diff --git a/tests/checks/test-DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php b/tests/checks/test-DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
index e62abe6..f9c937e 100644
--- a/tests/checks/test-DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
+++ b/tests/checks/test-DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
@@ -7,342 +7,339 @@ class DeprecatedFunctionsTest extends CodeCheckTestBase {
public function testFunctionsParameters() {
$functions = array(
'wp-includes' => array(
- '0.71' => array(
- 'the_category_ID' => 'get_the_category()',
- 'the_category_head' => 'get_the_category_by_ID()',
- ),
- '1.2' => array(
- 'permalink_link' => 'the_permalink()',
- ),
- '1.5' => array(
- 'start_wp' => '',
- ),
- '1.5.1' => array(
- 'get_postdata' => 'get_post()',
- ),
- '2.0' => array(
- 'create_user' => 'wp_create_user()',
- 'next_post' => 'next_post_link()',
- 'previous_post' => 'previous_post_link()',
- 'user_can_create_draft' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_create_post' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_delete_post' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_delete_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_edit_post' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_edit_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_edit_post_date' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_edit_user' => 'current_user_can()',
- 'user_can_set_post_date' => 'current_user_can()',
- ),
- '2.1' => array(
- 'dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()',
- 'get_archives' => 'wp_get_archives()',
- 'get_author_link' => 'get_author_posts_url()',
- 'get_autotoggle' => '',
- 'get_link' => 'get_bookmark()',
- 'get_linkcatname' => 'get_category()',
- 'get_linkrating' => 'sanitize_bookmark_field()',
- 'get_links' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_links_list' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
- 'get_links_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_linksbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_linkobjects' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_linkobjectsbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_linksbyname_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()',
- 'get_settings' => 'get_option()',
- 'link_pages' => 'wp_link_pages()',
- 'links_popup_script' => '',
- 'list_authors' => 'wp_list_authors()',
- 'list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories()',
- 'wp_get_links' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
- 'wp_get_linksbyname' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
- 'wp_get_post_cats' => 'wp_get_post_categories()',
- 'wp_list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories()',
- 'wp_set_post_cats' => 'wp_set_post_categories()',
- ),
- '2.2' => array(
- 'comments_rss' => 'get_post_comments_feed_link()',
- ),
- '2.3' => array(
- 'permalink_single_rss' => 'the_permalink_rss()',
- ),
- '2.5' => array(
- 'comments_rss_link' => 'post_comments_feed_link()',
- 'get_attachment_icon' => 'wp_get_attachment_image()',
- 'get_attachment_icon_src' => 'wp_get_attachment_image_src()',
- 'get_attachment_innerHTML' => 'wp_get_attachment_image()',
- 'get_author_rss_link' => 'get_author_feed_link()',
- 'get_category_rss_link' => 'get_category_feed_link()',
- 'get_the_attachment_link' => 'wp_get_attachment_link()',
- 'gzip_compression' => '',
- 'wp_clearcookie' => 'wp_clear_auth_cookie()',
- 'wp_get_cookie_login' => '',
- 'wp_login' => 'wp_signon()',
- 'wp_setcookie' => 'wp_set_auth_cookie()',
- ),
- '2.7' => array(
- 'get_commentdata' => 'get_comment()',
- ),
- '2.8' => array(
- '__ngettext' => '_n()',
- '__ngettext_noop' => '_n_noop()',
