Releases: Axway-API-Management-Plus/apimanager-swagger-promote
Version 1.6.1-1
- Improved handling and documentation for the API Outbound Authentication-Settings
- #123: Now you can use Operating-System variables in your API-Config-File as describe here
- Now, when the parameter: backendBasePath is set, which changes the Swagger-File itself, the API-Proxy isn't adjusted anymore, as it created a duplication of the base-path. Documentation updated accordingly.
- #124: Fixed an issue in the subscription handling
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🆕 Added a new report telling you which Custom-Policies are used by which APIs. (Learn more)
Version 1.6.1
- Rollback-Handling on API-Manager Version 7.7 improved
- #111: now the configured
is also used to set thebasepath
in addition to thehost
in your Swagger-File (Learn more) - Quota-Handling improved (Learn more)
- now testing on all branches with Cassandra 2.2.12 instead of 2.2.8
- added Version 7.6.2 SP4 into the automated test suite
- #116: Fixed an issue, that OrgAdmins couldn't load the API-Manager config, which leads to other issues
- #115: When using Method-Level config & Version 7.5.3 the unkown field: faultHandlerPolicy was sent to API-Mgr. Now Fault-Handler-Policies aren't send anymore to versions <7.6.2
- #119: When using Method-Level configuration, the API-Recreation failed. This is now fixed.
- the API-Properties file using option: detailsExportFile for post-processing wasn't created in case of an Error. Now it's.
- If a stage is provided in version 1.6.0 an apiconfig.<stage>.json was also required. Now this is now optional again.
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🆕 Added a new report telling you which Custom-Policies are used by which APIs. (Learn more)
Version 1.6.0
🆕 Added a new report telling you which Custom-Policies are used by which APIs. (Learn more)
- 🎉 Added support for method level overrides (Learn more)
- #75: Rollback-Feature - To leave API-Manager in a clean state, in case of an error already created FE- or BE-API will be deleted
- #90: Now supporting variables (e.g
) in API-Config file to provide more flexibility (Learn more) - Performance improvement looking up an existing API.
- Now validating the Config-Parameter:
is given and has a valid format - Error-Handling improved, when BE-API can't be created - Now logging response message from API-Manager
- #94: Making sure to close HTTP-Connections which has been opened
- #98: Now re-apply the VHost during publish to make sure, the VHost is set
- Fixed a problem ( mark/reset not supported) when using Client-Certificates
- #101: BE-API imported with a wrong content type.
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Version 1.5.3
- Swagger-Promote now available in
- added a new Module to export API-Metadata-Information for Embedded-Analytics V2.0 (Leran more)
- #70: Added support for outbound SSL authentication (Learn more)
- #60: Export API-Details for Post-Processing
- #81: Now using the backendBasePath to adjust the Host inside the Swagger-File
- Better Error-Handling if Front-API can't be created
- Improved Application-Subscriptions handling, esp. on API-Recreation
- When using API-Manager version 7.7 or higher now using the new convenience API:
to get a list of subscribed applications. This will improve performance when having many applications.
Please let me know (create an issue), when performance is not sufficient (Please provide: No of Orgs, Apps, APIs and processing time) - Added basic Proxy-Support for the connection Swagger-Promote to API-Manager
(by adding JVM-Parameters -Dhttp[s].proxyPort=xx -Dhttp[s].proxyHost=yy)
- Configured ClientOrgs not considered as a Change for an unpublished API
- #73: App-Handling failed on API Re-Creation when Organization is removed
- #86: Crash on Re-Creation an API when it has default application quota
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Version 1.5.2-1
Important note:
Starting from 7.6.2 SP3 the CSRF-Handling has changed and due to that, you must update Swagger-Promote to version 1.5.2 or higher.
- #54: When using the stage option to load an, the belonging API-Config file is now optional
- #51: Manually configured App-Quotas for an API are now re-configured on API Re-Creation
- Updated Jackson library for security reasons
- #53: Added support for Query-String-Routing option, which is provided by the API-Manager
- #55: App- or System-Quota not applied when configured only one
- #52: Relative API-Image path wasn't working as expected - Now it's.
- #58: Unable to load image from an absolute path - Support has been added
- Improved username-password parser given on URI added dedicated Unit-Test
- #63: With API-Manager 7.6.2-SP2 or higher, the API-Image was always considered as a changed property. Now the tool is using a more reliable process the compare desired- and actual-image.
- #71: Added a specific fix for 7.5.3 not supporting QueryStringRouting option (Use version 1.5.2-1)
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Version 1.5.1
- #44: Now validating the given organization exists and has the development flag enabled.
- #43: Now configured Applications quotas for an API are taken over to the newly created API
- Nothing special, but as always some generic improvements
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Version 1.5.0
- #38: Now the referring API-Definition (Swagger/WSDL) can be configured in the config-file
Thanks to @gcornacchia for your contribution on this! - #11: OrgAdmin support added - Learn more
- Added support to externalize parameters into environment specific property files - Learn more
- Nothing special, but as always some generic improvements
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Version 1.4.2
- Now trusting all kind of API-Manager certificates. See issue: #31
- API-Manager port can now be declared See issue: #14
- Now validating at the start, that user has Admin-Role permissions
- Added support for SOAP-Services based on WSDL-Definitions (Beta) - Please provide feedback
Thanks to @gcornacchia for your heavy contribution on this!
- Improved error handling when loading Custom-Policies & Tokenstores. See issue #32
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Version 1.4.1
- Script: "run-swagger-import.bat" now supports a relative paths to the Config-, Swagger- or Image-File to the current location
- Added support to control Application- and Organization-Handling with a mode: Ignore | Add | Replace
- Stabilized Application- and Organization-Handling
- A status change from "Published" to "Deleted", "Unpublished" might be breaking. Now this kind of changes requires an enforcement.
- No longer performing 'Upgrade access to new API', when Desired API-State is unpublished. For instance when going back from state Published to Unpublished.
- Now ignoring ClientApps, if desired API state is unpublished
- Don't handle Client-Apps & - Orgs anymore, when Re-Creating a new API, as this has been done already for the newly created API.
- Changes to Client-Applications leads to Re-Creation of the API. This no longer happens.
- Outbound Authentication wasn't realized as a change, when changing a single parameter, like the API-Key value. Now it's detected as a change and replicated.
- An Authentication-Profile (Outbound-AuthN) change no longer leads to an API-Re-Creation when API is in state unpublished
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Version 1.4.0
- added support to reference a Swagger-Files based on a URL (incl. optional HTTP-Basic Auth) Learn more
- added support to use Custom-Inbound-Security-Policies Learn more
- Changes in Swagger-File not replicated into API-Manager, when status is "Unpublished"
- Provided images are now relative to the API-Config-File and not the Swagger-File
- Fixes NPE, when configuration Apps without ClientOrganizations
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