diff --git a/taipy/core/data/data_node.py b/taipy/core/data/data_node.py
index 8c94afa3ba..d34938bc9a 100644
--- a/taipy/core/data/data_node.py
+++ b/taipy/core/data/data_node.py
@@ -65,7 +65,37 @@ class DataNode(_Entity, _Labeled):
SQL Data Node, CSV Data Node, ...).
!!! note
- It is recommended not to instantiate subclasses of `DataNode` directly.
+ It is not recommended to instantiate subclasses of `DataNode` directly. Instead,
+ you have two ways:
+ 1. Create a Scenario using the `create_scenario()^` function. Related data nodes
+ will be created automatically. Please refer to the `Scenario^` class for more
+ information.
+ 2. Configure a `DataNodeConfig^` with the various configuration methods form `Config^`
+ and use the `create_global_data_node()^` function as illustrated in the following
+ example.
+ !!! Example
+ ```python
+ import taipy as tp
+ from taipy import Config
+ # Configure a global data node
+ dataset_cfg = Config.configure_data_node("my_dataset", scope=tp.Scope.GLOBAL)
+ # Instantiate a global data node
+ dataset = tp.create_global_data_node(dataset_cfg)
+ # Retrieve the list of all data nodes
+ all_data_nodes = tp.get_data_nodes()
+ # Write the data
+ dataset.write("Hello, World!")
+ # Read the data
+ print(dataset.read())
+ ```
config_id (str): Identifier of the data node configuration. It must be a valid Python
@@ -78,10 +108,11 @@ class DataNode(_Entity, _Labeled):
parent_ids (Optional[Set[str]]): The set of identifiers of the parent tasks.
last_edit_date (datetime): The date and time of the last modification.
edits (List[Edit^]): The list of Edits (an alias for dict) containing metadata about each
- data edition including but not limited to timestamp, comments, job_id:
- timestamp: The time instant of the writing
- comments: Representation of a free text to explain or comment on a data change
- job_id: Only populated when the data node is written by a task execution and corresponds to the job's id.
+ data edition including but not limited to:
- timestamp: The time instant of the writing
+ - comments: Representation of a free text to explain or comment on a data change
+ - job_id: Only populated when the data node is written by a task execution and
+ corresponds to the job's id.
Additional metadata related to the edition made to the data node can also be provided in Edits.
version (str): The string indicates the application version of the data node to
instantiate. If not provided, the current version is used.
diff --git a/taipy/core/scenario/scenario.py b/taipy/core/scenario/scenario.py
index 96c2123702..08e70790f8 100644
--- a/taipy/core/scenario/scenario.py
+++ b/taipy/core/scenario/scenario.py
@@ -55,6 +55,40 @@ class Scenario(_Entity, Submittable, _Labeled):
solve the Business case. It also holds a set of additional data nodes (instances of `DataNode` class)
for extra data related to the scenario.
+ !!! note
+ It is not recommended to instantiate a `Scenario` directly. Instead, it should be
+ created with the `create_scenario()^` function.
+ !!! Example
+ ```python
+ import taipy as tp
+ from taipy import Config
+ def by_two(x: int):
+ return x * 2
+ # Configure scenarios
+ input_cfg = Config.configure_data_node("my_input")
+ result_cfg = Config.configure_data_node("my_result")
+ task_cfg = Config.configure_task("my_double", function=by_two, input=input_cfg, output=result_cfg)
+ scenario_cfg = Config.configure_scenario("my_scenario", task_configs=[task_cfg])
+ # Create a new scenario from the configuration
+ scenario = tp.create_scenario(scenario_cfg)
+ # Write the input data and submit the scenario
+ scenario.my_input.write(3)
+ scenario.submit()
+ # Read the result
+ print(scenario.my_result.read()) # Output: 6
+ # Retrieve all scenarios
+ all_scenarios = tp.get_scenarios()
+ ```
config_id (str): The identifier of the `ScenarioConfig^`.
tasks (Set[Task^]): The set of tasks.
diff --git a/taipy/core/task/task.py b/taipy/core/task/task.py
index 78f7837603..67f44655a6 100644
--- a/taipy/core/task/task.py
+++ b/taipy/core/task/task.py
@@ -33,6 +33,46 @@ class Task(_Entity, _Labeled):
A `Task` brings together the user code as function, the inputs and the outputs as data nodes
(instances of the `DataNode^` class).
+ !!! note
+ It is not recommended to instantiate a `Task` directly. Instead, it should be
+ created with the `create_scenario()^` function. When creating a `Scenario^`,
+ the related data nodes and tasks are created automatically. Please refer to
+ the `Scenario^` class for more information.
+ !!! Example
+ ```python
+ import taipy as tp
+ from taipy import Config
+ def by_two(x: int):
+ return x * 2
+ # Configure data nodes, tasks and scenarios
+ input_cfg = Config.configure_data_node("my_input", default_data=2)
+ result_cfg = Config.configure_data_node("my_result")
+ task_cfg = Config.configure_task("my_double", function=by_two, input=input_cfg, output=result_cfg)
+ scenario_cfg = Config.configure_scenario("my_scenario", task_configs=[task_cfg])
+ # Instantiate a task along with a scenario
+ sc = tp.create_scenario(scenario_cfg)
+ # Retrieve task and data nodes from scenario
+ task_input = sc.my_input
+ double_task = sc.my_double
+ task_result = sc.my_result
+ # Write the input data and submit the task
+ task_input.write(3)
+ double_task.submit()
+ # Read the result
+ print(task_result.read()) # Output: 6
+ # Retrieve the list of all tasks
+ all_tasks = tp.get_tasks()
+ ```
config_id (str): The identifier of the `TaskConfig^`.
properties (dict[str, Any]): A dictionary of additional properties.