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[Casting Text Visibility] add new tweak (#656)
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* add: casting text visibility tweak

* add background to text

* cleanup

* update image node visibility

* reworked

* use AddonPostRequestedUpdateAttribute

* update autoadjust

* set AutoAdjust true by default
  • Loading branch information
img02 authored Nov 22, 2023
1 parent bf7cce7 commit 68c1a34
Showing 1 changed file with 300 additions and 0 deletions.
300 changes: 300 additions & 0 deletions Tweaks/UiAdjustment/CastingTextVisibility.cs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
using Dalamud.Game.Addon.Lifecycle.AddonArgTypes;
using FFXIVClientStructs.FFXIV.Component.GUI;
using ImGuiNET;
using SimpleTweaksPlugin.Events;
using SimpleTweaksPlugin.TweakSystem;
using SimpleTweaksPlugin.Utility;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Numerics;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using static Lumina.Data.Parsing.Uld.NodeData;

namespace SimpleTweaksPlugin.Tweaks.UiAdjustment
[TweakName("Casting Text Visibility")]
[TweakDescription("Change the font size, color, and background of the casting text.")]

internal unsafe class CastingTextVisibility : UiAdjustments.SubTweak
private uint focusTargetImageNodeid => CustomNodes.Get(this, "CTVFocus");
private uint targetImageNodeid => CustomNodes.Get(this, "CTVTarget");

private uint focusTargetTextNodeId = 5;
private uint targetTextNodeId = 12;

private Configuration Config { get; set; } = null!;
public class Configuration : TweakConfig
public bool UseCustomFocusColor = false;
public bool UseCustomTargetColor = false;

public Vector4 FocusTextColor = new Vector4(1);
public Vector4 FocusEdgeColor = new Vector4(115 / 255f, 85 / 255f, 15 / 255f, 1);
public Vector4 FocusBackgroundColor = new Vector4(0);
public int FocusFontSize = 14;
public int FocusBackgroundWidth = 192;
public int FocusBackgroundHeight = 0;
public bool FocusAutoAdjustWidth = true;

public Vector4 TargetTextColor = new Vector4(1);
public Vector4 TargetEdgeColor = new Vector4(157 / 255f, 131 / 255f, 91 / 255f, 1);
public Vector4 TargetBackgroundColor = new Vector4(0);
public int TargetFontSize = 14;
public int TargetBackgroundWidth = 192;
public int TargetBackgroundHeight = 0;
public bool TargetAutoAdjustWidth = true;

private void DrawConfig()
ImGui.Checkbox("Focus Target", ref Config.UseCustomFocusColor);

if (Config.UseCustomFocusColor)
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Text Color##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusTextColor);
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Edge Color##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusEdgeColor);
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Background Color##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusBackgroundColor);
ImGui.Checkbox("Auto Adjust Width##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusAutoAdjustWidth);
ImGui.DragInt("Background Width##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusBackgroundWidth, 0.6f, 90, 800);
ImGui.DragInt("Background Height Padding##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusBackgroundHeight, 0.6f, -10, 30);
ImGui.DragInt("Font Size##FocusTarget", ref Config.FocusFontSize, 0.4f, 12, 50);

ImGui.Checkbox("Target", ref Config.UseCustomTargetColor);

if (Config.UseCustomTargetColor)
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Text Color##Target", ref Config.TargetTextColor);
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Edge Color##Target", ref Config.TargetEdgeColor);
ImGui.ColorEdit4("Background Color##Target", ref Config.TargetBackgroundColor);
ImGui.Checkbox("Auto Adjust Width##Target", ref Config.TargetAutoAdjustWidth);
ImGui.DragInt("Background Width##Target", ref Config.TargetBackgroundWidth, 0.6f, 90, 800);
ImGui.DragInt("Background Height Padding##Target", ref Config.TargetBackgroundHeight, 0.6f, -10, 30);
ImGui.DragInt("Font Size##Target", ref Config.TargetFontSize, 0.4f, 12, 50);

protected override void Disable()

