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This repository provides a set of scripts for the validation of volumetric cell densities in .nrrd format. Specifically, this refers to validations of their internal consistency, NOT their scientific validity. This entails checks that e.g. the sum of densities of inhibitory sub-types sum up to the density of inhibitory neurons in general.


The requirements are few and listed in requirements.txt.

Getting started

Install the supporting package, its dependencies and scripts using pip:

cd cell-densities
pip install .


The purpose of all scripts is to perform simple utility tasks on cell density files. A cell density files is a .nrrd file, i.e. a voxel data file that specifies for each voxel the density of a class of neurons in that voxel (in mm^-3). A cell density atlas comprises various cell density files, one for each class of neurons, but for convenience also densities of broader classes, such as "inhibitory" or even "neurons". A voxel atlas additionally contains .nrrd files that specify the geometry of brain regions, such as region annotations or cortical depths.


This enables you to run the following scripts:

check-density-consistency TEST_SPECS.json

This performs a consistency check on .nrrd-formated cell densities. The specific tests executed are formalized in TEST_SPECS.json, for details of that file, see below. Note that ./configs and ./consistency_configs contains some exemplary configuration files that formalize useful tests. However, they contain paths to files that may be at different location on your system. Additionally, your model may use a different set of e.g. inhibitory neuron subclasses. So you will have to adjust the files.

extract-depth-profiles CONFIG.JSON OUT

This extracts depth profiles of cell densities for different regions and cell types. The results are compiled into a pandas.DataFrame, which is written to OUT. The cell classes and regions considered are specified in CONFIG.JSON. For details on that file, see below. Note that ./configs/depth-profiles provides useful exemplary configurations, but it contains paths to files that may be at different locations on your system, so you will have to adjust. Note also, that the concept of "depth" in this context is not cleverly calculated, but an input: The configuration file must provide a .nrrd file that associates each voxel with a depth value. This enables very flexible use cases.

validate-depth-profiles CONFIG.JSON

This script is similar to extract-depth-profiles. But instead of extracting depth profiles and writing them to a results file, it instead compares them to a reference in a plot. The reference is expected in the same format as the output generated by extract-depth-profiles. This allows the user to quickly compare the depth profiles from two different atlases. The location of the reference file is specified in the CONFIG.JSON.

densities-across-regions ATLAS-ROOT OUT

This script reads all cell density files found in the specified atlas directory and calculates cell counts in all cortical regions for all different types. Results are compiled into a pandas.DataFrame, which is then written to OUT.

extract-mean-cell-counts YML-CFG REGION OUT

This extracts the total number of neurons of the various different types, assembles them into a pandas.DataFrame and writes the dataframe to OUT. REGION is a region acronym according to the AIBS region hierarchy. YML-CFG is a configuration files that specifies which Nexus instance to access the data from. The functionality is very similar to densities-across-regions, but it relies on a Nexus instance instead of reading from files on the system.

Consistency test specifications

The configuration file is a json file specifying a dict with the following entries:

Required entries

  • annotations: Value is a path to a .nrrd file. The file holds the brain region annotation volume
  • hierarchy: Value is a path to a .json file. The file holds the brain region hierarchy and ids.
  • nrrd: Value is a dict. Each value of the dict is a path to an .nrrd file with cell densities, or a list of such files. Several files can be grouped together in the same list if they are used together in all tests specified below. The keys of the dict are labels given to the files (nrrd-labels) to be used in the rest of the specifications
  • tests: Value is a list of tests, formatted as below

Optional entries

  • circuits: Value is a dict. Each value of the dict is the path to a CircuitConfig file that can be used with Bluepy. The keys are used as shorthand names for the circuits in "circuit-target" specs (see below). If you only want to validate atlases, and not circuits, then you can leave this out.

Specification of individual tests

Individual tests are specified as dicts with the following entries:

Required entries

  • left: A list of nrrd-labels or numbers or "circuit-target" specs (see below)
  • right: Another list of nrrd-labels or numbers or "circuit-target" specs (see below) The lists are specified such that sum of the volumes in "left" is expected to be (approximately) equal to the sum of volumes in "right". If a number is part of any of the lists, it will be added as a constant.

Optional entries

  • tolerance: A dict with any number of the following keys: ["absolute", "relative"]. Values specify the maximal error tolerated in terms of absolute or relative difference, as given by the key. If both "absolute" and "relative" are used, then both tests must pass. If not used, then no tolerance is given, i.e. "left" must exactly equal "right"
  • mask: A specification of brain regions. The test will be applied only to regions matching the description. If no mask is given, all voxels are used. Specification of regions: See below. The test will always compare the total sums of voxels on the "left" and "right" and check whether their difference exceeds tolerance. If only nrrd-labels are used in both "left" and "right", additionally a per-voxel comparison of the sum on the left and right are performed. The per-voxel test checks whether the maximum error over (masked) voxels exceeds tolerance.

Mask specification

A mask specification one of:

  • A string that is the acronym of a brain region used in the specified hierarchy.json file (see above)
  • A string starting with "Layer" and the rest of it specifies a cortical layer using an arabic numeral. Example: "Layer5". A range of layers is specified as follows: "Layer[2-4]"
  • A list of length 2:
    • First entry is one of "and", "or"
    • Second entry is a list of valid mask specifications. If "and" is used, then a voxel has to belong to all specifications in the list, if "or" is used, then a voxel only has to belong to at least one.

Circuit-target specs

This specifies a set of neurons in a circuit model, where the properties of the neurons fulfill certain, specifiable criteria. When used as part of an individual test (see above), the density of these neurons in the context of the annotation atlas (see above under "required entries") is used for validation. That means, a circuit-target spec can be used in exactly the same way as an .nrrd file for the purpose of validations, but it will use the density of actually placed neurons!

A "circuit-target" spec is a dict with the following entries:

  • "circuit": The value must be a string that can be used as index of the "circuits" dict specified above under "optional entries".
  • "group" (Optional): When provided, this limits the neurons considered to the specified cell target. The target must be defined in the specified circuit.
  • "filters" (Optional): An optional dict. Keys are names of neuron properties, each value is either a list of valid values or simply a single valid value. Then, only neurons that match for all given properties the valid value(s) are considered. Potential properties are the ones that can be used in bluepy when calling Circuit.cells.get(properties=[...]). The exact list depends on the circuit, the most common are:
    • 'etype'
    • 'layer'
    • 'me_combo'
    • 'morph_class'
    • 'morphology'
    • 'mtype'
    • 'region'
    • 'synapse_class'

Example: {"Circuit": "my_circ", "group": "Excitatory"} and {"Circuit": "my_circ", "filters": {"synapse_class": "EXC"}} should both result in the same group of neurons.

Funding & Acknowledgment

This development is supported by funding to the Blue Brain Project, a research center of the École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), from the Swiss government's ETH Board of the Swiss Federal Institutes of Technology. Copyright © 2024 Blue Brain Project/EPFL