Here's a collection of current and useful Dojo demos and tutorials to help you get started with Dojo:
- SitePen Dojo QuickStart Guide, SitePen
- Hello Dojo, SitePen and Sam Foster, mozilla, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Demos
- dojo.moj.oe, Peter Higgins, Adconion, Dojo Project Lead
- Real-time Survey Demo, Peter Higgins, Adconion, Dojo Project Lead
- Data in the Browser with Dojo, Rob Coup, Dojo Contributor
- Lucid Desktop, open source web desktop project based on Dojo
- Queued, Dojo + AIR Netflix Queue Manager, by SitePen
- StockList, SitePen
- JavaScript Dojo API Docs, JavaScript-based documentation viewer, by Uxebu
- Toura Mulberry, Toura
- Dojo Tutorials, SitePen and the Dojo Community
- Introducing the Dojo Toolkit, SitePen
- Top 10 Things You Should Know About Dojo, Ben Hockey, Dojo Contributor
- Functional Fun with JavaScript, Eugene Lazutkin, Dojo Committer
- X-Domain Loading using the AOL CDN
- Extending dojo.query, Alex Russell, Google, Dojo Co-founder
- Improving Component Communication , SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Are You Sure You Should be Subclassing That?, SitePen and Neil Roberts, Dojo Committer
- JavaScript Metaclass Programming, SitePen and Neil Roberts, Dojo Committer
- dojo.DnD Complete Documentation, Eugene Lazutkin, Dojo Committer
- REST and RPC Relationship, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- BEA Workshop with Dojo, James Bayer, BEA
- XHR Plugins with handleAs, Neil Roberts, Dojo Committer
- 3 Ways to Upgrade your HTML with Dojo, Neil Roberts, Dojo Committer
- Dojo JSON-RPC + Java, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Firebug Lite and Dojo, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Drag and Drop, Part 1, SitePen and Revin Guillen, Dojo Committer
- Using Dojo for Client-side Validation, James Harmon, Object Training Group, Dojo User
- delegate(), delegate(), delegate(), Alex Russell, Google, Dojo Co-founder
- Dojo Concepts for Java Developers, Dave Draper, IBM, Dojo User
- Dojo: Building Blocks of the Web, SitePen and Peter Higgins, Dojo Project Lead
- Inside Dojo DnD: Drag Handles, SitePen and Eugene Lazutkin, Dojo Committer
- DOM Attributes, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Introduction to the Dojo Toolkit, Part 1, Sunil Patil, JavaWorld
- Dojo for Designers, Chris Anderson, SitePen, Dojo Contributor
- Using MD5 Digests to Make Long Get Requests, SitePen and Dustin Machi, Dojo Committer
- Demystifying Deferreds, SitePen and Dustin Machi, Dojo Committer
- Hello Dijit, Simon Bates, Adaptive Technology Resource Centre, Dojo Committer
- Widget Prototyping, Mike Wilcox, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Develop a Dojo-based Blog Reader, IBM Developer Works
- TinyBuddy IM, James Burke, AOL, Dojo Committer
- dijit.Tree and in Dojo 1.1, Bill Keese, IBM, Dojo Committer
- Dojo 1.1 Custom Widgets, Peter Svensson, Mashup Station, Dojo Contributor
- Accessibility, Becky Gibson, IBM, Dojo Committer
- Usable Directory Listing with Dojo, Sam Foster, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Developer Accessibility Requirements, Becky Gibson, IBM, Dojo Committer
- Creating Dojo Widgets with Inline Templates, Dustin Machi, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Implementing an Application Preloading Overlay, SitePen and Peter Higgins, Adconion, Dojo Project Lead
- Dojo Tag Cloud Widget, Viktor Krantz,, Dojo User
- Extending Dojo Widgets, Heather Koyuk, Dojo User
- Styling Dijit Form Elements, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Simple Grids, Bryan Forbes, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Diving Deeper into Dojo Grids, Bryan Forbes, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo 1.2 Grid, Bryan Forbes, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- New Features in the Dojo 1.2 Grid, Bryan Forbes, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- A million records in the grid, Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- Web-based spreadsheets with and Dojo, Learn about the server-side capabilities of, Oleg Mikheev and Doan Nguyen Van,
- dojox.gfx Complete Documentation, Eugene Lazutkin, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Rating Engine with GFX, Tobias von Klipstein, Dojo Contributor
- Floating Labels for Charts, Peter Svensson, Mashup Station, Dojo Contributor
- A Beginner's Guide to Dojo Charting: Part 1 of 2, Doug McMaster, SitePen, Dojo Contributor
- A Beginner's Guide to Dojo Charting: Part 2 of 2, Doug McMaster, SitePen, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo Charting Reorganization, Eugene Lazutkin, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Charting: Zooming, Scrolling, and Panning, Eugene Lazutkin, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Charting: Event Support has Landed, Eugene Lazutkin, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Charting: Widgets, Tooltips, and Legend, Eugene Lazutkin, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Custom Fonts with dojox.gfx, Tom Trenka, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo, Now with Drawing Tools, Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- Introducing DojoX DataChart, Mike Wilcox, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Cometd-based chat examples: Cometd Chat and iPhone Cometd Chat
- Real-time Widgets with the Dojo Toolkit, Dylan Schiemann, SitePen, Dojo Co-founder