[AddonPostRequestedUpdateAttribute("_TargetInfo", "_FocusTargetInfo")]
private void OnAddonRequestedUpdate(AddonArgs args)
var addon = (AtkUnitBase*)args.Addon;
switch (args.AddonName)
case "_FocusTargetInfo" when addon->IsVisible:
UpdateAddOn(addon, focusTargetTextNodeId, focusTargetImageNodeid,
Config.UseCustomFocusColor, Config.FocusTextColor,
Config.FocusEdgeColor, Config.FocusFontSize, DrawFocusTargetBackground);
case "_TargetInfo" when addon->IsVisible:
UpdateAddOn(addon, targetTextNodeId, targetImageNodeid,
Config.UseCustomTargetColor, Config.TargetTextColor,
Config.TargetEdgeColor, Config.TargetFontSize, DrawTargetBackground);

unsafe delegate void DrawBackgroundAction(AtkTextNode* textNode, AtkImageNode* imageNode);

private void UpdateAddOn(AtkUnitBase* ui, uint textNodeId, uint imageNodeId,
bool useCustomColor, Vector4 textColor, Vector4 edgeColor,
int fontSize, DrawBackgroundAction drawBackground)
var textNode = Common.GetNodeByID<AtkTextNode>(&ui->UldManager, textNodeId);
if (textNode == null) return;

//'_TargetInfo' text node can sometimes remain visible when targetting non-bnpcs, but parent node invis.
if (ui->IsVisible && useCustomColor && textNode->AtkResNode.ParentNode->IsVisible)
TryMakeNodes(ui, imageNodeId);
ToggleImageNodeVisibility(textNode->AtkResNode.IsVisible, &ui->UldManager, imageNodeId);
AdjustTextColorsAndFontSize(textNode, textColor, edgeColor, fontSize);

var imageNode = GetImageNode(&ui->UldManager, imageNodeId);
if (imageNode != null) drawBackground(textNode, imageNode);
ToggleImageNodeVisibility(false, &ui->UldManager, imageNodeId);

private void ToggleImageNodeVisibility(bool visible, AtkUldManager* uldManager, uint nodeId)
var imageNode = GetImageNode(uldManager, nodeId);
if (imageNode == null) return;

private AtkImageNode* GetImageNode(AtkUldManager* uldManager, uint nodeId) => Common.GetNodeByID<AtkImageNode>(uldManager, nodeId);

private void AdjustTextColorsAndFontSize(AtkTextNode* textNode, Vector4 textColor, Vector4 edgeColor, int fontSize)
textNode->TextColor.A = (byte)(textColor.W * 255);
textNode->TextColor.R = (byte)(textColor.X * 255);
textNode->TextColor.G = (byte)(textColor.Y * 255);
textNode->TextColor.B = (byte)(textColor.Z * 255);

textNode->EdgeColor.A = (byte)(edgeColor.W * 255);
textNode->EdgeColor.R = (byte)(edgeColor.X * 255);
textNode->EdgeColor.G = (byte)(edgeColor.Y * 255);
textNode->EdgeColor.B = (byte)(edgeColor.Z * 255);

textNode->FontSize = (byte)(fontSize);

private void ResetText(AtkTextNode* textNode)
var defaultEdgeColor = new Vector4(115 / 255f, 85 / 255f, 15 / 255f, 1);
AdjustTextColorsAndFontSize(textNode, Vector4.One, defaultEdgeColor, 14);
private void ResetTextNodes()
var fui = Common.GetUnitBase("_FocusTargetInfo", 1);
var tui = Common.GetUnitBase("_TargetInfo", 1);
var ftext = Common.GetNodeByID<AtkTextNode>(&fui->UldManager, focusTargetTextNodeId);
var ttext = Common.GetNodeByID<AtkTextNode>(&tui->UldManager, targetTextNodeId);
if (fui != null) ResetText(ftext);
if (tui != null) ResetText(ttext);

private void DrawFocusTargetBackground(AtkTextNode* textNode, AtkImageNode* imageNode)
var offsetBaseX = 6;
var offsetBaseY = 24;

DrawBackground(imageNode, textNode, offsetBaseX, offsetBaseY, Config.FocusFontSize, Config.FocusBackgroundHeight,
Config.FocusBackgroundWidth, Config.FocusAutoAdjustWidth, Config.FocusBackgroundColor);

private void DrawTargetBackground(AtkTextNode* textNode, AtkImageNode* imageNode)
var offsetBaseX = 244;
var offsetBaseY = 14;

