This is a Java program to sum up input alpha characters to integer values. I wrote this for a code test I did in the fall of 2022.
Write a program to sum up the characters in a username. Each letter in the alphabet is assigned a value, A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on.
Non alphabet characters are not used in the final sum.
- Prompt user for username
- For each character in the username sum up the correlated integer value.
- Display the username and the sum.
Sample output:
C:\dev\code\prototypes\java\CodeTest\out\production\CodeTest>java CodeTest
Enter username
Jack Rief
Username value: Jack Rief = 63
C:\dev\code\prototypes\java\CodeTest\out\production\CodeTest>java CodeTest
Enter username
Jack Rief *()_&&%
Username value: Jack Rief *()_&&% = 63