Etymology: tessie sounds better than TC (box), for temperature cycling (box)
Installatation of various components
sudo apt install nodejs
sudo apt install npm
sudo apt-get install pigpio
sudo apt-get install libmosquitto-dev libmosquittopp-dev
sudo apt install -y mosquitto mosquitto-clients
sudo apt install libqt5charts5 libqt5charts5-dev
Add the following two lines to /etc/mosquito/mosquito.conf
listener 1883
allow_anonymous true
Enable various components at startup
sudo systemctl enable pigpiod
sudo systemctl enable mosquitto.service
git clone [email protected]:ursl/tessie
(if you have issues with keys, use: git clone
cd tessie/test1
qmake -o Makefile
NOTE 1: In normal operation, you do not run tessie
locally, i.e. skip the final command. Rather it is started by systemd
at boot time (see below).
NOTE 2: If you want to compile on a non-Raspi host, use qmake "CONFIG+=NOPI" -o Makefile
Based on how-to-add-a-power-button-to-your-raspberry-pi
The most important 2 lines for auto installation:
git clone
There is a backup (powerbutton) of this contents within the tessie repository.
(sudo) Edit /boot/config.txt
and add
Afterwards, reboot for this to take effect.
The "script" must be run to configure the CAN bus to the proper bitrate (125kHz). If you enable the automatic startup of tessie (see below), this is done automatically before starting tessie. If you encounter many CAN bus errors, it might help to execute this script manually.
(sudo) Edit /boot/cmdline.txt
to contain
console=serial0,115200 console=tty1 root=PARTUUID=9cd7f13f-02 rootfstype=ext4 rootwait quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles logo.nologo vt.global_cursor_default=0
(sudo) Edit /boot/config.txt
and add
In a terminal do
cd /usr/share/plymouth/themes/pix/
sudo mv splash.png splash.png.bk
sudo cp /home/pi/tessie/splash.png ./
In a shell on your computer laptop
, do
laptop>ssh -Y "coldbox01" (or whatever hostname your Raspberry Pi has; assuming you have a login there)
coldbox01>cd tessie/test1
NOTE (again): This is not the normal operation mode! If you have tessie
started by systemd
, the two instances of tessie will interfere with their access to the i2c and CAN buses. Also note that the fonts on your remote computer might be bad (especially on macos). Instead of such a setup, you should be using the normal operation mode, where systemd
starts tessie
at startup and you connect via a browser to it. Therefore, this font issue is not going to be fixed.
In another window on your computer laptop
run the mosquittto_pub commands, e.g.,
laptop>mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve0 on"
laptop>mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve1 on"
laptop>mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set ControlVoltage_Set 4.5"
laptop>mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "cmd Power_On"
See below for a help text on the MQTT/ctrlTessie commands.
If you want to see the response, you have to subscribe in another window, e.g.,
laptop>mosquitto_sub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie"
In another window on your computer laptop
run the monitor, if desired
laptop>mosquitto_sub -h coldbox01 -t "monTessie"
The following assumes that your coldbox01
has tessie
up and running, and that on your computer laptop
has mosquitto installed
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve0 on"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve1 on"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set ControlVoltage_Set 4.5"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "cmd Power_On"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "cmd Power_Off"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set ControlVoltage_Set 0.0"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve0 off"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve1 off"
Issue mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "help"
and then you will get the following printout in the window where you subscribed to "ctrlTessie" (see above).
hostname: coldbox01
thread: ctrlTessie
Note: [tec {0|x}] can be before or after {get|set|cmd XXX}, e.g.
cmd Power_On tec 7
tec 7 cmd Power_Off
Note: tec numbering is from 1 .. 8. tec 0 refers to all TECs.
