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Releases: BradleyA/markit


23 Dec 03:29
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Release Name 4.2.1

Release Date 2020-12-22T21:02:03.686774-06:00 (CST)

  • Added test cases to be used with repository BradleyA/git-TEST-commit-automation

Features Added

  • Updated .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ changed command example
  • Updated .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/ changed command example
  • Updated .gitignore added hooks/ directory to .gitignore for git-TEST-commit-automation testing
  • Updated
  • check-markit
    • Added unique temporary directory names to support automation, close #84
    • Added to check-markit SEE ALSO section
    • Check if file starts with '-', Invalid option
    • Change --file option to --filename option
    • Production standard 1.3.614 DEBUG variable
    • Production standard 2.3.614 Log format
    • Production standard 0.3.615 --help
    • Production standard 9.3.606 Parse CLI options and arguments
  • markit
    • Change output color to help review of output
    • Redesign -c, -d, -s option code
    • Production standard 1.3.614 DEBUG variable
    • Production standard 2.3.614 Log format
    • Production standard 0.3.615 --help
    • Production standard 9.3.606 Parse CLI options and arguments
    • Production standard 7.3.602 Default variable value
  • markit
    • Updated if statement syntax from this [] to this [[]]
    • Production standard 1.3.614 DEBUG variable
    • Production standard 2.3.614 Log format
    • Production standard 0.3.615 --help
    • Production standard 9.3.606 Parse CLI options and arguments


  • close #84 define unique temporary directory names to support automation
  • close #88 look at adding default TEST cases and update


03 Oct 20:50
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Release Name 4.1.8

Release Date 2020-10-03T15:36:36.764370-05:00 (CDT)

  • Added ISSUE_TEMPLATES, security policy -,,,
  • Added file name(s) to beginning of git commit message, line 2, to help locate file(s) that changed
  • Added branch name to line 1, to help locate changes to file(s)
  • Added default BradleyA/git-TEST-commit-automation testcases

Features Added

  • Added .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  • Added .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  • Added .github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/
  • Added
  • Added - create repository, closes #78
  • Added images/
  • Added images/construction-icon.gif
  • Added images/
  • Updated
  • Added default BradleyA/git-TEST-commit-automation testcases for testing during code development
  • markit
    • Added display_help about how to git push to more than one repository
    • Updated Production standards 5.3.559 Copyright, 2.3.578 Log format, 9.3.562 Parse CLI options and arguments, closes #76
    • Automate adding file name(s) to beginning of message, closes #75
    • Added test cases, closes #73
    • Testing changes to markit add branch to line 1, closes #69
    • Testing with branching, closes #68
    • Added repository and branch to display_help, closes #82
    • Production standards: 5.3.550 Copyright, 0.3.550 --help, 4.3.550 Documentation Language, 1.3.550 DEBUG variable, closes #74
  • check-markit
    • Updated Production Standards 3.550, closes #72
    • Added test cases, closes #73
    • Correct display-usage
    • Upgraded Production standards, closes #79


  • close #68 Testing with branching
  • close #69 Testing changes to markit add branch to line 1
  • close #71 Review:
  • close #72 Updated Production Standards 3.550
  • clone #73 Added test cases
  • close #74 Production standards: 5.3.550 Copyright, 0.3.550 --help, 4.3.550 Documentation Language, 1.3.550 DEBUG variable
  • close #75 Automate adding file name(s) to beginning of message
  • close #76 Updated Production standards 5.3.559 Copyright, 2.3.578 Log format, 9.3.562 Parse CLI options and arguments
  • close #78 Feature Request - - create repository
  • close #79 Upgraded Production standards
  • close #82 Added repository and branch to display_help


08 Jun 01:02
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Version 3.213.519

Release Name 3.213

Release Date 2019-06-07T20:00:24.218494-05:00 (CDT)

  • Bug fix

Features Added

  • markit
    • Remove quotes from [ERROR] about requiring a git pull first, closes #67


  • close #67 Remove quotes from [ERROR] about requiring a git pull first


27 May 22:15
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Version 3.212.517

Release Name 3.212

Release Date 2019-05-27T17:06:49.252530-05:00 (CDT)

  • check-markit - changed output to include date vers version

Features Added

  • Updated
  • check-markit
    • Changed output to include date vers version, closs #66


  • close #66 Changed output to include date vers version


21 May 18:47
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Version 3.210.512

Release Name 3.210.512

Release Date 2019-05-21T13:32:34.729227-05:00 (CDT)

  • Added file types for terraform

Features Added

  • Updated
  • markit
    • Added file types for terraform, closes #64
    • Test git push using markit to github, gitlab, and bitbucket, closes #63
    • From bitbucket includes github URL not Bitbucket URL on line 2, closes #62
    • Modified .git/config to push to github, gitlab, and bitbucket
    • Push-two-repository-test
    • Incident - retesting markit only works repositories that have been clone from a remote repository. something to do with master origin, closes #28
    • failed to find any when in ~/kubernets, closes #45


