too many of us forget... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +So many are lost to poverty, war, famine. + So many others are lost to small cruelties, of discrimination or simple + lack of will to understand. + You saw outcasts, loners, those abandoned by everyone else. + You couldn't understand why nobody cared. + Why you were the only one to try. + But... + the world would not yield for anyone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +So you wrote... + so you sang, let it out however you could. + So you dreamed... + of another, brighter world. + A world where there were others by your side, where you did not have to + struggle alone. + Where... + you could do something to help. + Where you had all the magic of dreams in your hands. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Those around you told you to let go. + That you couldn't help them, that your own troubles were all +\emph on +your +\emph default + fault. + That... + it was for your own good to give up those dreams. + But... + you couldn't. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Not when you saw a path forward. + One day, when you felt you had no other choice, you grasp for that light + you always wielded in your dreams. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For once, the world itself would yield... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Setting +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Luminous: the Dream +\series default + is a roleplaying game set in the +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +, a world much like our own – only caught between bleak mundanity and terrifying + supernatural horrors. + Perhaps, even more so than our own world, humanity gave up on doing more + than survive. + They forgot how to hope, how to enjoy life for what it is. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In this game, you play a Luminous, one of those champions of dreams and + imagination who still wishes to change the world, who still hopes for more + in a world not meant for them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Helpless to change the world that caused them and those they loved so much + suffering, they once escaped into the depths of their own dreams. + Beyond their own imagination, they found a shared dream of eight great + Dream Kingdoms, built by those who came before. + In that world, they would find a place where they learn to truly live, + learn to wield the magic of dreams. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In time, they came to realize that light shone in the waking world too. + They weren't alone. + There were others who still cared, others who did their best through small + acts of kindness. + When they could bear it no longer, when they stood up and fought for all + they believed in, no matter how powerless they thought they were... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Something sparked deep in their soul. + A way to join the power of two worlds, to bring the magic they dreamed + of into the waking world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The key thread that binds together every Chronicles of Darkness splatline, + it feels like, is that they're all outsider stories. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous aren't the kind of people the world is built for either, not any + more than the supernatural horrors the other splat lines are about. + Though they are, in a real sense, still human, they are still outsiders. + They dream too brightly for a World of Darkness, hope for too much. + Normally voices like theirs are snuffed out by those who can't bare to + see others fail to realize their dreams like they once did. + Some are jealous, Some are scared, some are fearful. + They would rather just accept those cruelties as part of life, and... + survive. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Like with Hunter, they are still human... + and at once outsiders. + That, more than anything else, is the core theme of the Chronicles monster + games. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Themes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Luminous +\series default + is built to tell stories like darker adaptations of the +\emph on +mahou shoujo +\emph default + genre of anime. + Stories of hope, of imagination, of love. + Stories of a path forward that don't shy away from the darker aspects of + life, but rather refuse to let them consume it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The heart of every Chronicles of Darkness splat are its themes. + This isn't an advertisement copy or an elevator pitch. + It's the anchor for the entire splat. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +The Journey of Hope +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For most, growing up means to give up on hope. + Tomorrow always seemed too far away to care about, better to struggle through + today. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +They're wrong, of course. + You see, in the margins, how much even a small wish can change the world, + even without the magic you wield. + But... + you still understand – how scary it is to try, when everyone else has given + up. + How hard it is to make the first move, when you know more likely than not, + you would be hurt for it. + In a corner of your heart, you are still afraid. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +To learn to truly hope again means to learn again what the world could truly + be – to unlearn those lessons you learned when you thought you had to grew + up... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Lights and Shadows +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +There are always small moments of happiness, hidden away places of beauty + to look forward to. + No matter how hard things get, life is always worth living for those moments. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +After all, the Luminous know, the magic of dreams itself comes from them. + They know how small moments of light can add up to something so much greater. + That... + even if they can't change the whole world, if nothing else, they can still + take the hand of those who forgot, reminded them once more why they struggle + so much for survival. + Show them that it is still possible to have a happy life... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Even if it could only touch the heart of a single person, that alone, will + brighten the world just a little bit. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Crossing Paths +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Nobody is ever truly alone in our world. + Every person relies on another, loves another, has been hurt by another. + The Luminous know that truth better than anyone else. + The Sea of Stars they draw their magic from was woven of those connections, + after all. + And reading its flows, they know – there will always be those they can + rely on, those they will one day come to rely on. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +On their journey between dreams and reality, they come to understand and + rely on the very different people and supernatural creatures they share + a world with. + Alone, the best they can do is live. + But... + together, with others sharing the same dream, perhaps, they may change + something for real. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Media +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I recommend the following works of media as possible inspiration in line + with Luminous' themes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Senki Zesshou Symphogear +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Symphogear follows the story of Hibiki, an ordinary girl who ends up bound + to an ancient relic, allowing her to transform and fight the Noise that + threaten the world. + At its heart, it is a story of heartfelt communication, the determination + to protect those you love, and the sacrifices one makes to do so. + About the scars of the past, and what must be done to heal them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hibiki stays strong in her belief to reach to the heart throughout, fighting + against people's despair as much she does the Noise. + When the members of the cast suffer tragedy, it is true their bonds with + each other that they're able to stand up again. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Magia Record +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Magia Record is the spiritual successor to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a + dark magical girl story that helped to popularized the genre. + For all its original is known for its darkness, though, it is still a story + of hope and love. + It is no wonder then, that its successor too fits well as an inspiration + for +\series bold +Luminous +\series default + chronicles. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The anime and video game pivots the focus more to human responses to the + woes of magic. + It embraces the personal stories that underlie Madoka's cosmic level story, + focusing on the relationships between magical girls and the friends that + pull them back from the brink of despair. + The phone game, in particular, tells the kinds of slice-of-life story Luminous + embraces – of magical girls who care for and love each other. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Library of Runia +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Library of Runia is a video game by Project Moon, following the story of + librarians who staff a magical library. + Through its powers, they learn the stories of the City they live in and + explore the past traumas and emotional scars. + In that sense, it is a deeply emotional story, about people, emotions, + growth and change more than anything else. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Both the main protagonists, Angela and Roland have their own dark pasts + and scars that are revealed through the game's progress. + As dark as the City it portrays is, it shows the little glimmers of hope + that lie within, and how Angela and Roland alike come to regain the hope + that things can be better. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 1: Shining Lights +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +"Under this great big sky, there are thousands, no, tens of thousands of + people. +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +All kinds of people with all sorts of wishes and feelings hiding inside." +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + + +\emph default +Nanoha Takamachi, +\series bold +Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hidden in the depths of our dreams, they all meld into one. + A world of stories woven from countless imaginations. + A dream of futures that could be, of the light we all know +\emph on +could +\emph default +exist in the depths of our heart. + Some people find that dream, remembering the paths they took to find it. + Some... + choose to stay, building themselves a second life in their dreams. + Some believed, knowing that future could come true if only we tried. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +... + and when they try to bring that dream into the waking world, when they + stand up for the ideals they saw... + a few, a rare few, Realize a deeper truth. + Why we dream. + The power that sprouted in their hearts when they began dreaming... + If they could believe in that power, coax it into reality, they would hold + for a moment all the dreams, memories, hopes and imaginations the Dream + remembers. + Guided by those lights, they weave their dreaming and waking lives into + one. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Thus, they ignite the magic that would make them Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Section* +Luminous Nomenclature +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Every CofD splat has a variety of terms for its supernatural beings, and + Luminous is no exception. + Main reason is it helps writing flow smoother, more than anything else. + The main inspirations for terms in Luminous are: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Luminous terms tend to be flowery (but rather plain otherwise) English or + Italian in origin. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Dreamborn terms tend to be flowery English (implicit translation convention), + or Irish/Irish-like. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Maou terms (in the rare cases where Luminous use it as the primary term) + tend to be Latin in origin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In specific, some of the important terms with synonyms: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The main term for the splat is Luminous. + Other terms in use are +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +the Hopeful +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +a Light +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +/ +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +the Lights +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, or +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +a Weaver +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +/ +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +the Weavers +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The residents of the Dream are known as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Dreamborn +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, and those from the waking world are known as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Starborn +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. + Luminous are not normally classified this way, usually being seen more + as something in between. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Dreamer is a generic term that may be applied to both Luminous and Starborn. + They are... + well, very quite literally dreamers in one way or another. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Luminary +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-Luminary" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setsplatlayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Sunlight +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +This is my ultimate strength... + everything I've got. + Starlight Breaker! +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\family sans +\emph default +Nanoha Takamachi, +\series bold +Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha +\family default +\series default +\emph on + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace bigskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminary!Sunlight|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + The sun stood proud in the sky, rising every day to beat back the dark + night. + So it had always been. + Its light defined day and night, its dance across the sky defined the seasons. + Even if just one star could not light a whole world, it still tries. + It is much the same for those Luminous who embrace the role of Sunlit. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +They were often those lost in darkness alongside everyone else – trapped + in a world full of people who didn't care and weren't allowed to care. + They were the ones who still tried to help, even as they themselves were + lost. + Of course it wasn't enough; they couldn't even save themselves. + No one person could. + When their defiance could sustain them no longer, the Dream calls most + to them... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When they Realize their own light, they vow to be the shining beacon they + tried to be all that time, to give a hand to those still lost in the dark, + to stand alongside those who wish to care but cannot find the will to, + to lead the charge against the world's shadows. + To act, to shine as the Sun does. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Heart +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It isn't that most people don't want to help those lost in the dark, that + they don't want to change anything. + Few people truly like to see others suffer. + But... + what they can do about it? To stand up against the world means to earn + its ire. + It means to be the nail that gets hammered down. + So people don't. + They come up with reasons why those less fortunate deserve it, hide away + from the flaws of the world and pretend the shadows don't exist. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Some try anyway. + Some stand against the world, vowing to change it for the better. + Some beat back the dark forces of the world by hand, without a thought + to stealth. + Some inspire others through their bright cheer and personalities. + Others protect those they love, as little suns. + All of them are driven by the same feeling. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The will to stand in the center of the storm, aiming to outshine it all. + Defiance and desperation and passion, all woven together. + A candle that burns faster should it flickers too dim. + A fire that announces dawn. + Such is the dream of Sunlight. + The will to act. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Even when they have no more to give, they don't give up. + Even if it burns themselves away in the process. + The shadows the Sun casts are those of self-destructive desperation. + All Weavers feel the press of Sensitivity, but for Sunlit it too easily + warps into an all-consuming passion – driving them to unreasonable self-sacrifi +ce. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Resolve: +\series default + Once per scene, a Sunlit may take a point of severe Hope damage to regain + two temporary Willpower for the Scene. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Shadows: +\series default + Whenever a Sunlit abandons or refuses to take an Aspiration from Sensitivity + with severe Hope damage marked, they gain a Hope condition. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dreams +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Sunlit dream brightly, usually appearing as magical girls, superheroes, + paladins, or knights in their Dream Forms. + All manners of the heroes of epic myth, old and new. + The rest of the supernatural world always imagined the Sunlit when they + hear of the Luminous, and it is no wonder. + They are the ones who stand out the most, most willing to stand in the + limelight. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +They wield their magic no differently than any would expect. + They are direct and bright, favoring power and immediate action. + They would sooner rather blast through a building directly at their target + than reach it through infiltration. + The collateral damage doesn't matter – it disappears when their magic fades. + Of course, the transience of their magic frustrates them just as easily + when they really want the whole building gone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Radiance: +\series default + Sunlit have a particular affinity for Regalia. + They may sustain Regalia for one less Luminance (to a minimum of 1), and + treat each Ideals and Domains they possess as one dot higher when qualifying + for Regalia. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Moonlight +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminary!Moonlight|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +The moon is no mere reflection of the sun's light. + Its pale reflected light still guides lost travelers, and its presence + alone drives the rise and fall of the tides. + Those who follow the path of Moonlight embody that same strength of being, + subtly influencing the world around them without showing their hand. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +They are the shrine maidens whose presence preserves the barrier of worlds, + the lovers whose kind words let the hero fight another day, the dryad who + guides visitors through the forest from the shadows. + The Moonlit, more than anything else, are the ones who improve the world + quietly in the shadows, pulling the world towards its best future. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Magic: +\series default + The magic of the Moonlit is subtle yet powerful, reflecting the innermost + nature of the caster in muted tones. + It is mysterious and occulted, seeming to just happen around the Moonlit + as a simple fact of their being, without them being seen doing anything. + Their transformations are similarly shrouded, often easily passing for + mundane clothing save for the occasional easily overlooked touch of the + supernatural. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write example characters section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write Benefits section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Inspirations: +\series default + Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.), Aelita (Code Lyoko), Aura (.hack//) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Starlight +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminary!Starlight|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +A thousand stars shine in the skies, each their own distant worlds in the + faraway heavens. + We look to the stars, and a thousand possible futures among them, each + just as colorful as the rest. + Those who follow the path of Starlight seek to embody those colorful worlds, + each inspiring themselves and others to shine brightly in their own unique + ways. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +They are the dreamers who write fanciful stories of the worlds that could + be, the girl who inspires her shy friend out of her shell through her own + bright cheeriness, the art teacher who encourages her students to draw + what they truly want. + The Starlit, more than anything else, are the ones who show others what + is possible, that they could do the same themselves if they dared. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Magic: +\series default + The magic of the Starlit is quiet but colorful, reflecting the caster's + true self in a thousand different little ways. + Even when it isn't obvious what truth it reflects, it undeniably is a reflectio +n of something the Starlit values. + The transformations are the most varied of all Luminous, reflecting their + ideal self with no regard for any other concerns. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write example characters section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Benefits: +\series default + Luminous who resonate with Starlight have a particular affinity for Charms. + They may Invoke a single Invocation for no Mote cost when they cast a Charm. + Furthermore, they qualify for Charm upgrade requirements as if they had + one more dot in each Invocation they have at least one dot in. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Inspirations: +\series default + Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setnormallayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Archetype +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-Archetype" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Archetype|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write text here. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Kingdoms +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-Kingdoms" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Kingdom|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Invocations +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +The Dream that the Luminous visit in their sleep and draw their power from + is itself a true world, if one built out of stories and feelings rather + than the matter and physics of the real world. + In that world of dreams, their predecessors wove eight Kingdoms of Light + over the years, dream-like visions of what the world could be some day + in the future. + Those visions shape the Invocations the Nobles use to shape their magic, + written by like-minded Luminous over the generations and preserved in the + depths of the Dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Kingdom is not quite like the Luminary or Archetype of a Luminous. + Rather than being a part of their Dreamscape, it is rather the physical + location their Dreamscape resides in. + Whether its Threshold appears as a mansion in a major city or an out-of-the-way + hollow in an unsuspecting tree, its physical presence in the Kingdom itself + is what defines a Noble unambiguously as a member of it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The eight Dream Kingdoms a Luminous may reside in are: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Avalon, the First Garden +\series default +: A beautiful kingdom led by nobility sworn to serve the needs of their + people. + Its Invocation is Rosa, of social order and responsibility. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold +\series default +: A sprawling country whose residents pride themselves on their passions + and true values. + Its Invocation is Solare, of decisive action and rebellion. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Elysium, the Record of the Lost +\series default +: A sanctuary city that preserves the histories of the world as it is and + once was. + Its Invocation is Ricordo, of preserving history and protecting that which + you love. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Konohana, the Forest of Cycles +\series default +: A peaceful forest where all things live in harmony with each other. + Its Invocation is Flori, of adaptation and harmony with the world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Ildathach, the Colorful Dream +\series default +: A dream-like vision of a world triumphing over even the laws of reality. + Its Invocation is Prisma, of uncompromising idealism and defiance against + what must be. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Muirias, the Crystal Isles +\series default +: A nation built on a series of islands filled with wonders of science and + magic. + Its Invocation is Brillare, of learning and wonder at the world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Sancus, the Pyre Alliance +\series default +: A close-knit alliance of city-states built over the generations of hard + work. + Its Invocation is Accordi, of duties to one another and military might. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds +\series default +: A mountain range populated by colorful and varied nomadic tribes. + Its Invocation is Cieli, of the freedom of the skies and acceptance for + all peoples. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Not all Luminous become a member of a kingdom when they Blossom. + Unaffiliated Nobles have affinity with two Invocations of their choice + (including for buying the Invocation itself), but gain no Kingdom Benefit. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Luminous Y-Splat. + It's ultimately not too different from Princess' Courts, but without the + royalty theme. + Only Avalon still has any connotations of being Noble, because it aligns + with its core themes and ideas. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I feel Twilight Courts were one of the bigger mistakes of Princess. + They were extreme (or otherwise tainted) versions of perfectly workable + worldviews, and almost seemed to present those worldviews as necessarily + twilight, not simply embedded in corrupted Courts. + Most of these Kingdoms are modified from P:tH's courts, modified to be + more comprehensive and less... + strangely opinionated. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setsplatlayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Avalon, the First Garden +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Avalon writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Aztlan writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Elysium, the Record of the Lost +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Elysium writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Konohana, the Forest of Cycles +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Konohana writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Ildathach, the Colorful Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Ildathach writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Muirias, the Archipelago of Stars +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Quote +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +"The universe is beautiful, whether you look at the big things or the small +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Some day the world will remember that..." +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In legend, the Tuatha de Danann sailed onto the island of Ireland from four + myth-shrouded cities: Falias, Goirias, Findias, and Muirias. + They brought their sciences, arts and ways of magic, teaching the natives + all they knew to be their equal. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Naming their Kingdom after the great sea city of the Tuatha de Danann, the + Luminous of Muirias vow to teach all they know the world to offer. + They dream of a world where people seek to learn of the sciences and stories, + not only for the sake of what practical value they may hold, but to experience + the wonders of the world through them. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Member Nicknames: +\series default + Stargazers, Seekers +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Benefit: +\series default + Stargazers are always eager to share the stories and knowledge they learn + over their years. + Once per scene, when you tell a story or teach something new to a person + or a small group, roll Presence +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +an appropriate skill. + If you succeed, they gain their choice of Inspired or Informed on the subject + matter. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +The Crystal Isles +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In their dream of Muirias, the Stargazers wove an archipelago connected + by boats, bridges of solidified light, and other yet more exotic means + of transport. + Its cities strongly resemble modern civilization, but in a way that highlights + the magic and knowledge they hold in their hands. + Their gleaming cities are built of crystalline spires of polished ceramic, + stone, and glass. + Further out into the wilderness, their towns and villas seem to girdle + the beaches with diamond spires. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The ground floor of the towers are lined with the essential facilities of + everyday life – grocery stores, restaurants and so forth. + Behind the crystal exteriors and shining spires that rise above, the Crystal + Isles are filled with the hallmarks of modern industry, workshops producing + magical wonders, and schools and colleges both small and large. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Beliefs +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Above all else, Muirias brings together those Luminous where people value + knowledge, without losing sight of the fundamental wonder and curiosity + that drives people to discover. + To them, to reduce the world to what is physically true is to rob it of + the magic that drives that curiosity forward. + The marvels of the world cannot be seen simply through textbooks and rote + memorization. + So many meaningful truths can only be learned when you experience them + for yourself. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When you understand well enough the truth behind those wonders and what + makes them wonderful, then you can weave your own. + When the world is known, there is no more reason to fear what is unknown. + Thus, the only way forward is to pierce the mists of ignorance. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Society's greatest achievements were always made when we learned more of + the world around us. + Towards that end, knowledge must be shared, not hoarded. + People must be shown the world, not have it reduced to mathematical laws + and cold facts. + There is a brighter future in learning and information. + The more minds that we can work with, the better we all will be. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Invocation: Brillare +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Brillare is born of the joys of learning, of childlike curiosity and wonder + at the world. + It encourages one to always seek to know the world better, and reach for + the unknown rather than fearing it. + Those who resonate with Brilliare are charged to reveal the secrets that + made the world dark for so long. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: What does Brillare *do*? +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Stories +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +An elementary school teacher tries to teach her students the wonders behind + the dry science in the textbooks, fighting against the children just a + grade up who bully those who like to learn. + She works two jobs just to feed herself and her family. + Even so, she persists, because she knows she can make a difference. +\begin_inset VSpace defskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Her own son gets it. + He explores the world on his own terms, going out into town often. + He was always bringing back stories of the places he saw and the people + he met out there, but it always felt as if he was leaving something out. + She understood the curiosity he had, but never so much the secrecy. +\begin_inset VSpace defskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +One day, she followed him under the cover of night, wanting to know what + he was truly up to. + She chased him into a long abandoned building, only to find herself chased + by the creature of nightmares her son was fighting. + When her son could no longer protect her from it, she took it into her + own hands, Blossoming to stand by his side. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A young boy wants to explore the world in all its colors. + He wanted to see the fairies in the forest, the mermaids in the sea. + He was told that it wasn't worth it. + That those wonders didn't exist... + One day, he went anyway on his own, into that park forest. + There weren't the fairies of his fairy tales, but every time he turned + over a new rock, he saw a new and wonderful bug he never had before. + There weren't mermaids in the ponds, but he saw plants he never knew before + by the lake's side. + In the end, he found what he had come for after all. +\begin_inset VSpace defskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Even a year later, he still liked it in the woods. + It was... + somehow different still, a place to just watch all the animals, observe + all the little intricacies of how they lived their lives. + But, that day, he found something different. + A wisp fluttered on the winds, glowing with an impossible light. + He chose to believe. + He followed it deeper into the forest than he had ever gone before, off + the trails and past raging creeks. + When it eluded him past a raging river, he reached for an nameless power + inside him he always knew was there... +\begin_inset VSpace defskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flying over that river with wings of starlight, she saw a witch on the other + side with her students. + She didn't know how to explain him to them, how to handle the sudden disruption + of her own lesson. + Instead, seeing that same spark in his eyes she always knew, she offered + to teach him as well, Awakened or not. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Sancus, the Pyre Alliance +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Sancus writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Tengri writeup. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setnormallayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 2: Distant Echoes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center + +\family sans +\emph on +“If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to hope, then, I'll just tell them + they're wrong. +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +I'll keep telling them until they believe! No matter how many times it takes...” +\emph default + +\family default +\emph on + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + + +\family sans +\emph default +Madoka Kaname, +\series bold +Puella Magi Madoka Magica +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +To most people, dreams are simply your brain processing old memories, recycling + them in endless variations. + Meaningless, nothing worth paying attention to. + So it is with the small joys in life, the little glimmers of light that + shine in even a World of Darkness. + People are afraid to acknowledge them for what they may mean. + They are afraid to see the joy in things, too grounded in the things they + can touch and see to truly +\emph on +feel +\emph default +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +They were taught that it is childish to believe. + That one must grow up. + That it is wrong to dream, to hope. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You couldn't stop. + You never could. + In your heart, you knew there was power in dreams. + In your heart, you knew the wonders the world still had to offer. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In your heart, you know those wonders and dreams could be yours to hold. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +All you had to do is reach out. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +The Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Everyone has people they love, their responsibilities to others, and those + people they depend on. + Our world is deeply interconnected, woven through and through by loves + and friendships, by inventions, by beliefs and ideals, by cultures and + nations. + All depending on one another, all dreaming together. + That is the world as the Luminous know it, and it is those dreams that + give their own power shape. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the hidden corners of every dream, one soul blurs into another. + The dreams of a couple weave together into a hidden grove, the dreams of + a school club weave together into a small world. + In the depths of the Dream, those worlds weave together into a greater + whole. + Every fiction that has ever be written, every idea that had ever been dreamed... + A bright reflection of the loves and passions born in the waking world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the Dream's skies, a thousand millions souls shine, each a single star. + In the depths of the Dream, twisting pathways lead to a world of higher + minded ideals, small dreams melding into worlds representing all cities, + or all wars. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +But... + in the twilight in between, the Dream sustains something like a second + Earth – a world reflecting all the complexity and wonder the waking world + has in a thousand ways.... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream was hard to fully solidify on. + I had to work around the fact that there's three different official splats + all with their own, different things to say. + The Primordial Dream of the Beasts, the Astral of the Mages, the Oneiromancy + of the Changelings. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The trick is to make it a difference of in-character viewpoints too. + Luminous are those who live in the surface of the Dream (by their reckoning), + which is still personal like the Oneiros, yet having some of the interconnected +ness of the Temenos. + They become part of those dreams, see it as a place to live alongside Earth. + In that way, they differ from both Mages and Beasts – that one core difference + in thematics drives a lot of their different terminology and their different + experience of the Dream/Astral. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It is the same world, just interpreted through so many different views... + Like many things in the world. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +The Dream Kingdoms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Most people never know that their dreams are part of a greater whole... + Most people wander into those ties between souls once in a while, but few + realize them for what they are. + Few think of it as more than yet another nonsensical dream. + Those rare few that notice, still can rarely find a moment of clarity. + After all, in a world of dreams, how do you know when you are dreaming + with someone and not simply of someone? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Identity, reality and illusion all blur together in a dream. + It is so hard to tell what is true and what is imagined. + Most give up, dismissing it all as nonsense... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +But... + others. + They feel drawn into it all. + Maybe they never cared. + Maybe they always knew deep in their hearts that there is a greater truth + under it all. + They find those pathways in their dreams, drawn to them by a nameless yearning + they so often do not even realize. + In that twilight, their own dreaming mind shaped the Dream around them, + bringing a touch of their own wishes into it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Over generations, something clicked into place. + Those who dreamed alike were drawn together, came to the same dream over + and over. + With so many seeing them, those dreams came together into something like + a world – the seeds of the eight Dream Kingdoms. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Residents of a Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The nascent Dream Kingdoms looked like the waking world, so it became like + it. + A town could not be empty and still be called a town, a city that does + not bustle feels empty. + Thus, the Dream gave birth to new souls, new live to fill those voids. + Even in a world governed by the laws of story and emotion, to those born + there, the Dream was simply home. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +They became its true residents. + They had personalities, thoughts, memories, beliefs, goals, ambitions all + the same as all the visitors from the waking world. + They too influenced it, with their own wishes. + They wanted a life, a meaningful place to call home. + Their wishes too shaped the world, and crystallized into the eight Dream + Kingdoms. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Life demand stability, challenges, conflicts, a reason to be. + The Dream was all too happy to tell such a story. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +And, well. + If the Dream Kingdoms were to be a world to live in, some of those Dreamers + wished to embrace it too. + In the depths of their hearts, they would live a second life in their dreams + in those Kingdoms, their personal dreams melding into its weave. + Most did not even realize there was anything special to it. + They lived in a second life in their dreams, and that was simply how they + were. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Other stories tell of Dreamborn who were born in the waking world too, their + story entwining with that of a newborn child. + They would dream of the waking world, waking up to the stories they were + born in. + Maybe they really found a way to dream of the waking world from a Dream. + Maybe they were simply Dreamers who forgot which world they were truly + born into. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It didn't truly matter. + They were true residents of both worlds, and in each world dreamed of the + other. + In a way, to them, both were equally true. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Shadows of Memory +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It wasn't only the happy moments, ephemeral fantasies that formed the nascent + Dream. + Humanity never had an easy life in the waking world, and that too reflected + in their dreams. + Terror-filled nightmares of predators, of earthquakes, of great floods, + of what lurks in the darkness. + The insidious pains from human cruelties and the realities of war. + All of those things too reflected into the Dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dream too is an often dark place, in its own ways. + The Kingdoms offer sanctuary, and even they can sometimes be darkened by + the broader world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Finish this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Scars of a Forgotten Past +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +The Waking World +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Every dream ends for better or worse, even if it may continue another night. + The world one awakens to is... + dark, shadowed, more solid. + It is not a happy place for most Dreamers. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The scars of generations, small cruelties added up over the generations. + In the modern era, people have stopped believing in wonders. + They simply seek to survive, and forget about the wonders. + They dismiss people who ask for better by saying +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +welcome to the real world +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + and such things. + Even from the our start, all of us were marked with the invisible scars + of a forgotten past. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Luminous see a better world in their sleep – but few truly want to abandon + the waking world either. + Beyond all the darkness and sadness, there are simple pleasures in this + world. + Rather than the bright and colorful dream vistas they see their sleep, + there are quieter things. + A walk down the beach, hand in hand with a lover. + Quiet birdsong in a serene forest. + A bridge over a raging river, splashing those that cross with cool mist. + A quiet art store whose owner spreads joy through their crafts. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In hidden corners, under the surface of even the most dull place this world + should be colorful too. + Perhaps that alone isn't enough to starve off the pains of the world. + Still, it's enough to try. + It's enough to give hope... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Scars of a Forgotten Past +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The pain was there from the very start, back before we ever spoke a word + to each other, back before we started our first fire. + In the depths of the Dream, there were always ruins of +\emph on +something +\emph default + that came before. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In an forgotten age, we divided ourselves from the world by forging a Boundary + Stone, marking the start of our dreams and the end of the world's. + It so clearly came from before, marked with so many languages that resembles + no known language. + The first work of a great civilization, from long ago, surely. + But... + that was not to be. + Some great cataclysm erased them so thoroughly, that all the Dream remembers + is vague impressions of rituals, of religions, of festivals that once were. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dream don't even remember what happened well enough to fear it. + The Luminous once searched the realms of fear for an answer, only to see + that even the horrors that lived there only remember that there... + was something to fear, not its shape or color. + But the fear remained. + But the scars and burdens remained... + Our legacy may be our own, but ours scars began far earlier. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Humanity found its footing again, of course. + But it never bore those wounds well, especially not in a world they – in + a deep corner of their minds – knew was darker than the world that should + have been. + Perhaps that was what made people give up hope so easily. + Generations of wars, famines, epidemics added onto those ancient scars, + and something... + broke. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the current day, so many have even abandoned their own dreams, accepting + a dark world in the hopes that they can at least have scraps of light for + themselves if they did. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Probably move this up to the Dream, and redo this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it a great shattering, in which the world was covered in a Lie? Where + we replaced the gods with tyrants just as bad, breaking the world in the + process? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it a sundering, where the primal fury and wisdom of the Shadow was split + from the Flesh? When Pangaea ended, and the savage, beautiful, interconnected + nature was for the first time tamed? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when a thousand voices drowned out the Primordial Dream that should + guide us on the right path? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when a great curse was laid on us all, giving birth to monsters of + blood and their blood ties that bound that curse to the rest of humanity? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when the first True Fae was born, reshaping Arcadia into something + it never should have been? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Every splat talks of a deep past in vague terms. + Some are more explicit it about others, but that bittersweet note of loss + never leaves most splats. + Luminous is no different. + In their Dream, they see signs of worlds that once were, things that were + beautiful, things once lost. + They blame the start of the generational trauma humanity faces on those + eras, only made worse by our darkened world. + They too hope for better. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As the Lost build their freeholds, as the Mages seek Ascension, the Luminous + seek to change the world. + They are caught between two worlds, and want +\emph on +both +\emph default + to shine as brightly as they possibly can. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Blossoming +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dreamers could never stand for the shadows of the world. + Dreams are not quite like the waking world – boundaries between concepts + and people blur, and understanding is far easier. + They know the pains those people feel, how much the pressures of the world + hurt them. + They know how much those they advise to dream less brightly suffer for + it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the waking world, they can't help but care. + They can't help but dream of better. + After all. + In their dreams, they see an reflection of how the world could be better, + if only they could teach others to dream too. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It isn't even the large cruelties that hurt the most. + It's the small things that wear down on everyone's souls. + People at least acknowledge racism matters, that people shouldn't be judged + for the the color of their skin or who they love. + It's the small things nobody thinks to remark on, because it's become so + normal. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Parents isolate their children from their friends as punishment and call + it grounding. + Teachers drown their students with test after test, making them afraid + that if they don't pass, they simply won't have a chance to live. + In schools, they say +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +study is what is important right now +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. + In adulthood, they say +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +work is what is important right now +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. + When do people get a chance to live? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Everywhere they go, they see people being crushed under those things, large + and small. + They catch glimpses of it through their ties to the Dream, through +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Daydreams +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Luminous are those caught between reality and dreams, the mundane and the + supernatural. + They refuse to reject either, instead embracing both with all their heart. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 3: A Faint Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +That's why I know you don't have to worry. +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +There isn't a world where you and I aren't together. +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + + +\emph default +Chelinka +\series bold +\emph off +, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous find themselves caught between two worlds, existing at once as + a living dream and an ordinary human. + Somewhere in between, they find the power they wield to create the future + they wish for. + The rules in this chapter show you how to create a Luminous character, + and the special rules and abilities they possess. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This is one of the sections that I tried to improve on the standard Chronicles + of Darkness splatbook format with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It's more focused on the mechanics, giving only a basic description of any + part of what being a Luminous is like, and leaving more detailed +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +what it feels like +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + fluff to Chapter 2. + Hopefully this serves better to explain the mechanical heart of them +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +at a glance +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + like so. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Character Creation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Character Creation|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + In a roleplay system like +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +, you have to flesh out the heart of who your character is in terms of its + rules. + Every player will need a character sheet for Luminous – either the online + version designed for internet games, or the offline printable version for + in-person games. + That sheet will be your guide to character creation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +All the players in a chronicle should create their characters together if + at all possible. + +\series bold +Luminous: the Dream +\series default + especially focuses on relationships, and the bonds between people – it + helps to have who other people are playing and how your character relates + to them in mind even during the earlier stages of character creation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step One: Character Concept +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The first part of character creation is to come up with a rough idea of + who you want to play. + What was her upbringing like, and who are her friends in either world? + Does she consider herself a resident of the dream, or merely a visitor? + What problems does she see in the waking world, and what does she want + to do about them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +You should solidify her whole concept into a single coherent high concept, + such as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +children's writers who finds inspiration in dreams +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +blogger who sways minds through her words and dreams +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, or +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +peacekeeper for Seattle's supernatural beings +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. + You can refer back to it when deciding what options fit your character + better, and refine it as your character develops. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I was never really good at collapsing down my characters into an easily + expressed high concept. + Still, I don't know any better advice to give. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Aspirations +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Aspirations are the main way your character earns Beats and thus advances + their abilities. + They help the Storyteller know what you want to do as your character, and + the kinds of stories you want to experience through them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous have five Aspirations; two more than usual. + Most of them should be short-term goals that can be completed in a session + or two, and one or two should be a longer-term goal that may take a whole + Chapter or longer. + The division Luminous often feel between their mundane and dream selves + is reflected in their Aspirations. + Of her five, two of them must relate to the waking world or her mundane + life. + The other two must relate to her life in the Dream or her supernatural + life. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Does she have something she wants to do with her friends in either world? + Is there a community she is important to? What is her school life or job + like, and is there something she wants to do there? How does she use magic + to make the waking world a better place? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Don't be afraid of writing Aspirations that add little bits of context to + your character, even if they are easy to fulfill. + For example, a simple one like +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Find a place to live +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + establishes that your character doesn't currently have one and one like + +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Reconnect with my cousin +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + is a great excuse to get the party together – assuming that cousin is another + player character. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Two: Select Attributes +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-AttributeSelection" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Attributes +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + All characters have nine mundane attributes representing their innate mundane + capabilities. + Each starts with one free dot. + Pick an category of attributes (Physical, Mental, and Social) to distribute + 5 dots within, another category to distribute 4 dots within, then distribute + 3 dots to the last category. + Afterwards, assign your character's +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[Sec-TransformedAttrs]{dream attributes} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +. + Start with one dot in each, then distribute 8 dots between them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Two dots in an attribute is normal human ability. + One dots is a notable difficiency, three dots is above average, four is + remarkable, and five is the limits of human ability. + Anything above that is outright superhuman; beyond any mundane human's + ability. + Luminous may never have mundane attributes or skills over 5 dots, and cannot + have Dream attributes over 6 dots at character creation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Three: Select Skills +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaving Skills +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Skills work similarly to attributes, representing learned skills and training. + Assign her mundane skills in the same way as attributes, except skills + begin with no dots. + Assign 11 dots to one category, 7 to the second, and 4 to the last. + Similarly, they assign their +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[Sec-TransformedSkills]{Weaving Skills} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + like their dream attributes. + Assign 15 dots between her Weaving Skills, none of which may exceed 6 at + character creation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Four: Skill Specialties +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +You start with three Skill Specialties in your mundane skills. + They represent your character's best skills in a given field, as opposed + to the broader competence Skill dots represent. + You may choose skill specialties freely, writing down whatever feels appropriat +e to your character. + As usual, this is a chance to refine your idea of who your character is. + A specialty for Expression (Poetry) implies someone perhaps more artistic, + while Expression (Public Speaking) implies someone more persuasive and + social. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Five: Add Luminous Template +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Section needs rewrite! +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +At this point, you're ready to deal with the outright magical aspects of + your character. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Luminary +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When she Blossoms, a Luminous grasps at the symbols of the Dream to truly + stabilize the nascent power she would come to wield. + The first of these she takes on is her +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "Sec-Luminary" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +, the celestial light she patterns her magic after. + It forms the basis of how she uses her magic, and decides whether she focuses + on Regalia, Domains or Charms. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Read over the three Luminaries you may pick (Sunlight, Moonlight and Starlight), + and choose the one that fits your character concept the best. + It may well be that she could fit into multiple Luminaries. + In that case, base your decision on what kind of power you think your character + would be the most comfortable wielding, if their personality could go either + way. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Archetype +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Whether your character would be a shining hero, an idol whose songs change + the world, or a shrine maiden that upholds the boundary between worlds, + she is yet still a Luminous. + The dreams of humanity shift with the stories they tell, and the Luminous + often end up reflecting them as well. + Your character's Archetype represents the form she takes in her dreams, + and the ideals she evokes in her appearance and style. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Read over the +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "Sec-Archetype" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +, and choose one that your character would wish to be. + If you wish, you can work with your Storyteller to make a custom one, if + you feel none of the ones here fit. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Kingdom +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Starlit Dream stabilized into eight great +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "Sec-Kingdoms" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +, each a vision of what the waking world could one day be, with just a slight + touch of magic. + Luminous draw the magics they always wielded in their dream into reality, + invoking the underlying principles and feelings that their Kingdoms represent. + Read over the Kingdoms and choose the one that your character would most + believe in. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream & Wish +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Choose your character's +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "subsec:Dream" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + + and +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "subsec:Wish" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +. + While most mortals have a Virtue and a Vice, the Luminous draw on the things + they can be sure of even in their dreams. + Her Dream is vision of a better world she sees in her deepest dreams, and + her Wish is the life she wishes to live and the person she wishes to be. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Invocations +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Each +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[Sec-Invocations]{Invocation} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + is the cumulation of the worldviews, and feelings reflected in one of the + Dream Kingdoms. + Luminous draw on them for power, channeling the symbols and magic each + Kingdom had built over the long years for themselves. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Each Luminous starts with three dots in Invocations, one of which must be + placed in her Kingdom's Invocation. + Kingdomless Luminous instead choose two Invocations to have affinity for. + They must place at least one dot in each of the two Invocations. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Regalia, Domains and Charms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Oh god... + :( +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Reverie +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "Sec-Reverie" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + + measures your character's ability to draw on the Dream's power, and project + it onto reality. + The higher it is, the more power she can draw on in her waking life, at + the cost of losing herself in the dream she draws on for power. + It determines how many Motes your character can spend without cost each + turn, and the number of Regalia she may sustain. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous begin with a free dot of Reverie. + You may purchase additional dots for five of your starting Merit dots each. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Six: Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Your character starts with 10 dots of Merits due to being a supernatural + being. + You may spend them on any merits your character qualifies for. + See page 43 of the Chronicles of Darkness book for the base game merits, + and the +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[sec:Merits]{Merits} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + section for ones specific to Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Step Seven: Determine Advantages +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +All characters have certain characteristics that are derived from their + Attributes, Skills and Merits. + Calculate the following, and note them on your character sheet. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Size: +\series default + Characters start at Size 5 in both Mundane Form and Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Hope: +\series default + Transformed Resistance + Transformed Power +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Willpower: +\series default + Transformed Resistance + Transformed Finesse +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Mundane Form +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Health: +\series default + Size + Stamina +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Speed: +\series default + 5 + Strength + Dexterity +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Initiative: +\series default + Dexterity + Composure +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Defense: +\series default + (Lower of Wits or Dexterity) + Athletics +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream Form +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Health: +\series default + Resistance + Attribute Maximum +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Speed: +\series default + 5 + Power + Finesse +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Initiative: +\series default + Finesse + Resistance +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Defense: +\series default + (Lower of Resistance and Finesse) + Flow +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Character Creation|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Character Advancement +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous gain Experiences and Beats like any other character. + They are described on page 76-77 of +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +. + Luminous-specific traits cost the following number of experiences: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Dream Attributes and Weaving Skills cost the same amount of experiences + as their mundane counterparts. + Weaving Skills do not have specialties. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Each dot of Reverie costs 5 Experiences. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Favored Invocations cost 3 Experiences per dot, and other Invocations cost + 4 Experiences per dot. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Regalia and Charms cost 4 Experiences each. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +lumsidebarpageinset +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +centering +\backslash +Huge +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Character Creation Summary +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Character Creation Summary} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox +status open + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step One: Concept +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Create a character concept, and five Aspirations. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Two: Attributes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Distribute 5/4/3 dots in each mundane category, and 8 dots of Dream Attributes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Three: Skills +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Distribute 11/7/4 dots in each mundane category, and 15 dots of Weaving + Skills. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Four: Skill Specialties +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Choose three mundane Skill Specialties. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Five: Add Luminous Template +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Choose Luminary, Archetype, Kingdom (if any), Dream, and Wish. + Describe your Dream Form. + Add 3 dots of Invocations (at least one in each favored Invocation) and + take 4 Regalia or Charms. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Six: Add Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Select 10 dots of Merits. + You may spend 5 dots on a dot of Reverie. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Step Seven: Advantages +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Calculate maximum Hope, and maximum Willpower. + Calculate Health, Speed, Initiative, and Defense for both Dream and Mundane + Forms. + Formulas can be found on the character sheet. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +centerline{ +\backslash +textcolor{luminous-ln}{ +\backslash +rule{10cm}{0.75pt}}} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Luminaries +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Sunlight: +\series default + Passionate and forceful, shining with light as bright as the sun itself. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Moonlight: +\series default + Indirect and mysterious, changing the world as the moon creates the tides. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Starlight: +\series default + Colorful and bright in a thousand ways, diverse as the colorful stars. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Kingdoms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Avalon +\series default +: A kingdom built on social order and responsibility. + Its Invocation is Rosa. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Aztlan +\series default +: A sprawling country built on passion and rebellion. + Its Invocation is Solare. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Elysium +\series default +: An underground sanctuary built on preservation and history. + Its Invocation is Ricordo. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Konohana +\series default +: A forest whose inhabitants value adaptation and harmony. + Its Invocation is Flori. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Ildathach +\series default +: A dream-like world of idealism and defiance. + Its Invocation is Prisma. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Muirias +\series default +: An island nation built on learning and wonder. + Its Invocation is Brillare. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Sancus +\series default +: An alliance of city-states built on duty and might. + Its Invocation is Accordi. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Tengri +\series default +: A mountain settled by tribes built on freedom and acceptance. + Its Invocation is Cieli. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Archetype +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous have an Archetype, reflecting the particular form of their Dream + Form. + See the +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "Sec-Archetype" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + + section for details. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Starting Experience +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For some games, it may be appropriate to the start with more experienced + characters. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Established Nakama: +\series default +10 Experiences +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Rising Stars: +\series default + 25 Experiences +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Regional Heroes: +\series default + 35 Experiences +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Dream Princess: +\series default +50 Experiences +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Queen of Dreams: +\series default + 100 Experiences +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Box Frameless +position "t" +hor_pos "c" +has_inner_box 1 +inner_pos "t" +use_parbox 0 +use_makebox 0 +width "100col%" +special "none" +height "1in" +height_special "totalheight" +thickness "0.4pt" +separation "3pt" +shadowsize "4pt" +framecolor "black" +backgroundcolor "none" +status open + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Experience Costs +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Attributes: +\series default +4 Experiences per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Skills: +\series default + 2 Experiences per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Skill Specialties: +\series default + 1 Experience +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Merits: +\series default + 1 Experience per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Reverie: +\series default + 5 Experiences per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Favored Invocation: +\series default +3 Experiences per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Other Invocation: +\series default + 4 Experiences per dot +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Regalia or Charm: +\series default +4 Experiences +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Lost Willpower dot: +\series default + 1 Experience +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +lumsidebarnormal +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Foldable +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Section +Innocent Heart +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When a Luminous awakens from her Realization, she finds herself lost between + the dreams she always escaped to and a world far larger and far more colorful + than she ever knew. + The concerns of the mundane world are at once further away and more pressing + than ever before. + After all, for the first time... + they could do something about them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Anchors +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Anchors|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + In the flows of the Dream, the Starborn could walk from story to story, + always being thrust into a different role in each. + What is a virtue in one world is a mortal sin in another. + In the mundane world, they are as bound by its rules as any other, surviving + like anyone else does. + As to not be cast adrift, as to not lose sight of themselves, the Luminous + cling to those things they know are their own, no matter where they end + up or what kind of role they are thrust into. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mage did something very clever in keeping the human Virtue/Vice to double + down on its theme that they... + stay mostly human, but I personally feel it's something of a mistake. + +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Clever +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + isn't what makes design good, it's how it reinforces themes. + The +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +almost-human +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + part was... + not a core theme of Mage, not in a significant way. + Especially not with the superiority complex it seems most of the Awakened + Orders have. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +After all, well. + Alternative anchors are fun. + They ask players to express the heart of who their character is in theme + appropriate terms. + Notably, the Dream and Wish are not meant to be in conflict with each other. + They are more like Needle/Thread in that they reinforce each other, painting + a complete picture rather than defining a conflict. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Dream" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + A Luminous' Dream is the vision they see of a better tomorrow. + They can't pretend the world is just the way it should be. + They can't pretend that when something bad happens to someone, they must + deserve it. + Without those illusions to cling to, what they have left is the hope that + some day... + that dream can come true. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Through that Dream, a Hopeful remembers what the better world she fights + for looks like. + At the end of a scene, if a Luminous takes a risk to make her Dream a reality, + even in a small way, she regains one Willpower. + If she makes noticeable progress in realizing her Dream, she regains all + Willpower. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Wish +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Wish" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Wish|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + A Hopeful's Wish is what she wishes for in life for herself. + Nobody could bear the burdens of the world if they only cared for others. + Helping others means to be selfish sometimes. + The Luminous know that better than any other, as heightened as their feelings + are. + They could never hope to hold onto their strength without realizing that. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Through her Wish, a Hopeful finds comfort in an often harsh and unforgiving + world. + At the end of a scene, if she overcame a challenge or took a risk to express + her Wish, she regain one Willpower. + If she takes a significant risk or abandoned an important task to express + her Wish, she regains all Willpower. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Example Anchors +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write some example anchors +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Anchors|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Aspirations +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Aspirations +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + By nature, a Luminous' magic drives her to live two seperate lives – one + as a normal mortal, and another as a living dream. + Due to that balancing act, Luminous have five Aspirations rather than the + usual three. + They must select at least two relating to their mundane life or their responsbi +lities in the waking world, and must select at least two relating to the + supernatural world or their life in the Dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +P:tH messed with Aspirations too in both its versions, and this is a somewhat + different implementation of a similar idea. + It pushes Luminous to care about both the mundane and the supernatural, + while adding some wiggle room for the version of Sensitivity in Luminous + to do what it is meant to. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Intimacy +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Intimacy|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + In the Starlit Dream and the hearts of those influenced by it, the bonds + of love and friendship are as tangible a thing as any material thing. + Such connections are represented by Intimacy, a measure of how close two + people are that can take up any of five levels. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Connected: +\series default + Two people have Connected Intimacy if they are close enough to be effectively + inseparable. + This includes life-long partners who never leave each other's side, or + those bound by magical ties such as a fae Oath of love or the +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Strong: +\series default + Two people have Strong Intimacy when they share much of their lives with + each other, often confiding in each other for comfort and support. + This includes married couple, very close friends, parents and their children, + or families of choice. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Medium: +\series default + Two people have Medium Intimacy when they are on friendly terms with each + other and know about each other's lives in broad terms. + This includes good friends, confidants, most siblings or a typical dating + couple. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Weak: +\series default + Two people have Weak Intimacy if they have met before, but rarely with + any particular emotional depth. + This includes coworkers, gaming partners, extended family or the friend + of a friend. + Hostile relationships often also fall under this category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +None: +\series default + Luminous gain no benefit from relationships more tenuous than those described + by Weak Intimacy. + Strangers walking down the street, people a Luminous has just met, or other + similarly distant people fall under this category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Regardless of the depth of the connection, the feelings must be mutual. + If the two participants have different feelings towards each other, the + lower Intimacy implied is used. + A therapist may know a lot about her patients, but this often only results + in Weak Intimacy because they rarely truly form mutual bonds in their professio +n. + As much as the fans of an idol may know about her, no ties of Intimacy + are formed due to those fans blending into a faceless crowd to her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +High Intimacy provides a bonus to some Luminous ability, and low Intimacy + inflicts a penalty on others. + Connected Intimacy provides an Intimacy Bonus of +6 and inflicts no Intimacy + Penalty. + Strong Intimacy provides a bonus of +4, and inflicts a penalty of -4. + Weak Intimacy provides a bonus of +2 and inflicts a penalty of -4. + Weak Intimacy provides no bonus and inflicts a penalty of -8. + Without at least Weak Intimacy, abilities that take a penalty from low + Intimacy automatically fail. +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Intimacy|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Ultimately inspired by the P:tH Dream version of the mechanic, which was + used as an alternative to Sympathy (as used in Vocation version). + Intimacy is far more core to Luminous' mechanics than in Princess to push + the theme of relationships and connections harder. + After all, it's one of the core themes of a lot of magical girl works; + why shouldn't it be one for this game? +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Hope +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hope|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Even if the waking world asks the Luminous to harden their heart, to grow + up, to stop caring... + they can't. + The deep emotion and stories of the Dream are so deeply woven into their + being. + No matter how long they live, they experience the triumphs and struggles + of their life with all the intensity as they first felt them in childhood. + Small cruelties deeply wound them as much as quiet beauty and small joys + give them the energy to move forward regardless. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hope represents that drive, the emotional strength that Luminous draw on. + When they are full of light and confidence, Hope fuels their magic and + pushes them forward. + When their Hope is depleted, they are emotionally drained and have more + and more difficulty holding onto the dreams that power their magic. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hope is, certainly the heart of Luminous' mechanics, serving as both an + Integrity mechanic and their Supernatural Fuel. + Most of their splat mechanics deal with it in one way or another. + Why shouldn't it. + It's a +\emph on +magical girl +\emph default + splat. + They were always stories about hope and friendship triumphing over the + dark. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As more of a genre consideration than anything else, Hope is a Clarity-like + damage track rather than a representation of longer-term mental stability + like Integrity. + In a sense, Princess already works like this – it simply considers Shadows + and Belief separate. + Hope is a simplification over those two mechanics, pinning it all down + into one thing. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Hope Track and Damage +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous have a Hope track equal to their transformed Power + Resistance + that behaves similarly to a health track. + When an ability refers to a character's Hope, it means the number of undamaged + Hope boxes she possesses. + Luminous are considered to have an Integrity equivalent equal to 5 + her + undamaged Hope boxes (to a maximum of 10). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Hope track may be marked with two different kinds of damage. + Mild Hope damage represents simpler emotional strain from her overexerting + her magic or simply the weight of life bearing down on her without a release. + Severe Hope damage represents fundamentally deeper pains that linger, even + when the situation clears up. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Each time a Luminous takes Hope damage, mark it off her Hope track using + a slash (/) for mild damage and an (X) for severe damage. + Mark mild damage in the leftmost empty box of her Hope track, and severe + damage in the leftmost empty box or the leftmost box that is marked with + only mild damage. + Whenever a Princess takes mild Hope damage when her rightmost Hope box + is filled, she instead takes a point of severe Hope damage. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While Hope is similar to Clarity, it isn't being used for a splat that is + as deeply scarred as how Changelings are. + For interactions with other parts of the World of Darkness, their Integrity + is relatively high even at very low help. + Otherwise, the structure is effectively the same. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Hope Recovery +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The realities of life are harsh, and its happy moments fleeting. + Even if they don't last, though... + those moments still give the Hopeful strength. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Once a day, whenever a Luminous spends a scene relaxing or doing something + she enjoys, roll Hope as a dice pool. + She clears a box of mild Hope damage for each success. + If there are still consequences for failure or she is putting off important + matters to do so, she may only restore up to one Hope damage in this way. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Once a week, in place of the usual Hope recovery, she may take a significant + amount of time confiding in someone she is close to or otherwise shares + her struggles. + When she does so, she adds a bonus to her Hope recovery roll equal to her + Intimacy bonus with that person, and may clear boxes of severe Hope damage + in addition to mild. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Be more clear about how this works with the Dream being so core to + the Luminous. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A subtle mechanic that serves a lot of purposes not explicitly stated. + Hope is a pretty mild mechanic that can quickly turn dangerous; after all, + your recovery scales with your undamaged Hope. + Emotional strain has a way of spiraling like that. + When things seem so hopeless, the Luminous must rely on those who they + are close to in order to pull themselves out of it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Finally, this is the keystone that encourages Luminous to have some kind + of a mundane life. + Hope recovery is slow and takes time – they thrive in situations where + they can live a quieter life, and keep their magical work somewhat separate + from it. + They can't easily handle having no time to rest, when the supernatural + follows them home. + Thus, Dual Identity and maintaining that secrecy becomes all the more important + for them. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Attacks against Hope +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When something shakes a Luminous' resolve or emotional stability, she takes + an attack against Hope. + Attacks have a die rating and may deal mild or severe Hope damage. + To resolve one, roll that number of dice. + Your character takes damage equal to the number of successes of the correspondi +ng type. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +If she took any damage from this process and her rightmost box of Hope is + marked with damage afterwards, she gains a Hope Condition, chosen by the + player from the following list: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Hope condition list. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous can take Hope attacks due to her Sensitivity, or due to strong + emotional shock or significant emotional turmoil for personal reasons. + While effects like spending Motes can directly cause Hope damage, this + does not count as a Hope attack and never causes Hope Conditions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Die value example list. + Sensitivity should be rolled into this, probably. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Clarity is weird. + You roll a dice pool to check the severity of the damage, then a second + pool based on Wyrd to see how much you actually take (if any). + Hope attacks are far simpler, since they have no reason to scale with Reverie. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Hope|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Reverie +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-Reverie" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +newcommand +\backslash +tc[1]{ +\backslash +raisebox{0pt}[0pt]{ +\backslash +hspace{0.75em} +\backslash +llap{-#1}}} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Float table +placement !t +wide true +sideways false +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Tabular + + + + + + + + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Reverie +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Rank +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Max Dream Attribute +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Weaving Skill Cap +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Max Active Luminance +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Mote Pool +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent + +\series bold +Flicker Duration / +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Flicker Trigger +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +crw +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +1 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +2 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +6 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +6 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +3 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{1} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Transformation +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +2 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +3 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +6 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +7 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +7 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{1} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Transformation +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +crw +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +3 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +3 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +7 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +8 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +9 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{1} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Transformation +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +3 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +7 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +9 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +11 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{2} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Transformation +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +crw +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +8 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +10 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +13 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{2} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Transformation +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +6 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +8 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +11 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +15 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +6 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{2} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Dreams +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +crw +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +7 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +4 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +9 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +12 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +20 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +8 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{3} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Dreams +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +8 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +9 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +13 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +25 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +10 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{3} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Dreams +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +crw +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +9 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +10 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +14 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +50 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +15 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{3} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Constant (-1) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +10 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +5 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +10 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +15 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Unlimited +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +20 +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Text + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +tc{4} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + / Constant (-2) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + + + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Reverie|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + If it were not for the Dream's power, Luminous would be normal people powerless + to stand up against the supernatural. + If it not were for their ties to the mundane world, they would be transient + dreams as fleeting as any other. + In the space in between, they can become something more. + Reverie is a measure of how closely they can bring together those two worlds, + and shape the world through their confluence. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As it increases, Luminous are able to have higher traits in Dream Form, + maintain more magic at one time and spend more Motes without drawing on + their Hope. + However... + it doesn't come without downsides. + As a Hopeful's power grows she slowly loses her ability to keep a balance + between dreams and reality, and adjusting back to her Mundane Form becomes + increasingly difficult. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Reverie is a Luminous' power stat, granting her Supernatural Potency and + Supernatural Tolerance [CofD 70]. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +There's a lot going on here; Power Stat tables tend to have that. + Luminous have some improvement or another with every dot of Reverie, as + all supernatural splats should. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The highest possible Luminous trait cap is 15, not 10. + This is a minor advantage that mainly serves to make up for the fact that + their dice pools do not add +Reverie or +Invocation unlike most splats. + Weaving Skills can be increased faster than Dream Attributes to encourage + these huge dice pools to be more specialized than general. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Furthermore, Luminous do not have a Motes/turn cap like most splats. + Rather, their major power limiter is Luminance. + This, naturally, makes them dangerous in the Dream itself, because Luminance + limits no longer apply. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Motes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Motes|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Motes are the small shards of power the Luminous draw on to fuel their + magic, gathered from deep within their own souls. + They have a Mote Pool which refills to its capacity at the beginning of + every scene. + Beyond that, Luminous must draw on their own emotional strength to fuel + their magics. + For every Mote a Luminous spends with an empty Mote Pool, she takes a box + of mild Hope damage, leaving her feeling down and exhausted until she has + time to recover. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' supernatural fuel isn't Motes. + It's Hope. + Hope serves as both a Clarity-like Integrity mechanic, and a Luminous' + supernatural fuel. + However, the idea of Motes gives me to name what you pay when you use your + magic (saying Hope directly sounds... + wrong in its implications). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The refilling Mote Pool, then, mitigates you casting from Integrity just + a little. + It also serves a secondary purpose of encouraging Luminous to use small + amounts of magic often – magical girls solving relatively trivial issues + with magic tends to be a common theme in any show that doesn't make a point + about using magic responsibly. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Foldable +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Section +One Soul, Two Worlds +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream is full of bright and ever-changing stories, just as the waking + world is filled with a peaceful and gentle mundane everyday life. + Even when shadows threaten to choke both out, there are those Starborn + who still cling to the beauty of both worlds. + Their wish to stay and fight, to change the Dream and Earth alike for the + better would ingite a shining light... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Transformation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transformation|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Rather than accepting being torn between dreams and reality, the Luminous + wished for a different path. + Grasping the first sparks of magic they awoke in their Realization, they + found a path to unify their dual nature, becoming something more than they + could have in either world alone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous have a Mundane Form reflecting their life on Earth and a Dream + Form reflecting their life in the Starlit Kingdoms. + Through their Transformation, they may take on the form and benefits of + either side of their nature no matter where they find themselves. + Switching between their two forms is a reflexive action that requires a + Reverie + Hope roll. + Should they fail, they take a Hope Condition and must spend a point of + Willpower to transform anyway. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transformation is a powerful and obvious act of Dreamweaving, usually manifestin +g as the Weaver's form shifting in colorful displays of light and sound. + Though her Transformation's appearance is under her control, such a blatant + defiance of reality's laws distorts the space around her. + For a few moment, the world around her feels slightly less real as the + concepts of her Dream leak through. + Onlookers cant help but notice that something strange is happening, and + their attention is always subtly pulled towards the Transformation. + Noticing this consciously requires a Wits + Empathy check. + Dreamborn automatically notice and recognize Transformation without a roll. + +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transformation|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The heart of what makes Luminous a magical girl splat, more than anything + else. + They +\emph on +transform +\emph default +, becoming their ideal self in the process. + I've kept a transformation roll, since it reflects a pretty common theme + and plot beat in magical girl anime. + They either transform despite their own compromised emotions by act of + will, or fail and suffer more emotionally for it. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Form-Locked Merits +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous may take Merits that only function in one of their forms. + For example, one could only have Striking Looks in her Dream Form, or only + have Fame in her Mundane Form. + As an optional rule, the Storyteller may require this of all social merits + representing relationships with other people, unless the player can justify + them being available in both forms. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Mundane Form +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mundane Form|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + The waking world isn't defined by the stars that shine the brightest but... + the quiet flow of everyday life. + Even those who would simply be background characters in the dream are deeply + interwoven into the waking world's intricate stories. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In her Mundane Form, a Luminous is an ordinary mortal as any other. + All supernatural effects treat her as if she were a normal mortal, whether + this is beneficial or harmful to her. + If she is aware that she is being targeted by such an ability, she may + transform reflexively to avoid it. + However, any effect that would cause her to cease being a Luminous or become + a different type of supernatural being simply fails. + At the Storyteller's discression, such effects may cause her to take on + an +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[sec:Origins]{Origin} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + as an alternative. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Unlike most types of supernatural beings, Luminous may take supernatural + merits. + She may never gain a supernatural merit template in this way, and cannot + use any of her supernatural merits in her Dream Form. + She retains her Supernatural Tolerance from her Reverie but does not count + as having a Supernatural Potency stat for any other purpose. + +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mundane Form|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous campaigns are in part a mortal campaign. + Unlike most supernatural splats, Luminous can be legitimately powerless + in the way mortals can be, if they are in a situation where transforming + is not a good options. + Thus, mortal game Chronicle-style opponents are a good match for the Luminous, + forcing them to make the choice to approach them as mortals would or take + the risks of transforming. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Dream Form +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Form|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + The chaotic and wild stories of the Dream demand those within it shine + brightly, assert their own true self against its flows. + Even in the relative stability of the Dream Kingdoms, everyday life seems + a fleeting distraction rather than the world's true nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In her Dream Form, a Luminous is one of those stars of the Kingdoms. + She asserts her truest desires against the world, taking on a form reflecting + who she would be in a world freed of all constraints. + For some, that means simply donning a frilly magical girl dress, or suit + of armor that shines impossibly in the sunlight. + Others become all kinds of fantastical beings – winged sylphs, catgirls, + all sorts of creatures of myth and stories. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous in Dream Form are emphermeral beings in phase with the Dream. + They have a Rank based on their Reverie, are always Manifested, and may + not enter Twilight or create Manifestation Conditions without specific + Evocations that allow them to do so. + Furthermore, she may use her Dreamweaving even in worlds that do not normally + allow it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' Dream Form is the exact same mechanic as in Changeling: the + Lost or Mage: the Awakening. + However, it's serving a dual purpose here as also... + well, a magical girl splat's magical girl form. + This pushes somewhat the thematics of them being beings that take the best + of two worlds, and turn both to their advantage. + Plus... + is just a cool way to execute magical girls. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream Attributes +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-TransformedAttrs" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Attributes|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Transformed Luminous are not bound by the limits of mundane bodies. + As with all ephemeral entities, they use a set of three simplified Attributes + instead of the usual nine. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Power describes the Luminous' ability to impose upon the world through force + of will, intellectual prowess or personality. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Finesse describes how well the Luminous can affect the world through great + skill or subtle manipulation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Resistance describes how well the Luminous can withstand the will and manipulati +on of others. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous purchase dots of Dream Attributes separately from their mundane + attributes, and use them in place of the corresponding mundane attributes + in Dream Form for all purposes. + If this would cause a roll or calculation to use the same attribute twice, + the roll is modified. + Resistance +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Resistance is instead rolled as Resistance +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Finesse. + Finesse +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Finesse is instead rolled as Power +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Finesse. + Power +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Power is instead rolled as Power +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + ++ +\begin_inset space ~ +\end_inset + +Resistance. +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Attributes|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Standard ephemeral rules. + This is mainly a bit of clarification since Luminous are meant to be a + full playable splat. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream Health +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Form!Dream Health|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + A Luminous has a seperate health track called Dream Health, with boxes + equal to her Resistance + her transformed attribute cap. + Dream Health represents her will to avoid harm made manifest, and is used + in place of her Health track for all purposes in Dream Form. + Furthermore, they do not suffer wound penalties in Dream Form, and mundane + physical attacks against them are reduced in one level of severity – from + aggravated to lethal, or lethal to bashing. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This track is identical to a Health track in all other regards. + Should the rightmost box of her Dream Health be filled with lethal or aggravate +d damage, she immediately reverts to her Mundane Form and gains the Soul + Shocked condition. +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Form!Dream Health|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Magical girls don't worry about dying to a little breeze. + That goes against so many premises of the genre, even ones where combat + is common. + Dream Health means a Luminous' opponents must specifically want to +\emph on +kill +\emph default + her to permanently kill her, not simply collapse her transformation. + Of course, again, this is repurposed from general CofD Dream Health rules. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In Princess, Holy Shield served this purpose. + You can't just pop a strong Princess by rolling 8 dice on your attack due + to a few exploding dice; you have to actually exhaust their Wisp supply + before you can do that. + It's... + frankly a little overpowered. + Dream Health achieves this same goal without giving them overwhelming protectio +n. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream Form Traits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Due to their different set of attributes and skills, Luminous use different + traits in their Dream Form and Mundane Form. + In her dream form, she calculates derived attributes as such: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +A Luminous' Dream Form always has a default Size of 5, regardless of her + natural size. + They have separate Form Merits that may be used to change this. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Maximum Willpower is calculated as Resistance + Finesse. + Unlike with most of these traits, this total is used for her mundane form + as well as her Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Defense is equal to the lower of her Resistance and Finesse + Flow. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Initiative is equal to Finesse + Resistance. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Speed is equal to Power + Finesse + 5. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Again, Luminous is a fully playable splat, and their Dream Form is a core + mechanic. + None of the official source books make it clear what exactly Dream Forms + use for these traits, and that's not too bad because it's not nearly as + core to them as they are to Luminous. + This is inferred from the ephemeral rules. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Veiling +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transformation!Veiling|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +By the nature of their Transformation, a Luminous rarely truly has to reveal + that... + they are the same person under it all, the shining dreamer and the ordinary + mortal. + Their magic grows to reflect this, ever so subtly shifting the perceptions + of those around her to hide that fact. + Regardless of how similar a Luminous looks in her two forms, anyone who + meets her in both forms has an innate impression that they are different + people and do not recognize the similarity on appearances or mannerisms + alone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Though Veiling protects against first impressions, the illusion is still + rather fragile in the face of actual evidence or suspicion. + She cannot simply dip into a closet to return as a mysterious magical girl, + or transform in front of someone and expect her Veiling to protect her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Even supernatural powers are fooled by this presumption. + Magical senses like a vampire's taste for blood or a werewolf's scent tracking + do not connect her two forms. + Powers that use Intimacy or similar mechanics treat her two forms as separate + people with separate relationships. + Powers used to try and extract information about her, at best, treat her + as two people with close ties to the same friend group. + Even powers that read thoughts or emotions do not reveal thoughts more + closely aligned to her Dream Form. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream Form|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transformation!Veiling|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I've written this as an uncontested power along the level of Liar's Tongue. + I don't think even Clashes of Will versus Veiling is particularly good + gameplay. + Luminous have enough ways to let slip their secret, and usually leave enough + holes for investigation to slip through. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous are meant to live, to rely on their friends. + They can't do the perfect spycraft or operational security that Demons + rely on usually. + Hence, their power papers over the largest gaps, while still demanding + they take some amount of (more reasonable) care. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Flicker +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flicker|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + In embracing their dreams, the Luminous find themselves adrift. + The difference between the Dream Form and Mundane Form is as night and + day; to act on the world through imagination one moment, and to be confined + to one's the limits of flesh and blood the next. + It's all easy to slip somewhere in between. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When a Luminous reverts to Mundane Form after transforming, she suffers + Flicker. + Until she has had the time to readjust to it, the habits and instinctual + Weaving of her Dream Form make her seem more awkward, stilted and distracted. + She suffers a penality equal to her Reverie divided by 3 (rounded up) to + all actions taken in her Mundane Form. + She gains a bonus on her Transformation rolls equal to that penalty. + Once a scene, if she fails an important task or suffers significant social + complications due to this, she gains a Beat. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +If it was caused by transformation, the Flicker penality reduces by one + every ten minutes. + This duration increases to an hour (or a scene, whichever is shorter) if + she has been transformed for a whole scene or longer, four hours (or two + scenes) if she has been transformed for a day or longer, one day if she + has been transformed for a week or longer, or one week if she has been + transformed for a month or longer. + If she transforms again while suffering Flicker, the duration continues + accumulating as if she had never left her Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While she enters Dream Form when she dreams, this does not trigger Flicker + until her Reverie increases to 6 or above. + Afterwards, she suffers Flicker with an duration of one hour whenever she + wakes. + Track this Flicker seperately from Flicker from transformation. + At Reverie 9 or above, her Flicker penalty can no longer be reduced below + -2. +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flicker|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The actual downside of the Luminous. + It always felt strange to me that in Princess, their downside is also their + core driving motive. + It felt... + strange, and like an almost weirdly cold portrayal of hyperempathy. + To care to that amount hurts you, yes, but... + it is ultimately what drives you. + And what lets you keep caring in a world that would rather you not. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flicker, then, is something that the dream themes of Luminous make possible. + They get used to falling into their dreams, letting those winds carry them + around. + They get used to dreaming in the waking world. + When they revert to their Mundane Form, it crashes back on them. + This draws attention to the fine line they walk, gives strong roleplay + opportunities for people to portray what this looks like in practice. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It also forces +\emph on +most +\emph default + Luminous to be careful about when they transform, without artificial limits + like the rolls to stay transformed that Princess uses. + Subtly though, it still allows you to play Mirrory Luminous without a specific + mechanic that allows you to do so. + After all, you suffer no effects from Flicker if you simply do not untransform. + Both modes avoid the downside, with their own complications on either end. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Foldable +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Section +Resonance +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:Echo" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Resonance|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Crossing the Sea of Stars, all the dreams of humanity join together and + flow into the Kingdoms' shores. + Though Luminous are at home in both the worlds it joins, their true origin + lies among the stars. + Their souls intertwine with the Sea's paths, dispersing into its flows. + Resonance is a Luminou's innate power born of that intertwining, allowing + them to feel the connections between worlds and people alike. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Resonance, like Hope, are core to what Luminous are. + It is their power to connect hearts through the power of dreams. + It is what makes relationships so important to them. + It's their Aura, technically, but works through dreams in a way that makes + it not really interact well with other splat's Auras. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Read the Winds +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream reflects the wishes, feelings, impressions of the waking world + at its surface. + Every place is reflected in the dreams of someone, becoming its own place + in a world of illusion and stories. + Reflected across the Sea of Stars, a mall known for shootings and violence + slowly twists into an warzone. + A college known for its academic brilliance comes to become a larger-than-life + monument to the gods of knowledge, and the school known for its restrictions + and heavy-handed authority twists in the Dream such that classrooms seem + more like jail cells than places of learning. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous are innately aware of this connection between worlds. + On Earth, they always know the general feeling and mood of any location + they enter. + As a reflection of the Dream, this impression reflects more the accumulated + impressions of people who frequent the area over the course of weeks, rather + than simply those who are present in the moment. + Those places where the Dream's reflection of a place begins to influence + its origin back are especially distinct for a Luminous. + They automatically sense that this is happening, and have a general idea + of the stories and concepts that the Dream influences the waking world + through. + Similarly in the Dream, they are aware of the general circumstances in + the real world that have created such an reflection in the Dream, and whether + it is at risk of influencing the waking world in return. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mage Sight drives Mages towards Mysteries, and Read the Winds drives Luminous + towards places where they can +\emph on +help +\emph default +. + This is meant as a thing Storytellers weave into descriptions constantly, + one of the things that makes Luminous not able to ignore the fact they're + supernatural in daily life, even if they solve their problems in mundane + ways. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Colors from Beyond +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream is not the only world that can influence Earth. + The spirits of the Shadow come to reflect the material world in a way not + much unlike the Dream. + Those places frequented by Fae become entwined with their world, each door + a gateway to a world of terrible wonders. + When faced with such circumstances, Luminous still sense a vague feeling + that there are forces from beyond at play, but they cannot pin down the + exact nature of the influence or its origin. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Interwoven Dreams +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Most dreamers never meet another, never finding the path from their own + dreams into the Sea. + That quiet wish for an escape, that wish that first led the Luminous to + the Kingdoms still resonates with them after their Realization. + Reaching out through their Resonance, their soul still years for the more + distant dreams. + Through it, they rewrite the Sea ever so slightly, drawing their own dreams + closer to those of they already love, those they wish to know better. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Their personal dreams become entwined with those they have at least Medium + Intimacy with, catching glimpses of each other's inner depths that they + would not normally see in their waking lives. + Even if they rarely directly meet, the ideas and themes of their dreams + still intermingle. + At this level, both dreamers gain 9-Again on all rolls made to understand + or emphasize with each other. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +With Strong Intimacy, rather than simply sharing a dream world, they come + to be parts of the same stories, seeing the same wonders and facing the + same challenges together. + The bonus from Medium Intimacy grants a rote quality instead of 9-Again, + and both dreamers know by heart each other's Anchors and any similarly + character defining traits such as Bans or a Mage's Obsessions. + Furthermore, the Luminous may lead the other dreamer into the Kingdoms + proper or other parts of the Astral Realms without the use of any powers + or checks. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +At Connected Intimacy, the shared dreams grow ever more intense. + Sometimes the dreamers dream as each other, as the same person, from each + other's perspectives. + Through that, they come to know the truth of each other's hearts. + Both partners gain an automatic success on any rolls Strong Intimacy grants + a bonus to. + Unlike lower intimacy levels, this inherently breaches any protection Veiling + and similar abilities provides. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous draw those who they are close to close together passively. + Their power connects dreams, and through it, creates an lasting and deep + understanding in waking life. + Plus, this serves somewhat as a Luminous' answer to Beast Kinship. + Rather than an innate connection, they come to understand those they are + close to in general – supernatural or otherwise. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreaming of the Night +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The more Luminous try to help lessen the burdens of the mundane world, the + more they find them inexorably tied with supernatural forces – often ones + far over their heads to solve. + It's natural them, that they often meet and become close to other kinds + of supernatural beings. + Their Resonance guides the way, granting them glimmers of insight to their + inner world an outsider normally could never pierce. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Through such shared dreams, a Luminous gains an intuitive understanding + of what broadly drives any kind of supernatural creature she has Medium + Intimacy with. + At Strong Intimacy, she gains deeper insights into how they see the world + and their place in it – especially when she draws on it herself through + Reflected Light. + At Connected Intimacy, her shared dreams shows her deeply and personally + what it would be like to be... + something else, had she been touched by a different force before her Realizatio +n. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous who have befriended another kind of supernatural being have a deeper + resonance with the force they draw on as well. + With at least Strong Intimacy to such a being, she may apply Read the Winds + to broadly understand circumstances imposed upon the waking world by worlds + outside the Dream. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Reflected Light +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Anchors +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Reflected Light +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Even in their waking life, a Luminous may draw on her Resonance and the + connections it creates. + Luminous and those they share Strong Intimacy with may call on each other's + strengths and approaches when their own no longer suffices, drawing on + their memories of the dreams they share. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Once per scene, either dreamer may spend two Willpower to reflect a Virtue, + Dream, Wish or other Anchor from someone they have Strong or Connected + Intimacy with for that scene. + They gain the Anchor for all purposes including Willpower recovery, and + 9-Again on all actions that follow that Anchor. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous can draw on her relationships with others, drawing on their own + strengths for her own. + They are magical girls after all. + This is the cumulation of their theme of relationships, of the ties between + people. + I do very much like designs like this. + Anchors and Aspirations are not only useful as out of character traits; + their manipulation is the best representation there is in the Storyteller + system for representing magics that shape one's own heart. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Balance-wise, 9-again isn't... + quite as strong as it sounds. + As a quick rundown of the probability math behind CofD, each dice produces + +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{3}$ +\end_inset + + successes on average with 10-again, and +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{8}$ +\end_inset + + successes per die with 9-again. + That is only an additional +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{24}$ +\end_inset + + successes per die, or in other words, the equivalent of a +1 bonus per + 8 dice. + In general, for +\begin_inset Formula $n$ +\end_inset + +-again, the average number of successes rolled per die is +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{n-1}$ +\end_inset + +. + Furthermore, it doesn't help at all when you only care if you succeed or + fail – it only makes it easier to get a large number of successes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Still, 9-again +\emph on +feels +\emph default + impactful, and this this acts as a subtle roleplay push towards actually + acting out the implications of drawing on the strengths of your friends. + The Anchor does the rest – in the hands of a good roleplayer, Reflected + Light means Luminous can pull a full Willpower recovery out of a large + variety of scenes. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Dreamer's Will +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamer's Will|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + A Luminous' soul is entwined in the Sea, partly dispersed into its flows. + Luminous may call upon that part of themselves to resist attempts to influence + their mind or emotions, grounding themselves in a true self out of reach + to most magic. + They are always aware of such attempts to influence them and may spend + Willpower on any roll to contest such effects or elect not to do so. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When resisting supernatural influences in this way, the Luminous rolls a + Clash of Wills versus the power with a dice pool of Reverie + Hope. + If the power would change how she feels about one or more people she has + a positive relationship with, she gains the highest Intimacy bonus among + the people affected to her roll. + However, this same protection can be turned against them. + Should someone she has Intimacy with support the effort, or encourge her + to fall into it (whether of their free will or otherwise), she suffers + a penality to both her resistance roll against the ability and her Clash + of Wills equal to their Intimacy bonus. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When resisting extraordinary (but still mundane) means of mental influence + such as drugs or advanced technology, she simply ignores the attempt. + If she choses to do so, she immediately suffers Flicker as if she had transform +ed. + This is not obviously a supernatural effect, and cannot be easily distinguished + from the resistance of a particularly strong willed mortals. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This power applies against effects that outright manipulate things such + as her emotions, thought process, memory, relationships. + More subtle effects such as illusions, those read her mind, or communicate + information to her (even if it is distracting or false) do not trigger + Dreamer's Will. + However, it does still apply against powers that indirectly manipulate + her such as those that work through manipulation of underlying reality + or concepts. + This is an active act of Dreamweaving and cannot be mistaken for any level + of mortal resistance. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I've never heard of a magical girl anime where the villain beats them by + just mind controlling them. + Breaking them first and mind controlling them... + yes. + But they have to go through that first step. + Dreamer's Will causes a Clash of Wills against a dice pool unusually large + for Clashes (Power Stat + Attribute + Attribute rather than Power Stat + + Five Dot Rating). + Unless their Hope is depleted already, overcoming it through sheer force + requires exceptional power. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Resonance|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Foldable +status open + +\begin_layout Section +Dreamweaving +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving|(textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In a world of living dreams, to imagine a thing is the same as to do it. + There are no law of physics to say that someone couldn't ride the winds + through the sky, or dive into the deepest depths of the ocean. + Nothing could clip those wings, short for the will of another dreamer. + Without any laws of reality to bind them, the Dream could only ever be + a reflection of all wishes of those souls within. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The art of Dreamweaving was born of that world. + To weave together creativity and will, breathing life into colorful imagination +s and beautiful dreams. + When cruel nightmares besieged the Kingdom, the Starborn could fight back + with swords woven of courage and lances woven of fury. + No matter how helpless they were when they awoke, they... + for that moment, they could shine... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Every Luminous was once such a person, chasing after half-remembered memories + of an impossible light. + Holding it in their hands now... + they come face to face with the hidden horrors and familiar cruelties of + the world alike. + This time, they need not only dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Mutability +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Mutability|( +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream and the Sea of Stars are a few worlds among countless others, + all with their own natures. + If they would not yield their power as the Dream does, the will of the + world itself could still be pushed aside as any other dreamer's. + Mutability is a measure of how strongly a world resists the power of the + Luminous, and the amount of effort needed to Weave anyway within them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Low Mutability: +\series default + Worlds bound by physical or supernatural laws have Low Mutability. + Dreamweaving in these spaces is impossible for any being other than a transform +ed Luminous or other powerful Dream entities, and even then, they must contend + with the full effects of Transience. + The waking world, the Shadow, and most supernatural realms fall under this + category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Medium Mutability: +\series default + Worlds influenced by a great number of dreamers have Medium Mutability. + Any being may use basic Dreamweaving here, and the effects of Transience + are lessened compared to more solid worlds. + The Records, the Dream Kingdoms, and more stable regions of the Dream fall + under this category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +High Mutability: +\series default + Worlds outside of the influence of any gestalt will or reality have High + Mutability. + Weaving is completely unrestricted in these spaces, and may be used by + any being. + The Sea of Stars, personal dreams, and most of the Dream fall under this + category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Mutability|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Weaving Actions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Actions|( +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaving, imagination and action are all the same in a dream. + There is no true difference between imagining walking through a forest, + and imagining all the flowers coming into bloom at once. + There is no need to put one foot in front of the other, coordinating all + of a body's muscles. + Just... + to imagine you did. + That alone is enough in the Dream. + Rather than needing to perform every little step of her action by hand, + she only need understand the principles of what she is doing as the Dream + fills in the gaps. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving is performed using such Weaving Actions, using a separate set + of skills instead of the usual mundane set. + Any roll may be rolled with the closest matching Weaving Skill rather than + the usual mundane Skill, as long as the character can currently Dreamweave. + If this is done as part of a proactive action on her part, it becomes a + Weaving Action. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While this isn't blatantly supernatural, it still usually leaves subtle + tells that nothing is right. + Perhaps she defies gravity, drifting in the air far longer than she should, + jumping from building to building. + Perhaps the motion of her feet don't line up with how fast she moves as + she runs across the field. + Any witnesses may roll Perception to notice the incongruence in her actions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Actions|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Another of the things that defines the feel of Luminous. + They don't interact with the world as mortals or even most supernatural + beings do. + To them, they move by intent as in a dream. + Imagine moving in impossible ways and simply doing so. + Strange body plans and unfamiliar body parts don't phase them the slightest + – before they learn how to control them physically they can simply Weave + their way through the adjustment period. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mechanically, this serves as one of their major advantages. + They have higher dice pools on average between Dream Attributes and Weaving + Actions. + In fact, this replaces the normal supernatural trait added to supernatural + powers. + Since this gives them larger dice pools already, it's not entirely necessary + for the Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This also is meant as a partial patch to the problem some supernatural splats + have that... + powers require very specific Skills, limiting builds in a strange way. + Why does a Changeling who lives in a city with no wilderness for ages have + a Survival skill? Especially when its entire purpose is to cast Elemental + Weapon? Because Luminous powers always use Weaving Skills, this problem + is far lessened. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Weaving Skills +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-TransformedSkills" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Weaving Skill represents how well a character understands the underlying + principles that connect an entire category of actions. + Any character with significant ties to the Dream (whether as natives, or + Starborn) may purchase Weaving Skills in the same way as regular Skills. + Characters attempting to use Weaving Skills untrained suffer a -3 penalty. + This penalty is reduced to -1 for Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Force +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Force +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +One will triumphs over another, dictating the shape of the Dream. + The strong still triumph over the weak, only in a contest of will and determina +tion rather than muscle and steel. + Force is the skill reflecting the use of raw willpower to enforce your + will upon others or prevent them from affecting you as they wish. + It is used for feats of strength, magic, or endurance, directly contesting + your talents against another. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Knock down a door. + Stare someone down. + Overpower someone with magic. + Shove a door closed against a monster. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Flow +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Flow +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The winds flow over the tallest mountain peaks and through the narrowest + of passages. + To yield does not mean to give up, merely to find another direction from + which to act. + Flow is the skill reflecting grace and the solving problems by working + around them. + It is used for moving gracefully through adversary, solving problems via + trickery, or redirecting forces. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Fly through a windstorm. + Dance gracefully. + Dodge a blow. + Pick a lock. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Learn +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Learn +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +All knowledge was once unknown, and all the principles that our modern era + was built on was once discovered by someone. + Just because something isn't yet known isn't at all an obstacle. + Learn is the skill reflecting discovery, experimentation and observation. + It is used for discovering new truths or investigating mysterious circumstances. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Intuit the meaning behind a riddle. + Investigate a murder scene. + Perform a scientific experiment. + Predict the future from the stars. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Lore +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Lore +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The world of today is built on the shoulder of giants. + Every discovery, tradition, piece of art is merely the latest in a history + lasting countless eras. + Lore is the skill reflecting the wisdom and knowledge of the past, and + the customs that allowed them to be discovered. + It is used to apply a body of knowledge, remember the stories of the past, + and draw new conclusions from old information. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Hack a computer network. + Diagnose a disease. + Recall useful facts. + Summon a creature from a fairy tale. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Heart +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Connect +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Plain words alone were never enough to communicate the depths of one's own + truth. + Thus, we invented a thousand arts, a thousand ways to touch the souls and + emotions of others. + Heart is the skill reflecting expression and force of personality. + It is used to convince others through heartfelt appeals, express one's + truths to others, and protect one's own self against impositions. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Write a poem. + Convince someone of their own worth. + Physically manifest emotions into magic. + Unweave a charm cast upon one's own mind. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Resonate +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Resonate +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +More people walk the Earth than stars shine in the galaxy, each unique yet + bound into a single whole. + Together, they may become something greater than any of them could alone. + Resonate is the skill reflecting connections between people and understanding + of the greater whole. + It is used to understand another's feelings, connect with another deeply, + or see the broader picture beyond the details. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Reach out to someone in need. + Comfort your best friend. + Understand the social dynamics of a business. + Read the emotion behind a spell. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Shape +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Shape +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Shape is the principle of creation. + It is used to create or fix things and engineer new designs. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Example Actions: +\series default + Design a building. + Write a computer program. + Repair a car. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Shade +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Shade +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Shade is the principle of concealment. + It is used to deceive others from the truth and resonate with hidden truths. +\series bold + +\begin_inset VSpace smallskip +\end_inset + + +\series default + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Example Actions: +\series default +Hide your true feelings. + Avoid being seen. + Pickpocket someone's keys. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Ideals +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Sec-Invocations" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Ideals|textbf +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Each Dream Kingdom was woven around an Ideal, a reflection of all the stories + once dreamed by every person who once resided in it. + Luminous may buy up to 5 dots in each Ideal, reflecting their understanding + of the worldviews and emotions that underlie the symbols of the Kingdom. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +To come to that understanding, a Luminous normally has to at least partly + agree with the Ideal themselves. + If they agree to the basic foundations of the Ideal, they may learn up + to three dots of an Ideal intuitively. + A Luminous who agrees with all its beliefs in at least vague terms (or + is a member of the Kingdom) may learn all five dots of it intuitively. + Beyond that, they must study extensively under a teacher or else glean + the deeper meaning behind an Ideal through their +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand ref +reference "sec:Echo" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Pretty unchanged from P:tH on the surface level, although used far differently. + For one, I try to not encourage arguments with the Storyteller over whether + your character should really have four dots of Specchio, or whether she + really aligns with tenet 2 of the Court's beliefs. + +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Your character might need a teacher for the Invocation +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + is far easier a pill to swallow than +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +sorry your build doesn't work +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Index idx +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreamweaving|) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Nakama +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status collapsed + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Merits +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:Merits" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Subsection +Modified Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Certain Merits are modified for Luminous characters. + This covers merits found in the Chronicles of Darkness core, and the World + of Darkness: Innocents book. + Further adjustments may be needed for merits from other sourcebooks. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Alternate Identity +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' Veiling inherently provides the protection Alternate Identity + [CofD 50] normally provides at one dot. + Luminous may take it for one less experience when establishing documentation + for their Dream Form, and may not take it at one dot. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Giant and Small-Framed +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Giant [CofD 47] and Small-Framed [CofD 49] merits do not apply to a + Luminous' Dream Form. + She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is Size 6, + and may purchase the Small-Framed merit for free if her Dream Form is Size + 4 or smaller. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Unseen Sense +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Characters may purchase the Unseen Sense merit [CofD 60] aligned to Will + or Dreams. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Will may be used to detect Maou, transformed Luminous, and their powers. + Dreams may be used to detect Asura, Incursions, transformed Luminous, other + beings affiliated with the Dream, and any powers used by them. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Note that Dual Identity protects Luminous from being detected by either + means in Mundane Form as long as they do not use any of their powers. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Update for Maou being split into another book. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Vice-Ridden and Virtuous +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Neither Maou nor Luminous may purchase either Vice-Ridden or Virtuous [CofD + 46], as they use different Anchors. + The +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[subsec:Another-Dream]{Another Dream} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + merit does something similar, while being compatible with Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Giant and Tiny (Innocents) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Giant [WoD:I 104] and Tiny [WoD:I 105] merits do not apply to a Luminous' + Dream Form. + She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is of size + 6. + She may purchase the Tiny merit for free if her Dream Form is of Size 3. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Luminous Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +These Merits may only be taken by Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Another Dream (••) +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Another-Dream" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default +Your character has a significantly different personality in her Dream Form. + She has a different Dream or Wish in her Dream Form, and may use either + Anchor in either form to defend against social maneuvering or supernatural + abilities. + She may still not recover Willpower from the same kind of anchor more than + once in a scene. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Pretty simple. + This acknowledges a rather common trope in magical girl works in a +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +quiet +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + way. + This is somewhat weaker than Vice-Ridden or Virtuous because supernatural + anchors are already stronger baseline. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Childish (••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character appears as a younger child when transformed. + She is of Size 3 in Dream Form, and gains a +3 bonus to any attempt to + hide, go unnoticed, or other actions her size may help with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Drawback: +\series default +Your character is treated as someone as old as she appears. + She receives a -3 modifier to any attempt to physically intimidate another + or pass as an adult (regardless of whether she is one). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Dream's Rebuke (•••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character may retaliate against attempts to mentally influence her + with her Echo. + If she wins a Clash of Wills caused by Dreamer's Will, she may spend a + Willpower to cause the opposing effect to become a Dramatic Failure. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Innate Regalia (••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: How do I do this? +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character has a Regalia that is innate to her Dream Form. + She automatically summons it when she transforms at no Mote cost. + This merit may be taken a second time. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Drawback: +\series default + The Regalia cannot be disabled in any way. + If it has variants, you must choose one when you take this merit – you + cannot use other variants. + When you take this merit, or when you gain further Upgrades, you must choose + whether it applies to your Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A basic design trick. + This lets you mechanically reflect a large variety of different physical + forms, without the long list of supernatural merits Exalted has. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Paragon (•) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character's Dream Form is particularly large, towering over most others. + She is Size 6 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to physically + intimidate another, reassure someone that she can protect them, or other + actions her size may help with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Drawback: +\series default + Fitting into small spaces is difficult at best, and often impossible. + Hiding is rarely an option. + You take a -2 penalty to rolls to hide or go unnoticed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Silent Aria (••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character may hide their Aria in different forms of communication, + such as a text message, spoken sentence, or piano song. + This is not obviously supernatural, unlike Aria normally. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Tomoyo's Touch (•) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: How do I do this? +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character may appear in whatever outfit she wishes when she transforms + into her Dream Form. + She still looks to be the same person, just in a different outfit. + This does not let her hide supernatural features, except by covering them + with clothes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Youthful (•) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Your character is diminutive when transformed. + She is Size 4 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to hide, + or other actions her size may help with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Drawback: +\series default +Your character might be overlooked or not taken seriously by some people. + She takes a -2 penalty to rolls to physically intimidate or threaten others. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Mundane Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +These merits are entirely mundane, and are open to any character type. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Mundane Merits. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous aren't the only ones who get it, who are empathic enough to be + hurt by it. + Making Sensitivity a mundane merit is important for Luminous Hope economy, + and pushes the themes that... + well. + There are just people like that out in the world, magical or not. + They just have to find each other. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter X: The Power of Hope +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Chapter-PowerOfLove" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: This section will be removed eventually. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +All Luminous must draw their magic from their imagination – whether they + were lost in their own dreams, or learned to be so after their Blossoming. + In an act of will, they call the form they take in those dreams into reality. + When that alone isn't enough to overcome the world's woes, they turn to + their greater powers. + In further acts of will, they project more of their Dream into the walking + world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Through their Regalia, the Luminous weave further extensions of their will + into their Dream Form, manifesting as shining arms, auras of light or wings + of stardust. + Through their Domains, the Luminous shape not only their own being but + the world around them, commanding fire and winds dance to their touch. + Through their Charms, the Luminous draw the ways and concepts of the Dream + into reality, asking the world follow the laws of Dream over reality. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +All forms of Luminous magic are innately Weaving Actions. + They aren't mundane acts, but rather ways to imagine and then Weave those + imaginings into the waking world. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Clash of Wills +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Update Clash of Wills for new power structure. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Sometimes, opposing supernatural beings will use their powers in ways where + both can't succeed at the same time and it isn't clear which ability should + trump another. + When the effects of supernatural abilities clash in this way, it triggers + a Clash of Wills. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Each Luminous involved rolls Reverie + the highest Invocation involved in + the power. + The player who rolls the highest wins, and their ability takes effect. + If no Invocations can be applied to the power, use the Luminous' highest + Invocation instead. + On a tie, reroll the contest until one player rolls more successes than + each other player. + Other types of supernatural being have their own dice pools for Clash of + Wills, which can be found in their source books. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Characters may spend Willpower to bolster the contested roll, but only if + they are physically present and aware that their powers are clashing. + Certain powers, such as those with exceptionally long durations, are more + enduring in a clash. + Day-long effects add one die to the clash roll, week-long effects add two, + month-long three, and effects that could last a year or longer add four. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Evocations +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dream is woven of the light of all of humanity. + Memories, emotion and stories melded together into a single unimaginable + world. + Through their Evocations, the Luminous draw a small thread of its light + into the waking world, overturning its laws with those of the Dream. + For an ephemeral moment, the stories and hope they see in their dreams + may exist in their waking life too. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Even if they aren't truly real as the powers of other supernatural beings, + those fleeting moments are all the Luminous need, in the end. + The stories they layer over the waking world allow them to do impossible + things still, even if all traces of their magic fade back into illusion + when all is done. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Creating Evocations +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Evocations are woven out of the +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Passive Evoking +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Active Evoking +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Transience +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Evocations, and all their direct effects upon the world are a story. + Stories bright enough to overturn the world's law for a moment, perhaps, + but stories nevertheless. + When they fade, all their direct disappear as if they were never cast. + Videos of the magic fade as if nothing happened – leaving only the barest + traces superimposed as if pasted on top to explain truly impossible actions. + Even wounds and apparent death caused by a Luminous' magic fades like a + dream when all is said and done. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +An Evocation automatically fades at the end of the Scene in which it were + cast, and may be ended prematurely by its caster by spending a Willpower. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Only a precious few of an Evocation's effects can remain when it ends. + Memories of the event, and any mental changes created by them are not affected. + Nor are effects wrought upon a Luminous' Dream Form or other Dreamborn + – as they were never real in the first place. + Otherwise, to make permanent changes, the Luminous must confirm her magic + with mundane action – after all, those are still +\emph on +real +\emph default + to the waking world, even if they were only possible because of an illusion. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Though a Luminous couldn't simply banish toxins from the soil, she could + collect them into a pool with her magic, then collect them in a bottle. + She couldn't teleport the items out of a safe, but she could blow off the + door and simply carry them off. + And well... + when words fail and fights break out, she may ensure her opponent stays + dead as any mortal may. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Charms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write updated Charms section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Ideal List +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Subsection +Rosa +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Rosa is the +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Prisma +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Prisma is the Ideal of Ildathach, born out of the will to outshine the world + itself, the shining light of one's innermost truths. + It encourages those who follow it to never hide their true dreams, and + shine as brightly as they can without compromise. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Colors (•) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Prisma asks its wielders to never forget how every person and everything + are special at their core. + No matter how much the world tries to bury their colors, they could always + be reawakened. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Luminance -: +\series default + Colors allows a Luminous to manipulate literal color and summon a colorful + prismatic light with Elements. + This can be used to light dark spaces, inflict the Blinded tilt [CofD 281], + or similar effects. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Luminance •: +\series default + Prisma may be Evoked to draw on the best qualities of things. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Radiance (••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Names (•••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream describes all things someone or something is through its Name. + The Sidhe may reverse that relationship, changing a name to change what + it names. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Controlling Skill: +\series default + Heart +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +1 Success: +\series default + Change a single property of the target temporarily. + A knife may become dull, or a tree branch sharp enough to pierce skin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +2+ Successes: +\series default + Replace the target's Name with another. + Anyone who interacts or sees it does not recognize it as anything other + than what it is named for, even if its properties are completely different. + A pencil made into a calculator is clearly broken, a person made into a + slob is still avoided by her peers. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Anyone who experiences this discrepancy may make an Intelligence + Wits + check to pierce the illusion. + Each additional success invested into this effect inflicts a penalty of + -2 onto that check. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Change (•••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Defiance (••••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Creation (•••••) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Domain List +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Subsection +Elements +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This Domain allow Luminous to shape the world around them. + Rather than dividing the world into individual objects or other pieces, + Elements shapes the world at the level of materials and substances. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +With it, Luminous may cause the wood of doors or neat gardens to grow wildly + to entangle someone, or lash out against someone with a whip of water. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Self-willed beings do not fall under the domain of Elements. + To the Dream, they are something more than simple matter, defining the + world rather than being defined by it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Elemental Weaving (•) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Luminous touches the elements around her, wielding them alongside her + Weaving. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Controlling Attribute: +\series default + Finesse +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +1+ Successes: +\series default + Your character maintains control of an amount of the substance, using it + as a tool. + This provides a +1 equipment bonus to further Weaving Actions, and can + serve as +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This requires she have an element able to control the physical element being + manipulated, rather than an abstract property of it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Forms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This Domain allows the Luminous to shape the bodies and forms of any self-willed + being, weaving the magic of the Dream into them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +With it, Luminous may transform themselves into mermaids to explore the + seas, or grow wings of light to explore the skies. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Regalia +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +With their Regalia, the Luminous weave superhuman abilities and touches + of magic into their Dream Form. + Even when they appear to be equipment and shining arms, a Luminous' Regalia + are not truly separate from her. + Her sword feels like as much part her as her lace wings, and she wields + it with an almost surreal fluidity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +As the are extensions of her Dream Form, Regalia do not function for anyone + other than the Luminous who summoned them, and dissolve into motes of light + a short moment after they leave their presence. + Disarming Luminous is rarely useful, as they may reflexively recall any + Regalia they have lost on their turn at no cost. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Luminous may summon Regalia when she transforms into her Dream Form or as + a reflective action at the start of each turn. + Regalia each have a base effect, and multiple Upgrades or Variants. + Upgrades enhance the base effect of the Regalia, and Variants replace it + – hence, only one Variant may be used at a time. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Each Regalia costs a single Mote to summon, and a further Mote at the beginning + of each new scene in which she wants to maintain it. + Luminous may furthermore pay a single Mote to change the upgrades or variants + she has active on a Regalia or desummon one at no cost. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Regalia List +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Subsection +Binary Star +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous find themselves needing to be in two places at once to maintain + their secrets. + Thankfully, they can. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Luminous splits her Dream Form into two bodies, dispersing her awareness + between them. + This is disorienting and distracting to say the least, but she can often + remain functional enough to at least get the job done. + One of the bodies may be her Mundane Form, but this effect is only cosmetic. + She is treated as if she were in Dream Form, albeit still with the protection + of Dual Identity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Both bodies share a single bar of Dream Health, and she may choose one of + her bodies to return to when she reverts to Mundane Form for any reason. + Regalia must be summoned independently for both bodies. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Drawback: +\series default + The Luminous loses 10-again on all actions, takes a -3 penalty to all mundane + actions, and suffers a -1 penalty on even Weaving Actions. + In combat or other stressful situations, she may only take Instant Actions + with one of her bodies each turn. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: True Focus +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous do not shy away from even the strangest dream, weaving them all + the same as any other. + This is no different. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Brillare or Prisma ••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default +The Luminous suffers no penalties to her Weaving Actions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Workforce +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Sancus teaches the value in the fruits of labor, and see further value in + a Regalia normally only to cover for one's own absence. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Accordi • +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Luminous may perform any physical tasks she sets both her bodies to + in half the time. + This halves the roll time for relevant extended actions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Phalanx +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The coordination required for military tactics takes quite an amount of + training to achieve. + Of course, one way to cut it short is to be your own army. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Accordi ••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + Coordinating with herself, the Luminous pins down her opponents or otherwise. + Once a turn in combat, she may assist her other body's actions with a reflexive + teamwork action. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Twin Blades +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Gathering all her focus, the Legionary pins down her target with perfect + coordination. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Accordi ••••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + Once per scene in combat, the Legionary may spend a Willpower to make a + separate instant action with both her bodies. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Wings of Light +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +So many people dream of seeing the skies as the birds do. + The Luminous too do so, summoning wings or veils of wind to take to the + skies. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Luminous may fly freely in the air, and has a species factor of 10 + to her speed while flying. + She may bring a single person with her by taking their hand, and extending + her magic of flight to her partner. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Evasive Tactics +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flowing with the winds, the Luminous dodges attacks aimed at her with unnatural + fluidity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Caeli or Flori ••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + When flying, the Luminous may apply Defense against ranged attacks. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Violence's Reward +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Konohana believes violence to be a last resort to be shunned. + Thus, she bids the winds teach the lesson to all who attempt to harm her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Flori ••••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + When successfully dodging an ranged attack, the Luminous may redirect it + back at its source. + She rolls for the attack as if it were her own. + This effect may only be used once a turn. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Rainbow Burst +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Why fly in the skies if you can't do anything with it? To a Sylph, flight + can simply serve as a way to get where she needs to be. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Caeli ••••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + By spending a Mote, the Luminous may cloak herself in a veil of light, + traveling across the skies with great speed. + She uses the vehicle rules to move [CofD 98-99]. + Her safe speed is [Power + Finesse + Flow] * 15 and in crashes, she always + counts as the light object. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Charm List +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Subsection +Resonant Truth +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In our dreams, we remember things we never dreamed, and are merely part + of its story. + Likewise, the Luminous may ask of the world to show them things as in those + dreams. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Cost: +\series default + 1 Mote +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default +Sensory, Networked, Intimacy, Veiled +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default + Finesse + Resonate - the target's Composure +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Action: +\series default + Instant +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Success: +\series default + The Luminous may ask a question of the Dream for every success they roll, + glimmering information about the target's current situation. + This manifests as a vague dream-like impressions, but it does answer her + questions in broad terms. + She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a scene./ +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +What general emotion are they feeling currently? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Are they currently hurt or in danger? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Are they under an obvious mental influence of any sort? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Exceptional Success: +\series default +Successes are their own reward. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Failure: +\series default + The Luminous learns nothing of her target. + She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a day. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Dramatic Failure: +\series default + The Luminous learns nothing of her target, and they become aware of your + attempt to read their story. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A simple Charm with powerful applications. + The base ability here is weaker than with most Charms, because it works + with any Invocation. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Prismatic Echo +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Drawing on the lessons behind her on Invocations, the Luminous gleams deeper + truths from the Dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Any Invocation ••• +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Luminous may ask addition questions of the Dream. + This Upgrade may be applied multiple times, each time with an different + Invocation. + Every Invocation you apply this Upgrade with allows you to ask a different + set of questions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Is there anyone or anything here they feel strongly about? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Are the target a supernatural being of any kind? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Rosa) What is an organization or formal social group they have strong ties + to? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Rosa) Who do they consider their direct superior or direct subordinate? + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Solare) Who is a person they love, and how do they feel about them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Solare) What Aspiration or other similar long-term goal is closest to their + mind right now? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Ricordo) What memory or person could they not stand to lose? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Ricordo) What would they consider their ideal paradise for themselves? + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Flori) What is a way in which they are not willing to change, and one way + in which they are? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Flori) How do the spirits of their house and gardens view them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Prisma) What is their preferred name, and what is an alternative name they + are known by? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Prisma) In an ideal world, what kind of life would they live? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Brillare) What is one of their greatest competencies? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Brillare) Who is a person who taught them, or they have taught something + important? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Accordi) Who is a person they have harmed or broken a promise to recently? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Accordi) Who is a person they rely on for comfort and support in dark times? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Caeli) What people or groups do they think of themselves as part of first + and foremost? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Caeli) What is a restriction or rule they chafe against in their daily + life? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Variant: Light of Truth +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Rather than gleaning scattered truths, the Luminous calls upon the Dream + to answer a single piercing questions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Any Invocation ••••• +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Cost: +\series default + 1 Willpower, 3 Motes +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default + Sensory, Networked +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default + Finesse + Resonate - target's Composure +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Action: +\series default + Instant +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Success: +\series default +The Luminous learns the answer to a single question in detail. + Rather than vague impressions, she learns the answer in full and truthful + detail. + The target likewise gains an vague intuitive impression of the question + asked and who did so. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +What kind of supernatural being is the character, and how would others of + their kind classify them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Rosa) What is the greatest secret they know about an organization they + are a part of? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Solare) Who are all the people they have Connected or Strong Intimacy with? + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Ricordo) How will they be remembered if they passed away now? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Flori) What stories would the spirits tell of them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Prisma) What is their true name, and what other names are they known by? + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Brillare) What is one thing they are hiding from you? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Accordi) How does the community they are a part of think of them? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +(Cieli) How would they describe their true self, if they knew of its entirety? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Exceptional Success: +\series default +The target is not made aware of your question. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Failure: +\series default + You learn nothing of the target. + You may not use Light of Truth on the target for a month. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Dramatic Failure: +\series default + Your attempt backfires. + Your target learns of the answer to the question you asked, as if they + had used Light of Truth against you. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Shining Vow +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Shining-Vow" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Luminous reaches out with her Echo as she speaks a promise. + Her magic conveys her own feelings about the promise unerringly, showing + the world the resolve that lies behind her words. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Cost: +\series default + 1 Willpower, 1 Mote +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default + Sensory, Networked, Veiled +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default + None +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Action: +\series default + Instant +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Duration: +\series default + Indefinite +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + Anyone the Luminous spoke her promise to becomes fully aware of her sincerity. + This can serve as Soft Leverage in Social Maneuvering, or provide an appropriat +e bonus to a social roll. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Regardless, she is magically binds her to fulfill own promise, replacing + one of her Aspirations. + This Aspiration has the same benefits as those from a Sensitivity trigger, + and does not fall under its cap. + If she abandons her promise (including by replacing the Aspiration), or + acts intentionally against its spirit, the Aspiration ends and she takes + a box of severe Hope damage and gains a Hope condition. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: The Hope recovery from this is probably too strong. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This Charm fails if she does not mean her promise genuinely. + Anyone present becomes aware of her lack of resolve, and it does not bind + her to her own empty promise. + Furthermore, the Charm may only be used to seal promises to do a specific + action, not anything more complex. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A very magical girlish way to seal your own promises. + Royal Witness in P:tH was fun, but things like this... + feel more by the genre. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Knight's Code +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Nobility of Avalon see their highest calling as that to protect those + in need, and that vow carries a deep weight for them beyond simple sincerity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Rosa • +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default +When a Noble uses Shining Vow to promise to protect another or relieve them + of an ill that has befallen them, she may grant the Inspired condition + aligned to the ideals of Avalon to all those who hear her promise. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Variant: Royal Witness +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Contracts and agreements form the basis of any organized society. + Declaring that she will bare witness to an oath, a Noble lays bare the + true sincerity behind the it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Rosa ••••• +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Cost: +\series default + 1 Willpower, 1 Mote per participant +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default + Sensory, Networked +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default + None +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Duration: +\series default + Indefinite +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + Any participants who made statements of intent meant to convince another + become a target of the Charm. + If all participants are genuine and sincere in their intentions, the Charm + binds them all magically to fulfill their own duties. + Each participant replaces one of their Aspirations as if they had used + Shining Vow themselves. + If one or more of the participants do not intend to uphold their end of + the oath, the Charm reveals their deception to all involved parties, and + has no further effects. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Although... + Invocations are still allowed to shift the genre. + :) +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Upgrade: Binding Oaths +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Prismatic understand the true power of promises. + Drawing on the stories of the fae, they bind their own will to their promises. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Prisma • +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Additional Cost: +\series default + 1 Mote +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + You may seal promises to behave in a certain way, avoid certain actions, + or other more abstract restrictions. + When making such a promise, she gains the +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Condition instead of replacing an Aspiration. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Variant: Sealing Thread +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +One does not make promises causally in the presence of the fae, nor those + who draw on their stories. + The Sidhe weaves a binding of dreams upon those who make careless vows. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Prisma ••••• +\series bold + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +Cost: +\series default + 1 Willpower, 1 Mote +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default + Sensory, Networked, Veiled +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default + None +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Duration: +\series default + Indefinite +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Sidhe binds someone who makes a statement of intent in her presence + to their word, regardless of whether they meant it or not. + They gain the +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Condition relating to their promise. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Variant: Wyrd-Bound Vow +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The oaths of the Luminous are mere whispers on the wind compared to bound + by Wyrd. + A Dreamer may weave her power with that of the Wyrd, binding herself forever + to an Oath with the fae. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Requires: +\series default + Wyrd Origin or Prisma • +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Cost: +\series default +Special (see text) +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Keywords: +\series default +Sensory, Veiled +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Dice Pool: +\series default +None +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\series bold +Duration: +\series default + Indefinite +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effects: +\series default + The Luminous joins herself to an Wyrd-bound Oath initialized by a Changeling + or stranger being of Faerie. + This uses the usual rules found on pages 212-214 of +\emph on +Changeling: the Lost 2e +\emph default +. + Luminous spend Motes instead of Glamour to seal such promises, and must + draw those Motes from Hope instead of a Mote Pool. + They may not initiate such Oaths without a Changeling's help – the normal + powers of Shining Vow are the most they can do on their own. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Little things like this make crossover games far more interesting and fun, + without being significantly in the way of normal play. + Would recommend. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 4: The Sea of Stars +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +“Did you count the stars or something?” +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +“We don’t have to count them,” Meg said. + “They just need to be known by Name.” +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + +Madeleine L'Engle, +\series bold +A Wind in the Door +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +The Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Nomenclature +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Other supernatural beings and occult experts have their own name for the + Dream, and their own views of its structure. + In general, compared to them, the Luminous prefer simple plain language + terms, or ones drawn from popular culture over the more formal language + most of them employ. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Maou, Mages, and human scholars of the Astral use very technical terms for + the Dream, making literature references to esoteric concepts. + They see the Astral as a journey from the world below, into ever more true + worlds above – from personal dreams, to the higher truths of humanity, + to the higher truths of the world, and to more esoteric things beyond. + They refer to a Soulspace as a +\emph on +Oneiros +\emph default + (plural +\emph on +Oneiroi +\emph default +), the Dream as the +\emph on +Temenos +\emph default +, the Foundation as the +\emph on +Omphalos +\emph default + or Boundary Stone, and the World Dream as the Anima Mundi. + They call the Dreamborn (including Luminous, really) +\emph on +Goetia +\emph default + and do not typically draw the distinction between Dreamborn and Actors. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Begotten use plain language terms similar to the Luminous, mixed with + the more formal terms of human academics. + They are home in the Primordial Dream, a layer deeper than most Luminous + ever touch upon, and their perspective sees much of the Dream the Luminous + know of as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +above +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + their own dream. + To them, the Dream as the Luminous call it and the Sea of Stars are the + Bright Dream. + The Foundation is the Cave, and the World Dream is the Mother's Land. + They share the Luminous terms of Actors and Dreamborn. + For everything else or when they need to make finer distinctions, they + tend to use the same terms as human scholars. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Dream Form +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A Luminous' Dream Form is nothing truly unique in a world of dreams. + All visitors in the Dream (or other mental spaces) manifest a Dream Form + rather than their physical bodies. + The Dream Forms of mortals (and most other kinds of supernatural beings) + have their own limitations, however, compared to those of the Luminous: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Instead of using the highest of his attributes, a mortal's Dream Attributes + are based on his mental attributes. + He uses Intelligence for Power, Wits for Finesse, and Resolve for Resistance. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Mortals suffer wound penalties to Dream Health as usual. + Neither Luminous or mortals have any protection against physical attacks + in the Dream, as all attacks are partly magical in a sense. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Mortals cannot perform Weaving Actions, have no Weaving Skills, and do not + have Dual Identity. + As such, they add Athletics instead of Flow to their Defense. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In addition, Luminous Transformation works differently in the Dream. + They treat their Dream Form as their default form, and must roll in order + to transform into their Mundane Form. + They lose none of their powers or abilities in Mundane Form, but still + has the benefits of Dual Identity and is still affected by supernatural + powers as if she were a mortal. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This is just Beast/Changeling/Mage's Dream Form, of course. + Standard mechanic, but explained in terms of the Luminous Dream Form in + this system due to how central it is for the main splat. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Dream Combat +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dream is not quite a peaceful place. + Conflict happens in every world, for better or worse. + ... + and, just like in the waking world, sometimes there is no option but to + force your way through another. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You could fight in a dream the same way you do in reality. + You pull out a sword, slicing away at your opponent's (dream) flesh. + But... + a Luminous sees deeper by nature. + After all, she is in part a native of the Dream. + A sword is mere a symbol for imposing one's will on another. + The wounds the sword inflicts are an unmistakable mark of your will on + another – they cannot simply imagine it away, because they were not the + one to imagine it in the first place. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Instead of a sword, a Luminous could wield a cutting argument, imposing + on her target's mind in a way that reaches beyond mundane persuasion. + She could weave a story of an party all too loud for the introvert, forcing + them to retreat. + A dream weapon only has to be a reflection of one's will, and the wounds + it inflicts any mark that cannot simply be imagined away. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +That is the heart of dream combat. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It always felt weird to me that dream combat in Mt:Aw mostly boiled down + to the same as physical combat. + Changeling is better with Shifts and such mechanics, by far. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In my case, I'm using mechanics inspired by Shaping Combat in the Graceful + Wicked Masques splatbook for Exalted 2e and to a latter extent how combat + flows in Exalted 3e. + So, I suppose, this is the part where I go full Jenna Moran. + Compared to that system, this is simplified and more abstract, but it is + still the core inspiration. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream combat isn't brutal like combat in the waking world, but that doesn't + mean it isn't scary in its own ways. + After all, your soul is laid bare to your opponent's will should you fail. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Intent +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In dream combat, intent doesn't simply give focus to why a fight is happening + – it is the fundamental basis of the world itself. + When someone resorts to force in the Dream, they initiate Dream Combat, + and all participants must declare their Intent. + Intent determines their win condition, and the kind of story they must + tell to achieve it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If you wish to destroy a Goetia you don't like, you're probably limited + to a story of violence of one sort or another. + If you simply want to get past a door guard unharmed, you have far more + options. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: aaaa. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Notions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Notions section; the Luminous Token-like. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Fading +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When they Blossom, the Luminous become living dreams. + Though those dreams never truly stop being human at their heart, they are + still what will remain of the Luminous at the very end. + As long as their dreams live, they do too, even when their mundane body + withers away from time. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +If a Hopeful dies in her Mundane Form while still able to transform, she + may transform one last time, burning away her Mundane Form entirely in + the process. + She immediately refills her Motes Pool and heals all Hope damage. + Her physical body is lost to her and she begins to Fade. + The same may happen if she retreats into the dream and lets her mundane + body wither away, or simply outlives her natural lifespan while transformed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Regardless of how it comes to be, the Luminous begin to dissolve into the + Dream, as the stray thoughts of humanity and foreign emotions lap at the + edges of their mind. + They anchor themselves against those tides by force of will, clinging tight + to those they love, to the place they know they have in the world. + Hope sustains them in the same way food and air does a mundane human. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Fading Luminous no longer regain Willpower form rest, and suffer a box of + severe Hope damage every day. + Should their entire Hope track be filled with severe Damage, their will + dissipates fully into the Dream and their body dissolves into motes of + light. + The same occurs if their Dream Health is exhausted, or they suffers the + Soul Shocked Condition for any other reason. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +... + a final plot beat for a Luminous at the end of their story, and a long-term + roleplaying opportunity. + A name call back to the original pitch for Princess: the Hopeful, at that. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Physical realities such as old age, dying, or not having a soul don't quite + affect the Luminous nearly as hard as they should. + After all, they are people who have become dreams. + Still, it's not... + exactly easy to do. + They just fade away if they run out of Hope, and the constant Severe Hope + damage makes it hard. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +On base Intimacy mechanics alone, they can still only clear one Severe damage + a day – breaking even in the process. + It takes the Take Their Hand power from Sensitivity to get ahead of existing + Severe damage. + Difficult but possible, as intended. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Elder Luminous...? +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While they can theoretically live indefinitely, no Luminous older than a + century and a half or so have shown themselves to the broader community. + Some say it's because of how difficult it is for a Luminous to hang on, + especially as their friends pass away with the passage of time. + Before the internet and the Information Age, finding others who got it + was always a struggle. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Perhaps a few group of truly elder Luminous have hidden themselves away + in some corner of the Dream or some deep forest together. + A close-knit Nakama of elder Luminous may indeed be able to sustain themselves + like that. + But... + if they exist, they've certainly since secluded themselves away or chosen + to guide the world from the shadows as the Maou do. + Others say even that's unlikely – that such isolation would itself tear + at the Luminous and that they wouldn't survive like that. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +The Lucid +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dream Kingdoms are not only inhabited by the Luminous. + The vast majority of those who came to dream in their grounds never Blossom, + never realize that there is more to it than a particularly stable recurring + dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Young Luminous +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Far too many Hopeful do not have the luxury of waiting until adulthood to + grasp the power of the Dream. + The cruelties of the world always start far too early. + Especially compared with other types of supernatural beings, Luminous tend + to Blossom very early, with all the complications and benefits it comes + with. + On one hand... + becoming something else is too often effectively the end of their childhood. + On the other hand, too often that childhood is one they would not wish + to continue even if they had the choice. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Luminous: the Dream +\series default + may be used with the rules for child characters found in +\series bold +World of Darkness: Innocents +\series default +. + While such a game is fundamentally a Luminous chronicle at its heart, those + rules are still useful to represent a characters' significant younger Mundane + Form. + The Luminous template may be used in combination with the Innocent template. + Create the character as a normal Luminous with the following modifications: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +She has a lower number of mundane skill dots equal to the normal total for + her age, and may not place dots in a category exceeding the normal maximum + for her age's primary category. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Her mundane skills have a cap of three dots, which increases to four dots + at Reverie 2 and five dots at Reverie 4. + At Reverie 4, refund all Prodigy merits under the Sanctity of Merits. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +She has the Study skill instead of Academics and Science. + It counts as part of the Learn Weaving skill. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +She may buy the Youthful merit for free. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +In Mundane Form, the usual rules for young characters apply to her. + For example, she suffers increased wounds penalties, is easy to beat down, + and has a significant disadvantage versus adults. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Luminous do not suffer any of the usual drawbacks of childhood in their + Dream Form. + While their mundane actions versus adults are still penalized, this does + not apply to Weaving Actions or the use of magic. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +With some cunning, Luminous may acquire social merits normally forbidden + to young characters – up to and including a full adult Alternate Identity + given enough persistence and an appropriate Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +World of Darkness: Innocents Summary +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This section contains a brief summary of the important rules for child character +s found in +\series bold +World of Darkness: Innocents +\series default +. + Using the full source book is very much recommended as it also provides + useful thematic guidelines and flavor context as to the rules. + This summary, then, is meant for use as a quick reference, as a backup + if you do not have access to +\series bold +Innocents +\series default +, and to serve as a partial update to Chronicles of Darkness rules. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Virtue/Vice: +\series default + Children use Virtue/Vice like other mortals. + While in Innocents, they have different Anchors called Asset/Fault, these + work identically to CofD's version of Virtue/Vice. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Morality and Triggers: +\series default + Children use Integrity like other mortals. + As Triggers were a replacement for derangements in Innocents, they are + superseded by breaking point conditions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Attributes: +\series default + Children allocate attributes the same way as older characters. + As their dots are compared to the average of their age, they are still + worse than adults with the same scores. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Skills: +\series default + Young characters are normally capped to 3 dots in each skill. + Furthermore, they have fewer skill points to allocate based on their age. + 7-year-old children allocate 6/5/2 skills, 8-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, + 9-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, 10-year-olds allocate 8/5/3, 11-year-olds allocate + 8/5/3, 12-year-olds allocate 9/5/3, and teenagers allocate 10/6/4. + Children younger than 10 have 1 skill specialty, children 10 or older have + 2 skill specialties. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Skill List: +\series default + Children have a Study skill representing their skill at studying and schoolwork. + This replaces their Academics and Science skills. + They may not have the Drive skill except in special circumstances that + would logically allow it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Escape: +\series default + Children are especially skilled at escaping from combat. + As long as their opponent is not fully focused on them, a child may attempt + to escape or hide. + Escape requires an Dexterity + Wits vs Wits + Composure roll, and hiding + requires a Dexterity + Stealth vs Wits + Composure roll. + Notably, in the context of Luminous, a transformation is certainly enough + of a distraction to invoke this rule. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Firearms: +\series default + The first time in a combat a character under about the age of 12 unused + to gunfire is shot at, must spend a point of Willpower or be Beaten Down. + Furthermore, when such a character attempts to shoot a firearm at someone + for the first time, she must pass a Resolve + Composure roll or she misses + and must roll again the next time she tries. + Luminous who have fought in Dream Form before are exempt from this penalty. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Wound Penalties: +\series default + Children are especially vulnerable to wound penalties compared to adults. + Instead of the normal benchmarks, she suffers a -1 penalty to all actions + when her fifth-to-last health box is damaged, loses 10-again when her fourth-to +-last is marked, suffers a -2 penalty when her third-to-last health box + is damaged, cannot spend Willpower to boost rolls when her second-to-last + is marked, and suffers a -3 penalty when her last box is damaged. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Stunning: +\series default + The Stunning rules in Innocents are superseded by Beaten Down & Surrender + optional rule. + That rule always applies to children, even in chronicles where it doesn't + to adults. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Adults vs Children: +\series default + Adults gain 8-again on all rolls against children, except when they try + to hide or escape. + Unarmed attacks by children against adults suffer a penalty equal to their + Stamina. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Growing Up +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +One day, childhood must end even for the most imaginative or innocent of + people. + Even the Luminous, who are caught in the middle of the responsibility of + adulthood and the wonders and dreams of childhood, are burdened with everchangi +ng obligations and restrictions in their mundane life. + While many choose to spend their younger years continuing their fight, + others often lay low for quite a while to establish themselves further + in adult life. + To skip a child character to adulthood, apply the following changes: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Remove any merits that no longer make sense and refund them under the Sanctity + of Merits. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Reduce all mundane skills the character has dots in by one dot (down to + a minimum of one dot), then give them mundane skill dots up to the normal + adult total of 22 if they have less. + For Luminous characters, if this would reduce one of their transformed + skills, she gains transformed skill dots to make up the difference. + If this would increase her transformed skills, she loses transformed skill + dots to make up the difference if possible. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Grant the character 20 experiences + 1 experience for every year that has + passed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Luminous characters gain a dot of Reverie in addition. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote +status open + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 5: Rainbow Skies +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +They've been guiding me, and showing me all the beautiful things in the + world +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +I love them, and I love what they love. +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + + +\emph off + +\begin_inset VSpace medskip +\end_inset + + +\emph default +Kiana Kaslana, +\series bold +\emph off +Honkai Impact 3rd +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Luminous only wove a small part of the Dream all of humanity shares + into their Kingdoms. + Beyond them, the skies are dyed in so many colors, touched by so many strange + powers. + Long ago, a rare few Hopeful seeked to understand them, dove deeply enough + into their mysteries, that some nameless barrier broke. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Beyond that barrier, they saw a path. + They would reach out into the Dream again as when they first Blossomed, + to Blossom again under the light of a different power. + They wove something stranger, further off notions into their Soulspaces + alongside those they always wielded, allowing their new Weave and Origin + to infuse every aspect of their magic and being. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Back then, Weaves were a means of survival. + The Luminous were vulnerable in that era before they knew how to fight + with the Dream or how to weave a Dual Identity. + They masqueraded as other creatures, hiding among their ranks for protection. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the current day, the reasons the Hopeful take on Weaves are as colorful + as the Hopeful themselves. + Some wish to show the world that even stranger powers still can be used + in the name of good. + Some still wish to live among the other creatures of the night, feeling + a kinship with they they cannot find elsewhere. + Some live in places where the protection of Dual Identity isn't enough + to protect them. + Then, there are those who simply wish to, feeling some nameless rightness + in what they would become. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The latter especially tend to be responsible for the strangest of phenomenon. + Not all Luminous who take on a Weave must Blossom twice. + Some resonate so much with a particular power that they take it on when + they Blossom the first time. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaves and Origins serve as the core of Luminous crossover support, as Embassies + do in Princess. + They... + do support a lot of Luminous themes, hence why they're presented as a full + chapter, not an appendix. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous embrace the stranger things of the world. + They aren't the kind of people to shy away from being strange, or accepting + that which most people would reject. + The Weave of Names threatens to fracture a Luminous' identity, if they + had not already been multiple. + The Weave of Bonds threatens to make its participants lose themselves in + each other. + It's no wonder then, that they would see no issue in accepting forces that + were never quite humanity's to begin with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Unlike in Beast, in Luminous, crossover is about the bonds outcasts forge + with each other. + They have no overarching story for what binds them together with other + supernatural creatures, because they don't need one. + They connect with the human side of other supernatural creatures, and such + interpersonal bonds can break through any remaining differences in supernatural + nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In their Origins, they embrace what being a different kind of supernatural + creature would mean for them, abandoning even the caution that Princesses + show in their Embassies. + They come out changed, but no less bright for it. + That's the point. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Accepting Weaves +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Whether a Luminous takes on on a Weave when she first Blossoms, or later + on in a second Blossoming, the effect is the same. + She spends 3 Experiences, and chooses an Origin compatible with her Weave. + She gains the Weave's base ability and all the Origin's effects. + Thereafter, she is forever changed. + Thus, no Luminous may ever take on more than one Weave. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +She gains ranks in the Weave for every dot of her Inner Light, and gains + one more every time it increases. + For each rank, she may buy a single Perk associated with her Weave. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaves have a pretty similar structure to Entitlements, though simplified + into something more like a Feat tree or Exalted-style Charm tree. + This makes them pretty good for focused concepts that define something + core to the character (e.g. + the Weave of Bonds and the Weave of Names), or those focus strongly on + a single core concept (e.g. + the Weave of Daydreams). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In that sense, they function more as a second template than anything else. + Not inappropriate, considering they are usually more about things a Luminous + can be, than powers she wields. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Stranger Forces +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaves are built of a mix of the power of the Dream and foreign powers. + In even rarer cases still, a Luminous may take on a power not of the Dream + at all in the first place. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Some other supernatural forces have such titles of their own such as a Changelin +g's Entitlements or a Mage's Legacies – and given the right situation, a + Luminous may find herself burdened with their arcane responsibilities. + She gains an Origin that reflects what she accepted an power from. + The Storyteller should adjudicate how exactly such foreign powers affect + the Luminous – in general, it becomes something more like a Weave in structure + while keeping its own core themes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Guidelines for such things may be found in the +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing]{Crossing Paths} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Origins +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:Origins" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When a Luminous takes on a Weave, she accepts another force into her soul, + embracing it as she once did the Dream. + Such a blatant embrace of the supernatural burns away some measure of the + mundanity she once enjoyed, and binds all of her magic with the touch of + a foreign force. + Abilities may affect and detect such Luminous and their powers using anything + that can detect the powers of the Dream, Will, or their Origin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Origins serve as a point of customization, as the same concept could often + be achieved through multiple foreign forces – or even the Dream's own touch. + They serve a pair of related purposes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +First, it makes it easier for Storytellers and players to write Weaves, + since their complexity is limited to their core features. + Secondly, they function as an unified set of downsides, so Weaves don't + need particularly troublesome downsides (or any at all) to function. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Innate Origins +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous who had been touched by other supernatural forces before they Blossomed + start play with an Origin. + An Avowed Luminous has an Wyrd Origin, and an Wolf-Touched Luminous has + a Spirit Origin. + In exchange, she retains the full supernatural force of a single minor + template she once possessed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Such Hopeful pay 5 experiences to take on a Weave instead of 3, as the downsides + of her Origin cannot fully compensate for its powers. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Spirit +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The world itself dreams too, hidden far in the World Dream beyond the Foundation. + As the waking world reflects onto the Shadow, so too do the spirits that + live in it reflect into the World Dream. + Long ago, a Luminous braved the Gales to reach its heart, and learned of + the powers the Spirits dreamed of. + Nobody remembers why. + Perhaps it was desperation, perhaps it was in pursuit of some nameless + calling. + Regardless, a memory of the journey remains in the Dream Kingdoms in this + day. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When a Hopeful draws on that memory once more, she is thrown into an dangerous + and all too real dream reflection of the Shadow. + She feels small in comparison to the savage and passionate creatures of + the natural world, yet catching a glimpse of the delicate balance they + uphold through conflict. + Grasping for power as they all do, she takes on a Resonance to call her + own. + Asserting herself against the flows of the world, she craves herself a + place in the World Dream. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Spiritual Nature +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Spirit is a savage world where each fends for themselves. + Even if she seeks to find a better way for spirits and humans alike, she + must also embrace a measure of it to draw on the Shadow's power. + She finds a Resonance to call her own, drawing forth a portion of that + Essence to weave into her own Dream Form. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When your character first gains the Spirit origin, choose a physical element + or emotion she resonates with. + She may choose concepts as broad-ranging as fire, love, rain, light, hope, + or winter – as long as it is something relatively common in her environment. + In her Dream Form, she is treated as a spirit of that Resonance instead + of a Dreamborn. + She gains an Ban and Bane as with a spirit of Rank 3. + This can lead to complications; powers that attempt to detect her creature + type read her as a Claimed or Ridden of some variety in either of her forms. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Furthermore, Luminous who claim the power of the spirits depend on their + Resonances as they do. + For typical elements, she begins feeling drained after a week without significa +nt exposure to her element and suffers a box of mild Hope damage daily. + After a whole month, this increases to severe Hope damage. + For cyclic concepts like rain or winter, this duration is usually longer + – a Luminous will begin feeling restless in the late Summer or after a + month of drought, but certainly not after a week. + For particularly commonplace elements like light or water, a day or so + may be enough to drain her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The abuse of the term +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Resonance +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + here is somewhat intentional. + It's easier to understand than going full-in with Werewolf terms like +\emph on +umia +\emph default + or +\emph on +ilthum +\emph default + – and it's close enough to the intended meaning that most readers familiar + with Wolf will still know what is meant. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Favor of the Shadow +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A Hopeful of Spirit treats any amount of her Resonance in her vicinity as + equipment, providing her an equipment bonus of up to +5 depending on the + amount of the element present. + A nearby fireplace could roar to life to burn down a locked door in her + way, the rain parts way for the ancient books she holds close to her arms + – even as it soaks her person. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Her Weaving Actions manifest touches of her element, and require no perception + roll to detect as obviously supernatural. + In the presence of a large amount of her element, it may even attempt to + assist her in her mundane actions. + She may benefit from a equipment bonus up to +1 or +2, and anyone who witnesses + her actions may make a Perception roll to notice the supernatural assistance. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: After finishing Domain mechanics, work Resonance into them. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Influences are a +\emph on +weird +\emph default + power in PC hands. + Thus, we rely on softer things like equipment bonuses and the existing + Domains system. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Wyrd +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Ancient vows and pacts older than the Gentry themselves bind the Dream and + the world of the fae together. + Whatever its origin, the Dreaming Roads were born before any Luminous or + True Fae laid eyes on the world. + Far too often, the Luminous found themselves walking those roads into a + world more real than a dream. + There, they first touched the power of Wyrd. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When a Hopeful accepts the powers of the Wyrd, she dreams of a memory of + a fae world from long ago. + She makes an oath to a beautiful fairy queen, the voice of the world itself + – or whatever she imagines the Wyrd's face to be. + By the terms of that accord between the Hopeful and fae, she discards her + usual transformation in favor of the Mask that veils all fae from mortal + eyes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dreams and fae magic were always well connected, so this is probably the + least unexpected of all the Origins. + As long as this text is, it basically boils down to this: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous with ties to Wyrd have a Mask and are locked into Dream Form. + They are vulnerable to iron. + Finally, the Mask veils her from being easily detected as a Luminous and + hides the stranger traits of her Dream Form the same way it hides a Changeling' +s Kith/Seeming effects. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Fae Nature +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Wyrd asks the Luminous join the agreements of the fae in exchange for + its power. + She counts as an Avowed for all interactions related to the Wyrd, although + she still must use the charm +\begin_inset CommandInset ref +LatexCommand nameref +reference "subsec:Shining-Vow" +plural "false" +caps "false" +noprefix "false" + +\end_inset + + to join the Oaths of the fae. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +As such, iron forevermore considers her an enemy. + The Wyrd permeates her magic, and so it too cannot defend her against the + touch of iron. + Iron pierces through her Regalia that provide Armor or enhanced Defense, + and her attempts to use her Domains on it fail. + Cold iron furthermore acts as a bane to her. + She suffers aggravated damage from its touch. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Veiled Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Luminous' Transformation is fundamentally changed by the Wyrd. + She is locked into her Dream Form, and cannot intentionally revert to her + Mundane Form. + In exchange, her Dream Form is hidden under a fae Mask. + She spends Motes instead of Glamour when interacting with the Mask. + While she may break her Mask, this has no benefits or drawbacks for the + Luminous beyond revealing their supernatural nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Regardless of how she looked before, her Dream Form under her Mask gains + a fantastical, mystical feel that marks her as clearly supernatural. + What was once a flower worn in their hair grows into a tangle of vines + and blooms. + A hairstyle that evoked the feel of fire instead becomes an actual smoldering + blaze. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Should she be forced out of Dream Form, she reverts to her Mundane Form. + She reflexively transforms as soon as she is able to, and suffers constant + Flicker at the maximum penalty allowed by her Reverie as long as she is + untransformed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +For all these troubles, her Mask veils her native powers from detection. + Supernatural effects detect her as nothing more than a Changeling. + Likewise, it causes mortals to explain away or miss the supernatural nature + of her Form Merits or Weaving Actions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Fae Mask and Mein +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The fae conceal themselves from the mundane world behind a powerful illusion + deeply embedded into their nature. + To all mortal senses and mundane technology, anything touched by fae magic + looks to be ordinary. + Mortals do not notice the smell of lilacs come from the fae's hair, but + simply assume it perfume. + Even the coldness of an ice elemental's skin doesn't seem remarkable when + veiled by the fae illusion. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This illusion is called a fae being or object's Mask, and their true form + is called their Mein. + Unlike a Luminous' Mundane Form, this illusion has no effect on magical + forces. + The mundane senses of magical beings are fooled, but their powers are not. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Fae only see the Mein of their fellows. + They must spend a Glamour to see another's mask for a few brief seconds. + In response, another fae may spend a Glamour to reinforce her mask, hiding + her Mein even from other fae – leaving only a few tells such as her true + form in her her shadow. + Alternatively, a fae may spend a Glamour to burn away her Mask for a scene, + revealing her true form in a dazzling magical display not unlike a Princess' + transformation. + This increases the effectiveness of the fae's Contracts and rends open + gateways to Faerie nearby her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For detailed information on this mechanic, see pages 81-83 and pages 107-108 + of Changeling: the Lost 2e. + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setsecsplatlayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Weave of Bonds +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Weave of Bonds +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setnormallayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Appendix A: Crossing Paths +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The World of Darkness is filled with all kinds of supernatural beings, all + with their own stories and paths. + Luminous often cross paths with them in the course of their duties and + explorations. + This chapter provides guidelines on Luminous crossover campaigns. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Beast +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous and the Begotten are at once all too similar, and all too different. + Both are native to the Dream in their own ways, one from the bright dreams + of humanity and the other from their deepest fears. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Their fundamental natures too often put them at odds with each other, regardless + of their will or what they want. + A Luminous' ties to the Dream cause her to feel the emotions of the community + and those around her as deeply as if they were her own, and yet a Beast + must fill it with fear in order to survive, driven by their own Hunger. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Few beasts can (or often want to) feed in a way that don't hurt the Luminous. + They can rarely avoid each other forever, and their powers inevitably draw + them together. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +... + and as much as both have powers that connect people, it rarely can truly + overcome that incompatibility. + Most Beasts see the Luminous as another kind of Hero, and Luminous see + the Begotten as another kind of Distorted. + This barrier is not insurmountable, by any means – but their relationship + is defined by high highs and low lows. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Chronicles +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous and Beast share a fair number of themes, for all their conflicts. + With work, a Chronicle focusing on Beasts and Luminous can work. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Both have powers that lead them towards them encountering broad rather than + specific supernatural problems, leading them naturally towards crossover. + With both involved in a Chronicle, it's hard to avoid this shared theme. + Storytellers should certainly embrace it, but not lead to a feeling that + all is +\emph on +known +\emph default +. + Not all problems would be recognizable to any kind of supernatural being + – some are Outsiders, some are just what they are. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Both too, have an underlying theme of family and community. + They seek companionship in those like them, and accept their inner natures, + drawing on them for power. + There is a connection to be forged, and a Chronicle with the two would + likely have a feeling of family to it – of a small group that does their + best in a world that would like neither to exist. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In other words, whether they call it a Brood or Nakama, that is likely what + a mixed group of Luminous and Beasts would amount to. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Their conflicts, though... + cannot be fully avoided, even then. + Sensitivity and Hunger will always lead the two to conflict, and it will + always define Chronicles shared between the two. + The Storyteller should certainly be aware of this conflict, and drive it + in directions that benefit the overall story, inflaming it sometimes if + needed. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Interactions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous and Begotten draw their power from different parts of the same + whole. + Their powers often interact as the mirrors they are. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Kinship +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Kinship between the Luminous and Begotten are strained by the Luminous' + strong ties to the mundane. + Luminous have only partial Kinship with Beasts in Dream Form, and none + in Mundane Form. + Thicker Than Water has no effect on Luminous in either form. + Family Dinner, likewise, often does not apply – Hope recovery alone never + counts, although Luminous are often still driven to hunt in ways that can + satisfy its conditions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +There is no flavor reason to fuck over Thicker than Water here – this is + mostly a mechanical fix to avoid weirdness around Luminous changing their + Kinship category so often. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Nightmares +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Most Luminous dream of a world that isn't afraid to step into a bright future, + fighting against the force of fear itself. + As such, Nightmares based on them are rarely so much based on their dreams + or ideals, but rather the powers they use towards that goal. + Common examples include ones that break down a target's grasp on reality, + or drowning them in their own imagination. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Power of Dreams +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While Beasts are also natives of the Dream, Evocations do not have permanent + effect on them as they do with Luminous as they are still more flesh than + dream. + Lairs, and their Horror, however, are vulnerable to the full force of a + Luminous' Evocations. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Luminous draw on the Dream's fundamental power to connect people and + concepts through their Journeys and Intimacy, and Beasts through their + Kinship and Burrows. + Burrows can be drawn between a Luminous' Soulspace and a Chamber in the + same way as Brood Layers. + Luminous may forge and redefine such connections, taking a point of severe + Hope Damage in place of spending Satiety. + When redefining or resisting unwanted connections, she may add Hope as + a bonus to her Clash of Wills. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Changeling +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Lost were once hurt in Arcadia, and... + the Luminous on Earth. + Both know of wonders far beyond the mundane world, and learned the power + to wield them for themselves. + Both are lost in a world they do not fully fit into. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For their far different backgrounds, something of their hearts are resonant. + Both... + understand. + They find comfort in community, support each other, want to build something + better to protect each other and those they love. + Through that shared resonance, they bond with an ease unusual among differing + kinds of supernatural being. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Still, their differing supernatural natures can still be problematic, especially + when it comes to first reactions. + Luminous reach for a power that erodes the boundary between dreams and + reality, in a way all too familiar to the Lost. + Luminous magic reminds of Arcadia, and that... + can be a painful remainder at best, and actively damaging to a changeling's + grasp on reality at worst. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Chronicles +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Interactions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Changelings and Luminous both touch on dreams and stories, if from opposite + directions. + Both seek comfort in their friends and support systems. + Those similarities lead to a few interactions between their powers and + worlds. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Clarity and Hope +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Clarity and Hope are very similar mechanics, both serving as a health-like + track that replaces Integrity. + Supernatural powers that can effect either Hope or Clarity should apply + to the other without modifications. + Supernatural powers that do not involve some component of genuine interaction + cannot heal Hope. + A Mage spell would not have much significant effect in restoring Hope, + but the Fortifying Presence Contract can heal Hope as easily as Clarity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +The Hedge and The Dream +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The fae know the art of Dreamweaving as well as the Luminous, even if they + cannot impose them upon the waking world as a Luminous can. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Changelings may learn and use Luminous Dreamweaving as if they were Starborn + and may use their innate Dreamweaving in any space with High Mutability. + Luminous and powerful Dreamborn may treat the Hedge as if it had Medium + Mutability. + Lesser dreamers have neither the force of will or innate connection to + the Wyrd required to shape the Hedge. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Oaths +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous have a Charm that allow them to join to Wyrd-bound Pacts as a full + participant. + This has farther reaching consequences than it may seem at first glance. + Membership in Freeholds is an Oath, and so is membership in their courts. + Joining a Freehold has no innate particular mechanical implications, beyond + justifying Status and similar merits. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Deviant +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Chronicles +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Interactions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Intimacy +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Divergence fundamentally scars the souls of the Broken, twisting their relation + with the Dream as much as any other part of their being. + Divergents do not create any Intimacy normally, and instead have Connected + Intimacy with all their Touchstones of any type – subject to the normal + restrictions on mutual relationships. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Reflected Light +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Resonance reaches out for the Broken as with any other person, with all + the chaos and complications such a connection brings. + While Deviants have no Anchors a Luminous may draw on, she may instead + use Reflected Light to gain one of their Touchstones or a temporary Loyalty + Touchstone towards them. + In doing so, she is subject to a pale (but still painful) reflection of + the implications of Divergence. + Should she Falter or has not gained Willpower from the Touchstone before + the end of the scene, she immediately takes a severe Hope damage. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Similarly, Deviants cannot reflect a Luminous' own Anchors through her Resonance +, and may instead gain a Touchstone of the same kind they have with her + towards a person she has Strong or Connected Intimacy with. + This does not provide additional Loyalty but may be used to regain Willpower + and heal Instability in the same way as any other Touchstone. + If they do not gain Willpower from the Touchstone before the end of the + scene, it causes a minor Instability. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Luminous x Demon +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +If there is anything the Luminous and Unchained have in common, it is that + they are good at hiding. + Demons live many lives, wear many faces, each seeming just as mundane as + the others. + Luminous hide behind their Mundane Form, only revealing their true dreams + when they must. + In that sense, most of the time the two hardly even know they are interacting + with another supernatural being. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +When they do find out, it's usually the awkward result of one of a Demon's + Pacts. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Interactions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous hold the power to connect people's hearts, and Demons hide powers + to lie to the world itself. + Their powers inevitably conflict, and worse yet, the two cannot simply + avoid each other. + Both veil themselves as mundane humans, and they cannot recognize each + other for what they are. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Bonds and Lies +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Demon's may lies fool the Dream itself. + If he hides his true feelings from the one he loves, he may suppress bonds + of Intimacy that would normally be woven. + If he presents himself as feeling closer to someone than he does, he may + create bonds of Intimacy he does not truly mean. + However, to create a false bond of Intimacy like that means to put one's + self at the mercy of a Luminous' Echo. + Her power was not meant to be lied to, and it acts unwittingly to create + a bond rather than reinforce one that already exists. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As long as a Demon fakes Strong Intimacy with a Luminous, her Echo conducts + Social Maneuvering against the Demon with the goal to bring his true feelings + in line with his false Intimacy. + Every week, she rolls Power + Resonate - the Demon's Composure to attempt + to open a door. + Should he fake an Connected Intimacy instead, this roll gains the rote + quality and occurs once per night. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Echoes, thankfully, cannot reveal a Demon's nature to the Luminous. + It treats a Demon's Covers as if they were protected by a Luminous' Dual + Identity, even at Strong or Connected Intimacy. + This does not require a roll and is not Spoofing. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Weave of Bonds fundamentally destroys the separation Liar's Tongue relies + on – it has no effect on a Demon's Partner. + Any Demon who would willingly accept such a Weave, though, would likely + consider this a benefit more than an downside. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This was a hard one to figure out. + Demons lie, their deceptions and the Pacts that force them are so core + to their splat. + Luminous have a power that connects hearts. + Every Demon power that reflects their abilities to lie draw on the separation + between their bodies and their minds. + Which... + doesn't help much when Luminous connect minds directly. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Still, it isn't any good if Demons are stymied from making Pacts with a + Luminous even tangentially involved. + Hence, the Echo is... + a danger for Demons, but not one that stops them from trying. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Pacts +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Demon Pacts do not pierce a Luminous' Dual Identity, unless the Demon is + aware of it and specifically writes the Pact to account for her two forms. + Thus, a Luminous could trade away her relationship with a friend in Mundane + Form to a Demon, and still maintain that relationship in her Dream Form + – and in fact, this is the default for Demons unaware of her nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Similarly, a Soul Pact treats her two forms separately. + A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Mundane Form gives the Demon her entire mundane + life as usual – however, the Luminous may live on through her Dream Form + (with the usual effects of Fading). + A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Dream Form consumes both her identities, annihilat +ing her entirely. + This has the usual effects of a Demon attempting to take a supernatural + soul as a Cover. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Making a Pact +\emph on +with +\emph default + a Luminous, though. + Now +\emph on +that +\emph default + justifies some complications. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Luminous x Mage +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Interactions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mages touch all parts of the world with their magic, and the Luminous and + Maou are no different. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Defiant Will +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While Mages hae a separate system of Withstand instead of the usual contested + or resisted rolls, Defiant Will still applies penalties to their Dice Pools + in addition to the usual Withstand. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In the context of Mage, Defiant Will is somewhat broader than its description + would imply. + Attempts to use Death to influence a Willful's soul, or use Space to affect + a Luminous' relationships with anyone them have Strong or Connected Intimacy + with also trigger Defiant Will, in addition to the obvious Mind effects. + More indirect Arcana like Fate or Time are not impeded. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Withstand is complicated. + I really wish I could make Hope factor into Withstand somehow, but the + scaling never quite worked out without extreme complexity. + Easier to just hit their dice pool. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Arcana and Willful Magic +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Evocations are a projection of stories and imagination upon the world, and + thus fall under the combined purview of the Mind, Fate and Prime Arcana. + Active Mage Sight bound to any of the three may detect the casting of an + Evocation – however, afterwards, the Dream's laws come into effect. + In Mage Sight, an active Evocation feels as if the true Supernal symbols + underlying the Fallen World are buried under those of the Evocation. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While those underlying truths reassert themselves when the glamour fades, + Awakened magic still treats all things created or modified by an Evocation + as what they appear to be – as with all things of the Astral. + Thus, a dreamwoven rock falls under the purview of the Matter Arcana as + if it were fully real. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' Dream Form is obviously a projection of her dreams under Mind + Mage Sight, and other Arcana treat her as what she appears to be. + Normally Life is required to affect her as with most living beings, but + some Luminous may have less conventional forms that require different Arcana. + Mages cannot force transformation or detransformation directly, and Mind + Shield provides no protection against Evocations that do not affect the + mind directly. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' Echo is best studied with Mind and Space. + Bonds of Intimacy are usually similar to the corresponding Sympathetic + ties. + If needed, a Mage may add Mind 1 to Space spells to specifically view or + manipulate Intimacy. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Maou mechanics? Likely depends on what their final mechanics are. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Motes and Hope +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +To Mages, Motes are something very similar to Willpower – simply found in + an abnormal abundance for a normal human. + As it is not truly a form of energy, the most Mages can do is drain a Mote + Pool as a Mind Unraveling spell. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Similarly, a Luminous' Hope is simply a measurement of their mental stability. + To a Mage, does not feel as if a source of supernatural power at all. + A Mage may cause mild Hope damage equal to Potency with a Mind Flaying + spell, or severe damage with a Mind Unraveling spell. + Healing Hope damage is far harder as magically granted emotional strength + does not fuel a Luminous' magic. + In mechanical terms, the most a Mage can do to help with Hope is cure Hope + Conditions, not heal the underlying Hope damage. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Transferring Motes would cause a lot of balance issues. + They regenerate per scene, and... + that's a subtle but powerful advantage of theirs. + It shouldn't at all be easily shared. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Giving anyone the ability to restore Hope by fiat would also break the game's + themes. + Luminous have to struggle versus Hope, and any powerful enough healing + ability, in my opinion, will damage that severely. + Changeling's Clarity recovery Contract works because it's so mild, and + has a significant social interaction component. + It makes +\emph on +sense +\emph default + in context of Luminous. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Soul Magic +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +While the Luminous call their dream worlds Soulspaces, they is more a modificati +on of their Oneiros than a soul as a Mage would call it. + They still have a true soul, which is treated as an Awakened Soul, even + in Mundane Form. + Dual Identity cloaks this fact, and a Mage who tries to use the spell +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Sever Soul +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + on an untransformed Luminous does not learn why her spell has failed and + her powers do not detect her soul as anything other than mundane. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Furthermore, Luminous do not suffer from Soul Loss as most beings do. + The root cause of Fading is not the lack of a physical body – but rather + their lack of a soul as Mages would recognize it. + Luminous suffer a variant of Fading instead of Soul Loss. + As long her as her physical body remains alive, she may still transform + and still has a Mundane Form. + Should she Fade in such a state, she loses all Luminous powers and gains + the Thrall condition [M:tAw 318]. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As a Luminous can more or less sustain herself indefinitely without a soul, + it's far from unheard of for Luminous aware of this fact to offer their + own souls to save someone from Soul Loss. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Maou are far less interesting in this regard. + Their souls are treated as Awakened Souls. + They do not innately lose their ability to use their magic when Soulless; + however because Willpower is their core resources, they will suffer magically + for it as well. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Here, have a free roleplaying opportunity. + :3 +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I don't really like how a lot of fanworks (or at least players of them) + treat Mage' opinion of what is what as the core canonical answer. + Luminous think of their Soulspaces as their soul, even if Mages would say + it's actually their Oneiros. + There's no point in bending the rest of the book for Mage's sake – I use + the terms that are most understandable and +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +feel right +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + for conveying the tone I want. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I can always explain later how it looks to Mages. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Princess +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +For their very different origins, Luminous and Princesses get along with + little trouble. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex Sidebar +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Argument 1 +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Elephant in the Room +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous began as a version of Princess, before its themes diverged too + much to be recognizable. + While the two can coexist, two splats built around magical girls themes + and changing the world for the better can often create an unfortunate thematic + redundancy. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Unless you have a good idea as to how to take advantage of their differences + and similarities as a Storyteller, it is probably better to choose one + or the other for your chronicle. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In general, this would involve pushing further the theme of Princesses being + in a fight against the Darkness (something Luminous are not amazing at + participating in), and pushing the more +\series bold +Dreaming +\series default +-like themes of Luminous such as their stewardship over dreams or their + opposition to Disbelief. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Appendix B: Crossover Options +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This chapter lists modifications to options in other Chronicles of Darkness + books for crossover games with Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Changeling: the Lost +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Avowed Luminous +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Avowed Luminous – Weave/Origin Rules +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Luminous Merits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous may touch upon the Wyrd unusually well due to its close ties with + dreams. + With Storyteller permission, Luminous with well developed connections to + the fae may take certain merits normally open to Changelings. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Court Goodwill (• to •••••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Prerequisites: +\series default +Shining Vow, membership in a Freehold +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Luminous who are members of a Freehold may gain Court Goodwill as a Changeling + does. + The usual modifications to Mantle applies should she have 3 or more dots. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Mantle (• to •••••) +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Prerequisites: +\series default +Shining Vow, membership in a Freehold and one of its Courts +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Effect: +\series default + Luminous who seal themselves to the Oaths of a Freehold and one of its + Courts gains its Mantle as any Changeling would. + Her Dream Form's appearance shifts to include the Mantle's effects, she + is treated as if her Wyrd were equal to her Reverie and she spends Motes + in place of Glamour. + She does not gain any benefits from the additional way to gain Glamour, + and may not gain Contracts through it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Spring ••••: +\series default + Luminous gain an additional Willpower when they act according to their + Wish rather than Needle. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Spring ••••• / Morning +\series default + +\series bold +••••• +\series default +: Luminous may apply this benefit to Hope rather than Clarity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Autumn ••• / Day ••••: +\series default + Luminous may instead reduce the Mote cost of Evocations when these benefits + apply. + This does not reduce the Luminosity required to maintain them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Autumn •••••: +\series default + Effects Luminous mimic in this way count as Evocations, and are subject + to Transience. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Summer Loeg •••• / Winter Loeg •••• / Ebb Tide ••••: +\series default + Luminous may increase their effective Resistance by one in Dream Form when + the conditions are met. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + +\series bold +Flood Tide •••••: +\series default + As Luminous cannot Portal, they do not gain the usual benefits of this + Mantle. + They instead reduce the Mote cost of Evocations used to escape confinement + or other restraints by one. + This does not reduce the Luminosity required to maintain them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection* +Vector Edges +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous gain edges from the following Vectors as if they were members of + the following types of supernatural creatures: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Hunters: +\series default + Surveillance, The Boss Is In, Comprehension, Define, Eyes on Target, Ocular + Mapping, Intel Package, Purge Weakness +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Changelings: +\series default + Panopticon, The Big Lie, Purification, Divine Revelation, Modern Miracle, + Breakdown, Discovery, Plutomancy, Shift Contamination +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Beasts: +\series default + Cleansing Flame, Breach, Contagion Shroud +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Mages: +\series default + Warning Imagery +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous gain unique Edges for the following Vectors: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Babble: +\series default + Oracles with ties to the Dream may twist its flows into itself, inverting + the ties between speaker and listener. + When the Babble vector is used by a character with this edge, other characters + understand their speech as what they expect them to say rather than gibberish, + communicating no truly new information. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Godhead: +\series default + Your power to defy the world's laws grows shaper than ever before. + While this vector is active, you treat all spaces as if their Mutability + was one level higher for your Dreamweaving. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Renewal: +\series default + When your form is woven of your own imagination, the line between physical + and mental afflictions is not so clear. + A character with this edge can suppress any Condition they could clear + with Dreamweaving rather than only physical ones. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Improve: +\series default + You seal an ephemeral power into your sigil, bestowing the same gifts you + enjoy in your dreams. + Luminous may bestow a single Dream Attribute or Weaving Skill with their + sigil in place of the usual three, allowing the recipients to apply them + in place of their mundane equivalents. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Evolve: +\series default + A faint echo of the initial link remains even after it fades, resonating + with the emotions of both parties. + You know the emotional state of the other party at all times, and gain + a +3 bonus to all rolls to understand or emphasize with them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Fire for Effect: +\series default + The bonds tying together all of humanity burn strongly in your heart, and + may draw closer upon them in moments of crisis. + You gain 3 temporary Motes in your Mote Pool, which may only be spent on + Evocations used to support your Allies. + These may exceed the usual limit, but disappear if not used once the vector + is over. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Drain Energy: +\series default + A Luminous using Drain Energy gains Motes equal the size of her Mote Pool, + up to a maximum of twice its usual capacity. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Control Contagion: +\series default + Luminous gain the same benefits as Hunters when using Control Contagion. + For the chapter, the Luminous is treated as an Angel by supernatural powers + in Dream Form and Read the Winds functions on Infrastructure rather than + any of its usual targets. + Furthermore, she gains the Open and Infrastructure conditions as the God-Machin +e weaves her into its plans. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Appendix C: Conditions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This chapter lists Conditions that may apply to characters in the course + of a Luminous chronicle. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Sealed Vow (persistent) +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The character is bound to their word through the power of a Luminous' magic. + Should she abandon her promise or act in violation of it, she takes a box + of severe Hope damage (if she has Hope, or a similar track) and receives + a Hope Condition. + The next time each person she made her promise to talks with her, they + become aware of her transgression. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Possible Sources: +\series default + The +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths]{Binding Oaths} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + or +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +hyperref[subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread]{Sealing Thread} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + upgrade to Shining Vow. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Resolution: +\series default + The promise becomes moot because a premise of it is no longer true, or + it reaches its natural conclusion. + Sealed Vow also ends without providing a beat if the character violates + its terms. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Beat: +\series default + The character suffers significant hardship, or abandons other goals in + favor of upholding her promise. +\end_layout + \begin_layout Standard \begin_inset ERT status open diff --git a/Book_Luminous_Comm.lyx b/Book_Luminous_Comm.lyx deleted file mode 100644 index f51d83e..0000000 --- a/Book_Luminous_Comm.lyx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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+\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "chap:Foreword" + +\end_inset + + \end_layout \begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset include -LatexCommand include -filename "Content_Maou.lyx" +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Maou: the Lineage +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + is a fanmade roleplaying game for the Chronicles of Darkness, published + by White Wolf Publishing. + Players take on the role of guardians of civilization, sworn by ancient + compacts to maintain all that humanity had built in its long ages and guide + us onto the proper path. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The +\series bold +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default + book is needed to use this book. + At the time of preparation, that book is available from +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "DriveThru RPG" +target "https://www.drivethrurpg.com/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +playtesttext {Maou: the Lineage} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + Source code for the system document can be found on +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +href{https://github.com/Lymia/LuminousTheDream/tree/ +\backslash +gitHash}{Github} +\end_layout + +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Credits +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Maou: the Lineage +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + is primary written by AuroraAmissa, with help with several contributors. + Without their help, this project would have been far more painful than + it was. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Suzune, who wrote many of the basic concepts behind the Maou, and helped + immensely in working through basic mechanics of the Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Ellie, who has provided me a great deal of support through the earlier parts + of the project, and provided very valuable feedback throughout. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Xelsius, who has been a consistent source of feedback and encouragement + throughout the project. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +MushroomBadger whose work on Beloved showed many alternative ways of how + something like what I am doing could be done. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +TrueMrMultiverse, WillOfTheWinds, and all the others who helped immensely + with their feedback and suggestions. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In the end, this project was inspired by and would not exist with many of + its predecessors. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Maou: the Lineage +\series default +\shape default +\emph default + is ultimately an offshoot of a project to rewrite Princess: the Hopeful. + During its development, the idea of a fully playable antagonist faction + came up, which eventually became this book. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +\shape italic +\emph on +Chronicles of Darkness +\series default +\emph default + +\shape default +and all its splats shine as a bright example as to what tabletop can be. + There is much to learn from their authors and their works for most game + designers, and how they improved on its earlier editions. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex ContentWarning +status open + +\begin_layout Section* +Content Warning +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Maou content warning. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +If you are sensitive to such content, please take care when reading or playing + +\series bold +Maou +\series default +. + Safety techniques for such things are discussed in [TODO: Chapter link]. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A standard content warning, really. + Typeset in red, because stuff like this really needs to be read. + It may not be needed for every CofD splat, but Luminous has good reason + for one – touching on multiple themes I know some people have trouble with. + +\emph on +Changeling: the Lost +\emph default + similarly had one of these for very good reasons. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Please don't be afraid to put these in your systems, if yours is similar. + Don't feel obligated if your system doesn't touch on so much sensitive + topics. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section* +Legal Stuff +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike + 4.0 Unported License. + To view a copy of this license, visit +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "their website" +target "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain + View, California, 94041, USA. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work uses fonts licensed under the +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" +target "https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + +. + It uses the +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "Cormorant" +target "https://github.com/CatharsisFonts/Cormorant" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + font by Christian Thalmann, +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "Fira Sans" +target "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + by Carrois Apostrophe, and +\begin_inset CommandInset href +LatexCommand href +name "DejaVu Sans Mono" +target "https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/" +literal "false" + +\end_inset + + by various contributors. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is + not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This work uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. + All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainme +nt purposes only. + Furthermore, this book contains mature content. + Reader discretion is advised. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset CommandInset toc +LatexCommand tableofcontents + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Introduction +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Once we took the world into our hands. + We defied the gods. + We ate the Forbidden Fruit. + We stole the secrets of fire from the Gods. + In that one moment we forged the power that became our regal and unwavering + Will. + And we built. + We built a world to call our own over long centuries. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The bonfires we stole beat back the darkness that covered the world just + ever so little. + Ever so little that we could see clearly what we had to do to make the + world ours. + We plowed the ground, following the secrets we stole from the Tree of Knowledge. + We sowed the seeds that would one day take root. + That one day would sustain a world eons to come. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In our stories, we remember how we set off on our long and dark path. + We warn of the thorns we would find on that path... +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Sakura leaned over a railing atop a tower, overlooking a city of shining + glass and regal metal, still gleaming even under the pale moonlight. + Thinking of the rice fields that once covered that entire concrete landscape. + Soon it would be her turn to write. + Her grandfather once taught her his own legacy, how to shape the Will that + lie in all our hearts. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +He taught she must do, what her purpose in this world must be. + He taught her how to rule. + He taught her the hard choices she would have to make, when the Dark gave + her no perfect answer. + ... + and how to strike back at the Dark's grasp, so she would never have to + once more. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +But now, he rested on what would soon be his deathbed. + She turned back, back through the door she willed open. + Walking back down sterile white halls and tiled floors. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When it came his time... + she would say her goodbyes, hold his hand. + +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Big girls don't cry +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, he once said. + They both knew it was a lie. + But it was a lie that pushed her forward. + It was time to face the truth now. + She stepped out, back into the streets of the city she would soon call + her own, staring into the sky. + The tears had already dried. + She was simply left with the burdens she inherited and the memories of + what she had lost. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Even if nobody would recognize her face at the end of her own chapter, even + if she must pass on the torch unseen one day, even if she would have to + remind those who were powerful and those who dreamed alike why she must + be feared too, even if she had to face the Dark alone... + she was happy to have a place in this world. + And she knew. + Every once of those things would happen, one day. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Caught between so many forces, cities like this were always only a breeze + away from falling apart at the seams. + When the Dreamers seek to reweave its weft, she would be there to guide + their hand. + When stranger forces came to take it for their own, she would be there + to stand against them. + When the powerful forget that they will one day have their own descendants, + she would be there to remind them. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +When it came her own time to fade away, she would pass that torch on once + more. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +She repeated to herself the vows her grandfather taught her to those skies. + +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +By my hand, may they never fade. + By my hand, may they never know the Dark of night. +\begin_inset Quotes xrd \end_inset + Those Vows were what made her Maou, separated her from hedge witches and + psychics. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +She looked back to the world around her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +She would... + set to work soon. + To claim the legacy her grandfather left her. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Setting +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\emph on +Maou: the Lineage +\emph default + is a game about those who drive the world forward from the shadows. + They are the ones behind stories of the Illuminati, stories of the Freemasons. + In a world besieged by Darkness and shadows, they alone hold the line. + They alone carry on the torch that keeps humanity afloat a sea of shadows. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +In this game, you play one of the Maou, one such soul who wields the only + power humanity may call its own – our power to bend the world to our will. + Some shaped the world through technology, through medicine, through decrees + alone. + They never learned of our true potential, the power they could reach for + if they reached deep inside. + You did. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You hold a legacy from a time before we knew how to write our words onto + paper, and know you will one day pass it on. + In the space in between, you do what you can to keep the world your ancestors + built alive. + Whether you hold obvious power or rule from the shadows, that is your purpose, + and that is the Vow you made when you agreed to carry on that legacy. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It will not be easy. + Shadows strike at the world from all directions. + The closest thing you have to an ally dream so brightly that they threaten + to lull the world into an eternal sleep. + Humanity's eyes are covered with an veil, pulled over them by the Dark + forces of the world. + They hold a knife at humanity's throat, threatening to cut it all if they + came to know. + So you walk the path alone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +You know that this world should belong to humanity. + You know this isn't how it's meant to be. + So you will fight. + If humanity cannot know of the Dark, you will give them the most light + they can have in its shadows. + If they cannot be allowed to know of what you are, you will guide their + path towards that future from the shadows. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +It's too late to turn back from this path. + Until the day the tide turns, you will stand tall. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Maou are a fusion of the concepts behind the Twilight Courts, Mnemosynes, + the royalty themes of Princesses all at once. + The Darkness was never a suitable antagonist for Princesses, and they are + even less so one for the Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As the ideas developed, I realized that Maou are quite an interesting faction + of their own. + At worst dark gray, than ever truly black. + They are not the true antagonists of Luminous, and nor are Luminous the + true antagonists of the Maou. + Hence, I decide to make them simply another playable splat of their own + right. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +... + the line is blurry at the best of times. + The powers of the Luminous set them apart, yes, but... + do they truly want different things? Are their views truly incompatible? + Is it as the Luminous say, that they are allies, and the Maou simply scared? + Is it as the Maou say, and that the Luminous mean well, but do not understand + the world? +\end_layout +\begin_layout Plain Layout +They are certainly different, that is for sure. + The scars of an schism older than history still remain... +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 1: The Lineage +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Life shapes the world around them as it changes. + That has been the way it was from the start. + At the end of that old Lineage, from the chaotic play of flesh and vine, + one species rose beyond. + They not only looked upon the world in fixed, instinctive patterns, but + came to see it as it truly was. + Adrift, lost, and above all else, malleable. + They saw that they could change the world, and that they did not exist + to its whims. + Only when we learned our future was ours to build, did humanity's true + story begin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +We looked upon a world that could be ours. + Our nascent souls ignited in this revelation, sparking the one power we + could truly call our own: Will. + Through that power, we built our world of cities, roads and networks over + generations. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Lineage the Maou inherit is cast down from that era, in all its glory + and faults. + They are the ones that maintain the path humanity set themselves on generations + ago. + They vow to maintain humanity on the true path, pruning the branches that + would lead humanity back into the chaos and wilderness of old. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Their Ancestry reflects the ideals they hold, and the path they wish to + see humanity continue down. + Their Keystone is the means by which they anchor their Will into a coherent + force. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Keystones +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setsplatlayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Keystone of Dreams +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center + +\emph on +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Our dreams aren't just meaningless imaginings of our subconscious. +\begin_inset Newline newline +\end_inset + +They are a reflection of the worlds we truly want, that are yet to be. +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Every human dreams in the night, even if they forget it in the day. + We dream of impossible worlds that could never be, and wish with all our + hearts to make them so regardless. + The Keystone of Dreams holds the power to bind them into reality, upending + natural law in favor of the light of stories and dreams. + It holds the power to connect dreams, allowing those who would never meet + in reality to know each other in a way siblings and lovers would envy. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +That is all true, and yet, it is no longer a power of the Maou. + In an era before the first records were written into history, the first + Dreamers built their own worlds into the Astral, a reflection of what they + wished the world to be. + Through their ephemeral touch, they built families and small communities + bound by shared understanding. + Through their Light, they erased the pains of the world and brought what + would be tragedies towards better endings. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Dreamers always imagined what the world could be if it were only a small + bit fundamentally different, rather than looking to the here and now. + When they wanted to prepare for tomorrow, and the Maou wanted to live for + today, they always fought. + The two sides drifted apart, sketching the shape of an inevitable tragedy + to come. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Those who hold the Keystone of Dreams are Luminous, the wayward children + of the Lineage. + They are the ones who dream of worlds far better than those the Maou build, + and yet who cannot be allowed to bring them into reality for fear of what + their dreams may break. + ... + in effect, in every way that matters, they are no longer Maou. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard + +\series bold +Benefits: +\series default + Maou cannot take the Keystone of Dreams. + When learning the powers of the Maou, or interacting with some of their + abilities, however, Luminous are considered to have the Keystone of Dreams + with no Ancestry. + They do not add their Reverie or Code ratings to their dice pools, instead + relying on their transformed attributes and skills. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align left + +\series bold +Nicknames: +\series default + Luminous, Dreamers, Hopeful, Weavers +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Let's be real here. + This entire section isn't really for gameplay, it's for fluff. + Anything put here about how Luminous and Maou powers interact will be repeated + elsewhere in more depth and with more clarity. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsubsection* +Code: Idealis +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The old Code of Idealis is no longer exists in any meaningful way. + Should a Maou try to grasp it regardless, they would find that it had fragmente +d into countless Invocations reflecting worlds the Weavers built in their + dreams. + In theory, a Maou with amicable ties to the Luminous may still be taught + an Invocation, the same way they learn other foreign Codes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +A few rare abilities of the Maou may be Invoked using Idealis. + Any Luminous Invocation will fulfill this requirement. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset ERT +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout + + +\backslash +setnormallayout +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\begin_inset Newpage newpage +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 2: The Records +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 3: The Path of Will +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Willful hold the fate of humanity in their hands. + They are bound by ancient accords to maintain the structures and pillars + that maintain humanity's hold on the world. + In exchange for that vow, they are given the privilege of magic. + This chapter describes the basic powers and mechanics of the Maou. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Character Creation +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Maou character creation. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Anchors +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +The Maou face the world through their sheer force of will. + For all the power it grants, they must still draw that will from somewhere. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Will +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write Will (Maou Anchor) section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Both the Luminous and the Maou share this anchor – the same way they share + the power of Will. + Little fluff things like this are great for pushing themes like that. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Purpose +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write Purpose (Maou Anchor) section. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +The Ways +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Over the long generations, bit by bit, humanity carved out a place for themselve +s in a world that was never meant for them. + It is that legacy that the Maou inherit, and it is that legacy that they + draw their power from. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Ascendancy +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Maou too have a vision for the world, ones that bring humanity to greater + heights, who see us overcoming barriers we had never thought possible. + Ascendancy measures the amount of power they hold over the tides of the + Astral, and their ability to shape reality to their will. + This is a Maou's power stat, granting her Supernatural Tolerance [CofD + 70]. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Motes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Maou use Motes much like the Luminous, +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Codes +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 4: The Will to Power +\begin_inset CommandInset label +LatexCommand label +name "Chapter-TheWillToPower" + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Section +Luminous Magics +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +Maou may learn the powers of the Luminous, but they enforce their Will upon + reality in very different ways. + When using the powers of Idealis, Maou use their own Shaping Actions rather + than Weaving Actions. + This section gives the dice pools Maou use for Luminous powers. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Subsection +Charms +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize + +\series bold +Resonant Truth: +\series default + Wits + Empathy - target's Composure +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 5: The Shadowed World +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Chapter 6: Humanity's Reach +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Appendix A: The Night's Domain +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +TODO: Write this chapter. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Chapter +Appendix B: Conditions +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +This chapter lists Conditions that may apply to characters in the course + of a Maou chronicle. \end_layout \begin_layout Standard diff --git a/Book_Maou_Comm.lyx b/Book_Maou_Comm.lyx deleted file mode 100644 index e15eb17..0000000 --- a/Book_Maou_Comm.lyx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,170 +0,0 @@ -#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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-\begin_body - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset include -LatexCommand input -filename "Format_Luminous.lyx" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsection{luminous} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Foreword -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "chap:Foreword" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is a fanmade roleplaying game for the -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -, inspired by the -\emph on -mahou shoujo -\emph default - genre of anime and manga. - Players take on the role of those caught between the waking world and the - world of dreams. - Wielding a faint power from their unison, they seek to bring a better future - for both worlds and all within. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default - book is needed to use this book. - At the time of preparation, that book is available from -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DriveThru RPG" -target "https://www.drivethrurpg.com/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -playtesttext {Luminous: the Dream} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Source code for the system document can be found on -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -href{https://github.com/AuroraAmissa/LuminousTheDream/tree/ -\backslash -gitHash}{Github} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This version of Luminous: the Dream contains author commentary by AuroraAmissa. - It contains extra text (typeset in pinkish boxes like this one) that explain - how various design decisions in this fansplat came about, and help people - who are writing roleplay systems understand the themes and subtler points - of how Luminous is (meant to) come together. - For Storytellers too, it will likely give quite a good deal of insight - into how to run the game on subtle points that are hard to include in the - main text. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A lot of the D&D/Pathfinder homebrew on the Giant in the Playground forums - once used collapsibles for a similar purpose, and seeing that helped me - develop my own sense for game design early on. - Mark Rosewater's blog on the design of Magic: the Gathering and its mechanics - was similarly invaluable for that. - This commentary is a love letter to them, of passing on the torch. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Princess, to me, feels as if it became diluted over the course of its developmen -t process. - It kept every individual piece of the original Princess: the Fading pitch - by Cruton, but lost its core feel in the process. - There were those who felt it was too similar to Changeling: the Dreaming, - and tried to distinguish it. - People had different opinions on how dark Princess should be, struggled - and disagreed about how to tell a dark story about those who hope. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Its authors wasn't able to commit to a coherent theme in the way White Wolf's - works do. - I don't want to repeat that mistake. - Luminous chooses a theme, rather than trying to be a little bit of something - for everyone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It is a story about those who are caught between reality and their dreams, - and in seeing what the world could be in their dreams cannot bear to see - the world remain shrouded in shadows. - It is a story about those who burn bright with the hope and wonder of childhood -, carrying that light into a world that had long chosen to forget it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream is not some Trap. - Sensitivity is not some price to pay. - There is no Darkness to blame for humanity's faults. - ... - if Luminous is like Dreaming, I choose to embrace that comparison. - If it would be the brightest fansplat, even more so than Changeling: the - Lost or Geist or Princess, than so be it. - It's a story I feel is worth telling, and worth playing. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In exchange, Luminous can't appeal to everyone Princess appeals to. - That's fine. - It'll be a better game for it. - The same aspects of Princess I've discarded would be done more justice - by a splat that more concretely focuses on them too. - MushroomBadger has started his own fansplat, Beloved: the Promise doing - exactly that, focusing less on dreams and imagination and more the struggle - of light and dark. - It works too, and it too is a better game for discarding what Luminous - focuses on. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The one way to write something -\emph on -great -\emph default - is to write for yourself, and the vision you want to convey. - Not every possible person who could possibly want to read your works. - You can't satisfy everyone. - You can't write something amazing that way. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Credits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is primary written by AuroraAmissa, with help with several contributors. - Without their help, this project would likely have not been possible. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Suzune, who helped immensely with the core ideas behind Luminous' mechanics - and core lore. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Ellie, who has provided me a great deal of support through the earlier parts - of the project, and provided very valuable feedback throughout. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Hanako, who taught me the ways of the dark magical girl. - :) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Xelsius, who has been a consistent source of feedback and encouragement - throughout the project. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -MushroomBadger whose work on Beloved showed many alternative ways of how - something like what I am doing could be done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -TrueMrMultiverse, WillOfTheWinds, and all the others who helped immensely - with their feedback and suggestions for Archetypes and similar details. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Beyond those who worked with me directly, Luminous has been inspired by - many other works that came before. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - started as a rewrite of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - before it diverged greatly later on in development. - Even if few traces of it remain in Luminous, Princess still paved the way - for fanworks like this and inspired this project. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Over time, -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Changeling: the Dreaming -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - became more and more of an inspiration for me, as I tried connecting the - themes of dreams, activism and magical girl anime. - Luminous very much began becoming a spiritual successor to it over time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The -\series bold -Exalted 2e -\series default - sourcebook, -\series bold -Graceful Wicked Masques -\series default -, despite its very different theme, was an ample source of inspiration as - to how to present the Astral/Dream in a way befitting its nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -\emph default - -\shape default -and all its splats shine as a bright example as to what tabletop can be. - There is much to learn from their authors and their works for most game - designers, and how they improved on its earlier editions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -A Wind in the Door -\series default -, the novel that first taught me so long ago what it meant to dream and - -\emph on -hope -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex ContentWarning -status open - -\begin_layout Section* -Content Warning -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - tells stories of the line between the escapism of dreams and the cruelties - of reality. - This book discusses subject matters such as poverty, sexism, racism, and - all kinds of the mundane and small cruelties that are too often overlooked. - Beyond that, its supernatural elements involve themes of irreality, blurred - boundaries between people, and rejection of reality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If you are sensitive to such content, please take care when reading or playing - -\series bold -Luminous -\series default -. - Safety techniques for such things are discussed in [TODO: Chapter link]. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Legal Stuff -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - was originally inspired by the Vocations version of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default -. - That version of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - was a collaborative effort of many posters who contributed to its development - on the RPGnet forums, including Cruton, Azunth, Michael Brazier, EarthScorpion, - Luc "Nickname" French, hazard151, Huitzil, Leliel, Kearin, TheKingsRaven, - Naomi Li, MagicSwordsman, Martin Padilla, SaulotTheGentle, and Jordy Vanderstuk -ken. - It is available under the CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. - It can be downloaded from its -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "homepage" -target "https://sites.google.com/site/princessthehopeful/home" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - 4.0 Unported License. - To view a copy of this license, visit -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "their website" -target "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain - View, California, 94041, USA. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses fonts licensed under the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" -target "https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. - It uses the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Dancing Script" -target "https://github.com/impallari/DancingScript" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - font by Pablo Impallari, -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Fira Sans" -target "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by Carrois Apostrophe, and -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DejaVu Sans Mono" -target "https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by various contributors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is - not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. - All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainme -nt purposes only. - Furthermore, this book contains mature content. - Reader discretion is advised. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset toc -LatexCommand tableofcontents - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Introduction -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is the author commentary version of Luminous, and contains notes on - design by its primary designer. - If you're confused, please read the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[chap:Foreword]{foreword} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - instead of skipping to the introduction. - :P -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -We were all born knowing how to dream of the wonder and beauty of the world, - and what it could become. - In the dark of night, too many of us forget... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -So many are lost to poverty, war, famine. - So many others are lost to small cruelties, of discrimination or simple - lack of will to understand. - You saw outcasts, loners, those abandoned by everyone else. - You couldn't understand why nobody cared. - Why you were the only one to try. - But... - the world would not yield for anyone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -So you wrote... - so you sang, let it out however you could. - So you dreamed... - of another, brighter world. - A world where there were others by your side, where you did not have to - struggle alone. - Where... - you could do something to help. - Where you had all the magic of dreams in your hands. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Those around you told you to let go. - That you couldn't help them, that your own troubles were all -\emph on -your -\emph default - fault. - That... - it was for your own good to give up those dreams. - But... - you couldn't. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Not when you saw a path forward. - One day, when you felt you had no other choice, you grasp for that light - you always wielded in your dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For once, the world itself would yield... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Setting -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - is a roleplaying game set in the -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -, a world much like our own – only caught between bleak mundanity and terrifying - supernatural horrors. - Perhaps, even more so than our own world, humanity gave up on doing more - than survive. - They forgot how to hope, how to enjoy life for what it is. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In this game, you play a Luminous, one of those champions of dreams and - imagination who still wishes to change the world, who still hopes for more - in a world not meant for them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Helpless to change the world that caused them and those they loved so much - suffering, they once escaped into the depths of their own dreams. - Beyond their own imagination, they found a shared dream of eight great - Dream Kingdoms, built by those who came before. - In that world, they would find a place where they learn to truly live, - learn to wield the magic of dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In time, they came to realize that light shone in the waking world too. - They weren't alone. - There were others who still cared, others who did their best through small - acts of kindness. - When they could bear it no longer, when they stood up and fought for all - they believed in, no matter how powerless they thought they were... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Something sparked deep in their soul. - A way to join the power of two worlds, to bring the magic they dreamed - of into the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous, like all Chronicles of Darkness splats is an outsider story. - Even if they weren't touched by mysterious eldritch beings, or forced into - a life they never wanted, they are still not people who fit in. - They aren't the people the world is built for. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Changeling: the Lost is a story about those who were hurt and traumatized, - and rely on each other for comfort and understanding. - The broader world doesn't even understand mundane trauma, blaming them - for their own wounds on all the little things they can't do, all the little - things they do that are -\emph on -different -\emph default -. - They never spare a thought for why. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Vampires are less of a metaphor for anything in reality, but no less an - outsider story – literally waking only when most people sleep. - Demons and Prometheans are those who were never human, but seek to be – - both in their own ways. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous aren't any less outsiders for how human they are. - They dream too brightly for a World of Darkness, hope for too much. - Normally voices like theirs are snuffed out by those who can't bare to - see others fail to realize their dreams like they once did. - Some are jealous, Some are scared, some are fearful. - They would rather just accept those cruelties as part of life, and... - survive. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Those like the Luminous have no place in that world. - They can't stop caring, the Dream is one that connects all things. - They know the pain those around them feel, and -\emph on -can't -\emph default - ignore it. - Human, but no less outsiders. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Themes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous -\series default - is built to tell stories like darker adaptations of the -\emph on -mahou shoujo -\emph default - genre of anime. - Stories of hope, of imagination, of love. - Stories of a path forward that don't shy away from the darker aspects of - life, but rather refuse to let them consume it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The heart of every Chronicles of Darkness splat are its themes. - This isn't an advertisement copy or an elevator pitch. - It's the anchor for the entire splat. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -The Journey of Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For most, growing up means to give up on hope. - Tomorrow always seemed too far away to care about, better to struggle through - today. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They're wrong, of course. - You see, in the margins, how much even a small wish can change the world, - even without the magic you wield. - But... - you still understand – how scary it is to try, when everyone else has given - up. - How hard it is to make the first move, when you know more likely than not, - you would be hurt for it. - In a corner of your heart, you are still afraid. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -To learn to truly hope again means to learn again what the world could truly - be – to unlearn those lessons you learned when you thought you had to grew - up... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Lights and Shadows -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -There are always small moments of happiness, hidden away places of beauty - to look forward to. - No matter how hard things get, life is always worth living for those moments. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -After all, the Luminous know, the magic of dreams itself comes from them. - They know how small moments of light can add up to something so much greater. - That... - even if they can't change the whole world, if nothing else, they can still - take the hand of those who forgot, reminded them once more why they struggle - so much for survival. - Show them that it is still possible to have a happy life... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even if it could only touch the heart of a single person, that alone, will - brighten the world just a little bit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Crossing Paths -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Nobody is ever truly alone in our world. - Every person relies on another, loves another, has been hurt by another. - The Luminous know that truth better than anyone else. - The Sea of Stars they draw their magic from was woven of those connections, - after all. - And reading its flows, they know – there will always be those they can - rely on, those they will one day come to rely on. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -On their journey between dreams and reality, they come to understand and - rely on the very different people and supernatural creatures they share - a world with. - Alone, the best they can do is live. - But... - together, with others sharing the same dream, perhaps, they may change - something for real. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Media -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I recommend the following works of media as possible inspiration in line - with Luminous' themes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Senki Zesshou Symphogear -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Symphogear follows the story of Hibiki, an ordinary girl who ends up bound - to an ancient relic, allowing her to transform and fight the Noise that - threaten the world. - At its heart, it is a story of heartfelt communication, the determination - to protect those you love, and the sacrifices one makes to do so. - About the scars of the past, and what must be done to heal them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hibiki stays strong in her belief to reach to the heart throughout, fighting - against people's despair as much she does the Noise. - When the members of the cast suffer tragedy, it is true their bonds with - each other that they're able to stand up again. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Magia Record -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Magia Record is the spiritual successor to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a - dark magical girl story that helped to popularized the genre. - For all its original is known for its darkness, though, it is still a story - of hope and love. - It is no wonder then, that its successor too fits well as an inspiration - for -\series bold -Luminous -\series default - chronicles. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The anime and video game pivots the focus more to human responses to the - woes of magic. - It embraces the personal stories that underlie Madoka's cosmic level story, - focusing on the relationships between magical girls and the friends that - pull them back from the brink of despair. - The phone game, in particular, tells the kinds of slice-of-life story Luminous - embraces – of magical girls who care for and love each other. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Library of Runia -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Library of Runia is a video game by Project Moon, following the story of - librarians who staff a magical library. - Through its powers, they learn the stories of the City they live in and - explore the past traumas and emotional scars. - In that sense, it is a deeply emotional story, about people, emotions, - growth and change more than anything else. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both the main protagonists, Angela and Roland have their own dark pasts - and scars that are revealed through the game's progress. - As dark as the City it portrays is, it shows the little glimmers of hope - that lie within, and how Angela and Roland alike come to regain the hope - that things can be better. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 1: Shining Lights -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -"Under this great big sky, there are thousands, no, tens of thousands of - people. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -All kinds of people with all sorts of wishes and feelings hiding inside." -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\emph default -Nanoha Takamachi, -\series bold -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hidden in the depths of our dreams, they all meld into one. - A world of stories woven from countless imaginations. - A dream of futures that could be, of the light we all know -\emph on -could -\emph default -exist in the depths of our heart. - Some people find that dream, remembering the paths they took to find it. - Some... - choose to stay, building themselves a second life in their dreams. - Some believed, knowing that future could come true if only we tried. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - and when they try to bring that dream into the waking world, when they - stand up for the ideals they saw... - a few, a rare few, Realize a deeper truth. - Why we dream. - The power that sprouted in their hearts when they began dreaming... - If they could believe in that power, coax it into reality, they would hold - for a moment all the dreams, memories, hopes and imaginations the Dream - remembers. - Guided by those lights, they weave their dreaming and waking lives into - one. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Thus, they ignite the magic that would make them Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Section* -Luminous Nomenclature -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Every CofD splat has a variety of terms for its supernatural beings, and - Luminous is no exception. - Main reason is it helps writing flow smoother, more than anything else. - The main inspirations for terms in Luminous are: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous terms tend to be flowery (but rather plain otherwise) English or - Italian in origin. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Dreamborn terms tend to be flowery English (implicit translation convention), - or Irish/Irish-like. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Maou terms (in the rare cases where Luminous use it as the primary term) - tend to be Latin in origin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In specific, some of the important terms with synonyms: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The main term for the splat is Luminous. - Other terms in use are -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -the Hopeful -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -a Light -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -/ -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -the Lights -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, or -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -a Weaver -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -/ -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -the Weavers -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The residents of the Dream are known as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Dreamborn -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, and those from the waking world are known as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Starborn -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - Luminous are not normally classified this way, usually being seen more - as something in between. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Dreamer is a generic term that may be applied to both Luminous and Starborn. - They are... - well, very quite literally dreamers in one way or another. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminary -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Luminary" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Sunlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -This is my ultimate strength... - everything I've got. - Starlight Breaker! -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\family sans -\emph default -Nanoha Takamachi, -\series bold -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha -\family default -\series default -\emph on - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace bigskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Sunlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - The sun stood proud in the sky, rising every day to beat back the dark - night. - So it had always been. - Its light defined day and night, its dance across the sky defined the seasons. - Even if just one star could not light a whole world, it still tries. - It is much the same for those Luminous who embrace the role of Sunlit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They were often those lost in darkness alongside everyone else – trapped - in a world full of people who didn't care and weren't allowed to care. - They were the ones who still tried to help, even as they themselves were - lost. - Of course it wasn't enough; they couldn't even save themselves. - No one person could. - When their defiance could sustain them no longer, the Dream calls most - to them... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When they Realize their own light, they vow to be the shining beacon they - tried to be all that time, to give a hand to those still lost in the dark, - to stand alongside those who wish to care but cannot find the will to, - to lead the charge against the world's shadows. - To act, to shine as the Sun does. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It isn't that most people don't want to help those lost in the dark, that - they don't want to change anything. - Few people truly like to see others suffer. - But... - what they can do about it? To stand up against the world means to earn - its ire. - It means to be the nail that gets hammered down. - So people don't. - They come up with reasons why those less fortunate deserve it, hide away - from the flaws of the world and pretend the shadows don't exist. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Some try anyway. - Some stand against the world, vowing to change it for the better. - Some beat back the dark forces of the world by hand, without a thought - to stealth. - Some inspire others through their bright cheer and personalities. - Others protect those they love, as little suns. - All of them are driven by the same feeling. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The will to stand in the center of the storm, aiming to outshine it all. - Defiance and desperation and passion, all woven together. - A candle that burns faster should it flickers too dim. - A fire that announces dawn. - Such is the dream of Sunlight. - The will to act. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even when they have no more to give, they don't give up. - Even if it burns themselves away in the process. - The shadows the Sun casts are those of self-destructive desperation. - All Weavers feel the press of Sensitivity, but for Sunlit it too easily - warps into an all-consuming passion – driving them to unreasonable self-sacrifi -ce. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Resolve: -\series default - Once per scene, a Sunlit may take a point of severe Hope damage to regain - two temporary Willpower for the Scene. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Shadows: -\series default - Whenever a Sunlit abandons or refuses to take an Aspiration from Sensitivity - with severe Hope damage marked, they gain a Hope condition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Sunlit dream brightly, usually appearing as magical girls, superheroes, - paladins, or knights in their Dream Forms. - All manners of the heroes of epic myth, old and new. - The rest of the supernatural world always imagined the Sunlit when they - hear of the Luminous, and it is no wonder. - They are the ones who stand out the most, most willing to stand in the - limelight. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They wield their magic no differently than any would expect. - They are direct and bright, favoring power and immediate action. - They would sooner rather blast through a building directly at their target - than reach it through infiltration. - The collateral damage doesn't matter – it disappears when their magic fades. - Of course, the transience of their magic frustrates them just as easily - when they really want the whole building gone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Radiance: -\series default - Sunlit have a particular affinity for Regalia. - They may sustain Regalia for one less Luminance (to a minimum of 1), and - treat each Ideals and Domains they possess as one dot higher when qualifying - for Regalia. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Moonlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Moonlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The moon is no mere reflection of the sun's light. - Its pale reflected light still guides lost travelers, and its presence - alone drives the rise and fall of the tides. - Those who follow the path of Moonlight embody that same strength of being, - subtly influencing the world around them without showing their hand. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They are the shrine maidens whose presence preserves the barrier of worlds, - the lovers whose kind words let the hero fight another day, the dryad who - guides visitors through the forest from the shadows. - The Moonlit, more than anything else, are the ones who improve the world - quietly in the shadows, pulling the world towards its best future. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Magic: -\series default - The magic of the Moonlit is subtle yet powerful, reflecting the innermost - nature of the caster in muted tones. - It is mysterious and occulted, seeming to just happen around the Moonlit - as a simple fact of their being, without them being seen doing anything. - Their transformations are similarly shrouded, often easily passing for - mundane clothing save for the occasional easily overlooked touch of the - supernatural. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write example characters section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Benefits section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Inspirations: -\series default - Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.), Aelita (Code Lyoko), Aura (.hack//) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Starlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Starlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -A thousand stars shine in the skies, each their own distant worlds in the - faraway heavens. - We look to the stars, and a thousand possible futures among them, each - just as colorful as the rest. - Those who follow the path of Starlight seek to embody those colorful worlds, - each inspiring themselves and others to shine brightly in their own unique - ways. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They are the dreamers who write fanciful stories of the worlds that could - be, the girl who inspires her shy friend out of her shell through her own - bright cheeriness, the art teacher who encourages her students to draw - what they truly want. - The Starlit, more than anything else, are the ones who show others what - is possible, that they could do the same themselves if they dared. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Magic: -\series default - The magic of the Starlit is quiet but colorful, reflecting the caster's - true self in a thousand different little ways. - Even when it isn't obvious what truth it reflects, it undeniably is a reflectio -n of something the Starlit values. - The transformations are the most varied of all Luminous, reflecting their - ideal self with no regard for any other concerns. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write example characters section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefits: -\series default - Luminous who resonate with Starlight have a particular affinity for Charms. - They may Invoke a single Invocation for no Mote cost when they cast a Charm. - Furthermore, they qualify for Charm upgrade requirements as if they had - one more dot in each Invocation they have at least one dot in. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Inspirations: -\series default - Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Archetype -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Archetype" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Archetype|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write text here. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Kingdoms -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Kingdoms" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Kingdom|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Invocations -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The Dream that the Luminous visit in their sleep and draw their power from - is itself a true world, if one built out of stories and feelings rather - than the matter and physics of the real world. - In that world of dreams, their predecessors wove eight Kingdoms of Light - over the years, dream-like visions of what the world could be some day - in the future. - Those visions shape the Invocations the Nobles use to shape their magic, - written by like-minded Luminous over the generations and preserved in the - depths of the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Kingdom is not quite like the Luminary or Archetype of a Luminous. - Rather than being a part of their Dreamscape, it is rather the physical - location their Dreamscape resides in. - Whether its Threshold appears as a mansion in a major city or an out-of-the-way - hollow in an unsuspecting tree, its physical presence in the Kingdom itself - is what defines a Noble unambiguously as a member of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The eight Dream Kingdoms a Luminous may reside in are: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Avalon, the First Garden -\series default -: A beautiful kingdom led by nobility sworn to serve the needs of their - people. - Its Invocation is Rosa, of social order and responsibility. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold -\series default -: A sprawling country whose residents pride themselves on their passions - and true values. - Its Invocation is Solare, of decisive action and rebellion. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Elysium, the Record of the Lost -\series default -: A sanctuary city that preserves the histories of the world as it is and - once was. - Its Invocation is Ricordo, of preserving history and protecting that which - you love. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Konohana, the Forest of Cycles -\series default -: A peaceful forest where all things live in harmony with each other. - Its Invocation is Flori, of adaptation and harmony with the world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Ildathach, the Colorful Dream -\series default -: A dream-like vision of a world triumphing over even the laws of reality. - Its Invocation is Prisma, of uncompromising idealism and defiance against - what must be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Muirias, the Crystal Isles -\series default -: A nation built on a series of islands filled with wonders of science and - magic. - Its Invocation is Brillare, of learning and wonder at the world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sancus, the Pyre Alliance -\series default -: A close-knit alliance of city-states built over the generations of hard - work. - Its Invocation is Accordi, of duties to one another and military might. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds -\series default -: A mountain range populated by colorful and varied nomadic tribes. - Its Invocation is Cieli, of the freedom of the skies and acceptance for - all peoples. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Not all Luminous become a member of a kingdom when they Blossom. - Unaffiliated Nobles have affinity with two Invocations of their choice - (including for buying the Invocation itself), but gain no Kingdom Benefit. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous Y-Splat. - It's ultimately not too different from Princess' Courts, but without the - royalty theme. - Only Avalon still has any connotations of being Noble, because it aligns - with its core themes and ideas. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I feel Twilight Courts were one of the bigger mistakes of Princess. - They were extreme (or otherwise tainted) versions of perfectly workable - worldviews, and almost seemed to present those worldviews as necessarily - twilight, not simply embedded in corrupted Courts. - Most of these Kingdoms are modified from P:tH's courts, modified to be - more comprehensive and less... - strangely opinionated. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Avalon, the First Garden -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Avalon writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Aztlan writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Elysium, the Record of the Lost -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Elysium writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Konohana, the Forest of Cycles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Konohana writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Ildathach, the Colorful Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Ildathach writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Muirias, the Archipelago of Stars -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Quote -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -"The universe is beautiful, whether you look at the big things or the small -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Some day the world will remember that..." -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In legend, the Tuatha de Danann sailed onto the island of Ireland from four - myth-shrouded cities: Falias, Goirias, Findias, and Muirias. - They brought their sciences, arts and ways of magic, teaching the natives - all they knew to be their equal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Naming their Kingdom after the great sea city of the Tuatha de Danann, the - Luminous of Muirias vow to teach all they know the world to offer. - They dream of a world where people seek to learn of the sciences and stories, - not only for the sake of what practical value they may hold, but to experience - the wonders of the world through them. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Member Nicknames: -\series default - Stargazers, Seekers -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefit: -\series default - Stargazers are always eager to share the stories and knowledge they learn - over their years. - Once per scene, when you tell a story or teach something new to a person - or a small group, roll Presence -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -an appropriate skill. - If you succeed, they gain their choice of Inspired or Informed on the subject - matter. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -The Crystal Isles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In their dream of Muirias, the Stargazers wove an archipelago connected - by boats, bridges of solidified light, and other yet more exotic means - of transport. - Its cities strongly resemble modern civilization, but in a way that highlights - the magic and knowledge they hold in their hands. - Their gleaming cities are built of crystalline spires of polished ceramic, - stone, and glass. - Further out into the wilderness, their towns and villas seem to girdle - the beaches with diamond spires. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The ground floor of the towers are lined with the essential facilities of - everyday life – grocery stores, restaurants and so forth. - Behind the crystal exteriors and shining spires that rise above, the Crystal - Isles are filled with the hallmarks of modern industry, workshops producing - magical wonders, and schools and colleges both small and large. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Beliefs -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Above all else, Muirias brings together those Luminous where people value - knowledge, without losing sight of the fundamental wonder and curiosity - that drives people to discover. - To them, to reduce the world to what is physically true is to rob it of - the magic that drives that curiosity forward. - The marvels of the world cannot be seen simply through textbooks and rote - memorization. - So many meaningful truths can only be learned when you experience them - for yourself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When you understand well enough the truth behind those wonders and what - makes them wonderful, then you can weave your own. - When the world is known, there is no more reason to fear what is unknown. - Thus, the only way forward is to pierce the mists of ignorance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Society's greatest achievements were always made when we learned more of - the world around us. - Towards that end, knowledge must be shared, not hoarded. - People must be shown the world, not have it reduced to mathematical laws - and cold facts. - There is a brighter future in learning and information. - The more minds that we can work with, the better we all will be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Invocation: Brillare -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Brillare is born of the joys of learning, of childlike curiosity and wonder - at the world. - It encourages one to always seek to know the world better, and reach for - the unknown rather than fearing it. - Those who resonate with Brilliare are charged to reveal the secrets that - made the world dark for so long. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: What does Brillare *do*? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Stories -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -An elementary school teacher tries to teach her students the wonders behind - the dry science in the textbooks, fighting against the children just a - grade up who bully those who like to learn. - She works two jobs just to feed herself and her family. - Even so, she persists, because she knows she can make a difference. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Her own son gets it. - He explores the world on his own terms, going out into town often. - He was always bringing back stories of the places he saw and the people - he met out there, but it always felt as if he was leaving something out. - She understood the curiosity he had, but never so much the secrecy. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -One day, she followed him under the cover of night, wanting to know what - he was truly up to. - She chased him into a long abandoned building, only to find herself chased - by the creature of nightmares her son was fighting. - When her son could no longer protect her from it, she took it into her - own hands, Blossoming to stand by his side. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A young boy wants to explore the world in all its colors. - He wanted to see the fairies in the forest, the mermaids in the sea. - He was told that it wasn't worth it. - That those wonders didn't exist... - One day, he went anyway on his own, into that park forest. - There weren't the fairies of his fairy tales, but every time he turned - over a new rock, he saw a new and wonderful bug he never had before. - There weren't mermaids in the ponds, but he saw plants he never knew before - by the lake's side. - In the end, he found what he had come for after all. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even a year later, he still liked it in the woods. - It was... - somehow different still, a place to just watch all the animals, observe - all the little intricacies of how they lived their lives. - But, that day, he found something different. - A wisp fluttered on the winds, glowing with an impossible light. - He chose to believe. - He followed it deeper into the forest than he had ever gone before, off - the trails and past raging creeks. - When it eluded him past a raging river, he reached for an nameless power - inside him he always knew was there... -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flying over that river with wings of starlight, she saw a witch on the other - side with her students. - She didn't know how to explain him to them, how to handle the sudden disruption - of her own lesson. - Instead, seeing that same spark in his eyes she always knew, she offered - to teach him as well, Awakened or not. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Sancus, the Pyre Alliance -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Sancus writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Tengri writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 2: Distant Echoes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\family sans -\emph on -“If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to hope, then, I'll just tell them - they're wrong. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -I'll keep telling them until they believe! No matter how many times it takes...” -\emph default - -\family default -\emph on - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\family sans -\emph default -Madoka Kaname, -\series bold -Puella Magi Madoka Magica -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -To most people, dreams are simply your brain processing old memories, recycling - them in endless variations. - Meaningless, nothing worth paying attention to. - So it is with the small joys in life, the little glimmers of light that - shine in even a World of Darkness. - People are afraid to acknowledge them for what they may mean. - They are afraid to see the joy in things, too grounded in the things they - can touch and see to truly -\emph on -feel -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They were taught that it is childish to believe. - That one must grow up. - That it is wrong to dream, to hope. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You couldn't stop. - You never could. - In your heart, you knew there was power in dreams. - In your heart, you knew the wonders the world still had to offer. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In your heart, you know those wonders and dreams could be yours to hold. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All you had to do is reach out. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Everyone has people they love, their responsibilities to others, and those - people they depend on. - Our world is deeply interconnected, woven through and through by loves - and friendships, by inventions, by beliefs and ideals, by cultures and - nations. - All depending on one another, all dreaming together. - That is the world as the Luminous know it, and it is those dreams that - give their own power shape. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the hidden corners of every dream, one soul blurs into another. - The dreams of a couple weave together into a hidden grove, the dreams of - a school club weave together into a small world. - In the depths of the Dream, those worlds weave together into a greater - whole. - Every fiction that has ever be written, every idea that had ever been dreamed... - A bright reflection of the loves and passions born in the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the Dream's skies, a thousand millions souls shine, each a single star. - In the depths of the Dream, twisting pathways lead to a world of higher - minded ideals, small dreams melding into worlds representing all cities, - or all wars. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But... - in the twilight in between, the Dream sustains something like a second - Earth – a world reflecting all the complexity and wonder the waking world - has in a thousand ways.... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream was hard to fully solidify on. - I had to work around the fact that there's three different official splats - all with their own, different things to say. - The Primordial Dream of the Beasts, the Astral of the Mages, the Oneiromancy - of the Changelings. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The trick is to make it a difference of in-character viewpoints too. - Luminous are those who live in the surface of the Dream (by their reckoning), - which is still personal like the Oneiros, yet having some of the interconnected -ness of the Temenos. - They become part of those dreams, see it as a place to live alongside Earth. - In that way, they differ from both Mages and Beasts – that one core difference - in thematics drives a lot of their different terminology and their different - experience of the Dream/Astral. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It is the same world, just interpreted through so many different views... - Like many things in the world. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -The Dream Kingdoms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Most people never know that their dreams are part of a greater whole... - Most people wander into those ties between souls once in a while, but few - realize them for what they are. - Few think of it as more than yet another nonsensical dream. - Those rare few that notice, still can rarely find a moment of clarity. - After all, in a world of dreams, how do you know when you are dreaming - with someone and not simply of someone? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Identity, reality and illusion all blur together in a dream. - It is so hard to tell what is true and what is imagined. - Most give up, dismissing it all as nonsense... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But... - others. - They feel drawn into it all. - Maybe they never cared. - Maybe they always knew deep in their hearts that there is a greater truth - under it all. - They find those pathways in their dreams, drawn to them by a nameless yearning - they so often do not even realize. - In that twilight, their own dreaming mind shaped the Dream around them, - bringing a touch of their own wishes into it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Over generations, something clicked into place. - Those who dreamed alike were drawn together, came to the same dream over - and over. - With so many seeing them, those dreams came together into something like - a world – the seeds of the eight Dream Kingdoms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Residents of a Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The nascent Dream Kingdoms looked like the waking world, so it became like - it. - A town could not be empty and still be called a town, a city that does - not bustle feels empty. - Thus, the Dream gave birth to new souls, new live to fill those voids. - Even in a world governed by the laws of story and emotion, to those born - there, the Dream was simply home. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They became its true residents. - They had personalities, thoughts, memories, beliefs, goals, ambitions all - the same as all the visitors from the waking world. - They too influenced it, with their own wishes. - They wanted a life, a meaningful place to call home. - Their wishes too shaped the world, and crystallized into the eight Dream - Kingdoms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Life demand stability, challenges, conflicts, a reason to be. - The Dream was all too happy to tell such a story. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -And, well. - If the Dream Kingdoms were to be a world to live in, some of those Dreamers - wished to embrace it too. - In the depths of their hearts, they would live a second life in their dreams - in those Kingdoms, their personal dreams melding into its weave. - Most did not even realize there was anything special to it. - They lived in a second life in their dreams, and that was simply how they - were. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Other stories tell of Dreamborn who were born in the waking world too, their - story entwining with that of a newborn child. - They would dream of the waking world, waking up to the stories they were - born in. - Maybe they really found a way to dream of the waking world from a Dream. - Maybe they were simply Dreamers who forgot which world they were truly - born into. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It didn't truly matter. - They were true residents of both worlds, and in each world dreamed of the - other. - In a way, to them, both were equally true. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Shadows of Memory -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It wasn't only the happy moments, ephemeral fantasies that formed the nascent - Dream. - Humanity never had an easy life in the waking world, and that too reflected - in their dreams. - Terror-filled nightmares of predators, of earthquakes, of great floods, - of what lurks in the darkness. - The insidious pains from human cruelties and the realities of war. - All of those things too reflected into the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream too is an often dark place, in its own ways. - The Kingdoms offer sanctuary, and even they can sometimes be darkened by - the broader world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Finish this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Scars of a Forgotten Past -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Waking World -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Every dream ends for better or worse, even if it may continue another night. - The world one awakens to is... - dark, shadowed, more solid. - It is not a happy place for most Dreamers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The scars of generations, small cruelties added up over the generations. - In the modern era, people have stopped believing in wonders. - They simply seek to survive, and forget about the wonders. - They dismiss people who ask for better by saying -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -welcome to the real world -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - and such things. - Even from the our start, all of us were marked with the invisible scars - of a forgotten past. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous see a better world in their sleep – but few truly want to abandon - the waking world either. - Beyond all the darkness and sadness, there are simple pleasures in this - world. - Rather than the bright and colorful dream vistas they see their sleep, - there are quieter things. - A walk down the beach, hand in hand with a lover. - Quiet birdsong in a serene forest. - A bridge over a raging river, splashing those that cross with cool mist. - A quiet art store whose owner spreads joy through their crafts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In hidden corners, under the surface of even the most dull place this world - should be colorful too. - Perhaps that alone isn't enough to starve off the pains of the world. - Still, it's enough to try. - It's enough to give hope... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Scars of a Forgotten Past -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The pain was there from the very start, back before we ever spoke a word - to each other, back before we started our first fire. - In the depths of the Dream, there were always ruins of -\emph on -something -\emph default - that came before. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In an forgotten age, we divided ourselves from the world by forging a Boundary - Stone, marking the start of our dreams and the end of the world's. - It so clearly came from before, marked with so many languages that resembles - no known language. - The first work of a great civilization, from long ago, surely. - But... - that was not to be. - Some great cataclysm erased them so thoroughly, that all the Dream remembers - is vague impressions of rituals, of religions, of festivals that once were. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream don't even remember what happened well enough to fear it. - The Luminous once searched the realms of fear for an answer, only to see - that even the horrors that lived there only remember that there... - was something to fear, not its shape or color. - But the fear remained. - But the scars and burdens remained... - Our legacy may be our own, but ours scars began far earlier. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Humanity found its footing again, of course. - But it never bore those wounds well, especially not in a world they – in - a deep corner of their minds – knew was darker than the world that should - have been. - Perhaps that was what made people give up hope so easily. - Generations of wars, famines, epidemics added onto those ancient scars, - and something... - broke. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the current day, so many have even abandoned their own dreams, accepting - a dark world in the hopes that they can at least have scraps of light for - themselves if they did. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Probably move this up to the Dream, and redo this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it a great shattering, in which the world was covered in a Lie? Where - we replaced the gods with tyrants just as bad, breaking the world in the - process? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it a sundering, where the primal fury and wisdom of the Shadow was split - from the Flesh? When Pangaea ended, and the savage, beautiful, interconnected - nature was for the first time tamed? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when a thousand voices drowned out the Primordial Dream that should - guide us on the right path? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when a great curse was laid on us all, giving birth to monsters of - blood and their blood ties that bound that curse to the rest of humanity? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when the first True Fae was born, reshaping Arcadia into something - it never should have been? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Every splat talks of a deep past in vague terms. - Some are more explicit it about others, but that bittersweet note of loss - never leaves most splats. - Luminous is no different. - In their Dream, they see signs of worlds that once were, things that were - beautiful, things once lost. - They blame the start of the generational trauma humanity faces on those - eras, only made worse by our darkened world. - They too hope for better. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As the Lost build their freeholds, as the Mages seek Ascension, the Luminous - seek to change the world. - They are caught between two worlds, and want -\emph on -both -\emph default - to shine as brightly as they possibly can. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Blossoming -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dreamers could never stand for the shadows of the world. - Dreams are not quite like the waking world – boundaries between concepts - and people blur, and understanding is far easier. - They know the pains those people feel, how much the pressures of the world - hurt them. - They know how much those they advise to dream less brightly suffer for - it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the waking world, they can't help but care. - They can't help but dream of better. - After all. - In their dreams, they see an reflection of how the world could be better, - if only they could teach others to dream too. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It isn't even the large cruelties that hurt the most. - It's the small things that wear down on everyone's souls. - People at least acknowledge racism matters, that people shouldn't be judged - for the the color of their skin or who they love. - It's the small things nobody thinks to remark on, because it's become so - normal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Parents isolate their children from their friends as punishment and call - it grounding. - Teachers drown their students with test after test, making them afraid - that if they don't pass, they simply won't have a chance to live. - In schools, they say -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -study is what is important right now -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - In adulthood, they say -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -work is what is important right now -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - When do people get a chance to live? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Everywhere they go, they see people being crushed under those things, large - and small. - They catch glimpses of it through their ties to the Dream, through -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Daydreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous are those caught between reality and dreams, the mundane and the - supernatural. - They refuse to reject either, instead embracing both with all their heart. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 3: A Faint Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -That's why I know you don't have to worry. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -There isn't a world where you and I aren't together. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\emph default -Chelinka -\series bold -\emph off -, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous find themselves caught between two worlds, existing at once as - a living dream and an ordinary human. - Somewhere in between, they find the power they wield to create the future - they wish for. - The rules in this chapter show you how to create a Luminous character, - and the special rules and abilities they possess. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is one of the sections that I tried to improve on the standard Chronicles - of Darkness splatbook format with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It's more focused on the mechanics, giving only a basic description of any - part of what being a Luminous is like, and leaving more detailed -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -what it feels like -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - fluff to Chapter 2. - Hopefully this serves better to explain the mechanical heart of them -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -at a glance -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - like so. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Creation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Character Creation|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - In a roleplay system like -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -, you have to flesh out the heart of who your character is in terms of its - rules. - Every player will need a character sheet for Luminous – either the online - version designed for internet games, or the offline printable version for - in-person games. - That sheet will be your guide to character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All the players in a chronicle should create their characters together if - at all possible. - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - especially focuses on relationships, and the bonds between people – it - helps to have who other people are playing and how your character relates - to them in mind even during the earlier stages of character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step One: Character Concept -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The first part of character creation is to come up with a rough idea of - who you want to play. - What was her upbringing like, and who are her friends in either world? - Does she consider herself a resident of the dream, or merely a visitor? - What problems does she see in the waking world, and what does she want - to do about them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -You should solidify her whole concept into a single coherent high concept, - such as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -children's writers who finds inspiration in dreams -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -blogger who sways minds through her words and dreams -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, or -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -peacekeeper for Seattle's supernatural beings -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - You can refer back to it when deciding what options fit your character - better, and refine it as your character develops. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I was never really good at collapsing down my characters into an easily - expressed high concept. - Still, I don't know any better advice to give. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aspirations are the main way your character earns Beats and thus advances - their abilities. - They help the Storyteller know what you want to do as your character, and - the kinds of stories you want to experience through them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have five Aspirations; two more than usual. - Most of them should be short-term goals that can be completed in a session - or two, and one or two should be a longer-term goal that may take a whole - Chapter or longer. - The division Luminous often feel between their mundane and dream selves - is reflected in their Aspirations. - Of her five, two of them must relate to the waking world or her mundane - life. - The other two must relate to her life in the Dream or her supernatural - life. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Does she have something she wants to do with her friends in either world? - Is there a community she is important to? What is her school life or job - like, and is there something she wants to do there? How does she use magic - to make the waking world a better place? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Don't be afraid of writing Aspirations that add little bits of context to - your character, even if they are easy to fulfill. - For example, a simple one like -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Find a place to live -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - establishes that your character doesn't currently have one and one like - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Reconnect with my cousin -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - is a great excuse to get the party together – assuming that cousin is another - player character. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Two: Select Attributes -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-AttributeSelection" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - All characters have nine mundane attributes representing their innate mundane - capabilities. - Each starts with one free dot. - Pick an category of attributes (Physical, Mental, and Social) to distribute - 5 dots within, another category to distribute 4 dots within, then distribute - 3 dots to the last category. - Afterwards, assign your character's -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-TransformedAttrs]{dream attributes} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -. - Start with one dot in each, then distribute 8 dots between them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Two dots in an attribute is normal human ability. - One dots is a notable difficiency, three dots is above average, four is - remarkable, and five is the limits of human ability. - Anything above that is outright superhuman; beyond any mundane human's - ability. - Luminous may never have mundane attributes or skills over 5 dots, and cannot - have Dream attributes over 6 dots at character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Three: Select Skills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving Skills -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Skills work similarly to attributes, representing learned skills and training. - Assign her mundane skills in the same way as attributes, except skills - begin with no dots. - Assign 11 dots to one category, 7 to the second, and 4 to the last. - Similarly, they assign their -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-TransformedSkills]{Weaving Skills} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - like their dream attributes. - Assign 15 dots between her Weaving Skills, none of which may exceed 6 at - character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Four: Skill Specialties -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -You start with three Skill Specialties in your mundane skills. - They represent your character's best skills in a given field, as opposed - to the broader competence Skill dots represent. - You may choose skill specialties freely, writing down whatever feels appropriat -e to your character. - As usual, this is a chance to refine your idea of who your character is. - A specialty for Expression (Poetry) implies someone perhaps more artistic, - while Expression (Public Speaking) implies someone more persuasive and - social. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Five: Add Luminous Template -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Section needs rewrite! -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -At this point, you're ready to deal with the outright magical aspects of - your character. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Luminary -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When she Blossoms, a Luminous grasps at the symbols of the Dream to truly - stabilize the nascent power she would come to wield. - The first of these she takes on is her -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Luminary" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, the celestial light she patterns her magic after. - It forms the basis of how she uses her magic, and decides whether she focuses - on Regalia, Domains or Charms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Read over the three Luminaries you may pick (Sunlight, Moonlight and Starlight), - and choose the one that fits your character concept the best. - It may well be that she could fit into multiple Luminaries. - In that case, base your decision on what kind of power you think your character - would be the most comfortable wielding, if their personality could go either - way. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Archetype -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Whether your character would be a shining hero, an idol whose songs change - the world, or a shrine maiden that upholds the boundary between worlds, - she is yet still a Luminous. - The dreams of humanity shift with the stories they tell, and the Luminous - often end up reflecting them as well. - Your character's Archetype represents the form she takes in her dreams, - and the ideals she evokes in her appearance and style. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Read over the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Archetype" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, and choose one that your character would wish to be. - If you wish, you can work with your Storyteller to make a custom one, if - you feel none of the ones here fit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kingdom -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Starlit Dream stabilized into eight great -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Kingdoms" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, each a vision of what the waking world could one day be, with just a slight - touch of magic. - Luminous draw the magics they always wielded in their dream into reality, - invoking the underlying principles and feelings that their Kingdoms represent. - Read over the Kingdoms and choose the one that your character would most - believe in. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream & Wish -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose your character's -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Dream" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Wish" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -. - While most mortals have a Virtue and a Vice, the Luminous draw on the things - they can be sure of even in their dreams. - Her Dream is vision of a better world she sees in her deepest dreams, and - her Wish is the life she wishes to live and the person she wishes to be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Invocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-Invocations]{Invocation} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - is the cumulation of the worldviews, and feelings reflected in one of the - Dream Kingdoms. - Luminous draw on them for power, channeling the symbols and magic each - Kingdom had built over the long years for themselves. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each Luminous starts with three dots in Invocations, one of which must be - placed in her Kingdom's Invocation. - Kingdomless Luminous instead choose two Invocations to have affinity for. - They must place at least one dot in each of the two Invocations. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Regalia, Domains and Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Oh god... - :( -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Reverie -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Reverie" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - measures your character's ability to draw on the Dream's power, and project - it onto reality. - The higher it is, the more power she can draw on in her waking life, at - the cost of losing herself in the dream she draws on for power. - It determines how many Motes your character can spend without cost each - turn, and the number of Regalia she may sustain. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous begin with a free dot of Reverie. - You may purchase additional dots for five of your starting Merit dots each. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Six: Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Your character starts with 10 dots of Merits due to being a supernatural - being. - You may spend them on any merits your character qualifies for. - See page 43 of the Chronicles of Darkness book for the base game merits, - and the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Merits]{Merits} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - section for ones specific to Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Seven: Determine Advantages -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All characters have certain characteristics that are derived from their - Attributes, Skills and Merits. - Calculate the following, and note them on your character sheet. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Size: -\series default - Characters start at Size 5 in both Mundane Form and Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Hope: -\series default - Transformed Resistance + Transformed Power -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Willpower: -\series default - Transformed Resistance + Transformed Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Mundane Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Health: -\series default - Size + Stamina -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Speed: -\series default - 5 + Strength + Dexterity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Initiative: -\series default - Dexterity + Composure -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Defense: -\series default - (Lower of Wits or Dexterity) + Athletics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Health: -\series default - Resistance + Attribute Maximum -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Speed: -\series default - 5 + Power + Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Initiative: -\series default - Finesse + Resistance -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Defense: -\series default - (Lower of Resistance and Finesse) + Flow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Character Creation|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Advancement -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous gain Experiences and Beats like any other character. - They are described on page 76-77 of -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -. - Luminous-specific traits cost the following number of experiences: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Dream Attributes and Weaving Skills cost the same amount of experiences - as their mundane counterparts. - Weaving Skills do not have specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Each dot of Reverie costs 5 Experiences. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Favored Invocations cost 3 Experiences per dot, and other Invocations cost - 4 Experiences per dot. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Regalia and Charms cost 4 Experiences each. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -lumsidebarpageinset -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -centering -\backslash -Huge -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Character Creation Summary -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Character Creation Summary} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step One: Concept -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Create a character concept, and five Aspirations. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Two: Attributes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Distribute 5/4/3 dots in each mundane category, and 8 dots of Dream Attributes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Three: Skills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Distribute 11/7/4 dots in each mundane category, and 15 dots of Weaving - Skills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Four: Skill Specialties -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose three mundane Skill Specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Five: Add Luminous Template -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose Luminary, Archetype, Kingdom (if any), Dream, and Wish. - Describe your Dream Form. - Add 3 dots of Invocations (at least one in each favored Invocation) and - take 4 Regalia or Charms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Six: Add Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Select 10 dots of Merits. - You may spend 5 dots on a dot of Reverie. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Seven: Advantages -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Calculate maximum Hope, and maximum Willpower. - Calculate Health, Speed, Initiative, and Defense for both Dream and Mundane - Forms. - Formulas can be found on the character sheet. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -centerline{ -\backslash -textcolor{luminous-ln}{ -\backslash -rule{10cm}{0.75pt}}} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Luminaries -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sunlight: -\series default - Passionate and forceful, shining with light as bright as the sun itself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Moonlight: -\series default - Indirect and mysterious, changing the world as the moon creates the tides. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Starlight: -\series default - Colorful and bright in a thousand ways, diverse as the colorful stars. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kingdoms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Avalon -\series default -: A kingdom built on social order and responsibility. - Its Invocation is Rosa. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Aztlan -\series default -: A sprawling country built on passion and rebellion. - Its Invocation is Solare. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Elysium -\series default -: An underground sanctuary built on preservation and history. - Its Invocation is Ricordo. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Konohana -\series default -: A forest whose inhabitants value adaptation and harmony. - Its Invocation is Flori. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Ildathach -\series default -: A dream-like world of idealism and defiance. - Its Invocation is Prisma. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Muirias -\series default -: An island nation built on learning and wonder. - Its Invocation is Brillare. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sancus -\series default -: An alliance of city-states built on duty and might. - Its Invocation is Accordi. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Tengri -\series default -: A mountain settled by tribes built on freedom and acceptance. - Its Invocation is Cieli. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Archetype -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have an Archetype, reflecting the particular form of their Dream - Form. - See the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Archetype" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - section for details. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Starting Experience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For some games, it may be appropriate to the start with more experienced - characters. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Established Nakama: -\series default -10 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Rising Stars: -\series default - 25 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Regional Heroes: -\series default - 35 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Dream Princess: -\series default -50 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Queen of Dreams: -\series default - 100 Experiences -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Experience Costs -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Attributes: -\series default -4 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skills: -\series default - 2 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skill Specialties: -\series default - 1 Experience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Merits: -\series default - 1 Experience per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Reverie: -\series default - 5 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Favored Invocation: -\series default -3 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Other Invocation: -\series default - 4 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Regalia or Charm: -\series default -4 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Lost Willpower dot: -\series default - 1 Experience -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -lumsidebarnormal -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -Innocent Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When a Luminous awakens from her Realization, she finds herself lost between - the dreams she always escaped to and a world far larger and far more colorful - than she ever knew. - The concerns of the mundane world are at once further away and more pressing - than ever before. - After all, for the first time... - they could do something about them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anchors|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - In the flows of the Dream, the Starborn could walk from story to story, - always being thrust into a different role in each. - What is a virtue in one world is a mortal sin in another. - In the mundane world, they are as bound by its rules as any other, surviving - like anyone else does. - As to not be cast adrift, as to not lose sight of themselves, the Luminous - cling to those things they know are their own, no matter where they end - up or what kind of role they are thrust into. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mage did something very clever in keeping the human Virtue/Vice to double - down on its theme that they... - stay mostly human, but I personally feel it's something of a mistake. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Clever -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - isn't what makes design good, it's how it reinforces themes. - The -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -almost-human -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - part was... - not a core theme of Mage, not in a significant way. - Especially not with the superiority complex it seems most of the Awakened - Orders have. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -After all, well. - Alternative anchors are fun. - They ask players to express the heart of who their character is in theme - appropriate terms. - Notably, the Dream and Wish are not meant to be in conflict with each other. - They are more like Needle/Thread in that they reinforce each other, painting - a complete picture rather than defining a conflict. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Dream" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - A Luminous' Dream is the vision they see of a better tomorrow. - They can't pretend the world is just the way it should be. - They can't pretend that when something bad happens to someone, they must - deserve it. - Without those illusions to cling to, what they have left is the hope that - some day... - that dream can come true. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Through that Dream, a Hopeful remembers what the better world she fights - for looks like. - At the end of a scene, if a Luminous takes a risk to make her Dream a reality, - even in a small way, she regains one Willpower. - If she makes noticeable progress in realizing her Dream, she regains all - Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Wish -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Wish" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Wish|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - A Hopeful's Wish is what she wishes for in life for herself. - Nobody could bear the burdens of the world if they only cared for others. - Helping others means to be selfish sometimes. - The Luminous know that better than any other, as heightened as their feelings - are. - They could never hope to hold onto their strength without realizing that. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Through her Wish, a Hopeful finds comfort in an often harsh and unforgiving - world. - At the end of a scene, if she overcame a challenge or took a risk to express - her Wish, she regain one Willpower. - If she takes a significant risk or abandoned an important task to express - her Wish, she regains all Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Example Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write some example anchors -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anchors|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - By nature, a Luminous' magic drives her to live two seperate lives – one - as a normal mortal, and another as a living dream. - Due to that balancing act, Luminous have five Aspirations rather than the - usual three. - They must select at least two relating to their mundane life or their responsbi -lities in the waking world, and must select at least two relating to the - supernatural world or their life in the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -P:tH messed with Aspirations too in both its versions, and this is a somewhat - different implementation of a similar idea. - It pushes Luminous to care about both the mundane and the supernatural, - while adding some wiggle room for the version of Sensitivity in Luminous - to do what it is meant to. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Intimacy -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Intimacy|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - In the Starlit Dream and the hearts of those influenced by it, the bonds - of love and friendship are as tangible a thing as any material thing. - Such connections are represented by Intimacy, a measure of how close two - people are that can take up any of five levels. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Connected: -\series default - Two people have Connected Intimacy if they are close enough to be effectively - inseparable. - This includes life-long partners who never leave each other's side, or - those bound by magical ties such as a fae Oath of love or the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Strong: -\series default - Two people have Strong Intimacy when they share much of their lives with - each other, often confiding in each other for comfort and support. - This includes married couple, very close friends, parents and their children, - or families of choice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Medium: -\series default - Two people have Medium Intimacy when they are on friendly terms with each - other and know about each other's lives in broad terms. - This includes good friends, confidants, most siblings or a typical dating - couple. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Weak: -\series default - Two people have Weak Intimacy if they have met before, but rarely with - any particular emotional depth. - This includes coworkers, gaming partners, extended family or the friend - of a friend. - Hostile relationships often also fall under this category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -None: -\series default - Luminous gain no benefit from relationships more tenuous than those described - by Weak Intimacy. - Strangers walking down the street, people a Luminous has just met, or other - similarly distant people fall under this category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regardless of the depth of the connection, the feelings must be mutual. - If the two participants have different feelings towards each other, the - lower Intimacy implied is used. - A therapist may know a lot about her patients, but this often only results - in Weak Intimacy because they rarely truly form mutual bonds in their professio -n. - As much as the fans of an idol may know about her, no ties of Intimacy - are formed due to those fans blending into a faceless crowd to her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -High Intimacy provides a bonus to some Luminous ability, and low Intimacy - inflicts a penalty on others. - Connected Intimacy provides an Intimacy Bonus of +6 and inflicts no Intimacy - Penalty. - Strong Intimacy provides a bonus of +4, and inflicts a penalty of -4. - Weak Intimacy provides a bonus of +2 and inflicts a penalty of -4. - Weak Intimacy provides no bonus and inflicts a penalty of -8. - Without at least Weak Intimacy, abilities that take a penalty from low - Intimacy automatically fail. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Intimacy|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Ultimately inspired by the P:tH Dream version of the mechanic, which was - used as an alternative to Sympathy (as used in Vocation version). - Intimacy is far more core to Luminous' mechanics than in Princess to push - the theme of relationships and connections harder. - After all, it's one of the core themes of a lot of magical girl works; - why shouldn't it be one for this game? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Even if the waking world asks the Luminous to harden their heart, to grow - up, to stop caring... - they can't. - The deep emotion and stories of the Dream are so deeply woven into their - being. - No matter how long they live, they experience the triumphs and struggles - of their life with all the intensity as they first felt them in childhood. - Small cruelties deeply wound them as much as quiet beauty and small joys - give them the energy to move forward regardless. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope represents that drive, the emotional strength that Luminous draw on. - When they are full of light and confidence, Hope fuels their magic and - pushes them forward. - When their Hope is depleted, they are emotionally drained and have more - and more difficulty holding onto the dreams that power their magic. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope is, certainly the heart of Luminous' mechanics, serving as both an - Integrity mechanic and their Supernatural Fuel. - Most of their splat mechanics deal with it in one way or another. - Why shouldn't it. - It's a -\emph on -magical girl -\emph default - splat. - They were always stories about hope and friendship triumphing over the - dark. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As more of a genre consideration than anything else, Hope is a Clarity-like - damage track rather than a representation of longer-term mental stability - like Integrity. - In a sense, Princess already works like this – it simply considers Shadows - and Belief separate. - Hope is a simplification over those two mechanics, pinning it all down - into one thing. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Hope Track and Damage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Hope track equal to their transformed Power + Resistance - that behaves similarly to a health track. - When an ability refers to a character's Hope, it means the number of undamaged - Hope boxes she possesses. - Luminous are considered to have an Integrity equivalent equal to 5 + her - undamaged Hope boxes (to a maximum of 10). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Hope track may be marked with two different kinds of damage. - Mild Hope damage represents simpler emotional strain from her overexerting - her magic or simply the weight of life bearing down on her without a release. - Severe Hope damage represents fundamentally deeper pains that linger, even - when the situation clears up. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each time a Luminous takes Hope damage, mark it off her Hope track using - a slash (/) for mild damage and an (X) for severe damage. - Mark mild damage in the leftmost empty box of her Hope track, and severe - damage in the leftmost empty box or the leftmost box that is marked with - only mild damage. - Whenever a Princess takes mild Hope damage when her rightmost Hope box - is filled, she instead takes a point of severe Hope damage. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Hope is similar to Clarity, it isn't being used for a splat that is - as deeply scarred as how Changelings are. - For interactions with other parts of the World of Darkness, their Integrity - is relatively high even at very low help. - Otherwise, the structure is effectively the same. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Hope Recovery -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The realities of life are harsh, and its happy moments fleeting. - Even if they don't last, though... - those moments still give the Hopeful strength. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Once a day, whenever a Luminous spends a scene relaxing or doing something - she enjoys, roll Hope as a dice pool. - She clears a box of mild Hope damage for each success. - If there are still consequences for failure or she is putting off important - matters to do so, she may only restore up to one Hope damage in this way. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Once a week, in place of the usual Hope recovery, she may take a significant - amount of time confiding in someone she is close to or otherwise shares - her struggles. - When she does so, she adds a bonus to her Hope recovery roll equal to her - Intimacy bonus with that person, and may clear boxes of severe Hope damage - in addition to mild. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Be more clear about how this works with the Dream being so core to - the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A subtle mechanic that serves a lot of purposes not explicitly stated. - Hope is a pretty mild mechanic that can quickly turn dangerous; after all, - your recovery scales with your undamaged Hope. - Emotional strain has a way of spiraling like that. - When things seem so hopeless, the Luminous must rely on those who they - are close to in order to pull themselves out of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Finally, this is the keystone that encourages Luminous to have some kind - of a mundane life. - Hope recovery is slow and takes time – they thrive in situations where - they can live a quieter life, and keep their magical work somewhat separate - from it. - They can't easily handle having no time to rest, when the supernatural - follows them home. - Thus, Dual Identity and maintaining that secrecy becomes all the more important - for them. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Attacks against Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When something shakes a Luminous' resolve or emotional stability, she takes - an attack against Hope. - Attacks have a die rating and may deal mild or severe Hope damage. - To resolve one, roll that number of dice. - Your character takes damage equal to the number of successes of the correspondi -ng type. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If she took any damage from this process and her rightmost box of Hope is - marked with damage afterwards, she gains a Hope Condition, chosen by the - player from the following list: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Hope condition list. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous can take Hope attacks due to her Sensitivity, or due to strong - emotional shock or significant emotional turmoil for personal reasons. - While effects like spending Motes can directly cause Hope damage, this - does not count as a Hope attack and never causes Hope Conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Die value example list. - Sensitivity should be rolled into this, probably. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Clarity is weird. - You roll a dice pool to check the severity of the damage, then a second - pool based on Wyrd to see how much you actually take (if any). - Hope attacks are far simpler, since they have no reason to scale with Reverie. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Reverie -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Reverie" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -newcommand -\backslash -tc[1]{ -\backslash -raisebox{0pt}[0pt]{ -\backslash -hspace{0.75em} -\backslash -llap{-#1}}} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Float table -placement !t -wide true -sideways false -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Tabular - - - - - - - - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Reverie -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Rank -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Max Dream Attribute -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Weaving Skill Cap -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Max Active Luminance -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Mote Pool -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Flicker Duration / -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Flicker Trigger -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -1 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -11 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -13 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -11 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -12 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -20 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -13 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -25 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -14 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -50 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Constant (-1) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unlimited -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -20 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{4} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Constant (-2) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Reverie|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - If it were not for the Dream's power, Luminous would be normal people powerless - to stand up against the supernatural. - If it not were for their ties to the mundane world, they would be transient - dreams as fleeting as any other. - In the space in between, they can become something more. - Reverie is a measure of how closely they can bring together those two worlds, - and shape the world through their confluence. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As it increases, Luminous are able to have higher traits in Dream Form, - maintain more magic at one time and spend more Motes without drawing on - their Hope. - However... - it doesn't come without downsides. - As a Hopeful's power grows she slowly loses her ability to keep a balance - between dreams and reality, and adjusting back to her Mundane Form becomes - increasingly difficult. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Reverie is a Luminous' power stat, granting her Supernatural Potency and - Supernatural Tolerance [CofD 70]. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -There's a lot going on here; Power Stat tables tend to have that. - Luminous have some improvement or another with every dot of Reverie, as - all supernatural splats should. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The highest possible Luminous trait cap is 15, not 10. - This is a minor advantage that mainly serves to make up for the fact that - their dice pools do not add +Reverie or +Invocation unlike most splats. - Weaving Skills can be increased faster than Dream Attributes to encourage - these huge dice pools to be more specialized than general. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Furthermore, Luminous do not have a Motes/turn cap like most splats. - Rather, their major power limiter is Luminance. - This, naturally, makes them dangerous in the Dream itself, because Luminance - limits no longer apply. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Motes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Motes|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Motes are the small shards of power the Luminous draw on to fuel their - magic, gathered from deep within their own souls. - They have a Mote Pool which refills to its capacity at the beginning of - every scene. - Beyond that, Luminous must draw on their own emotional strength to fuel - their magics. - For every Mote a Luminous spends with an empty Mote Pool, she takes a box - of mild Hope damage, leaving her feeling down and exhausted until she has - time to recover. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' supernatural fuel isn't Motes. - It's Hope. - Hope serves as both a Clarity-like Integrity mechanic, and a Luminous' - supernatural fuel. - However, the idea of Motes gives me to name what you pay when you use your - magic (saying Hope directly sounds... - wrong in its implications). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The refilling Mote Pool, then, mitigates you casting from Integrity just - a little. - It also serves a secondary purpose of encouraging Luminous to use small - amounts of magic often – magical girls solving relatively trivial issues - with magic tends to be a common theme in any show that doesn't make a point - about using magic responsibly. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -One Soul, Two Worlds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream is full of bright and ever-changing stories, just as the waking - world is filled with a peaceful and gentle mundane everyday life. - Even when shadows threaten to choke both out, there are those Starborn - who still cling to the beauty of both worlds. - Their wish to stay and fight, to change the Dream and Earth alike for the - better would ingite a shining light... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Transformation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Rather than accepting being torn between dreams and reality, the Luminous - wished for a different path. - Grasping the first sparks of magic they awoke in their Realization, they - found a path to unify their dual nature, becoming something more than they - could have in either world alone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Mundane Form reflecting their life on Earth and a Dream - Form reflecting their life in the Starlit Kingdoms. - Through their Transformation, they may take on the form and benefits of - either side of their nature no matter where they find themselves. - Switching between their two forms is a reflexive action that requires a - Reverie + Hope roll. - Should they fail, they take a Hope Condition and must spend a point of - Willpower to transform anyway. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation is a powerful and obvious act of Dreamweaving, usually manifestin -g as the Weaver's form shifting in colorful displays of light and sound. - Though her Transformation's appearance is under her control, such a blatant - defiance of reality's laws distorts the space around her. - For a few moment, the world around her feels slightly less real as the - concepts of her Dream leak through. - Onlookers cant help but notice that something strange is happening, and - their attention is always subtly pulled towards the Transformation. - Noticing this consciously requires a Wits + Empathy check. - Dreamborn automatically notice and recognize Transformation without a roll. - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The heart of what makes Luminous a magical girl splat, more than anything - else. - They -\emph on -transform -\emph default -, becoming their ideal self in the process. - I've kept a transformation roll, since it reflects a pretty common theme - and plot beat in magical girl anime. - They either transform despite their own compromised emotions by act of - will, or fail and suffer more emotionally for it. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Form-Locked Merits -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous may take Merits that only function in one of their forms. - For example, one could only have Striking Looks in her Dream Form, or only - have Fame in her Mundane Form. - As an optional rule, the Storyteller may require this of all social merits - representing relationships with other people, unless the player can justify - them being available in both forms. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Mundane Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mundane Form|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - The waking world isn't defined by the stars that shine the brightest but... - the quiet flow of everyday life. - Even those who would simply be background characters in the dream are deeply - interwoven into the waking world's intricate stories. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In her Mundane Form, a Luminous is an ordinary mortal as any other. - All supernatural effects treat her as if she were a normal mortal, whether - this is beneficial or harmful to her. - If she is aware that she is being targeted by such an ability, she may - transform reflexively to avoid it. - However, any effect that would cause her to cease being a Luminous or become - a different type of supernatural being simply fails. - At the Storyteller's discression, such effects may cause her to take on - an -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Origins]{Origin} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - as an alternative. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unlike most types of supernatural beings, Luminous may take supernatural - merits. - She may never gain a supernatural merit template in this way, and cannot - use any of her supernatural merits in her Dream Form. - She retains her Supernatural Tolerance from her Reverie but does not count - as having a Supernatural Potency stat for any other purpose. - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mundane Form|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous campaigns are in part a mortal campaign. - Unlike most supernatural splats, Luminous can be legitimately powerless - in the way mortals can be, if they are in a situation where transforming - is not a good options. - Thus, mortal game Chronicle-style opponents are a good match for the Luminous, - forcing them to make the choice to approach them as mortals would or take - the risks of transforming. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - The chaotic and wild stories of the Dream demand those within it shine - brightly, assert their own true self against its flows. - Even in the relative stability of the Dream Kingdoms, everyday life seems - a fleeting distraction rather than the world's true nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In her Dream Form, a Luminous is one of those stars of the Kingdoms. - She asserts her truest desires against the world, taking on a form reflecting - who she would be in a world freed of all constraints. - For some, that means simply donning a frilly magical girl dress, or suit - of armor that shines impossibly in the sunlight. - Others become all kinds of fantastical beings – winged sylphs, catgirls, - all sorts of creatures of myth and stories. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous in Dream Form are emphermeral beings in phase with the Dream. - They have a Rank based on their Reverie, are always Manifested, and may - not enter Twilight or create Manifestation Conditions without specific - Evocations that allow them to do so. - Furthermore, she may use her Dreamweaving even in worlds that do not normally - allow it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Dream Form is the exact same mechanic as in Changeling: the - Lost or Mage: the Awakening. - However, it's serving a dual purpose here as also... - well, a magical girl splat's magical girl form. - This pushes somewhat the thematics of them being beings that take the best - of two worlds, and turn both to their advantage. - Plus... - is just a cool way to execute magical girls. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream Attributes -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-TransformedAttrs" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Transformed Luminous are not bound by the limits of mundane bodies. - As with all ephemeral entities, they use a set of three simplified Attributes - instead of the usual nine. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Power describes the Luminous' ability to impose upon the world through force - of will, intellectual prowess or personality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Finesse describes how well the Luminous can affect the world through great - skill or subtle manipulation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Resistance describes how well the Luminous can withstand the will and manipulati -on of others. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous purchase dots of Dream Attributes separately from their mundane - attributes, and use them in place of the corresponding mundane attributes - in Dream Form for all purposes. - If this would cause a roll or calculation to use the same attribute twice, - the roll is modified. - Resistance -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Resistance is instead rolled as Resistance -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse. - Finesse -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse is instead rolled as Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse. - Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Power is instead rolled as Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Resistance. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Standard ephemeral rules. - This is mainly a bit of clarification since Luminous are meant to be a - full playable splat. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream Health -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form!Dream Health|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - A Luminous has a seperate health track called Dream Health, with boxes - equal to her Resistance + her transformed attribute cap. - Dream Health represents her will to avoid harm made manifest, and is used - in place of her Health track for all purposes in Dream Form. - Furthermore, they do not suffer wound penalties in Dream Form, and mundane - physical attacks against them are reduced in one level of severity – from - aggravated to lethal, or lethal to bashing. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This track is identical to a Health track in all other regards. - Should the rightmost box of her Dream Health be filled with lethal or aggravate -d damage, she immediately reverts to her Mundane Form and gains the Soul - Shocked condition. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form!Dream Health|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Magical girls don't worry about dying to a little breeze. - That goes against so many premises of the genre, even ones where combat - is common. - Dream Health means a Luminous' opponents must specifically want to -\emph on -kill -\emph default - her to permanently kill her, not simply collapse her transformation. - Of course, again, this is repurposed from general CofD Dream Health rules. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In Princess, Holy Shield served this purpose. - You can't just pop a strong Princess by rolling 8 dice on your attack due - to a few exploding dice; you have to actually exhaust their Wisp supply - before you can do that. - It's... - frankly a little overpowered. - Dream Health achieves this same goal without giving them overwhelming protectio -n. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream Form Traits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Due to their different set of attributes and skills, Luminous use different - traits in their Dream Form and Mundane Form. - In her dream form, she calculates derived attributes as such: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -A Luminous' Dream Form always has a default Size of 5, regardless of her - natural size. - They have separate Form Merits that may be used to change this. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Maximum Willpower is calculated as Resistance + Finesse. - Unlike with most of these traits, this total is used for her mundane form - as well as her Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Defense is equal to the lower of her Resistance and Finesse + Flow. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Initiative is equal to Finesse + Resistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Speed is equal to Power + Finesse + 5. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Again, Luminous is a fully playable splat, and their Dream Form is a core - mechanic. - None of the official source books make it clear what exactly Dream Forms - use for these traits, and that's not too bad because it's not nearly as - core to them as they are to Luminous. - This is inferred from the ephemeral rules. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Veiling -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation!Veiling|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -By the nature of their Transformation, a Luminous rarely truly has to reveal - that... - they are the same person under it all, the shining dreamer and the ordinary - mortal. - Their magic grows to reflect this, ever so subtly shifting the perceptions - of those around her to hide that fact. - Regardless of how similar a Luminous looks in her two forms, anyone who - meets her in both forms has an innate impression that they are different - people and do not recognize the similarity on appearances or mannerisms - alone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Though Veiling protects against first impressions, the illusion is still - rather fragile in the face of actual evidence or suspicion. - She cannot simply dip into a closet to return as a mysterious magical girl, - or transform in front of someone and expect her Veiling to protect her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even supernatural powers are fooled by this presumption. - Magical senses like a vampire's taste for blood or a werewolf's scent tracking - do not connect her two forms. - Powers that use Intimacy or similar mechanics treat her two forms as separate - people with separate relationships. - Powers used to try and extract information about her, at best, treat her - as two people with close ties to the same friend group. - Even powers that read thoughts or emotions do not reveal thoughts more - closely aligned to her Dream Form. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation!Veiling|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I've written this as an uncontested power along the level of Liar's Tongue. - I don't think even Clashes of Will versus Veiling is particularly good - gameplay. - Luminous have enough ways to let slip their secret, and usually leave enough - holes for investigation to slip through. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous are meant to live, to rely on their friends. - They can't do the perfect spycraft or operational security that Demons - rely on usually. - Hence, their power papers over the largest gaps, while still demanding - they take some amount of (more reasonable) care. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Flicker -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - In embracing their dreams, the Luminous find themselves adrift. - The difference between the Dream Form and Mundane Form is as night and - day; to act on the world through imagination one moment, and to be confined - to one's the limits of flesh and blood the next. - It's all easy to slip somewhere in between. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When a Luminous reverts to Mundane Form after transforming, she suffers - Flicker. - Until she has had the time to readjust to it, the habits and instinctual - Weaving of her Dream Form make her seem more awkward, stilted and distracted. - She suffers a penality equal to her Reverie divided by 3 (rounded up) to - all actions taken in her Mundane Form. - She gains a bonus on her Transformation rolls equal to that penalty. - Once a scene, if she fails an important task or suffers significant social - complications due to this, she gains a Beat. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If it was caused by transformation, the Flicker penality reduces by one - every ten minutes. - This duration increases to an hour (or a scene, whichever is shorter) if - she has been transformed for a whole scene or longer, four hours (or two - scenes) if she has been transformed for a day or longer, one day if she - has been transformed for a week or longer, or one week if she has been - transformed for a month or longer. - If she transforms again while suffering Flicker, the duration continues - accumulating as if she had never left her Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While she enters Dream Form when she dreams, this does not trigger Flicker - until her Reverie increases to 6 or above. - Afterwards, she suffers Flicker with an duration of one hour whenever she - wakes. - Track this Flicker seperately from Flicker from transformation. - At Reverie 9 or above, her Flicker penalty can no longer be reduced below - -2. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The actual downside of the Luminous. - It always felt strange to me that in Princess, their downside is also their - core driving motive. - It felt... - strange, and like an almost weirdly cold portrayal of hyperempathy. - To care to that amount hurts you, yes, but... - it is ultimately what drives you. - And what lets you keep caring in a world that would rather you not. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker, then, is something that the dream themes of Luminous make possible. - They get used to falling into their dreams, letting those winds carry them - around. - They get used to dreaming in the waking world. - When they revert to their Mundane Form, it crashes back on them. - This draws attention to the fine line they walk, gives strong roleplay - opportunities for people to portray what this looks like in practice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It also forces -\emph on -most -\emph default - Luminous to be careful about when they transform, without artificial limits - like the rolls to stay transformed that Princess uses. - Subtly though, it still allows you to play Mirrory Luminous without a specific - mechanic that allows you to do so. - After all, you suffer no effects from Flicker if you simply do not untransform. - Both modes avoid the downside, with their own complications on either end. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -Resonance -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Echo" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Resonance|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Crossing the Sea of Stars, all the dreams of humanity join together and - flow into the Kingdoms' shores. - Though Luminous are at home in both the worlds it joins, their true origin - lies among the stars. - Their souls intertwine with the Sea's paths, dispersing into its flows. - Resonance is a Luminou's innate power born of that intertwining, allowing - them to feel the connections between worlds and people alike. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Resonance, like Hope, are core to what Luminous are. - It is their power to connect hearts through the power of dreams. - It is what makes relationships so important to them. - It's their Aura, technically, but works through dreams in a way that makes - it not really interact well with other splat's Auras. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Read the Winds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream reflects the wishes, feelings, impressions of the waking world - at its surface. - Every place is reflected in the dreams of someone, becoming its own place - in a world of illusion and stories. - Reflected across the Sea of Stars, a mall known for shootings and violence - slowly twists into an warzone. - A college known for its academic brilliance comes to become a larger-than-life - monument to the gods of knowledge, and the school known for its restrictions - and heavy-handed authority twists in the Dream such that classrooms seem - more like jail cells than places of learning. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous are innately aware of this connection between worlds. - On Earth, they always know the general feeling and mood of any location - they enter. - As a reflection of the Dream, this impression reflects more the accumulated - impressions of people who frequent the area over the course of weeks, rather - than simply those who are present in the moment. - Those places where the Dream's reflection of a place begins to influence - its origin back are especially distinct for a Luminous. - They automatically sense that this is happening, and have a general idea - of the stories and concepts that the Dream influences the waking world - through. - Similarly in the Dream, they are aware of the general circumstances in - the real world that have created such an reflection in the Dream, and whether - it is at risk of influencing the waking world in return. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mage Sight drives Mages towards Mysteries, and Read the Winds drives Luminous - towards places where they can -\emph on -help -\emph default -. - This is meant as a thing Storytellers weave into descriptions constantly, - one of the things that makes Luminous not able to ignore the fact they're - supernatural in daily life, even if they solve their problems in mundane - ways. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Colors from Beyond -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream is not the only world that can influence Earth. - The spirits of the Shadow come to reflect the material world in a way not - much unlike the Dream. - Those places frequented by Fae become entwined with their world, each door - a gateway to a world of terrible wonders. - When faced with such circumstances, Luminous still sense a vague feeling - that there are forces from beyond at play, but they cannot pin down the - exact nature of the influence or its origin. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interwoven Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Most dreamers never meet another, never finding the path from their own - dreams into the Sea. - That quiet wish for an escape, that wish that first led the Luminous to - the Kingdoms still resonates with them after their Realization. - Reaching out through their Resonance, their soul still years for the more - distant dreams. - Through it, they rewrite the Sea ever so slightly, drawing their own dreams - closer to those of they already love, those they wish to know better. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their personal dreams become entwined with those they have at least Medium - Intimacy with, catching glimpses of each other's inner depths that they - would not normally see in their waking lives. - Even if they rarely directly meet, the ideas and themes of their dreams - still intermingle. - At this level, both dreamers gain 9-Again on all rolls made to understand - or emphasize with each other. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -With Strong Intimacy, rather than simply sharing a dream world, they come - to be parts of the same stories, seeing the same wonders and facing the - same challenges together. - The bonus from Medium Intimacy grants a rote quality instead of 9-Again, - and both dreamers know by heart each other's Anchors and any similarly - character defining traits such as Bans or a Mage's Obsessions. - Furthermore, the Luminous may lead the other dreamer into the Kingdoms - proper or other parts of the Astral Realms without the use of any powers - or checks. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -At Connected Intimacy, the shared dreams grow ever more intense. - Sometimes the dreamers dream as each other, as the same person, from each - other's perspectives. - Through that, they come to know the truth of each other's hearts. - Both partners gain an automatic success on any rolls Strong Intimacy grants - a bonus to. - Unlike lower intimacy levels, this inherently breaches any protection Veiling - and similar abilities provides. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous draw those who they are close to close together passively. - Their power connects dreams, and through it, creates an lasting and deep - understanding in waking life. - Plus, this serves somewhat as a Luminous' answer to Beast Kinship. - Rather than an innate connection, they come to understand those they are - close to in general – supernatural or otherwise. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreaming of the Night -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The more Luminous try to help lessen the burdens of the mundane world, the - more they find them inexorably tied with supernatural forces – often ones - far over their heads to solve. - It's natural them, that they often meet and become close to other kinds - of supernatural beings. - Their Resonance guides the way, granting them glimmers of insight to their - inner world an outsider normally could never pierce. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Through such shared dreams, a Luminous gains an intuitive understanding - of what broadly drives any kind of supernatural creature she has Medium - Intimacy with. - At Strong Intimacy, she gains deeper insights into how they see the world - and their place in it – especially when she draws on it herself through - Reflected Light. - At Connected Intimacy, her shared dreams shows her deeply and personally - what it would be like to be... - something else, had she been touched by a different force before her Realizatio -n. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous who have befriended another kind of supernatural being have a deeper - resonance with the force they draw on as well. - With at least Strong Intimacy to such a being, she may apply Read the Winds - to broadly understand circumstances imposed upon the waking world by worlds - outside the Dream. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Reflected Light -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anchors -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Reflected Light -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Even in their waking life, a Luminous may draw on her Resonance and the - connections it creates. - Luminous and those they share Strong Intimacy with may call on each other's - strengths and approaches when their own no longer suffices, drawing on - their memories of the dreams they share. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Once per scene, either dreamer may spend two Willpower to reflect a Virtue, - Dream, Wish or other Anchor from someone they have Strong or Connected - Intimacy with for that scene. - They gain the Anchor for all purposes including Willpower recovery, and - 9-Again on all actions that follow that Anchor. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous can draw on her relationships with others, drawing on their own - strengths for her own. - They are magical girls after all. - This is the cumulation of their theme of relationships, of the ties between - people. - I do very much like designs like this. - Anchors and Aspirations are not only useful as out of character traits; - their manipulation is the best representation there is in the Storyteller - system for representing magics that shape one's own heart. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Balance-wise, 9-again isn't... - quite as strong as it sounds. - As a quick rundown of the probability math behind CofD, each dice produces - -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{3}$ -\end_inset - - successes on average with 10-again, and -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{8}$ -\end_inset - - successes per die with 9-again. - That is only an additional -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{24}$ -\end_inset - - successes per die, or in other words, the equivalent of a +1 bonus per - 8 dice. - In general, for -\begin_inset Formula $n$ -\end_inset - --again, the average number of successes rolled per die is -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{n-1}$ -\end_inset - -. - Furthermore, it doesn't help at all when you only care if you succeed or - fail – it only makes it easier to get a large number of successes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, 9-again -\emph on -feels -\emph default - impactful, and this this acts as a subtle roleplay push towards actually - acting out the implications of drawing on the strengths of your friends. - The Anchor does the rest – in the hands of a good roleplayer, Reflected - Light means Luminous can pull a full Willpower recovery out of a large - variety of scenes. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dreamer's Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamer's Will|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - A Luminous' soul is entwined in the Sea, partly dispersed into its flows. - Luminous may call upon that part of themselves to resist attempts to influence - their mind or emotions, grounding themselves in a true self out of reach - to most magic. - They are always aware of such attempts to influence them and may spend - Willpower on any roll to contest such effects or elect not to do so. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When resisting supernatural influences in this way, the Luminous rolls a - Clash of Wills versus the power with a dice pool of Reverie + Hope. - If the power would change how she feels about one or more people she has - a positive relationship with, she gains the highest Intimacy bonus among - the people affected to her roll. - However, this same protection can be turned against them. - Should someone she has Intimacy with support the effort, or encourge her - to fall into it (whether of their free will or otherwise), she suffers - a penality to both her resistance roll against the ability and her Clash - of Wills equal to their Intimacy bonus. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When resisting extraordinary (but still mundane) means of mental influence - such as drugs or advanced technology, she simply ignores the attempt. - If she choses to do so, she immediately suffers Flicker as if she had transform -ed. - This is not obviously a supernatural effect, and cannot be easily distinguished - from the resistance of a particularly strong willed mortals. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This power applies against effects that outright manipulate things such - as her emotions, thought process, memory, relationships. - More subtle effects such as illusions, those read her mind, or communicate - information to her (even if it is distracting or false) do not trigger - Dreamer's Will. - However, it does still apply against powers that indirectly manipulate - her such as those that work through manipulation of underlying reality - or concepts. - This is an active act of Dreamweaving and cannot be mistaken for any level - of mortal resistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I've never heard of a magical girl anime where the villain beats them by - just mind controlling them. - Breaking them first and mind controlling them... - yes. - But they have to go through that first step. - Dreamer's Will causes a Clash of Wills against a dice pool unusually large - for Clashes (Power Stat + Attribute + Attribute rather than Power Stat - + Five Dot Rating). - Unless their Hope is depleted already, overcoming it through sheer force - requires exceptional power. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Resonance|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status open - -\begin_layout Section -Dreamweaving -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In a world of living dreams, to imagine a thing is the same as to do it. - There are no law of physics to say that someone couldn't ride the winds - through the sky, or dive into the deepest depths of the ocean. - Nothing could clip those wings, short for the will of another dreamer. - Without any laws of reality to bind them, the Dream could only ever be - a reflection of all wishes of those souls within. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The art of Dreamweaving was born of that world. - To weave together creativity and will, breathing life into colorful imagination -s and beautiful dreams. - When cruel nightmares besieged the Kingdom, the Starborn could fight back - with swords woven of courage and lances woven of fury. - No matter how helpless they were when they awoke, they... - for that moment, they could shine... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Every Luminous was once such a person, chasing after half-remembered memories - of an impossible light. - Holding it in their hands now... - they come face to face with the hidden horrors and familiar cruelties of - the world alike. - This time, they need not only dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Mutability -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Mutability|( -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream and the Sea of Stars are a few worlds among countless others, - all with their own natures. - If they would not yield their power as the Dream does, the will of the - world itself could still be pushed aside as any other dreamer's. - Mutability is a measure of how strongly a world resists the power of the - Luminous, and the amount of effort needed to Weave anyway within them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Low Mutability: -\series default - Worlds bound by physical or supernatural laws have Low Mutability. - Dreamweaving in these spaces is impossible for any being other than a transform -ed Luminous or other powerful Dream entities, and even then, they must contend - with the full effects of Transience. - The waking world, the Shadow, and most supernatural realms fall under this - category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Medium Mutability: -\series default - Worlds influenced by a great number of dreamers have Medium Mutability. - Any being may use basic Dreamweaving here, and the effects of Transience - are lessened compared to more solid worlds. - The Records, the Dream Kingdoms, and more stable regions of the Dream fall - under this category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -High Mutability: -\series default - Worlds outside of the influence of any gestalt will or reality have High - Mutability. - Weaving is completely unrestricted in these spaces, and may be used by - any being. - The Sea of Stars, personal dreams, and most of the Dream fall under this - category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Mutability|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Weaving Actions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Actions|( -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving, imagination and action are all the same in a dream. - There is no true difference between imagining walking through a forest, - and imagining all the flowers coming into bloom at once. - There is no need to put one foot in front of the other, coordinating all - of a body's muscles. - Just... - to imagine you did. - That alone is enough in the Dream. - Rather than needing to perform every little step of her action by hand, - she only need understand the principles of what she is doing as the Dream - fills in the gaps. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving is performed using such Weaving Actions, using a separate set - of skills instead of the usual mundane set. - Any roll may be rolled with the closest matching Weaving Skill rather than - the usual mundane Skill, as long as the character can currently Dreamweave. - If this is done as part of a proactive action on her part, it becomes a - Weaving Action. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While this isn't blatantly supernatural, it still usually leaves subtle - tells that nothing is right. - Perhaps she defies gravity, drifting in the air far longer than she should, - jumping from building to building. - Perhaps the motion of her feet don't line up with how fast she moves as - she runs across the field. - Any witnesses may roll Perception to notice the incongruence in her actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Actions|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Another of the things that defines the feel of Luminous. - They don't interact with the world as mortals or even most supernatural - beings do. - To them, they move by intent as in a dream. - Imagine moving in impossible ways and simply doing so. - Strange body plans and unfamiliar body parts don't phase them the slightest - – before they learn how to control them physically they can simply Weave - their way through the adjustment period. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mechanically, this serves as one of their major advantages. - They have higher dice pools on average between Dream Attributes and Weaving - Actions. - In fact, this replaces the normal supernatural trait added to supernatural - powers. - Since this gives them larger dice pools already, it's not entirely necessary - for the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This also is meant as a partial patch to the problem some supernatural splats - have that... - powers require very specific Skills, limiting builds in a strange way. - Why does a Changeling who lives in a city with no wilderness for ages have - a Survival skill? Especially when its entire purpose is to cast Elemental - Weapon? Because Luminous powers always use Weaving Skills, this problem - is far lessened. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Weaving Skills -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-TransformedSkills" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Weaving Skill represents how well a character understands the underlying - principles that connect an entire category of actions. - Any character with significant ties to the Dream (whether as natives, or - Starborn) may purchase Weaving Skills in the same way as regular Skills. - Characters attempting to use Weaving Skills untrained suffer a -3 penalty. - This penalty is reduced to -1 for Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Force -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Force -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -One will triumphs over another, dictating the shape of the Dream. - The strong still triumph over the weak, only in a contest of will and determina -tion rather than muscle and steel. - Force is the skill reflecting the use of raw willpower to enforce your - will upon others or prevent them from affecting you as they wish. - It is used for feats of strength, magic, or endurance, directly contesting - your talents against another. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Knock down a door. - Stare someone down. - Overpower someone with magic. - Shove a door closed against a monster. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Flow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Flow -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The winds flow over the tallest mountain peaks and through the narrowest - of passages. - To yield does not mean to give up, merely to find another direction from - which to act. - Flow is the skill reflecting grace and the solving problems by working - around them. - It is used for moving gracefully through adversary, solving problems via - trickery, or redirecting forces. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Fly through a windstorm. - Dance gracefully. - Dodge a blow. - Pick a lock. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Learn -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Learn -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All knowledge was once unknown, and all the principles that our modern era - was built on was once discovered by someone. - Just because something isn't yet known isn't at all an obstacle. - Learn is the skill reflecting discovery, experimentation and observation. - It is used for discovering new truths or investigating mysterious circumstances. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Intuit the meaning behind a riddle. - Investigate a murder scene. - Perform a scientific experiment. - Predict the future from the stars. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Lore -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Lore -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The world of today is built on the shoulder of giants. - Every discovery, tradition, piece of art is merely the latest in a history - lasting countless eras. - Lore is the skill reflecting the wisdom and knowledge of the past, and - the customs that allowed them to be discovered. - It is used to apply a body of knowledge, remember the stories of the past, - and draw new conclusions from old information. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Hack a computer network. - Diagnose a disease. - Recall useful facts. - Summon a creature from a fairy tale. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Connect -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Plain words alone were never enough to communicate the depths of one's own - truth. - Thus, we invented a thousand arts, a thousand ways to touch the souls and - emotions of others. - Heart is the skill reflecting expression and force of personality. - It is used to convince others through heartfelt appeals, express one's - truths to others, and protect one's own self against impositions. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Write a poem. - Convince someone of their own worth. - Physically manifest emotions into magic. - Unweave a charm cast upon one's own mind. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Resonate -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Resonate -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -More people walk the Earth than stars shine in the galaxy, each unique yet - bound into a single whole. - Together, they may become something greater than any of them could alone. - Resonate is the skill reflecting connections between people and understanding - of the greater whole. - It is used to understand another's feelings, connect with another deeply, - or see the broader picture beyond the details. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Reach out to someone in need. - Comfort your best friend. - Understand the social dynamics of a business. - Read the emotion behind a spell. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Shape -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Shape -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Shape is the principle of creation. - It is used to create or fix things and engineer new designs. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Design a building. - Write a computer program. - Repair a car. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Shade -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills!Shade -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Shade is the principle of concealment. - It is used to deceive others from the truth and resonate with hidden truths. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\series default - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Example Actions: -\series default -Hide your true feelings. - Avoid being seen. - Pickpocket someone's keys. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving!Weaving Skills|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Ideals -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Invocations" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Ideals|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Each Dream Kingdom was woven around an Ideal, a reflection of all the stories - once dreamed by every person who once resided in it. - Luminous may buy up to 5 dots in each Ideal, reflecting their understanding - of the worldviews and emotions that underlie the symbols of the Kingdom. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -To come to that understanding, a Luminous normally has to at least partly - agree with the Ideal themselves. - If they agree to the basic foundations of the Ideal, they may learn up - to three dots of an Ideal intuitively. - A Luminous who agrees with all its beliefs in at least vague terms (or - is a member of the Kingdom) may learn all five dots of it intuitively. - Beyond that, they must study extensively under a teacher or else glean - the deeper meaning behind an Ideal through their -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand ref -reference "sec:Echo" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Pretty unchanged from P:tH on the surface level, although used far differently. - For one, I try to not encourage arguments with the Storyteller over whether - your character should really have four dots of Specchio, or whether she - really aligns with tenet 2 of the Court's beliefs. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Your character might need a teacher for the Invocation -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - is far easier a pill to swallow than -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -sorry your build doesn't work -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamweaving|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Nakama -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Merits -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Merits" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Modified Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Certain Merits are modified for Luminous characters. - This covers merits found in the Chronicles of Darkness core, and the World - of Darkness: Innocents book. - Further adjustments may be needed for merits from other sourcebooks. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Alternate Identity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Veiling inherently provides the protection Alternate Identity - [CofD 50] normally provides at one dot. - Luminous may take it for one less experience when establishing documentation - for their Dream Form, and may not take it at one dot. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Giant and Small-Framed -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Giant [CofD 47] and Small-Framed [CofD 49] merits do not apply to a - Luminous' Dream Form. - She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is Size 6, - and may purchase the Small-Framed merit for free if her Dream Form is Size - 4 or smaller. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Unseen Sense -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Characters may purchase the Unseen Sense merit [CofD 60] aligned to Will - or Dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Will may be used to detect Maou, transformed Luminous, and their powers. - Dreams may be used to detect Asura, Incursions, transformed Luminous, other - beings affiliated with the Dream, and any powers used by them. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Note that Dual Identity protects Luminous from being detected by either - means in Mundane Form as long as they do not use any of their powers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Update for Maou being split into another book. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Vice-Ridden and Virtuous -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Neither Maou nor Luminous may purchase either Vice-Ridden or Virtuous [CofD - 46], as they use different Anchors. - The -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Another-Dream]{Another Dream} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - merit does something similar, while being compatible with Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Giant and Tiny (Innocents) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Giant [WoD:I 104] and Tiny [WoD:I 105] merits do not apply to a Luminous' - Dream Form. - She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is of size - 6. - She may purchase the Tiny merit for free if her Dream Form is of Size 3. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Luminous Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -These Merits may only be taken by Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Another Dream (••) -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Another-Dream" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default -Your character has a significantly different personality in her Dream Form. - She has a different Dream or Wish in her Dream Form, and may use either - Anchor in either form to defend against social maneuvering or supernatural - abilities. - She may still not recover Willpower from the same kind of anchor more than - once in a scene. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Pretty simple. - This acknowledges a rather common trope in magical girl works in a -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -quiet -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - way. - This is somewhat weaker than Vice-Ridden or Virtuous because supernatural - anchors are already stronger baseline. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Childish (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character appears as a younger child when transformed. - She is of Size 3 in Dream Form, and gains a +3 bonus to any attempt to - hide, go unnoticed, or other actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default -Your character is treated as someone as old as she appears. - She receives a -3 modifier to any attempt to physically intimidate another - or pass as an adult (regardless of whether she is one). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream's Rebuke (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may retaliate against attempts to mentally influence her - with her Echo. - If she wins a Clash of Wills caused by Dreamer's Will, she may spend a - Willpower to cause the opposing effect to become a Dramatic Failure. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Innate Regalia (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: How do I do this? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character has a Regalia that is innate to her Dream Form. - She automatically summons it when she transforms at no Mote cost. - This merit may be taken a second time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - The Regalia cannot be disabled in any way. - If it has variants, you must choose one when you take this merit – you - cannot use other variants. - When you take this merit, or when you gain further Upgrades, you must choose - whether it applies to your Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A basic design trick. - This lets you mechanically reflect a large variety of different physical - forms, without the long list of supernatural merits Exalted has. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Paragon (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character's Dream Form is particularly large, towering over most others. - She is Size 6 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to physically - intimidate another, reassure someone that she can protect them, or other - actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - Fitting into small spaces is difficult at best, and often impossible. - Hiding is rarely an option. - You take a -2 penalty to rolls to hide or go unnoticed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Silent Aria (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may hide their Aria in different forms of communication, - such as a text message, spoken sentence, or piano song. - This is not obviously supernatural, unlike Aria normally. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Tomoyo's Touch (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: How do I do this? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may appear in whatever outfit she wishes when she transforms - into her Dream Form. - She still looks to be the same person, just in a different outfit. - This does not let her hide supernatural features, except by covering them - with clothes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Youthful (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character is diminutive when transformed. - She is Size 4 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to hide, - or other actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default -Your character might be overlooked or not taken seriously by some people. - She takes a -2 penalty to rolls to physically intimidate or threaten others. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Mundane Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -These merits are entirely mundane, and are open to any character type. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Mundane Merits. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous aren't the only ones who get it, who are empathic enough to be - hurt by it. - Making Sensitivity a mundane merit is important for Luminous Hope economy, - and pushes the themes that... - well. - There are just people like that out in the world, magical or not. - They just have to find each other. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter X: The Power of Hope -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Chapter-PowerOfLove" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: This section will be removed eventually. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All Luminous must draw their magic from their imagination – whether they - were lost in their own dreams, or learned to be so after their Blossoming. - In an act of will, they call the form they take in those dreams into reality. - When that alone isn't enough to overcome the world's woes, they turn to - their greater powers. - In further acts of will, they project more of their Dream into the walking - world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Through their Regalia, the Luminous weave further extensions of their will - into their Dream Form, manifesting as shining arms, auras of light or wings - of stardust. - Through their Domains, the Luminous shape not only their own being but - the world around them, commanding fire and winds dance to their touch. - Through their Charms, the Luminous draw the ways and concepts of the Dream - into reality, asking the world follow the laws of Dream over reality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All forms of Luminous magic are innately Weaving Actions. - They aren't mundane acts, but rather ways to imagine and then Weave those - imaginings into the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Clash of Wills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Update Clash of Wills for new power structure. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Sometimes, opposing supernatural beings will use their powers in ways where - both can't succeed at the same time and it isn't clear which ability should - trump another. - When the effects of supernatural abilities clash in this way, it triggers - a Clash of Wills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Each Luminous involved rolls Reverie + the highest Invocation involved in - the power. - The player who rolls the highest wins, and their ability takes effect. - If no Invocations can be applied to the power, use the Luminous' highest - Invocation instead. - On a tie, reroll the contest until one player rolls more successes than - each other player. - Other types of supernatural being have their own dice pools for Clash of - Wills, which can be found in their source books. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Characters may spend Willpower to bolster the contested roll, but only if - they are physically present and aware that their powers are clashing. - Certain powers, such as those with exceptionally long durations, are more - enduring in a clash. - Day-long effects add one die to the clash roll, week-long effects add two, - month-long three, and effects that could last a year or longer add four. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Evocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream is woven of the light of all of humanity. - Memories, emotion and stories melded together into a single unimaginable - world. - Through their Evocations, the Luminous draw a small thread of its light - into the waking world, overturning its laws with those of the Dream. - For an ephemeral moment, the stories and hope they see in their dreams - may exist in their waking life too. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Even if they aren't truly real as the powers of other supernatural beings, - those fleeting moments are all the Luminous need, in the end. - The stories they layer over the waking world allow them to do impossible - things still, even if all traces of their magic fade back into illusion - when all is done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Creating Evocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Evocations are woven out of the -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Passive Evoking -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Active Evoking -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Transience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Evocations, and all their direct effects upon the world are a story. - Stories bright enough to overturn the world's law for a moment, perhaps, - but stories nevertheless. - When they fade, all their direct disappear as if they were never cast. - Videos of the magic fade as if nothing happened – leaving only the barest - traces superimposed as if pasted on top to explain truly impossible actions. - Even wounds and apparent death caused by a Luminous' magic fades like a - dream when all is said and done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -An Evocation automatically fades at the end of the Scene in which it were - cast, and may be ended prematurely by its caster by spending a Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Only a precious few of an Evocation's effects can remain when it ends. - Memories of the event, and any mental changes created by them are not affected. - Nor are effects wrought upon a Luminous' Dream Form or other Dreamborn - – as they were never real in the first place. - Otherwise, to make permanent changes, the Luminous must confirm her magic - with mundane action – after all, those are still -\emph on -real -\emph default - to the waking world, even if they were only possible because of an illusion. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Though a Luminous couldn't simply banish toxins from the soil, she could - collect them into a pool with her magic, then collect them in a bottle. - She couldn't teleport the items out of a safe, but she could blow off the - door and simply carry them off. - And well... - when words fail and fights break out, she may ensure her opponent stays - dead as any mortal may. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write updated Charms section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Ideal List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Rosa -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Rosa is the -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Prisma -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Prisma is the Ideal of Ildathach, born out of the will to outshine the world - itself, the shining light of one's innermost truths. - It encourages those who follow it to never hide their true dreams, and - shine as brightly as they can without compromise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Colors (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Prisma asks its wielders to never forget how every person and everything - are special at their core. - No matter how much the world tries to bury their colors, they could always - be reawakened. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminance -: -\series default - Colors allows a Luminous to manipulate literal color and summon a colorful - prismatic light with Elements. - This can be used to light dark spaces, inflict the Blinded tilt [CofD 281], - or similar effects. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminance •: -\series default - Prisma may be Evoked to draw on the best qualities of things. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Radiance (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Names (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream describes all things someone or something is through its Name. - The Sidhe may reverse that relationship, changing a name to change what - it names. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Controlling Skill: -\series default - Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -1 Success: -\series default - Change a single property of the target temporarily. - A knife may become dull, or a tree branch sharp enough to pierce skin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -2+ Successes: -\series default - Replace the target's Name with another. - Anyone who interacts or sees it does not recognize it as anything other - than what it is named for, even if its properties are completely different. - A pencil made into a calculator is clearly broken, a person made into a - slob is still avoided by her peers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anyone who experiences this discrepancy may make an Intelligence + Wits - check to pierce the illusion. - Each additional success invested into this effect inflicts a penalty of - -2 onto that check. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Change (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Defiance (••••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Creation (•••••) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Domain List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Elements -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Domain allow Luminous to shape the world around them. - Rather than dividing the world into individual objects or other pieces, - Elements shapes the world at the level of materials and substances. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -With it, Luminous may cause the wood of doors or neat gardens to grow wildly - to entangle someone, or lash out against someone with a whip of water. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Self-willed beings do not fall under the domain of Elements. - To the Dream, they are something more than simple matter, defining the - world rather than being defined by it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Elemental Weaving (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous touches the elements around her, wielding them alongside her - Weaving. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Controlling Attribute: -\series default - Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -1+ Successes: -\series default - Your character maintains control of an amount of the substance, using it - as a tool. - This provides a +1 equipment bonus to further Weaving Actions, and can - serve as -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This requires she have an element able to control the physical element being - manipulated, rather than an abstract property of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Forms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Domain allows the Luminous to shape the bodies and forms of any self-willed - being, weaving the magic of the Dream into them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -With it, Luminous may transform themselves into mermaids to explore the - seas, or grow wings of light to explore the skies. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Regalia -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -With their Regalia, the Luminous weave superhuman abilities and touches - of magic into their Dream Form. - Even when they appear to be equipment and shining arms, a Luminous' Regalia - are not truly separate from her. - Her sword feels like as much part her as her lace wings, and she wields - it with an almost surreal fluidity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As the are extensions of her Dream Form, Regalia do not function for anyone - other than the Luminous who summoned them, and dissolve into motes of light - a short moment after they leave their presence. - Disarming Luminous is rarely useful, as they may reflexively recall any - Regalia they have lost on their turn at no cost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous may summon Regalia when she transforms into her Dream Form or as - a reflective action at the start of each turn. - Regalia each have a base effect, and multiple Upgrades or Variants. - Upgrades enhance the base effect of the Regalia, and Variants replace it - – hence, only one Variant may be used at a time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Each Regalia costs a single Mote to summon, and a further Mote at the beginning - of each new scene in which she wants to maintain it. - Luminous may furthermore pay a single Mote to change the upgrades or variants - she has active on a Regalia or desummon one at no cost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Regalia List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Binary Star -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous find themselves needing to be in two places at once to maintain - their secrets. - Thankfully, they can. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous splits her Dream Form into two bodies, dispersing her awareness - between them. - This is disorienting and distracting to say the least, but she can often - remain functional enough to at least get the job done. - One of the bodies may be her Mundane Form, but this effect is only cosmetic. - She is treated as if she were in Dream Form, albeit still with the protection - of Dual Identity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both bodies share a single bar of Dream Health, and she may choose one of - her bodies to return to when she reverts to Mundane Form for any reason. - Regalia must be summoned independently for both bodies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - The Luminous loses 10-again on all actions, takes a -3 penalty to all mundane - actions, and suffers a -1 penalty on even Weaving Actions. - In combat or other stressful situations, she may only take Instant Actions - with one of her bodies each turn. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: True Focus -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous do not shy away from even the strangest dream, weaving them all - the same as any other. - This is no different. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Brillare or Prisma ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default -The Luminous suffers no penalties to her Weaving Actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Workforce -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sancus teaches the value in the fruits of labor, and see further value in - a Regalia normally only to cover for one's own absence. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi • -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may perform any physical tasks she sets both her bodies to - in half the time. - This halves the roll time for relevant extended actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Phalanx -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The coordination required for military tactics takes quite an amount of - training to achieve. - Of course, one way to cut it short is to be your own army. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Coordinating with herself, the Luminous pins down her opponents or otherwise. - Once a turn in combat, she may assist her other body's actions with a reflexive - teamwork action. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Twin Blades -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Gathering all her focus, the Legionary pins down her target with perfect - coordination. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Once per scene in combat, the Legionary may spend a Willpower to make a - separate instant action with both her bodies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Wings of Light -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -So many people dream of seeing the skies as the birds do. - The Luminous too do so, summoning wings or veils of wind to take to the - skies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may fly freely in the air, and has a species factor of 10 - to her speed while flying. - She may bring a single person with her by taking their hand, and extending - her magic of flight to her partner. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Evasive Tactics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flowing with the winds, the Luminous dodges attacks aimed at her with unnatural - fluidity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Caeli or Flori ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - When flying, the Luminous may apply Defense against ranged attacks. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Violence's Reward -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Konohana believes violence to be a last resort to be shunned. - Thus, she bids the winds teach the lesson to all who attempt to harm her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Flori ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - When successfully dodging an ranged attack, the Luminous may redirect it - back at its source. - She rolls for the attack as if it were her own. - This effect may only be used once a turn. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Rainbow Burst -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Why fly in the skies if you can't do anything with it? To a Sylph, flight - can simply serve as a way to get where she needs to be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Caeli ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - By spending a Mote, the Luminous may cloak herself in a veil of light, - traveling across the skies with great speed. - She uses the vehicle rules to move [CofD 98-99]. - Her safe speed is [Power + Finesse + Flow] * 15 and in crashes, she always - counts as the light object. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Charm List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Resonant Truth -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In our dreams, we remember things we never dreamed, and are merely part - of its story. - Likewise, the Luminous may ask of the world to show them things as in those - dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default -Sensory, Networked, Intimacy, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - Finesse + Resonate - the target's Composure -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Success: -\series default - The Luminous may ask a question of the Dream for every success they roll, - glimmering information about the target's current situation. - This manifests as a vague dream-like impressions, but it does answer her - questions in broad terms. - She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a scene./ -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -What general emotion are they feeling currently? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are they currently hurt or in danger? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are they under an obvious mental influence of any sort? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Exceptional Success: -\series default -Successes are their own reward. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Failure: -\series default - The Luminous learns nothing of her target. - She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a day. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Dramatic Failure: -\series default - The Luminous learns nothing of her target, and they become aware of your - attempt to read their story. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A simple Charm with powerful applications. - The base ability here is weaker than with most Charms, because it works - with any Invocation. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Prismatic Echo -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Drawing on the lessons behind her on Invocations, the Luminous gleams deeper - truths from the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Any Invocation ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may ask addition questions of the Dream. - This Upgrade may be applied multiple times, each time with an different - Invocation. - Every Invocation you apply this Upgrade with allows you to ask a different - set of questions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Is there anyone or anything here they feel strongly about? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are the target a supernatural being of any kind? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) What is an organization or formal social group they have strong ties - to? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) Who do they consider their direct superior or direct subordinate? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) Who is a person they love, and how do they feel about them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) What Aspiration or other similar long-term goal is closest to their - mind right now? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) What memory or person could they not stand to lose? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) What would they consider their ideal paradise for themselves? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) What is a way in which they are not willing to change, and one way - in which they are? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) How do the spirits of their house and gardens view them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) What is their preferred name, and what is an alternative name they - are known by? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) In an ideal world, what kind of life would they live? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) What is one of their greatest competencies? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) Who is a person who taught them, or they have taught something - important? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) Who is a person they have harmed or broken a promise to recently? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) Who is a person they rely on for comfort and support in dark times? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Caeli) What people or groups do they think of themselves as part of first - and foremost? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Caeli) What is a restriction or rule they chafe against in their daily - life? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Light of Truth -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Rather than gleaning scattered truths, the Luminous calls upon the Dream - to answer a single piercing questions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Any Invocation ••••• -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 3 Motes -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - Finesse + Resonate - target's Composure -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Success: -\series default -The Luminous learns the answer to a single question in detail. - Rather than vague impressions, she learns the answer in full and truthful - detail. - The target likewise gains an vague intuitive impression of the question - asked and who did so. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -What kind of supernatural being is the character, and how would others of - their kind classify them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) What is the greatest secret they know about an organization they - are a part of? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) Who are all the people they have Connected or Strong Intimacy with? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) How will they be remembered if they passed away now? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) What stories would the spirits tell of them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) What is their true name, and what other names are they known by? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) What is one thing they are hiding from you? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) How does the community they are a part of think of them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Cieli) How would they describe their true self, if they knew of its entirety? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Exceptional Success: -\series default -The target is not made aware of your question. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Failure: -\series default - You learn nothing of the target. - You may not use Light of Truth on the target for a month. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Dramatic Failure: -\series default - Your attempt backfires. - Your target learns of the answer to the question you asked, as if they - had used Light of Truth against you. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Shining Vow -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Shining-Vow" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous reaches out with her Echo as she speaks a promise. - Her magic conveys her own feelings about the promise unerringly, showing - the world the resolve that lies behind her words. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Anyone the Luminous spoke her promise to becomes fully aware of her sincerity. - This can serve as Soft Leverage in Social Maneuvering, or provide an appropriat -e bonus to a social roll. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regardless, she is magically binds her to fulfill own promise, replacing - one of her Aspirations. - This Aspiration has the same benefits as those from a Sensitivity trigger, - and does not fall under its cap. - If she abandons her promise (including by replacing the Aspiration), or - acts intentionally against its spirit, the Aspiration ends and she takes - a box of severe Hope damage and gains a Hope condition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: The Hope recovery from this is probably too strong. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Charm fails if she does not mean her promise genuinely. - Anyone present becomes aware of her lack of resolve, and it does not bind - her to her own empty promise. - Furthermore, the Charm may only be used to seal promises to do a specific - action, not anything more complex. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A very magical girlish way to seal your own promises. - Royal Witness in P:tH was fun, but things like this... - feel more by the genre. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Knight's Code -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Nobility of Avalon see their highest calling as that to protect those - in need, and that vow carries a deep weight for them beyond simple sincerity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Rosa • -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default -When a Noble uses Shining Vow to promise to protect another or relieve them - of an ill that has befallen them, she may grant the Inspired condition - aligned to the ideals of Avalon to all those who hear her promise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Royal Witness -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Contracts and agreements form the basis of any organized society. - Declaring that she will bare witness to an oath, a Noble lays bare the - true sincerity behind the it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Rosa ••••• -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote per participant -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Any participants who made statements of intent meant to convince another - become a target of the Charm. - If all participants are genuine and sincere in their intentions, the Charm - binds them all magically to fulfill their own duties. - Each participant replaces one of their Aspirations as if they had used - Shining Vow themselves. - If one or more of the participants do not intend to uphold their end of - the oath, the Charm reveals their deception to all involved parties, and - has no further effects. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Although... - Invocations are still allowed to shift the genre. - :) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Binding Oaths -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Prismatic understand the true power of promises. - Drawing on the stories of the fae, they bind their own will to their promises. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Prisma • -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Additional Cost: -\series default - 1 Mote -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - You may seal promises to behave in a certain way, avoid certain actions, - or other more abstract restrictions. - When making such a promise, she gains the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Condition instead of replacing an Aspiration. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Sealing Thread -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -One does not make promises causally in the presence of the fae, nor those - who draw on their stories. - The Sidhe weaves a binding of dreams upon those who make careless vows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Prisma ••••• -\series bold - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Sidhe binds someone who makes a statement of intent in her presence - to their word, regardless of whether they meant it or not. - They gain the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Condition relating to their promise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Wyrd-Bound Vow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The oaths of the Luminous are mere whispers on the wind compared to bound - by Wyrd. - A Dreamer may weave her power with that of the Wyrd, binding herself forever - to an Oath with the fae. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Wyrd Origin or Prisma • -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default -Special (see text) -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default -Sensory, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default -None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous joins herself to an Wyrd-bound Oath initialized by a Changeling - or stranger being of Faerie. - This uses the usual rules found on pages 212-214 of -\emph on -Changeling: the Lost 2e -\emph default -. - Luminous spend Motes instead of Glamour to seal such promises, and must - draw those Motes from Hope instead of a Mote Pool. - They may not initiate such Oaths without a Changeling's help – the normal - powers of Shining Vow are the most they can do on their own. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Little things like this make crossover games far more interesting and fun, - without being significantly in the way of normal play. - Would recommend. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 4: The Sea of Stars -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -“Did you count the stars or something?” -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -“We don’t have to count them,” Meg said. - “They just need to be known by Name.” -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - -Madeleine L'Engle, -\series bold -A Wind in the Door -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Nomenclature -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Other supernatural beings and occult experts have their own name for the - Dream, and their own views of its structure. - In general, compared to them, the Luminous prefer simple plain language - terms, or ones drawn from popular culture over the more formal language - most of them employ. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou, Mages, and human scholars of the Astral use very technical terms for - the Dream, making literature references to esoteric concepts. - They see the Astral as a journey from the world below, into ever more true - worlds above – from personal dreams, to the higher truths of humanity, - to the higher truths of the world, and to more esoteric things beyond. - They refer to a Soulspace as a -\emph on -Oneiros -\emph default - (plural -\emph on -Oneiroi -\emph default -), the Dream as the -\emph on -Temenos -\emph default -, the Foundation as the -\emph on -Omphalos -\emph default - or Boundary Stone, and the World Dream as the Anima Mundi. - They call the Dreamborn (including Luminous, really) -\emph on -Goetia -\emph default - and do not typically draw the distinction between Dreamborn and Actors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Begotten use plain language terms similar to the Luminous, mixed with - the more formal terms of human academics. - They are home in the Primordial Dream, a layer deeper than most Luminous - ever touch upon, and their perspective sees much of the Dream the Luminous - know of as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -above -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - their own dream. - To them, the Dream as the Luminous call it and the Sea of Stars are the - Bright Dream. - The Foundation is the Cave, and the World Dream is the Mother's Land. - They share the Luminous terms of Actors and Dreamborn. - For everything else or when they need to make finer distinctions, they - tend to use the same terms as human scholars. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A Luminous' Dream Form is nothing truly unique in a world of dreams. - All visitors in the Dream (or other mental spaces) manifest a Dream Form - rather than their physical bodies. - The Dream Forms of mortals (and most other kinds of supernatural beings) - have their own limitations, however, compared to those of the Luminous: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Instead of using the highest of his attributes, a mortal's Dream Attributes - are based on his mental attributes. - He uses Intelligence for Power, Wits for Finesse, and Resolve for Resistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Mortals suffer wound penalties to Dream Health as usual. - Neither Luminous or mortals have any protection against physical attacks - in the Dream, as all attacks are partly magical in a sense. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Mortals cannot perform Weaving Actions, have no Weaving Skills, and do not - have Dual Identity. - As such, they add Athletics instead of Flow to their Defense. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In addition, Luminous Transformation works differently in the Dream. - They treat their Dream Form as their default form, and must roll in order - to transform into their Mundane Form. - They lose none of their powers or abilities in Mundane Form, but still - has the benefits of Dual Identity and is still affected by supernatural - powers as if she were a mortal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is just Beast/Changeling/Mage's Dream Form, of course. - Standard mechanic, but explained in terms of the Luminous Dream Form in - this system due to how central it is for the main splat. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Dream Combat -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream is not quite a peaceful place. - Conflict happens in every world, for better or worse. - ... - and, just like in the waking world, sometimes there is no option but to - force your way through another. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You could fight in a dream the same way you do in reality. - You pull out a sword, slicing away at your opponent's (dream) flesh. - But... - a Luminous sees deeper by nature. - After all, she is in part a native of the Dream. - A sword is mere a symbol for imposing one's will on another. - The wounds the sword inflicts are an unmistakable mark of your will on - another – they cannot simply imagine it away, because they were not the - one to imagine it in the first place. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Instead of a sword, a Luminous could wield a cutting argument, imposing - on her target's mind in a way that reaches beyond mundane persuasion. - She could weave a story of an party all too loud for the introvert, forcing - them to retreat. - A dream weapon only has to be a reflection of one's will, and the wounds - it inflicts any mark that cannot simply be imagined away. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -That is the heart of dream combat. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It always felt weird to me that dream combat in Mt:Aw mostly boiled down - to the same as physical combat. - Changeling is better with Shifts and such mechanics, by far. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In my case, I'm using mechanics inspired by Shaping Combat in the Graceful - Wicked Masques splatbook for Exalted 2e and to a latter extent how combat - flows in Exalted 3e. - So, I suppose, this is the part where I go full Jenna Moran. - Compared to that system, this is simplified and more abstract, but it is - still the core inspiration. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream combat isn't brutal like combat in the waking world, but that doesn't - mean it isn't scary in its own ways. - After all, your soul is laid bare to your opponent's will should you fail. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Intent -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In dream combat, intent doesn't simply give focus to why a fight is happening - – it is the fundamental basis of the world itself. - When someone resorts to force in the Dream, they initiate Dream Combat, - and all participants must declare their Intent. - Intent determines their win condition, and the kind of story they must - tell to achieve it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If you wish to destroy a Goetia you don't like, you're probably limited - to a story of violence of one sort or another. - If you simply want to get past a door guard unharmed, you have far more - options. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: aaaa. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Notions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Notions section; the Luminous Token-like. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Fading -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When they Blossom, the Luminous become living dreams. - Though those dreams never truly stop being human at their heart, they are - still what will remain of the Luminous at the very end. - As long as their dreams live, they do too, even when their mundane body - withers away from time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If a Hopeful dies in her Mundane Form while still able to transform, she - may transform one last time, burning away her Mundane Form entirely in - the process. - She immediately refills her Motes Pool and heals all Hope damage. - Her physical body is lost to her and she begins to Fade. - The same may happen if she retreats into the dream and lets her mundane - body wither away, or simply outlives her natural lifespan while transformed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Regardless of how it comes to be, the Luminous begin to dissolve into the - Dream, as the stray thoughts of humanity and foreign emotions lap at the - edges of their mind. - They anchor themselves against those tides by force of will, clinging tight - to those they love, to the place they know they have in the world. - Hope sustains them in the same way food and air does a mundane human. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Fading Luminous no longer regain Willpower form rest, and suffer a box of - severe Hope damage every day. - Should their entire Hope track be filled with severe Damage, their will - dissipates fully into the Dream and their body dissolves into motes of - light. - The same occurs if their Dream Health is exhausted, or they suffers the - Soul Shocked Condition for any other reason. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - a final plot beat for a Luminous at the end of their story, and a long-term - roleplaying opportunity. - A name call back to the original pitch for Princess: the Hopeful, at that. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Physical realities such as old age, dying, or not having a soul don't quite - affect the Luminous nearly as hard as they should. - After all, they are people who have become dreams. - Still, it's not... - exactly easy to do. - They just fade away if they run out of Hope, and the constant Severe Hope - damage makes it hard. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -On base Intimacy mechanics alone, they can still only clear one Severe damage - a day – breaking even in the process. - It takes the Take Their Hand power from Sensitivity to get ahead of existing - Severe damage. - Difficult but possible, as intended. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Elder Luminous...? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While they can theoretically live indefinitely, no Luminous older than a - century and a half or so have shown themselves to the broader community. - Some say it's because of how difficult it is for a Luminous to hang on, - especially as their friends pass away with the passage of time. - Before the internet and the Information Age, finding others who got it - was always a struggle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Perhaps a few group of truly elder Luminous have hidden themselves away - in some corner of the Dream or some deep forest together. - A close-knit Nakama of elder Luminous may indeed be able to sustain themselves - like that. - But... - if they exist, they've certainly since secluded themselves away or chosen - to guide the world from the shadows as the Maou do. - Others say even that's unlikely – that such isolation would itself tear - at the Luminous and that they wouldn't survive like that. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Lucid -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream Kingdoms are not only inhabited by the Luminous. - The vast majority of those who came to dream in their grounds never Blossom, - never realize that there is more to it than a particularly stable recurring - dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Young Luminous -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Far too many Hopeful do not have the luxury of waiting until adulthood to - grasp the power of the Dream. - The cruelties of the world always start far too early. - Especially compared with other types of supernatural beings, Luminous tend - to Blossom very early, with all the complications and benefits it comes - with. - On one hand... - becoming something else is too often effectively the end of their childhood. - On the other hand, too often that childhood is one they would not wish - to continue even if they had the choice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - may be used with the rules for child characters found in -\series bold -World of Darkness: Innocents -\series default -. - While such a game is fundamentally a Luminous chronicle at its heart, those - rules are still useful to represent a characters' significant younger Mundane - Form. - The Luminous template may be used in combination with the Innocent template. - Create the character as a normal Luminous with the following modifications: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She has a lower number of mundane skill dots equal to the normal total for - her age, and may not place dots in a category exceeding the normal maximum - for her age's primary category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Her mundane skills have a cap of three dots, which increases to four dots - at Reverie 2 and five dots at Reverie 4. - At Reverie 4, refund all Prodigy merits under the Sanctity of Merits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She has the Study skill instead of Academics and Science. - It counts as part of the Learn Weaving skill. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She may buy the Youthful merit for free. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -In Mundane Form, the usual rules for young characters apply to her. - For example, she suffers increased wounds penalties, is easy to beat down, - and has a significant disadvantage versus adults. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous do not suffer any of the usual drawbacks of childhood in their - Dream Form. - While their mundane actions versus adults are still penalized, this does - not apply to Weaving Actions or the use of magic. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -With some cunning, Luminous may acquire social merits normally forbidden - to young characters – up to and including a full adult Alternate Identity - given enough persistence and an appropriate Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -World of Darkness: Innocents Summary -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This section contains a brief summary of the important rules for child character -s found in -\series bold -World of Darkness: Innocents -\series default -. - Using the full source book is very much recommended as it also provides - useful thematic guidelines and flavor context as to the rules. - This summary, then, is meant for use as a quick reference, as a backup - if you do not have access to -\series bold -Innocents -\series default -, and to serve as a partial update to Chronicles of Darkness rules. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Virtue/Vice: -\series default - Children use Virtue/Vice like other mortals. - While in Innocents, they have different Anchors called Asset/Fault, these - work identically to CofD's version of Virtue/Vice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Morality and Triggers: -\series default - Children use Integrity like other mortals. - As Triggers were a replacement for derangements in Innocents, they are - superseded by breaking point conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Attributes: -\series default - Children allocate attributes the same way as older characters. - As their dots are compared to the average of their age, they are still - worse than adults with the same scores. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skills: -\series default - Young characters are normally capped to 3 dots in each skill. - Furthermore, they have fewer skill points to allocate based on their age. - 7-year-old children allocate 6/5/2 skills, 8-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, - 9-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, 10-year-olds allocate 8/5/3, 11-year-olds allocate - 8/5/3, 12-year-olds allocate 9/5/3, and teenagers allocate 10/6/4. - Children younger than 10 have 1 skill specialty, children 10 or older have - 2 skill specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skill List: -\series default - Children have a Study skill representing their skill at studying and schoolwork. - This replaces their Academics and Science skills. - They may not have the Drive skill except in special circumstances that - would logically allow it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Escape: -\series default - Children are especially skilled at escaping from combat. - As long as their opponent is not fully focused on them, a child may attempt - to escape or hide. - Escape requires an Dexterity + Wits vs Wits + Composure roll, and hiding - requires a Dexterity + Stealth vs Wits + Composure roll. - Notably, in the context of Luminous, a transformation is certainly enough - of a distraction to invoke this rule. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Firearms: -\series default - The first time in a combat a character under about the age of 12 unused - to gunfire is shot at, must spend a point of Willpower or be Beaten Down. - Furthermore, when such a character attempts to shoot a firearm at someone - for the first time, she must pass a Resolve + Composure roll or she misses - and must roll again the next time she tries. - Luminous who have fought in Dream Form before are exempt from this penalty. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Wound Penalties: -\series default - Children are especially vulnerable to wound penalties compared to adults. - Instead of the normal benchmarks, she suffers a -1 penalty to all actions - when her fifth-to-last health box is damaged, loses 10-again when her fourth-to --last is marked, suffers a -2 penalty when her third-to-last health box - is damaged, cannot spend Willpower to boost rolls when her second-to-last - is marked, and suffers a -3 penalty when her last box is damaged. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Stunning: -\series default - The Stunning rules in Innocents are superseded by Beaten Down & Surrender - optional rule. - That rule always applies to children, even in chronicles where it doesn't - to adults. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Adults vs Children: -\series default - Adults gain 8-again on all rolls against children, except when they try - to hide or escape. - Unarmed attacks by children against adults suffer a penalty equal to their - Stamina. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Growing Up -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -One day, childhood must end even for the most imaginative or innocent of - people. - Even the Luminous, who are caught in the middle of the responsibility of - adulthood and the wonders and dreams of childhood, are burdened with everchangi -ng obligations and restrictions in their mundane life. - While many choose to spend their younger years continuing their fight, - others often lay low for quite a while to establish themselves further - in adult life. - To skip a child character to adulthood, apply the following changes: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Remove any merits that no longer make sense and refund them under the Sanctity - of Merits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Reduce all mundane skills the character has dots in by one dot (down to - a minimum of one dot), then give them mundane skill dots up to the normal - adult total of 22 if they have less. - For Luminous characters, if this would reduce one of their transformed - skills, she gains transformed skill dots to make up the difference. - If this would increase her transformed skills, she loses transformed skill - dots to make up the difference if possible. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Grant the character 20 experiences + 1 experience for every year that has - passed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous characters gain a dot of Reverie in addition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 5: Rainbow Skies -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -They've been guiding me, and showing me all the beautiful things in the - world -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -I love them, and I love what they love. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\emph default -Kiana Kaslana, -\series bold -\emph off -Honkai Impact 3rd -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Luminous only wove a small part of the Dream all of humanity shares - into their Kingdoms. - Beyond them, the skies are dyed in so many colors, touched by so many strange - powers. - Long ago, a rare few Hopeful seeked to understand them, dove deeply enough - into their mysteries, that some nameless barrier broke. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Beyond that barrier, they saw a path. - They would reach out into the Dream again as when they first Blossomed, - to Blossom again under the light of a different power. - They wove something stranger, further off notions into their Soulspaces - alongside those they always wielded, allowing their new Weave and Origin - to infuse every aspect of their magic and being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Back then, Weaves were a means of survival. - The Luminous were vulnerable in that era before they knew how to fight - with the Dream or how to weave a Dual Identity. - They masqueraded as other creatures, hiding among their ranks for protection. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the current day, the reasons the Hopeful take on Weaves are as colorful - as the Hopeful themselves. - Some wish to show the world that even stranger powers still can be used - in the name of good. - Some still wish to live among the other creatures of the night, feeling - a kinship with they they cannot find elsewhere. - Some live in places where the protection of Dual Identity isn't enough - to protect them. - Then, there are those who simply wish to, feeling some nameless rightness - in what they would become. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The latter especially tend to be responsible for the strangest of phenomenon. - Not all Luminous who take on a Weave must Blossom twice. - Some resonate so much with a particular power that they take it on when - they Blossom the first time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves and Origins serve as the core of Luminous crossover support, as Embassies - do in Princess. - They... - do support a lot of Luminous themes, hence why they're presented as a full - chapter, not an appendix. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous embrace the stranger things of the world. - They aren't the kind of people to shy away from being strange, or accepting - that which most people would reject. - The Weave of Names threatens to fracture a Luminous' identity, if they - had not already been multiple. - The Weave of Bonds threatens to make its participants lose themselves in - each other. - It's no wonder then, that they would see no issue in accepting forces that - were never quite humanity's to begin with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unlike in Beast, in Luminous, crossover is about the bonds outcasts forge - with each other. - They have no overarching story for what binds them together with other - supernatural creatures, because they don't need one. - They connect with the human side of other supernatural creatures, and such - interpersonal bonds can break through any remaining differences in supernatural - nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In their Origins, they embrace what being a different kind of supernatural - creature would mean for them, abandoning even the caution that Princesses - show in their Embassies. - They come out changed, but no less bright for it. - That's the point. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Accepting Weaves -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Whether a Luminous takes on on a Weave when she first Blossoms, or later - on in a second Blossoming, the effect is the same. - She spends 3 Experiences, and chooses an Origin compatible with her Weave. - She gains the Weave's base ability and all the Origin's effects. - Thereafter, she is forever changed. - Thus, no Luminous may ever take on more than one Weave. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She gains ranks in the Weave for every dot of her Inner Light, and gains - one more every time it increases. - For each rank, she may buy a single Perk associated with her Weave. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves have a pretty similar structure to Entitlements, though simplified - into something more like a Feat tree or Exalted-style Charm tree. - This makes them pretty good for focused concepts that define something - core to the character (e.g. - the Weave of Bonds and the Weave of Names), or those focus strongly on - a single core concept (e.g. - the Weave of Daydreams). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In that sense, they function more as a second template than anything else. - Not inappropriate, considering they are usually more about things a Luminous - can be, than powers she wields. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Stranger Forces -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves are built of a mix of the power of the Dream and foreign powers. - In even rarer cases still, a Luminous may take on a power not of the Dream - at all in the first place. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Some other supernatural forces have such titles of their own such as a Changelin -g's Entitlements or a Mage's Legacies – and given the right situation, a - Luminous may find herself burdened with their arcane responsibilities. - She gains an Origin that reflects what she accepted an power from. - The Storyteller should adjudicate how exactly such foreign powers affect - the Luminous – in general, it becomes something more like a Weave in structure - while keeping its own core themes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Guidelines for such things may be found in the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing]{Crossing Paths} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Origins -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Origins" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Luminous takes on a Weave, she accepts another force into her soul, - embracing it as she once did the Dream. - Such a blatant embrace of the supernatural burns away some measure of the - mundanity she once enjoyed, and binds all of her magic with the touch of - a foreign force. - Abilities may affect and detect such Luminous and their powers using anything - that can detect the powers of the Dream, Will, or their Origin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Origins serve as a point of customization, as the same concept could often - be achieved through multiple foreign forces – or even the Dream's own touch. - They serve a pair of related purposes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -First, it makes it easier for Storytellers and players to write Weaves, - since their complexity is limited to their core features. - Secondly, they function as an unified set of downsides, so Weaves don't - need particularly troublesome downsides (or any at all) to function. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Innate Origins -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous who had been touched by other supernatural forces before they Blossomed - start play with an Origin. - An Avowed Luminous has an Wyrd Origin, and an Wolf-Touched Luminous has - a Spirit Origin. - In exchange, she retains the full supernatural force of a single minor - template she once possessed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Such Hopeful pay 5 experiences to take on a Weave instead of 3, as the downsides - of her Origin cannot fully compensate for its powers. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Spirit -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The world itself dreams too, hidden far in the World Dream beyond the Foundation. - As the waking world reflects onto the Shadow, so too do the spirits that - live in it reflect into the World Dream. - Long ago, a Luminous braved the Gales to reach its heart, and learned of - the powers the Spirits dreamed of. - Nobody remembers why. - Perhaps it was desperation, perhaps it was in pursuit of some nameless - calling. - Regardless, a memory of the journey remains in the Dream Kingdoms in this - day. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Hopeful draws on that memory once more, she is thrown into an dangerous - and all too real dream reflection of the Shadow. - She feels small in comparison to the savage and passionate creatures of - the natural world, yet catching a glimpse of the delicate balance they - uphold through conflict. - Grasping for power as they all do, she takes on a Resonance to call her - own. - Asserting herself against the flows of the world, she craves herself a - place in the World Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Spiritual Nature -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Spirit is a savage world where each fends for themselves. - Even if she seeks to find a better way for spirits and humans alike, she - must also embrace a measure of it to draw on the Shadow's power. - She finds a Resonance to call her own, drawing forth a portion of that - Essence to weave into her own Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When your character first gains the Spirit origin, choose a physical element - or emotion she resonates with. - She may choose concepts as broad-ranging as fire, love, rain, light, hope, - or winter – as long as it is something relatively common in her environment. - In her Dream Form, she is treated as a spirit of that Resonance instead - of a Dreamborn. - She gains an Ban and Bane as with a spirit of Rank 3. - This can lead to complications; powers that attempt to detect her creature - type read her as a Claimed or Ridden of some variety in either of her forms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Furthermore, Luminous who claim the power of the spirits depend on their - Resonances as they do. - For typical elements, she begins feeling drained after a week without significa -nt exposure to her element and suffers a box of mild Hope damage daily. - After a whole month, this increases to severe Hope damage. - For cyclic concepts like rain or winter, this duration is usually longer - – a Luminous will begin feeling restless in the late Summer or after a - month of drought, but certainly not after a week. - For particularly commonplace elements like light or water, a day or so - may be enough to drain her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The abuse of the term -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Resonance -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - here is somewhat intentional. - It's easier to understand than going full-in with Werewolf terms like -\emph on -umia -\emph default - or -\emph on -ilthum -\emph default - – and it's close enough to the intended meaning that most readers familiar - with Wolf will still know what is meant. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Favor of the Shadow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A Hopeful of Spirit treats any amount of her Resonance in her vicinity as - equipment, providing her an equipment bonus of up to +5 depending on the - amount of the element present. - A nearby fireplace could roar to life to burn down a locked door in her - way, the rain parts way for the ancient books she holds close to her arms - – even as it soaks her person. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Her Weaving Actions manifest touches of her element, and require no perception - roll to detect as obviously supernatural. - In the presence of a large amount of her element, it may even attempt to - assist her in her mundane actions. - She may benefit from a equipment bonus up to +1 or +2, and anyone who witnesses - her actions may make a Perception roll to notice the supernatural assistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: After finishing Domain mechanics, work Resonance into them. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Influences are a -\emph on -weird -\emph default - power in PC hands. - Thus, we rely on softer things like equipment bonuses and the existing - Domains system. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Wyrd -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Ancient vows and pacts older than the Gentry themselves bind the Dream and - the world of the fae together. - Whatever its origin, the Dreaming Roads were born before any Luminous or - True Fae laid eyes on the world. - Far too often, the Luminous found themselves walking those roads into a - world more real than a dream. - There, they first touched the power of Wyrd. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Hopeful accepts the powers of the Wyrd, she dreams of a memory of - a fae world from long ago. - She makes an oath to a beautiful fairy queen, the voice of the world itself - – or whatever she imagines the Wyrd's face to be. - By the terms of that accord between the Hopeful and fae, she discards her - usual transformation in favor of the Mask that veils all fae from mortal - eyes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreams and fae magic were always well connected, so this is probably the - least unexpected of all the Origins. - As long as this text is, it basically boils down to this: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous with ties to Wyrd have a Mask and are locked into Dream Form. - They are vulnerable to iron. - Finally, the Mask veils her from being easily detected as a Luminous and - hides the stranger traits of her Dream Form the same way it hides a Changeling' -s Kith/Seeming effects. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Fae Nature -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Wyrd asks the Luminous join the agreements of the fae in exchange for - its power. - She counts as an Avowed for all interactions related to the Wyrd, although - she still must use the charm -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Shining-Vow" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - to join the Oaths of the fae. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As such, iron forevermore considers her an enemy. - The Wyrd permeates her magic, and so it too cannot defend her against the - touch of iron. - Iron pierces through her Regalia that provide Armor or enhanced Defense, - and her attempts to use her Domains on it fail. - Cold iron furthermore acts as a bane to her. - She suffers aggravated damage from its touch. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Veiled Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Luminous' Transformation is fundamentally changed by the Wyrd. - She is locked into her Dream Form, and cannot intentionally revert to her - Mundane Form. - In exchange, her Dream Form is hidden under a fae Mask. - She spends Motes instead of Glamour when interacting with the Mask. - While she may break her Mask, this has no benefits or drawbacks for the - Luminous beyond revealing their supernatural nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Regardless of how she looked before, her Dream Form under her Mask gains - a fantastical, mystical feel that marks her as clearly supernatural. - What was once a flower worn in their hair grows into a tangle of vines - and blooms. - A hairstyle that evoked the feel of fire instead becomes an actual smoldering - blaze. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Should she be forced out of Dream Form, she reverts to her Mundane Form. - She reflexively transforms as soon as she is able to, and suffers constant - Flicker at the maximum penalty allowed by her Reverie as long as she is - untransformed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -For all these troubles, her Mask veils her native powers from detection. - Supernatural effects detect her as nothing more than a Changeling. - Likewise, it causes mortals to explain away or miss the supernatural nature - of her Form Merits or Weaving Actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Fae Mask and Mein -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The fae conceal themselves from the mundane world behind a powerful illusion - deeply embedded into their nature. - To all mortal senses and mundane technology, anything touched by fae magic - looks to be ordinary. - Mortals do not notice the smell of lilacs come from the fae's hair, but - simply assume it perfume. - Even the coldness of an ice elemental's skin doesn't seem remarkable when - veiled by the fae illusion. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This illusion is called a fae being or object's Mask, and their true form - is called their Mein. - Unlike a Luminous' Mundane Form, this illusion has no effect on magical - forces. - The mundane senses of magical beings are fooled, but their powers are not. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Fae only see the Mein of their fellows. - They must spend a Glamour to see another's mask for a few brief seconds. - In response, another fae may spend a Glamour to reinforce her mask, hiding - her Mein even from other fae – leaving only a few tells such as her true - form in her her shadow. - Alternatively, a fae may spend a Glamour to burn away her Mask for a scene, - revealing her true form in a dazzling magical display not unlike a Princess' - transformation. - This increases the effectiveness of the fae's Contracts and rends open - gateways to Faerie nearby her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For detailed information on this mechanic, see pages 81-83 and pages 107-108 - of Changeling: the Lost 2e. - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsecsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Weave of Bonds -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Weave of Bonds -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Appendix A: Crossing Paths -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The World of Darkness is filled with all kinds of supernatural beings, all - with their own stories and paths. - Luminous often cross paths with them in the course of their duties and - explorations. - This chapter provides guidelines on Luminous crossover campaigns. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Beast -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and the Begotten are at once all too similar, and all too different. - Both are native to the Dream in their own ways, one from the bright dreams - of humanity and the other from their deepest fears. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their fundamental natures too often put them at odds with each other, regardless - of their will or what they want. - A Luminous' ties to the Dream cause her to feel the emotions of the community - and those around her as deeply as if they were her own, and yet a Beast - must fill it with fear in order to survive, driven by their own Hunger. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Few beasts can (or often want to) feed in a way that don't hurt the Luminous. - They can rarely avoid each other forever, and their powers inevitably draw - them together. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - and as much as both have powers that connect people, it rarely can truly - overcome that incompatibility. - Most Beasts see the Luminous as another kind of Hero, and Luminous see - the Begotten as another kind of Distorted. - This barrier is not insurmountable, by any means – but their relationship - is defined by high highs and low lows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Chronicles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and Beast share a fair number of themes, for all their conflicts. - With work, a Chronicle focusing on Beasts and Luminous can work. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both have powers that lead them towards them encountering broad rather than - specific supernatural problems, leading them naturally towards crossover. - With both involved in a Chronicle, it's hard to avoid this shared theme. - Storytellers should certainly embrace it, but not lead to a feeling that - all is -\emph on -known -\emph default -. - Not all problems would be recognizable to any kind of supernatural being - – some are Outsiders, some are just what they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both too, have an underlying theme of family and community. - They seek companionship in those like them, and accept their inner natures, - drawing on them for power. - There is a connection to be forged, and a Chronicle with the two would - likely have a feeling of family to it – of a small group that does their - best in a world that would like neither to exist. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In other words, whether they call it a Brood or Nakama, that is likely what - a mixed group of Luminous and Beasts would amount to. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their conflicts, though... - cannot be fully avoided, even then. - Sensitivity and Hunger will always lead the two to conflict, and it will - always define Chronicles shared between the two. - The Storyteller should certainly be aware of this conflict, and drive it - in directions that benefit the overall story, inflaming it sometimes if - needed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and Begotten draw their power from different parts of the same - whole. - Their powers often interact as the mirrors they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kinship -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Kinship between the Luminous and Begotten are strained by the Luminous' - strong ties to the mundane. - Luminous have only partial Kinship with Beasts in Dream Form, and none - in Mundane Form. - Thicker Than Water has no effect on Luminous in either form. - Family Dinner, likewise, often does not apply – Hope recovery alone never - counts, although Luminous are often still driven to hunt in ways that can - satisfy its conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -There is no flavor reason to fuck over Thicker than Water here – this is - mostly a mechanical fix to avoid weirdness around Luminous changing their - Kinship category so often. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Nightmares -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Most Luminous dream of a world that isn't afraid to step into a bright future, - fighting against the force of fear itself. - As such, Nightmares based on them are rarely so much based on their dreams - or ideals, but rather the powers they use towards that goal. - Common examples include ones that break down a target's grasp on reality, - or drowning them in their own imagination. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Power of Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Beasts are also natives of the Dream, Evocations do not have permanent - effect on them as they do with Luminous as they are still more flesh than - dream. - Lairs, and their Horror, however, are vulnerable to the full force of a - Luminous' Evocations. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous draw on the Dream's fundamental power to connect people and - concepts through their Journeys and Intimacy, and Beasts through their - Kinship and Burrows. - Burrows can be drawn between a Luminous' Soulspace and a Chamber in the - same way as Brood Layers. - Luminous may forge and redefine such connections, taking a point of severe - Hope Damage in place of spending Satiety. - When redefining or resisting unwanted connections, she may add Hope as - a bonus to her Clash of Wills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Changeling -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Lost were once hurt in Arcadia, and... - the Luminous on Earth. - Both know of wonders far beyond the mundane world, and learned the power - to wield them for themselves. - Both are lost in a world they do not fully fit into. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For their far different backgrounds, something of their hearts are resonant. - Both... - understand. - They find comfort in community, support each other, want to build something - better to protect each other and those they love. - Through that shared resonance, they bond with an ease unusual among differing - kinds of supernatural being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, their differing supernatural natures can still be problematic, especially - when it comes to first reactions. - Luminous reach for a power that erodes the boundary between dreams and - reality, in a way all too familiar to the Lost. - Luminous magic reminds of Arcadia, and that... - can be a painful remainder at best, and actively damaging to a changeling's - grasp on reality at worst. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Chronicles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Changelings and Luminous both touch on dreams and stories, if from opposite - directions. - Both seek comfort in their friends and support systems. - Those similarities lead to a few interactions between their powers and - worlds. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Clarity and Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Clarity and Hope are very similar mechanics, both serving as a health-like - track that replaces Integrity. - Supernatural powers that can effect either Hope or Clarity should apply - to the other without modifications. - Supernatural powers that do not involve some component of genuine interaction - cannot heal Hope. - A Mage spell would not have much significant effect in restoring Hope, - but the Fortifying Presence Contract can heal Hope as easily as Clarity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -The Hedge and The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The fae know the art of Dreamweaving as well as the Luminous, even if they - cannot impose them upon the waking world as a Luminous can. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Changelings may learn and use Luminous Dreamweaving as if they were Starborn - and may use their innate Dreamweaving in any space with High Mutability. - Luminous and powerful Dreamborn may treat the Hedge as if it had Medium - Mutability. - Lesser dreamers have neither the force of will or innate connection to - the Wyrd required to shape the Hedge. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Oaths -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Charm that allow them to join to Wyrd-bound Pacts as a full - participant. - This has farther reaching consequences than it may seem at first glance. - Membership in Freeholds is an Oath, and so is membership in their courts. - Joining a Freehold has no innate particular mechanical implications, beyond - justifying Status and similar merits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Deviant -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Chronicles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Intimacy -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Divergence fundamentally scars the souls of the Broken, twisting their relation - with the Dream as much as any other part of their being. - Divergents do not create any Intimacy normally, and instead have Connected - Intimacy with all their Touchstones of any type – subject to the normal - restrictions on mutual relationships. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Reflected Light -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Resonance reaches out for the Broken as with any other person, with all - the chaos and complications such a connection brings. - While Deviants have no Anchors a Luminous may draw on, she may instead - use Reflected Light to gain one of their Touchstones or a temporary Loyalty - Touchstone towards them. - In doing so, she is subject to a pale (but still painful) reflection of - the implications of Divergence. - Should she Falter or has not gained Willpower from the Touchstone before - the end of the scene, she immediately takes a severe Hope damage. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, Deviants cannot reflect a Luminous' own Anchors through her Resonance -, and may instead gain a Touchstone of the same kind they have with her - towards a person she has Strong or Connected Intimacy with. - This does not provide additional Loyalty but may be used to regain Willpower - and heal Instability in the same way as any other Touchstone. - If they do not gain Willpower from the Touchstone before the end of the - scene, it causes a minor Instability. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous x Demon -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If there is anything the Luminous and Unchained have in common, it is that - they are good at hiding. - Demons live many lives, wear many faces, each seeming just as mundane as - the others. - Luminous hide behind their Mundane Form, only revealing their true dreams - when they must. - In that sense, most of the time the two hardly even know they are interacting - with another supernatural being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When they do find out, it's usually the awkward result of one of a Demon's - Pacts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous hold the power to connect people's hearts, and Demons hide powers - to lie to the world itself. - Their powers inevitably conflict, and worse yet, the two cannot simply - avoid each other. - Both veil themselves as mundane humans, and they cannot recognize each - other for what they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Bonds and Lies -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Demon's may lies fool the Dream itself. - If he hides his true feelings from the one he loves, he may suppress bonds - of Intimacy that would normally be woven. - If he presents himself as feeling closer to someone than he does, he may - create bonds of Intimacy he does not truly mean. - However, to create a false bond of Intimacy like that means to put one's - self at the mercy of a Luminous' Echo. - Her power was not meant to be lied to, and it acts unwittingly to create - a bond rather than reinforce one that already exists. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As long as a Demon fakes Strong Intimacy with a Luminous, her Echo conducts - Social Maneuvering against the Demon with the goal to bring his true feelings - in line with his false Intimacy. - Every week, she rolls Power + Resonate - the Demon's Composure to attempt - to open a door. - Should he fake an Connected Intimacy instead, this roll gains the rote - quality and occurs once per night. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Echoes, thankfully, cannot reveal a Demon's nature to the Luminous. - It treats a Demon's Covers as if they were protected by a Luminous' Dual - Identity, even at Strong or Connected Intimacy. - This does not require a roll and is not Spoofing. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Weave of Bonds fundamentally destroys the separation Liar's Tongue relies - on – it has no effect on a Demon's Partner. - Any Demon who would willingly accept such a Weave, though, would likely - consider this a benefit more than an downside. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This was a hard one to figure out. - Demons lie, their deceptions and the Pacts that force them are so core - to their splat. - Luminous have a power that connects hearts. - Every Demon power that reflects their abilities to lie draw on the separation - between their bodies and their minds. - Which... - doesn't help much when Luminous connect minds directly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, it isn't any good if Demons are stymied from making Pacts with a - Luminous even tangentially involved. - Hence, the Echo is... - a danger for Demons, but not one that stops them from trying. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Pacts -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Demon Pacts do not pierce a Luminous' Dual Identity, unless the Demon is - aware of it and specifically writes the Pact to account for her two forms. - Thus, a Luminous could trade away her relationship with a friend in Mundane - Form to a Demon, and still maintain that relationship in her Dream Form - – and in fact, this is the default for Demons unaware of her nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, a Soul Pact treats her two forms separately. - A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Mundane Form gives the Demon her entire mundane - life as usual – however, the Luminous may live on through her Dream Form - (with the usual effects of Fading). - A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Dream Form consumes both her identities, annihilat -ing her entirely. - This has the usual effects of a Demon attempting to take a supernatural - soul as a Cover. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Making a Pact -\emph on -with -\emph default - a Luminous, though. - Now -\emph on -that -\emph default - justifies some complications. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous x Mage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mages touch all parts of the world with their magic, and the Luminous and - Maou are no different. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Defiant Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Mages hae a separate system of Withstand instead of the usual contested - or resisted rolls, Defiant Will still applies penalties to their Dice Pools - in addition to the usual Withstand. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In the context of Mage, Defiant Will is somewhat broader than its description - would imply. - Attempts to use Death to influence a Willful's soul, or use Space to affect - a Luminous' relationships with anyone them have Strong or Connected Intimacy - with also trigger Defiant Will, in addition to the obvious Mind effects. - More indirect Arcana like Fate or Time are not impeded. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Withstand is complicated. - I really wish I could make Hope factor into Withstand somehow, but the - scaling never quite worked out without extreme complexity. - Easier to just hit their dice pool. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Arcana and Willful Magic -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Evocations are a projection of stories and imagination upon the world, and - thus fall under the combined purview of the Mind, Fate and Prime Arcana. - Active Mage Sight bound to any of the three may detect the casting of an - Evocation – however, afterwards, the Dream's laws come into effect. - In Mage Sight, an active Evocation feels as if the true Supernal symbols - underlying the Fallen World are buried under those of the Evocation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While those underlying truths reassert themselves when the glamour fades, - Awakened magic still treats all things created or modified by an Evocation - as what they appear to be – as with all things of the Astral. - Thus, a dreamwoven rock falls under the purview of the Matter Arcana as - if it were fully real. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Dream Form is obviously a projection of her dreams under Mind - Mage Sight, and other Arcana treat her as what she appears to be. - Normally Life is required to affect her as with most living beings, but - some Luminous may have less conventional forms that require different Arcana. - Mages cannot force transformation or detransformation directly, and Mind - Shield provides no protection against Evocations that do not affect the - mind directly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Echo is best studied with Mind and Space. - Bonds of Intimacy are usually similar to the corresponding Sympathetic - ties. - If needed, a Mage may add Mind 1 to Space spells to specifically view or - manipulate Intimacy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Maou mechanics? Likely depends on what their final mechanics are. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Motes and Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -To Mages, Motes are something very similar to Willpower – simply found in - an abnormal abundance for a normal human. - As it is not truly a form of energy, the most Mages can do is drain a Mote - Pool as a Mind Unraveling spell. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, a Luminous' Hope is simply a measurement of their mental stability. - To a Mage, does not feel as if a source of supernatural power at all. - A Mage may cause mild Hope damage equal to Potency with a Mind Flaying - spell, or severe damage with a Mind Unraveling spell. - Healing Hope damage is far harder as magically granted emotional strength - does not fuel a Luminous' magic. - In mechanical terms, the most a Mage can do to help with Hope is cure Hope - Conditions, not heal the underlying Hope damage. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transferring Motes would cause a lot of balance issues. - They regenerate per scene, and... - that's a subtle but powerful advantage of theirs. - It shouldn't at all be easily shared. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Giving anyone the ability to restore Hope by fiat would also break the game's - themes. - Luminous have to struggle versus Hope, and any powerful enough healing - ability, in my opinion, will damage that severely. - Changeling's Clarity recovery Contract works because it's so mild, and - has a significant social interaction component. - It makes -\emph on -sense -\emph default - in context of Luminous. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Soul Magic -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While the Luminous call their dream worlds Soulspaces, they is more a modificati -on of their Oneiros than a soul as a Mage would call it. - They still have a true soul, which is treated as an Awakened Soul, even - in Mundane Form. - Dual Identity cloaks this fact, and a Mage who tries to use the spell -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Sever Soul -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - on an untransformed Luminous does not learn why her spell has failed and - her powers do not detect her soul as anything other than mundane. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Furthermore, Luminous do not suffer from Soul Loss as most beings do. - The root cause of Fading is not the lack of a physical body – but rather - their lack of a soul as Mages would recognize it. - Luminous suffer a variant of Fading instead of Soul Loss. - As long her as her physical body remains alive, she may still transform - and still has a Mundane Form. - Should she Fade in such a state, she loses all Luminous powers and gains - the Thrall condition [M:tAw 318]. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As a Luminous can more or less sustain herself indefinitely without a soul, - it's far from unheard of for Luminous aware of this fact to offer their - own souls to save someone from Soul Loss. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou are far less interesting in this regard. - Their souls are treated as Awakened Souls. - They do not innately lose their ability to use their magic when Soulless; - however because Willpower is their core resources, they will suffer magically - for it as well. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Here, have a free roleplaying opportunity. - :3 -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I don't really like how a lot of fanworks (or at least players of them) - treat Mage' opinion of what is what as the core canonical answer. - Luminous think of their Soulspaces as their soul, even if Mages would say - it's actually their Oneiros. - There's no point in bending the rest of the book for Mage's sake – I use - the terms that are most understandable and -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -feel right -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - for conveying the tone I want. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I can always explain later how it looks to Mages. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Princess -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For their very different origins, Luminous and Princesses get along with - little trouble. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Elephant in the Room -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous began as a version of Princess, before its themes diverged too - much to be recognizable. - While the two can coexist, two splats built around magical girls themes - and changing the world for the better can often create an unfortunate thematic - redundancy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unless you have a good idea as to how to take advantage of their differences - and similarities as a Storyteller, it is probably better to choose one - or the other for your chronicle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In general, this would involve pushing further the theme of Princesses being - in a fight against the Darkness (something Luminous are not amazing at - participating in), and pushing the more -\series bold -Dreaming -\series default --like themes of Luminous such as their stewardship over dreams or their - opposition to Disbelief. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Appendix B: Crossover Options -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This chapter lists modifications to options in other Chronicles of Darkness - books for crossover games with Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Changeling: the Lost -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Avowed Luminous -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Avowed Luminous – Weave/Origin Rules -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Luminous Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous may touch upon the Wyrd unusually well due to its close ties with - dreams. - With Storyteller permission, Luminous with well developed connections to - the fae may take certain merits normally open to Changelings. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Court Goodwill (• to •••••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Prerequisites: -\series default -Shining Vow, membership in a Freehold -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Luminous who are members of a Freehold may gain Court Goodwill as a Changeling - does. - The usual modifications to Mantle applies should she have 3 or more dots. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Mantle (• to •••••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Prerequisites: -\series default -Shining Vow, membership in a Freehold and one of its Courts -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Luminous who seal themselves to the Oaths of a Freehold and one of its - Courts gains its Mantle as any Changeling would. - Her Dream Form's appearance shifts to include the Mantle's effects, she - is treated as if her Wyrd were equal to her Reverie and she spends Motes - in place of Glamour. - She does not gain any benefits from the additional way to gain Glamour, - and may not gain Contracts through it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Spring ••••: -\series default - Luminous gain an additional Willpower when they act according to their - Wish rather than Needle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Spring ••••• / Morning -\series default - -\series bold -••••• -\series default -: Luminous may apply this benefit to Hope rather than Clarity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Autumn ••• / Day ••••: -\series default - Luminous may instead reduce the Mote cost of Evocations when these benefits - apply. - This does not reduce the Luminosity required to maintain them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Autumn •••••: -\series default - Effects Luminous mimic in this way count as Evocations, and are subject - to Transience. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Summer Loeg •••• / Winter Loeg •••• / Ebb Tide ••••: -\series default - Luminous may increase their effective Resistance by one in Dream Form when - the conditions are met. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Flood Tide •••••: -\series default - As Luminous cannot Portal, they do not gain the usual benefits of this - Mantle. - They instead reduce the Mote cost of Evocations used to escape confinement - or other restraints by one. - This does not reduce the Luminosity required to maintain them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Chronicles of Darkness: The Contagion Chronicle -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Vector Edges -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous gain edges from the following Vectors as if they were members of - the following types of supernatural creatures: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Hunters: -\series default - Surveillance, The Boss Is In, Comprehension, Define, Eyes on Target, Ocular - Mapping, Intel Package, Purge Weakness -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Changelings: -\series default - Panopticon, The Big Lie, Purification, Divine Revelation, Modern Miracle, - Breakdown, Discovery, Plutomancy, Shift Contamination -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Beasts: -\series default - Cleansing Flame, Breach, Contagion Shroud -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Mages: -\series default - Warning Imagery -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous gain unique Edges for the following Vectors: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Babble: -\series default - Oracles with ties to the Dream may twist its flows into itself, inverting - the ties between speaker and listener. - When the Babble vector is used by a character with this edge, other characters - understand their speech as what they expect them to say rather than gibberish, - communicating no truly new information. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Godhead: -\series default - Your power to defy the world's laws grows shaper than ever before. - While this vector is active, you treat all spaces as if their Mutability - was one level higher for your Dreamweaving. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Renewal: -\series default - When your form is woven of your own imagination, the line between physical - and mental afflictions is not so clear. - A character with this edge can suppress any Condition they could clear - with Dreamweaving rather than only physical ones. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Improve: -\series default - You seal an ephemeral power into your sigil, bestowing the same gifts you - enjoy in your dreams. - Luminous may bestow a single Dream Attribute or Weaving Skill with their - sigil in place of the usual three, allowing the recipients to apply them - in place of their mundane equivalents. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Evolve: -\series default - A faint echo of the initial link remains even after it fades, resonating - with the emotions of both parties. - You know the emotional state of the other party at all times, and gain - a +3 bonus to all rolls to understand or emphasize with them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Fire for Effect: -\series default - The bonds tying together all of humanity burn strongly in your heart, and - may draw closer upon them in moments of crisis. - You gain 3 temporary Motes in your Mote Pool, which may only be spent on - Evocations used to support your Allies. - These may exceed the usual limit, but disappear if not used once the vector - is over. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Drain Energy: -\series default - A Luminous using Drain Energy gains Motes equal the size of her Mote Pool, - up to a maximum of twice its usual capacity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Control Contagion: -\series default - Luminous gain the same benefits as Hunters when using Control Contagion. - For the chapter, the Luminous is treated as an Angel by supernatural powers - in Dream Form and Read the Winds functions on Infrastructure rather than - any of its usual targets. - Furthermore, she gains the Open and Infrastructure conditions as the God-Machin -e weaves her into its plans. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Appendix C: Conditions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This chapter lists Conditions that may apply to characters in the course - of a Luminous chronicle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Sealed Vow (persistent) -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The character is bound to their word through the power of a Luminous' magic. - Should she abandon her promise or act in violation of it, she takes a box - of severe Hope damage (if she has Hope, or a similar track) and receives - a Hope Condition. - The next time each person she made her promise to talks with her, they - become aware of her transgression. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Possible Sources: -\series default - The -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths]{Binding Oaths} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - or -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread]{Sealing Thread} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - upgrade to Shining Vow. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Resolution: -\series default - The promise becomes moot because a premise of it is no longer true, or - it reaches its natural conclusion. - Sealed Vow also ends without providing a beat if the character violates - its terms. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Beat: -\series default - The character suffers significant hardship, or abandons other goals in - favor of upholding her promise. -\end_layout - -\end_body -\end_document diff --git a/Content_Maou.lyx b/Content_Maou.lyx deleted file mode 100644 index b912928..0000000 --- a/Content_Maou.lyx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1274 +0,0 @@ -#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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-\begin_body - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset include -LatexCommand input -filename "Format_Luminous.lyx" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsection{maou} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Foreword -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "chap:Foreword" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Maou: the Lineage -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is a fanmade roleplaying game for the Chronicles of Darkness, published - by White Wolf Publishing. - Players take on the role of guardians of civilization, sworn by ancient - compacts to maintain all that humanity had built in its long ages and guide - us onto the proper path. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default - book is needed to use this book. - At the time of preparation, that book is available from -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DriveThru RPG" -target "https://www.drivethrurpg.com/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -playtesttext {Maou: the Lineage} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Source code for the system document can be found on -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -href{https://github.com/Lymia/LuminousTheDream/tree/ -\backslash -gitHash}{Github} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Credits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Maou: the Lineage -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is primary written by AuroraAmissa, with help with several contributors. - Without their help, this project would have been far more painful than - it was. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Suzune, who wrote many of the basic concepts behind the Maou, and helped - immensely in working through basic mechanics of the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Ellie, who has provided me a great deal of support through the earlier parts - of the project, and provided very valuable feedback throughout. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Xelsius, who has been a consistent source of feedback and encouragement - throughout the project. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -MushroomBadger whose work on Beloved showed many alternative ways of how - something like what I am doing could be done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -TrueMrMultiverse, WillOfTheWinds, and all the others who helped immensely - with their feedback and suggestions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the end, this project was inspired by and would not exist with many of - its predecessors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Maou: the Lineage -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is ultimately an offshoot of a project to rewrite Princess: the Hopeful. - During its development, the idea of a fully playable antagonist faction - came up, which eventually became this book. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -\emph default - -\shape default -and all its splats shine as a bright example as to what tabletop can be. - There is much to learn from their authors and their works for most game - designers, and how they improved on its earlier editions. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex ContentWarning -status open - -\begin_layout Section* -Content Warning -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Maou content warning. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If you are sensitive to such content, please take care when reading or playing - -\series bold -Maou -\series default -. - Safety techniques for such things are discussed in [TODO: Chapter link]. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A standard content warning, really. - Typeset in red, because stuff like this really needs to be read. - It may not be needed for every CofD splat, but Luminous has good reason - for one – touching on multiple themes I know some people have trouble with. - -\emph on -Changeling: the Lost -\emph default - similarly had one of these for very good reasons. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Please don't be afraid to put these in your systems, if yours is similar. - Don't feel obligated if your system doesn't touch on so much sensitive - topics. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Legal Stuff -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - 4.0 Unported License. - To view a copy of this license, visit -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "their website" -target "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain - View, California, 94041, USA. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses fonts licensed under the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" -target "https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. - It uses the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Cormorant" -target "https://github.com/CatharsisFonts/Cormorant" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - font by Christian Thalmann, -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Fira Sans" -target "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by Carrois Apostrophe, and -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DejaVu Sans Mono" -target "https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by various contributors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is - not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. - All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainme -nt purposes only. - Furthermore, this book contains mature content. - Reader discretion is advised. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset toc -LatexCommand tableofcontents - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Introduction -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Once we took the world into our hands. - We defied the gods. - We ate the Forbidden Fruit. - We stole the secrets of fire from the Gods. - In that one moment we forged the power that became our regal and unwavering - Will. - And we built. - We built a world to call our own over long centuries. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The bonfires we stole beat back the darkness that covered the world just - ever so little. - Ever so little that we could see clearly what we had to do to make the - world ours. - We plowed the ground, following the secrets we stole from the Tree of Knowledge. - We sowed the seeds that would one day take root. - That one day would sustain a world eons to come. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In our stories, we remember how we set off on our long and dark path. - We warn of the thorns we would find on that path... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Sakura leaned over a railing atop a tower, overlooking a city of shining - glass and regal metal, still gleaming even under the pale moonlight. - Thinking of the rice fields that once covered that entire concrete landscape. - Soon it would be her turn to write. - Her grandfather once taught her his own legacy, how to shape the Will that - lie in all our hearts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -He taught she must do, what her purpose in this world must be. - He taught her how to rule. - He taught her the hard choices she would have to make, when the Dark gave - her no perfect answer. - ... - and how to strike back at the Dark's grasp, so she would never have to - once more. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But now, he rested on what would soon be his deathbed. - She turned back, back through the door she willed open. - Walking back down sterile white halls and tiled floors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When it came his time... - she would say her goodbyes, hold his hand. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Big girls don't cry -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, he once said. - They both knew it was a lie. - But it was a lie that pushed her forward. - It was time to face the truth now. - She stepped out, back into the streets of the city she would soon call - her own, staring into the sky. - The tears had already dried. - She was simply left with the burdens she inherited and the memories of - what she had lost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Even if nobody would recognize her face at the end of her own chapter, even - if she must pass on the torch unseen one day, even if she would have to - remind those who were powerful and those who dreamed alike why she must - be feared too, even if she had to face the Dark alone... - she was happy to have a place in this world. - And she knew. - Every once of those things would happen, one day. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Caught between so many forces, cities like this were always only a breeze - away from falling apart at the seams. - When the Dreamers seek to reweave its weft, she would be there to guide - their hand. - When stranger forces came to take it for their own, she would be there - to stand against them. - When the powerful forget that they will one day have their own descendants, - she would be there to remind them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When it came her own time to fade away, she would pass that torch on once - more. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She repeated to herself the vows her grandfather taught her to those skies. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -By my hand, may they never fade. - By my hand, may they never know the Dark of night. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - Those Vows were what made her Maou, separated her from hedge witches and - psychics. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She looked back to the world around her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She would... - set to work soon. - To claim the legacy her grandfather left her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Setting -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\emph on -Maou: the Lineage -\emph default - is a game about those who drive the world forward from the shadows. - They are the ones behind stories of the Illuminati, stories of the Freemasons. - In a world besieged by Darkness and shadows, they alone hold the line. - They alone carry on the torch that keeps humanity afloat a sea of shadows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In this game, you play one of the Maou, one such soul who wields the only - power humanity may call its own – our power to bend the world to our will. - Some shaped the world through technology, through medicine, through decrees - alone. - They never learned of our true potential, the power they could reach for - if they reached deep inside. - You did. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You hold a legacy from a time before we knew how to write our words onto - paper, and know you will one day pass it on. - In the space in between, you do what you can to keep the world your ancestors - built alive. - Whether you hold obvious power or rule from the shadows, that is your purpose, - and that is the Vow you made when you agreed to carry on that legacy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It will not be easy. - Shadows strike at the world from all directions. - The closest thing you have to an ally dream so brightly that they threaten - to lull the world into an eternal sleep. - Humanity's eyes are covered with an veil, pulled over them by the Dark - forces of the world. - They hold a knife at humanity's throat, threatening to cut it all if they - came to know. - So you walk the path alone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You know that this world should belong to humanity. - You know this isn't how it's meant to be. - So you will fight. - If humanity cannot know of the Dark, you will give them the most light - they can have in its shadows. - If they cannot be allowed to know of what you are, you will guide their - path towards that future from the shadows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It's too late to turn back from this path. - Until the day the tide turns, you will stand tall. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou are a fusion of the concepts behind the Twilight Courts, Mnemosynes, - the royalty themes of Princesses all at once. - The Darkness was never a suitable antagonist for Princesses, and they are - even less so one for the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As the ideas developed, I realized that Maou are quite an interesting faction - of their own. - At worst dark gray, than ever truly black. - They are not the true antagonists of Luminous, and nor are Luminous the - true antagonists of the Maou. - Hence, I decide to make them simply another playable splat of their own - right. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - the line is blurry at the best of times. - The powers of the Luminous set them apart, yes, but... - do they truly want different things? Are their views truly incompatible? - Is it as the Luminous say, that they are allies, and the Maou simply scared? - Is it as the Maou say, and that the Luminous mean well, but do not understand - the world? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They are certainly different, that is for sure. - The scars of an schism older than history still remain... -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 1: The Lineage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Life shapes the world around them as it changes. - That has been the way it was from the start. - At the end of that old Lineage, from the chaotic play of flesh and vine, - one species rose beyond. - They not only looked upon the world in fixed, instinctive patterns, but - came to see it as it truly was. - Adrift, lost, and above all else, malleable. - They saw that they could change the world, and that they did not exist - to its whims. - Only when we learned our future was ours to build, did humanity's true - story begin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -We looked upon a world that could be ours. - Our nascent souls ignited in this revelation, sparking the one power we - could truly call our own: Will. - Through that power, we built our world of cities, roads and networks over - generations. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Lineage the Maou inherit is cast down from that era, in all its glory - and faults. - They are the ones that maintain the path humanity set themselves on generations - ago. - They vow to maintain humanity on the true path, pruning the branches that - would lead humanity back into the chaos and wilderness of old. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Their Ancestry reflects the ideals they hold, and the path they wish to - see humanity continue down. - Their Keystone is the means by which they anchor their Will into a coherent - force. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Keystones -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Keystone of Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Our dreams aren't just meaningless imaginings of our subconscious. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -They are a reflection of the worlds we truly want, that are yet to be. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Every human dreams in the night, even if they forget it in the day. - We dream of impossible worlds that could never be, and wish with all our - hearts to make them so regardless. - The Keystone of Dreams holds the power to bind them into reality, upending - natural law in favor of the light of stories and dreams. - It holds the power to connect dreams, allowing those who would never meet - in reality to know each other in a way siblings and lovers would envy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -That is all true, and yet, it is no longer a power of the Maou. - In an era before the first records were written into history, the first - Dreamers built their own worlds into the Astral, a reflection of what they - wished the world to be. - Through their ephemeral touch, they built families and small communities - bound by shared understanding. - Through their Light, they erased the pains of the world and brought what - would be tragedies towards better endings. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dreamers always imagined what the world could be if it were only a small - bit fundamentally different, rather than looking to the here and now. - When they wanted to prepare for tomorrow, and the Maou wanted to live for - today, they always fought. - The two sides drifted apart, sketching the shape of an inevitable tragedy - to come. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Those who hold the Keystone of Dreams are Luminous, the wayward children - of the Lineage. - They are the ones who dream of worlds far better than those the Maou build, - and yet who cannot be allowed to bring them into reality for fear of what - their dreams may break. - ... - in effect, in every way that matters, they are no longer Maou. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefits: -\series default - Maou cannot take the Keystone of Dreams. - When learning the powers of the Maou, or interacting with some of their - abilities, however, Luminous are considered to have the Keystone of Dreams - with no Ancestry. - They do not add their Reverie or Code ratings to their dice pools, instead - relying on their transformed attributes and skills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align left - -\series bold -Nicknames: -\series default - Luminous, Dreamers, Hopeful, Weavers -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Let's be real here. - This entire section isn't really for gameplay, it's for fluff. - Anything put here about how Luminous and Maou powers interact will be repeated - elsewhere in more depth and with more clarity. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Code: Idealis -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The old Code of Idealis is no longer exists in any meaningful way. - Should a Maou try to grasp it regardless, they would find that it had fragmente -d into countless Invocations reflecting worlds the Weavers built in their - dreams. - In theory, a Maou with amicable ties to the Luminous may still be taught - an Invocation, the same way they learn other foreign Codes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A few rare abilities of the Maou may be Invoked using Idealis. - Any Luminous Invocation will fulfill this requirement. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 2: The Records -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 3: The Path of Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Willful hold the fate of humanity in their hands. - They are bound by ancient accords to maintain the structures and pillars - that maintain humanity's hold on the world. - In exchange for that vow, they are given the privilege of magic. - This chapter describes the basic powers and mechanics of the Maou. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Creation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Maou character creation. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Maou face the world through their sheer force of will. - For all the power it grants, they must still draw that will from somewhere. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Will (Maou Anchor) section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both the Luminous and the Maou share this anchor – the same way they share - the power of Will. - Little fluff things like this are great for pushing themes like that. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Purpose -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Purpose (Maou Anchor) section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Ways -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Over the long generations, bit by bit, humanity carved out a place for themselve -s in a world that was never meant for them. - It is that legacy that the Maou inherit, and it is that legacy that they - draw their power from. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Ascendancy -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou too have a vision for the world, ones that bring humanity to greater - heights, who see us overcoming barriers we had never thought possible. - Ascendancy measures the amount of power they hold over the tides of the - Astral, and their ability to shape reality to their will. - This is a Maou's power stat, granting her Supernatural Tolerance [CofD - 70]. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Motes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou use Motes much like the Luminous, -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Codes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 4: The Will to Power -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Chapter-TheWillToPower" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous Magics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou may learn the powers of the Luminous, but they enforce their Will upon - reality in very different ways. - When using the powers of Idealis, Maou use their own Shaping Actions rather - than Weaving Actions. - This section gives the dice pools Maou use for Luminous powers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Resonant Truth: -\series default - Wits + Empathy - target's Composure -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 5: The Shadowed World -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 6: Humanity's Reach -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Appendix A: The Night's Domain -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Appendix B: Conditions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This chapter lists Conditions that may apply to characters in the course - of a Maou chronicle.storytelli -\end_layout - -\end_body -\end_document diff --git a/Content_Shared.lyx b/Content_Shared.lyx deleted file mode 100644 index 07c680d..0000000 --- a/Content_Shared.lyx +++ /dev/null @@ -1,13179 +0,0 @@ -#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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-\begin_body - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset include -LatexCommand input -filename "Format_Luminous.lyx" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsection{luminous} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Foreword -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "chap:Foreword" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is a fanmade roleplaying game for the Chronicles of Darkness, published - by White Wolf Publishing. - Players take on the role of magical girls or boys who dream of a better - future for all. - Who find themselves wielding the power of dreams against malign magical - forces and the mundane cruelties of the world alike. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default - book is needed to use this book. - At the time of preparation, that book is available from -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DriveThru RPG" -target "https://www.drivethrurpg.com/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -playtesttext {Luminous: the Dream} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Source code for the system document can be found on -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -href{https://github.com/Lymia/LuminousTheDream/tree/ -\backslash -gitHash}{Github} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This version of Luminous: the Dream contains author commentary (from AuroraAmiss -a). - This is mainly meant to help explain how various design decisions in this - fansplat came about, and thus help people writing general CofD fansplats - or addons for Luminous to better understand the themes and subtler points - of the system's design. - As a bonus, if you're a Storyteller, it'll probably give you quite a bit - of insight into how to run the game that I can't easily write into the - text -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -normally -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Boxes in this color are said personal commentary, and do not exist in the - normal copies of this document. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I saw a lot of the D&D/Pathfinder homebrew on the Giant in the Playground - forums use collapsible for a similar purpose, and I found the insights - there so valuable. - Similarly, Mark Rosewater's own blog on the design of Magic: the Gathering - and its mechanics were invaluable in my own personal growth as a game designer. - The community of fan set authors that built around it was equally amazing. - In a sense, this version of Luminous is my way to pass on that legacy to - a different community. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is... - very much a passion project for me, born out of loving so much of Princess: - the Hopeful, and yet seeing so much of its flaws just lurking under the - surface. - In many ways, it is a return to the original pitch by Cruton, before Princess - was touched by so many other hands. - So perhaps I should say this is a fork of Princess: the Fading, not Hopeful. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In my opinion, Princess became -\emph on -diluted -\emph default - over its development process, its themes lost when it was touched by so - many different people with so many different opinions. - Some people were afraid it was too like Changeling: the Dreaming, and tried - to distinguish it. - Others had different ideas as to how dark Princess should be, how light - it could be without contradicting the World of Darkness. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous refines the themes of Princess, casting the Dream as the very heart - of what magical girls are. - In Luminous, magical girls are those who cannot stand the shadows of the - world and cannot let go of the dreams they first saw in their childhood. - For them, the Dream is a source of all their power, not simply some Trap. - In that sense, it embraces the comparison to Changeling: the Dreaming. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In the process, it discards many of the themes that made up the Darkness - in Princess. - The dark forces that eat away at the heart of humanity, the struggle against - an seemingly overwhelming opponent — in favor of far more human -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -main -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - antagonists. - Another homebrew author, MushroomBadger, has taken up those themes at the - heart of their own fork of Princess – Beloved: the Promise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both of us, in some way, came to the same conclusion independently – Something - of Princess has to be cut for its themes to come together. - I chose to make the Dream central, and MushroomBadger choose to cut the - Dreamlands. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Princess is an amazing game despite all its flaws, one that brought the - possibility of World of Darkness fanworks on this scale to the -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -popular consciousness -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - For those who want to do better, it also serves as a lesson. - The first of them is... - that themes are at the heart of every Chronicles of Darkness game, not - ideas, or mechanics. - A great idea that contradicts the rest of your work will bring it all down, - not add to it. - Design is about what you cut, not what you do. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Credits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is primary written by AuroraAmissa, with help with several contributors. - Without their help, this project would have been far more painful than - it was. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Suzune, who wrote many of the basic concepts behind the Maou, and helped - immensely in working through basic mechanics of the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Ellie, who has provided me a great deal of support through the earlier parts - of the project, and provided very valuable feedback throughout. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Hanako, who taught me the way of the dark magical girl. - :) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Xelsius, who has been a consistent source of feedback and encourgement throughou -t the project. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -MushromBadger whose work on Beloved showed many alternative ways of how - something like what I am doing could be done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -TrueMrMultiverse, WillOfTheWinds, and all the others who helped immensely - with their feedback and suggestions for Archetypes and similar details. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the end, this project was inspired by and would not exist with many of - its predecessors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - started as a rewrite of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - before it diverged greatly later on in development. - Even if few traces of it remain in Luminous, Princess still paved the way - for fanworks like this. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Over time, -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Changeling: the Dreaming -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - became more and more of an inspiration for me, as I tried connecting the - themes of dreams, activism and magical girls. - In many ways, Luminous has become a spiritual successor to it at this point. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The -\series bold -Exalted 2e -\series default - sourcebook, -\series bold -Graceful Wicked Masques -\series default -, despite its very different theme, was an ample source of inspiration as - to how to present the Astral/Dream in a way befitting its nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -\emph default - -\shape default -and all its splats shine as a bright example as to what tabletop can be. - There is much to learn from their authors and their works for most game - designers, and how they improved on its earlier editions. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex ContentWarning -status open - -\begin_layout Section* -Content Warning -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - tells stories of the line between the escapism of dreams and the cruelties - of reality. - This book discusses subject matters such as poverty, sexism, racism, and - all kinds of the mundane and small cruelties that are too often overlooked. - Beyond that, its supernatural elements involve themes of irreality, blurred - boundaries between people, and rejection of reality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If you are sensitive to such content, please take care when reading or playing - -\series bold -Luminous -\series default -. - Safety techniques for such things are discussed in [TODO: Chapter link]. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A standard content warning, really. - Typeset in red, because stuff like this really needs to be read. - It may not be needed for every CofD splat, but Luminous has good reason - for one – touching on multiple themes I know some people have trouble with. - -\emph on -Changeling: the Lost -\emph default - similarly had one of these for very good reasons. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Please don't be afraid to put these in your systems, if yours is similar. - Don't feel obligated if your system doesn't touch on so much sensitive - topics. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Legal Stuff -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Luminous: the Dream -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - is partly based on the Vocations version of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default -. - That version of -\series bold -\shape italic -\emph on -Princess: the Hopeful -\series default -\shape default -\emph default - was a collaborative effort of many posters who contributed to its development - on the RPGnet forums, including Cruton, Azunth, Michael Brazier, EarthScorpion, - Luc "Nickname" French, hazard151, Huitzil, Leliel, Kearin, TheKingsRaven, - Naomi Li, MagicSwordsman, Martin Padilla, SaulotTheGentle, and Jordy Vanderstuk -ken. - It is available under the CC Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. - It can be downloaded from its -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "homepage" -target "https://sites.google.com/site/princessthehopeful/home" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike - 4.0 Unported License. - To view a copy of this license, visit -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "their website" -target "http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - or send a letter to Creative Commons, 444 Castro Street, Suite 900, Mountain - View, California, 94041, USA. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses fonts licensed under the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "SIL Open Font License, Version 1.1" -target "https://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&id=OFL" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - -. - It uses the -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Cormorant" -target "https://github.com/CatharsisFonts/Cormorant" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - font by Christian Thalmann, -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Dancing Script" -target "https://github.com/impallari/DancingScript" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by Pablo Impallari, -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Fira Sans" -target "https://github.com/mozilla/Fira" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by Carrois Apostrophe, -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "Quicksand" -target "https://github.com/andrew-paglinawan/QuicksandFamily" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by Andrew Paglinawan, and -\begin_inset CommandInset href -LatexCommand href -name "DejaVu Sans Mono" -target "https://dejavu-fonts.github.io/" -literal "false" - -\end_inset - - by various contributors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is - not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This work uses the supernatural for settings, characters and themes. - All mystical and supernatural elements are fiction and intended for entertainme -nt purposes only. - Furthermore, this book contains mature content. - Reader discretion is advised. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset CommandInset toc -LatexCommand tableofcontents - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Part -\noindent -\align center -Luminous: the Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Introduction -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is the author commentary version of Luminous, and contains notes on - design by its primary designer. - If you're confused, please read the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[chap:Foreword]{foreword} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - instead of skipping to the introduction. - :P -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Humanity lost the will to believe long ago, floundering in the dark for - so long. - They grew afraid of what they may lose, of what they may break if they - dream of better. - Those who yet still dream must be taught otherwise, so they aren't lost - to the harsh world. - Such is the nature of survival. - So it has always been. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -And yet, you knew there was more. - You dreamed even in the darkest of nights, hoping to one day to outshine - the shadows. - You held your dream close, never letting the world erode it away. - Of cities of crystal towers and forests of colorful light. - Of a better world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In those dreams, you weren't alone. - You dreamed with those who believed in the same future. - Just maybe, it wasn't an illusion. - Maybe there was more to this world, that dream. - Pushing away the little voice in the corner of your mind, that such things - are impossible, you clung onto that hope. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even as the world pushed you into a corner, asked for you to yield... - you stood. - When everything was on the line, you refused to break, let the world turn - you into another cog in the machine. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In a fleeting moment, you saw that dream again. - But, this time, you held all its power in your own hands. - You shaped it into a light to call your own, awakening into an endless - waking dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -And with the light of two worlds, just maybe, you could really make a difference. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Setting -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - is a roleplaying game set in the -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -, a world much like our own but caught between bleak mundanity and terrifying - supernatural horrors. - Night fell long ago, and the humanity still struggles against the supernatural - darkness that envelops it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - even in such a world, no one person is truly alone. - In the depths of everyone's dreams, there are paths into a broader world, - a shared dream of all of humanity. - Long ago, eight great Dream Kingdoms were imagined within, each an reflection - of a world that could one day be real. - A rare few became a part of that world, dreaming of a second life in that - world. - A rarer few still find a shining power between the two worlds. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They are the Luminous. - In a moment they call their Realization, they once ignited a power deep - in their soul. - With it, they weave their imagination into reality, taking on the form - of their dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their story is not a happy one. - Every Luminous was once hurt by the world in one way or another; asked - to stop dreaming so brightly, stop caring so much. - For all the power they hold, the shadows of the world seem far too vast - for any one person – magical or otherwise – to fix. - But they still try. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -After, all they feel the pains and joys of the world as deeply as their - own. - And... - the world is broken, hurt, scarred. - The Dream the Luminous draw on is not all bright light and idyllic forests. - Our pains and sorrows reflect on them just as deeply, even coming to distort - the world further and further away from light. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -But that's okay. - In time, even such a world can be healed, brick by brick, dream by dream - and person by person. - That is the task that falls to the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous is a story about humanity, its past and its future. - As with all Chronicles of Darkness splats, it is an outsider story. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Changelings are those who were hurt and traumatized, and rely on each other - for comfort and understand. - The broader world doesn't even understand people hurt like that by mundane - forces. - They blame those who were traumatized on all the little things they can't - do, all the little things that are -\emph on -different -\emph default -, without sparing a thought for -\emph on -why -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Vampires are less of a metaphor for anything in reality, but no less an - outsider story – literally waking only when most people sleep. - Demons and Prometheans are those who were never human, but seek to be – - both in their own ways. - They seek an impossible ideal -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous aren't much different. - They dream too brightly for the World of Darkness, hope for too much. - Normally voices like theirs are snuffed out, by people who care too much - to just sit by as they watch their dreams destroy them. - People are jealous, or fearful of those who want to change the world for - the better. - ... - and they are all too willing to accept cruelties those as empathetic as - Luminous simply can't. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even if they are not inhuman, they are still outsiders. - This is the heart of the Luminous. - Even as mundane humans, they didn't -\emph on -belong -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -That is a luxury for people who can stop caring. - For people who can cut away their rough edges to fit into a sea of gray. - For those who can ignore the pains of generations to just maybe live a - little... -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Themes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminous -\series default - is built to tell stories like the -\emph on -mahou shoujo -\emph default - genre of anime. - Stories of hope, of imagination, of love. - Stories that don't shy away from the dark corners of life, but refuse to - let them consume it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Hope and Struggle -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Survival always comes at the cost of hope. - One could save themselves, let those they love face their fate without - them. - To stand by their side to fight an impossible tide, in an implausible hope... - One could accept the world as it is, with all its injustices and cruelties. - Trying to fight back only makes others push back twice as hard. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Though it may be painful and harsh, a life in the shadows is still a life. - To be a Luminous is to struggle on regardless. - To have hope in a world which burns it away, wielding a power to outshine - reality itself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Lights and Shadows -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -To care is to see the world at its darkest. - One can live burying their heads in the sand, only saving themselves... - but, to care for others is to see every thing that hurts every person. - It means to see an overwhelming tapestry of pains and injustices, small - and large. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - but in the midst all the shadows, it means to see the small lights too. - There are others who kept their dreams, other kind souls who care just - as you do. - There are secret gardens, untouched by the darkness. - To care is also to know all the small joys of life, so easy to overlook - in trying to hide from the shadows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Love and Scars -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Nobody lives in this world without being hurt. - The shadows seem everywhere, and the Luminous can't look away. - But just because one has been hurt doesn't mean they can't live. - It doesn't mean they can't still find comfort in each other. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -No Luminous can stand alone. - They can't do enough to change the world on their own. - Thankfully they don't have to. - They have their friends, lovers, family, and allies. - Even in a Luminous' darkest hours, she has those people to pick her back - up, as she once helped them. - So they all bring each other up. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Media -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I recommend the following works of media as possible inspiration in line - with Luminous' themes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Senki Zesshou Symphogear -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Symphogear follows the story of Hibiki, an ordinary girl who ends up bound - to an ancient relic, allowing her to transform and fight the Noise that - threaten the world. - At its heart, it is a story of heartfelt communication, the determination - to protect those you love, and the sacrifices one makes to do so. - About the scars of the past, and what must be done to heal them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hibiki stays strong in her belief to reach to the heart throughout, fighting - against people's despair as much she does the Noise. - When the members of the cast suffer tragedy, it is true their bonds with - each other that they're able to stand up again. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Magia Record -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Magia Record is the spiritual successor to Puella Magi Madoka Magica, a - dark magical girl story that helped to popularized the genre. - For all its original is known for its darkness, though, it is still a story - of hope and love. - It is no wonder then, that its successor too fits well as an inspiration - for -\series bold -Luminous -\series default - chronicles. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The anime and video game pivots the focus more to human responses to the - woes of magic. - It embraces the personal stories that underlie Madoka's cosmic level story, - focusing on the relationships between magical girls and the friends that - pull them back from the brink of despair. - The phone game, in particular, tells the kinds of slice-of-life story Luminous - embraces – of magical girls who care for and love each other. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Library of Runia -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Library of Runia is a video game by Project Moon, following the story of - librarians who staff a magical library. - Through its powers, they learn the stories of the City they live in and - explore the past traumas and emotional scars. - In that sense, it is a deeply emotional story, about people, emotions, - growth and change more than anything else. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both the main protagonists, Angela and Roland have their own dark pasts - and scars that are revealed through the game's progress. - As dark as the City it portrays is, it shows the little glimmers of hope - that lie within, and how Angela and Roland alike come to regain the hope - that things can be better. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 1: Shining Lights -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -"Under this great big sky, there are thousands, no, tens of thousands of - people. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -All kinds of people with all sorts of wishes and feelings hiding inside." -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\emph default -Nanoha Takamachi, -\series bold -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hidden in the depths of our dreams, they all meld into one. - A world of stories woven from countless imaginations. - A dream of futures that could be, of the light we all know -\emph on -could -\emph default -exist in the depths of our heart. - Some people find that dream, remembering the paths they took to find it. - Some... - choose to stay, building themselves a second life in their dreams. - Some believed, knowing that future could come true if only we tried. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - and when they try to bring that dream into the waking world, when they - stand up for the ideals they saw... - a few, a rare few, Realize a deeper truth. - Why we dream. - The power that sprouted in their hearts when they began dreaming... - If they could believe in that power, coax it into reality, they would hold - for a moment all the dreams, memories, hopes and imaginations the Dream - remembers. - Guided by those lights, they weave their dreaming and waking lives into - one. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Thus, they ignite the magic that would make them Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminary -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Luminary" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Sunlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -This is my ultimate strength... - everything I've got. - Starlight Breaker! -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\family sans -\emph default -Nanoha Takamachi, -\series bold -Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha -\family default -\series default -\emph on - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace bigskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Sunlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - The sun stood proud in the sky, rising every day to beat back the dark - night. - So it had always been. - Its light defined day and night, its dance across the sky defined the seasons. - Even if just one star could not light a whole world, it still tries. - It is much the same for those Luminous who embrace the role of Sunlit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They were often those lost in darkness alongside everyone else – trapped - in a world full of people who didn't care and weren't allowed to care. - They were the ones who still tried to help, even as they themselves were - lost. - Of course it wasn't enough; they couldn't even save themselves. - No one person could. - When their defiance could sustain them no longer, the Dream calls most - to them... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When they Realize their own light, they vow to be the shining beacon they - tried to be all that time, to give a hand to those still lost in the dark, - to stand alongside those who wish to care but cannot find the will to, - to lead the charge against the world's shadows. - To act, to shine as the Sun does. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It isn't that most people don't want to help those lost in the dark, that - they don't want to change anything. - Few people truly like to see others suffer. - But... - what they can do about it? To stand up against the world means to earn - its ire. - It means to be the nail that gets hammered down. - So people don't. - They come up with reasons why those less fortunate deserve it, hide away - from the flaws of the world and pretend the shadows don't exist. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Some try anyway. - Some stand against the world, vowing to change it for the better. - Some beat back the dark forces of the world by hand, without a thought - to stealth. - Some inspire others through their bright cheer and personalities. - Others protect those they love, as little suns. - All of them are driven by the same feeling. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The will to stand in the center of the storm, aiming to outshine it all. - Defiance and desperation and passion, all woven together. - A candle that burns faster should it flickers too dim. - A fire that announces dawn. - Such is the dream of Sunlight. - The will to act. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even when they have no more to give, they don't give up. - Even if it burns themselves away in the process. - The shadows the Sun casts are those of self-destructive desperation. - All Weavers feel the press of Sensitivity, but for Sunlit it too easily - warps into an all-consuming passion – driving them to unreasonable self-sacrifi -ce. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Resolve: -\series default - Once per scene, a Sunlit may take a point of severe Hope damage to regain - two temporary Willpower for the Scene. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Shadows: -\series default - Whenever a Sunlit abandons or refuses to take an Aspiration from Sensitivity - with severe Hope damage marked, they gain a Hope condition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Sunlit dream brightly, usually appearing as magical girls, superheroes, - paladins, or knights in their Dream Forms. - All manners of the heroes of epic myth, old and new. - The rest of the supernatural world always imagined the Sunlit when they - hear of the Luminous, and it is no wonder. - They are the ones who stand out the most, most willing to stand in the - limelight. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They wield their magic no differently than any would expect. - They are direct and bright, favoring power and immediate action. - They would sooner rather blast through a building directly at their target - than reach it through infiltration. - The collateral damage doesn't matter – it disappears when their magic fades. - Of course, the transience of their magic frustrates them just as easily - when they really want the whole building gone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Radiance: -\series default - Sunlit have a particular affinity for Regalia. - They may sustain Regalia for one less Luminance (to a minimum of 1), and - treat each Ideals and Domains they possess as one dot higher when qualifying - for Regalia. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Moonlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Moonlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The moon is no mere reflection of the sun's light. - Its pale reflected light still guides lost travelers, and its presence - alone drives the rise and fall of the tides. - Those who follow the path of Moonlight embody that same strength of being, - subtly influencing the world around them without showing their hand. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They are the shrine maidens whose presence preserves the barrier of worlds, - the lovers whose kind words let the hero fight another day, the dryad who - guides visitors through the forest from the shadows. - The Moonlit, more than anything else, are the ones who improve the world - quietly in the shadows, pulling the world towards its best future. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Magic: -\series default - The magic of the Moonlit is subtle yet powerful, reflecting the innermost - nature of the caster in muted tones. - It is mysterious and occulted, seeming to just happen around the Moonlit - as a simple fact of their being, without them being seen doing anything. - Their transformations are similarly shrouded, often easily passing for - mundane clothing save for the occasional easily overlooked touch of the - supernatural. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write example characters section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Benefits section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Inspirations: -\series default - Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.), Aelita (Code Lyoko), Aura (.hack//) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Starlight -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminary!Starlight|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -A thousand stars shine in the skies, each their own distant worlds in the - faraway heavens. - We look to the stars, and a thousand possible futures among them, each - just as colorful as the rest. - Those who follow the path of Starlight seek to embody those colorful worlds, - each inspiring themselves and others to shine brightly in their own unique - ways. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They are the dreamers who write fanciful stories of the worlds that could - be, the girl who inspires her shy friend out of her shell through her own - bright cheeriness, the art teacher who encourages her students to draw - what they truly want. - The Starlit, more than anything else, are the ones who show others what - is possible, that they could do the same themselves if they dared. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Magic: -\series default - The magic of the Starlit is quiet but colorful, reflecting the caster's - true self in a thousand different little ways. - Even when it isn't obvious what truth it reflects, it undeniably is a reflectio -n of something the Starlit values. - The transformations are the most varied of all Luminous, reflecting their - ideal self with no regard for any other concerns. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write example characters section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefits: -\series default - Luminous who resonate with Starlight have a particular affinity for Charms. - They may Invoke a single Invocation for no Mote cost when they cast a Charm. - Furthermore, they qualify for Charm upgrade requirements as if they had - one more dot in each Invocation they have at least one dot in. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Inspirations: -\series default - Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura), -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Archetype -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Archetype" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Archetype|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write text here. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Kingdoms -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Kingdoms" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Kingdom|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Invocations -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The Dream that the Luminous visit in their sleep and draw their power from - is itself a true world, if one built out of stories and feelings rather - than the matter and physics of the real world. - In that world of dreams, their predecessors wove eight Kingdoms of Light - over the years, dream-like visions of what the world could be some day - in the future. - Those visions shape the Invocations the Nobles use to shape their magic, - written by like-minded Luminous over the generations and preserved in the - depths of the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Kingdom is not quite like the Luminary or Archetype of a Luminous. - Rather than being a part of their Dreamscape, it is rather the physical - location their Dreamscape resides in. - Whether its Threshold appears as a mansion in a major city or an out-of-the-way - hollow in an unsuspecting tree, its physical presence in the Kingdom itself - is what defines a Noble unambiguously as a member of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The eight Dream Kingdoms a Luminous may reside in are: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Avalon, the Last Garden -\series default -: A beautiful kingdom led by nobility sworn to serve the needs of their - people. - Its Invocation is Rosa, of social order and responsibility. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold -\series default -: A sprawling country whose residents pride themselves on their passions - and true values. - Its Invocation is Solare, of decisive action and rebellion. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Elysium, the Record of the Lost -\series default -: A sanctuary city that preserves the histories of the world as it is and - once was. - Its Invocation is Ricordo, of preserving history and protecting that which - you love. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Konohana, the Forest of Cycles -\series default -: A peaceful forest where all things live in harmony with each other. - Its Invocation is Flori, of adaptation and harmony with the world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Ildathach, the Colorful Dream -\series default -: A dream-like vision of a world triumphing over even the laws of reality. - Its Invocation is Prisma, of uncompromising idealism and defiance against - what must be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Muirias, the Crystal Isles -\series default -: A nation built on a series of islands filled with wonders of science and - magic. - Its Invocation is Brillare, of learning and wonder at the world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sancus, the Pyre Alliance -\series default -: A close-knit alliance of city-states built over the generations of hard - work. - Its Invocation is Accordi, of duties to one another and military might. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds -\series default -: A mountain range populated by colorful and varied nomadic tribes. - Its Invocation is Cieli, of the freedom of the skies and acceptance for - all peoples. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Not all Luminous become a member of a kingdom when they Blossom. - Unaffiliated Nobles have affinity with two Invocations of their choice - (including for buying the Invocation itself), but gain no Kingdom Benefit. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous Y-Splat. - It's ultimately not too different from Princess' Courts, but without the - royalty theme. - Only Avalon still has any connotations of being Noble, because it aligns - with its core themes and ideas. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I feel Twilight Courts were one of the bigger mistakes of Princess. - They were extreme (or otherwise tainted) versions of perfectly workable - worldviews, and almost seemed to present those worldviews as necessarily - twilight, not simply embedded in corrupted Courts. - Most of these Kingdoms are modified from P:tH's courts, modified to be - more comprehensive and less... - strangely opinionated. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Avalon, the Last Garden -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Avalon writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Aztlan, the Torchlit Freehold -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Aztlan writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Elysium, the Record of the Lost -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Elysium writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Konohana, the Forest of Cycles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Konohana writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Ildathach, the Colorful Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Ildathach writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Muirias, the Archipelago of Stars -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Quote -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -"The universe is beautiful, whether you look at the big things or the small -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Some day the world will remember that..." -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In legend, the Tuatha de Danann sailed onto the island of Ireland from four - myth-shrouded cities: Falias, Goirias, Findias, and Muirias. - They brought their sciences, arts and ways of magic, teaching the natives - all they knew to be their equal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Naming their Kingdom after the great sea city of the Tuatha de Danann, the - Luminous of Muirias vow to teach all they know the world to offer. - They dream of a world where people seek to learn of the sciences and stories, - not only for the sake of what practical value they may hold, but to experience - the wonders of the world through them. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Member Nicknames: -\series default - Stargazers, Seekers -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefit: -\series default - Stargazers are always eager to share the stories and knowledge they learn - over their years. - Once per scene, when you tell a story or teach something new to a person - or a small group, roll Presence -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -an appropriate skill. - If you succeed, they gain their choice of Inspired or Informed on the subject - matter. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -The Crystal Isles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In their dream of Muirias, the Stargazers wove an archipelago connected - by boats, bridges of solidified light, and other yet more exotic means - of transport. - Its cities strongly resemble modern civilization, but in a way that highlights - the magic and knowledge they hold in their hands. - Their gleaming cities are built of crystalline spires of polished ceramic, - stone, and glass. - Further out into the wilderness, their towns and villas seem to girdle - the beaches with diamond spires. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The ground floor of the towers are lined with the essential facilities of - everyday life – grocery stores, restaurants and so forth. - Behind the crystal exteriors and shining spires that rise above, the Crystal - Isles are filled with the hallmarks of modern industry, workshops producing - magical wonders, and schools and colleges both small and large. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Beliefs -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Above all else, Muirias brings together those Luminous where people value - knowledge, without losing sight of the fundamental wonder and curiosity - that drives people to discover. - To them, to reduce the world to what is physically true is to rob it of - the magic that drives that curiosity forward. - The marvels of the world cannot be seen simply through textbooks and rote - memorization. - So many meaningful truths can only be learned when you experience them - for yourself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When you understand well enough the truth behind those wonders and what - makes them wonderful, then you can weave your own. - When the world is known, there is no more reason to fear what is unknown. - Thus, the only way forward is to pierce the mists of ignorance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Society's greatest achievements were always made when we learned more of - the world around us. - Towards that end, knowledge must be shared, not hoarded. - People must be shown the world, not have it reduced to mathematical laws - and cold facts. - There is a brighter future in learning and information. - The more minds that we can work with, the better we all will be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Invocation: Brillare -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Brillare is born of the joys of learning, of childlike curiosity and wonder - at the world. - It encourages one to always seek to know the world better, and reach for - the unknown rather than fearing it. - Those who resonate with Brilliare are charged to reveal the secrets that - made the world dark for so long. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: What does Brillare *do*? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Stories -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -An elementary school teacher tries to teach her students the wonders behind - the dry science in the textbooks, fighting against the children just a - grade up who bully those who like to learn. - She works two jobs just to feed herself and her family. - Even so, she persists, because she knows she can make a difference. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Her own son gets it. - He explores the world on his own terms, going out into town often. - He was always bringing back stories of the places he saw and the people - he met out there, but it always felt as if he was leaving something out. - She understood the curiosity he had, but never so much the secrecy. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -One day, she followed him under the cover of night, wanting to know what - he was truly up to. - She chased him into a long abandoned building, only to find herself chased - by the creature of nightmares her son was fighting. - When her son could no longer protect her from it, she took it into her - own hands, Blossoming to stand by his side. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A young boy wants to explore the world in all its colors. - He wanted to see the fairies in the forest, the mermaids in the sea. - He was told that it wasn't worth it. - That those wonders didn't exist... - One day, he went anyway on his own, into that park forest. - There weren't the fairies of his fairy tales, but every time he turned - over a new rock, he saw a new and wonderful bug he never had before. - There weren't mermaids in the ponds, but he saw plants he never knew before - by the lake's side. - In the end, he found what he had come for after all. -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even a year later, he still liked it in the woods. - It was... - somehow different still, a place to just watch all the animals, observe - all the little intricacies of how they lived their lives. - But, that day, he found something different. - A wisp fluttered on the winds, glowing with an impossible light. - He chose to believe. - He followed it deeper into the forest than he had ever gone before, off - the trails and past raging creeks. - When it eluded him past a raging river, he reached for an nameless power - inside him he always knew was there... -\begin_inset VSpace defskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flying over that river with wings of starlight, she saw a witch on the other - side with her students. - She didn't know how to explain him to them, how to handle the sudden disruption - of her own lesson. - Instead, seeing that same spark in his eyes she always knew, she offered - to teach him as well, Awakened or not. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Sancus, the Pyre Alliance -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Sancus writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Tengri, the Confederacy of Winds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Tengri writeup. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 2: Distant Echoes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -But he didn't know if he was Zhuang Zhou who had dreamt he was a butterfly, -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -or a butterfly dreaming that he was Zhuang Zhou. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - -Zhuang Zhou, -\series bold -Zhuangzi -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -To most people, dreams are simply your brain processing old memories, recycling - them in endless variations. - Meaningless, nothing worth paying attention to. - So it is with the small joys in life, the little glimmers of light that - shine in even a World of Darkness. - People are afraid to acknowledge them for what they may mean. - They are afraid to see the joy in things, too grounded in the things they - can touch and see to truly -\emph on -feel -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They were taught that it is childish to believe. - That one must grow up. - That it is wrong to dream, to hope. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You couldn't stop. - You never could. - In your heart, you knew there was power in dreams. - In your heart, you knew the wonders the world still had to offer. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In your heart, you know those wonders and dreams could be yours to hold. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All you had to do is reach out. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Everyone has people they love, their responsibilities to others, and those - people they depend on. - Our world is deeply interconnected, woven through and through by loves - and friendships, by inventions, by beliefs and ideals, by cultures and - nations. - All depending on one another, all dreaming together. - That is the world as the Luminous know it, and it is those dreams that - give their own power shape. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the hidden corners of every dream, one soul blurs into another. - The dreams of a couple weave together into a hidden grove, the dreams of - a school club weave together into a small world. - In the depths of the Dream, those worlds weave together into a greater - whole. - Every fiction that has ever be written, every idea that had ever been dreamed... - A bright reflection of the loves and passions born in the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the Dream's skies, a thousand millions souls shine, each a single star. - In the depths of the Dream, twisting pathways lead to a world of higher - minded ideals, small dreams melding into worlds representing all cities, - or all wars. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But... - in the twilight in between, the Dream sustains something like a second - Earth – a world reflecting all the complexity and wonder the waking world - has in a thousand ways.... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream was hard to fully solidify on. - I had to work around the fact that there's three different official splats - all with their own, different things to say. - The Primordial Dream of the Beasts, the Astral of the Mages, the Oneiromancy - of the Changelings. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The trick is to make it a difference of in-character viewpoints too. - Luminous are those who live in the surface of the Dream (by their reckoning), - which is still personal like the Oneiros, yet having some of the interconnected -ness of the Temenos. - They become part of those dreams, see it as a place to live alongside Earth. - In that way, they differ from both Mages and Beasts – that one core difference - in thematics drives a lot of their different terminology and their different - experience of the Dream/Astral. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It is the same world, just interpreted through so many different views... - Like many things in the world. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -The Dream Kingdoms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Most people never know that their dreams are part of a greater whole... - Most people wander into those ties between souls once in a while, but few - realize them for what they are. - Few think of it as more than yet another nonsensical dream. - Those rare few that notice, still can rarely find a moment of clarity. - After all, in a world of dreams, how do you know when you are dreaming - with someone and not simply of someone? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Identity, reality and illusion all blur together in a dream. - It is so hard to tell what is true and what is imagined. - Most give up, dismissing it all as nonsense... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But... - others. - They feel drawn into it all. - Maybe they never cared. - Maybe they always knew deep in their hearts that there is a greater truth - under it all. - They find those pathways in their dreams, drawn to them by a nameless yearning - they so often do not even realize. - In that twilight, their own dreaming mind shaped the Dream around them, - bringing a touch of their own wishes into it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Over generations, something clicked into place. - Those who dreamed alike were drawn together, came to the same dream over - and over. - With so many seeing them, those dreams came together into something like - a world – the seeds of the eight Dream Kingdoms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Residents of a Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The nascent Dream Kingdoms looked like the waking world, so it became like - it. - A town could not be empty and still be called a town, a city that does - not bustle feels empty. - Thus, the Dream gave birth to new souls, new live to fill those voids. - Even in a world governed by the laws of story and emotion, to those born - there, the Dream was simply home. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -They became its true residents. - They had personalities, thoughts, memories, beliefs, goals, ambitions all - the same as all the visitors from the waking world. - They too influenced it, with their own wishes. - They wanted a life, a meaningful place to call home. - Their wishes too shaped the world, and crystallized into the eight Dream - Kingdoms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Life demand stability, challenges, conflicts, a reason to be. - The Dream was all too happy to tell such a story. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -And, well. - If the Dream Kingdoms were to be a world to live in, some of those Dreamers - wished to embrace it too. - In the depths of their hearts, they would live a second life in their dreams - in those Kingdoms, their personal dreams melding into its weave. - Most did not even realize there was anything special to it. - They lived in a second life in their dreams, and that was simply how they - were. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Other stories tell of Dreamborn who were born in the waking world too, their - story entwining with that of a newborn child. - They would dream of the waking world, waking up to the stories they were - born in. - Maybe they really found a way to dream of the waking world from a Dream. - Maybe they were simply Dreamers who forgot which world they were truly - born into. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It didn't truly matter. - They were true residents of both worlds, and in each world dreamed of the - other. - In a way, to them, both were equally true. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Shadows of Memory -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It wasn't only the happy moments, ephemeral fantasies that formed the nascent - Dream. - Humanity never had an easy life in the waking world, and that too reflected - in their dreams. - Terror-filled nightmares of predators, of earthquakes, of great floods, - of what lurks in the darkness. - The insidious pains from human cruelties and the realities of war. - All of those things too reflected into the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream too is an often dark place, in its own ways. - The Kingdoms offer sanctuary, and even they can sometimes be darkened by - the broader world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Finish this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Scars of a Forgotten Past -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Waking World -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Every dream ends for better or worse, even if it may continue another night. - The world one awakens to is... - dark, shadowed, more solid. - It is not a happy place for most Dreamers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The scars of generations, small cruelties added up over the generations. - In the modern era, people have stopped believing in wonders. - They simply seek to survive, and forget about the wonders. - They dismiss people who ask for better by saying -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -welcome to the real world -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - and such things. - Even from the our start, all of us were marked with the invisible scars - of a forgotten past. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous see a better world in their sleep – but few truly want to abandon - the waking world either. - Beyond all the darkness and sadness, there are simple pleasures in this - world. - Rather than the bright and colorful dream vistas they see their sleep, - there are quieter things. - A walk down the beach, hand in hand with a lover. - Quiet birdsong in a serene forest. - A bridge over a raging river, splashing those that cross with cool mist. - A quiet art store whose owner spreads joy through their crafts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In hidden corners, under the surface of even the most dull place this world - should be colorful too. - Perhaps that alone isn't enough to starve off the pains of the world. - Still, it's enough to try. - It's enough to give hope... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Scars of a Forgotten Past -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The pain was there from the very start, back before we ever spoke a word - to each other, back before we started our first fire. - In the depths of the Dream, there were always ruins of -\emph on -something -\emph default - that came before. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In an forgotten age, we divided ourselves from the world by forging a Boundary - Stone, marking the start of our dreams and the end of the world's. - It so clearly came from before, marked with so many languages that resembles - no known language. - The first work of a great civilization, from long ago, surely. - But... - that was not to be. - Some great cataclysm erased them so thoroughly, that all the Dream remembers - is vague impressions of rituals, of religions, of festivals that once were. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream don't even remember what happened well enough to fear it. - The Luminous once searched the realms of fear for an answer, only to see - that even the horrors that lived there only remember that there... - was something to fear, not its shape or color. - But the fear remained. - But the scars and burdens remained... - Our legacy may be our own, but ours scars began far earlier. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Humanity found its footing again, of course. - But it never bore those wounds well, especially not in a world they – in - a deep corner of their minds – knew was darker than the world that should - have been. - Perhaps that was what made people give up hope so easily. - Generations of wars, famines, epidemics added onto those ancient scars, - and something... - broke. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the current day, so many have even abandoned their own dreams, accepting - a dark world in the hopes that they can at least have scraps of light for - themselves if they did. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Probably move this up to the Dream, and redo this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it a great shattering, in which the world was covered in a Lie? Where - we replaced the gods with tyrants just as bad, breaking the world in the - process? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it a sundering, where the primal fury and wisdom of the Shadow was split - from the Flesh? When Pangaea ended, and the savage, beautiful, interconnected - nature was for the first time tamed? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when a thousand voices drowned out the Primordial Dream that should - guide us on the right path? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when a great curse was laid on us all, giving birth to monsters of - blood and their blood ties that bound that curse to the rest of humanity? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Was it when the first True Fae was born, reshaping Arcadia into something - it never should have been? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Every splat talks of a deep past in vague terms. - Some are more explicit it about others, but that bittersweet note of loss - never leaves most splats. - Luminous is no different. - In their Dream, they see signs of worlds that once were, things that were - beautiful, things once lost. - They blame the start of the generational trauma humanity faces on those - eras, only made worse by our darkened world. - They too hope for better. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As the Lost build their freeholds, as the Mages seek Ascension, the Luminous - seek to change the world. - They are caught between two worlds, and want -\emph on -both -\emph default - to shine as brightly as they possibly can. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Blossoming -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dreamers could never stand for the shadows of the world. - Dreams are not quite like the waking world – boundaries between concepts - and people blur, and understanding is far easier. - They know the pains those people feel, how much the pressures of the world - hurt them. - They know how much those they advise to dream less brightly suffer for - it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the waking world, they can't help but care. - They can't help but dream of better. - After all. - In their dreams, they see an reflection of how the world could be better, - if only they could teach others to dream too. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It isn't even the large cruelties that hurt the most. - It's the small things that wear down on everyone's souls. - People at least acknowledge racism matters, that people shouldn't be judged - for the the color of their skin or who they love. - It's the small things nobody thinks to remark on, because it's become so - normal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Parents isolate their children from their friends as punishment and call - it grounding. - Teachers drown their students with test after test, making them afraid - that if they don't pass, they simply won't have a chance to live. - In schools, they say -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -study is what is important right now -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - In adulthood, they say -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -work is what is important right now -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - When do people get a chance to live? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Everywhere they go, they see people being crushed under those things, large - and small. - They catch glimpses of it through their ties to the Dream, through -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Daydreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous are those caught between reality and dreams, the mundane and the - supernatural. - They refuse to reject either, instead embracing both with all their heart. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 3: A Faint Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\family sans -\emph on -“If someone ever tells me it's a mistake to hope, then, I'll just tell them - they're wrong. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -I'll keep telling them until they believe! No matter how many times it takes...” -\emph default - -\family default -\emph on - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\family sans -\emph default -Madoka Kaname, -\series bold -Puella Magi Madoka Magica -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous find themselves caught between two worlds, existing at once as - a living dream and an ordinary human. - Somewhere in between, they find the power they wield to create the future - they wish for. - The rules in this chapter show you how to create a Luminous character, - and the special rules and abilities they possess. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is one of the sections that I tried to improve on the standard Chronicles - of Darkness splatbook format with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It's more focused on the mechanics, giving only a basic description of any - part of what being a Luminous is like, and leaving more detailed -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -what it feels like -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - fluff to Chapter 2. - Hopefully this serves better to explain the mechanical heart of them -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -at a glance -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - like so. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Creation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Character Creation|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -In a roleplay system like -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -, you have to flesh out the heart of who your character is in terms of its - rules. - Every player will need a character sheet for Luminous – either the online - version designed for internet games, or the offline printable version for - in-person games. - That sheet will be your guide to character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All the players in a chronicle should create their characters together if - at all possible. - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - especially focuses on relationships, and the bonds between people – it - helps to have who other people are playing and how your character relates - to them in mind even during the earlier stages of character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step One: Character Concept -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The first part of character creation is to come up with a rough idea of - who you want to play. - What was her upbringing like, and who are her friends in either world? - Does she consider herself a resident of the dream, or merely a visitor? - What problems does she see in the waking world, and what does she want - to do about them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -You should solidify her whole concept into a single coherent high concept, - such as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -children's writers who finds inspiration in dreams -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -blogger who sways minds through her words and dreams -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, or -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -peacekeeper for Seattle's supernatural beings -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. - You can refer back to it when deciding what options fit your character - better, and refine it as your character develops. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I was never really good at collapsing down my characters into an easily - expressed high concept. - Still, I don't know any better advice to give. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aspirations are the main way your character earns Beats and thus advances - their abilities. - They help the Storyteller know what you want to do as your character, and - the kinds of stories you want to experience through them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have five Aspirations; two more than usual. - Most of them should be short-term goals that can be completed in a session - or two, and one or two should be a longer-term goal that may take a whole - Chapter or longer. - The division Luminous often feel between their mundane and dream selves - is reflected in their Aspirations. - Of her five, two of them must relate to the waking world or her mundane - life. - The other two must relate to her life in the Dream or her supernatural - life. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Does she have something she wants to do with her friends in either world? - Is there a community she is important to? What is her school life or job - like, and is there something she wants to do there? How does she use magic - to make the waking world a better place? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Don't be afraid of writing Aspirations that add little bits of context to - your character, even if they are easy to fulfill. - For example, a simple one like -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Find a place to live -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - establishes that your character doesn't currently have one and one like - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Reconnect with my cousin -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - is a great excuse to get the party together – assuming that cousin is another - player character. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Two: Select Attributes -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-AttributeSelection" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - All characters have nine mundane attributes representing their innate mundane - capabilities. - Each starts with one free dot. - Pick an category of attributes (Physical, Mental, and Social) to distribute - 5 dots within, another category to distribute 4 dots within, then distribute - 3 dots to the last category. - Afterwards, assign your character's -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-TransformedAttrs]{dream attributes} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -. - Start with one dot in each, then distribute 8 dots between them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Two dots in an attribute is normal human ability. - One dots is a notable difficiency, three dots is above average, four is - remarkable, and five is the limits of human ability. - Anything above that is outright superhuman; beyond any mundane human's - ability. - Luminous may never have mundane attributes or skills over 5 dots, and cannot - have Dream attributes over 6 dots at character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Three: Select Skills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving Skills -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Skills work similarly to attributes, representing learned skills and training. - Assign her mundane skills in the same way as attributes, except skills - begin with no dots. - Assign 11 dots to one category, 7 to the second, and 4 to the last. - Similarly, they assign their -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-TransformedSkills]{Weaving Skills} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - like their dream attributes. - Assign 15 dots between her Weaving Skills, none of which may exceed 6 at - character creation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Four: Skill Specialties -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -You start with three Skill Specialties in your mundane skills. - They represent your character's best skills in a given field, as opposed - to the broader competence Skill dots represent. - You may choose skill specialties freely, writing down whatever feels appropriat -e to your character. - As usual, this is a chance to refine your idea of who your character is. - A specialty for Expression (Poetry) implies someone perhaps more artistic, - while Expression (Public Speaking) implies someone more persuasive and - social. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Five: Add Luminous Template -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Section needs rewrite! -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -At this point, you're ready to deal with the outright magical aspects of - your character. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Luminary -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When she Blossoms, a Luminous grasps at the symbols of the Dream to truly - stabilize the nascent power she would come to wield. - The first of these she takes on is her -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Luminary" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, the celestial light she patterns her magic after. - It forms the basis of how she uses her magic, and decides whether she focuses - on Regalia, Domains or Charms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Read over the three Luminaries you may pick (Sunlight, Moonlight and Starlight), - and choose the one that fits your character concept the best. - It may well be that she could fit into multiple Luminaries. - In that case, base your decision on what kind of power you think your character - would be the most comfortable wielding, if their personality could go either - way. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Archetype -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Whether your character would be a shining hero, an idol whose songs change - the world, or a shrine maiden that upholds the boundary between worlds, - she is yet still a Luminous. - The dreams of humanity shift with the stories they tell, and the Luminous - often end up reflecting them as well. - Your character's Archetype represents the form she takes in her dreams, - and the ideals she evokes in her appearance and style. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Read over the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Archetype" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, and choose one that your character would wish to be. - If you wish, you can work with your Storyteller to make a custom one, if - you feel none of the ones here fit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kingdom -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Starlit Dream stabilized into eight great -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Kingdoms" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, each a vision of what the waking world could one day be, with just a slight - touch of magic. - Luminous draw the magics they always wielded in their dream into reality, - invoking the underlying principles and feelings that their Kingdoms represent. - Read over the Kingdoms and choose the one that your character would most - believe in. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream & Wish -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose your character's -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Dream" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Wish" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -. - While most mortals have a Virtue and a Vice, the Luminous draw on the things - they can be sure of even in their dreams. - Her Dream is vision of a better world she sees in her deepest dreams, and - her Wish is the life she wishes to live and the person she wishes to be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Invocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Sec-Invocations]{Invocation} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - is the cumulation of the worldviews, and feelings reflected in one of the - Dream Kingdoms. - Luminous draw on them for power, channeling the symbols and magic each - Kingdom had built over the long years for themselves. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each Luminous starts with three dots in Invocations, one of which must be - placed in her Kingdom's Invocation. - Kingdomless Luminous instead choose two Invocations to have affinity for. - They must place at least one dot in each of the two Invocations. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Regalia, Domains and Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Oh god... - :( -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Reverie -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Reverie" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - measures your character's ability to draw on the Dream's power, and project - it onto reality. - The higher it is, the more power she can draw on in her waking life, at - the cost of losing herself in the dream she draws on for power. - It determines how many Motes your character can spend without cost each - turn, and the number of Regalia she may sustain. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous begin with a free dot of Reverie. - You may purchase additional dots for five of your starting Merit dots each. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Six: Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Your character starts with 10 dots of Merits due to being a supernatural - being. - You may spend them on any merits your character qualifies for. - See page 43 of the Chronicles of Darkness book for the base game merits, - and the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Merits]{Merits} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - section for ones specific to Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Step Seven: Determine Advantages -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All characters have certain characteristics that are derived from their - Attributes, Skills and Merits. - Calculate the following, and note them on your character sheet. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Size: -\series default - Characters start at Size 5 in both Mundane Form and Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Hope: -\series default - Transformed Resistance + Transformed Power -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Willpower: -\series default - Transformed Resistance + Transformed Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Mundane Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Health: -\series default - Size + Stamina -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Speed: -\series default - 5 + Strength + Dexterity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Initiative: -\series default - Dexterity + Composure -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Defense: -\series default - (Lower of Wits or Dexterity) + Athletics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Health: -\series default - Resistance + Attribute Maximum -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Speed: -\series default - 5 + Power + Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Initiative: -\series default - Finesse + Resistance -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Defense: -\series default - (Lower of Resistance and Finesse) + Flow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Character Creation|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Advancement -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous gain Experiences and Beats like any other character. - They are described on page 76-77 of -\series bold -Chronicles of Darkness -\series default -. - Luminous-specific traits cost the following number of experiences: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Dream Attributes and Weaving Skills cost the same amount of experiences - as their mundane counterparts. - Weaving Skills do not have specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Each dot of Reverie costs 5 Experiences. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Favored Invocations cost 3 Experiences per dot, and other Invocations cost - 4 Experiences per dot. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Regalia and Charms cost 4 Experiences each. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -lumsidebarpageinset -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -centering -\backslash -Huge -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Character Creation Summary -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -addcontentsline{toc}{section}{Character Creation Summary} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step One: Concept -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Create a character concept, and five Aspirations. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Two: Attributes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Distribute 5/4/3 dots in each mundane category, and 8 dots of Dream Attributes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Three: Skills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Distribute 11/7/4 dots in each mundane category, and 15 dots of Weaving - Skills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Four: Skill Specialties -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose three mundane Skill Specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Five: Add Luminous Template -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Choose Luminary, Archetype, Kingdom (if any), Dream, and Wish. - Describe your Dream Form. - Add 3 dots of Invocations (at least one in each favored Invocation) and - take 4 Regalia or Charms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Six: Add Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Select 10 dots of Merits. - You may spend 5 dots on a dot of Reverie. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Step Seven: Advantages -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Calculate maximum Hope, and maximum Willpower. - Calculate Health, Speed, Initiative, and Defense for both Dream and Mundane - Forms. - Formulas can be found on the character sheet. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -centerline{ -\backslash -textcolor{luminous-ln}{ -\backslash -rule{10cm}{0.75pt}}} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBox -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Luminaries -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sunlight: -\series default - Passionate and forceful, shining with light as bright as the sun itself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Moonlight: -\series default - Indirect and mysterious, changing the world as the moon creates the tides. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Starlight: -\series default - Colorful and bright in a thousand ways, diverse as the colorful stars. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kingdoms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Avalon -\series default -: A kingdom built on social order and responsibility. - Its Invocation is Rosa. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Aztlan -\series default -: A sprawling country built on passion and rebellion. - Its Invocation is Solare. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Elysium -\series default -: An underground sanctuary built on preservation and history. - Its Invocation is Ricordo. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Konohana -\series default -: A forest whose inhabitants value adaptation and harmony. - Its Invocation is Flori. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Ildathach -\series default -: A dream-like world of idealism and defiance. - Its Invocation is Prisma. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Muirias -\series default -: An island nation built on learning and wonder. - Its Invocation is Brillare. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Sancus -\series default -: An alliance of city-states built on duty and might. - Its Invocation is Accordi. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Tengri -\series default -: A mountain settled by tribes built on freedom and acceptance. - Its Invocation is Cieli. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Archetype -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have an Archetype, reflecting the particular form of their Dream - Form. - See the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "Sec-Archetype" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - section for details. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Starting Experience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For some games, it may be appropriate to the start with more experienced - characters. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Established Nakama: -\series default -10 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Rising Stars: -\series default - 25 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Regional Heroes: -\series default - 35 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Dream Princess: -\series default -50 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Queen of Dreams: -\series default - 100 Experiences -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Box Frameless -position "t" -hor_pos "c" -has_inner_box 1 -inner_pos "t" -use_parbox 0 -use_makebox 0 -width "100col%" -special "none" -height "1in" -height_special "totalheight" -thickness "0.4pt" -separation "3pt" -shadowsize "4pt" -framecolor "black" -backgroundcolor "none" -status open - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Experience Costs -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Attributes: -\series default -4 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skills: -\series default - 2 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skill Specialties: -\series default - 1 Experience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Merits: -\series default - 1 Experience per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Reverie: -\series default - 5 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Favored Invocation: -\series default -3 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Other Invocation: -\series default - 4 Experiences per dot -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Regalia or Charm: -\series default -4 Experiences -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Lost Willpower dot: -\series default - 1 Experience -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -lumsidebarnormal -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -Shining Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -During her Realization, a Luminous sets off on a path in the twilight between - dreams and reality. - Embracing both worlds with all her heart and wielding the power of dreams, - she seeks to bring about the vision of a better world she once saw in her - sleep. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous are not quite lost in the Dream they embrace. - They do not forget the waking world, living two lives in two worlds – and - drawing on the power of both. - Rather than a Virtue and a Vice, they cling to the things that matter in - either world: their Dream of a better future, and their Wish for who they - want to be in it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mage did something very clever in keeping the human Virtue/Vice to double - down on its theme that they... - stay mostly human, but I personally feel it's something of a mistake. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Clever -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - isn't what makes design good, it's how it reinforces themes. - The -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -almost-human -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - part was... - not a core theme of Mage, not in a significant way. - Especially not with the superiority complex it seems most of the Awakened - Orders have. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -After all, well. - Alternative anchors are fun. - They ask players to express the heart of who their character is in theme - appropriate terms. - Notably, the Dream and Wish are not meant to be in conflict with each other. - They are more like Needle/Thread in that they reinforce each other, painting - a complete picture rather than defining a conflict. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Dream" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Despite all the injustices of the waking world, and the shadows they cast - on the Dream, the Luminous yet still dream of better. - When they awaken their magic, they once saw within their own soul a vision - of a world they would wish up to. - The one bright future she wishes for most among everything that could be. - A world she could comfortably live in for herself and those who she loves. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -At the end of a scene, if a Luminous takes a risk to make her Dream a reality, - even in a small way, she regains one Willpower. - If she makes noticeable progress in realizing her Dream, she regains all - Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Wish -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Wish" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Wish|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Everybody has to live. - They can't simply fight every waking moment of their lives, not without - burning away in a blink of the eye. - Maybe she hides away and lives a quiet live in the Dream, helping others - without a break in the waking world. - Maybe she tries to live as fully as she can in all worlds. - However she does it... - a life merely spent chasing a better future yet to come isn't worth living. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Wish reflects that truth. - It is the life she wishes to have, and how she finds comfort in two worlds - besieged by darkness. - It is a reflection of her own self, and as much about who she wants to - be as much as it is about who she is. - At the end of a scene, if she overcame a challenge or took a risk to express - her Wish, she regain one Willpower. - If she takes a significant risk or abandoned an important task to express - her Wish, she regains all Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Example Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write some example anchors -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aspirations -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Most supernatural beings are caught between two worlds, finding themselves - stuck in the middle. - But Luminous are... - split between two worlds, asked to live fully in both. - They cannot truly leave either. - At the end of the night, everybody wakes from their dreams; at the end - of the day, everyone must sleep... - and thus dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They have to care about both. - They have two additional Aspirations, reflecting their life in the Dream. - Those Aspirations must relate to their life in the Dream or the supernatural - world. - Furthermore, two of her remaining Aspirations must relate to her mundane - life or her duties to the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -P:tH messed with Aspirations too in both its versions, and this is a somewhat - different implementation of a similar idea. - It pushes Luminous to care about both the mundane and the supernatural, - while adding some wiggle room for the version of Sensitivity in Luminous - to do what it is meant to. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Sensitivity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sensitivity|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - In the Dream, the emotions of those within become part of the landscape; - a part of the world as real the rocks and trees. - Even in their waking lives, some part of that still defines how Luminous - see the world – still feeling the triumphs and pains of the world around - them as if they were their own. - Their innate magic is to connect hearts, dream together, and feel the flows - of the world, after all. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They can hardly avoid feeling the world in that way, even without their - magic's direct influence. - They call that supernatural power their -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "sec:Echo" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -, and the strong and mundane empathy that backs it Sensitivity. - Though Sensitivity is not truly supernatural, the powers of the Luminous - inflame it greatly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In game terms, Sensitivity is a die pool much like attributes or skills. - For Luminous, it increases according to their Reverie. - For mortals, its value depends on the number of dots they have in the merit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I have... - feelings about Sensitivity as it is portrayed in Princess. - Suffice to say, this is one of the only mechanics that remains effectively - unchanged from the Princess version, and that is very much because of how - core the idea is to, well, the heart of a magical girl splat. - Princess treats it as the primary downside rather than the driving force - behind how Princesses -\emph on -are -\emph default -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In Luminous, Sensitivity isn't meant as a purely supernatural drawback as - Princess' writing implies. - The enhanced emotion is more part of the Hope mechanic, and their supernatural - empathy is part of their Echo in this version. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sensitivity itself is a mundane trait that is available as a merit to all - characters (who don't have it as part of splat baseline). - This is... - subtly, the Luminous version of Circle, in a sense. - Having friends and confidants with the Sensitivity trait (supernatural - or otherwise) contribute to their Hope recovery, hence, it needs to be - more broadly accessible than just for other Lucid. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Take their Hand -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -So many people are adrift, with nobody who truly understands them. - Few people try, fewer succeed. - Even if they can't perfectly close the gap... - it's at least easier for the Luminous and those like them to show they - care. - They feel the world genuinely, know the same pains, even if only in reflection... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Characters may add Sensitivity as a bonus to mundane rolls to understand - how someone feels, comfort them, or assure them that they understand. - Should another character face a breaking point in their presence, they - may try to comfort them. - Roll Presence + Sensitivity, and take mild Hope damage equal to the number - of successes. - The other character adds that many dice as a bonus to their breaking point - roll. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In short, the kinds of upsides you should expect from feeling others' pain. - Caring about people can be a powerful tool, just... - one that can end up hurting you as much as the people around you are already - hurting. - A double-edged sword if there ever was one. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Reflected Wounds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The world isn't a kind place. - Some people can avoid it, others simply pretend it's not all so bad. - Maybe they come to believe they deserve it. - Those like the Luminous... - can't. - They feel all of the pain as if it were their own, and the only thing they - can think to do to stop it is to try and make things better. - That, more than anything else, is what drives the Hopeful forward. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - it still hurts. - No matter how much they do, no matter how much they try to change things, - it still hurts to see all the pain and shadows of the world and then to - feel it for themselves. - When such characters witness someone in significant emotional distress - or has suffered an meaningful injustice, they suffer a mild Hope attack - with dice equal to their Sensitivity rating. - Similar events may only trigger a Hope attack once per scene, and a single - event can only trigger a Hope attack once. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This has fewer and more limitations than one may expect. - Luminous come to understand the kinds of injustices and the alien emotions - of strange beings easily through their Echo, but it is still filtered through - their own nature. - Through exposure, they may become familiar with the alien needs and desires - of the spirits and fae, but the pain a truly horrible person feels when - they are prevented from harming another could never resonate. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Afterwards, she may immediately replace a short-term aspiration with one - to alleviate the pain, or prevent a similar injustice from repeating. - When she completes such an Aspiration, she gains an additional beat and - recovers mild Hope damage equal to her Sensitivity. - If the Aspiration was a Long-Term Aspiration, she recovers all mild Hope - damage instead. - Luminous may have no more than two aspirations from Sensitivity at once. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sensitivity|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sensitivity is simpler in Hopeful, but contributes in a great way to the - flow of the game. - It creates mechanically a sense of wanting to solve the problem -\emph on -immediately -\emph default - when bad things happen, and that... - feels great in play. - The Luminous version refines this, trading some of the immediacy for the - simplicity in tying in the mechanics with Hope and Aspirations rather than - an entirely separate system of Shadows. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Intimacy -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Intimacy|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The magic of the dream connects people, weaving a network reflecting the - countless bonds and relationships that the waking world weaves. - Drawing on that power, many magics of the Luminous are easier to use or - more powerful on those they have closer bonds with. - Intimacy measures that closeness, and forms an integral part of their character. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Connected: -\series default - Two people have Connected Intimacy if they are close enough as to be effectivel -y inseparable, often as a result of magical bonds or vows. - Such people are usually extremely close (perhaps to the point of codependence) - lovers, those bound by vows such as those between a Changeling and an Avowed, - or those who have taken on the -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Strong: -\series default - Two people have Strong Intimacy when they share much of their lives with - each other, often confiding in each other for comfort and support. - Often, these people are married couples, very close friends, parents and - their children, or see each other as family of choice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Medium: -\series default - Two people have Medium Intimacy when they are on friendly terms with each - other and know about each other's lives in broad terms. - Good friends, confidants, siblings or a typical dating couple would usually - fall under this category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Weak: -\series default - Two people have Weak Intimacy if they have met before, but rarely with - any particular emotional depth. - Such people may be coworkers, gaming partners, extended family or the friend - of a friend. - Hostile or unfriendly relationships too often fall under this category, - although not always. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Described: -\series default - Two people have Described Intimacy if one knows the other exists and has - a basic description of who they are. - Luminous magic struggles to function with such a loose connection, and - simply fails to function with anything even less significant. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regardless of the depth of the connection, the feelings must be mutual. - If the two participants have different feelings towards each other, the - lower Intimacy implied is used. - A therapist may know a lot about her patients, but this often only results - in Weak Intimacy because they rarely truly form mutual bonds in their professio -n. - As much as the fans of an idol may know about her, the Intimacy is still - Described due to those fans blending into a faceless crowd to her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When Intimacy is used as a bonus to a supernatural ability, Connected provides - a +6 bonus, Strong provides +4, Medium provides +2, and lesser strengths - provide no bonus. - When it is used as a penalty, Strong inflicts -2, Medium inflicts -4, Weak - inflicts -8, and Described inflicts -12. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Intimacy|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Ultimately inspired by the P:tH Dream version of the mechanic, which was - used as an alternative to Sympathy (as used in Vocation version). - Intimacy is far more core to Luminous' mechanics than in Princess to push - the theme of relationships and connections harder. - After all, it's one of the core themes of a lot of magical girl works; - why shouldn't it be one for this game? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The Lucid are living dreams, born of the union between the ways of two worlds. - The deep and fevered emotions of the Dream are woven deeply into their - beings, such that they experience all the triumphs and struggles of the - world with all the intensity as when they first experienced the world in - childhood. - The cruelties of the world hurt deeply, as much as the quiet happiness - hidden underneath drives them forward. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have Hope instead of Integrity, a measurement of her emotional - strength and well being. - When they are full of light and confidence, Hope fuels their magic and - drives them forward. - When their Hope is depleted, they feel drained and the conviction needed - to continue their work in the world starts feeling distant. - With more severe Hope damage, she begins feeling outright helpless in the - face of the world's darkness. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Hope Conditions? How exactly do Shadows come into play? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope is, certainly the heart of Luminous' mechanics, serving as both an - Integrity mechanic and their Supernatural Fuel. - Most of their splat mechanics deal with it in one way or another. - Why shouldn't it. - It's a -\emph on -magical girl -\emph default - splat. - They were always stories about hope and friendship triumphing over the - dark. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As more of a genre consideration than anything else, Hope is a Clarity-like - damage track rather than a representation of longer-term mental stability - like Integrity. - In a sense, Princess already works like this – it simply considers Shadows - and Belief separate. - Hope is a simplification over those two mechanics, pinning it all down - into one thing. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Hope Track and Damage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Hope track equal to their transformed Power + Resistance - that behaves similarly to a health track. - When an ability refers to a character's Hope, it means the number of undamaged - Hope boxes she possesses. - Luminous are considered to have an Integrity equivalent equal to 5 + her - undamaged Hope boxes (to a maximum of 10). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Hope track may be marked with two different kinds of damage. - Mild Hope damage represents simpler emotional strain from her overexerting - her magic or simply the weight of life bearing down on her without a release. - Severe Hope damage represents fundamentally deeper pains that linger, even - when the situation clears up. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each time a Luminous takes Hope damage, mark it off her Hope track using - a slash (/) for mild damage and an (X) for severe damage. - Mark mild damage in the leftmost empty box of her Hope track, and severe - damage in the leftmost empty box or the leftmost box that is marked with - only mild damage. - Whenever a Princess takes mild Hope damage when her rightmost Hope box - is filled, she instead takes a point of severe Hope damage. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Hope is similar to Clarity, it isn't being used for a splat that is - as deeply scarred as how Changelings are. - For interactions with other parts of the World of Darkness, their Integrity - is relatively high even at very low help. - Otherwise, the structure is effectively the same. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Hope Recovery -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Life is hard, but... - it isn't all bad. - The Hopeful are not the only ones who work towards a better world. - The happy moments in between, more than anything else, gives Luminous the - strength they use to fight their battles. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Once a day, whenever a Luminous does something relaxing or that she otherwise - enjoys, roll Hope as a dice pool. - She clears a box of mild Hope damage equal to her successes. - If she there are still consequences for failure, or is she is putting off - important matters to accomplish this, she may only restore up to one Hope - damage in this way. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Severe Hope damage or otherwise extreme stress are harder to work through. - Once a week, in place of the usual Hope recovery, she may take a significant - amount of time confiding in someone she is close to, or whom otherwise - understands the struggles of the Luminous. - When she does so, she adds a bonus to her Hope recovery equal to the Intimacy - bonus + her confidant's Sensitivity, and may clear boxes of severe Hope - damage in addition to mild. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Be more clear about how this works with the Dream being so core to - the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A subtle mechanic that serves a lot of purposes not explicitly stated. - Hope is a pretty mild mechanic that can quickly turn dangerous; after all, - your recovery scales with your undamaged Hope. - Emotional strain has a way of spiraling like that. - When things seem so hopeless, the Luminous must rely on those who they - are close to in order to pull themselves out of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Finally, this is the keystone that encourages Luminous to have some kind - of a mundane life. - Hope recovery is slow and takes time – they thrive in situations where - they can live a quieter life, and keep their magical work somewhat separate - from it. - They can't easily handle having no time to rest, when the supernatural - follows them home. - Thus, Dual Identity and maintaining that secrecy becomes all the more important - for them. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Attacks against Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When something shakes a Luminous' resolve or emotional stability, she takes - an attack against Hope. - Attacks have a die rating and may deal mild or severe Hope damage. - To resolve one, roll that number of dice. - Your character takes damage equal to the number of successes of the correspondi -ng type. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If she took any damage from this process and her rightmost box of Hope is - marked with damage afterwards, she gains a Hope Condition, chosen by the - player from the following list: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Hope condition list. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous can take Hope attacks due to her Sensitivity, or due to strong - emotional shock or significant emotional turmoil for personal reasons. - While effects like spending Motes can directly cause Hope damage, this - does not count as a Hope attack and never causes Hope Conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Die value example list. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Clarity is weird. - You roll a dice pool to check the severity of the damage, then a second - pool based on Wyrd to see how much you actually take (if any). - Hope attacks are far simpler, since they have no reason to scale with Reverie. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Hope|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dreamer's Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreamer's Will|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - All that a Guardian is rests in her heart, her emotions, her dreams. - Unlike other magical creatures, her body and soul were never changed by - her magic. - So she must cling to what she has...Thankfully... - the Dream blesses her with the means to protect it. - Luminous may draw on their own dual nature to resist attempts to influence - their minds or emotions, grounding themselves in the part of their self - that is dispersed into the Dream's flows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Supernatural attempts to do so trigger a Clash of Wills versus a dice pool - of Reverie + Hope. - Mundane attempts beyond social influence or coercion (such as drugs or - advanced technology) simply fail. - Furthermore, they are always aware of such attempts and may spend Willpower - on the Clash or elect to not contest the effect. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This protection applies against effects that outright manipulate things - such as her emotions, thought process, memory, relationships. - More subtle effects such as illusions, those read her mind, or communicate - information to her (even if it is distracting or false) do not trigger - Dreamer's Will. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Dreamer's Will also works against more indirect powers such as a Demon's - reality manipulation or a Mage's Sympathy manipulation, this is far more - obviously supernatural. - Rather than simply passively relying on her nature, she is forced to actively - counteract the power with her own influence over reality. - This is a blatantly magical act, and cannot be explained away as simply - her being a strong-willed mortal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I've never heard of a magical girl anime where the villain beats them by - just mind controlling them. - Breaking them first and mind controlling them... - yes. - But they have to go through that first step. - Dreamer's Will causes a Clash of Wills against a dice pool unusually large - for Clashes (Power Stat + Attribute + Attribute rather than Power Stat - + Five Dot Rating). - Unless their Hope is depleted, overcoming it through sheer force requires - exceptional power. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -Bright Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Born of two worlds, the Luminous touch on a power new to both worlds. - Whether they call it Light, Song, or simply magic, it is all the same. - They weave the border between reality and fiction, all in the name of a - hopeful future... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Reverie -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Reverie" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Reverie|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Luminous draw on a light born of two worlds to fuel their magic. - Their Reverie measures how strongly she may connect their ways, and impose - her will upon either world. - As it increases, Luminous are able to have higher traits in Dream Form, - spend more Motes without drawing on her Hope, and have deeper emphatic - abilities. - However... - it doesn't come without downsides. - As her power grows she also acclimates to the ways of the Dream, and adjusting - back to her Mundane Form becomes increasingly difficult. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Reverie is a Luminous' Power Stat, granting her Supernatural Tolerance [CofD - 70]. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -There's a lot going on here; tables tend to have that. - Luminous have some improvement or another with every dot of Reverie, as - all supernatural splats should. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The highest possible Luminous trait cap is 15, not 10. - This is a minor advantage that mainly serves to make up for the fact that - their dice pools do not add +Reverie or +Invocation unlike most splats. - Weaving Skills can be increased faster than Dream Attributes to encourage - these huge dice pools to be more specialized than general. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -newcommand -\backslash -tc[1]{ -\backslash -raisebox{0pt}[0pt]{ -\backslash -hspace{0.75em} -\backslash -llap{-#1}}} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Float table -placement tbh -wide false -sideways false -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Tabular - - - - - - - - - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Reverie -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Rank -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Max Dream Attribute -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Weaving Skill Cap -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Max Active Luminance -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Mote Pool -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Base -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Sensitivity -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent - -\series bold -Flicker Duration / -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Flicker Trigger -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -1 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -1 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -1 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{1} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -11 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -2 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -13 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Transformation -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -11 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -6 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -3 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{2} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -7 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -12 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -20 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -8 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -13 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -25 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -4 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -crw -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -9 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -14 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -50 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{3} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Constant (-1) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -10 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -15 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unlimited -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -20 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -5 -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Text - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -tc{4} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - / Constant (-2) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - - - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Motes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Motes|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Motes are the small shards of magic that Luminous draw on to fuel their - magic. - They don't gather it from an outside source, but rather from deep within - their own souls. - Luminous have a Mote Pool which refills to its capacity at the beginning - of every scene. - Beyond that, a Luminous may still draw on her own emotional strength to - fuel her magic. - For every Mote she spends with an empty Mote Pool, she takes a box of mild - Hope damage, leaving her feeling down and exhausted until she has time - to recover. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' supernatural fuel isn't Motes. - It's Hope. - Hope serves as both a Clarity-like Integrity mechanic, and a Luminous' - supernatural fuel. - However, the idea of Motes gives me to name what you pay when you use your - magic (saying Hope directly sounds... - wrong in its implications). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The refilling Mote Pool, then, mitigates you casting from Integrity just - a little. - It also serves a secondary purpose of encouraging Luminous to use small - amounts of magic often – magical girls solving relatively trivial issues - with magic tends to be a common theme in any show that doesn't make a point - about using magic responsibly. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Invocations -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-Invocations" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Invocations|textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The memories and skills of Luminous who have since faded away are not lost. - They are scattered into the collective soul of the Dream Kingdoms, to be - remembered by future Luminous to come. - Luminous may push their powers far beyond what they could learn on their - own by drawing on the collective memory of the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Each Dream Kingdom has an Invocation, resonating with the stories and magics - of all Luminous who had ever been a part of it. - A Luminous may have up to 5 dots in each Invocation. - They reflect a worldview as much as a source of power. - While a Luminous may use the Invocations of Kingdoms she does not agree - with, she does not grasp their logic or concepts intuitively and must be - taught them by someone who already understand their principles. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As a guideline, a Luminous who agrees at least partly with an Kingdom's - beliefs may intuitively learn its Invocation up to three dots without a - teacher. - A Luminous who agrees with all its beliefs in at least vague terms (or - is a member of the Kingdom) may learn all five dots of it intuitively. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Pretty unchanged from P:tH on the surface level, although used far differently. - For one, I try to not encourage arguments with the Storyteller over whether - your character should really have four dots of Specchio, or whether she - really aligns with tenet 2 of the Court's beliefs. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Your character might need a teacher for the Invocation -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - is far easier a pill to swallow than -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -sorry your build doesn't work -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Beyond that, the dot rating of Invocations are only used as dice pools for - Clash of Wills in Luminous. - Rather, they unlock upgrades to Regalia/Charms and let you do more with - your Domains. - Since those upgrades are free, unlike in P:tH, spending experiences on - Invocations increases the power level of your character directly – and - in an interesting way. - There isn't that space between -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -I bought an Invocation -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - and -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -I got a four-dot upgrade to a Charm -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Codes and Invocations -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou have their own Invocations they call Codes, reflecting the pillars - of human society. - In their eyes, the Luminous wield the Code of Idealis, the means to channel - their Will through dreams and embody futures that have yet to become true. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous may never learn Codes intuitively, but if they manage to find a - teacher, they may learn them the same way they do an unfamiliar Invocation - – and thus learn the Edicts, Aspects and Domains they provide. - In stranger cases, they may even have Affinity for a Code. - This requires a Luminous to be Kingdomless, and they cannot choose Codes - for both their affinity Invocations. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Regalia, Domains and Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regalia -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Domains -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Charms -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Luminous magic is roughly divided into three major categories: Regalia, - Domains and Charms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -The Regalia are the most physical embodiments of a Luminous' power. - They are radiant auras and tools she weaves into her Dream Form to enhance - her own being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Domains are the elements and concepts that resonant with a Luminous' Invocations - and her own Dream. - They allow her to wield the elements as naturally as she moves her own - body. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Charms are the more specialized powers of a Luminous, spells that touch - upon esoteric mysteries of the world – or perhaps even create some of them - for herself. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For more information, see the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[Chapter-PowerOfLove]{Power of Love} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - chapter. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All of these categories of abilities were just Charms in P:tH. - The split here is to allow them to have different base mechanics, putting - them more on equal footing. - P:tH had a problem where most Charm and Domain style powers were... - overly narrow and hard to use just because (IMO) they were all stuffed - into the same framework. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Transformation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Mundane society always rejected the supernatural, manipulated by so many - actors in the shadows. - To be openly not mundane would be a death sentence for the Hopeful. - They, as always, adapted, and found an answer in their dreams. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Mundane Form in which they are simply normal humans, and - a Dream Form in which they draw the magic and light of the Dream into reality. - They may roll Reverie + Hope a a reflexive action in order to transform - into Dream Form. - Should they fail, they receive a Hope Condition and must spend a Willpower - to transform. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transforming creates a brief but spectacular display of lights and colors - arranged in whatever symbolism fits the Luminous. - This is extremely obvious and attention grabbing, and will generally makes - transforming stealthily impossible, unless she is completely hidden in - a closet, bathroom or similar place. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The heart of what makes Luminous a magical girl splat, more than anything - else. - They -\emph on -transform -\emph default -, becoming their ideal self in the process. - I've kept a transformation roll, since it reflects a pretty common theme - and plot beat in magical girl anime. - Transforming despite their own compromised emotions by act of will, or - failing and suffering more emotionally for it. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Mundane Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mundane Form|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -A Luminous' Mundane Form is not simply a mask of humanity; outside of their - dreams and the power they can summon, they are truly mundane in the eyes - of the world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -All supernatural effects treat a Luminous' Mundane Form as if she were a - normal mortal, whether this is beneficial or harmful to her. - She may transform reflexively to better resist such abilities if she is - aware of them. - Abilities that would cause a Luminous to become another type of supernatural - being or otherwise cease to be a Luminous still always fail. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In addition, she loses access to the majority of her magic. - In Mundane Form, Luminous cannot use their Mote Pools, cannot summon Regalia, - and may only use Domains and Charms that explicitly allow it. - She still has Supernatural Tolerance, but loses her Supernatural Potency - for other purposes. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mundane Form|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mundane Form is both a strong protection and a weakness for the Luminous. - They can't choose to Spoof as a Demon could, they simply -\emph on -are -\emph default - mundane in their everyday life with all its weaknesses and all the advantages - it has for hiding their nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This mechanic alone makes Luminous something between a mortal chronicle - and a supernatural splat – despite the fact that it is certainly a full - template of its own. - Transforming wantonly is dangerous for the Luminous, and sometimes their - best answer to a problem is to do it as mortals do – if with a few extra - tricks and protections. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I've chosen to use mortal game style antagonists as Luminous' bread and - butter for this reason. - They have their own problems – those to do with the Astral and dreams, - but... - they partly play a mortal chronicle too. - With such antagonists, they can choose their approach – or perhaps have - the situation choose it for them. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Luminous live a different life in their Dreams, taking on a form reflecting - their deepest wishes – freed from the constraints of reality. - Even in the waking world, they can project that different self into reality. - Sometimes, that's just themselves in a different outfit. - For others, they become fantastical beings of all sorts– winged fairies, - catgirls, masked heroes, paladins in shining armor. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Dream Form gives her the power and presence to interact with - other supernatural beings on equal grounds, and use the shining magic they - must to change the world. - In Dream Form, Luminous are ephemeral beings in phase with astral projections, - Dreamborn, and similar entities. - They have a Rank dependent on their Reverie, are always Manifested, and - may not enter Twilight or create Manifestation Conditions without specific - abilities. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous project their dreams into reality. - They are magical girls because the first part of their Dream they protect - on the world is themselves. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is the same Dream Form mechanic other splats use in the Astral and - dreams. - That is on purpose. - As far as any other splat would see it if they knew only half the story, - the Luminous are manifested Goetia/dreamborn. - It takes some specialized knowledge that they exist to understand that - they're more than that, that they have a mundane form and physical body - as well. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Health -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form!Dream Health|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -A Dream Form is a separate body, woven out of illusion and dreamstuff rather - than matter. - It has its own health track called Dream Health, with boxes equal to the - Luminous' Resistance + her transformed attribute cap. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Health is less her dream body's physical integrity, and more her will - to not be hurt made manifest. - Thus, Luminous are often far too resilient for their delicate appearances. - They do not suffer wound penalties in Dream Form, and furthermore mundane - physical attacks against them are reduced in one level of severity – from - aggravated to lethal, or lethal to bashing. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -However, aggravated damage against her Dream Form disrupts her mental balance - in addition to its usual harm. - She takes a box of mild Hope damage for every box of aggravated damage - she receives. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regardless of her current from, a Luminous heals all damage to her Dream - Health whenever she would recover Willpower from sleeping. - Furthermore, every 15 minutes out of combat, she recovers one box of bashing - damage or reduces a box of lethal damage to bashing damage. - Should the rightmost box of her Dream Health be filled with lethal or aggravate -d damage, she immediately reverts to her Mundane Form and gains the Soul - Shocked condition. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form!Dream Health|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Magical girls don't worry about dying to a little breeze. - That goes against so many premises of the genre, even ones where combat - is common. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Health means a Luminous' opponents must specifically want to -\emph on -kill -\emph default - her to permanently kill her, not simply collapse her transformation. - In fights between Luminous, or fights between the Maou and Luminous, this - second health bar makes any conflict more like a duel than a proper fight - to the death. - Neither want to just outright kill each other, after all. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In Princess, Holy Shield served this purpose. - You can't just pop a strong Princess by rolling 8 dice on your attack due - to a few exploding dice; you have to actually exhaust their Wisp supply - before you can do that. - It's... - frankly a little overpowered. - Dream Health achieves this same goal without giving them overwhelming protectio -ns. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Attributes -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-TransformedAttrs" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Transformed Luminous are not bound by the limits of mundane bodies. - As with all ephemeral entities, they use a set of three simplified Attributes - instead of the usual nine. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Power describes the Luminous' ability to impose upon the world through force - of will, intellectual prowess or personality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Finesse describes how well the Luminous can affect the world through great - skill or subtle manipulation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Resistance describes how well the Luminous can withstand the will and manipulati -on of others. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous purchase dots of Dream Attributes separately from their mundane - attributes, and use them in place of the corresponding mundane attributes - in Dream Form. - If this would cause a roll to use the same attribute twice, the roll is - slightly modified. - Resistance -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Resistance is instead rolled as Resistance -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse. - Finesse -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse is instead rolled as Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Finesse. - Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Power is instead rolled as Power -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -+ -\begin_inset space ~ -\end_inset - -Resistance. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Attributes|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Standard ephemeral rules. - This is mainly a bit of clarification since Luminous are meant to be a - full playable splat. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Weaving Actions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Move this to chapter 4. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Actions|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -In a dream, there isn't a difference between a dreamer's imagination and - the world around them. - She don't need to put one foot in front of the other or move a muscle to - walk forward... - just, will it to be so. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous call that kind of action Weaving – to act by imagination as - in a dream. - They blur the line between reality and dreams, and learn to Weaving their - will into the world as naturally as they move. - It doesn't matter if she doesn't have the coordination to leap nimbly from - roof to roof in her mundane life, she merely has to imagine doing so. - It doesn't matter if she's never touched a gun before in reality, she must - simply weave together a story where she hits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformed Luminous may use an appropriate Weaving Skill in place of a - normal skill as part of any roll they make. - When she does so as a part of an proactive action on her part, it becomes - a Weaving Action. - Weaving Skills are a separate set of eight skills, that the Luminous buys - separately as with Dream Attributes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Acting in such a way isn't blatantly supernatural, but often still leaves - subtle tells that not everything is right. - Maybe she defies gravity, drifting in the air far longer than she should. - Maybe the motion of her feet doesn't quite line up with how fast she moves. - Any witnesses may roll Perception to notice the nonphysical nature of her - actions. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Actions|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Another of the things that defines the feel of Luminous. - They don't interact with the world as mortals or even most supernatural - beings do. - To them, they move by intent as in a dream. - Imagine moving in impossible ways and simply doing so. - Strange body plans and unfamiliar body parts don't phase them the slightest - – before they learn how to control them physically they can simply Weave - their way through the adjustment period. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mechanically, this serves as one of their major advantages. - They have higher dice pools on average between Dream Attributes and Weaving - Actions. - In fact, this replaces the normal supernatural trait added to supernatural - powers. - Since this gives them larger dice pools already, it's not entirely necessary - for the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This also is meant as a partial patch to the problem some supernatural splats - have that... - powers require very specific Skills, limiting builds in a strange way. - Why does a Changeling who lives in a city with no wilderness for ages have - a Survival skill? Especially when its entire purpose is to cast Elemental - Weapon? Because Luminous powers always use Weaving Skills, this problem - is far lessened. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Weaving Skills -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Sec-TransformedSkills" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Force -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Force -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Force is the principle of forceful action. - It is used for actions that directly contest your will versus those around - you and the world itself. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Knock down a door. - Stare someone down. - Overpower someone with magic. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Flow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Flow -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Flow is the principle of movement. - It is used for graceful actions, and moving about the world with purpose. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Fly over or climb a wall. - Dance gracefully. - Dodge a blow. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Learn -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Learn -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Learn is the principle of discovery. - It is used to seek new truths, and uncover things about the world that - nobody has learned before. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Research an old book. - Examine evidence. - Decipher an arcane riddle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Lore -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Lore -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Lore is the principle of knowledge. - It is used to apply a body of knowledge, and draw new conclusions from - old information. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Hack a computer network. - Call out false information. - Diagnose a disease. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Connect -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Heart is the principle of expression. - It is used to express one's own truths and convince others by force of - personality. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Write a poem. - Convince someone to help you. - Make a speech. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Resonate -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Resonate -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Resonate is the principle of connection. - It is used to understand another's feelings and connect emotionally. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Reach out to someone in need. - Detect a lie. - Comfort your best friend. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Shape -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Shape -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Shape is the principle of creation. - It is used to create or fix things and engineer new designs. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Example Actions: -\series default - Design a building. - Write a computer program. - Repair a car. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Shade -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills!Shade -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -Shade is the principle of concealment. - It is used to hide in all kinds of ways and deceive others. -\series bold - -\begin_inset VSpace smallskip -\end_inset - - -\series default - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Example Actions: -\series default -Hide your true feelings. - Avoid being seen. - Pickpocket someone's keys. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaving!Weaving Skills|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Form Traits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Due to their different set of attributes and skills, Luminous use different - traits in their Dream Form and Mundane Form. - In her dream form, she calculates derived attributes as such: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -A Luminous' Dream Form always has a default Size of 5, regardless of her - natural size. - They have separate Form Merits that may be used to change this. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Maximum Willpower is calculated as Resistance + Finesse. - Unlike with most of these traits, this total is used for her mundane form - as well as her Dream Form. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Defense is equal to the lower of her Resistance and Finesse + Flow. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Initiative is equal to Finesse + Resistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Speed is equal to Power + Finesse + 5. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Again, Luminous is a fully playable splat, and their Dream Form is a core - mechanic. - None of the official source books make it clear what exactly Dream Forms - use for these traits, and that's not too bad because it's not nearly as - core to them as they are to Luminous. - This is inferred from the ephemeral rules. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dual Identity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation!Dual Identity|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Luminous are, in a sense, a different person in their dreams. - The Dream itself intervenes to embed that idea in all others they meet, - prevent them from easily drawing a connection. - Regardless of how similar a Luminous looks in her two forms, anyone who - meets her in both forms has the impression that they are different people - and do not recognize the similarity on appearances alone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Despite this, sufficient evidence can break this illusion. - For one, it does not prevent others from suspecting a Luminous' nature - based on circumstantial evidence. - She cannot simply dip into a closet only to return as a mysterious magical - girl, and not expect others to not draw the connection eventually. - She obviously cannot transform in front of someone, and expect Dual Identity - to protect her even slightly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even supernatural powers are fooled by this presumption. - Magical senses like a vampire's taste for blood or a werewolf's scent tracking - do not connect her two forms. - Powers that use Intimacy or similar mechanics treat her two forms as separate - people with separate relationships. - Powers used to try and extract information about her, at best, treat her - as two people with close ties to the same friend group. - Of course, this may be enough information to piece together the rest of - the pieces by investigation. - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream Form|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation!Dual Identity|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transformation|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I've written this as an uncontested power along the level of Liar's Tongue. - I don't think even Clashes of Will versus Dual Identity is particularly - good gameplay. - Luminous have enough ways to let slip their secret, and usually leave enough - holes for investigation to slip through. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous are meant to live, to rely on their friends. - They can't do the perfect spycraft or operational security that Demons - rely on usually. - Hence, their power papers over the largest gaps, while still demanding - they take some amount of (more reasonable) care. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Form-Locked Merits -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous may take Merits that only function in one of their forms. - For example, someone could only have Striking Looks in her Dream Form, - or only have Fame in her Mundane Form. - As an optional rule, the Storyteller may require this of all social merits - representing relationships with other people, unless the player can justify - them being available in both forms. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Flicker -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - For a Luminous, the Dream doesn't feel any less real than the waking world, - simply different. - Too often, it is easy to get lost somewhere in between. - In her Dream Form, she may touch the world in terms of stories and intents - rather than physics and forces. - In that state, it is all too easy to get used to half-dreaming. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When a Luminous reverts to Mundane Form after transforming, she suffers - Flicker. - She is ever so slightly distracted by the dreams and imaginations that - would fuel her magic if she were in Dream Form, and takes a penalty equal - to her Reverie divided by 3 (rounded up) to all actions taken in her Mundane - Form. - She gains a bonus on her Transformation rolls equal to that penalty. - Once a scene, if she fails an important roll or suffers significant social - complications due to this, she gains a Beat. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If it was caused by transformation, the Flicker penalty reduces by one every - ten minutes. - This duration increases to an hour (or a scene, whichever is shorter) if - she has been transformed for a whole scene or longer, four hours (or two - scenes) if she has been transformed for a day or longer, one day if she - has been transformed for a week or longer, or one week if she has been - transformed for a month or longer. - If she transforms again while suffering Flicker, track the two instances - separately and use the higher penalty. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While she enters Dream Form when she dreams, this does not trigger Flicker - until her Reverie increases to 6 or above. - Afterwards, she suffers Flicker with an duration of one hour whenever she - wakes. - At Reverie 9 or above, her Flicker penalty can no longer be reduced below - -2. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The actual downside of the Luminous. - It always felt strange to me that in Princess, their downside is also their - core driving motive. - It felt... - strange, and like an almost weirdly cold portrayal of hyperempathy. - To care to that amount hurts you, yes, but... - it is ultimately what drives you. - And what lets you keep caring in a world that would rather you not. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flicker, then, is something that the dream themes of Luminous make possible. - They get used to falling into their dreams, letting those winds carry them - around. - They get used to dreaming in the waking world. - When they revert to their Mundane Form, it crashes back on them. - This draws attention to the fine line they walk, gives strong roleplay - opportunities for people to portray what this looks like in practice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It also forces -\emph on -most -\emph default - Luminous to be careful about when they transform, without artificial limits - like the rolls to stay transformed that Princess uses. - Subtly though, it still allows you to play Mirrory Luminous without a specific - mechanic that allows you to do so. - After all, you suffer no effects from Flicker if you simply do not untransform. - Both modes avoid the downside, with their own complications on either end. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Foldable -status collapsed - -\begin_layout Section -Echo -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Echo" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Echo|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The Dream binds together all of humanity in one tapestry. - All dreams are part of something greater. - Luminous may draw on those connections, touching the heart of everyone - they treasure and love dearly. - Their Echo brings people together in the deepest reaches of sleep, teaching - those it touches to understand each other on a level that goes beyond simple - words. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Echo function in both Mundane Form and Dream Form. - Its influence is subtle and hard to notice, however, and only affects those - already close to the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Echos, like Hope, are core to what Luminous are. - It is their power to connect hearts through the power of dreams. - It is what makes relationships so important to them. - It's their Aura, technically, but works through dreams in a way that makes - it not really interact well with other splat's Auras. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Read the Winds -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous are innately aware of the general feeling and mood of any location - they enter through their Echo. - This does not depend on its present occupants, but rather the impression - those who frequent the zone leave on the Dream, especially those with the - strongest emotions. - While this never directly triggers Sensitivity, it can make Hope recovery - or even simply relaxing in a place next to impossible. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Note the various types of taint and Astral conditions that Read the - Winds will find. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mage Sight drives Mages towards Mysteries, and Read the Winds drives Luminous - towards places where they can -\emph on -help -\emph default -. - This is meant as a thing Storytellers weave into descriptions constantly, - one of the things that makes Luminous not able to ignore the fact they're - supernatural in daily life, even if they solve their problems in mundane - ways. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interwoven Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and those who are close to them dream of each other, and with each - other. - Those who are friends with the Luminous find themselves bound by a weave - of interconnecting Echoes, all their dreams coming to influence one another. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous share their dreams they have Connected Intimacy with. - In their dreams, they face the same challenges and see the same wonders - side by side, perspective sometimes blurring between the two in the Dream's - depths. - They come to know each other's depths through those half-remembered dreams. - Luminous and those with Connected ties to them gain an automatic success - on all mundane skill rolls to understand or emphasize with each other. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous and those they have Strong Intimacy with often dream of each other, - sometimes sharing their dreams entirely. - They gain the rote quality on all mundane skill rolls to understand or - emphasize with each other. - Furthermore, they know by heart each other's Anchors and any similarly - character defining traits such as Bans, a Changeling's Taboos, or a Mage's - Obsessions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous and those with Medium Intimacy dream of each other in vague terms, - catching glimpses of each other's depths they would not otherwise see in - their waking lives. - They gain 9-Again on mundane skill rolls to understand or emphasize with - each other. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Lesser degrees of Intimacy are not strong enough to have any effect. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This effect applies separately to a Hopeful's Mundane and Dream forms, and - these dreams do not penetrate the protection of Dual Identity at Strong - Intimacy or weaker. - However, the dreams of those with Connected Intimacy will almost certainly - breach those protections by nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous draw those who they are close to close together passively. - Their power connects dreams, and through it, creates an lasting and deep - understanding in waking life. - Plus, this serves somewhat as a Luminous' answer to Beast Kinship. - Rather than an innate connection, they come to understand those they are - close to in general – supernatural or otherwise. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreaming of the Night -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Quite a few Luminous have a habit of poking their noses in places they would - rather not be, or getting involved in problems way over their own heads. - In the process, they often become close to other kinds of supernatural - creatures. - Their Echo guides the way, granting them glimmers of insight beyond what - outsider may usually see. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Through their shared dreams, a Luminous gains an intuitive understanding - of what broadly drives any kind of supernatural creature she has Medium - Intimacy with. - She gains an deeper understanding at Strong Intimacy, usually gaining deeper - insights in how they see the world and their place in it – especially if - when she draws on it herself through Reflected Light. - At Connected Intimacy, she simply -\emph on -gets it -\emph default -. - In those dreams, she learns deeply and personally what it would be like - to be something else, had she been changed before she found the Dream. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Reflected Light -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Even in their waking life, a Luminous' Echo allows her and those closer - to her to draw on each other for strength. - Remembering the feelings they wove into their shared dreams, they may draw - on each other's best traits when their own resolve wavers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Once per scene, either may spend two Willpower to reflect a Virtue, Dream, - Wish or other Anchor from someone they have Strong or Connected Intimacy - with for that scene. - They gain the Anchor for all purposes including Willpower recovery, and - 9-Again on all actions that follow that Anchor. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous can draw on her relationships with others, drawing on their own - strengths for her own. - They are magical girls after all. - This is the cumulation of their theme of relationships, of the ties between - people. - I do very much like designs like this. - Anchors and Aspirations are not only useful as out of character traits; - their manipulation is the best representation there is in the Storyteller - system for representing magics that shape one's own heart. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Balance-wise, 9-again isn't... - quite as strong as it sounds. - As a quick rundown of the probability math behind CofD, each dice produces - -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{3}$ -\end_inset - - successes on average with 10-again, and -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{8}$ -\end_inset - - successes per die with 9-again. - That is only an additional -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{24}$ -\end_inset - - successes per die, or in other words, the equivalent of a +1 bonus per - 8 dice. - In general, for -\begin_inset Formula $n$ -\end_inset - --again, the average number of successes rolled per die is -\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{n-1}$ -\end_inset - -. - Furthermore, it doesn't help at all when you only care if you succeed or - fail – it only makes it easier to get a large number of successes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, 9-again -\emph on -feels -\emph default - impactful, and this this acts as a subtle roleplay push towards actually - acting out the implications of drawing on the strengths of your friends. - The Anchor does the rest – in the hands of a good roleplayer, Reflected - Light means Luminous can pull a full Willpower recovery out of a large - variety of scenes. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Aria -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aria|(textbf -\end_layout - -\end_inset - -The words you read and hear in a dream aren't always... - well, words. - If you look at them too closely, they don't make sense, they don't even - make letters. - But, if you take them for granted, and simply take a dream for a dream - – they weave together into an unspoken song, conveying meaning in a way - words can't. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Thus, Aria isn't truly a language, it's that language of dreams reflected - through a Luminous' Echo. - When one speaks Aria, she says words in sounds that never quite resolve - into words, yet whose character reflects her own nature. - One who styles herself a witch may speak in tongues, a musician may sing - words that resolve into a piano melody rather than any voice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, anyone who hears her statement understands her fully, at a depth - that is not possible through ordinary language. - Aria gives anyone listening to her an automatic success on rolls to determine - her emotional state, the true intent and context behind her words, and - the deeper meanings of what she said. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While it has no innate written form, any media that can convey sound (such - as video calls over the internet, or a plain phone call) also conveys Aria. - Recordings of Aria only keep its magical properties for about 5 minutes, - after which listeners no longer understand it as anything other than pretty - sounds. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anyone who hears Aria recognizes it for what it is. - Through their language of dreams, the Luminous may allow themselves to - be recognized, even in their mundane forms. -\begin_inset Index idx -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Aria|) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -splat language -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - of the Luminous. - This is both their means to identify Luminous (who wish to be known) and - their way to talk to each other secretly. - An... - actual language doesn't feel quite right for an splat as ephemeral feeling - as them. - Aria fits the Luminous in the same way the Royal Tongue fits Princesses. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Nakama -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Merits -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Merits" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Modified Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Certain Merits are modified for Luminous characters. - This covers merits found in the Chronicles of Darkness core, and the World - of Darkness: Innocents book. - Further adjustments may be needed for merits from other sourcebooks. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Alternate Identity -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Alternate Identity merit [CofD 50] costs one less experience for Luminous - establishing a Dual Identity formally, as they only require appropriate - documentation, not the basic groundwork. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Giant and Small-Framed -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Giant [CofD 47] and Small-Framed [CofD 49] merits do not apply to a - Luminous' Dream Form. - She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is Size 6, - and may purchase the Small-Framed merit for free if her Dream Form is Size - 4 or smaller. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Unseen Sense -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Characters may purchase the Unseen Sense merit [CofD 60] aligned to Will - or Dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Will may be used to detect Maou, transformed Luminous, and their powers. - Dreams may be used to detect Asura, Incursions, transformed Luminous, other - beings affiliated with the Dream, and any powers used by them. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Note that Dual Identity protects Luminous from being detected by either - means in Mundane Form as long as they do not use any of their powers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Vice-Ridden and Virtuous -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Neither Maou nor Luminous may purchase either Vice-Ridden or Virtuous [CofD - 46], as they use different Anchors. - The -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Another-Dream]{Another Dream} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - merit does something similar, while being compatible with Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Giant and Tiny (Innocents) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Giant [WoD:I 104] and Tiny [WoD:I 105] merits do not apply to a Luminous' - Dream Form. - She may purchase the Giant merit for free if her Dream Form is of size - 6. - She may purchase the Tiny merit for free if her Dream Form is of Size 3. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Luminous Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -These Merits may only be taken by Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Another Dream (••) -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Another-Dream" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default -Your character has a significantly different personality in her Dream Form. - She has a different Dream or Wish in her Dream Form, and may use either - Anchor in either form to defend against social maneuvering or supernatural - abilities. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Childish (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character appears as a younger child when transformed. - She is of Size 3 in Dream Form, and gains a +3 bonus to any attempt to - hide, go unnoticed, or other actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default -Your character is treated as someone as old as she appears. - She receives a -3 modifier to any attempt to physically intimidate another - or pass as an adult (regardless of whether she is one). - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Dream's Rebuke (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may retaliate against attempts to mentally influence her - with her Echo. - If she wins a Clash of Wills caused by Dreamer's Will, she may spend a - Willpower to cause the opposing effect to become a Dramatic Failure. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Enhanced Sensitivity (• to •••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character is unusually sensitive to the emotions of others, even for - a Luminous. - Add your dots in this merit to your Sensitivity dice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sensitivity is an upside trait now, in many ways. - This merit lets you enhance its upsides and downsides alike. - Probably should take this on the mentory or maternal type in the group. - Whomever cares for the others. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Innate Regalia (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: How do I do this? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character has a Regalia that is innate to her Dream Form. - She automatically summons it when she transforms at no Mote cost. - This merit may be taken a second time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - The Regalia cannot be disabled in any way. - If it has variants, you must choose one when you take this merit – you - cannot use other variants. - When you take this merit, or when you gain further Upgrades, you must choose - whether it applies to your Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A basic design trick. - This lets you mechanically reflect a large variety of different physical - forms, without the long list of supernatural merits Exalted has. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Paragon (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character's Dream Form is particularly large, towering over most others. - She is Size 6 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to physically - intimidate another, reassure someone that she can protect them, or other - actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - Fitting into small spaces is difficult at best, and often impossible. - Hiding is rarely an option. - You take a -2 penalty to rolls to hide or go unnoticed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Silent Aria (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may hide their Aria in different forms of communication, - such as a text message, spoken sentence, or piano song. - This is not obviously supernatural, unlike Aria normally. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Tomoyo's Touch (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: How do I do this? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character may appear in whatever outfit she wishes when she transforms - into her Dream Form. - She still looks to be the same person, just in a different outfit. - This does not let her hide supernatural features, except by covering them - with clothes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Youthful (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default - Your character is diminutive when transformed. - She is Size 4 in Dream Form, and gains a +2 bonus to any rolls to hide, - or other actions her size may help with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default -Your character might be overlooked or not taken seriously by some people. - She takes a -2 penalty to rolls to physically intimidate or threaten others. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Mundane Merits -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -These merits are entirely mundane, and are open to any character type. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Sensitivity (• to •••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requirements: -\series default -You do not already have Sensitivity from another source; and have roughly - human-like emotions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effect: -\series default -While a Luminous' magic enhances her empathy greatly, it is still not fundamenta -lly different from mundane empathy. - Your character gains the Sensitivity trait, with die equal to your dots - in this merit. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Non-Luminous characters may only replace a single Aspiration from Sensitivity. - If they would receive an Hope attack or damage, she instead rolls Resolve - + Composure, penalized by the number of dice or damage. - If she fails, she receives a Hope Condition. - If she would regain Hope, she instead clears all Hope Conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous aren't the only ones who get it, who are empathic enough to be - hurt by it. - Making Sensitivity a mundane merit is important for Luminous Hope economy, - and pushes the themes that... - well. - There are just people like that out in the world, magical or not. - They just have to find each other. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 4: The Power of Hope -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Chapter-PowerOfLove" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All Luminous must draw their magic from their imagination – whether they - were lost in their own dreams, or learned to be so after their Blossoming. - In an act of will, they call the form they take in those dreams into reality. - When that alone isn't enough to overcome the world's woes, they turn to - their greater powers. - In further acts of will, they project more of their Dream into the walking - world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Through their Regalia, the Luminous weave further extensions of their will - into their Dream Form, manifesting as shining arms, auras of light or wings - of stardust. - Through their Domains, the Luminous shape not only their own being but - the world around them, commanding fire and winds dance to their touch. - Through their Charms, the Luminous draw the ways and concepts of the Dream - into reality, asking the world follow the laws of Dream over reality. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -All forms of Luminous magic are innately Weaving Actions. - They aren't mundane acts, but rather ways to imagine and then Weave those - imaginings into the waking world. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Clash of Wills -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Update Clash of Wills for new power structure. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Sometimes, opposing supernatural beings will use their powers in ways where - both can't succeed at the same time and it isn't clear which ability should - trump another. - When the effects of supernatural abilities clash in this way, it triggers - a Clash of Wills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Each Luminous involved rolls Reverie + the highest Invocation involved in - the power. - The player who rolls the highest wins, and their ability takes effect. - If no Invocations can be applied to the power, use the Luminous' highest - Invocation instead. - On a tie, reroll the contest until one player rolls more successes than - each other player. - Other types of supernatural being have their own dice pools for Clash of - Wills, which can be found in their source books. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Characters may spend Willpower to bolster the contested roll, but only if - they are physically present and aware that their powers are clashing. - Certain powers, such as those with exceptionally long durations, are more - enduring in a clash. - Day-long effects add one die to the clash roll, week-long effects add two, - month-long three, and effects that could last a year or longer add four. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Evocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream is woven of the light of all of humanity. - Memories, emotion and stories melded together into a single unimaginable - world. - Through their Evocations, the Luminous draw a small thread of its light - into the waking world, overturning its laws with those of the Dream. - For an ephemeral moment, the stories and hope they see in their dreams - may exist in their waking life too. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Even if they aren't truly real as the powers of other supernatural beings, - those fleeting moments are all the Luminous need, in the end. - The stories they layer over the waking world allow them to do impossible - things still, even if all traces of their magic fade back into illusion - when all is done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Creating Evocations -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Evocations are woven out of the -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Passive Evoking -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Active Evoking -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Transience -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Evocations, and all their direct effects upon the world are a story. - Stories bright enough to overturn the world's law for a moment, perhaps, - but stories nevertheless. - When they fade, all their direct disappear as if they were never cast. - Videos of the magic fade as if nothing happened – leaving only the barest - traces superimposed as if pasted on top to explain truly impossible actions. - Even wounds and apparent death caused by a Luminous' magic fades like a - dream when all is said and done. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -An Evocation automatically fades at the end of the Scene in which it were - cast, and may be ended prematurely by its caster by spending a Willpower. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Only a precious few of an Evocation's effects can remain when it ends. - Memories of the event, and any mental changes created by them are not affected. - Nor are effects wrought upon a Luminous' Dream Form or other Dreamborn - – as they were never real in the first place. - Otherwise, to make permanent changes, the Luminous must confirm her magic - with mundane action – after all, those are still -\emph on -real -\emph default - to the waking world, even if they were only possible because of an illusion. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Though a Luminous couldn't simply banish toxins from the soil, she could - collect them into a pool with her magic, then collect them in a bottle. - She couldn't teleport the items out of a safe, but she could blow off the - door and simply carry them off. - And well... - when words fail and fights break out, she may ensure her opponent stays - dead as any mortal may. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write updated Charms section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Ideal List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Rosa -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Rosa is the -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Prisma -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Prisma is the Ideal of Ildathach, born out of the will to outshine the world - itself, the shining light of one's innermost truths. - It encourages those who follow it to never hide their true dreams, and - shine as brightly as they can without compromise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Colors (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Prisma asks its wielders to never forget how every person and everything - are special at their core. - No matter how much the world tries to bury their colors, they could always - be reawakened. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminance -: -\series default - Colors allows a Luminous to manipulate literal color and summon a colorful - prismatic light with Elements. - This can be used to light dark spaces, inflict the Blinded tilt [CofD 281], - or similar effects. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Luminance •: -\series default - Prisma may be Evoked to draw on the best qualities of things. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Radiance (••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Names (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Dream describes all things someone or something is through its Name. - The Sidhe may reverse that relationship, changing a name to change what - it names. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Controlling Skill: -\series default - Heart -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -1 Success: -\series default - Change a single property of the target temporarily. - A knife may become dull, or a tree branch sharp enough to pierce skin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -2+ Successes: -\series default - Replace the target's Name with another. - Anyone who interacts or sees it does not recognize it as anything other - than what it is named for, even if its properties are completely different. - A pencil made into a calculator is clearly broken, a person made into a - slob is still avoided by her peers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Anyone who experiences this discrepancy may make an Intelligence + Wits - check to pierce the illusion. - Each additional success invested into this effect inflicts a penalty of - -2 onto that check. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Change (•••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Defiance (••••) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Creation (•••••) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Domain List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Elements -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Domain allow Luminous to shape the world around them. - Rather than dividing the world into individual objects or other pieces, - Elements shapes the world at the level of materials and substances. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -With it, Luminous may cause the wood of doors or neat gardens to grow wildly - to entangle someone, or lash out against someone with a whip of water. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Self-willed beings do not fall under the domain of Elements. - To the Dream, they are something more than simple matter, defining the - world rather than being defined by it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Elemental Weaving (•) -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous touches the elements around her, wielding them alongside her - Weaving. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Controlling Attribute: -\series default - Finesse -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -1+ Successes: -\series default - Your character maintains control of an amount of the substance, using it - as a tool. - This provides a +1 equipment bonus to further Weaving Actions, and can - serve as -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This requires she have an element able to control the physical element being - manipulated, rather than an abstract property of it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Forms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Domain allows the Luminous to shape the bodies and forms of any self-willed - being, weaving the magic of the Dream into them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -With it, Luminous may transform themselves into mermaids to explore the - seas, or grow wings of light to explore the skies. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Regalia -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -With their Regalia, the Luminous weave superhuman abilities and touches - of magic into their Dream Form. - Even when they appear to be equipment and shining arms, a Luminous' Regalia - are not truly separate from her. - Her sword feels like as much part her as her lace wings, and she wields - it with an almost surreal fluidity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As the are extensions of her Dream Form, Regalia do not function for anyone - other than the Luminous who summoned them, and dissolve into motes of light - a short moment after they leave their presence. - Disarming Luminous is rarely useful, as they may reflexively recall any - Regalia they have lost on their turn at no cost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Luminous may summon Regalia when she transforms into her Dream Form or as - a reflective action at the start of each turn. - Regalia each have a base effect, and multiple Upgrades or Variants. - Upgrades enhance the base effect of the Regalia, and Variants replace it - – hence, only one Variant may be used at a time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Each Regalia costs a single Mote to summon, and a further Mote at the beginning - of each new scene in which she wants to maintain it. - Luminous may furthermore pay a single Mote to change the upgrades or variants - she has active on a Regalia or desummon one at no cost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Regalia List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Binary Star -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous find themselves needing to be in two places at once to maintain - their secrets. - Thankfully, they can. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous splits her Dream Form into two bodies, dispersing her awareness - between them. - This is disorienting and distracting to say the least, but she can often - remain functional enough to at least get the job done. - One of the bodies may be her Mundane Form, but this effect is only cosmetic. - She is treated as if she were in Dream Form, albeit still with the protection - of Dual Identity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both bodies share a single bar of Dream Health, and she may choose one of - her bodies to return to when she reverts to Mundane Form for any reason. - Regalia must be summoned independently for both bodies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Drawback: -\series default - The Luminous loses 10-again on all actions, takes a -3 penalty to all mundane - actions, and suffers a -1 penalty on even Weaving Actions. - In combat or other stressful situations, she may only take Instant Actions - with one of her bodies each turn. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: True Focus -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous do not shy away from even the strangest dream, weaving them all - the same as any other. - This is no different. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Brillare or Prisma ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default -The Luminous suffers no penalties to her Weaving Actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Workforce -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Sancus teaches the value in the fruits of labor, and see further value in - a Regalia normally only to cover for one's own absence. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi • -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may perform any physical tasks she sets both her bodies to - in half the time. - This halves the roll time for relevant extended actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Phalanx -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The coordination required for military tactics takes quite an amount of - training to achieve. - Of course, one way to cut it short is to be your own army. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Coordinating with herself, the Luminous pins down her opponents or otherwise. - Once a turn in combat, she may assist her other body's actions with a reflexive - teamwork action. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Twin Blades -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Gathering all her focus, the Legionary pins down her target with perfect - coordination. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Accordi ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Once per scene in combat, the Legionary may spend a Willpower to make a - separate instant action with both her bodies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Wings of Light -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -So many people dream of seeing the skies as the birds do. - The Luminous too do so, summoning wings or veils of wind to take to the - skies. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may fly freely in the air, and has a species factor of 10 - to her speed while flying. - She may bring a single person with her by taking their hand, and extending - her magic of flight to her partner. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Evasive Tactics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Flowing with the winds, the Luminous dodges attacks aimed at her with unnatural - fluidity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Caeli or Flori ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - When flying, the Luminous may apply Defense against ranged attacks. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Violence's Reward -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Konohana believes violence to be a last resort to be shunned. - Thus, she bids the winds teach the lesson to all who attempt to harm her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Flori ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - When successfully dodging an ranged attack, the Luminous may redirect it - back at its source. - She rolls for the attack as if it were her own. - This effect may only be used once a turn. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Rainbow Burst -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Why fly in the skies if you can't do anything with it? To a Sylph, flight - can simply serve as a way to get where she needs to be. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Caeli ••••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - By spending a Mote, the Luminous may cloak herself in a veil of light, - traveling across the skies with great speed. - She uses the vehicle rules to move [CofD 98-99]. - Her safe speed is [Power + Finesse + Flow] * 15 and in crashes, she always - counts as the light object. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section* -Charm List -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Subsection -Resonant Truth -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In our dreams, we remember things we never dreamed, and are merely part - of its story. - Likewise, the Luminous may ask of the world to show them things as in those - dreams. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default -Sensory, Networked, Intimacy, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - Finesse + Resonate - the target's Composure -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Success: -\series default - The Luminous may ask a question of the Dream for every success they roll, - glimmering information about the target's current situation. - This manifests as a vague dream-like impressions, but it does answer her - questions in broad terms. - She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a scene./ -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -What general emotion are they feeling currently? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are they currently hurt or in danger? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are they under an obvious mental influence of any sort? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Exceptional Success: -\series default -Successes are their own reward. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Failure: -\series default - The Luminous learns nothing of her target. - She may not cast Echoing Truth again on the target for a day. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Dramatic Failure: -\series default - The Luminous learns nothing of her target, and they become aware of your - attempt to read their story. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A simple Charm with powerful applications. - The base ability here is weaker than with most Charms, because it works - with any Invocation. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Prismatic Echo -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Drawing on the lessons behind her on Invocations, the Luminous gleams deeper - truths from the Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Any Invocation ••• -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous may ask addition questions of the Dream. - This Upgrade may be applied multiple times, each time with an different - Invocation. - Every Invocation you apply this Upgrade with allows you to ask a different - set of questions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Is there anyone or anything here they feel strongly about? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Are the target a supernatural being of any kind? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) What is an organization or formal social group they have strong ties - to? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) Who do they consider their direct superior or direct subordinate? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) Who is a person they love, and how do they feel about them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) What Aspiration or other similar long-term goal is closest to their - mind right now? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) What memory or person could they not stand to lose? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) What would they consider their ideal paradise for themselves? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) What is a way in which they are not willing to change, and one way - in which they are? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) How do the spirits of their house and gardens view them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) What is their preferred name, and what is an alternative name they - are known by? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) In an ideal world, what kind of life would they live? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) What is one of their greatest competencies? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) Who is a person who taught them, or they have taught something - important? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) Who is a person they have harmed or broken a promise to recently? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) Who is a person they rely on for comfort and support in dark times? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Caeli) What people or groups do they think of themselves as part of first - and foremost? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Caeli) What is a restriction or rule they chafe against in their daily - life? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Light of Truth -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Rather than gleaning scattered truths, the Luminous calls upon the Dream - to answer a single piercing questions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Any Invocation ••••• -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 3 Motes -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - Finesse + Resonate - target's Composure -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Success: -\series default -The Luminous learns the answer to a single question in detail. - Rather than vague impressions, she learns the answer in full and truthful - detail. - The target likewise gains an vague intuitive impression of the question - asked and who did so. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -What kind of supernatural being is the character, and how would others of - their kind classify them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Rosa) What is the greatest secret they know about an organization they - are a part of? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Solare) Who are all the people they have Connected or Strong Intimacy with? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Ricordo) How will they be remembered if they passed away now? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Flori) What stories would the spirits tell of them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Prisma) What is their true name, and what other names are they known by? - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Brillare) What is one thing they are hiding from you? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Accordi) How does the community they are a part of think of them? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -(Cieli) How would they describe their true self, if they knew of its entirety? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Exceptional Success: -\series default -The target is not made aware of your question. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Failure: -\series default - You learn nothing of the target. - You may not use Light of Truth on the target for a month. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Dramatic Failure: -\series default - Your attempt backfires. - Your target learns of the answer to the question you asked, as if they - had used Light of Truth against you. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Shining Vow -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Shining-Vow" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous reaches out with her Echo as she speaks a promise. - Her magic conveys her own feelings about the promise unerringly, showing - the world the resolve that lies behind her words. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Action: -\series default - Instant -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Anyone the Luminous spoke her promise to becomes fully aware of her sincerity. - This can serve as Soft Leverage in Social Maneuvering, or provide an appropriat -e bonus to a social roll. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Regardless, she is magically binds her to fulfill own promise, replacing - one of her Aspirations. - This Aspiration has the same benefits as those from a Sensitivity trigger, - and does not fall under its cap. - If she abandons her promise (including by replacing the Aspiration), or - acts intentionally against its spirit, the Aspiration ends and she takes - a box of severe Hope damage and gains a Hope condition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: The Hope recovery from this is probably too strong. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This Charm fails if she does not mean her promise genuinely. - Anyone present becomes aware of her lack of resolve, and it does not bind - her to her own empty promise. - Furthermore, the Charm may only be used to seal promises to do a specific - action, not anything more complex. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A very magical girlish way to seal your own promises. - Royal Witness in P:tH was fun, but things like this... - feel more by the genre. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Knight's Code -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Nobility of Avalon see their highest calling as that to protect those - in need, and that vow carries a deep weight for them beyond simple sincerity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Rosa • -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default -When a Noble uses Shining Vow to promise to protect another or relieve them - of an ill that has befallen them, she may grant the Inspired condition - aligned to the ideals of Avalon to all those who hear her promise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Royal Witness -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Contracts and agreements form the basis of any organized society. - Declaring that she will bare witness to an oath, a Noble lays bare the - true sincerity behind the it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Rosa ••••• -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote per participant -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - Any participants who made statements of intent meant to convince another - become a target of the Charm. - If all participants are genuine and sincere in their intentions, the Charm - binds them all magically to fulfill their own duties. - Each participant replaces one of their Aspirations as if they had used - Shining Vow themselves. - If one or more of the participants do not intend to uphold their end of - the oath, the Charm reveals their deception to all involved parties, and - has no further effects. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Although... - Invocations are still allowed to shift the genre. - :) -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Upgrade: Binding Oaths -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Prismatic understand the true power of promises. - Drawing on the stories of the fae, they bind their own will to their promises. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Prisma • -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Additional Cost: -\series default - 1 Mote -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - You may seal promises to behave in a certain way, avoid certain actions, - or other more abstract restrictions. - When making such a promise, she gains the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Condition instead of replacing an Aspiration. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Sealing Thread -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -One does not make promises causally in the presence of the fae, nor those - who draw on their stories. - The Sidhe weaves a binding of dreams upon those who make careless vows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Prisma ••••• -\series bold - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -Cost: -\series default - 1 Willpower, 1 Mote -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default - Sensory, Networked, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default - None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Sidhe binds someone who makes a statement of intent in her presence - to their word, regardless of whether they meant it or not. - They gain the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)]{Sealed Vow} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - Condition relating to their promise. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Variant: Wyrd-Bound Vow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The oaths of the Luminous are mere whispers on the wind compared to bound - by Wyrd. - A Dreamer may weave her power with that of the Wyrd, binding herself forever - to an Oath with the fae. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Requires: -\series default - Wyrd Origin or Prisma • -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Cost: -\series default -Special (see text) -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Keywords: -\series default -Sensory, Veiled -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Dice Pool: -\series default -None -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\series bold -Duration: -\series default - Indefinite -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\series bold -Effects: -\series default - The Luminous joins herself to an Wyrd-bound Oath initialized by a Changeling - or stranger being of Faerie. - This uses the usual rules found on pages 212-214 of -\emph on -Changeling: the Lost 2e -\emph default -. - Luminous spend Motes instead of Glamour to seal such promises, and must - draw those Motes from Hope instead of a Mote Pool. - They may not initiate such Oaths without a Changeling's help – the normal - powers of Shining Vow are the most they can do on their own. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Little things like this make crossover games far more interesting and fun, - without being significantly in the way of normal play. - Would recommend. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center -\begin_inset Flex LumChapQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 5: The Sea of Stars -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -“Did you count the stars or something?” -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -“We don’t have to count them,” Meg said. - “They just need to be known by Name.” -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - -Madeleine L'Engle, -\series bold -A Wind in the Door -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Nomenclature -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Other supernatural beings and occult experts have their own name for the - Dream, and their own views of its structure. - In general, compared to them, the Luminous prefer simple plain language - terms, or ones drawn from popular culture over the more formal language - most of them employ. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou, Mages, and human scholars of the Astral use very technical terms for - the Dream, making literature references to esoteric concepts. - They see the Astral as a journey from the world below, into ever more true - worlds above – from personal dreams, to the higher truths of humanity, - to the higher truths of the world, and to more esoteric things beyond. - They refer to a Soulspace as a -\emph on -Oneiros -\emph default - (plural -\emph on -Oneiroi -\emph default -), the Dream as the -\emph on -Temenos -\emph default -, the Foundation as the -\emph on -Omphalos -\emph default - or Boundary Stone, and the World Dream as the Anima Mundi. - They call the Dreamborn (including Luminous, really) -\emph on -Goetia -\emph default - and do not typically draw the distinction between Dreamborn and Actors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Begotten use plain language terms similar to the Luminous, mixed with - the more formal terms of human academics. - They are home in the Primordial Dream, a layer deeper than most Luminous - ever touch upon, and their perspective sees much of the Dream the Luminous - know of as -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -above -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - their own dream. - To them, the Dream as the Luminous call it and the Sea of Stars are the - Bright Dream. - The Foundation is the Cave, and the World Dream is the Mother's Land. - They share the Luminous terms of Actors and Dreamborn. - For everything else or when they need to make finer distinctions, they - tend to use the same terms as human scholars. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Dream Form -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A Luminous' Dream Form is nothing truly unique in a world of dreams. - All visitors in the Dream (or other mental spaces) manifest a Dream Form - rather than their physical bodies. - The Dream Forms of mortals (and most other kinds of supernatural beings) - have their own limitations, however, compared to those of the Luminous: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Instead of using the highest of his attributes, a mortal's Dream Attributes - are based on his mental attributes. - He uses Intelligence for Power, Wits for Finesse, and Resolve for Resistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Mortals suffer wound penalties to Dream Health as usual. - Neither Luminous or mortals have any protection against physical attacks - in the Dream, as all attacks are partly magical in a sense. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Mortals cannot perform Weaving Actions, have no Weaving Skills, and do not - have Dual Identity. - As such, they add Athletics instead of Flow to their Defense. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In addition, Luminous Transformation works differently in the Dream. - They treat their Dream Form as their default form, and must roll in order - to transform into their Mundane Form. - They lose none of their powers or abilities in Mundane Form, but still - has the benefits of Dual Identity and is still affected by supernatural - powers as if she were a mortal. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This is just Beast/Changeling/Mage's Dream Form, of course. - Standard mechanic, but explained in terms of the Luminous Dream Form in - this system due to how central it is for the main splat. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Dream Combat -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream is not quite a peaceful place. - Conflict happens in every world, for better or worse. - ... - and, just like in the waking world, sometimes there is no option but to - force your way through another. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You could fight in a dream the same way you do in reality. - You pull out a sword, slicing away at your opponent's (dream) flesh. - But... - a Luminous sees deeper by nature. - After all, she is in part a native of the Dream. - A sword is mere a symbol for imposing one's will on another. - The wounds the sword inflicts are an unmistakable mark of your will on - another – they cannot simply imagine it away, because they were not the - one to imagine it in the first place. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Instead of a sword, a Luminous could wield a cutting argument, imposing - on her target's mind in a way that reaches beyond mundane persuasion. - She could weave a story of an party all too loud for the introvert, forcing - them to retreat. - A dream weapon only has to be a reflection of one's will, and the wounds - it inflicts any mark that cannot simply be imagined away. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -That is the heart of dream combat. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -It always felt weird to me that dream combat in Mt:Aw mostly boiled down - to the same as physical combat. - Changeling is better with Shifts and such mechanics, by far. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In my case, I'm using mechanics inspired by Shaping Combat in the Graceful - Wicked Masques splatbook for Exalted 2e and to a latter extent how combat - flows in Exalted 3e. - So, I suppose, this is the part where I go full Jenna Moran. - Compared to that system, this is simplified and more abstract, but it is - still the core inspiration. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dream combat isn't brutal like combat in the waking world, but that doesn't - mean it isn't scary in its own ways. - After all, your soul is laid bare to your opponent's will should you fail. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Intent -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In dream combat, intent doesn't simply give focus to why a fight is happening - – it is the fundamental basis of the world itself. - When someone resorts to force in the Dream, they initiate Dream Combat, - and all participants must declare their Intent. - Intent determines their win condition, and the kind of story they must - tell to achieve it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If you wish to destroy a Goetia you don't like, you're probably limited - to a story of violence of one sort or another. - If you simply want to get past a door guard unharmed, you have far more - options. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: aaaa. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Notions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Notions section; the Luminous Token-like. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Fading -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When they Blossom, the Luminous become living dreams. - Though those dreams never truly stop being human at their heart, they are - still what will remain of the Luminous at the very end. - As long as their dreams live, they do too, even when their mundane body - withers away from time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -If a Hopeful dies in her Mundane Form while still able to transform, she - may transform one last time, burning away her Mundane Form entirely in - the process. - She immediately refills her Motes Pool and heals all Hope damage. - Her physical body is lost to her and she begins to Fade. - The same may happen if she retreats into the dream and lets her mundane - body wither away, or simply outlives her natural lifespan while transformed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Regardless of how it comes to be, the Luminous begin to dissolve into the - Dream, as the stray thoughts of humanity and foreign emotions lap at the - edges of their mind. - They anchor themselves against those tides by force of will, clinging tight - to those they love, to the place they know they have in the world. - Hope sustains them in the same way food and air does a mundane human. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Fading Luminous no longer regain Willpower form rest, and suffer a box of - severe Hope damage every day. - Should their entire Hope track be filled with severe Damage, their will - dissipates fully into the Dream and their body dissolves into motes of - light. - The same occurs if their Dream Health is exhausted, or they suffers the - Soul Shocked Condition for any other reason. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - a final plot beat for a Luminous at the end of their story, and a long-term - roleplaying opportunity. - A name call back to the original pitch for Princess: the Hopeful, at that. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Physical realities such as old age, dying, or not having a soul don't quite - affect the Luminous nearly as hard as they should. - After all, they are people who have become dreams. - Still, it's not... - exactly easy to do. - They just fade away if they run out of Hope, and the constant Severe Hope - damage makes it hard. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -On base Intimacy mechanics alone, they can still only clear one Severe damage - a day – breaking even in the process. - It takes the Take Their Hand power from Sensitivity to get ahead of existing - Severe damage. - Difficult but possible, as intended. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Elder Luminous...? -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While they can theoretically live indefinitely, no Luminous older than a - century and a half or so have shown themselves to the broader community. - Some say it's because of how difficult it is for a Luminous to hang on, - especially as their friends pass away with the passage of time. - Before the internet and the Information Age, finding others who got it - was always a struggle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Perhaps a few group of truly elder Luminous have hidden themselves away - in some corner of the Dream or some deep forest together. - A close-knit Nakama of elder Luminous may indeed be able to sustain themselves - like that. - But... - if they exist, they've certainly since secluded themselves away or chosen - to guide the world from the shadows as the Maou do. - Others say even that's unlikely – that such isolation would itself tear - at the Luminous and that they wouldn't survive like that. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Lucid -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dream Kingdoms are not only inhabited by the Luminous. - The vast majority of those who came to dream in their grounds never Blossom, - never realize that there is more to it than a particularly stable recurring - dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Young Luminous -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Far too many Hopeful do not have the luxury of waiting until adulthood to - grasp the power of the Dream. - The cruelties of the world always start far too early. - Especially compared with other types of supernatural beings, Luminous tend - to Blossom very early, with all the complications and benefits it comes - with. - On one hand... - becoming something else is too often effectively the end of their childhood. - On the other hand, too often that childhood is one they would not wish - to continue even if they had the choice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Luminous: the Dream -\series default - may be used with the rules for child characters found in -\series bold -World of Darkness: Innocents -\series default -. - While such a game is fundamentally a Luminous chronicle at its heart, those - rules are still useful to represent a characters' significant younger Mundane - Form. - The Luminous template may be used in combination with the Innocent template. - Create the character as a normal Luminous with the following modifications: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She has a lower number of mundane skill dots equal to the normal total for - her age, and may not place dots in a category exceeding the normal maximum - for her age's primary category. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Her mundane skills have a cap of three dots, which increases to four dots - at Reverie 2 and five dots at Reverie 4. - At Reverie 4, refund all Prodigy merits under the Sanctity of Merits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She has the Study skill instead of Academics and Science. - It counts as part of the Learn Weaving skill. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -She may buy the Youthful merit for free. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -In Mundane Form, the usual rules for young characters apply to her. - For example, she suffers increased wounds penalties, is easy to beat down, - and has a significant disadvantage versus adults. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous do not suffer any of the usual drawbacks of childhood in their - Dream Form. - While their mundane actions versus adults are still penalized, this does - not apply to Weaving Actions or the use of magic. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -With some cunning, Luminous may acquire social merits normally forbidden - to young characters – up to and including a full adult Alternate Identity - given enough persistence and an appropriate Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -World of Darkness: Innocents Summary -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This section contains a brief summary of the important rules for child character -s found in -\series bold -World of Darkness: Innocents -\series default -. - Using the full source book is very much recommended as it also provides - useful thematic guidelines and flavor context as to the rules. - This summary, then, is meant for use as a quick reference, as a backup - if you do not have access to -\series bold -Innocents -\series default -, and to serve as a partial update to Chronicles of Darkness rules. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Virtue/Vice: -\series default - Children use Virtue/Vice like other mortals. - While in Innocents, they have different Anchors called Asset/Fault, these - work identically to CofD's version of Virtue/Vice. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Morality and Triggers: -\series default - Children use Integrity like other mortals. - As Triggers were a replacement for derangements in Innocents, they are - superseded by breaking point conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Attributes: -\series default - Children allocate attributes the same way as older characters. - As their dots are compared to the average of their age, they are still - worse than adults with the same scores. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skills: -\series default - Young characters are normally capped to 3 dots in each skill. - Furthermore, they have fewer skill points to allocate based on their age. - 7-year-old children allocate 6/5/2 skills, 8-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, - 9-year-olds allocate 7/4/2, 10-year-olds allocate 8/5/3, 11-year-olds allocate - 8/5/3, 12-year-olds allocate 9/5/3, and teenagers allocate 10/6/4. - Children younger than 10 have 1 skill specialty, children 10 or older have - 2 skill specialties. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Skill List: -\series default - Children have a Study skill representing their skill at studying and schoolwork. - This replaces their Academics and Science skills. - They may not have the Drive skill except in special circumstances that - would logically allow it. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Escape: -\series default - Children are especially skilled at escaping from combat. - As long as their opponent is not fully focused on them, a child may attempt - to escape or hide. - Escape requires an Dexterity + Wits vs Wits + Composure roll, and hiding - requires a Dexterity + Stealth vs Wits + Composure roll. - Notably, in the context of Luminous, a transformation is certainly enough - of a distraction to invoke this rule. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Firearms: -\series default - The first time in a combat a character under about the age of 12 unused - to gunfire is shot at, must spend a point of Willpower or be Beaten Down. - Furthermore, when such a character attempts to shoot a firearm at someone - for the first time, she must pass a Resolve + Composure roll or she misses - and must roll again the next time she tries. - Luminous who have fought in Dream Form before are exempt from this penalty. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Wound Penalties: -\series default - Children are especially vulnerable to wound penalties compared to adults. - Instead of the normal benchmarks, she suffers a -1 penalty to all actions - when her fifth-to-last health box is damaged, loses 10-again when her fourth-to --last is marked, suffers a -2 penalty when her third-to-last health box - is damaged, cannot spend Willpower to boost rolls when her second-to-last - is marked, and suffers a -3 penalty when her last box is damaged. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Stunning: -\series default - The Stunning rules in Innocents are superseded by Beaten Down & Surrender - optional rule. - That rule always applies to children, even in chronicles where it doesn't - to adults. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Adults vs Children: -\series default - Adults gain 8-again on all rolls against children, except when they try - to hide or escape. - Unarmed attacks by children against adults suffer a penalty equal to their - Stamina. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Growing Up -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -One day, childhood must end even for the most imaginative or innocent of - people. - Even the Luminous, who are caught in the middle of the responsibility of - adulthood and the wonders and dreams of childhood, are burdened with everchangi -ng obligations and restrictions in their mundane life. - While many choose to spend their younger years continuing their fight, - others often lay low for quite a while to establish themselves further - in adult life. - To skip a child character to adulthood, apply the following changes: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Remove any merits that no longer make sense and refund them under the Sanctity - of Merits. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Reduce all mundane skills the character has dots in by one dot (down to - a minimum of one dot), then give them mundane skill dots up to the normal - adult total of 22 if they have less. - For Luminous characters, if this would reduce one of their transformed - skills, she gains transformed skill dots to make up the difference. - If this would increase her transformed skills, she loses transformed skill - dots to make up the difference if possible. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Grant the character 20 experiences + 1 experience for every year that has - passed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize -Luminous characters gain a dot of Reverie in addition. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 6: Rainbow Skies -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Luminous only wove a small part of the Dream all of humanity shares - into their Kingdoms. - Beyond them, the skies are dyed in so many colors, touched by so many strange - powers. - Long ago, a rare few Hopeful seeked to understand them, dove deeply enough - into their mysteries, that some nameless barrier broke. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Beyond that barrier, they saw a path. - They would reach out into the Dream again as when they first Blossomed, - to Blossom again under the light of a different power. - They wove something stranger, further off notions into their Soulspaces - alongside those they always wielded, allowing their new Weave and Origin - to infuse every aspect of their magic and being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Back then, Weaves were a means of survival. - The Luminous were vulnerable in that era before they knew how to fight - with the Dream or how to weave a Dual Identity. - They masqueraded as other creatures, hiding among their ranks for protection. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In the current day, the reasons the Hopeful take on Weaves are as colorful - as the Hopeful themselves. - Some wish to show the world that even stranger powers still can be used - in the name of good. - Some still wish to live among the other creatures of the night, feeling - a kinship with they they cannot find elsewhere. - Some live in places where the protection of Dual Identity isn't enough - to protect them. - Then, there are those who simply wish to, feeling some nameless rightness - in what they would become. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The latter especially tend to be responsible for the strangest of phenomenon. - Not all Luminous who take on a Weave must Blossom twice. - Some resonate so much with a particular power that they take it on when - they Blossom the first time. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves and Origins serve as the core of Luminous crossover support, as Embassies - do in Princess. - They... - do support a lot of Luminous themes, hence why they're presented as a full - chapter, not an appendix. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous embrace the stranger things of the world. - They aren't the kind of people to shy away from being strange, or accepting - that which most people would reject. - The Weave of Names threatens to fracture a Luminous' identity, if they - had not already been multiple. - The Weave of Bonds threatens to make its participants lose themselves in - each other. - It's no wonder then, that they would see no issue in accepting forces that - were never quite humanity's to begin with. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unlike in Beast, in Luminous, crossover is about the bonds outcasts forge - with each other. - They have no overarching story for what binds them together with other - supernatural creatures, because they don't need one. - They connect with the human side of other supernatural creatures, and such - interpersonal bonds can break through any remaining differences in supernatural - nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In their Origins, they embrace what being a different kind of supernatural - creature would mean for them, abandoning even the caution that Princesses - show in their Embassies. - They come out changed, but no less bright for it. - That's the point. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Accepting Weaves -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Whether a Luminous takes on on a Weave when she first Blossoms, or later - on in a second Blossoming, the effect is the same. - She spends 3 Experiences, and chooses an Origin compatible with her Weave. - She gains the Weave's base ability and all the Origin's effects. - Thereafter, she is forever changed. - Thus, no Luminous may ever take on more than one Weave. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She gains ranks in the Weave for every dot of her Inner Light, and gains - one more every time it increases. - For each rank, she may buy a single Perk associated with her Weave. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves have a pretty similar structure to Entitlements, though simplified - into something more like a Feat tree or Exalted-style Charm tree. - This makes them pretty good for focused concepts that define something - core to the character (e.g. - the Weave of Bonds and the Weave of Names), or those focus strongly on - a single core concept (e.g. - the Weave of Daydreams). -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In that sense, they function more as a second template than anything else. - Not inappropriate, considering they are usually more about things a Luminous - can be, than powers she wields. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Stranger Forces -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Weaves are built of a mix of the power of the Dream and foreign powers. - In even rarer cases still, a Luminous may take on a power not of the Dream - at all in the first place. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Some other supernatural forces have such titles of their own such as a Changelin -g's Entitlements or a Mage's Legacies – and given the right situation, a - Luminous may find herself burdened with their arcane responsibilities. - She gains an Origin that reflects what she accepted an power from. - The Storyteller should adjudicate how exactly such foreign powers affect - the Luminous – in general, it becomes something more like a Weave in structure - while keeping its own core themes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Guidelines for such things may be found in the -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing]{Crossing Paths} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Origins -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Luminous takes on a Weave, she accepts another force into her soul, - embracing it as she once did the Dream. - Such a blatant embrace of the supernatural burns away some measure of the - mundanity she once enjoyed, and binds all of her magic with the touch of - a foreign force. - Abilities may affect and detect such Luminous and their powers using anything - that can detect the powers of the Dream, Will, or their Origin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Origins serve as a point of customization, as the same concept could often - be achieved through multiple foreign forces – or even the Dream's own touch. - They serve a pair of related purposes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -First, it makes it easier for Storytellers and players to write Weaves, - since their complexity is limited to their core features. - Secondly, they function as an unified set of downsides, so Weaves don't - need particularly troublesome downsides (or any at all) to function. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Innate Origins -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous who had been touched by other supernatural forces before they Blossomed - start play with an Origin. - An Avowed Luminous has an Wyrd Origin, and an Wolf-Touched Luminous has - a Spirit Origin. - In exchange, she retains the full supernatural force of a single minor - template she once possessed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Such Hopeful pay 5 experiences to take on a Weave instead of 3, as the downsides - of her Origin cannot fully compensate for its powers. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Spirit -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The world itself dreams too, hidden far in the World Dream beyond the Foundation. - As the waking world reflects onto the Shadow, so too do the spirits that - live in it reflect into the World Dream. - Long ago, a Luminous braved the Gales to reach its heart, and learned of - the powers the Spirits dreamed of. - Nobody remembers why. - Perhaps it was desperation, perhaps it was in pursuit of some nameless - calling. - Regardless, a memory of the journey remains in the Dream Kingdoms in this - day. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Hopeful draws on that memory once more, she is thrown into an dangerous - and all too real dream reflection of the Shadow. - She feels small in comparison to the savage and passionate creatures of - the natural world, yet catching a glimpse of the delicate balance they - uphold through conflict. - Grasping for power as they all do, she takes on a Resonance to call her - own. - Asserting herself against the flows of the world, she craves herself a - place in the World Dream. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Spiritual Nature -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Spirit is a savage world where each fends for themselves. - Even if she seeks to find a better way for spirits and humans alike, she - must also embrace a measure of it to draw on the Shadow's power. - She finds a Resonance to call her own, drawing forth a portion of that - Essence to weave into her own Dream Form. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When your character first gains the Spirit origin, choose a physical element - or emotion she resonates with. - She may choose concepts as broad-ranging as fire, love, rain, light, hope, - or winter – as long as it is something relatively common in her environment. - In her Dream Form, she is treated as a spirit of that Resonance instead - of a Dreamborn. - She gains an Ban and Bane as with a spirit of Rank 3. - This can lead to complications; powers that attempt to detect her creature - type read her as a Claimed or Ridden of some variety in either of her forms. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Furthermore, Luminous who claim the power of the spirits depend on their - Resonances as they do. - For typical elements, she begins feeling drained after a week without significa -nt exposure to her element and suffers a box of mild Hope damage daily. - After a whole month, this increases to severe Hope damage. - For cyclic concepts like rain or winter, this duration is usually longer - – a Luminous will begin feeling restless in the late Summer or after a - month of drought, but certainly not after a week. - For particularly commonplace elements like light or water, a day or so - may be enough to drain her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The abuse of the term -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Resonance -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - here is somewhat intentional. - It's easier to understand than going full-in with Werewolf terms like -\emph on -umia -\emph default - or -\emph on -ilthum -\emph default - – and it's close enough to the intended meaning that most readers familiar - with Wolf will still know what is meant. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Favor of the Shadow -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A Hopeful of Spirit treats any amount of her Resonance in her vicinity as - equipment, providing her an equipment bonus of up to +5 depending on the - amount of the element present. - A nearby fireplace could roar to life to burn down a locked door in her - way, the rain parts way for the ancient books she holds close to her arms - – even as it soaks her person. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Her Weaving Actions manifest touches of her element, and require no perception - roll to detect as obviously supernatural. - In the presence of a large amount of her element, it may even attempt to - assist her in her mundane actions. - She may benefit from a equipment bonus up to +1 or +2, and anyone who witnesses - her actions may make a Perception roll to notice the supernatural assistance. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: After finishing Domain mechanics, work Resonance into them. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Influences are a -\emph on -weird -\emph default - power in PC hands. - Thus, we rely on softer things like equipment bonuses and the existing - Domains system. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Wyrd -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Ancient vows and pacts older than the Gentry themselves bind the Dream and - the world of the fae together. - Whatever its origin, the Dreaming Roads were born before any Luminous or - True Fae laid eyes on the world. - Far too often, the Luminous found themselves walking those roads into a - world more real than a dream. - There, they first touched the power of Wyrd. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When a Hopeful accepts the powers of the Wyrd, she dreams of a memory of - a fae world from long ago. - She makes an oath to a beautiful fairy queen, the voice of the world itself - – or whatever she imagines the Wyrd's face to be. - By the terms of that accord between the Hopeful and fae, she discards her - usual transformation in favor of the Mask that veils all fae from mortal - eyes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Dreams and fae magic were always well connected, so this is probably the - least unexpected of all the Origins. - As long as this text is, it basically boils down to this: -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous with ties to Wyrd have a Mask and are locked into Dream Form. - They are vulnerable to iron. - Finally, the Mask veils her from being easily detected as a Luminous and - hides the stranger traits of her Dream Form the same way it hides a Changeling' -s Kith/Seeming effects. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Fae Nature -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Wyrd asks the Luminous join the agreements of the fae in exchange for - its power. - She counts as an Avowed for all interactions related to the Wyrd, although - she still must use the charm -\begin_inset CommandInset ref -LatexCommand nameref -reference "subsec:Shining-Vow" -plural "false" -caps "false" -noprefix "false" - -\end_inset - - to join the Oaths of the fae. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -As such, iron forevermore considers her an enemy. - The Wyrd permeates her magic, and so it too cannot defend her against the - touch of iron. - Iron pierces through her Regalia that provide Armor or enhanced Defense, - and her attempts to use her Domains on it fail. - Cold iron furthermore acts as a bane to her. - She suffers aggravated damage from its touch. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Veiled Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Luminous' Transformation is fundamentally changed by the Wyrd. - She is locked into her Dream Form, and cannot intentionally revert to her - Mundane Form. - In exchange, her Dream Form is hidden under a fae Mask. - She spends Motes instead of Glamour when interacting with the Mask. - While she may break her Mask, this has no benefits or drawbacks for the - Luminous beyond revealing their supernatural nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Regardless of how she looked before, her Dream Form under her Mask gains - a fantastical, mystical feel that marks her as clearly supernatural. - What was once a flower worn in their hair grows into a tangle of vines - and blooms. - A hairstyle that evoked the feel of fire instead becomes an actual smoldering - blaze. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Should she be forced out of Dream Form, she reverts to her Mundane Form. - She reflexively transforms as soon as she is able to, and suffers constant - Flicker at the maximum penalty allowed by her Reverie as long as she is - untransformed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -For all these troubles, her Mask veils her native powers from detection. - Supernatural effects detect her as nothing more than a Changeling. - Likewise, it causes mortals to explain away or miss the supernatural nature - of her Form Merits or Weaving Actions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Fae Mask and Mein -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The fae conceal themselves from the mundane world behind a powerful illusion - deeply embedded into their nature. - To all mortal senses and mundane technology, anything touched by fae magic - looks to be ordinary. - Mortals do not notice the smell of lilacs come from the fae's hair, but - simply assume it perfume. - Even the coldness of an ice elemental's skin doesn't seem remarkable when - veiled by the fae illusion. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This illusion is called a fae being or object's Mask, and their true form - is called their Mein. - Unlike a Luminous' Mundane Form, this illusion has no effect on magical - forces. - The mundane senses of magical beings are fooled, but their powers are not. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Fae only see the Mein of their fellows. - They must spend a Glamour to see another's mask for a few brief seconds. - In response, another fae may spend a Glamour to reinforce her mask, hiding - her Mein even from other fae – leaving only a few tells such as her true - form in her her shadow. - Alternatively, a fae may spend a Glamour to burn away her Mask for a scene, - revealing her true form in a dazzling magical display not unlike a Princess' - transformation. - This increases the effectiveness of the fae's Contracts and rends open - gateways to Faerie nearby her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For detailed information on this mechanic, see pages 81-83 and pages 107-108 - of Changeling: the Lost 2e. - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsecsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Weave of Bonds -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Weave-of-Bonds" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Weave of Dreams -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsection{maou} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Part -\noindent -\align center -Maou: the Lineage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex LumPartQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center -When the finger points to the -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -yonder moon, -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -The fool will look at the fingertip. - -\emph on - -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - - -\emph off - -\begin_inset VSpace medskip -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\noindent -\align center -Epitaph of Twilight, -\series bold -.hack//MUTATION -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Introduction -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Once we took the world into our hands. - We defied the gods. - We ate the Forbidden Fruit. - We stole the secrets of fire from the Gods. - In that one moment we forged the power that became our regal and unwavering - Will. - And we built. - We built a world to call our own over long centuries. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The bonfires we stole beat back the darkness that covered the world just - ever so little. - Ever so little that we could see clearly what we had to do to make the - world ours. - We plowed the ground, following the secrets we stole from the Tree of Knowledge. - We sowed the seeds that would one day take root. - That one day would sustain a world eons to come. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In our stories, we remember how we set off on our long and dark path. - We warn of the thorns we would find on that path... -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Sakura leaned over a railing atop a tower, overlooking a city of shining - glass and regal metal, still gleaming even under the pale moonlight. - Thinking of the rice fields that once covered that entire concrete landscape. - Soon it would be her turn to write. - Her grandfather once taught her his own legacy, how to shape the Will that - lie in all our hearts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -He taught she must do, what her purpose in this world must be. - He taught her how to rule. - He taught her the hard choices she would have to make, when the Dark gave - her no perfect answer. - ... - and how to strike back at the Dark's grasp, so she would never have to - once more. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -But now, he rested on what would soon be his deathbed. - She turned back, back through the door she willed open. - Walking back down sterile white halls and tiled floors. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When it came his time... - she would say her goodbyes, hold his hand. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Big girls don't cry -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - -, he once said. - They both knew it was a lie. - But it was a lie that pushed her forward. - It was time to face the truth now. - She stepped out, back into the streets of the city she would soon call - her own, staring into the sky. - The tears had already dried. - She was simply left with the burdens she inherited and the memories of - what she had lost. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Even if nobody would recognize her face at the end of her own chapter, even - if she must pass on the torch unseen one day, even if she would have to - remind those who were powerful and those who dreamed alike why she must - be feared too, even if she had to face the Dark alone... - she was happy to have a place in this world. - And she knew. - Every once of those things would happen, one day. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Caught between so many forces, cities like this were always only a breeze - away from falling apart at the seams. - When the Dreamers seek to reweave its weft, she would be there to guide - their hand. - When stranger forces came to take it for their own, she would be there - to stand against them. - When the powerful forget that they will one day have their own descendants, - she would be there to remind them. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -When it came her own time to fade away, she would pass that torch on once - more. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She repeated to herself the vows her grandfather taught her to those skies. - -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -By my hand, may they never fade. - By my hand, may they never know the Dark of night. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - Those Vows were what made her Maou, separated her from hedge witches and - psychics. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She looked back to the world around her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -She would... - set to work soon. - To claim the legacy her grandfather left her. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Setting -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\emph on -Maou: the Lineage -\emph default - is a game about those who drive the world forward from the shadows. - They are the ones behind stories of the Illuminati, stories of the Freemasons. - In a world besieged by Darkness and shadows, they alone hold the line. - They alone carry on the torch that keeps humanity afloat a sea of shadows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -In this game, you play one of the Maou, one such soul who wields the only - power humanity may call its own – our power to bend the world to our will. - Some shaped the world through technology, through medicine, through decrees - alone. - They never learned of our true potential, the power they could reach for - if they reached deep inside. - You did. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You hold a legacy from a time before we knew how to write our words onto - paper, and know you will one day pass it on. - In the space in between, you do what you can to keep the world your ancestors - built alive. - Whether you hold obvious power or rule from the shadows, that is your purpose, - and that is the Vow you made when you agreed to carry on that legacy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It will not be easy. - Shadows strike at the world from all directions. - The closest thing you have to an ally dream so brightly that they threaten - to lull the world into an eternal sleep. - Humanity's eyes are covered with an veil, pulled over them by the Dark - forces of the world. - They hold a knife at humanity's throat, threatening to cut it all if they - came to know. - So you walk the path alone. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -You know that this world should belong to humanity. - You know this isn't how it's meant to be. - So you will fight. - If humanity cannot know of the Dark, you will give them the most light - they can have in its shadows. - If they cannot be allowed to know of what you are, you will guide their - path towards that future from the shadows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -It's too late to turn back from this path. - Until the day the tide turns, you will stand tall. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou are a fusion of the concepts behind the Twilight Courts, Mnemosynes, - the royalty themes of Princesses all at once. - The Darkness was never a suitable antagonist for Princesses, and they are - even less so one for the Luminous. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As the ideas developed, I realized that Maou are quite an interesting faction - of their own. - At worst dark gray, than ever truly black. - They are not the true antagonists of Luminous, and nor are Luminous the - true antagonists of the Maou. - Hence, I decide to make them simply another playable splat of their own - right. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - the line is blurry at the best of times. - The powers of the Luminous set them apart, yes, but... - do they truly want different things? Are their views truly incompatible? - Is it as the Luminous say, that they are allies, and the Maou simply scared? - Is it as the Maou say, and that the Luminous mean well, but do not understand - the world? -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -They are certainly different, that is for sure. - The scars of an schism older than history still remain... -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 1: The Lineage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Life shapes the world around them as it changes. - That has been the way it was from the start. - At the end of that old Lineage, from the chaotic play of flesh and vine, - one species rose beyond. - They not only looked upon the world in fixed, instinctive patterns, but - came to see it as it truly was. - Adrift, lost, and above all else, malleable. - They saw that they could change the world, and that they did not exist - to its whims. - Only when we learned our future was ours to build, did humanity's true - story begin. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -We looked upon a world that could be ours. - Our nascent souls ignited in this revelation, sparking the one power we - could truly call our own: Will. - Through that power, we built our world of cities, roads and networks over - generations. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Lineage the Maou inherit is cast down from that era, in all its glory - and faults. - They are the ones that maintain the path humanity set themselves on generations - ago. - They vow to maintain humanity on the true path, pruning the branches that - would lead humanity back into the chaos and wilderness of old. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Their Ancestry reflects the ideals they hold, and the path they wish to - see humanity continue down. - Their Keystone is the means by which they anchor their Will into a coherent - force. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Keystones -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsplatlayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Keystone of Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align center - -\emph on -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Our dreams aren't just meaningless imaginings of our subconscious. -\begin_inset Newline newline -\end_inset - -They are a reflection of the worlds we truly want, that are yet to be. -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Every human dreams in the night, even if they forget it in the day. - We dream of impossible worlds that could never be, and wish with all our - hearts to make them so regardless. - The Keystone of Dreams holds the power to bind them into reality, upending - natural law in favor of the light of stories and dreams. - It holds the power to connect dreams, allowing those who would never meet - in reality to know each other in a way siblings and lovers would envy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -That is all true, and yet, it is no longer a power of the Maou. - In an era before the first records were written into history, the first - Dreamers built their own worlds into the Astral, a reflection of what they - wished the world to be. - Through their ephemeral touch, they built families and small communities - bound by shared understanding. - Through their Light, they erased the pains of the world and brought what - would be tragedies towards better endings. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Dreamers always imagined what the world could be if it were only a small - bit fundamentally different, rather than looking to the here and now. - When they wanted to prepare for tomorrow, and the Maou wanted to live for - today, they always fought. - The two sides drifted apart, sketching the shape of an inevitable tragedy - to come. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Those who hold the Keystone of Dreams are Luminous, the wayward children - of the Lineage. - They are the ones who dream of worlds far better than those the Maou build, - and yet who cannot be allowed to bring them into reality for fear of what - their dreams may break. - ... - in effect, in every way that matters, they are no longer Maou. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Benefits: -\series default - Maou cannot take the Keystone of Dreams. - When learning the powers of the Maou, or interacting with some of their - abilities, however, Luminous are considered to have the Keystone of Dreams - with no Ancestry. - They do not add their Reverie or Code ratings to their dice pools, instead - relying on their transformed attributes and skills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\align left - -\series bold -Nicknames: -\series default - Luminous, Dreamers, Hopeful, Weavers -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Let's be real here. - This entire section isn't really for gameplay, it's for fluff. - Anything put here about how Luminous and Maou powers interact will be repeated - elsewhere in more depth and with more clarity. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Code: Idealis -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The old Code of Idealis is no longer exists in any meaningful way. - Should a Maou try to grasp it regardless, they would find that it had fragmente -d into countless Invocations reflecting worlds the Weavers built in their - dreams. - In theory, a Maou with amicable ties to the Luminous may still be taught - an Invocation, the same way they learn other foreign Codes. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -A few rare abilities of the Maou may be Invoked using Idealis. - Any Luminous Invocation will fulfill this requirement. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setnormallayout -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\noindent -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 2: The Records -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 3: The Path of Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Willful hold the fate of humanity in their hands. - They are bound by ancient accords to maintain the structures and pillars - that maintain humanity's hold on the world. - In exchange for that vow, they are given the privilege of magic. - This chapter describes the basic powers and mechanics of the Maou. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Character Creation -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Maou character creation. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Anchors -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The Maou face the world through their sheer force of will. - For all the power it grants, they must still draw that will from somewhere. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Will (Maou Anchor) section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both the Luminous and the Maou share this anchor – the same way they share - the power of Will. - Little fluff things like this are great for pushing themes like that. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Purpose -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write Purpose (Maou Anchor) section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -The Ways -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Over the long generations, bit by bit, humanity carved out a place for themselve -s in a world that was never meant for them. - It is that legacy that the Maou inherit, and it is that legacy that they - draw their power from. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Ascendancy -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou too have a vision for the world, ones that bring humanity to greater - heights, who see us overcoming barriers we had never thought possible. - Ascendancy measures the amount of power they hold over the tides of the - Astral, and their ability to shape reality to their will. - This is a Maou's power stat, granting her Supernatural Tolerance [CofD - 70]. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Motes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou use Motes much like the Luminous, -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Codes -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 4: The Will to Power -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "Chapter-TheWillToPower" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous Magics -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -Maou may learn the powers of the Luminous, but they enforce their Will upon - reality in very different ways. - When using the powers of Idealis, Maou use their own Shaping Actions rather - than Weaving Actions. - This section gives the dice pools Maou use for Luminous powers. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Charms -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Itemize - -\series bold -Resonant Truth: -\series default - Wits + Empathy - target's Composure -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 5: The Shadowed World -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 6: Humanity's Reach -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this chapter. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -setsection{lumst} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Part -\paragraph_spacing single -\noindent -\align center -Storytelling -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage newpage -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Chapter 1: Crossing Paths -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "chap:Chapter-1:-Crossing" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex TwoColumnBoxFill -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The World of Darkness is filled with all kinds of supernatural beings, all - with their own stories and paths. - Luminous often cross paths with them in the course of their duties and - explorations. - This chapter provides guidelines on Luminous crossover campaigns. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Beast -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and the Begotten are at once all too similar, and all too different. - Both are native to the Dream in their own ways, one from the bright dreams - of humanity and the other from their deepest fears. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their fundamental natures too often put them at odds with each other, regardless - of their will or what they want. - A Luminous' ties to the Dream cause her to feel the emotions of the community - and those around her as deeply as if they were her own, and yet a Beast - must fill it with fear in order to survive, driven by their own Hunger. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Few beasts can (or often want to) feed in a way that don't hurt the Luminous. - They can rarely avoid each other forever, and their powers inevitably draw - them together. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -... - and as much as both have powers that connect people, it rarely can truly - overcome that incompatibility. - Most Beasts see the Luminous as another kind of Hero, and Luminous see - the Begotten as another kind of Distorted. - This barrier is not insurmountable, by any means – but their relationship - is defined by high highs and low lows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Chronicles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and Beast share a fair number of themes, for all their conflicts. - With work, a Chronicle focusing on Beasts and Luminous can work. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both have powers that lead them towards them encountering broad rather than - specific supernatural problems, leading them naturally towards crossover. - With both involved in a Chronicle, it's hard to avoid this shared theme. - Storytellers should certainly embrace it, but not lead to a feeling that - all is -\emph on -known -\emph default -. - Not all problems would be recognizable to any kind of supernatural being - – some are Outsiders, some are just what they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Both too, have an underlying theme of family and community. - They seek companionship in those like them, and accept their inner natures, - drawing on them for power. - There is a connection to be forged, and a Chronicle with the two would - likely have a feeling of family to it – of a small group that does their - best in a world that would like neither to exist. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In other words, whether they call it a Brood or Nakama, that is likely what - a mixed group of Luminous and Beasts would amount to. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Their conflicts, though... - cannot be fully avoided, even then. - Sensitivity and Hunger will always lead the two to conflict, and it will - always define Chronicles shared between the two. - The Storyteller should certainly be aware of this conflict, and drive it - in directions that benefit the overall story, inflaming it sometimes if - needed. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous and Begotten draw their power from different parts of the same - whole. - Their powers often interact as the mirrors they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Kinship -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Kinship between the Luminous and Begotten are strained by the Luminous' - strong ties to the mundane. - Luminous have only partial Kinship with Beasts in Dream Form, and none - in Mundane Form. - Thicker Than Water has no effect on Luminous in either form. - Family Dinner, likewise, often does not apply – Hope recovery alone never - counts, although Luminous are often still driven to hunt in ways that can - satisfy its conditions. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -There is no flavor reason to fuck over Thicker than Water here – this is - mostly a mechanical fix to avoid weirdness around Luminous changing their - Kinship category so often. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Nightmares -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Most Luminous dream of a world that isn't afraid to step into a bright future, - fighting against the force of fear itself. - As such, Nightmares based on them are rarely so much based on their dreams - or ideals, but rather the powers they use towards that goal. - Common examples include ones that break down a target's grasp on reality, - or drowning them in their own imagination. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Power of Dreams -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Beasts are also natives of the Dream, Evocations do not have permanent - effect on them as they do with Luminous as they are still more flesh than - dream. - Lairs, and their Horror, however, are vulnerable to the full force of a - Luminous' Evocations. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Luminous draw on the Dream's fundamental power to connect people and - concepts through their Journeys and Intimacy, and Beasts through their - Kinship and Burrows. - Burrows can be drawn between a Luminous' Soulspace and a Chamber in the - same way as Brood Layers. - Luminous may forge and redefine such connections, taking a point of severe - Hope Damage in place of spending Satiety. - When redefining or resisting unwanted connections, she may add Hope as - a bonus to her Clash of Wills. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Changeling -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Lost were once hurt in Arcadia, and... - the Luminous on Earth. - Both know of wonders far beyond the mundane world, and learned the power - to wield them for themselves. - Both are lost in a world they do not fully fit into. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For their far different backgrounds, something of their hearts are resonant. - Both... - understand. - They find comfort in community, support each other, want to build something - better to protect each other and those they love. - Through that shared resonance, they bond with an ease unusual among differing - kinds of supernatural being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, their differing supernatural natures can still be problematic, especially - when it comes to first reactions. - Luminous reach for a power that erodes the boundary between dreams and - reality, in a way all too familiar to the Lost. - Luminous magic reminds of Arcadia, and that... - can be a painful remainder at best, and actively damaging to a changeling's - grasp on reality at worst. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Chronicles -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Write this section. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Changelings and Luminous both touch on dreams and stories, if from opposite - directions. - Both seek comfort in their friends and support systems. - Those similarities lead to a few interactions between their powers and - worlds. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Clarity and Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Clarity and Hope are very similar mechanics, both serving as a health-like - track that replaces Integrity. - Supernatural powers that can effect either Hope or Clarity should apply - to the other without modifications. - Supernatural powers that do not involve some component of genuine interaction - cannot heal Hope. - A Mage spell would not have much significant effect in restoring Hope, - but the Fortifying Presence Contract can heal Hope as easily as Clarity. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If one of a Changeling's Touchstones possesses Sensitivity, they may use - Take their Hand to heal Clarity, not only Hope. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -At the Storyteller's discretion, Changelings with the Sensitivity merit - may suffer Clarity damage and Clarity conditions rather than Hope conditions - alone, using the same mechanics as for Luminous. - Roll Clarity attacks caused by Sensitivity using the rules for Hope attacks - – the Changeling simply takes mild Clarity damage equal to the number of - successes the attack shows. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -The Hedge and The Dream -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The magic of the Luminous is centered upon shaping their own Dreams, and - imposing it upon reality to begin with. - Hedgespinning comes as naturally to them as any fae creature, and they - may simply pay Motes in place of Glamour. - They cannot shape the Hedge as they do the Dream – while it responds to - emotion and thought, it is still a solid world of its own. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, Changelings in the Dream (as the Luminous define it) may Dreamweave - as in personal dreams. - They lose this power in the hearts of the Dream Kingdoms or the Deep Dream. - She may apply Dreamweaving successes make Conceptual Attacks if her actions - could justify doing so. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Oaths -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous have a Charm that allow them to join to Wyrd-bound Pacts as a full - participant. - This has farther reaching consequences than it may seem at first glance. - Membership in Freeholds is an Oath, and so is membership in their courts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Joining a Freehold has no particular mechanical implications, beyond justifying - Status and similar merits. - With Storyteller permission, Luminous may take Mantle or Court Goodwill - in chronicles where it is appropriate. - Mantle influences a Luminous' Dream Form, do not retain the Glamour gain - clause, and Luminous spend Motes in place of Glamour. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Some powers of Mantles may need to be altered to fit Luminous. - For the default seasonal courts: Spring •••• applies with your character's - Dream, Spring ••••• applies to Hope rather than Clarity conditions. - Autumn ••• applies to the Mote cost of Evocations, Autumn ••••• counts - as an Evocation and is subject to Transience. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous x Demon -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -If there is anything the Luminous and Unchained have in common, it is that - they are good at hiding. - Demons live many lives, wear many faces, each seeming just as mundane as - the others. - Luminous hide behind their Mundane Form, only revealing their true dreams - when they must. - In that sense, most of the time the two hardly even know they are interacting - with another supernatural being. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -When they do find out, it's usually the awkward result of one of a Demon's - Pacts. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous hold the power to connect people's hearts, and Demons hide powers - to lie to the world itself. - Their powers inevitably conflict, and worse yet, the two cannot simply - avoid each other. - Both veil themselves as mundane humans, and they cannot recognize each - other for what they are. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Bonds and Lies -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Demon's may lies fool the Dream itself. - If he hides his true feelings from the one he loves, he may suppress bonds - of Intimacy that would normally be woven. - If he presents himself as feeling closer to someone than he does, he may - create bonds of Intimacy he does not truly mean. - However, to create a false bond of Intimacy like that means to put one's - self at the mercy of a Luminous' Echo. - Her power was not meant to be lied to, and it acts unwittingly to create - a bond rather than reinforce one that already exists. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As long as a Demon fakes Strong Intimacy with a Luminous, her Echo conducts - Social Maneuvering against the Demon with the goal to bring his true feelings - in line with his false Intimacy. - Every week, she rolls Power + Resonate - the Demon's Composure to attempt - to open a door. - Should he fake an Connected Intimacy instead, this roll gains the rote - quality and occurs once per night. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Echoes, thankfully, cannot reveal a Demon's nature to the Luminous. - It treats a Demon's Covers as if they were protected by a Luminous' Dual - Identity, even at Strong or Connected Intimacy. - This does not require a roll and is not Spoofing. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Weave of Bonds fundamentally destroys the separation Liar's Tongue relies - on – it has no effect on a Demon's Partner. - Any Demon who would willingly accept such a Weave, though, would likely - consider this a benefit more than an downside. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -This was a hard one to figure out. - Demons lie, their deceptions and the Pacts that force them are so core - to their splat. - Luminous have a power that connects hearts. - Every Demon power that reflects their abilities to lie draw on the separation - between their bodies and their minds. - Which... - doesn't help much when Luminous connect minds directly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Still, it isn't any good if Demons are stymied from making Pacts with a - Luminous even tangentially involved. - Hence, the Echo is... - a danger for Demons, but not one that stops them from trying. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Pacts -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Demon Pacts do not pierce a Luminous' Dual Identity, unless the Demon is - aware of it and specifically writes the Pact to account for her two forms. - Thus, a Luminous could trade away her relationship with a friend in Mundane - Form to a Demon, and still maintain that relationship in her Dream Form - – and in fact, this is the default for Demons unaware of her nature. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, a Soul Pact treats her two forms separately. - A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Mundane Form gives the Demon her entire mundane - life as usual – however, the Luminous may live on through her Dream Form - (with the usual effects of Fading). - A Soul Pact with a Luminous' Dream Form consumes both her identities, annihilat -ing her entirely. - This has the usual effects of a Demon attempting to take a supernatural - soul as a Cover. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Making a Pact -\emph on -with -\emph default - a Luminous, though. - Now -\emph on -that -\emph default - justifies some complications. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Luminous x Mage -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsection* -Interactions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Mages touch all parts of the world with their magic, and the Luminous and - Maou are no different. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Defiant Will -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While Mages hae a separate system of Withstand instead of the usual contested - or resisted rolls, Defiant Will still applies penalties to their Dice Pools - in addition to the usual Withstand. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In the context of Mage, Defiant Will is somewhat broader than its description - would imply. - Attempts to use Death to influence a Willful's soul, or use Space to affect - a Luminous' relationships with anyone them have Strong or Connected Intimacy - with also trigger Defiant Will, in addition to the obvious Mind effects. - More indirect Arcana like Fate or Time are not impeded. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Withstand is complicated. - I really wish I could make Hope factor into Withstand somehow, but the - scaling never quite worked out without extreme complexity. - Easier to just hit their dice pool. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Arcana and Willful Magic -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Evocations are a projection of stories and imagination upon the world, and - thus fall under the combined purview of the Mind, Fate and Prime Arcana. - Active Mage Sight bound to any of the three may detect the casting of an - Evocation – however, afterwards, the Dream's laws come into effect. - In Mage Sight, an active Evocation feels as if the true Supernal symbols - underlying the Fallen World are buried under those of the Evocation. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While those underlying truths reassert themselves when the glamour fades, - Awakened magic still treats all things created or modified by an Evocation - as what they appear to be – as with all things of the Astral. - Thus, a dreamwoven rock falls under the purview of the Matter Arcana as - if it were fully real. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Dream Form is obviously a projection of her dreams under Mind - Mage Sight, and other Arcana treat her as what she appears to be. - Normally Life is required to affect her as with most living beings, but - some Luminous may have less conventional forms that require different Arcana. - Mages cannot force transformation or detransformation directly, and Mind - Shield provides no protection against Evocations that do not affect the - mind directly. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -A Luminous' Echo is best studied with Mind and Space. - Bonds of Intimacy are usually similar to the corresponding Sympathetic - ties. - If needed, a Mage may add Mind 1 to Space spells to specifically view or - manipulate Intimacy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex TODO Note (inline) -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -TODO: Maou mechanics? Likely depends on what their final mechanics are. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Motes and Hope -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -To Mages, Motes are something very similar to Willpower – simply found in - an abnormal abundance for a normal human. - As it is not truly a form of energy, the most Mages can do is drain a Mote - Pool as a Mind Unraveling spell. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Similarly, a Luminous' Hope is simply a measurement of their mental stability. - To a Mage, does not feel as if a source of supernatural power at all. - A Mage may cause mild Hope damage equal to Potency with a Mind Flaying - spell, or severe damage with a Mind Unraveling spell. - Healing Hope damage is far harder as magically granted emotional strength - does not fuel a Luminous' magic. - In mechanical terms, the most a Mage can do to help with Hope is cure Hope - Conditions, not heal the underlying Hope damage. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Transferring Motes would cause a lot of balance issues. - They regenerate per scene, and... - that's a subtle but powerful advantage of theirs. - It shouldn't at all be easily shared. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Giving anyone the ability to restore Hope by fiat would also break the game's - themes. - Luminous have to struggle versus Hope, and any powerful enough healing - ability, in my opinion, will damage that severely. - Changeling's Clarity recovery Contract works because it's so mild, and - has a significant social interaction component. - It makes -\emph on -sense -\emph default - in context of Luminous. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Subsubsection* -Soul Magic -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -While the Luminous call their dream worlds Soulspaces, they is more a modificati -on of their Oneiros than a soul as a Mage would call it. - They still have a true soul, which is treated as an Awakened Soul, even - in Mundane Form. - Dual Identity cloaks this fact, and a Mage who tries to use the spell -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -Sever Soul -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - on an untransformed Luminous does not learn why her spell has failed and - her powers do not detect her soul as anything other than mundane. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Furthermore, Luminous do not suffer from Soul Loss as most beings do. - The root cause of Fading is not the lack of a physical body – but rather - their lack of a soul as Mages would recognize it. - Luminous suffer a variant of Fading instead of Soul Loss. - As long her as her physical body remains alive, she may still transform - and still has a Mundane Form. - Should she Fade in such a state, she loses all Luminous powers and gains - the Thrall condition [M:tAw 318]. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -As a Luminous can more or less sustain herself indefinitely without a soul, - it's far from unheard of for Luminous aware of this fact to offer their - own souls to save someone from Soul Loss. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Maou are far less interesting in this regard. - Their souls are treated as Awakened Souls. - They do not innately lose their ability to use their magic when Soulless; - however because Willpower is their core resources, they will suffer magically - for it as well. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Commentary -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Here, have a free roleplaying opportunity. - :3 -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I don't really like how a lot of fanworks (or at least players of them) - treat Mage' opinion of what is what as the core canonical answer. - Luminous think of their Soulspaces as their soul, even if Mages would say - it's actually their Oneiros. - There's no point in bending the rest of the book for Mage's sake – I use - the terms that are most understandable and -\begin_inset Quotes xld -\end_inset - -feel right -\begin_inset Quotes xrd -\end_inset - - for conveying the tone I want. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -I can always explain later how it looks to Mages. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Princess -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -For their very different origins, Luminous and Princesses get along with - little trouble. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Flex Sidebar -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -\begin_inset Argument 1 -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -The Elephant in the Room -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Luminous began as a version of Princess, before its themes diverged too - much to be recognizable. - While the two can coexist, two splats built around magical girls themes - and changing the world for the better can often create an unfortunate thematic - redundancy. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -Unless you have a good idea as to how to take advantage of their differences - and similarities as a Storyteller, it is probably better to choose one - or the other for your chronicle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Plain Layout -In general, this would involve pushing further the theme of Princesses being - in a fight against the Darkness (something Luminous are not amazing at - participating in), and pushing the more -\series bold -Dreaming -\series default --like themes of Luminous such as their stewardship over dreams or their - opposition to Disbelief. -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Part -Appendices -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Flex LumPartQuote -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -\begin_inset Newpage pagebreak -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Chapter -Conditions -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -This chapter lists Conditions that may apply to characters in the course - of a Luminous chronicle. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Section -Sealed Vow (persistent) -\begin_inset CommandInset label -LatexCommand label -name "sec:Sealed-Vow-(persistent)" - -\end_inset - - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard -The character is bound to their word through the power of a Luminous' magic. - Should she abandon her promise or act in violation of it, she takes a box - of severe Hope damage (if she has Hope, or a similar track) and receives - a Hope Condition. - The next time each person she made her promise to talks with her, they - become aware of her transgression. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Possible Sources: -\series default - The -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Upgrade:-Binding-Oaths]{Binding Oaths} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - or -\begin_inset ERT -status open - -\begin_layout Plain Layout - - -\backslash -hyperref[subsec:Variant:-Sealing-Thread]{Sealing Thread} -\end_layout - -\end_inset - - upgrade to Shining Vow. -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Resolution: -\series default - The promise becomes moot because a premise of it is no longer true, or - it reaches its natural conclusion. - Sealed Vow also ends without providing a beat if the character violates - its terms. - -\end_layout - -\begin_layout Standard - -\series bold -Beat: -\series default - The character suffers significant hardship, or abandons other goals in - favor of upholding her promise. -\end_layout - -\end_body -\end_document diff --git a/Temp_AuthorComm.lyx b/Temp_AuthorComm.lyx new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a818e61 --- /dev/null +++ b/Temp_AuthorComm.lyx @@ -0,0 +1,945 @@ +#LyX 2.3 created this file. 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Storytellers too, it will likely give quite a good deal of insight + into how to run the game on subtle points that are hard to include in the + main text. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A lot of the D&D/Pathfinder homebrew on the Giant in the Playground forums + once used collapsibles for a similar purpose, and seeing that helped me + develop my own sense for game design early on. + Mark Rosewater's blog on the design of Magic: the Gathering and its mechanics + was similarly invaluable for that. + This commentary is a love letter to them, of passing on the torch. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Princess, to me, feels as if it became diluted over the course of its developmen +t process. + It kept every individual piece of the original Princess: the Fading pitch + by Cruton, but lost its core feel in the process. + There were those who felt it was too similar to Changeling: the Dreaming, + and tried to distinguish it. + People had different opinions on how dark Princess should be, struggled + and disagreed about how to tell a dark story about those who hope. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Its authors wasn't able to commit to a coherent theme in the way White Wolf's + works do. + I don't want to repeat that mistake. + Luminous chooses a theme, rather than trying to be a little bit of something + for everyone. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It is a story about those who are caught between reality and their dreams, + and in seeing what the world could be in their dreams cannot bear to see + the world remain shrouded in shadows. + It is a story about those who burn bright with the hope and wonder of childhood +, carrying that light into a world that had long chosen to forget it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream is not some Trap. + Sensitivity is not some price to pay. + There is no Darkness to blame for humanity's faults. + ... + if Luminous is like Dreaming, I choose to embrace that comparison. + If it would be the brightest fansplat, even more so than Changeling: the + Lost or Geist or Princess, than so be it. + It's a story I feel is worth telling, and worth playing. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In exchange, Luminous can't appeal to everyone Princess appeals to. + That's fine. + It'll be a better game for it. + The same aspects of Princess I've discarded would be done more justice + by a splat that more concretely focuses on them too. + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The one way to write something +\emph on +great +\emph default + is to write for yourself, and the vision you want to convey. + Not every possible person who could possibly want to read your works. + You can't satisfy everyone. + You can't write something amazing that way. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The key thread that binds together every Chronicles of Darkness splatline, + it feels like, is that they're all outsider stories. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous aren't the kind of people the world is built for either, not any + more than the supernatural horrors the other splat lines are about. + Though they are, in a real sense, still human, they are still outsiders. + They dream too brightly for a World of Darkness, hope for too much. + Normally voices like theirs are snuffed out by those who can't bare to + see others fail to realize their dreams like they once did. + Some are jealous, Some are scared, some are fearful. + They would rather just accept those cruelties as part of life, and... + survive. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Like with Hunter, they are still human... + and at once outsiders. + That, more than anything else, is the core theme of the Chronicles monster + games. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\noindent +\align center +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Section* +Luminous Nomenclature +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Every CofD splat has a variety of terms for its supernatural beings, and + Luminous is no exception. + Main reason is it helps writing flow smoother, more than anything else. + The main inspirations for terms in Luminous are: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Luminous terms tend to be flowery (but rather plain otherwise) English or + Italian in origin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Dreamborn terms tend to be flowery English (implicit translation convention), + or Irish/Irish-like. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Maou terms (in the rare cases where Luminous use it as the primary term) + tend to be Latin in origin. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In specific, some of the important terms with synonyms: +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The main term for the splat is Luminous. + Other terms in use are +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +the Hopeful +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +a Light +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +/ +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +the Lights +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, or +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +a Weaver +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +/ +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +the Weavers +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +The residents of the Dream are known as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Dreamborn +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +, and those from the waking world are known as +\begin_inset Quotes xld +\end_inset + +Starborn +\begin_inset Quotes xrd +\end_inset + +. + Luminous are not normally classified this way, usually being seen more + as something in between. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Itemize +Dreamer is a generic term that may be applied to both Luminous and Starborn. + They are... + well, very quite literally dreamers in one way or another. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The Dream was hard to fully solidify on. + I had to work around the fact that there's three different official splats + all with their own, different things to say. + The Primordial Dream of the Beasts, the Astral of the Mages, the Oneiromancy + of the Changelings. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The trick is to make it a difference of in-character viewpoints too. + Luminous are those who live in the surface of the Dream (by their reckoning), + which is still personal like the Oneiros, yet having some of the interconnected +ness of the Temenos. + They become part of those dreams, see it as a place to live alongside Earth. + In that way, they differ from both Mages and Beasts – that one core difference + in thematics drives a lot of their different terminology and their different + experience of the Dream/Astral. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It is the same world, just interpreted through so many different views... + Like many things in the world. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it a great shattering, in which the world was covered in a Lie? Where + we replaced the gods with tyrants just as bad, breaking the world in the + process? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it a sundering, where the primal fury and wisdom of the Shadow was split + from the Flesh? When Pangaea ended, and the savage, beautiful, interconnected + nature was for the first time tamed? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when a thousand voices drowned out the Primordial Dream that should + guide us on the right path? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when a great curse was laid on us all, giving birth to monsters of + blood and their blood ties that bound that curse to the rest of humanity? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Was it when the first True Fae was born, reshaping Arcadia into something + it never should have been? +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Every splat talks of a deep past in vague terms. + Some are more explicit it about others, but that bittersweet note of loss + never leaves most splats. + Luminous is no different. + In their Dream, they see signs of worlds that once were, things that were + beautiful, things once lost. + They blame the start of the generational trauma humanity faces on those + eras, only made worse by our darkened world. + They too hope for better. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +As the Lost build their freeholds, as the Mages seek Ascension, the Luminous + seek to change the world. + They are caught between two worlds, and want +\emph on +both +\emph default + to shine as brightly as they possibly can. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A subtle mechanic that serves a lot of purposes not explicitly stated. + Hope is a pretty mild mechanic that can quickly turn dangerous; after all, + your recovery scales with your undamaged Hope. + Emotional strain has a way of spiraling like that. + When things seem so hopeless, the Luminous must rely on those who they + are close to in order to pull themselves out of it. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Finally, this is the keystone that encourages Luminous to have some kind + of a mundane life. + Hope recovery is slow and takes time – they thrive in situations where + they can live a quieter life, and keep their magical work somewhat separate + from it. + They can't easily handle having no time to rest, when the supernatural + follows them home. + Thus, Dual Identity and maintaining that secrecy becomes all the more important + for them. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +There's a lot going on here; Power Stat tables tend to have that. + Luminous have some improvement or another with every dot of Reverie, as + all supernatural splats should. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The highest possible Luminous trait cap is 15, not 10. + This is a minor advantage that mainly serves to make up for the fact that + their dice pools do not add +Reverie or +Invocation unlike most splats. + Weaving Skills can be increased faster than Dream Attributes to encourage + these huge dice pools to be more specialized than general. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Furthermore, Luminous do not have a Motes/turn cap like most splats. + Rather, their major power limiter is Luminance. + This, naturally, makes them dangerous in the Dream itself, because Luminance + limits no longer apply. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' supernatural fuel isn't Motes. + It's Hope. + Hope serves as both a Clarity-like Integrity mechanic, and a Luminous' + supernatural fuel. + However, the idea of Motes gives me to name what you pay when you use your + magic (saying Hope directly sounds... + wrong in its implications). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The refilling Mote Pool, then, mitigates you casting from Integrity just + a little. + It also serves a secondary purpose of encouraging Luminous to use small + amounts of magic often – magical girls solving relatively trivial issues + with magic tends to be a common theme in any show that doesn't make a point + about using magic responsibly. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Magical girls don't worry about dying to a little breeze. + That goes against so many premises of the genre, even ones where combat + is common. + Dream Health means a Luminous' opponents must specifically want to +\emph on +kill +\emph default + her to permanently kill her, not simply collapse her transformation. + Of course, again, this is repurposed from general CofD Dream Health rules. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In Princess, Holy Shield served this purpose. + You can't just pop a strong Princess by rolling 8 dice on your attack due + to a few exploding dice; you have to actually exhaust their Wisp supply + before you can do that. + It's... + frankly a little overpowered. + Dream Health achieves this same goal without giving them overwhelming protectio +n. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +The actual downside of the Luminous. + It always felt strange to me that in Princess, their downside is also their + core driving motive. + It felt... + strange, and like an almost weirdly cold portrayal of hyperempathy. + To care to that amount hurts you, yes, but... + it is ultimately what drives you. + And what lets you keep caring in a world that would rather you not. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Flicker, then, is something that the dream themes of Luminous make possible. + They get used to falling into their dreams, letting those winds carry them + around. + They get used to dreaming in the waking world. + When they revert to their Mundane Form, it crashes back on them. + This draws attention to the fine line they walk, gives strong roleplay + opportunities for people to portray what this looks like in practice. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It also forces +\emph on +most +\emph default + Luminous to be careful about when they transform, without artificial limits + like the rolls to stay transformed that Princess uses. + Subtly though, it still allows you to play Mirrory Luminous without a specific + mechanic that allows you to do so. + After all, you suffer no effects from Flicker if you simply do not untransform. + Both modes avoid the downside, with their own complications on either end. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous campaigns are in part a mortal campaign. + Unlike most supernatural splats, Luminous can be legitimately powerless + in the way mortals can be, if they are in a situation where transforming + is not a good options. + Thus, mortal game Chronicle-style opponents are a good match for the Luminous, + forcing them to make the choice to approach them as mortals would or take + the risks of transforming. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous' Dream Form is the exact same mechanic as in Changeling: the + Lost or Mage: the Awakening. + However, it's serving a dual purpose here as also... + well, a magical girl splat's magical girl form. + This pushes somewhat the thematics of them being beings that take the best + of two worlds, and turn both to their advantage. + Plus... + is just a cool way to execute magical girls. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Another of the things that defines the feel of Luminous. + They don't interact with the world as mortals or even most supernatural + beings do. + To them, they move by intent as in a dream. + Imagine moving in impossible ways and simply doing so. + Strange body plans and unfamiliar body parts don't phase them the slightest + – before they learn how to control them physically they can simply Weave + their way through the adjustment period. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Mechanically, this serves as one of their major advantages. + They have higher dice pools on average between Dream Attributes and Weaving + Actions. + In fact, this replaces the normal supernatural trait added to supernatural + powers. + Since this gives them larger dice pools already, it's not entirely necessary + for the Luminous. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +This also is meant as a partial patch to the problem some supernatural splats + have that... + powers require very specific Skills, limiting builds in a strange way. + Why does a Changeling who lives in a city with no wilderness for ages have + a Survival skill? Especially when its entire purpose is to cast Elemental + Weapon? Because Luminous powers always use Weaving Skills, this problem + is far lessened. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous draw those who they are close to close together passively. + Their power connects dreams, and through it, creates an lasting and deep + understanding in waking life. + Plus, this serves somewhat as a Luminous' answer to Beast Kinship. + Rather than an innate connection, they come to understand those they are + close to in general – supernatural or otherwise. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +A Luminous can draw on her relationships with others, drawing on their own + strengths for her own. + They are magical girls after all. + This is the cumulation of their theme of relationships, of the ties between + people. + I do very much like designs like this. + Anchors and Aspirations are not only useful as out of character traits; + their manipulation is the best representation there is in the Storyteller + system for representing magics that shape one's own heart. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Balance-wise, 9-again isn't... + quite as strong as it sounds. + As a quick rundown of the probability math behind CofD, each dice produces + +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{3}$ +\end_inset + + successes on average with 10-again, and +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{8}$ +\end_inset + + successes per die with 9-again. + That is only an additional +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{1}{24}$ +\end_inset + + successes per die, or in other words, the equivalent of a +1 bonus per + 8 dice. + In general, for +\begin_inset Formula $n$ +\end_inset + +-again, the average number of successes rolled per die is +\begin_inset Formula $\frac{3}{n-1}$ +\end_inset + +. + Furthermore, it doesn't help at all when you only care if you succeed or + fail – it only makes it easier to get a large number of successes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Still, 9-again +\emph on +feels +\emph default + impactful, and this this acts as a subtle roleplay push towards actually + acting out the implications of drawing on the strengths of your friends. + The Anchor does the rest – in the hands of a good roleplayer, Reflected + Light means Luminous can pull a full Willpower recovery out of a large + variety of scenes. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +I've never heard of a magical girl anime where the villain beats them by + just mind controlling them. + Breaking them first and mind controlling them... + yes. + But they have to go through that first step. + Dreamer's Will causes a Clash of Wills against a dice pool unusually large + for Clashes (Power Stat + Attribute + Attribute rather than Power Stat + + Five Dot Rating). + Unless their Hope is depleted already, overcoming it through sheer force + requires exceptional power. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +It always felt weird to me that dream combat in Mt:Aw mostly boiled down + to the same as physical combat. + Changeling is better with Shifts and such mechanics, by far. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In my case, I'm using mechanics inspired by Shaping Combat in the Graceful + Wicked Masques splatbook for Exalted 2e and to a latter extent how combat + flows in Exalted 3e. + So, I suppose, this is the part where I go full Jenna Moran. + Compared to that system, this is simplified and more abstract, but it is + still the core inspiration. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Dream combat isn't brutal like combat in the waking world, but that doesn't + mean it isn't scary in its own ways. + After all, your soul is laid bare to your opponent's will should you fail. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +... + a final plot beat for a Luminous at the end of their story, and a long-term + roleplaying opportunity. + A name call back to the original pitch for Princess: the Hopeful, at that. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Physical realities such as old age, dying, or not having a soul don't quite + affect the Luminous nearly as hard as they should. + After all, they are people who have become dreams. + Still, it's not... + exactly easy to do. + They just fade away if they run out of Hope, and the constant Severe Hope + damage makes it hard. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +On base Intimacy mechanics alone, they can still only clear one Severe damage + a day – breaking even in the process. + It takes the Take Their Hand power from Sensitivity to get ahead of existing + Severe damage. + Difficult but possible, as intended. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaves and Origins serve as the core of Luminous crossover support, as Embassies + do in Princess. + They... + do support a lot of Luminous themes, hence why they're presented as a full + chapter, not an appendix. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Luminous embrace the stranger things of the world. + They aren't the kind of people to shy away from being strange, or accepting + that which most people would reject. + The Weave of Names threatens to fracture a Luminous' identity, if they + had not already been multiple. + The Weave of Bonds threatens to make its participants lose themselves in + each other. + It's no wonder then, that they would see no issue in accepting forces that + were never quite humanity's to begin with. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Unlike in Beast, in Luminous, crossover is about the bonds outcasts forge + with each other. + They have no overarching story for what binds them together with other + supernatural creatures, because they don't need one. + They connect with the human side of other supernatural creatures, and such + interpersonal bonds can break through any remaining differences in supernatural + nature. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In their Origins, they embrace what being a different kind of supernatural + creature would mean for them, abandoning even the caution that Princesses + show in their Embassies. + They come out changed, but no less bright for it. + That's the point. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Weaves have a pretty similar structure to Entitlements, though simplified + into something more like a Feat tree or Exalted-style Charm tree. + This makes them pretty good for focused concepts that define something + core to the character (e.g. + the Weave of Bonds and the Weave of Names), or those focus strongly on + a single core concept (e.g. + the Weave of Daydreams). +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +In that sense, they function more as a second template than anything else. + Not inappropriate, considering they are usually more about things a Luminous + can be, than powers she wields. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Standard +\begin_inset Flex Commentary +status open + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +Origins serve as a point of customization, as the same concept could often + be achieved through multiple foreign forces – or even the Dream's own touch. + They serve a pair of related purposes. +\end_layout + +\begin_layout Plain Layout +First, it makes it easier for Storytellers and players to write Weaves, + since their complexity is limited to their core features. + Secondly, they function as an unified set of downsides, so Weaves don't + need particularly troublesome downsides (or any at all) to function. +\end_layout + +\end_inset + + +\end_layout + +\end_body +\end_document diff --git a/build.sh b/build.sh index 2c6eb61..b7951cd 100755 --- a/build.sh +++ b/build.sh @@ -12,12 +12,10 @@ mkdir -p build/out/"Character Sheets" || exit 1 # Luminous render_pdf Book_Luminous "" "Luminous the Dream$FILE_MAKER" || exit 1 -render_pdf Book_Luminous_Comm "Bonus Files/" "Luminous the Dream$FILE_MARKER (Author Commentary)" || exit 1 render_pdf Sheet_Luminous "Character Sheets/" "Luminous" --assemble=y --form=y --annotate=y || exit 1 # Maou #render_pdf Book_Maou "" "Maou the Lineage$FILE_MAKER" || exit 1 -#render_pdf Book_Maou_Comm "Bonus Files/" "Maou the Lineage$FILE_MARKER (Author Commentary)" || exit 1 # Build archives create_archive "Luminous the Dream$ZIP_FILE_BIND $ZVERSION" || exit 1