Our components are deployed here.
- className: String: Applies the Class Name to the component
- style: One of: H1, H2, H3, H4, CardHeading, Body, BodySmall, FormLabel, FormInvalid, Alt
- src: String: The link to the text class
- link: Boolean: Denoting whether it should be an
tag or not - color: String: Denotes what color it should be
- className: N/A
- style: Body
- src: N/A
- link: N/A
- color: N/A
>The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. ? !</Text>
Button text is passed in through props.child. Example: <Button>Text Here</Button>
- className: String: Applies the Class Name to the component
- style: One of: primary, secondary, destructive, or link. Denotes style of button
- size: One of: small, medium, large. Denotes size of button.
- disabled: Boolean: Denoting whether or not it is a disabled button or not.
- onClick: Function: Triggers the passed in function when button is clicked.
Text Default: Button
className: N/A
style: primary
size: medium
disabled: false
onClick: N/A
onClick={() => {console.log('hello')}}
>Hello Button</Button>
- USD: Number: US Dollar Amount. If using the API, should be
- amount: Number: Token Amount. If using the API, should be
- symbol: String: Token Symbol. If using the API, should be
- USD: 0
- amount: 0.0
- symbol: ETH
Chips are used when showing multiple tags/hashtags/categories. Not meant to be clicked on, just for displaying. (Typically one word)
Will be passed in through props.children. Example: <Chip>Text</Chip>
const renderCategories = categories => {
return categories.map(elem => <Chip>{elem.name}</Chip>);
// renders a list of chips with the categories being the text
- className: Class names that would be applied to the dialogue box
- size: One of: small, medium, large
- header: String: Header text
- closeButton: Boolean: Denoting if there will be a X in the top right of the dialogue box
- buttons: Array: takes in an array of Buttons. Will render in the order of the buttons.
- className: N/A
- size: medium
- header: ''
- closeButton: false
- buttons: []
const primaryButton = (
<Button style={'primary'} onClick={action('primary-clicked')}>
const secondaryButton = (
<Button style={'secondary'} onClick={action('secondary-clicked')}>
header="Dialogue Title"
buttons={[secondaryButton, primaryButton]}
This is some body copy that may show up within a dialogue. It may describe
an event or something else. Who knows?
This bounty card is fully built out. You only need to pass in the data object that is received from one of the endpoints. Example endpoint: https://api.bounties.network/bounty/286/
<BountyCard bountyData={fakeData} />
- Need to import
. - Only property is class.
- Class takes style prefix AND Icon name
- fas: Solid
- far: Regular
- fal: Light
- fab: Brands
<i class='fas fa-camera-retro' />