- 'attribute_escape' => 'esc_attr()',
- 'get_author_name' => "get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' )",
- 'get_category_children' => 'get_term_children()',
- 'get_catname' => 'get_cat_name()',
- 'get_the_author_aim' => "get_the_author_meta( 'aim' )",
- 'get_the_author_description' => "get_the_author_meta( 'description' )",
- 'get_the_author_email' => "get_the_author_meta( 'email' )",
- 'get_the_author_firstname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'first_name' )",
- 'get_the_author_icq' => "get_the_author_meta( 'icq' )",
- 'get_the_author_ID' => "get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )",
- 'get_the_author_lastname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'last_name' )",
- 'get_the_author_login' => "get_the_author_meta( 'login' )",
- 'get_the_author_msn' => "get_the_author_meta( 'msn' )",
- 'get_the_author_nickname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'nickname' )",
- 'get_the_author_url' => "get_the_author_meta( 'url' )",
- 'get_the_author_yim' => "get_the_author_meta( 'yim' )",
- 'js_escape' => 'esc_js()',
- 'register_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_register_sidebar_widget()',
- 'register_widget_control' => 'wp_register_widget_control()',
- 'sanitize_url' => 'esc_url_raw()',
- 'the_author_aim' => "the_author_meta( 'aim' )",
- 'the_author_description' => "the_author_meta( 'description' )",
- 'the_author_email' => "the_author_meta( 'email' )",
- 'the_author_firstname' => "the_author_meta( 'first_name' )",
- 'the_author_icq' => "the_author_meta( 'icq' )",
- 'the_author_ID' => "the_author_meta( 'ID' )",
- 'the_author_lastname' => "the_author_meta( 'last_name' )",
- 'the_author_login' => "the_author_meta( 'login' )",
- 'the_author_msn' => "the_author_meta( 'msn' )",
- 'the_author_nickname' => "the_author_meta( 'nickname' )",
- 'the_author_url' => "the_author_meta( 'url' )",
- 'the_author_yim' => "the_author_meta( 'yim' )",
- 'unregister_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_unregister_sidebar_widget()',
- 'unregister_widget_control' => 'wp_unregister_widget_control()',
- 'wp_specialchars' => 'esc_html()',
- ),
- '2.9' => array(
- '_c' => '_x()',
- 'make_url_footnote' => '',
- 'the_content_rss' => 'the_content_feed()',
- ),
- '3.0' => array(
- '_nc' => '_nx()',
- 'automatic_feed_links' => "add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' )",
- 'clean_url' => 'esc_url_raw()',
- 'clear_global_post_cache' => 'clean_post_cache()',
- 'delete_usermeta' => 'delete_user_meta()',
- 'funky_javascript_callback' => '',
- 'funky_javascript_fix' => '',
- 'generate_random_password' => 'wp_generate_password()',
- 'get_alloptions' => 'wp_load_alloptions()',
- 'get_blog_list' => 'wp_get_sites()',
- 'get_most_active_blogs' => '',
- 'get_profile' => 'get_the_author_meta()',
- 'get_user_details' => 'get_user_by()',
- 'get_usermeta' => 'get_user_meta()',
- 'get_usernumposts' => 'count_user_posts()',
- 'graceful_fail' => 'wp_die()',
- 'is_main_blog' => 'is_main_site()',
- 'is_site_admin' => 'is_super_admin()',
- 'is_taxonomy' => 'taxonomy_exists()',
- 'is_term' => 'term_exists()',
- 'set_current_user' => 'wp_set_current_user()',
- 'translate_with_context' => '_x()',
- 'update_usermeta' => 'update_user_meta()',
- 'validate_email' => 'is_email()',
- ),
- '3.1' => array(
- 'get_dashboard_blog' => '',
- 'get_users_of_blog' => 'get_users()',
- 'is_plugin_page' => '',
- 'update_category_cache' => '',
- ),
- '3.2' => array(
- 'wp_timezone_supported' => '',
- 'wp_clone' => '',
- ),
- '3.3' => array(
- 'get_boundary_post_rel_link' => '',
- 'get_index_rel_link' => '',
- 'get_parent_post_rel_link' => '',
- 'get_user_by_email' => "get_user_by( 'email' )",
- 'get_user_metavalues' => '',
