Elvis Kimani Maureen Wanjiku Tony Oseko Brian Wanjala
- [Technologies]
- [Description]
- [Features]
- [Setup-process]
- [Project-usage]
- [Copyright]
- [Licence]
languages used are:
- HTML :HTML5 -which is used to create the structure of the page
- CSS :CSS4 -used to style the page
- JS :-Used add functionality to the site
As a user you are able to: -Sign-up and login to the website - View page contents - Navigate through the site using the nav bar - Contact a tutor - Book a tutor - Signup as a tutor - Monitor the progress of your students
The site is meant to bridge the gap learners and teachers. We enable students find their best suitable tutors while also marketing tutors . At a fee students will get to reach out to their desired tutor on the site. We used html in creating the page structure and css in styling the document. I also used an external css to enable me to use fa icons css link https://kit.fontawesome.com/327b6324f1.js".
My main challenge was getting storing login credentials as the page is limited to use of a database so most of the data is static.
<<<<<<< HEAD
clone the repo using the command
- $git clone https://github.com/elviskim18/Jifunze-hub.git change directory using command
- $cd jifunze-hub
- run the following live link in your browser https://elviskim18.github.io/Jifunze-hub/index.html
the project root folder contains two files, main index.html and README.md file and one folder named assets folder. the assests contains several folders including css which contains css files images folder which contains images js which contains the js file and pages which contain additional html files used in the project.
MIT Licence