diff --git a/MoP/Scholomance/JandiceBarov.lua b/MoP/Scholomance/JandiceBarov.lua
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..de3ced2b1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/MoP/Scholomance/JandiceBarov.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,108 @@
+-- Module Declaration
+local mod, CL = BigWigs:NewBoss("Jandice Barov", 1007, 663)
+if not mod then return end
+mod:RegisterEnableMob(59184) -- Jandice Barov
+-- Locals
+local whirlOfIllusionCount = 1
+-- Initialization
+function mod:GetOptions()
+ return {
+ 114062, -- Wondrous Rapidity
+ -5535, -- Whirl of Illusion
+ 114059, -- Gravity Flux
+ }, {
+ [114059] = CL.heroic, -- Gravity Flux (Heroic)
+ }
+function mod:OnBossEnable()
+ self:Log("SPELL_CAST_START", "WondrousRapidity", 114062)
+ self:Log("SPELL_AURA_APPLIED", "WondrousRapidityApplied", 114062)
+ self:RegisterUnitEvent("UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED", nil, "boss1") -- Whirl of Illusion, Gravity Flux
+function mod:OnEngage()
+ whirlOfIllusionCount = 1
+ self:SetStage(1)
+ self:CDBar(114062, 6.1) -- Wondrous Rapidity
+ if not self:Normal() then
+ self:CDBar(114059, 17.2) -- Gravity Flux
+ end
+-- Event Handlers
+ local prev = 0
+ function mod:WondrousRapidity(args)
+ prev = args.time
+ self:Message(args.spellId, "purple")
+ self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alarm")
+ if self:Normal() then
+ self:CDBar(args.spellId, 21.8)
+ else -- Heroic
+ self:CDBar(args.spellId, 31.5)
+ end
+ end
+ function mod:WondrousRapidityApplied(args)
+ -- immediately after Whirl of Illusion ends she can instant cast this ability with
+ -- no SPELL_CAST_START (and sometimes with no SPELL_CAST_SUCCESS), so show the alert
+ -- with an adjusted timer on SPELL_AURA_APPLIED if we didn't get the SPELL_CAST_START.
+ if args.time - prev > 2 then
+ self:Message(args.spellId, "purple")
+ self:PlaySound(args.spellId, "alarm")
+ if self:Normal() then
+ self:CDBar(args.spellId, 20.3)
+ else -- Heroic
+ self:CDBar(args.spellId, 30.0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+function mod:UNIT_SPELLCAST_SUCCEEDED(_, _, _, spellId)
+ if spellId == 113808 then -- Whirl of Illusion
+ -- this doesn't affect the CD of Wondrous Rapidity like it does for Gravity Flux
+ self:StopBar(114059) -- Gravity Flux
+ self:SetStage(2)
+ local percent = whirlOfIllusionCount == 1 and 66 or 33
+ self:Message(-5535, "cyan", CL.percent:format(percent, self:SpellName(-5535)))
+ self:PlaySound(-5535, "long")
+ whirlOfIllusionCount = whirlOfIllusionCount + 1
+ elseif spellId == 114059 then -- Gravity Flux
+ self:Message(spellId, "orange")
+ self:PlaySound(spellId, "alarm")
+ self:CDBar(spellId, 31.5)
+ end
+ -- the boss frame goes away during Stage 2, use this to detect when the boss returns to start Stage 1 again
+ if self:GetStage() == 2 and self:GetBossId(59184) and UnitExists("boss1") then -- Jandice Barov
+ self:SetStage(1)
+ self:Message(-5535, "green", CL.over:format(self:SpellName(-5535))) -- Whirl of Illusion
+ self:PlaySound(-5535, "info")
+ if not self:Normal() then
+ self:CDBar(114059, 10.4) -- Gravity Flux
+ end
+ end
diff --git a/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Colors.lua b/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Colors.lua
index 9de8a590a..c3fc50cb2 100644
--- a/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Colors.lua
+++ b/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Colors.lua
@@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ BigWigs:AddColors("Instructor Chillheart", {
[111854] = "cyan",
+BigWigs:AddColors("Jandice Barov", {
+ [-5535] = {"cyan","green"},
+ [114059] = "orange",
+ [114062] = "purple",
diff --git a/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Sounds.lua b/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Sounds.lua
index 24e5515ea..bff0bfb85 100644
--- a/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Sounds.lua
+++ b/MoP/Scholomance/Options/Sounds.lua
@@ -7,3 +7,8 @@ BigWigs:AddSounds("Instructor Chillheart", {
[111854] = "info",
+BigWigs:AddSounds("Jandice Barov", {
+ [-5535] = {"info","long"},
+ [114059] = "alarm",
+ [114062] = "alarm",
diff --git a/MoP/Scholomance/modules.xml b/MoP/Scholomance/modules.xml
index 309fb1092..26cd0ebd1 100644
--- a/MoP/Scholomance/modules.xml
+++ b/MoP/Scholomance/modules.xml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@