- 'get_userdatabylogin' => "get_user_by( 'login' )",
- 'index_rel_link' => '',
- 'is_blog_user' => 'is_user_member_of_blog()',
- 'parent_post_rel_link' => '',
- 'sanitize_user_object' => '',
- 'start_post_rel_link' => '',
- 'the_editor' => 'wp_editor()',
- 'wp_admin_bar_dashboard_view_site_menu' => '',
- 'wpmu_admin_do_redirect' => '',
- 'wpmu_admin_redirect_add_updated_param' => '',
- ),
- '3.4' => array(
- 'add_custom_background' => 'add_theme_support( "custom-background", $args )',
- 'add_custom_image_header' => 'add_theme_support( "custom-header", $args )',
- 'clean_page_cache' => 'clean_post_cache()',
- 'clean_pre' => '',
- 'debug_fclose' => 'error_log()',
- 'debug_fopen' => 'error_log()',
- 'debug_fwrite' => 'error_log()',
- 'get_current_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()',
- 'get_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()',
- 'get_theme_data' => 'wp_get_theme()',
- 'get_themes' => 'wp_get_themes()',
- 'remove_custom_background' => "remove_theme_support( 'custom-background' )",
- 'remove_custom_image_header' => "remove_theme_support( 'custom-header' )",
- 'update_page_cache' => 'update_post_cache()',
- 'wp_explain_nonce' => 'wp_nonce_ays',
- ),
- '3.5' => array(
- '_get_post_ancestors' => '',
- '_save_post_hook' => '',
- 'gd_edit_image_support' => 'wp_image_editor_supports()',
- 'get_page' => 'get_post()',
- 'image_resize' => 'wp_get_image_editor()',
- 'sticky_class' => 'post_class()',
- 'user_pass_ok' => 'wp_authenticate()',
- 'wp_cache_reset' => '',
- 'wp_get_single_post' => 'get_post()',
- 'wp_load_image' => 'wp_get_image_editor()',
- ),
- '3.6' => array(
- 'get_user_id_from_string' => 'get_user_by()',
- 'wp_convert_bytes_to_hr' => 'size_format()',
- ),
- '3.7' => array(
- '_search_terms_tidy' => '',
- 'get_blogaddress_by_domain' => '',
- ),
- '3.9' => array(
- 'rich_edit_exists' => '',
- 'default_topic_count_text' => '',
- 'format_to_post' => '',
- 'get_current_site_name' => 'get_current_site()',
- 'wpmu_current_site' => '',
- ),
- '4.0' => array(
- 'like_escape' => '$wpdb->esc_like()',
- 'url_is_accessable_via_ssl' => '',
- ),
+ '0.71' => array(
+ 'the_category_ID' => 'get_the_category()',
+ 'the_category_head' => 'get_the_category_by_ID()',
+ ),
+ '1.2' => array(
+ 'permalink_link' => 'the_permalink()',
+ ),
+ '1.5' => array(
+ 'start_wp' => '',
+ ),
+ '1.5.1' => array(
+ 'get_postdata' => 'get_post()',
+ ),
+ '2.0' => array(
+ 'create_user' => 'wp_create_user()',
+ 'next_post' => 'next_post_link()',
+ 'previous_post' => 'previous_post_link()',
+ 'user_can_create_draft' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_create_post' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_delete_post' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_delete_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_edit_post' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_edit_post_comments' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_edit_post_date' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_edit_user' => 'current_user_can()',
+ 'user_can_set_post_date' => 'current_user_can()',
+ ),
+ '2.1' => array(
+ 'dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()',
+ 'get_archives' => 'wp_get_archives()',
+ 'get_author_link' => 'get_author_posts_url()',
+ 'get_autotoggle' => '',
+ 'get_link' => 'get_bookmark()',
+ 'get_linkcatname' => 'get_category()',
+ 'get_linkrating' => 'sanitize_bookmark_field()',
+ 'get_links' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_links_list' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_links_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_linksbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_linkobjects' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_linkobjectsbyname' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_linksbyname_withrating' => 'get_bookmarks()',
