Website: Demo
[E-commerce] is an application to purshace product online.
Open 3 terminals
1-First terminal:
cd backend
npm install (install packages)
npm run start (run backend)
2-Second terminal:
cd front
npm install (install packages)
npm run start (run frontend)
3-Third terminal:
cd Data initialization
npm install (install packages)
npm run start (run to initialize data)
Email : [email protected] Password : 12345
Fetch all categories
Select product by category
Add to cart
Pay with card
Payment using card example :
card nubmer CVV data
Visa 4242424242424242 3 ranom digits Any date after today's date
Track Order history by user
all of the above features
add Product / Delete
Order history tracking for all users
ReactJS on client side
NodeJS for Rest API
Sequelize ORM for MySQL database
Stripe for Payment
upload file to cloudinary