DrawBackground(imageNode, textNode, offsetBaseX, offsetBaseY, Config.TargetFontSize, Config.TargetBackgroundHeight,
Config.TargetBackgroundWidth, Config.TargetAutoAdjustWidth, Config.TargetBackgroundColor);

private void DrawBackground(AtkImageNode* imageNode, AtkTextNode* textNode, int offsetBaseX,
int offsetBaseY, int fontSize, int backgroundHeight, int backgroundWidth, bool autoAdjust, Vector4 color)
// idk
var textNodeHeight = textNode->AtkResNode.Height;
var imageNodeHeight = (int)(1.33 * fontSize + 1) + backgroundHeight;
var imageNodeWidth = autoAdjust ? GetWidthFromTextLength(textNode) : backgroundWidth;

var xOffset = 0;
var yOffset = ((offsetBaseY) - textNodeHeight + (imageNodeHeight - 24)) - Config.FocusBackgroundHeight / 2;

switch (textNode->AlignmentType)
case AlignmentType.BottomLeft:
xOffset = offsetBaseX;
case AlignmentType.BottomRight:
xOffset = offsetBaseX - (imageNodeWidth - 192);
case AlignmentType.Bottom:
xOffset = offsetBaseX - ((imageNodeWidth - 192) + 1) / 2;

UiHelper.SetPosition(imageNode, textNode->AtkResNode.X + xOffset, textNode->AtkResNode.Y - yOffset);
UiHelper.SetSize(imageNode, imageNodeWidth, imageNodeHeight);

imageNode->AtkResNode.Color.A = (byte)(color.W * 255);
imageNode->AtkResNode.AddRed = (byte)(color.X * 255);
imageNode->AtkResNode.AddGreen = (byte)(color.Y * 255);
imageNode->AtkResNode.AddBlue = (byte)(color.Z * 255);

//font is not monospace, so not 100% accurate
private int GetWidthFromTextLength(AtkTextNode* textNode)
//less accurate guestimation
//var textLength = textNode->NodeText.ToString().Length;
//return (int)(0.7 * textLength * textNode->FontSize + 1);

var text = textNode->NodeText.ToString();
var length = 4;
foreach (var c in text) length += GetPixelWidthOfChar(c);
return (int)((1.0 * textNode->FontSize / 22) * length + 4);

private int GetPixelWidthOfChar(char c)
var defaultSpace = 4;
var spaceBetweenChar = 2;

//alphabetical order, eyeballed px measurement in paint, based on font size 22
var lowerCasePx = new[] { 13, 13, 11, 14, 12, 10, 14, 13, 4, 7, 12, 4, 20, 12, 15, 13, 14, 9, 9, 9, 12, 13, 20, 14, 13, 12 };
var upperCasePx = new[] { 17, 13, 14, 16, 13, 10, 15, 16, 5, 7, 14, 12, 20, 15, 19, 14, 18, 13, 12, 15, 16, 17, 23, 17, 15, 14 };

var val = (int)c;
if (val is >= 97 and <= 122) return spaceBetweenChar + lowerCasePx[val - 97];
if (val is >= 65 and <= 90) return spaceBetweenChar + upperCasePx[val - 65];
return defaultSpace;

private void TryMakeNodes(AtkUnitBase* parent, uint imageNodeId)
var imageNode = Common.GetNodeByID<AtkTextNode>(&parent->UldManager, imageNodeId);
if (imageNode is null) CreateImageNode(parent, imageNodeId);

private void CreateImageNode(AtkUnitBase* parent, uint id)
var imageNode = UiHelper.MakeImageNode(id, new UiHelper.PartInfo(0, 0, 0, 0));
if (imageNode == null)
SimpleLog.Error("Casting Text Visibiility: Failed to make background image node");
imageNode->AtkResNode.NodeFlags = NodeFlags.Enabled | NodeFlags.AnchorLeft | NodeFlags.Visible;
imageNode->WrapMode = 1;
imageNode->Flags = 0;

UiHelper.LinkNodeAtEnd((AtkResNode*)imageNode, parent);

private void FreeAllNodes()
var addonTargetInfo = Common.GetUnitBase("_TargetInfo");
var addonFocusTargetInfo = Common.GetUnitBase("_FocusTargetInfo");

TryFreeImageNode(addonTargetInfo, targetImageNodeid);
TryFreeImageNode(addonFocusTargetInfo, focusTargetImageNodeid);

private void TryFreeImageNode(AtkUnitBase* addon, uint nodeId)
if (addon == null) return;

var imageNode = Common.GetNodeByID<AtkTextNode>(&addon->UldManager, nodeId);
if (imageNode is not null)
UiHelper.UnlinkAndFreeTextNode(imageNode, addon);

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