+ 'get_settings' => 'get_option()',
+ 'link_pages' => 'wp_link_pages()',
+ 'links_popup_script' => '',
+ 'list_authors' => 'wp_list_authors()',
+ 'list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories()',
+ 'wp_get_links' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
+ 'wp_get_linksbyname' => 'wp_list_bookmarks()',
+ 'wp_get_post_cats' => 'wp_get_post_categories()',
+ 'wp_list_cats' => 'wp_list_categories()',
+ 'wp_set_post_cats' => 'wp_set_post_categories()',
+ ),
+ '2.2' => array(
+ 'comments_rss' => 'get_post_comments_feed_link()',
+ ),
+ '2.3' => array(
+ 'permalink_single_rss' => 'the_permalink_rss()',
+ ),
+ '2.5' => array(
+ 'comments_rss_link' => 'post_comments_feed_link()',
+ 'get_attachment_icon' => 'wp_get_attachment_image()',
+ 'get_attachment_icon_src' => 'wp_get_attachment_image_src()',
+ 'get_attachment_innerHTML' => 'wp_get_attachment_image()',
+ 'get_author_rss_link' => 'get_author_feed_link()',
+ 'get_category_rss_link' => 'get_category_feed_link()',
+ 'get_the_attachment_link' => 'wp_get_attachment_link()',
+ 'gzip_compression' => '',
+ 'wp_clearcookie' => 'wp_clear_auth_cookie()',
+ 'wp_get_cookie_login' => '',
+ 'wp_login' => 'wp_signon()',
+ 'wp_setcookie' => 'wp_set_auth_cookie()',
+ ),
+ '2.7' => array(
+ 'get_commentdata' => 'get_comment()',
+ ),
+ '2.8' => array(
+ '__ngettext' => '_n()',
+ '__ngettext_noop' => '_n_noop()',
+ 'attribute_escape' => 'esc_attr()',
+ 'get_author_name' => "get_the_author_meta( 'display_name' )",
+ 'get_category_children' => 'get_term_children()',
+ 'get_catname' => 'get_cat_name()',
+ 'get_the_author_aim' => "get_the_author_meta( 'aim' )",
+ 'get_the_author_description' => "get_the_author_meta( 'description' )",
+ 'get_the_author_email' => "get_the_author_meta( 'email' )",
+ 'get_the_author_firstname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'first_name' )",
+ 'get_the_author_icq' => "get_the_author_meta( 'icq' )",
+ 'get_the_author_ID' => "get_the_author_meta( 'ID' )",
+ 'get_the_author_lastname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'last_name' )",
+ 'get_the_author_login' => "get_the_author_meta( 'login' )",
+ 'get_the_author_msn' => "get_the_author_meta( 'msn' )",
+ 'get_the_author_nickname' => "get_the_author_meta( 'nickname' )",
+ 'get_the_author_url' => "get_the_author_meta( 'url' )",
+ 'get_the_author_yim' => "get_the_author_meta( 'yim' )",
+ 'js_escape' => 'esc_js()',
+ 'register_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_register_sidebar_widget()',
+ 'register_widget_control' => 'wp_register_widget_control()',
+ 'sanitize_url' => 'esc_url_raw()',
+ 'the_author_aim' => "the_author_meta( 'aim' )",
+ 'the_author_description' => "the_author_meta( 'description' )",
+ 'the_author_email' => "the_author_meta( 'email' )",
+ 'the_author_firstname' => "the_author_meta( 'first_name' )",
+ 'the_author_icq' => "the_author_meta( 'icq' )",
+ 'the_author_ID' => "the_author_meta( 'ID' )",
+ 'the_author_lastname' => "the_author_meta( 'last_name' )",
+ 'the_author_login' => "the_author_meta( 'login' )",
+ 'the_author_msn' => "the_author_meta( 'msn' )",
+ 'the_author_nickname' => "the_author_meta( 'nickname' )",
+ 'the_author_url' => "the_author_meta( 'url' )",
+ 'the_author_yim' => "the_author_meta( 'yim' )",
+ 'unregister_sidebar_widget' => 'wp_unregister_sidebar_widget()',
+ 'unregister_widget_control' => 'wp_unregister_widget_control()',
+ 'wp_specialchars' => 'esc_html()',
+ ),
+ '2.9' => array(
+ '_c' => '_x()',
+ 'make_url_footnote' => '',
+ 'the_content_rss' => 'the_content_feed()',
+ ),
+ '3.0' => array(
+ '_nc' => '_nx()',
