- termux-activity-manager: Manages activities running in the background.
- termux-app-info [package_name]: Displays information about the specified app.
- termux-app-list: Lists all installed apps.
- termux-audio-info: Displays information about the audio system.
- termux-audio-play [file]: Plays the specified audio file.
- termux-audio-record [output_file]: Records audio and saves it to the specified file.
- termux-battery-status: Shows battery information such as level, status, health, etc.
- termux-brightness [value]: Sets the screen brightness to the specified value.
- termux-camera-info: Provides information about the device's camera(s).
- termux-camera-photo [output_file]: Takes a photo using the device's camera and saves it to the specified file.
- termux-camera-record [output_file]: Records a video using the device's camera and saves it to the specified file.
- termux-camera-snapshot [output_file]: Takes a snapshot using the device's camera and saves it to the specified file.
- termux-camera-view: Opens a live preview from the device's camera.
- termux-clipboard-get: Retrieves the current contents of the clipboard.
- termux-clipboard-set [text]: Sets the clipboard contents to the specified text.
- termux-clipboard-clear: Clears the clipboard contents.
- termux-contact-get [contact_name]: Retrieves information about the specified contact.
- termux-contact-list: Lists all contacts stored on the device.
- termux-download [URL]: Downloads a file from the specified URL.
- termux-fix-shebang [file]: Fixes the shebang of a script file to make it executable.
- termux-info: Displays system information.
- termux-infrared-frequencies: Lists the supported frequencies of the device's infrared transmitter.
- termux-infrared-transmit [frequency] [pattern]: Transmits an infrared pattern at the specified frequency.
- termux-keyring [options]: Manages passwords and secrets.
- termux-media-scan [path]: Scans the specified path for media files.
- termux-microphone-record [output_file]: Records audio using the device's microphone and saves it to the specified file.
- termux-notification: Sends a notification to the notification bar.
- termux-notification-remove [id]: Removes a notification with the specified ID.
- termux-notification-list: Lists all active notifications.
- termux-notification-remove-all: Removes all active notifications.
- termux-open [file/path]: Opens a file or directory with the default app.
- termux-open-url [URL]: Opens the specified URL in the default browser.
- termux-share: Shares files or text using the Android share menu.
- termux-sms-list: Lists all SMS messages.
- termux-sms-inbox: Lists received SMS messages.
- termux-sms-send -n [number] [message]: Sends an SMS to the specified number with the given message.
- termux-sms-view [message_id]: Displays the contents of the specified SMS message.
- termux-storage-get [path]: Retrieves information about the specified storage path.
- termux-storage-list: Lists all available storage volumes.
- termux-telephony-cellinfo: Shows information about the current cellular network.
- termux-telephony-deviceinfo: Shows device-specific information.
- termux-telephony-imei: Shows the IMEI number of the device.
- termux-telephony-signalstrength: Shows information about the signal strength of the cellular network.
- termux-torch [true/false]: Turns the device's flashlight on or off.
- termux-tts-engines: Lists available text-to-speech engines.
- termux-tts-speak [text]: Converts text to speech and speaks it aloud.
- termux-upload [source_file] [destination_directory]: Uploads a file to the specified directory.
- termux-url-opener [URL]: Opens the specified URL in the default app.
- termux-volume: Controls volume settings.
- termux-wallpaper [file]: Sets the device's wallpaper to the specified image file.