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BenniG82 edited this page Jul 15, 2014 · 7 revisions

Welcome to the edge-segments wiki!

There is no code yet?! This is github, so where is your source?!

Yes, you are absolutely right :( Unfortunately the FIT SDK I used has a horrible license. I'll have to re-implement the basic stuff to write the FIT-file. Currently I'm focusing on generating a working FIT file, so this has been placed back, but I'll definitely provide my code as soon as I've done the low-level FIT-writing stuff.

Here you can find information about my segments creator for Garmin Edge 1000 bike computer.

What needs to be done:

  • Take a rough look at the Strava API if all necessary information can be obtained
  • Register an Strava application
  • Take a rough look at the Garmin Segments file
  • Make a deeper inspection on the Segments file
    • Analyze and document all fit file entries (see this)
  • Write a sample Segment File generator for some dummy data
  • Get OAuth working to communicate with Strava (currently placed back; I'm using my personal token to get all public information)
  • Get segment information from Strava
    • Retrieve Metadata
    • Retrieve GPS-Track
    • Retrieve "competitor" GPS-Track/timing.
  • Simplify GPS-Track for Segment (not needed, this is done by strava)
  • Find/Create timings for opponents matching the simplified GPS-Track
  • Create a very simple user interface
  • Create a fancy interactive user inferface
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