+ 'automatic_feed_links' => "add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' )",
+ 'clean_url' => 'esc_url_raw()',
+ 'clear_global_post_cache' => 'clean_post_cache()',
+ 'delete_usermeta' => 'delete_user_meta()',
+ 'funky_javascript_callback' => '',
+ 'funky_javascript_fix' => '',
+ 'generate_random_password' => 'wp_generate_password()',
+ 'get_alloptions' => 'wp_load_alloptions()',
+ 'get_blog_list' => 'wp_get_sites()',
+ 'get_most_active_blogs' => '',
+ 'get_profile' => 'get_the_author_meta()',
+ 'get_user_details' => 'get_user_by()',
+ 'get_usermeta' => 'get_user_meta()',
+ 'get_usernumposts' => 'count_user_posts()',
+ 'graceful_fail' => 'wp_die()',
+ 'is_main_blog' => 'is_main_site()',
+ 'is_site_admin' => 'is_super_admin()',
+ 'is_taxonomy' => 'taxonomy_exists()',
+ 'is_term' => 'term_exists()',
+ 'set_current_user' => 'wp_set_current_user()',
+ 'translate_with_context' => '_x()',
+ 'update_usermeta' => 'update_user_meta()',
+ 'validate_email' => 'is_email()',
+ ),
+ '3.1' => array(
+ 'get_dashboard_blog' => '',
+ 'get_users_of_blog' => 'get_users()',
+ 'is_plugin_page' => '',
+ 'update_category_cache' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.2' => array(
+ 'wp_timezone_supported' => '',
+ 'wp_clone' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.3' => array(
+ 'get_boundary_post_rel_link' => '',
+ 'get_index_rel_link' => '',
+ 'get_parent_post_rel_link' => '',
+ 'get_user_by_email' => "get_user_by( 'email' )",
+ 'get_user_metavalues' => '',
+ 'get_userdatabylogin' => "get_user_by( 'login' )",
+ 'index_rel_link' => '',
+ 'is_blog_user' => 'is_user_member_of_blog()',
+ 'parent_post_rel_link' => '',
+ 'sanitize_user_object' => '',
+ 'start_post_rel_link' => '',
+ 'the_editor' => 'wp_editor()',
+ 'wp_admin_bar_dashboard_view_site_menu' => '',
+ 'wpmu_admin_do_redirect' => '',
+ 'wpmu_admin_redirect_add_updated_param' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.4' => array(
+ 'add_custom_background' => 'add_theme_support( "custom-background", $args )',
+ 'add_custom_image_header' => 'add_theme_support( "custom-header", $args )',
+ 'clean_page_cache' => 'clean_post_cache()',
+ 'clean_pre' => '',
+ 'debug_fclose' => 'error_log()',
+ 'debug_fopen' => 'error_log()',
+ 'debug_fwrite' => 'error_log()',
+ 'get_current_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()',
+ 'get_theme' => 'wp_get_theme()',
+ 'get_theme_data' => 'wp_get_theme()',
+ 'get_themes' => 'wp_get_themes()',
+ 'remove_custom_background' => "remove_theme_support( 'custom-background' )",
+ 'remove_custom_image_header' => "remove_theme_support( 'custom-header' )",
+ 'update_page_cache' => 'update_post_cache()',
+ 'wp_explain_nonce' => 'wp_nonce_ays',
+ ),
+ '3.5' => array(
+ '_get_post_ancestors' => '',
+ '_save_post_hook' => '',
+ 'gd_edit_image_support' => 'wp_image_editor_supports()',
+ 'get_page' => 'get_post()',
+ 'image_resize' => 'wp_get_image_editor()',
+ 'sticky_class' => 'post_class()',
+ 'user_pass_ok' => 'wp_authenticate()',
+ 'wp_cache_reset' => '',
+ 'wp_get_single_post' => 'get_post()',
+ 'wp_load_image' => 'wp_get_image_editor()',
+ ),
+ '3.6' => array(
+ 'get_user_id_from_string' => 'get_user_by()',
+ 'wp_convert_bytes_to_hr' => 'size_format()',
+ ),
+ '3.7' => array(
+ '_search_terms_tidy' => '',
+ 'get_blogaddress_by_domain' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.9' => array(
+ 'rich_edit_exists' => '',
+ 'default_topic_count_text' => '',
+ 'format_to_post' => '',
+ 'get_current_site_name' => 'get_current_site()',
+ 'wpmu_current_site' => '',
+ ),
+ '4.0' => array(
+ 'like_escape' => '$wpdb->esc_like()',
+ 'url_is_accessable_via_ssl' => '',
+ ),
'wp-admin' => array(
- 'MU' => array(
- 'install_blog_defaults' => 'wp_install_defaults()',
