Once you've been registered and after having installed the mobile application, click this link to create your own API application and get back your personal token/key.
Just add sly/pushover
package to the requirements of your Composer JSON configuration file,
and run php composer.phar install
to install it.
Clone this library from Git with git clone https://github.com/Ph3nol/PushOver.git
Goto to the library directory, get Composer phar package and install vendors:
curl -s https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install
You're ready to go.
require_once '/path/to/vendor/autoload.php'; // or your global project autoload
use Sly\PushOver\Model\Push;
use Sly\PushOver\PushManager;
* First, create your own push, with its message.
$myPush = new Push();
$myPush->setMessage('Pony is wonderful!');
$myPush->setTitle('Example'); // Optional
* Create an instance for PushManager.
* Give it your user key (first arguement) and token one (second argument).
* You can give a device name on third argument (optional).
$pushManager = new PushManager('myUs3rk3y', 'myAp1k3y');
* Push it! :)
if ($mySentPushInformations == $pushManager->push($myPush)) {
* Your message has been sent.
* $mySentPushInformations contents your sent push informations.