- Using REST Channels with Dojo, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- JSONPath Support, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- RESTful JSON + Dojo, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- JSONQuery, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Pluggable Web Services with SMD, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Amazon S3 and Dojo, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Web Service to Store in 4 Easy Steps, Revin Guillen, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Transport, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Protected Cross-Domain Authentication, Neil Roberts, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Cross-Site XHR Plugin Registry, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Secure Mashups with, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Protected Cross-Domain Access with Dojo’s windowName, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- JSON Schema with Dojo, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Effective use of JsonRestStore: Referencing, Lazy Loading, and more, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Easy Exploration of Dojo Data Stores, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Some RPC with your JsonRestStore, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Deterministic Client/Server Interaction, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Offline
- Syntax Highlighting with Dojo, Tony Issakov, Dojo User
- AOP Aspect of JavaScript with Dojo, Eugene Lazutkin, Dojo Committer
- Replacing the Flash Flickr Badge with Dojo, Dylan Schiemann, SitePen, Dojo Co-founder
- Inside the Dojo Toolbox, SitePen and Kevin Dangoor, mozilla, Dojo Contributor
- The Dojo Toolkit and Deft, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- The Dojo Toolkit Multi-file Uploader, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Reinhardt: a Client-side Web Framework, SitePen and Kevin Dangoor, mozilla, Dojo Contributor
- OSGI and JavaScript; Frameworks and building blocks for Ajax apps, Bill Higgins, IBM Rational, Dojo Conributor
- DWR Hooks and Dojo Dialogs, SitePen and Joe Walker, mozilla, DWR Project Founder
-, .hide, .toggle, and more, Peter Higgins, Adconion, Dojo Project Lead
- Micro-blogging with Dojo, Yahoo Pipes, Google Docs, and Google App Engine, Ray Chance, ECMINSTITUTE, Dojo User
- Dojo Search with Yahoo BOSS, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Introducing OAuth with DojoX, SitePen and Tom Trenka, Dojo Committer
- Dynamic Stylesheets, Part 1, SitePen and Sam Foster, Dojo Committer
- Navigating in an IE Modal Dialog, Shane O'Sullivan, Facebook, Dojo Contributor
- Advanced JavaScript Debugging Techniques, SitePen and Mike Wilcox, Dojo Committer
- Dojo for Sling 101, Lars Trieloff, Day Software, Dojo User
- Dojo Modules for AIM, James Burke, AOL, Dojo Committer
- Dojo + jabsorb, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Medryx Observations, Maulin Shah, Medryx, Dojo Contributor
- Gears PubTools Search, Brad Neuberg, Dojo Committer
- Getting Started Using Persevere with Dojo, Kris Zyp, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo 1.2 and Django 1.0 on Google App Engine, Adam Fisk, LittleShoot, Dojo User
- Dojo Extensions for Adobe AIR, SitePen, Dojo Committers and Contributors
- Writing a custom Dojo app, Wendi Nusbickel and Melissa Betancourt, IBM, Dojo Users
- A Dojo Plugin Pattern, Peter Higgins, Adconion, Dojo Project Lead
- DOH + Selenium, Rob Coup, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo Toolkit for Drupal, Chris Barber, CB1, Dojo Committer
- Dojo-mini, SitePen and Peter Higgins, Dojo Project Lead
- Easy, Repeatable Building/Deployment of Python+Dojo Projects, SitePen and Kevin Dangoor, mozilla, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo in 6K, SitePen and Alex Russell, Google, Dojo Co-founder
- Unit testing Web 2.0 apps using DOH, Jared Jurkiewicz/Stephanie Walter, IBM, Dojo Committer/User
- Automatic Dojo Builds, SitePen and Jason Cline, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo and Firebug Tricks for Development, SitePen and Tom Trenka, Dojo Committer
- Census2, Alex Russell, Google, Dojo Co-founder
- Patching Dojo, SitePen and Sam Foster, Dojo Committer
- Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo: The Definitive Guide, Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- Mastering Dojo: JavaScript and Ajax Tools for Great Web Experiences, Craig Riecke, Rawld Gill, Alex Russell
- Dojo: Using the Dojo JavaScript Library to Build AJAX Applications, James Harmon, Object Training Group, Dojo User
- Practical Dojo Projects, Frank Zammetti, Omnytex Technologies, Dojo User
- Concise Guide to Dojo, Leslie M. Orchard
- Learning Dojo, Peter Svensson - Dojo Contributor
- Dojo Fundamentals, Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- Dojo: The JavaScript Toolkit with Industrial-Strength Mojo, Linux Journal, July, 2008, Matthew Russell, Zaffra, Dojo Contributor
- SlideShare, slides uploaded by many Dojo Committers
- Achieving a runtime CPAN with Dojo's XD loader, James Burke, AOL, Dojo Committer
- Accessibility and Internationalization, Adam Peller and Becky Gibson, IBM, Dojo Committers
- Dojo 1.0.2 Screencast, InfoWorld Videos
- The Case for WYSIWYG Ajax Tools, Scott Miles and Steve Orvell, WaveMaker, Dojo Committers
- Dojo 1.1, the Enterprise Effect, Bob Buffone, Nexaweb, Dojo Contributor
- Can We Get There From Here, Google I/O, Alex Russell, SitePen, Dojo Co-founder
- Efficient JavaScript Development and dojo.basix, Wolfram Kriesing, Uxebu, Dojo Committer
- Dojo Sensei Reader Screencast, Revin Guillen, SitePen, Dojo Committer
- Dojo 1.2 Loader and Build System, James Burke, AOL, Dojo Committer
- 0 to Production with Dojo - SpringOne America 2008 with Peter Higgins
There are many blogs exclusively or partly devoted to dojo.
- Dojo's own blog (RSS)
- Dojo Toolkit Aggregator (RSS) - collects articles from various sources
- SitePen's blog (RSS) - has many articles about dojo
- Eugene's blog (ATOM) - has many articles about dojo
- Sam's blog - sometimes has dojo articles.
- Peter's Blog
- Dojomino - Dojo + Domino
- - Companion blog for "Dojo: The Definitive Guide" by author Matthew Russell