- ),
- '2.1' => array(
- 'tinymce_include' => 'wp_editor()',
- ),
- '2.5' => array(
- 'documentation_link' => '',
- ),
- '2.6' => array(
- 'dropdown_categories' => 'wp_category_checklist()',
- 'dropdown_link_categories' => 'wp_link_category_checklist()',
- ),
- '2.9' => array(
- 'get_real_file_to_edit' => '',
- ),
- '3.0' => array(
- 'activate_sitewide_plugin' => 'activate_plugin()',
- 'add_option_update_handler' => 'register_setting()',
- 'codepress_footer_js' => '',
- 'codepress_get_lang' => '',
- 'deactivate_sitewide_plugin' => 'deactivate_plugin()',
- 'is_wpmu_sitewide_plugin' => 'is_network_only_plugin()',
- 'ms_deprecated_blogs_file' => '',
- 'mu_options' => '',
- 'remove_option_update_handler' => 'unregister_setting()',
- 'use_codepress' => '',
- 'wp_dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()',
- 'wp_shrink_dimensions' => 'wp_constrain_dimensions()',
- 'wpmu_checkAvailableSpace' => 'is_upload_space_available()',
- 'wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes' => 'WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_site()',
- 'wpmu_menu' => '',
- ),
- '3.1' => array(
- 'get_author_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
- 'get_editable_authors' => 'get_users()',
- 'get_editable_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
- 'get_nonauthor_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
- 'get_others_drafts' => '',
- 'get_others_unpublished_posts' => '',
- 'get_others_pending' => '',
- 'install_themes_feature_list' => 'get_theme_feature_list()',
- ),
- '3.2' => array(
- 'favorite_actions' => 'WP_Admin_Bar',
- 'wp_dashboard_quick_press_output' => 'wp_dashboard_quick_press()',
- ),
- '3.3' => array(
- 'add_contextual_help' => 'get_current_screen()->add_help_tab()',
- 'media_upload_audio' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
- 'media_upload_file' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
- 'media_upload_image' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
- 'media_upload_video' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
- 'screen_layout' => 'get_current_screen()->render_per_page_options()',
- 'screen_meta' => 'get_current_screen()->render_screen_meta()',
- 'screen_options' => 'get_current_screen()->render_per_page_options()',
- 'type_url_form_audio' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'audio' )",
- 'type_url_form_file' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'file' )",
- 'type_url_form_image' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'image' )",
- 'type_url_form_video' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'video' )",
- 'wp_preload_dialogs' => 'wp_editor()',
- 'wp_print_editor_js' => 'wp_editor()',
- 'wp_quicktags' => 'wp_editor()',
- 'wp_tiny_mce' => 'wp_editor()',
- ),
- '3.4' => array(
- 'current_theme_info' => 'wp_get_theme()',
- 'get_allowed_themes' => "wp_get_themes( array( 'allowed' => true ) )",
- 'get_broken_themes' => "wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => true )",
- 'get_site_allowed_themes' => 'WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_network()',
- 'display_theme' => '',
- ),
- '3.5' => array(
- '_insert_into_post_button' => '',
- '_media_button' => '',
- 'get_default_page_to_edit' => "get_default_post_to_edit( 'page' )",
- 'get_post_to_edit' => 'get_post()',
- 'get_udims' => 'wp_constrain_dimensions()',
- 'wp_create_thumbnail' => 'image_resize()',
- ),
- '3.6' => array(
- 'wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box' => '',
- ),
- '3.7' => array(
- 'the_attachment_links' => '',
- 'wp_update_core' => 'new Core_Upgrader()',
- 'wp_update_plugin' => 'new Plugin_Upgrader()',
- 'wp_update_theme' => 'new Theme_Upgrader()',
- ),
- '3.8' => array(
