This project is a GitHub CLI (gh
) extension that provides commands for interacting with secret scanning alerts.
This extension helps GitHub Advanced Security (GHAS) customers prioritize remediation of their secret scanning alerts by identifying and focusing on those that are confirmed active first.
While this extension works for Enterprise Cloud (GHEC) customers, it is primarily intended for GitHub Enterprise Server (GHES) customers who do not have access to the secret scanning validity check feature. Validity check on GHES is available as of >=3.12
but currently limited to GitHub Personal Access Tokens (PAT).
Primary features include:
- Listing secret scanning alerts for an enterprise, organization, or repository
- Verifying if secret scanning alerts are still active
- Expand the out-of-the-box secret scanning validity checks capabilities with custom validators
- Opening issues in repos that contain valid secrets
- GitHub Personal Access Tokens (GHES + GHEC)
- Slack API Tokens
gh extension install CallMeGreg/gh-secret-scanning
Authenticate with your GitHub Enterprise Server or GitHub Enterprise Cloud account:
gh auth login
Target either an enterprise, organization, or repository by specifying the -e
, -o
, or -r
flags respectively. Exactly one selection from these three flags is required.
gh secret-scanning alerts -e <enterprise>
gh secret-scanning alerts -o <organization>
gh secret-scanning alerts -r <repository>
Optionally add flags to specify a GHES server, limit the number of secrets processed, filter for a specific secret provider, display the secret values, generate a csv report, include extra fields, and more:
gh secret-scanning alerts -e github --url --limit 10 --provider slack --show-secret --csv --verbose
Target either an enterprise, organization, or repository by specifying the -e
, -o
, or -r
flags respectively. Exactly one selection from these three flags is required.
gh secret-scanning verify -e <enterprise>
gh secret-scanning verify -o <organization>
gh secret-scanning verify -r <repository>
Optionally add flags to specify a GHES server, limit the number of secrets processed, filter for a specific secret provider, display the secret values, generate a csv report, include extra fields, and more:
gh secret-scanning verify -e github --url --limit 10 --provider slack --show-secret --csv --verbose
Also, optionally create an issue in any repository that contains a valid secret by using the --create-issues
) flag:
gh secret-scanning verify -e github --url --create-issues
See available commands and flags by running:
gh secret-scanning -h
Interact with secret scanning alerts for a GHEC or GHES 3.7+ enterprise, organization, or repository
secret-scanning [command]
Available Commands:
alerts Get secret scanning alerts for an enterprise, organization, or repository
help Help about any command
verify Verify alerts for an enterprise, organization, or repository
-c, --csv Generate a csv report of the results
-e, --enterprise string GitHub enterprise slug
-h, --help help for secret-scanning
-l, --limit int Limit the number of secrets processed (default 30)
-o, --organization string GitHub organization slug
-p, --provider string Filter for a specific secret provider
-q, --quiet Minimize output to the console
-r, --repository string GitHub owner/repository slug
-s, --show-secret Display secret values
-u, --url string GitHub host to connect to (default "")
-v, --verbose Include additional secret alert fields
Use "secret-scanning [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This example first lists the alerts for an organization with the alerts
subcommand, and then verifies the secrets with the verify
subcommand. The --csv
flag is used to generate a csv report of the results, and the --create-issues
flag is used to create issues in any repository that contains a valid secret.