cmd messages:
cmd valve0
cmd valve1
cmd [tec {0|x}] Power_On
cmd [tec {0|x}] Power_Off
cmd [tec {0|x}] ClearError
cmd [tec {0|x}] GetSWVersion
cmd [tec {0|x}] SaveVariables
cmd [tec {0|x}] LoadVariables
cmd [tec {0|x}] Reboot
messages to write information:
[tec {0|x}] set Mode {0,1}
[tec {0|x}] set ControlVoltage_Set 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set PID_kp 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set PID_ki 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set PID_kd 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set Temp_Set 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set PID_Max 1.1
[tec {0|x}] set PID_Min 1.1
set valve0 {on|off}
set valve1 {on|off}
messages to obtain information:
get Temp
get RH
get DP
get valve0
get valve1
get vprobe[1-8]
get [tec {0|x}] Mode
get [tec {0|x}] ControlVoltage_Set
get [tec {0|x}] PID_kp
get [tec {0|x}] PID_ki
get [tec {0|x}] PID_kd
get [tec {0|x}] Temp_Set
get [tec {0|x}] PID_Max
get [tec {0|x}] PID_Min
get [tec {0|x}] Temp_W
get [tec {0|x}] Temp_M
get [tec {0|x}] Temp_Diff
get [tec {0|x}] Peltier_U
get [tec {0|x}] Peltier_I
get [tec {0|x}] Peltier_R
get [tec {0|x}] Peltier_P
get [tec {0|x}] Supply_U
get [tec {0|x}] Supply_I
get [tec {0|x}] Supply_P
get [tec {0|x}] PowerState
get [tec {0|x}] Error
get [tec {0|x}] Ref_U
Tutorial for getting started:
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve0 on"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve1 on"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set ControlVoltage_Set 4.5"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "cmd Power_On"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "cmd Power_Off"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set ControlVoltage_Set 0.0"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve0 off"
mosquitto_pub -h coldbox01 -t "ctrlTessie" -m "set valve1 off"
mosquitto_sub -h coldbox01 -t "monTessie"
Only values (changes) outside of a window a published
cd tessie/node/test1
npm install --save express mqtt
Using systemctl
create the following two files (sudo
pi@coldbox01:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/tessie.service
pi@coldbox01:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/tessieWeb.service
ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /home/pi/tessie/node/test1/server3.js
Turn these two services on with
sudo systemctl enable tessie.service
sudo systemctl enable tessieWeb.service
Reboot. Control their status with
systemctl status tessie
systemctl status tessieWeb
With this setup, you can connect to http://coldbox01:3000 (Note: http, not https!) For more information on the webserver, see
The purpose of this section is to provide hints how to setup nginx
such that you can connect to http://coldbox01
instead of http://coldbox01:3000
Follow the instructions here.
The following nginx config file works at PSI
server {
listen 80;
location / {
proxy_pass http://localhost:3000;
proxy_http_version 1.1;
proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
proxy_set_header Connection 'upgrade';
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_cache_bypass $http_upgrade;
Start/test/restart with service
sudo service nginx start
sudo service nginx status
sudo service nginx restart
Depending on your system setup, you might need
pi@coldbox01:~ $ cat /lib/systemd/system/nginx.service
# Stop dance for nginx
# =======================
# ExecStop sends SIGQUIT (graceful stop) to the nginx process.
# If, after 5s (--retry QUIT/5) nginx is still running, systemd takes control
# and sends SIGTERM (fast shutdown) to the main process.
# After another 5s (TimeoutStopSec=5), and if nginx is alive, systemd sends
# SIGKILL to all the remaining processes in the process group (KillMode=mixed).
# nginx signals reference doc:
Description=A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
ExecStartPre=/usr/sbin/nginx -t -q -g 'daemon on; master_process on;'
ExecStart=/usr/sbin/nginx -g 'daemon on; master_process on;'
ExecReload=/usr/sbin/nginx -g 'daemon on; master_process on;' -s reload
ExecStop=-/sbin/start-stop-daemon --quiet --stop --retry QUIT/5 --pidfile /run/