- 'get_screen_icon' => '',
- 'screen_icon' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_control' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_output' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_plugins' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_primary_control' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_recent_comments_control' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_secondary' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_secondary_control' => '',
- 'wp_dashboard_secondary_output' => '',
- ),
- '3.9' => array(
- '_relocate_children' => '',
- ),
- /**
- * Root Folder
- */
- ),
- '' => array(
- '3.4' => array(
- 'logIO' => 'error_log()',
- ),
+ 'MU' => array(
+ 'install_blog_defaults' => 'wp_install_defaults()',
+ ),
+ '2.1' => array(
+ 'tinymce_include' => 'wp_editor()',
+ ),
+ '2.5' => array(
+ 'documentation_link' => '',
+ ),
+ '2.6' => array(
+ 'dropdown_categories' => 'wp_category_checklist()',
+ 'dropdown_link_categories' => 'wp_link_category_checklist()',
+ ),
+ '2.9' => array(
+ 'get_real_file_to_edit' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.0' => array(
+ 'activate_sitewide_plugin' => 'activate_plugin()',
+ 'add_option_update_handler' => 'register_setting()',
+ 'codepress_footer_js' => '',
+ 'codepress_get_lang' => '',
+ 'deactivate_sitewide_plugin' => 'deactivate_plugin()',
+ 'is_wpmu_sitewide_plugin' => 'is_network_only_plugin()',
+ 'ms_deprecated_blogs_file' => '',
+ 'mu_options' => '',
+ 'remove_option_update_handler' => 'unregister_setting()',
+ 'use_codepress' => '',
+ 'wp_dropdown_cats' => 'wp_dropdown_categories()',
+ 'wp_shrink_dimensions' => 'wp_constrain_dimensions()',
+ 'wpmu_checkAvailableSpace' => 'is_upload_space_available()',
+ 'wpmu_get_blog_allowedthemes' => 'WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_site()',
+ 'wpmu_menu' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.1' => array(
+ 'get_author_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
+ 'get_editable_authors' => 'get_users()',
+ 'get_editable_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
+ 'get_nonauthor_user_ids' => 'get_users()',
+ 'get_others_drafts' => '',
+ 'get_others_unpublished_posts' => '',
+ 'get_others_pending' => '',
+ 'install_themes_feature_list' => 'get_theme_feature_list()',
+ ),
+ '3.2' => array(
+ 'favorite_actions' => 'WP_Admin_Bar',
+ 'wp_dashboard_quick_press_output' => 'wp_dashboard_quick_press()',
+ ),
+ '3.3' => array(
+ 'add_contextual_help' => 'get_current_screen()->add_help_tab()',
+ 'media_upload_audio' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
+ 'media_upload_file' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
+ 'media_upload_image' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
+ 'media_upload_video' => 'wp_media_upload_handler()',
+ 'screen_layout' => 'get_current_screen()->render_per_page_options()',
+ 'screen_meta' => 'get_current_screen()->render_screen_meta()',
+ 'screen_options' => 'get_current_screen()->render_per_page_options()',
+ 'type_url_form_audio' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'audio' )",
+ 'type_url_form_file' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'file' )",
+ 'type_url_form_image' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'image' )",
+ 'type_url_form_video' => "wp_media_insert_url_form( 'video' )",
+ 'wp_preload_dialogs' => 'wp_editor()',
+ 'wp_print_editor_js' => 'wp_editor()',
+ 'wp_quicktags' => 'wp_editor()',
+ 'wp_tiny_mce' => 'wp_editor()',
+ ),
+ '3.4' => array(
+ 'current_theme_info' => 'wp_get_theme()',
+ 'get_allowed_themes' => "wp_get_themes( array( 'allowed' => true ) )",
+ 'get_broken_themes' => "wp_get_themes( array( 'errors' => true )",
