Releases: Bram-Hub/LEGUP
LEGUP 4.0.0
This version of LEGUP includes using the new UID system for rules and contradictions, and will not be backwards compatible with any proofs created using previous versions of LEGUP. Raw puzzle files will still be backwards compatible.
Release 3.0.1 beta
Fixed an issue with Short Truth Table elimination rules.
Release 3.0.2 beta
Fixed issue #73 since it was determined to be high priority.
Release 3.0.0
Official release of Legup to be used for the Winter 2022 semester.
Release 3.0.0 beta
First beta version of the Legup jar file with the new workflow and protocols in place.
Release 3.0.2 beta
Merge pull request #53 from Bram-Hub/nurikabe_fill_in_black_fix Improved Readability
Fix Issue with STT
Fixes and issue with Short Truth Tables.
Release 2.1
Skyscraper Puzzle implemented
Fixed major bug affecting users with spaces in their directory names. It should no longer force those affected to run LEGUP in Admin Mode
Release 2.0
NOTE: This version uses the old STT symbols (so no "%" or "$").
Preliminary Release 1.9.1
Testing update module