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Command Line Interface

Wojtek Bednarzak edited this page Apr 4, 2018 · 2 revisions

Note: This document was originally in cli/doc/

Command Line Interface

Version: 0.1.0 This document outlines the command line interface options.


Global Options

The application has 1 global option.

  • --master: This option is used to specify the master address of the MapReduce cluster. It is shared across all commands.


There are 3 main Commands

  • run: This command tells the master to perform a MapReduce job with the given binary and input directory. It has the following flags:
    • --input: This specifies the location of the input directory on the shared filesystem. If it is not provided the application will fail.
    • --binary: The user must specify the binary location that implements the libcerberus library. If the binary is not a libcerberus one, or is not found an error will be raised.
    • --output: Optional location where the output of the MapReduce will be placed. The location must also be accessible in the shared filesystem, otherwise an error will be raised. If the flag is not set, the output will match the following format: $shared_location/$map_reduce_ID/output.


$ cli --master=locahost:10456 run --input=/shared/shakespeare --binary=/shared/bin/shakespeare
Scheduling MapReduce....
MapReduce mr42 scheduled. Place in queue: 3

Run cli status --job_id=mr42 to get the status.
  • cluster_status: This command gives basic information about the curent state that the cluster is in. Amongs the given information is the size of the working pool, as well as the queue size.


$ cli cluster_status
Getting Cluster Status...
Worker: 6
Queue:  3
  • status: This command is used to get the status of the scheduled MapReduce. If a specific job ID is specified only one result will be returned, otherwise a list of MapReduce jobs scheduled by the client will be returned. It has 1 flag.
    • --job_id: This specifies the outlined above MapReduce ID.


$ cli status
| MRID    | mr42                     |
| Status  | SCHEDULED (3rd in queue) |
| Output  | /shared/mr42/output      |

$ cli status --job_id=mr13
| MRID    | mr13                     |
| Status  | COMPLETED (45m13s)       |
| Output  | /shared/super_secret     |
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