  • close #28 Incident - retesting markit only works repositories that have been clone from a remote repository. something to do with master origin
  • close #45 - failed to find any when in ~/kubernets
  • close #62 From bitbucket includes github URL not Bitbucket URL on line 2
  • close #63 Test git push using markit to github, gitlab, and bitbucket
  • close #64 Added file types for terraform


09 Feb 03:40
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Version 3.197.368

Release Name 3.197

Release Date 2019-02-08T20:33:53.600661-06:00 (CST)

  • Markit adds two comment lines with information about file changes to all
    modified tracked file(s) in your local Git repository. Then pushes those
    modified file(s) to either a GitHub repository or Bitbucket repository or
    GitLab project. If environment variable MARKITLOCAL is set to 1, markit
    adds two comment lines, commits modified tracked file(s) in your local
    Git repository, but does not push to remote Git repository. I find this
    helpful when working without network access to a remote Git repository.
  • Added support for additional file types
  • Moved from user-work-files to markit

Features Added

  • Updated LICENSE file
  • Updated, closes #60
  • markit
    • Updated display_help
    • Added Environment Variables MARKITLOCAL to support markit on local system, closes #61
    • Updated user help message during failed git push
    • Updated user help message for untracked files
    • Tested with Makefile c ruby scala go
    • Added support for tcsh csh ksh etc, closes #59
    • Added presentation notes and slides
    • Updated production standard 5 include Copyright notice
    • Adapted to work with Bitbucket, closes #38
    • Updated production standard 4 update display_help LANGUAGE, closes #58
    • Added nano seconds to the 6 most significant digits
    • Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code, closes #50
    • Changed log format and order, closes #49
    • shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents, closes #51
  • check-markit
    • Added section for bitbucket check-markit include Bitbucket repository, closes #37
    • shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents, closes #52
    • Changed log format and order, closes #54
    • Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code, closes #53
    • shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents, closes #57
    • Changed log format and order, closes #56
    • Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code, closes #55
    • Support environment variables, closes #44
    • Completed display_help, closes #43


  • close #37 Added section for bitbucket check-markit include Bitbucket repository
  • close #38 Adapted to work with Bitbucket
  • close #43 Completed display_help
  • close #44 Support environment variables
  • close #49 Changed log format and order
  • close #50 Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code
  • close #51 shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents
  • close #52 shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents
  • close #53 Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code
  • close #54 Changed log format and order
  • close #55 Order of precedence: add support for environment variable (export DEBUG=1), default code
  • close #56 Changed log format and order
  • close #57 shellcheck to clean up future minor incidents
  • close #58 Updated production standard 4 update display_help LANGUAGE
  • close #59 Added support for tcsh csh ksh etc
  • close #60 Added gitlog to
  • close #61 Added Environment Variables MARKITLOCAL to support markit on local system


18 Oct 19:43
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Version 3.120.273

Release Name 3.120

Release Date 2018-10-18T14:36:15-05:00 (CDT)

  • Changed to get_date_stamp() function
  • Added directory name to file_name so users can go directly to a file on GitHub or GitLab

Features Added

  • Update
  • markit
    • Added directory with file name on line one item 2, closes #39
    • Updated
    • Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR, closes #40
    • Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR, closes #42
    • Updated for display_help, closes #43
  • check-markit
    • Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR, closes #41
    • Added ISO 8601 for date, closes #46


  • close #39 Added directory with file name on line one item 2
  • close #40 Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  • close #41 Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  • close #42 Changed echo or print DEBUG INFO WARNING ERROR
  • close #43 Updated for display_help
  • close #46 check-markit Added ISO 8601 for date
  • close #47 Added ISO 8601 for date
  • close #48 duplicate incident


27 Sep 11:41
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Version 3.81.231

Release Name 3.81

Release Date 2018-09-27_06:07:59_CDT

  • Correct incident with check-markit

Features Added

  • Added code to check if /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git, closes #36
  • No incident after testing, closes #33
  • Updated


  • close #33 No incident after testing
  • close #36 Added code to check if /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/git


14 Sep 18:55
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Version 3.76.225

Release Name 3.76

Release Date 2018-09-10_13:56:21_CDT

  • Includes the addition of check-markit, and commands to markit

Features Added

  • Updated sync to standard script design changes
  • Moved from user-work-files to markit
  • Changed grep && <string-two, closes #32
  • Redirect stderr to /dev/null to stop permission denied, closes #34
  • check-markit: print commit date of local command, closes #35


  • close #32 check-markit: change grep && <string-two
  • close #34 redirect stderr to /dev/null to stop permission denied
  • close #35 check-markit: print commit date of local command


09 Aug 21:20
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Version 3.66.212

Release Name 3.66

Release Date 2018-08-09_16:08:45_CDT

  • help information about failed login solution

Features Added

  • markit
    • Added help information about failed login, closes #30
    • Added DEBUG lines and LANG check asking for LANG help, #17


  • close #30 markit add to help information about failed login