+ 'get_site_allowed_themes' => 'WP_Theme::get_allowed_on_network()',
+ 'display_theme' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.5' => array(
+ '_insert_into_post_button' => '',
+ '_media_button' => '',
+ 'get_default_page_to_edit' => "get_default_post_to_edit( 'page' )",
+ 'get_post_to_edit' => 'get_post()',
+ 'get_udims' => 'wp_constrain_dimensions()',
+ 'wp_create_thumbnail' => 'image_resize()',
+ ),
+ '3.6' => array(
+ 'wp_nav_menu_locations_meta_box' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.7' => array(
+ 'the_attachment_links' => '',
+ 'wp_update_core' => 'new Core_Upgrader()',
+ 'wp_update_plugin' => 'new Plugin_Upgrader()',
+ 'wp_update_theme' => 'new Theme_Upgrader()',
+ ),
+ '3.8' => array(
+ 'get_screen_icon' => '',
+ 'screen_icon' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_control' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_incoming_links_output' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_plugins' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_primary_control' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_recent_comments_control' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_secondary' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_secondary_control' => '',
+ 'wp_dashboard_secondary_output' => '',
+ ),
+ '3.9' => array(
+ '_relocate_children' => '',
+ ),
+ ),
+ '' => array( // Root folder
+ '3.4' => array(
+ 'logIO' => 'error_log()',
+ ),
diff --git a/vip-scanner/checks/DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php b/vip-scanner/checks/DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
index f816353..88fd55d 100644
--- a/vip-scanner/checks/DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
+++ b/vip-scanner/checks/DeprecatedFunctionsCheck.php
@@ -3,13 +3,10 @@
* Checks for deprecated WordPress functions.
-class DeprecatedFunctionsCheck extends BaseCheck {
- function check( $files ) {
- $result = true;
- $this->increment_check_count();
- $checks = array(
+class DeprecatedFunctionsCheck extends CodeCheckVisitor {
+ protected static $description_template = 'The function %s is deprecated.';
+ protected static $replacement_template = ' Use %s instead.';
+ protected static $deprecated_functions = array(
* wp-includes
@@ -311,39 +308,23 @@ function check( $files ) {
// 3.4
'logIO' => 'error_log()',
- );
- foreach ( $this->filter_files( $files, 'php' ) as $file_path => $file_content ) {
- foreach ( $checks as $check => $replacement ) {
- /**
- * Before a function, there's either a start of a line, whitespace, . or (
- * This is to avoid false positives, like wp_link_pages() being flagged as link_pages().
- */
- if ( preg_match( '/(?:^|[\s\.\(])' . $check . '\(/m', $file_content, $matches ) ) {
- $deprecated_function = trim( rtrim( $matches[0], '(' ) );
- // Indicate the deprecated function that has been found.
- $message = 'The function ' . $deprecated_function . '
is deprecated.';
+ );
- // Indicate the replacement function if it exists.
- if ( ! empty( $replacement ) ) {
- $message .= ' Use ' . $replacement . '
- }
- $this->add_error(
- 'deprecated',
- $message,
- BaseScanner::LEVEL_BLOCKER,
- $this->get_filename( $file_path )
- );
- $result = false;
+ function check( PhpParser\Node $node ) {
+ if( $node instanceof PhpParser\Node\Expr\FuncCall ) {
+ $name = $node->name->toString();
+ if ( array_key_exists( $name, self::$deprecated_functions ) ) {
+ $message = sprintf( self::$description_template, '' . $name . '
' );
+ if ( ! empty( self::$deprecated_functions[ $name ] ) ) {
+ $message .= sprintf( self::$replacement_template, '' . self::$deprecated_functions[ $name ] . '
' );
- }
+ $this->add_error(
+ 'deprecated',
+ $message,
+ BaseScanner::LEVEL_BLOCKER
+ );
+ }
- return $result;