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File metadata and controls

101 lines (83 loc) · 5.12 KB

SPIN Code Notes


Files and directories:

  • App.tsx - the main file for the app
  • src/components - react components in the app
  • src/logic - data structures and algorithms for the logic stuff
  • src/utils - other things that did not quite fit in components or logic

The HTML structure comes from seeing how the components are combined, beginning from App.tsx. In this file, the data structures for representing the UI are defined and several functions for operating on them. The functions and variables are passed into child components that need them. The editing variable specifies which sequent is in edit mode, or null if none is in edit mode.

Most of the functions in the code have comments specifying what they do, the inputs, return values, and errors if it may throw an error.

Proof Structures

The sequent data is split into seqData and seqCalc. This design was initially intended to separate the data that would be saved to a file (seqData) and the data calculated at runtime (seqCalc), but the usage did not quite adhere to that completely. The seqData is a list of SequentData objects, defined in Sequent.ts. The seqCalc is a map of string (sequent IDs) to SequentCalc objects, also defined in Sequent.ts.

Each sequent can have its own values for some variables. The part that connects them together is the references (refs and ref_by). Both of these are sets of strings. Sequent IDs must be unique and the following 2 properties must be maintained in the data structures:

  • Sequent A has sequent B in its refs if and only if sequent B has A in its ref_by
  • If sequent A has sequent B in its refs, then sequent B must have a smaller list index than sequent A

In graph theory terms, the edges formed by refs must be maintained as a directed acyclic graph with a topological sorting order from largest index to smallest index. For each reference to a previous sequent, there is a matching reference to a later sequent.

Logic - Data Structures

The ExprBase class defines components relevant to logic expressions. It is an abstract class since logic expressions should have a specific type. The type information is used to determine the type of logic expression. The other Expr classes define specific logic expression types, supporting conversion to a string for display on the webpage and a string for serialization. Each also has the equals function which is used to compare the values. These types, except for ExprAtom are recursive and can contain other logic expression types.

The ExprAny class is a special exception. This was designed for pattern matching so when justifying inference rules, expressions can be compared to an expected form. This was not used very much and the places where it was used do not really need it. It can easily be replaced with some type checking.

Logic - Parsing

The parsing is done by processing an input string as a series of tokens. The types of tokens are the parenthesis ( and ), as well as contiguous sequences of letters, numbers, and underscores. Tokens are separated by whitespace or by switching from a parenthesis to a nonparenthesis character and vice versa. The parsing algorithm is recursive and can be summarized by this pseudocode:

  • Read a character c
  • If c == '(' then
    • Read the connective name (and, not, ...)
    • Recursively read expressions until reaching the matching )
    • Must read the correct number of expressions, variable for and and or
    • Construct the logic expression and return it
  • Else
    • Expect a variable name and return it as a ExprAtom

Logic - Justifications

The justifications logic is the most complicated part. It would take a lot of writing to describe all of them here so some main ideas will be provided. The sequent references may be in any order, so their patterns must be matched to what is expected.

For example, if we are trying to check a if elim, then we expect 2 sequents where one has the form P→Q and the other is equal to P. We may have to check these in both orders since a sequent system does not necessarily give a nice order to the referenced sequents. Once we can match these, we must check that the sequent we are checking has Q as its expression. For this rule, the assumption set is computed by combining the 2 assumption sets from the referenced sequents.

Some rules require removing an assumption. In these cases, we search the assumptions for an expected form and include all except that assumption. One rule that requires this is not intro. The most complicated rule is or elim, which requires matching components of the OR statement to the "subproof" sequents so we can remove an assumption of each of them. This is handled with bipartite matching and the Ford-Fulkerson algorithm.

The justification code is structured to handle some checking common to all justifications first (such as checking that all referenced sequents are valid). From there, the appropriate function is called depending on the rule. The calc.assumptions set is initially empty and the justification functions for each rule add to it. The calc.valid value is also set by whether or not the rule can be properly justified.