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BIFFUD Projects

Daniel Schultz edited this page Aug 5, 2018 · 20 revisions
COMMON CONTENT: Tagline, description, github link, project application, primary image, secondary images, associated links, press coverage, DONATE TO SUPPORT button, Needs, emoji, BIFFUD number.
1. Active Projects
2. Hibernating Projects
Possible Needs
1. Money
2. UI / UX
3. Graphic Design
4. Code
5. Users
6. {Specialized Needs / freeform entry}

The Glorious Contextubot


Let's make the "big picture" as interesting as the viral one.





Primary / secondary images


Associated Links

Press Coverage

Overengineered Diplomacy


A system to publicize friend-death as robustly as possible.


Diplomacy is a game that breaks people. It involves betreyal and backstabbing over a long period of time. The premise is simple: the players are all world powers and they control armies. Each power wants to control as much territory as possible. All moves are deterministic, there is no randomness to the game. However, people can lie about what they plan to do.

Playing diplomacy is a bad idea in itself, but writing complex code to publicly render an otherwise private, simple game is a genuine waste of raw creative energy.


GitHub Repository

Primary / secondary images


Associated Links



Convert locations to notes, and back.


Translate geographic locations into a three note chord that you can play on a full sized piano keyboard. This sounds useless, but now you can sing your directions to your friend, build an ocarina interface to google maps, or automatically generate spotify playlists for your road trip.

Associated Links

Egg Facts


A book about eggs.


Nobody wants to read facts about eggs .... ( or do they? 🤔 ) We are spending dozens of egg hours harvesting #eggfacts, creating accompanying content / illustrations, establishing printing / shipping logistics, buying eggs and writing #eggfacts on them (stretchgoals), decorating eggs with dog hair (to create unique eggcharacters - (super stretch goals)), only to sell exactly zero copies (unless we buy them ourselves).

Associated Links

Emoji Compass


You ask the compass, "How am I going to die?" It answers, "🦉🍞."


The Dark Materials trilogy is centered around a "Golden Compass". Its official name is alethiometer, or "truth measure". The device is like a compass, in that it's the size of a pocketwatch and has needles that spin toward answers. Its face shows 36 symbols, each of which can represent 12+ ideas, concepts, or literal meanings.

To use the compass, the user sets the three needles to three symbols that frame the question she is posing, and then the alethiometer spins the needles to three symbols to provide a cryptic answer. This answer is truth, but must be carefully interpreted.

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A screenwriter for your inane Internet chatter.


Research suggests that that there is no such thing as a singular "true self" [citation needed], and that one's behavior instead subtly transforms when one is placed into different contexts, for various reasons, such as the desire to be accepted by a social group, or to attain status in one context but to remain unnoticed in another [citation needed]. When observing a person interacting with a particular social group, physical and behavioral cues, including posture, location and proximity to other persons, speech patterns, volume, gestures, and other interpersonal dynamics are signs of the role that this person plays within this group [citation needed]. As such, all real-life interaction are inherently performative [citation needed]. Yet, when these cues are stripped away, as in the case of a text-only medium like Internet chat, one's intended intonation and voice are obscured, and indeed the speaker is stripped of personality and performance [citation needed]. By interpreting the subtle cues that may be present in the act of typing itself, physical cues can be translated into stage direction for later re-enactment [citation needed]. Yet the multitudes of differing adaptions of the textual content of a play lends itself to a rich tapestry of interpretation, reminding us that all text, and perhaps even all physical and behavioral cues, are filtered through many lenses including that of the viewer, such that the "true self" of the original speaker may remain completely unknowable [citation needed].

Associated Links

Truth Goggles


🤔 is hard, let mindless 🤖s help you do it


Truth Goggles is an attempt to help people 🤔 more carefully when reading information online. It's based on cutting edge science about all the ways people can screw up with consuming information. There are so many ways. This project is funded by the Duke University's Tech and Check initiative.

Associated Links

Press Coverage

Signature Effects


Microsoft Word Art, but with signatures.


(This description will be a series of word art images, similar to the content of the Project Application)

Associated Links



Pay your debts. Eventually.


An abbreviated strawman history of transactions: 100 million years ago - i dunno, no money probably just dinosaur things 10 million years ago - still no money, speed this up 5000 years ago - Commodity money where the money itself has immediate perceived value (lame) 4000 years ago - Standarized coins (proto-bitcoins) 1000 years ago - Banknotes (bitpaper) 500 years ago - federalized banking 200 years ago - Construction of the Erie Canal begins 50 years ago - free floating fiat currencies 25 years ago - online banking 15 years ago - Paypal founded 8 years ago - Venmo founded, Bitcoin introduced NOW - ZENMO

The history of interpersonal transactions has inexoriably moved towards faster, easier methods of settling debts. This has only accelerated with the integration of the internet and increases in computing power. However, this has left a massive opportunity - how can we provide slower, more frustrating, technically inaccurate, borderline unusable transactions to those who need them. Enter Zenmo.

To settle a debt, Zenmo first takes an equivalent amount in a cryptocurrency. Next, our algorithms split that value up into hundreds or even thousands of pieces. These pieces are distributed nonuniformly to encourage random intermittent reinforcement to maximize the amount of time engaged in the transaction. Then, these amounts are recorded into paper wallets which the receiving party must check individually to receive the full debt owed. Given the underlying volatility and non-stationarity of cryptocurrencies, by the time this transaction is completed the debt will almost assuredly not be paid to the correct amount. However, the debt should probabilistically be less than it was previously (though possibly have changed hands). To complete the debt, the debtor and debtee will switch back and forth until rounding errors occur or the debt is too small to be worth the hassle. As cryptocurrencies inexplicably have miniscule discretized values, any debt could continue to be Zenmo'd back and forth for years.

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Time is the ultimate futures market.


In his Second Treatise on Government, the philosopher John Locke asked by what right an individual can claim to own one part of the world, when, according to the Bible, God gave the world to all humanity in common. He answered that persons own themselves and therefore their own labor. When a person works, that labor enters into the object. Thus, the object becomes the property of that person.

BuyTime is a website in which one can buy periods of time.

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Talking Point Tracker



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Press Coverage

Swipe Stuff



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Press Coverage

4,000 Under 40



Associated Links

Press Coverage

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